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weather.tcl (16953B)

      1 blocktnd weatherserv
      2 blocktnd wshelp
      4 #source
      6 llbind - evnt - alive weatherserv.connect
      8 proc weatherserv.connect {arg} {
      9 	puts stdout [format "there are %s weatherserv blocks" [set blocks [tnda get "openconf/[ndcenc weatherserv]/blocks"]]]
     10 	for {set i 1} {$i < ($blocks + 1)} {incr i} {
     11 		if {[string tolower [lindex [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/hdr%s" [ndcenc weatherserv] $i]] 0]] != [string tolower $arg]} {continue}
     12 		after 1000 [list weatherserv.oneintro [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/hdr%s" [ndcenc weatherserv] $i]] [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/n%s" [ndcenc weatherserv] $i]]]
     13 	}
     14 }
     16 proc weatherserv.find6sid {n s {hunting 0}} {
     17 	# we're trying to get the sid of the server named $s
     18 	# if hunting, we're looking for the first splat match
     19 	set servs [tnda get "servers/$n"]
     20 	foreach {.k dv} $servs {
     21 		set k [string toupper [ndadec ${.k}]]
     22 		# name description uplink sid - we only need two
     23 		dictassign $dv name sname
     24 		if {$hunting} {
     25 			if {[string match [string tolower $s] [string tolower $sname]] == 1} {return $k}
     26 		} {
     27 			if {[string tolower $s] == [string tolower $sname]} {return $k}
     28 		}
     29 	}
     30 	return ""
     31 }
     33 proc weatherserv.oneintro {headline block} {
     34 	set net [lindex $headline 0]
     35 	set nsock $::sock($net)
     36 	setctx $net
     37 	dictassign $block logchan logchan nick nick ident ident host host modes modes realname realname operflags rehashprivs idcommand nspass \
     38 		nickserv nickserv nsserv nsserv
     39 	tnda set "weather/[curctx net]/operflags" $rehashprivs
     40 	tnda set "weather/[curctx net]/logchan" $logchan
     41 	#tnda set "weather/[curctx net]/nspass" $nspass
     42 	setctx $net
     43 	% sendUid $nick $ident $host $host [set ourid [% getfreeuid]] [expr {($realname == "") ? "* Debug Service *" : $realname}] $modes
     44 	tnda set "weather/[curctx net]/ourid" $ourid
     45 #	llbind $nsock pub - ".metadata" [list weatherserv.pmetadata $net]
     46 #	llbind $nsock pub - ".rehash" [list weatherserv.crehash $net]
     47 	if {[string length $nspass] != 0 && [string length $nickserv] != 0} {
     48 		# only works if nettype is ts6!
     49 		if {[string first [weatherserv.find6sid $net $nsserv] [% nick2uid $nickserv]] == 0} {
     50 			% privmsg $ourid $nickserv $nspass
     51 		} {
     52 			% privmsg $ourid $logchan [gettext weatherserv.impostornickserv $nickserv [nick2uid $nickserv] $nsserv [weatherserv.find6sid $net $nsserv]]
     53 		}
     54 	}
     55 	after 650 [list % putjoin $ourid $logchan]
     56 	after 950 [list % putmode $ourid $logchan "+ao" [format "%s %s" [% intclient2uid $ourid] [% intclient2uid $ourid]]]
     57 #	llbind $nsock msg [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] "metadata" [list weatherserv.metadata $net]
     58 #	llbind $nsock msg [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] "rehash" [list weatherserv.rehash $net]
     59 #	llbind $nsock pub - "gettext" [list weatherserv.gettext $net]
     60 #	puts stdout "llbind $nsock msg [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] metadata [list weatherserv.metdata $net]"
     61 	puts stdout [format "Connected for %s: %s %s %s" $net $nick $ident $host]
     62 	llbind $nsock pub - "!quote" [list weatherservdo $net]
     63 	llbind $nsock evnt - privmsg [list ws.pmdo $net]
     64 	puts stdout $::nd
     65 	foreach {chan is} [nda get "weather/[curctx net]/regchan"] {
     66 		puts stdout "to join $chan on [curctx]"
     67 		if {1!=$is} {continue}
     68 		weatherjoin [ndadec $chan] 0
     69 #		% putjoin [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] [::base64::decode [string map {[ /} $chan]] [nda get "regchan/$chan/ts"]
     70 #		tnda set "channels/$chan/ts" [nda get "regchan/$chan/$::netname([curctx sock])/ts"]
     71 	}
     72 }
     74 #$::maintype sendUid [curctx sock] "W" "weather" "services." "services." 57 "Weather Services"
     75 llbind [curctx sock] request "w" "-" weatherjoin
     76 llbind [curctx sock] request "weather" "-" weatherjoin
     78 proc weatherjoin {chan {setting 1}} {
     79 	set ndacname [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower $chan]]]
     80 	puts stdout "to join $chan on [curctx]"
     81 	% putjoin [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan
     82 	% putmode [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan "+ao" \
     83 		[format "%s %s" [% intclient2uid [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"]]\
     84 		 [% intclient2uid [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"]]]
     85 	if {$setting} {nda set "weather/[curctx net]/regchan/$ndacname" 1}
     86 }
     88 proc weatherpart {chan {who "the script"} {msg isunused}} {
     89 	set ndacname [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower $chan]]]
     90 	% putpart [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext weather.left $who]
     91 	nda set "weather/[curctx net]/regchan/$ndacname" 0
     92 	nda unset "weather/[curctx net]/regchan/$ndacname"
     93 }
     95 proc weatherenabled {chan} {
     96 	set ndacname [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower $chan]]]
     97 	if {[nda get "weather/[curctx net]/regchan/$ndacname"] == 1} {return 1} {return 0}
     98 }
    100 ##############################################################################################
    101 ##  ##  wunderground.tcl for eggdrop by Ford_Lawnmower #Script-Help    ##  ##
    102 ##############################################################################################
    103 ## To use this script you must set channel flag +weather (ie .chanset #chan +weather)       ##
    104 ##############################################################################################
    105 ##############################################################################################
    106 ##  ##                             Start Setup.                                         ##  ##
    107 ##############################################################################################
    108 namespace eval wunderground {
    109 ## Edit logo to change the logo displayed at the start of the line                      ##  ##
    110   variable logo "\017\00304\002W\00304u\00307n\00308d\00311e\00312r\00304g\00307r\00308o\00311u\00312n\00304d\017"
    111 ## Edit textf to change the color/state of the text shown                               ##  ##
    112   variable textf "\017"
    113 ## Edit tagf to change the color/state of the Tags:                                     ##  ##
    114   variable tagf "\017\002"
    115 ## Edit weatherline, line1, line2, line3, line4 to change what is displayed             ##  ##
    116 ## weatherline is for the !weather trigger and line1-4 are for !forecast                ##  ##
    117 ## Valid items are: location weatherstation conditions tempf tempc tempfc feelsf        ##  ##
    118 ## feelsc feelsfc windgust windspeed winddirection sunset sunrise moon                  ##  ##
    119 ## day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 day8 day9 day10                                   ##  ##
    120 ## Do not remove any variables here! Just change them to "" to suppress display         ##  ##
    121   variable line1 "location weatherstation conditions tempfc feelsfc windspeed winddirection windgust sunset sunrise moon"
    122   variable line3 ""
    123   variable line2 "day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 day8 day9 day10"
    124   variable line4 ""
    125   variable weatherline "location weatherstation conditions tempfc feelsfc windspeed winddirection windgust sunset sunrise moon day1 day2 day3"
    126 ## Edit cmdchar to change the !trigger used to for this script                          ##  ##
    127   variable cmdchar "!"
    128 ##############################################################################################
    129 ##  ##                           End Setup.                                              ## ##
    130 ##############################################################################################
    131   llbind [curctx sock] pub "-" [string trimleft $wunderground::cmdchar]weather wunderground::tclservwe
    132   llbind [curctx sock] pub "-" [string trimleft $wunderground::cmdchar]wz wunderground::tclservwe
    133   llbind [curctx sock] pub "-" [string trimleft $wunderground::cmdchar]forecast wunderground::tclservfc
    134 }
    136 proc wunderground::tclservwe {n cname i msg} {
    137 	if {[weatherenabled $cname] == 0} {return}
    138 	set nick [tnda get "nick/$::netname([curctx sock])/$i"]
    139 	set host "[tnda get "ident/$i"]@[tnda get "vhost/$::netname([curctx sock])/$i"]"
    140 	set comd "weather"
    141 	set hand ""
    142 	set text $msg
    143 	wunderground::main $comd $nick $host $hand $cname $text
    144 }
    146 proc wunderground::tclservfc {n cname i msg} {
    147 	if {[weatherenabled $cname] == 0} {return}
    148 	set nick [tnda get "nick/$::netname([curctx sock])/$i"]
    149 	set host "[tnda get "ident/$i"]@[tnda get "vhost/$::netname([curctx sock])/$i"]"
    150 	set comd "forecast"
    151 	set hand ""
    152 	set text $msg
    153 	wunderground::main $comd $nick $host $hand $cname $text
    154 }
    156 proc wunderground::main {command nick host hand chan text} {
    157     set search [strip $text]
    158     set div ""; set moon ""; set sunset ""; set sunrise ""; set windspeed ""; set div ""
    159     set winddirection ""; set location ""; set weatherstation ""; set temperature ""; set tempfc ""
    160     set conditions ""; set feelslike ""; set feelsf ""; set feelsc ""; set city ""; set day ""
    161     set details ""; set forc ""; set count 1; set tempf ""; set state_name ""; set tempc ""
    162     set day1 ""; set day2 ""; set day3 ""; set day4 ""; set day5 ""; set state_name ""
    163     set day6 ""; set day7 ""; set day8 ""; set day9 ""; set day10 ""; set windgust ""; set feelsfc ""
    164     set wundergroundurl "/cgi-bin/findweather/hdfForecast?query=[urlencode $search]"
    165     set wundergroundsite ""
    166     if {"wz" == $command} {set command weather}
    167     if {[catch {set wundergroundsock [socket -async $wundergroundsite 80]} sockerr]} {
    168       return 0
    169     } else {
    170       puts $wundergroundsock "GET $wundergroundurl HTTP/1.0"
    171       puts $wundergroundsock "Host: $wundergroundsite"
    172       puts $wundergroundsock "User-Agent: Opera 9.6"
    173       puts $wundergroundsock ""
    174       flush $wundergroundsock
    175       while {![eof $wundergroundsock]} {
    176         set wundergroundvar " [gets $wundergroundsock] "
    177         regexp -nocase {"(current)_observation":} $wundergroundvar match div
    178         regexp -nocase {"(forecast)":} $wundergroundvar match div
    179         regexp -nocase {"(astronomy)":} $wundergroundvar match div
    180         if {[regexp -nocase {"city":"([^"]*)} $wundergroundvar match city]} {
    181           if {$city == "null"} {
    182             set city ""
    183           }
    184         } elseif {[regexp -nocase {"state_name":"([^"]*)} $wundergroundvar match state_name]} {
    185           if {$state_name == "null"} {
    186             set state_name ""
    187           }
    188           set location "${wunderground::tagf}Location: ${wunderground::textf}${city}, $state_name"
    189         } elseif {[regexp -nocase {"name":"([^"]*)} $wundergroundvar match weatherstation]} {
    190           set weatherstation "${wunderground::tagf}Station: ${wunderground::textf}${weatherstation}"
    191         } elseif {$forc == "" && [regexp -nocase {class="wx-unit">&nbsp;&deg;(.*?)<\/span>} $wundergroundvar match forc]} {
    192         } elseif {[regexp -nocase {"condition":"([^"]*)} $wundergroundvar match conditions]} {
    193           set conditions "${wunderground::tagf}Conditions: ${wunderground::textf}${conditions}"
    194         } elseif {$div == "current" && [regexp -nocase {"temperature":\s([^\,]*)} $wundergroundvar match temperature]} {
    195           set tempf "${wunderground::tagf}Temperature: ${wunderground::textf}[forc ${temperature} $forc F] deg F"
    196           set tempc "${wunderground::tagf}Temperature: ${wunderground::textf}[forc ${temperature} $forc C] deg C"
    197           set tempfc "${wunderground::tagf}Temperature: ${wunderground::textf}[forc ${temperature} $forc F] deg F/[forc ${temperature} $forc C] deg C"
    198         } elseif {$div == "current" && [regexp -nocase {"feelslike":\s([^\,]*)} $wundergroundvar match feelslike]} {
    199           set feelsf "${wunderground::tagf}Feels Like: ${wunderground::textf}[forc ${feelslike} $forc F] deg F"
    200           set feelsc "${wunderground::tagf}Feels Like: ${wunderground::textf}[forc ${feelslike} $forc C] deg C"
    201           set feelsfc "${wunderground::tagf}Feels Like: ${wunderground::textf}[forc ${feelslike} $forc F] deg F/[forc ${feelslike} $forc C] deg C" 
    202         } elseif {$div == "current" && [regexp -nocase {"wind_speed":\s?([^\,]*)} $wundergroundvar match windspeed]} {
    203           set windspeed "${wunderground::tagf}Wind speed: ${wunderground::textf}${windspeed}"
    204         } elseif {$div == "current" && [regexp -nocase {"wind_gust_speed":\s?([^\,]*)} $wundergroundvar match windgust]} {
    205           set windgust "${wunderground::tagf}Wind gust: ${wunderground::textf}${windgust}"
    206         } elseif {[regexp -nocase {"wind_dir":"([^"]*)} $wundergroundvar match winddirection]} {
    207           set winddirection "${wunderground::tagf}Wind Direction: ${wunderground::textf}${winddirection}"
    208         } elseif {[regexp -nocase {id="cc-sun-rise">(.*?)</span>\s?<span class="ampm">(.*?)</span>} $wundergroundvar match sunrise ampm]} {
    209           set sunrise "${wunderground::tagf}Sunrise: ${wunderground::textf}${sunrise}${ampm}"
    210         } elseif {[regexp -nocase {id="cc-sun-set">(.*?)</span> <span class="ampm">(.*?)</span>} $wundergroundvar match sunset ampm]} {
    211           set sunset "${wunderground::tagf}Sunset: ${wunderground::textf}${sunset}${ampm}"
    212         } elseif {[regexp -nocase {id="cc-moon-phase".*">(.+?)<\/span>} $wundergroundvar match moon]} {
    213           set moon "${wunderground::tagf}Moon: ${wunderground::textf}${moon}"
    214         } elseif {$div == "forecast" && $command == "weather"} {
    215           msg $chan $wunderground::logo ${wunderground::textf} [subst [regsub -all -nocase {(\S+)} $wunderground::weatherline {$\1}]]
    216           close $wundergroundsock
    217           return 0
    218         } elseif {[regexp -nocase {<div\sclass="fctDayDate">(.+)\,} $wundergroundvar match day]} {
    219           set day "${wunderground::tagf}${day}"
    220         } elseif {[string match "forecast" $div]} {
    221           if {[regexp -nocase {"weekday_short":\s?"([^"]*)} $wundergroundvar match day]} {
    222             set day "${wunderground::tagf}${day}:->"
    223           } elseif {[regexp -nocase {"high":\s([^\,]*)} $wundergroundvar match high]} {
    224             set high "${wunderground::tagf}High:${wunderground::textf}[forc $high $forc F] deg F/[forc $high $forc C] deg C"
    225           } elseif {[regexp -nocase {"low":\s([^\,]*)} $wundergroundvar match low]} {
    226             set low "${wunderground::tagf}low:${wunderground::textf}[forc $low $forc F] deg F/[forc $low $forc C] deg C"
    227           } elseif {[regexp -nocase {"condition":\s?"([^"]*)} $wundergroundvar match condition]} {
    228             set condition "${wunderground::tagf}Cond:${wunderground::textf}${condition}"
    229           } elseif {[regexp -nocase {"day":\s?\{} $wundergroundvar]} {
    230             set day${count} "$day $high $low $condition"
    231             incr count
    232           }
    233         } elseif {$div == "astronomy"} {
    234           if {$wunderground::line1 != ""} {
    235             msg $chan $wunderground::logo $wunderground::textf [subst [regsub -all -nocase {(\S+)} $wunderground::line1 {$\1}]]
    236           }
    237           if {$wunderground::line2 != ""} {
    238             msg $chan $wunderground::logo $wunderground::textf [subst [regsub -all -nocase {(\S+)} $wunderground::line2 {$\1}]]
    239           }
    240           if {$wunderground::line3 != ""} {
    241             msg $chan $wunderground::logo $wunderground::textf [subst [regsub -all -nocase {(\S+)} $wunderground::line3 {$\1}]]
    242           }
    243           if {$wunderground::line4 != ""} {
    244             msg $chan $wunderground::logo $wunderground::textf [subst [regsub -all -nocase {(\S+)} $wunderground::line4 {$\1}]]
    245           }
    246           close $wundergroundsock
    247           return 0
    248         }      
    249       }
    250     }
    251 }
    252 proc wunderground::forc {value fc forc} {
    253   if {[string equal -nocase $fc $forc]} {
    254     return $value
    255   } elseif {[string equal -nocase "f" $fc]} {
    256     if {[expr {(($value - 32) * 5)} == 0]} { return 0 }
    257     return [format "%.1f" [expr {(($value - 32) * 5) / 9}]]
    258   } elseif {[string equal -nocase "c" $fc]} {
    259     if {$value == 0} { return 32 }
    260     return [format "%.1f" [expr {(($value * 9) / 5) + 32}]]
    261   }
    262 }
    263 proc wunderground::striphtml {string} {
    264   return [string map {&quot; \" &lt; < &rt; >} [regsub -all {(<[^<^>]*>)} $string ""]]
    265 }
    266 proc wunderground::urlencode {string} {
    267   regsub -all {^\{|\}$} $string "" string
    268   return [subst [regsub -nocase -all {([^a-z0-9\+])} $string {%[format %x [scan "\\&" %c]]}]]
    269 }
    270 proc wunderground::strip {text} {
    271   regsub -all {\002|\031|\015|\037|\017|\003(\d{1,2})?(,\d{1,2})?} $text "" text
    272     return $text
    273 }
    274 proc wunderground::msg {chan logo textf text} {
    275   set text [textsplit $text 50]
    276   set counter 0
    277   while {$counter <= [llength $text]} {
    278     if {[lindex $text $counter] != ""} {
    279       % privmsg [tnda get "weatherserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan "${logo} ${textf}[string map {\\\" \"} [lindex $text $counter]]"
    280     }
    281     incr counter
    282   }
    283 }
    284 proc wunderground::textsplit {text limit} {
    285   set text [split $text " "]
    286   set tokens [llength $text]
    287   set start 0
    288   set return ""
    289   while {[llength [lrange $text $start $tokens]] > $limit} {
    290     incr tokens -1
    291     if {[llength [lrange $text $start $tokens]] <= $limit} {
    292       lappend return [join [lrange $text $start $tokens]]
    293       set start [expr $tokens + 1]
    294       set tokens [llength $text]
    295     }
    296   }
    297   lappend return [join [lrange $text $start $tokens]]
    298   return $return
    299 }
    300 puts stdout "\002*Loaded* \00304\002W\00304u\00307n\00308d\00311e\00312r\00304g\00307r\00308o\00311u\00312n\00304d\017 \002by \
    301 Ford_Lawnmower #Script-Help"