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main.tcl (4522B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env tclsh
      2 # Basic tcl services program.
      4 package require tie
      5 package require base64
      6 package require sha1
      7 #set b64 [split "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789[]" {}]
      9 source b64.tcl
     10 set alwayssave 0
     12 proc pwhash.SHA1 {pass {salt "a"}} {
     13 	global b64
     14 	set hash [::sha1::sha1 -hex $pass]
     15 	return "SHA1//$hash"
     16 }
     18 proc rand {minn {maxx 0}} {
     19 	if {$minn==$maxx} {return $maxx}
     20 	if {$minn > $maxx} {set omx $maxx; set maxx $minn ; set minn $omx}
     21 	set maxnum [expr {$maxx - $minn}]
     22 	set fp [open /dev/urandom r]
     23 	set bytes [read $fp 6]
     24 	close $fp
     25 	scan $bytes %c%c%c%c%c%c ca co ce cu ci ch
     26 	set co [expr {$co + pow(2,8)}]
     27 	set ce [expr {$ce + pow(2,16)}]
     28 	set cu [expr {$cu + pow(2,24)}]
     29 	set ci [expr {$ci + pow(2,32)}]
     30 	set ch [expr {$ch + pow(2,40)}]
     31 	return [expr {$minn+(int($ca+$co+$ce+$cu+$ci+$ch)%$maxnum)}]
     32 }
     34 proc mysrc {script} {
     35 	set fp [open $script r]
     36 	set ev [read $fp]
     37 	close $fp
     38 	uplevel "#0" $ev
     39 }
     41 proc readfile {script} {
     42 	set fp [open $script r]
     43 	chan configure $fp -encoding utf-8
     44 	set ev [read $fp]
     45 	close $fp
     46 	return $ev
     47 }
     49 proc readbfile {script} {
     50 	set fp [open $script rb]
     51 	set ev [read $fp]
     52 	close $fp
     53 	return $ev
     54 }
     56 proc loadmodule {script} {
     57 	set ismodule 0
     58 	foreach {file} [lsort [glob ./modules/*.tcl]] {
     59 		if {$file == [format "./modules/%s.tcl" $script]} {set ismodule 1}
     60 	}
     61 	if {!$ismodule} {
     62 		putloglev o * "MODULE $script DOES NOT EXIST; CONTINUING (or attempting to) ANYWAY"
     63 		return
     64 	}
     65 	set fp [open [format "./modules/%s.tcl" $script] r]
     66 	set ev [read $fp]
     67 	close $fp
     68 	uplevel "#0" $ev
     69 }
     71 proc save.db {name var no oper {apres 1}} {
     72 	upvar $var db
     73 	global lastsave alwayssave
     74 	if {$alwayssave != 1 && $apres != 1 && ($lastsave + 40 > [set now [clock seconds]])} {return} ;#save IO time by not always saving DB. integrity problems may result
     75 	# but do not save CPU time if we are apres=0 or alwayssave=1
     76 	# ensure DB save is atomic, so if tclserv is killed during or under 12.5 seconds after save
     77 	catch [list file rename $name [format "%s.bk%s" $name $now]]
     78 	set there [open $name [list WRONLY CREAT TRUNC]]
     79 	# I've learned from my time in qmail land - blocking I/O is probably better.
     80 	# might be even better if we can fire off a thread to do this for us.
     81 	chan configure $there -encoding utf-8 -blocking 1 -buffering full -buffersize 8192
     82 	# should not block for long
     83 	puts -nonewline $there $db
     84 	flush $there
     85 	close $there
     86 #	if {$apres == 1} { ;# the french word for "after", apres (from après) is the variable we use to say we want to repeat. on by default.
     87 		after 12500 [list catch [list file delete -- [format "%s.bk%s" $name $now]]]
     88 #	}
     89 	return
     90 }
     92 mysrc nda.tcl
     93 # every 40sec, save, but not if never written
     95 set lastsave [clock seconds]
     97 if {[file exists services.db]} {
     98 	#puts stdout "reading the nda dict"
     99 	set nd [readbfile services.db]
    100 	#puts stdout $nd
    101 }
    103 set globwd [pwd]
    104 set gettext [list]
    106 proc outputbotnick {var no oper} {
    107 	upvar $var v
    108 	# depends on 4000-convenience. luckily not used before that's loaded or we'd be issue.
    109 	set v [curctx user]
    110 }
    112 proc showcontexts {var no oper} {
    113 	upvar $var v
    114 #	puts stdout "curctx is [curctx unum]@[curctx net]"
    115 }
    117 # eventually we need to change services.db to SERVICESDBNAME or something.
    118 trace add variable nd [list write unset] [list save.db [set sdbname [format "%s/%s" [pwd] services.db]]]
    119 trace add variable botnick [list read] [list outputbotnick]
    120 trace add variable globuctx [list read write] [list showcontexts]
    122 proc force_save_db {dbname {d ::nd}} {
    123 	# the fifth variable is "après", which refers to whether the save is a one-off, or whether it's ongoing. it defaults to 1, which means ongoing. this is a one-off save.
    124 	save.db $dbname $d 0 write 0
    125 }
    127 #::tie::tie nd file services.db
    129 source openconf2.tcl
    130 #mysrc services.conf
    133 proc svc.rehash {} {
    134 	global gettext
    135 	tnda set rehashing 1
    136 	foreach {file} [lsort [glob ./core/*.tcl]] {
    137 		mysrc $file
    138 	}
    139 	force_save_db $::sdbname
    140 	if {[file exists $::globwd/language.txt]} {
    141 		set languagefile [split [readfile [format "%s/%s" $::globwd language.txt]] "\n"]
    142 		foreach {line} $languagefile {
    143 			set ll [split $line " "]
    144 			set ltext [join [lrange $ll 1 end] " "]
    145 			dict set gettext [lindex $ll 0] $ltext
    146 		}
    147 	}
    148 	tnda set "openconf" [list]
    149 	mysrc $::globwd/services.conf
    150 	tnda set rehashing 0
    151 	firellbind - evnt - "confloaded" loaded
    152 }
    154 svc.rehash
    155 #by now we've loaded everything
    156 #firellbind - evnt - "confloaded" loaded
    158 #load from cfg file, not here
    160 #foreach {file} [lsort [glob ./modules/*.tcl]] {
    161 #	mysrc $file
    162 #}
    164 vwait forever