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dict.tcl (22238B)

      1 # dict.tcl
      2 #
      3 #
      4 # Tcl 8.4-compatible implementation of the [dict] command.
      5 #
      6 # Known deficiencies:
      7 # - In error messages, the variable name doesn't always appear correctly.  This
      8 #   is due to use of [upvar] which renames the variable.
      9 # - Tcl 8.4 offers no way for [return], [break], etc. inside the script to
     10 #   affect the caller.  [uplevel] doesn't quite do everything that's needed.
     11 # - Some usage error messages show different names for formal arguments.
     12 # - Performance is reduced.
     13 #
     14 # Test failures (prefix each name with "dict-"):
     15 # 3.12    4.5     5.7     9.7     9.8     11.15   12.7    12.8    12.10
     16 # 13.7    13.8    13.9    14.1    14.2    14.3    14.4    14.12   14.13
     17 # 14.22   15.9    15.10   15.11   16.8    16.9    16.17   16.18   17.13
     18 # 17.16   17.18   21.1    21.2    21.3    21.4    21.13   21.14   21.15
     19 # 22.1    22.2    22.3    22.10   22.14   22.15   23.1    23.2    24.1
     20 # 24.2    24.3    24.4    24.12   24.13   24.20.1 24.21   24.24   24.25
     22 # Only create [dict] command if it doesn't already exist.
     23 if {[catch {dict get {}}]} {
     24     # Tcl 8.4-style implementation of namespace ensembles.
     25     namespace eval ::dict {}
     26     proc ::dict {subcommand args} {
     27         # Confirm $subcommand is a [dict] command or unambiguous prefix thereof.
     28         if {[regexp {[][*?\\]} $subcommand]
     29          || [llength [set command [info commands ::dict::$subcommand*]]] != 1} {
     30             set commands [string map {::dict:: {}}\
     31                     [lsort [info commands ::dict::*]]]
     32             if {[llength $commands] > 1} {
     33                 lset commands end "or [lindex $commands end]"
     34             }
     35             if {[llength $commands] > 2} {
     36                 set commands [join $commands ", "]
     37             } else {
     38                 set commands [join $commands " "]
     39             }
     40             error "unknown or ambiguous subcommand \"$subcommand\":\
     41                     must be $commands"
     42         }
     44         # Invoke the command.
     45         if {[catch {uplevel 1 [concat [list $command] $args]} msg]} {
     46             # Rewrite the command name on error.
     47             regsub {^(wrong # args: should be \")::(dict)::} $msg {\1\2 } msg
     48             error $msg
     49         } else {
     50             return $msg
     51         }
     52     }
     54     # [dict append]
     55     proc ::dict::append {varName key args} {
     56         upvar 1 $varName var
     58         # Locate the matching key.  On match, append to the key's value.
     59         if {[::info exists var]} {
     60             ::set var [get $var]
     61             ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $var]} {::incr i 2} {
     62                 if {[lindex $var $i] eq $key} {
     63                     ::incr i
     64                     return [lset var $i [lindex $var $i][join $args {}]]
     65                 }
     66             }
     67         }
     69         # On search failure, add the key to the dict.  This code also will
     70         # create the dict if it doesn't already exist.
     71         ::lappend var $key [join $args {}]
     72     }
     74     # [dict create]
     75     proc ::dict::create {args} {
     76         if {[llength $args] & 1} {
     77             error "wrong # args: should be \"dict create ?key value ...?\""
     78         }
     79         get $args
     80     }
     82     # [dict exists]
     83     proc ::dict::exists {dictionary key args} {
     84         # Traverse through nested dicts searching for matches.
     85         ::set sub $dictionary
     86         foreach key [concat [list $key] $args] {
     87             if {[llength $sub] & 1} {
     88                 return 0
     89             }
     90             ::set match 0
     91             foreach {subkey sub} $sub {
     92                 if {$subkey eq $key} {
     93                     ::set match 1
     94                     break
     95                 }
     96             }
     97             if {!$match} {
     98                 return 0
     99             }
    100         }
    101         return $match
    102     }
    104     # [dict filter]
    105     proc ::dict::filter {dictionary filterType args} {
    106         # Invoke the correct filter handler.
    107         ::set result {}
    108         switch $filterType {
    109         k - ke - key {
    110             # Filter on keys.
    111             foreach {key val} [get $dictionary] {
    112                 foreach pattern $args {
    113                     if {[string match $pattern $key]} {
    114                         ::lappend result $key $val
    115                         break
    116                     }
    117                 }
    118             }
    119         } v - va - val - valu - value {
    120             # Filter on values.
    121             foreach {key val} [get $dictionary] {
    122                 foreach pattern $args {
    123                     if {[string match $pattern $val]} {
    124                         ::lappend result $key $val
    125                         break
    126                     }
    127                 }
    128             }
    129         } s - sc - scr - scri - scrip - script {
    130             # Filter on script returning true.
    131             if {[llength $args] != 2} {
    132                 error "wrong # args: should be \"dict filter dictionary script\
    133                         {keyVarName valueVarName} filterScript\""
    134             } elseif {[llength [lindex $args 0]] != 2} {
    135                 error "must have exactly two variable names"
    136             }
    137             upvar 1 [lindex $args 0 0] key [lindex $args 0 1] val
    138             foreach {key val} [get $dictionary] {
    139                 if {[uplevel 1 [lindex $args 1]]} {
    140                     ::lappend result $key $val
    141                 }
    142             }
    143         } default {
    144             error "bad filterType \"$filterType\":\
    145                     must be key, script, or value"
    146         }}
    147         return $result
    148     }
    150     # [dict for]
    151     proc ::dict::for {keyVarValueVar dictionary script} {
    152         if {[llength $keyVarValueVar] != 2} {
    153             error "must have exactly two variable names"
    154         }
    156         # [foreach] does what's needed, mostly.  Tcl 8.4 offers no way for
    157         # [return], etc. inside the script to make the caller return.
    158         uplevel 1 [list foreach $keyVarValueVar [get $dictionary] $script]
    159     }
    161     # [dict get]
    162     proc ::dict::get {dictionary args} {
    163         if {[llength $args]} {
    164             # When given multiple arguments, traverse nested dicts to find the
    165             # requested key.  Fail if the key is not found.
    166             ::set sub $dictionary
    167             foreach key $args {
    168                 if {[llength $sub] & 1} {
    169                     error "missing value to go with key"
    170                 }
    171                 ::for {::set i [expr {[llength $sub] - 2}]} {1} {::incr i -2} {
    172                     if {$i < 0} {
    173                         error "key \"$key\" not known in dictionary"
    174                     } elseif {[lindex $sub $i] eq $key} {
    175                         break
    176                     }
    177                 }
    178                 ::set sub [lindex $sub [expr {$i + 1}]]
    179             }
    180             return $sub
    181         } else {
    182             # With only one argument, convert that argument to a canonical dict.
    183             if {[llength $dictionary] & 1} {
    184                 error "missing value to go with key"
    185             }
    186             ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $dictionary]} {::incr i 2} {
    187                 if {[::info exists indexes([lindex $dictionary $i])]} {
    188                     lset dictionary $indexes([lindex $dictionary $i])\
    189                             [lindex $dictionary [expr {$i + 1}]]
    190                     ::set dictionary [lreplace $dictionary $i [expr {$i + 1}]]
    191                     ::incr i -2
    192                 } else {
    193                     ::set indexes([lindex $dictionary $i]) [expr {$i + 1}]
    194                 }
    195             }
    196             return $dictionary
    197         }
    198     }
    200     # [dict incr]
    201     proc ::dict::incr {varName key {increment 1}} {
    202         upvar 1 $varName var
    204         # Disallow non-integer increments.
    205         if {![string is integer -strict $increment]} {
    206             error "expected integer but got \"$increment\""
    207         }
    209         # Locate the matching key and increment its value.
    210         if {[::info exists var]} {
    211             ::set var [get $var]
    212             ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $var]} {::incr i 2} {
    213                 if {$key eq [lindex $var $i]} {
    214                     ::incr i
    216                     # Disallow non-integer values.
    217                     if {![string is integer -strict [lindex $var $i]]} {
    218                         error "expected integer but got \"[lindex $var $i]\""
    219                     }
    221                     # Increment the value in place.
    222                     return [lset var $i [expr {[lindex $var $i] + $increment}]]
    223                 }
    224             }
    225         }
    227         # On search failure, add the key to the dict.  This code also will
    228         # create the dict if it doesn't already exist.
    229         ::lappend var $key $increment
    230     }
    232     # [dict info]
    233     proc ::dict::info {dictionary} {
    234         # Make sure the dictionary is valid.
    235         if {[llength $dictionary] & 1} {
    236             error "missing value to go with key"
    237         }
    239         # No hash table.
    240         return "dict is represented as plain list"
    241     }
    243     # [dict keys]
    244     proc ::dict::keys {dictionary {pattern *}} {
    245         # Build and return a list of matching keys.
    246         ::set result {}
    247         foreach {key val} [get $dictionary] {
    248             if {[string match $pattern $key]} {
    249                 ::lappend result $key
    250             }
    251         }
    252         return $result
    253     }
    255     # [dict lappend]
    256     proc ::dict::lappend {varName key args} {
    257         upvar 1 $varName var
    259         # Locate the matching key and append a list element to its value.
    260         if {[::info exists var]} {
    261             ::set var [get $var]
    262             ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $var]} {::incr i 2} {
    263                 if {$key eq [lindex $var $i]} {
    264                     ::incr i
    266                     # Disallow non-list values.
    267                     llength [lindex $var $i]
    269                     # Increment the value in place.
    270                     return [lset var $i [concat [lindex $var $i] $args]]
    271                 }
    272             }
    273         }
    275         # On search failure, add the key to the dict.  This code also will
    276         # create the dict if it doesn't already exist.
    277         ::lappend var $key $args
    278     }
    280     # [dict map]
    281     proc ::dict::map {keyVarValueVar dictionary script} {
    282         # Confirm argument syntax.
    283         if {[llength $keyVarValueVar] != 2} {
    284             error "must have exactly two variable names"
    285         }
    287         # Link to local variables which will be used as iterators.
    288         upvar 1 [lindex $keyVarValueVar 0] key [lindex $keyVarValueVar 1] val
    290         # Accumulate and return the result.
    291         ::set result {}
    292         foreach {key val} [get $dictionary] {
    293             ::lappend result $key [uplevel 1 $script]
    294         }
    295         return $result
    296     }
    298     # [dict merge]
    299     proc ::dict::merge {args} {
    300         # Confirm each argument is a dict.
    301         foreach dict $args {
    302             if {[llength $dict] & 1} {
    303                 error "missing value to go with key"
    304             }
    305         }
    307         # Merge the dicts, then normalize.
    308         get [eval [list concat] $args]
    309     }
    311     # [dict remove]
    312     proc ::dict::remove {dictionary args} {
    313         # Remove all dictionary keys matching any of the key arguments.
    314         ::set dictionary [get $dictionary]
    315         ::set args [lsort -unique $args]
    316         ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $dictionary]} {::incr i 2} {
    317             ::set index [lsearch -exact -sorted $args [lindex $dictionary $i]]
    318             if {$index >= 0} {
    319                 ::set dictionary [lreplace $dictionary $i [expr {$i + 1}]]
    320                 ::set args [lreplace $args $index $index]
    321                 if {![llength $args]} {
    322                     break
    323                 }
    324                 ::incr i -2
    325             }
    326         }
    327         return $dictionary
    328     }
    330     # [dict replace]
    331     proc ::dict::replace {dictionary args} {
    332         # Confirm correct argument parity.
    333         if {[llength $args] & 1} {
    334             error "wrong # args:\
    335                     should be \"dict replace dictionary ?key value ...?\""
    336         }
    338         # Concatenate the dicts then use [get] to canonicalize the result.
    339         get [eval [list concat $dictionary] $args]
    340     }
    342     # [dict set]
    343     proc ::dict::set {varName key args} {
    344         upvar 1 $varName var
    346         # Confirm that a value argument was given.
    347         if {![llength $args]} {
    348             error "wrong # args:\
    349                     should be \"dict set varName key ?key ...? value\""
    350         }
    352         # Default the dictionary to empty.
    353         if {![::info exists var]} {
    354             ::set var {}
    355         }
    357         # Shuffle the arguments into the right variables.
    358         ::set keys [concat [list $key] [lrange $args 0 end-1]]
    359         ::set val [lindex $args end]
    361         # Traverse through nested dicts to find the key to insert or replace.
    362         ::set path {}
    363         ::set sub $var
    364         ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $keys]} {::incr i} {
    365             # Canonicalize each level of nested dicts.
    366             lset var $path [::set sub [get $sub]]
    368             # Search the current level to see if any keys match.
    369             ::for {::set j 0} {1} {::incr j 2} {
    370                 if {$j >= [llength $sub]} {
    371                     # On match failure, move the remaining keys into the value,
    372                     # transforming it into a nested dict, then set that value.
    373                     ::set j [expr {[llength $keys] - 1}]
    374                     ::for {} {$j > $i} {::incr j -1} {
    375                         ::set val [list [lindex $keys $j] $val]
    376                     }
    377                     lset var $path [concat $sub [list [lindex $keys $i] $val]]
    378                     return $var
    379                 } elseif {[lindex $sub $j] eq [lindex $keys $i]} {
    380                     # On match success, advance to the next level of nesting.
    381                     break
    382                 }
    383             }
    385             # Descend into the value associated with the matching key.
    386             ::incr j
    387             ::lappend path $j
    388             ::set sub [lindex $sub $j]
    389         }
    391         # Replace the value of the matched key.
    392         lset var $path $val
    393     }
    395     # [dict size]
    396     proc ::dict::size {dictionary} {
    397         # Canonicalize the dict and return half its length.
    398         expr {[llength [get $dictionary]] / 2}
    399     }
    401     # [dict unset]
    402     proc ::dict::unset {varName key args} {
    403         upvar 1 $varName var
    405         # Handle the case of the dict not existing.
    406         if {![::info exists var]} {
    407             if {[llength $args]} {
    408                 # Fail when unsetting a nested key.
    409                 error "key \"$key\" not known in dictionary"
    410             } else {
    411                 # Create the dict when unsetting a non-nested key.
    412                 ::set var {}
    413                 return
    414             }
    415         }
    417         # Traverse through nested dicts to find the key to remove.
    418         ::set keys [concat [list $key] $args]
    419         ::set path {}
    420         ::set sub $var
    421         ::for {::set i 0} {1} {::incr i} {
    422             # Canonicalize each level of nested dicts.
    423             lset var $path [::set sub [get $sub]]
    425             # Search the current level to see if any keys match.
    426             ::for {::set j 0} {$j < [llength $sub]} {::incr j 2} {
    427                 if {[lindex $sub $j] eq [lindex $keys $i]} {
    428                     break
    429                 }
    430             }
    432             # Handle outer and innermost nesting levels differently.
    433             if {$i < [llength $keys] - 1} {
    434                 # In parent levels, search failure is an error.
    435                 if {$j >= [llength $sub]} {
    436                     error "key \"[lindex $keys $i]\" not known in dictionary"
    437                 }
    439                 # Descend into the value associated with the matching key.
    440                 ::incr j
    441                 ::lappend path $j
    442                 ::set sub [lindex $sub $j]
    443             } else {
    444                 # In the innermost level, search failure is acceptable.  On
    445                 # search success, remove the key, otherwise just ignore.
    446                 if {$j < [llength $sub]} {
    447                     lset var $path [lreplace $sub $j [expr {$j + 1}]]
    448                 }
    450                 # Return the updated dictionary.
    451                 return $var
    452             }
    453         }
    454     }
    456     # [dict update]
    457     proc ::dict::update {varName key valVarName args} {
    458         # Confirm argument parity.
    459         if {!([llength $args] & 1)} {
    460             error "wrong # args: should be \"dict update varName key valVarName\
    461                     ?key valVarName ...? script\""
    462         }
    463         ::set script [lindex $args end]
    465         # Convert the list of keys and variable names to an array.
    466         array set names [concat [list $key $valVarName] [lrange $args 0 end-1]]
    468         # Copy the dict values into the caller's variables.
    469         upvar 1 $varName dict
    470         foreach {key val} [get $dict] {
    471             if {[::info exists names($key)]} {
    472                 upvar 1 $names($key) valVar
    473                 ::set valVar $val
    474             }
    475         }
    477         # Invoke the caller-supplied script.
    478         ::set result [uplevel 1 $script]
    480         # If the dict is gone, let it stay gone.  Otherwise update it.
    481         if {[::info exists dict]} {
    482             # Update the dict values from the caller's variables, and remove
    483             # keys corresponding to unset variables.
    484             ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $dict]} {::incr i 2} {
    485                 if {[::info exists names([lindex $dict $i])]} {
    486                     upvar 1 $names([lindex $dict $i]) valVar
    487                     ::unset names([lindex $dict $i])
    488                     if {[::info exists valVar]} {
    489                         lset dict [expr {$i + 1}] $valVar
    490                     } else {
    491                         ::set dict [lreplace $dict $i [expr {$i + 1}]]
    492                         ::incr i -2
    493                     }
    494                 }
    495             }
    497             # Add keys back to the dict from the caller's variables, in case the
    498             # caller removed some keys directly from the dict.
    499             foreach {key valVarName} [array get names] {
    500                 upvar 1 $valVarName valVar
    501                 if {[::info exists valVar]} {
    502                     ::lappend dict $key $valVar
    503                 }
    504             }
    505         }
    507         # Return the result of the script.
    508         return $result
    509     }
    511     # [dict values]
    512     proc ::dict::values {dictionary {pattern *}} {
    513         # Build and return a list of matching values.
    514         ::set result {}
    515         foreach {key val} [get $dictionary] {
    516             if {[string match $pattern $val]} {
    517                 ::lappend result $val
    518             }
    519         }
    520         return $result
    521     }
    523     # [dict with]
    524     proc ::dict::with {varName args} {
    525         upvar 1 $varName dict
    527         # Confirm a script argument was supplied.
    528         if {![llength $args]} {
    529             error "wrong # args:\
    530                     should be \"dict with varName ?key ...? script\""
    531         }
    532         ::set script [lindex $args end]
    533         ::set args [lrange $args 0 end-1]
    535         # Traverse through nested dicts to find the dict on which to operate.
    536         ::set path {}
    537         ::set sub [get $dict]
    538         foreach key $args {
    539             # Canonicalize each level of nested dicts.
    540             lset dict $path $sub
    542             # Search the current level to see if any keys match.
    543             ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $sub]} {::incr i 2} {
    544                 if {[lindex $sub $i] eq $key} {
    545                     break
    546                 }
    547             }
    549             # Terminate on match failure.
    550             if {$i >= [llength $sub]} {
    551                 error "key \"$key\" not known in dictionary"
    552             }
    554             # Descend into the value associated with the matching key.
    555             ::incr i
    556             ::set sub [get [lindex $sub $i]]
    557             ::lappend path $i
    558         }
    560         # Copy the dict values into the caller's variables.  Make an array to
    561         # keep track of all the keys in the dict.
    562         foreach {key val} $sub {
    563             upvar 1 $key valVar
    564             ::set valVar $val
    565             ::set keys($key) {}
    566         }
    568         # Invoke the caller-supplied script.
    569         ::set result [uplevel 1 $script]
    571         # If the dict is gone, let it stay gone.  Otherwise update it.
    572         if {[::info exists dict]} {
    573             # Traverse through nested dicts again in case the caller-supplied
    574             # script reorganized the dict.
    575             ::set path {}
    576             ::set sub [get $dict]
    577             foreach key $args {
    578                 # Canonicalize each level of nested dicts.
    579                 lset dict $path $sub
    581                 # Search the current level to see if any keys match.
    582                 ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $sub]} {::incr i 2} {
    583                     if {[lindex $sub $i] eq $key} {
    584                         break
    585                     }
    586                 }
    588                 # Terminate on match failure.
    589                 if {$i >= [llength $sub]} {
    590                     error "key \"$key\" not known in dictionary"
    591                 }
    593                 # Descend into the value associated with the matching key.
    594                 ::incr i
    595                 ::set sub [get [lindex $sub $i]]
    596                 ::lappend path $i
    597             }
    599             # Update the dict values from the caller's variables, and remove
    600             # keys corresponding to unset variables.
    601             ::for {::set i 0} {$i < [llength $sub]} {::incr i 2} {
    602                 if {[::info exists keys([lindex $sub $i])]} {
    603                     upvar 1 [lindex $sub $i] valVar
    604                     ::unset keys([lindex $sub $i])
    605                     if {[::info exists valVar]} {
    606                         lset sub [expr {$i + 1}] $valVar
    607                     } else {
    608                         ::set sub [lreplace $sub $i [expr {$i + 1}]]
    609                         ::incr i -2
    610                     }
    611                 }
    612             }
    614             # Add keys back to the dict from the caller's variables, in case the
    615             # caller removed some keys directly from the dict.
    616             foreach key [array names keys] {
    617                 upvar 1 $key valVar
    618                 if {[::info exists valVar]} {
    619                     ::lappend sub $key $valVar
    620                 }
    621             }
    623             # Save the updated nested dict back into the dict variable.
    624             lset dict $path $sub
    625         }
    627         # Return the result of the script.
    628         return $result
    629     }
    630 }