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4000-convenience.tcl (29366B)

      1 #source chanserv.conf
      3 #more thanks to fireegl
      6 proc SetUdefDefaults {{name {*}}} {
      7 	global UdefDefaults
      8 	foreach udef [array names UdefDefaults $name] {
      9 		#dict for {key value} $::database(channels) {
     10 		#	if {![dict exists $value $udef]} {
     11 		#		dbase set eggcompat [curctx net] channels $key $value $udef $UdefDefaults($udef)
     12 		#	}
     13 		#}
     14 		foreach channel [channels] {
     15 			if {[catch { channel get $channel $udef }]} {
     16 				# channel set $channel $udef $UdefDefaults($udef)
     17 				dbase set eggcompat [curctx net] channels [string toupper $channel] $udef $UdefDefaults($udef)
     18 			}
     19 		}
     20 	}
     21 }
     23 # Defines a new udef:
     24 proc setudef {type name {default {}}} {
     25 	# Store the default for this udef:
     26 	global UdefDefaults
     27 	set name [string tolower $name]
     28 	switch -- $type {
     29 		{flag} { set UdefDefaults($name) [string is true -strict $default] }
     30 		{int} { if {$default != {}} { set UdefDefaults($name) $default } else { set UdefDefaults($name) 0 } }
     31 		{str} - {list} { set UdefDefaults($name) $default }
     32 		{default} { return -code error "[mc {Invalid udef type: %s} $type]" }
     33 	}
     34 	# Store the udef itself:
     35 	global Udefs
     36 	set Udefs($name) $type
     37 	# "UDEF: $name (${type}) defined.  Default: $UdefDefaults($name)"
     38 	# Apply the default to all channels that don't already have it set:
     39 	SetUdefDefaults $name
     40 }
     42 #  getudefs <flag/int/str>
     43 #    Returns: a list of user defined channel settings of the given type, 
     44 #             or all of them if no type is given.
     45 proc getudefs {{type {}}} {
     46 	# Note/FixMe: Eggdrop probably errors if $type is invalid.
     47 	# This is not a compatibility problem though
     48 	global Udefs
     49 	set list [list]
     50 	# Note/FixMe: We could also create a new array, called UdefTypes, which looks like (for example):
     51 	# UdefTypes(flag) "autoop enforcebans ..."
     52 	# That way we don't need a foreach here, and could just return the list..
     53 	foreach u [array names Udefs] {
     54 		if {$type eq {} || $type eq $Udefs($u)} {
     55 			lappend list $u
     56 		}
     57 	}
     58 	return $list
     59 }
     61 #  renudef <flag/int> <oldname> <newname>
     62 #    Description: renames a user defined channel flag or integer setting.
     63 #    Returns: nothing
     64 #    Module: channels
     65 proc renudef {type oldname newname} {
     66 	global Udefs
     67 	if {[info exists Udefs($newname)]} {return -1}
     68 	if {[info exists Udefs($oldname)] && [string equal -nocase $Udefs($oldname) $type]} {
     69 		dict for {key value} $::database(channels) {
     70 			if {[dict exists $value $oldname]} {
     71 				dbase set eggcompat [curctx net] channels $key $newname [dbase get eggcompat [curctx net] channels $key $oldname]
     72 				dbase unset eggcompat [curctx net] channels $key $oldname
     73 			}
     74 		}
     75 		set Udefs($newname) $Udefs($oldname)
     76 		unset Udefs($oldname)
     77 		global UdefDefaults
     78 		set UdefDefaults($newname) $UdefDefaults($oldname)
     79 		unset Udefs($oldname)
     80 		return 1
     81 	}
     82 	return 0
     83 }
     85 #  deludef <flag/int> <name>
     86 #    Description: deletes a user defined channel flag or integer setting.
     87 #    Returns: nothing
     88 #    Module: channels
     89 # Proc written by Papillon@EFNet.
     90 # FixMe: This proc is untested and unmodified from what he sent me.  Looks broken. =P
     91 proc deludef {type name} {
     92 	global Udefs
     93 	if {[info exists Udefs($oldname)] && [string equal -nocase $Udefs($oldname) $type]} {
     94 		dict for {key value} $::database(channels) { if {[dict exists $value $oldname]} { dbase unset eggcompat [curctx net] channels $key $oldname } }
     95 		unset Udefs($oldname)
     96 		global UdefDefaults
     97 		unset Udefs($oldname)
     98 		return 1
     99 	}
    100 	return 0
    101 }
    103 # Returns 1 if it's a valid (existing) name for a udef, or 0 if it's not:
    104 proc validudef {name} {
    105 	global Udefs
    106 	info exists Udefs($name)
    107 }
    110 proc protectopcheck {mc f t p} {
    111 	if {"o"==$mc && ![channel get $t protectop]} {return}
    112 	if {"h"==$mc && ![channel get $t protecthalfop]} {return}
    113 	if {"v"==$mc && ![channel get $t protectvoice]} {return}
    114 	switch -- $mc {
    115 		"o" {
    116 			if {[matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$p"] omn|omn $t]} {
    117 				[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $t +$mc "$p" [tnda get "channels/[curctx net]/[ndaenc $t]/ts"]
    118 			}
    119 		}
    120 		"h" {
    121 			if {[matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$p"] l|l $t]} {
    122 				[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $t +$mc "$p" [tnda get "channels/[curctx net]/[ndaenc $t]/ts"]
    123 			}
    124 		}
    125 		"v" {
    126 			if {[matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$p"] v|v $t]} {
    127 				[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $t +$mc "$p" [tnda get "channels/[curctx net]/[ndaenc $t]/ts"]
    128 			}
    129 		}
    130 	}
    131 }
    133 proc finduserbyid {n} {
    134 	tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$f"
    135 }
    137 # XXX obsolete; safe to remove?
    138 proc autoopcheck {c f} {
    139 	set globe 0
    140 	if {[channel get $c operit]} {set globe 1}
    141 	if {[channel get $c autoop]} {set auto nmo} {set auto ""}
    142 	if {[channel get $c autohalfop]} {append auto l}
    143 	if {[channel get $c autovoice]} {append auto v}
    144 	tcs:opcheck $c $f $globe $auto
    145 }
    147 proc unixtime {} {
    148 	return [clock format [clock seconds] -format %s]
    149 }
    151 # XXX obsolete; safe to remove?
    152 proc tcs:opcheck {c f {globe 0} {auto nmolv}} {
    153 #	puts stdout "$c $f"
    154 	if {[matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$f"] |k $c]} {
    155 		# obviously optimised for charybdis... ???
    156 		[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $c +b "*![tnda get "ident/[curctx net]/$f"]@[tnda get "vhost/[curctx net]/$f"]" [tnda get "channels/[curctx net]/[ndaenc $c]/ts"]
    157 		[curctx proto] kick [curctx sock] 77 $c $f "Autokicked (+k attribute)"
    158 		return
    159 	}
    160 	if {[matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$f"] n|] && $globe} {
    161 		[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $c +[tnda get "pfx/owner"] $f [tnda get "channels/[curctx net]/[ndaenc $c]/ts"]
    162 		return
    163 	}
    164 	if {[matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$f"] |n $c] && ([string first "o" $auto] != -1)} {
    165 		[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $c +[tnda get "pfx/owner"] $f [tnda get "channels/[curctx net]/[ndaenc $c]/ts"]
    166 		return
    167 	}
    169 	if {[matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$f"] m|] && $globe} {
    170 		[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $c +[tnda get "pfx/protect"] $f [tnda get "channels/[curctx net]/[ndaenc $c]/ts"]
    171 		return
    172 	}
    173 	if {[matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$f"] |m $c] && ([string first "o" $auto] != -1)} {
    174 		[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $c +[tnda get "pfx/protect"] $f [tnda get "channels/[curctx net]/[ndaenc $c]/ts"]
    175 		return
    176 	}
    178 	if {[matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$f"] a|]} {
    179 		[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $c +o $f [tnda get "channels/[curctx net]/[ndaenc $c]/ts"]
    180 		return
    181 	}
    182 	if {[matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$f"] o|] && $globe} {
    183 		[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $c +o $f [tnda get "channels/[curctx net]/[ndaenc $c]/ts"]
    184 		return
    185 	}
    186 	if {[matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$f"] |o $c] && ([string first "o" $auto] != -1)} {
    187 		[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $c +o $f [tnda get "channels/[curctx net]/[ndaenc $c]/ts"]
    188 		return
    189 	}
    190 	if {[matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$f"] l|] && $globe} {
    191 		[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $c +[tnda get "pfx/halfop"] $f [tnda get "channels/[curctx net]/[ndaenc $c]/ts"]
    192 		return
    193 	}
    194 	if {[matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$f"] |l $c] && ([string first "h" $auto] != -1)} {
    195 		[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $c +[tnda get "pfx/halfop"] $f [tnda get "channels/[curctx net]/[ndaenc $c]/ts"]
    196 		return
    197 	}
    198 	if {[matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$f"] v|] && $globe} {
    199 		[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $c +v $f [tnda get "channels/[curctx net]/[ndaenc $c]/ts"]
    200 		return
    201 	}
    202 	if {[matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$f"] |v $c] && ([string first "v" $auto] != -1)} {
    203 		[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $c +v $f [tnda get "channels/[curctx net]/[ndaenc $c]/ts"]
    204 		return
    205 	}
    206 }
    208 # XXX nobody calls me anymore; obsolete. safe to remove?
    209 proc bitchopcheck {mc ftp} {
    210 	set f [lindex $ftp 0]
    211 	set t [lindex $ftp 1]
    212 	set p [lindex $ftp 2]
    213 	puts stdout "$ftp"
    214 	if {[tnda get "pfx/owner"]==$mc && ![channel get $t bitch]} {return} {if {[tnda get "pfx/owner"] != q} {set mc q}}
    215 	if {[tnda get "pfx/protect"]==$mc && ![channel get $t bitch]} {return} {if {[tnda get "pfx/protect"] != a} {set mc a}}
    216 	if {"o"==$mc && ![channel get $t bitch]} {return}
    217 	if {"h"==$mc && ![channel get $t halfbitch]} {return}
    218 	if {"v"==$mc && ![channel get $t voicebitch]} {return}
    219 	switch -glob -- $mc {
    220 		"q" {
    221 			if {![matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$p"] n|n $t]} {
    222 				puts stdout "M $t -$mc $p [nda get "regchan/[ndaenc $t]/ts"]"
    223 				[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $t "-$mc" "$p" [nda get "regchan/[ndaenc $t]/ts"]
    224 			}
    225 		}
    226 		"a" {
    227 			if {![matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$p"] mn|mn $t]} {
    228 				puts stdout "M $t -$mc $p [nda get "regchan/[ndaenc $t]/ts"]"
    229 				[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $t "-$mc" "$p" [nda get "regchan/[ndaenc $t]/ts"]
    230 			}
    231 		}
    232 		"o" {
    233 			if {![matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$p"] aomn|omn $t]} {
    234 				puts stdout "M $t -$mc $p [nda get "regchan/[ndaenc $t]/ts"]"
    235 				[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $t "-$mc" "$p" [nda get "regchan/[ndaenc $t]/ts"]
    236 			}
    237 		}
    238 		"h" {
    239 			if {![matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$p"] l|l $t]} {
    240 				puts stdout "M $t -$mc $p [nda get "regchan/[ndaenc $t]/ts"]"
    241 				[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $t "-$mc" "$p" [nda get "regchan/[ndaenc $t]/ts"]
    242 			}
    243 		}
    244 		"v" {
    245 			if {![matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$p"] v|v $t]} {
    246 				puts stdout "M $t -$mc $p [nda get "regchan/[ndaenc $t]/ts"]"
    247 				[curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] 77 $t "-$mc" "$p" [nda get "regchan/[ndaenc $t]/ts"]
    248 			}
    249 		}
    250 	}
    251 }
    253 #proc every {milliseconds script} {$script; after $milliseconds [every $milliseconds $script]}
    254 #every 1000 [list firellmbind - time [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%M %H %d %m %Y"]]
    255 proc utimer {seconds tcl-command} {after [expr $seconds * 1000] ${tcl-command}}
    256 proc timer {minutes tcl-command} {after [expr $minutes * 60 * 1000] ${tcl-command}}
    257 proc utimers {} {set t {}; foreach a [after info] {lappend t "0 [lindex [after info $a] 0] $a"}; return $t}
    258 proc timers {} {set t {}; foreach a [after info] {lappend t "0 [lindex [after info $a] 0] $a"}; return $t}
    259 proc killtimer id {return [after cancel $id]}
    260 proc killutimer id {return [after cancel $id]}
    262 proc isbotnick {n} {return [expr {$n == [curctx user] || $n == [curctx uid]}]}
    264 proc setctx {ctx} {
    265 	global globctx
    266 	if {[catch [list set ::sock($ctx)] erre] > 0} {return} ; # silently crap out
    267 	set globctx $ctx
    268 }
    270 proc setuctx {ctx} {
    271 	global globuctx
    272 	if {[% nick2uid $ctx] == "" && !($ctx == "")} {return} ; # silently crap out
    273 	if {$ctx == ""} {
    274 		set globuctx ""
    275 	} {
    276 		set globuctx [% uid2intclient [% nick2uid $ctx]]
    277 	}
    278 }
    280 proc % {c args} {
    281 	set ul [list [curctx proto] $c [curctx sock]]
    282 	foreach {a} $args {lappend ul $a}
    283 	uplevel 1 $ul
    284 }
    286 proc @@ {c args} {
    287 	set ul [list [curctx proto] $c [curctx sock] [curctx unum]]
    288 	foreach {a} $args {lappend ul $a}
    289 	uplevel 1 $ul
    290 }
    292 proc getctx {{type net}} {curctx $type}
    294 proc curctx {{type net}} {
    295 	if {$::globctx == ""} {return "-"}
    296 	switch -exact -- [format ".%s" [string tolower $type]] {
    297 		.sock {
    298 			return $::sock($::globctx)
    299 		}
    300 		.net {
    301 			return $::globctx
    302 		}
    303 		.unum {
    304 			return $::globuctx
    305 		}
    306 		.uid {
    307 			return [% intclient2uid $::globuctx]
    308 		}
    309 		.user {
    310 			return [% uid2nick [% intclient2uid $::globuctx]]
    311 		}
    312 		.proto {
    313 			return $::nettype($::globctx)
    314 		}
    315 	}
    316 }
    318 set globctx ""
    319 set globuctx ""
    321 foreach {pname} [list putserv puthelp putquick putnow] {
    322 	proc $pname {msg} {
    323 		if {[curctx unum] != ""} {
    324 			% putnow [curctx unum] $msg
    325 		} {
    326 			% putnow "" $msg
    327 		}
    328 	}
    329 }
    331 proc pushmode {mode args} {
    332 	@@ putmode $mode [join $args " "]
    333 }
    335 proc matchattr {handle attr {chan "*"}} {
    336 	set handle [string tolower $handle]
    337 	if {-1!=[string first "&" $attr]} {set and 1} {set and 0}
    338 	set gattr [lindex [split $attr "&|"] 0]
    339 	set cattr [lindex [split $attr "&|"] 1]
    340 	if {$handle == "" || $handle == "*"} {return [expr {(($gattr==$cattr||$cattr=="") && $gattr=="-")?1:0}]};# dump
    341 	set isattrg 0
    342 	foreach {c} [split [nda get "eggcompat/[curctx net]/attrs/global/$handle"] {}] {
    343 		foreach {k} [split $gattr {}] {
    344 			if {$c == $k} {set isattrg 1}
    345 		}
    346 	}
    347 	set isattrc 0
    348 	if {"*"!=$chan} {
    349 		foreach {c} [split [nda get "eggcompat/[curctx net]/attrs/[ndaenc $chan]/$handle"] {}] {
    350 			foreach {k} [split $cattr {}] {
    351 				if {$c == $k} {set isattrc 1}
    352 			}
    353 		}
    354 	}
    355 	if {$and && ($isattrg == $isattrc) && ($isattrc == 1)} {return 1}
    356 	if {!$and && ($isattrg || $isattrc)} {return 1}
    357 	return 0
    358 }
    360 proc chattr {handle attr {chan "*"}} {
    361 	set handle [string tolower $handle]
    362 	if {$chan == "*"} {
    363 		set del [list]
    364 		set app ""
    365 		set state app
    366 		foreach {c} [split $attr {}] {
    367 			if {"+"==$c} {set state app;continue}
    368 			if {"-"==$c} {set state del;continue}
    369 			if {$state=="del"} {
    370 				lappend del $c ""
    371 			}
    372 			if {$state=="app"} {
    373 				lappend del $c ""
    374 				append app $c
    375 			}
    376 		}
    377 		nda set "eggcompat/[curctx net]/attrs/global/$handle" [join [concat [string map $del [nda get "eggcompat/[curctx net]/attrs/global/$handle"]] $app] ""]
    378 	} {
    379 		set del [list]
    380 		set app ""
    381 		set state app
    382 		foreach {c} [split $attr {}] {
    383 			if {"+"==$c} {set state app;continue}
    384 			if {"-"==$c} {set state del;continue}
    385 			if {$state=="del"} {
    386 				lappend del $c ""
    387 			}
    388 			if {$state=="app"} {
    389 				lappend del $c ""
    390 				append app $c
    391 			}
    392 		}
    393 		puts stdout [ndaenc $chan]
    394 		nda set "eggcompat/[curctx net]/attrs/[ndaenc $chan]/$handle" [join [concat [string map $del [nda get "eggcompat/[curctx net]/attrs/[ndaenc $chan]/$handle"]] $app] ""]
    395 	}
    396 }
    398 proc channels {} {
    399 	set ret [list]
    400 	foreach {chan _} [nda get "eggcompat/[curctx net]/channels"] {
    401 		lappend ret $chan
    402 	}
    403 	return $ret
    404 }
    406 proc mc {form args} {
    407 	format $form {*}$args
    408 }
    410 #TODO: make this a namespace ensemble
    412 # hey, thanks fireegl
    413 proc channel {command {channel {}} args} {
    414 	# Note: Follow RFC 2812 regarding "2.2 Character codes",
    415 	# Note that RFC 2812 gets the case of ^ and ~ backwards. ^ = uppercase ~ = lowercase
    416 	# We should probably not follow the RFC in this instance and instead use the correct case for those two characters.
    417 	# []\^ (uppers) == {}|~ (lowers)
    418 	set upperchannel [string toupper $channel]
    419 	global database
    420 	switch -- [set command [string tolower $command]] {
    421 		{add} {
    422 			set args [lassign [callchannel $command $channel {*}$args] command channel]
    423 			# Add the channel to the database:
    424 			dbase set eggcompat [curctx net] channels $upperchannel name $channel
    425 			SetUdefDefaults
    426 			# Call ourself again to set the options:
    427 			if {[llength $args]} { channel set $channel {*}$args }
    428 			return {}
    429 		}
    430 		{set} {
    431 			if {![dict exists [dbase get eggcompat [curctx net] channels] $upperchannel]} { return -code error "[mc {Invalid Channel: %s} $channel]" }
    432 			# In the case of "set", $args is already in the form we can use.
    433 			set setnext 0
    434 			foreach o $args {
    435 				if {$setnext} {
    436 					set setnext 0
    437 					switch -- $type {
    438 						{int} - {integer} {
    439 							# Note, settings such as flood-chan are treated as int's.  Hence the need for using split here:
    440 							lassign [callchannel $command $channel $type $name [split $o {:{ }}]] command channel type name o
    441 							dbase set eggcompat [curctx net] channels $upperchannel $name $o
    442 						}
    443 						{str} - {string} {
    444 							lassign [callchannel $command $channel $type $name $o] command channel type name o
    445 							dbase set eggcompat [curctx net] channels $upperchannel $name $o
    446 						}
    447 						{list} - {lappend} {
    448 							lassign [callchannel $command $channel $type $name $o] command channel type name o
    449 							database channels lappend $upperchannel $name $o
    450 						}
    451 						{flag} {
    452 							# This is so we can support flags being set like:
    453 							# [channel set #channel bitch +]
    454 							# or: [channel set #channel revenge 1]
    455 							# The old way is still supported though. (see below)
    456 							switch -- $o {
    457 								{+} { set o 1 }
    458 								{-} { set o 0 }
    459 								{default} { set o [string is true -strict $o] }
    460 							}
    461 							lassign [callchannel $command $channel $type $name $o] command channel type name o
    462 							dbase set eggcompat [curctx net] channels $upperchannel $name $o
    463 						}
    464 						{unknown} - {default} {
    465 							return -code error "[mc {Invalid channel option: %s} $name]"
    466 						}
    467 					}
    468 				} elseif {$o != {}} {
    469 					switch -- [set type [UdefType [set name [string trimleft $o {+-}]]]] {
    470 						{flag} {
    471 							switch -- [string index $o 0] {
    472 								{+} {
    473 									lassign [callchannel $command $channel $type $name 1] command channel type name o
    474 									dbase set eggcompat [curctx net] channels $upperchannel $name $o
    475 								}
    476 								{-} {
    477 									lassign [callchannel $command $channel $type $name 0] command channel type name o
    478 									dbase set eggcompat [curctx net] channels $upperchannel $name $o
    479 								}
    480 								{default} {
    481 									# They must want to set it using a second arg...
    482 									set setnext 1
    483 								}
    484 							}
    485 						}
    486 						{int} - {str} - {list} - {integer} - {string} { set setnext 1 }
    487 						{unknown} - {default} { return -code error "[mc {Illegal channel option: %s} $name]" }
    488 					}
    489 				}
    490 			}
    491 		}
    492 		{info} {
    493 			# COMPATIBILITY WARNING: Because Eggdrop doesn't return the info in any documented or understandable order,
    494 			#                        Tcldrop will return a list of each channel setting and it's value.  This way makes the info MUCH easier to use by Tcl scripters.
    495 			if {[dict exists [dbase get eggcompat [curctx net] channels] $upperchannel]} {
    496 				dict get [dbase get eggcompat [curctx net] channels] $upperchannel
    497 			} else {
    498 				return -code error "[mc {No such channel record: %s} $channel]"
    499 			}
    500 		}
    501 		{get} {
    502 			if {[dict exists [dbase get eggcompat [curctx net] channels] $upperchannel]} {
    503 				if {[dict exists [dbase get eggcompat [curctx net] channels] $upperchannel {*}$args]} {
    504 					dict get [dbase get eggcompat [curctx net] channels] $upperchannel {*}$args
    505 				} else {
    506 					return -code error "[mc {Unknown channel setting: %s} $args]"
    507 				}
    508 			} else {
    509 				return -code error "[mc {No such channel record: %s} $channel]"
    510 			}
    511 		}
    512 		{list} {
    513 			set list [list]
    514 			dict for {key value} [dbase get eggcompat [curctx net] channels] { lappend list [dict get $value name] }
    515 			return $list
    516 		}
    517 		{count} { dict size [dbase get eggcompat [curctx net] channels] }
    518 		{remove} - {rem} - {delete} - {del} {
    519 			if {[dict exists [dbase get eggcompat [curctx net] channels] $upperchannel]} {
    520 				set args [lassign [callchannel $command $channel {*}$args] $command $channel]
    521 				dbase unset eggcompat [curctx net] channels $upperchannel
    522 			} else {
    523 				return -code error "[mc {No such channel record: %s} $channel]"
    524 			}
    525 		}
    526 		{exists} - {exist} {
    527 			if {[dict exists [dbase get eggcompat [curctx net] channels] $upperchannel]} {
    528 				return 1
    529 			} else {
    530 				return 0
    531 			}
    532 		}
    533 		{default} { return -code error "[mc {Unknown channel sub-command "%s".} $command]" }
    534 	}
    535 }
    537 # er, no ellenor, that's not how you do that
    538 #namespace eval channel {
    539 #	proc ::channel::get {chan flag} {
    540 #		if {[::set enda [nda get "eggcompat/[curctx net]/chansets/[ndaenc $chan]/[ndaenc [string map {+ ""} $flag]]"]]!=""} {return $enda} {return 0}
    541 #	}
    542 #	proc ::channel::set {chan flags} {
    543 #		if {[llength $flags] != 1} {
    544 #			foreach {flag} $flags {
    545 #				::set bit [string index $flag 0]
    546 #				if {$bit=="+"} {::set bitt 1} {::set bitt 0}
    547 #				::set flag [string range $flag 1 end]
    548 #				nda set "eggcompat/[curctx net]/chansets/[ndaenc $chan]/[ndaenc [string map {+ ""} $flag]]" $bitt
    549 #			}
    550 #		} {
    551 #			::set bit [string index $flags 0]
    552 #			if {$bit=="+"} {::set bitt 1} {::set bitt 0}
    553 #			::set flag [string range $flags 1 end]
    554 #			nda set "eggcompat/[curctx net]/chansets/[ndaenc $chan]/[ndaenc [string map {+ ""} $flags]]" $bitt
    555 #		}
    556 #	}
    557 #	namespace export *
    558 #	namespace ensemble create
    559 #}
    561 proc validuser {n} {
    562 	if {""==[dbase get usernames [curctx net] $n]} {return 0} {return 1}
    563 }
    565 proc userlist {} {
    566 	set r [list]
    567 	foreach {u _} [dbase get usernames [curctx net]] {
    568 		lappend r $u
    569 	}
    570 	return $r
    571 }
    573 proc deluser {username} {
    574 	if {![validuser $username]} {return 0}
    575 	dbase unset usernames [curctx net] $username
    576 }
    578 proc delhost {username hostmask} {
    579 	if {![validuser $username]} {return 0}
    580 	set hmsks [dbase get usernames [curctx net] $username hostmasks
    581 	set tounset [list]
    582 	foreach {bindn hm} $hmsks {
    583 		if {[string tolower $hm] == $hostmask} {lappend tounset $bindn}
    584 	}
    585 	foreach {n} $tounset {
    586 		dbase unset usernames [curctx net] $username hostmasks $n
    587 	}
    588 	return 1
    589 }
    591 proc addhost {username hostmask} {adduser $username $hostmask}
    593 proc adduser {username {hostmask ""}} {
    594 	#if {[validuser $username]} {return 0}
    595 	if {$hostmask != ""} {set moretodo 1} {set moretodo 0}
    596 	while {0!=$moretodo} {
    597                 set bindnum [rand 1 10000000]
    598                 if {[dbase get usernames [curctx net] $username hostmasks $bindnum]==""} {set moretodo 0}
    599         }
    600 	if {$hostmask != ""} {dbase set usernames [curctx net] $username hostmasks $bindnum $hostmask}
    601 	dbase set usernames [curctx net] $username reg 1
    602 	return 1
    603 }
    605 #llbind [curctx sock] msg 77 "chanset" msgchanset
    606 #llbind [curctx sock] msg 77 "chattr" msgchattr
    607 #llbind [curctx sock] msg 77 "setxtra" msgxtra
    608 #set botnick $cs(nick)
    609 #chattr $cs(admin) +mnolv
    611 proc msgchanset {from msg} {
    612 	set ndacname [ndaenc [lindex $msg 0 0]]
    613 	set chanset [lindex $msg 0 1]
    614 	if {300>[nda get "regchan/$ndacname/levels/[string tolower [tnda get "login/$from"]]"] && ![matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"] m|m [lindex $msg 0 0]]} {
    615 		[curctx proto] notice [curctx sock] 77 $from "Only channel super-operators (300) and above and network masters may use eggdrop-compatible chansets."
    616 		return
    617 	}
    618 	channel set [lindex $msg 0 0] $chanset
    619 	[curctx proto] notice [curctx sock] 77 $from "Eggdrop compatible chanset $chanset set on [lindex $msg 0 0]."
    620 }
    622 proc msgchattr {from msg} {
    623 	set ndacname [ndaenc [lindex $msg 0 2]]
    624 	set handle [lindex $msg 0 0]
    625 	set hand [lindex $msg 0 0]
    626 	set attrs [lindex $msg 0 1]
    627 	set chan [lindex $msg 0 2]
    628 	set ch [lindex $msg 0 2]
    629 	foreach {c} [split $attrs {}] {
    630 		if {$c == "+"} {continue}
    631 		if {$c == "-"} {continue}
    632 		if {$c == "k"} {set c "mn|mnol"}
    633 		if {$c == "v"} {set c "mn|lmno"}
    634 		if {$c == "l"} {set c "mn|mno"}
    635 		if {$c == "o"} {set c "mn|omn"}
    636 		if {$c == "m"} {set c "mn|mn"}
    637 		if {$c == "n"} {set c "n|n"}
    638 		if {$c == "a"} {set c "mn|"}
    639 		if {![matchattr [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"] $c $chan]} {
    640 			[curctx proto] notice [curctx sock] 77 $from "You may only give flags you already possess (Any of flags $c required to set $attrs)."
    641 			return
    642 		}
    643 	}
    644 	if {""==$chan} {chattr $hand $attrs} {chattr $hand $attrs $chan}
    645 	[curctx proto] notice [curctx sock] 77 $from "Global flags for $hand are now [nda get "eggcompat/[curctx net]/attrs/global/[string tolower $handle]"]"
    646 	if {""==[nda get "regchan/$ndacname/levels/[string tolower $hand]"]} {nda set "regchan/$ndacname/levels/[string tolower $hand]" 1}
    647 	if {$ch != ""} {[curctx proto] notice [curctx sock] 77 $from "Flags on $chan for $hand are now [nda get "eggcompat/[curctx net]/attrs/$ndacname/[string tolower $handle]"]"}
    648 }
    650 proc nick2hand {nick} {
    651 	foreach {uid nic} [tnda get "nick/[curctx net]"] {
    652 		if {[string tolower $nick] == [string tolower $nic]} {return [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$uid"]}
    653 	}
    654 }
    656 proc uid2hand {uid} {
    657 	return [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$uid"]
    658 }
    660 proc getuser {nick datafield {dataval "body"}} {
    661 	return [dbase get usernames [curctx net] $nick setuser [ndaenc $datafield] [ndaenc $dataval]]
    662 }
    664 proc setuser {nick datafield {dataval "body"} {val {}}} {
    665 	puts stdout "$nick $datafield $dataval $val"
    666 	if {[string tolower $datafield] == "pass"} {usetpass $nick $dataval}
    667 	if {[string tolower $datafield] == "hosts"} {addhost $nick $dataval}
    668 	if {$val == {} && [string tolower $datafield] != "xtra"} {
    669 		return [dbase set usernames [curctx net] $nick setuser [ndaenc $datafield] $dataval]
    670 	} {
    671 		return [dbase set usernames [curctx net] $nick setuser [ndaenc $datafield] [ndaenc $dataval] $val]
    672 	}
    673 }
    675 proc msgxtra {from msg} {
    676 	if {[set log [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"]]==""} {
    677 		[curctx proto] notice [curctx sock] 77 $from "Until you've registered with the bot, you have no business setting XTRA values."
    678 		return
    679 	}
    680 	set subfield [lindex $msg 0 0]
    681 	set value [join [lrange [lindex $msg 0] 1 end] " "]
    682 	setuser $log "XTRA" $subfield $value
    683 	[curctx proto] notice [curctx sock] 77 $from "Set your user record XTRA $subfield to $value."
    684 }
    686 proc chandname2name {channame} {return $channame}
    687 proc channame2dname {channame} {return $channame}
    689 proc islinked {bot} {return 0}
    691 proc operHasPrivilege {n i p} {
    692 	# this bit requires irca.
    693 	set metadatum [tnda get "metadata/$n/$i/[ndcenc PRIVS]"]
    694 	set md [split $metadatum " "]
    695 	set pl [split $p " ,"]
    696 	foreach {pv} $pl {
    697 		if {[lsearch $md $pv] != -1} {return 1}
    698 	}
    699 	return 0
    700 }
    702 proc operHasAllPrivileges {n i p} {
    703 	# this bit requires irca.
    704 	set metadatum [tnda get "metadata/$n/$i/[ndcenc PRIVS]"]
    705 	set md [split $metadatum " "]
    706 	set pl [split $p " ,"]
    707 	foreach {pv} $pl {
    708 		if {[lsearch $md $pv] == -1} {return 0}
    709 	}
    710 	return 1
    711 }
    713 foreach {pn} [list botisop botisvoice botishalfop] {
    714 	proc $pn {args} {return 1}
    715 }
    717 proc isop {chan id} {
    718 	return [ismode $chan $id o]
    719 }
    721 proc isvoice {chan id} {
    722 	return [ismode $chan $id v]
    723 }
    725 proc ishalf {chan id} {
    726 	return [ismode $chan $id h]
    727 }
    729 proc ishalfop {chan id} {
    730 	return [ismode $chan $id h]
    731 }
    733 proc ismode {chan id mode} {
    734 	if {[string first $mode [[curctx proto] getupfx [curctx sock] $chan $id]] != -1} {return 1} {return 0}
    735 }
    737 proc ismodebutnot {chan id mode} {
    738 	if {[string length [[curctx proto] getupfx [curctx sock] $chan $id]] > 0 && [string first $mode [[curctx proto] getupfx [curctx sock] $chan $id]] == -1} {return 1} {return 0}
    739 }
    741 # rules are odd. you should store the bind return in a variable to unbind it.
    742 # flags aren't part of the bind define.
    743 set nonusertypes [list conn  create  encap  evnt  join  login  mark  mode  part  pub  notc  quit  topic pubm nick ctcp ctcr]
    744 set lowertypes [list notc ctcp ctcr pub msg]
    745 proc ibind {type flag text script} {
    746 	set ctxsock [curctx sock]
    747 	set ctxuser [curctx unum]
    748 	if {[lsearch -exact $::nonusertypes [string tolower $type]] != -1} {set binduser "-"} {set binduser $ctxuser}
    749 	if {[lsearch -exact $::lowertypes [string tolower $type]] != -1} {set text [string tolower $text]}
    750 	return [llbind $ctxsock $type $binduser $text [list setupthenrun [list [curctx net] $ctxsock $type $ctxuser $flag $text] $script]]
    751 }
    753 proc bind {type flag text script} {
    754 	set ctxsock [curctx sock]
    755 	set ctxuser [curctx unum]
    756 	if {[lsearch -exact $::nonusertypes [string tolower $type]] != -1} {set binduser "-"} {set binduser $ctxuser}
    757 	if {[lsearch -exact $::lowertypes [string tolower $type]] != -1} {set text [string tolower $text]}
    758 	#puts stdout [list llbind $ctxsock $type $binduser $text [list isetupthenrun [list [curctx net] $ctxsock $type $ctxuser $flag $text] $script]]
    759 	return [llbind $ctxsock $type $binduser $text [list isetupthenrun [list [curctx net] $ctxsock $type $ctxuser $flag $text] $script]]
    760 }
    762 proc unbind {type flag text {scrip ""}} {
    763 	set ctxsock [curctx sock]
    764 	set ctxuser [curctx unum]
    765 	if {[lsearch -exact $::nonusertypes [string tolower $type]] != -1} {set binduser "-"} {set binduser $ctxuser}
    766 	if {[lsearch -exact $::lowertypes [string tolower $type]] != -1} {set text [string tolower $text]}
    767 	set binds [tnda get "llbinds/[curctx net]/$type/$binduser/[ndcenc $text]"]
    768 	set killids [list]
    769 	foreach {id script} $binds {
    770 		if {[lindex $script 0] == "isetupthenrun" || [lindex $script 0] == "setupthenrun"} {
    771 			set opts [lindex $script 1]
    772 			lassign $opts netctx sockctx otype userctx flags otext
    773 			if {$userctx == $ctxuser && $otype == $type && $text == $otext && ($scrip == "" || $scrip == $script)} {lappend killids $id}
    774 		}
    775 	}
    776 	foreach {id} $killids {
    777 		unllbind $ctxsock $type $binduser $text $id
    778 	}
    779 }
    781 proc setupthenrun {opts script args} {
    782 	lassign $opts netctx sockctx type userctx flags text
    783 	global globuctx
    784 	setctx $netctx
    785 	set globuctx $userctx
    786 	foreach {a} $args {
    787 		lappend script $a
    788 	}
    789 	eval $script
    790 }
    792 proc isetupthenrun {opts script args} {
    793 	lassign $opts netctx sockctx type userctx flags text
    794 	global globuctx
    795 	if {-1!=[lsearch -exact [list] $type]} {set chan [lindex $args 1]} {set chan "*"}
    796 	setctx $netctx
    797 	set globuctx $userctx
    798 	# "nick uhost hand"
    799 	lappend script [% uid2nick [lindex $args 0]]
    800 	lappend script [format "%s@%s" [% uid2ident [lindex $args 0]] [% uid2host [lindex $args 0]]]
    801 	lappend script [uid2hand [lindex $args 0]]
    802 	if {![set output [matchattr [uid2hand [lindex $args 0]] $flags $chan]]} {puts stdout "execution denied of $script - matchattr is $output";return}
    803 	foreach {a} [lrange $args 1 end] {
    804 		lappend script $a
    805 	}
    806 	puts stdout "$script"
    807 	eval $script
    808 }
    810 foreach {def} {
    811 protectop protecthalfop protectvoice operit autoop autohalfop autovoice bitch halfbitch voicebitch inactive
    812 } {
    813 setudef flag $def
    814 }
    816 proc onchan {nick chan} {
    817 	set uid [% nick2uid $nick]
    818 	set ndacname [ndaenc $chan]
    819 	if {[tnda get "userchan/[curctx net]/$uid/$ndacname"] == "1"} {return 1} {return 0}
    820 }
    822 proc alg {{ha ""}} {
    823 	if {$ha == ""} {
    824 		if {[set ha [cdbase get misc [curctx net] hashing]] != ""} {return $ha}
    825 		if {[set ha [cdbase get gmisc hashing]] != ""} {return $ha}
    826 		return "SSHA256"
    827 	} {return $ha}
    828 }
    830 proc passwdok {n p} {
    831 	set isp [dbase get usernames [curctx net] $n pass]
    832 	set chkp [pwhash [alg [lindex [split $isp "/"] 0]] $p [lindex [split $isp "/"] end-1]]
    833 	if {$isp==""} {return 1}
    834 	if {$chkp == $isp} {return 1}
    835 	return 0
    836 }
    838 proc usetpass {n p s} {
    839 	set chkp [pwhash [alg] $p $s]
    840 	dbase get usernames [curctx net] $n pass $chkp
    841 }