commit 34f646f25679c01344b0f432b8e21f218ac8ee92
parent 21b7fd4d58f57f9e9b3ef619b3d248e1bec1fdd0
Author: Ellenor Malik <>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2018 15:32:13 -0700
6 files changed, 174 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)
diff --git a/core/0002-statemachine.tcl b/core/0002-statemachine.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+proc nick2uid {sck nick} {
+ foreach {u n} [tnda get "nick/$::netname($sck)"] {
+ if {[string tolower $n] == [string tolower $nick]} {return $u}
+ }
+ return ""
+proc intclient2uid {sck nick} {
+ foreach {u n} [tnda get "intclient/$::netname($sck)"] {
+ if {[string tolower $n] == [string tolower $nick]} {return $u}
+ }
+ return ""
+proc uid2nick {sck u} {
+ return [tnda get "nick/$::netname($sck)/$u"]
+proc uid2rhost {sck u} {
+ return [tnda get "rhost/$::netname($sck)/$u"]
+proc uid2host {sck u} {
+ return [tnda get "vhost/$::netname($sck)/$u"]
+proc uid2ident {sck u} {
+ return [tnda get "ident/$::netname($sck)/$u"]
+proc nick2host {sck nick} {
+ return [tnda get "vhost/$::netname($sck)/[nick2uid $netname $nick]"]
+proc nick2ident {sck nick} {
+ return [tnda get "ident/$::netname($sck)/[nick2uid $netname $nick]"]
+proc nick2rhost {sck nick} {
+ return [tnda get "rhost/$::netname($sck)/[nick2uid $netname $nick]"]
+proc nick2ipaddr {sck nick} {
+ return [tnda get "ipaddr/$::netname($sck)/[nick2uid $netname $nick]"]
+proc getts {sck chan} {
+ return [tnda get "channels/$::netname($sck)/[ndaenc $chan]/ts"]
+proc getpfx {sck chan nick} {
+ return [tnda get "channels/$::netname($sck)/[ndaenc $chan]/modes/[nick2uid $netname $nick]"]
+proc getupfx {sck chan u} {
+ return [tnda get "channels/$::netname($sck)/[ndaenc $chan]/modes/$u"]
+proc getpfxchars {sck modes} {
+ set o ""
+ foreach {c} [split $modes {}] {
+ append o [nda get "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/prefix/$c"]
+ }
+ return $o
+proc getmetadata {sck nick metadatum} {
+ return [tnda get "metadata/$::netname($sck)/[nick2uid $netname $nick]/[ndcenc $metadatum]"]
+proc getcertfp {sck nick} {
+ return [tnda get "certfps/$::netname($sck)/[nick2uid $netname $nick]"]
+proc checkop {mc s c p n} {
+ set f $s
+ set t $c
+ if {[tnda get "netinfo/$n/pfxchar/$mc"]==""} {return}
+putcmdlog "up $mc $f $t $p $n"
+ set chan [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower $t]]]
+ tnda set "channels/$n/$chan/modes/$p" [format {%s%s} [string map [list $mc ""] [tnda get "channels/$n/$chan/modes/$p"]] $mc]
+proc checkdeop {mc s c p n} {
+ set f $s
+ set t $c
+ if {[tnda get "netinfo/$n/pfxchar/$mc"]==""} {return}
+putcmdlog "down $mc $f $t $p $n"
+ set chan [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower $t]]]
+ tnda set "channels/$n/$chan/modes/$p" [string map [list $mc ""] [tnda get "channels/$n/$chan/modes/$p"]]
+proc uid2intclient {sck u} {
+ return [tnda get "intclient/$::netname($sck)/$u"]
+proc getfreeuid {sck} {
+set work 1
+set cns [list]
+foreach {_ cnum} [tnda get "intclient/$::netname($sck)"] {lappend cns $cnum}
+while {0!=$work} {set num [expr {[rand 30000]+10000}];if {[lsearch -exact $cns $num]==-1} {set work 0}}
+return $num
diff --git a/core/0999-conn.tcl b/core/0999-conn.tcl
@@ -39,14 +39,15 @@ proc mknetwork {headlines block} {
lappend pfx $p
lappend pfx $m
- tnda set "ts6/$netname/prefix" $pfx
+ tnda set "netinfo/$netname/prefix" $pfx
} {
# safe defaults, will cover charybdis and chatircd
- tnda set "ts6/$netname/prefix" [list @ o % h + v]
+ tnda set "netinfo/$netname/prefix" [list @ o % h + v]
# open a connection
set socke [connect $host $port [list $proto irc-main]]
after 500 $proto login $socke $numeric $pass $netname $servername
+ llbind - dead - $socke [list after 5000 [list mknetwork $headlines $block]]
# store it up
# postblock network $headlines $block
diff --git a/core/2003-ts6.tcl b/core/2003-ts6.tcl
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ proc ::ts6::sendUid {sck nick ident host dhost uid {realname "* Unknown *"} {mod
set sendid [::ts6::b64e $uid]
set sendnn [string repeat "A" [expr {6-[string length $sendid]}]]
append sendnn $sendid
- if {![tnda get "ts6/$::netname($sck)/euid"]} {
+ if {![tnda get "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/euid"]} {
set sl [format ":%s UID %s 1 %s %s %s %s 0 %s%s :%s" $sid $nick [clock format [clock seconds] -format %s] $modes $ident $host $sid $sendnn $realname]
} {
set sl [format ":%s EUID %s 1 %s %s %s %s 0 %s%s %s * :%s" $sid $nick [clock format [clock seconds] -format %s] $modes $ident $dhost $sid $sendnn $host $realname]
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ proc ::ts6::setnick {sck uid newnick} {
proc ::ts6::sethost {sck targ topic} {
set sid [string repeat "0" [expr {3-[string length [::ts6::b64e $::sid($sck)]]}]]
append sid [::ts6::b64e $::sid($sck)]
- if {![tnda get "ts6/$::netname($sck)/euid"]} {
+ if {![tnda get "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/euid"]} {
putl $sck [format ":%s ENCAP * CHGHOST %s %s" $sid $targ $topic]
} {
putl $sck [format ":%s CHGHOST %s %s" $sid $targ $topic]
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ proc ::ts6::putjoin {sck uid targ {ts ""}} {
proc ::ts6::validchan {sck channelname} {
if {[string is digit [string index $channelname 0]] && [string length $channelname] == 9} {return 0} ;# valid handle, not valid channel
- if {[string first [string index $channelname 0] [tnda get "ts6/$::netname($sck)/[ndaenc CHANTYPES]"]] != -1} {return 1} ;# could be valid channel, so let's just say yes
+ if {[string first [string index $channelname 0] [tnda get "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/[ndaenc CHANTYPES]"]] != -1} {return 1} ;# could be valid channel, so let's just say yes
proc ::ts6::quitstorm {sck sid comment {doinit 1}} {
@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ proc ::ts6::irc-main {sck} {
putl stdout "We're dead, folks."
# firellbind $sck evnt "-" "ts6.dead" $::netname($sck) $sck
firellbind $sck evnt "-" "dead" $::netname($sck) $sck
+ firellbind - evnt "-" "dead" $sck $::netname($sck)
close $sck
gets $sck line
@@ -302,14 +303,15 @@ proc ::ts6::irc-main {sck} {
- set sid [string repeat "0" [expr {3-[string length [::ts6::b64e $::sid($sck)]]}]];append sid [::ts6::b64e $::sid($sck)]
+ set ssid [string repeat "0" [expr {3-[string length [::ts6::b64e $::sid($sck)]]}]];append ssid [::ts6::b64e $::sid($sck)]
set failedserver [lindex $comd [expr {$one + 1}]]
# is it us?
- if {$failedserver == $sid} {
+ if {$failedserver == $ssid} {
#yes, it's us.
putcmdlog "We're dead, folks."
firellbind $sck evnt "-" "ts6.dead" $::netname($sck)
firellbind $sck evnt "-" "dead" $::netname($sck)
+ firellbind - evnt "-" "dead" $sck $::netname($sck)
# Mark all servers with an uplink in failedservers as split
@@ -346,37 +348,37 @@ proc ::ts6::irc-main {sck} {
foreach {key val} [split $tok "="] {
if {$key == "PREFIX"} {
# We're in luck! Server advertises its PREFIX in VERSION reply to servers.
- if {[tnda get "ts6/$::netname($sck)/pfxissjoin"] == 1} {continue}
+ if {[tnda get "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/pfxissjoin"] == 1} {continue}
set v [string range $val 1 end]
set mod [split $v ")"]
set modechar [split [lindex $mod 1] {}]
set modepref [split [lindex $mod 0] {}]
foreach {c} $modechar {x} $modepref {
- tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/prefix/$c" $x
+ tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/prefix/$c" $x
foreach {x} $modechar {c} $modepref {
- tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/pfxchar/$c" $x
+ tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/pfxchar/$c" $x
} elseif {$key == "SJOIN"} {
# We're in luck! Server advertises its PREFIX in VERSION reply to servers.
- tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/pfxissjoin" 1
+ tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/pfxissjoin" 1
set v [string range $val 1 end]
set mod [split $v ")"]
set modechar [split [lindex $mod 1] {}]
set modepref [split [lindex $mod 0] {}]
foreach {c} $modechar {x} $modepref {
- tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/prefix/$c" $x
+ tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/prefix/$c" $x
foreach {x} $modechar {c} $modepref {
- tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/pfxchar/$c" $x
+ tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/pfxchar/$c" $x
} elseif {$key == "CHANMODES"} {
set spt [split $val ","]
- tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/chmparm" [format "%s%s" [lindex $spt 0] [lindex $spt 1]]
- tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/chmpartparm" [lindex $spt 2]
- tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/chmnoparm" [lindex $spt 3]
+ tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/chmparm" [format "%s%s" [lindex $spt 0] [lindex $spt 1]]
+ tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/chmpartparm" [lindex $spt 2]
+ tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/chmnoparm" [lindex $spt 3]
} else {
- tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/[ndaenc $key]" $val
+ tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/[ndaenc $key]" $val
@@ -395,7 +397,7 @@ proc ::ts6::irc-main {sck} {
- if {![tnda get "ts6/$::netname($sck)/connected"]} {return}
+ if {![tnda get "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/connected"]} {return}
if {[::ts6::validchan $sck [lindex $comd 2]]} {
set client chan
firellbind $sck pubnotc "-" [string tolower [lindex [split $payload " "] 0]] [lindex $comd 2] [lindex $comd 0] [join [lrange [split $payload " "] 1 end] " "]
@@ -447,7 +449,7 @@ proc ::ts6::irc-main {sck} {
set state 1
} elseif {$c == "-"} {
set state 0
- } elseif {[string match [format "*%s*" $c] [tnda get "ts6/$::netname($sck)/chmparm"]] || ($state&&[string match [format "*%s*" $c] [tnda get "ts6/$::netname($sck)/chmpartparm"]])} {
+ } elseif {[string match [format "*%s*" $c] [tnda get "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/chmparm"]] || ($state&&[string match [format "*%s*" $c] [tnda get "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/chmpartparm"]])} {
firellbind $sck mode "-" [expr {$state ? "+" : "-"}] $c [lindex $comd 0] [lindex $comd 3] [lindex $comd [incr ctr]] $::netname($sck)
} else {
firellbind $sck mode "-" [expr {$state ? "+" : "-"}] $c [lindex $comd 0] [lindex $comd 3] "" $::netname($sck)
@@ -476,10 +478,10 @@ proc ::ts6::irc-main {sck} {
set uo ""
set state uo
set un [string range $nick end-8 end]
- set uo [string map [tnda get "ts6/$::netname($sck)/prefix"] [string range $nick 0 end-9]]
+ set uo [string map [tnda get "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/prefix"] [string range $nick 0 end-9]]
# foreach {c} [split $nick {}] {
# if {[string is digit $c]} {set state un}
-# if {$state == "uo"} {set c [tnda get "ts6/$::netname($sck)/prefix/$c"] ; }
+# if {$state == "uo"} {set c [tnda get "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/prefix/$c"] ; }
# if {"un"==$state} {append un $c}
# if {"uo"==$state} {append uo $c}
# }
@@ -643,11 +645,11 @@ proc ::ts6::irc-main {sck} {
- tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/euid" 0
+ tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/euid" 0
foreach {cw} [split $payload " "] {
- if {$cw == "EUID"} {tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/euid" 1}
+ if {$cw == "EUID"} {tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/euid" 1}
- tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/connected" 1
+ tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/connected" 1
"PING" {
@@ -673,12 +675,12 @@ proc ::ts6::login {sck {osid "42"} {password "link"} {servname "net"} {servernam
set sock($servname) $sck
set sid($sck) $osid
set sid($servname) $osid
- tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/connected" 0
- tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/euid" 0
+ tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/connected" 0
+ tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/euid" 0
#if {$halfops == ""} {tnda set "pfx/halfop" v} {tnda set "pfx/halfop" $halfops}
#if {![info exists ::ts6(ownermode)]} {tnda set "pfx/owner" o} {tnda set "pfx/owner" $ownermode)}
#if {![info exists ::ts6(protectmode)]} {tnda set "pfx/protect" o} {tnda set "pfx/protect" $protectmode}
- if {$useeuid == ""} {tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/euid" 1} {tnda set "ts6/$::netname($sck)/euid" $useeuid}
+ if {$useeuid == ""} {tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/euid" 1} {tnda set "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/euid" $useeuid}
putl $sck "PASS $password TS 6 :$num"
@@ -741,7 +743,7 @@ proc ::ts6::getupfx {sck chan u} {
proc ::ts6::getpfxchars {sck modes} {
set o ""
foreach {c} [split $modes {}] {
- append o [nda get "ts6/$::netname($sck)/prefix/$c"]
+ append o [nda get "netinfo/$::netname($sck)/prefix/$c"]
return $o
@@ -755,7 +757,7 @@ proc ::ts6::getcertfp {sck nick} {
proc ::ts6::checkop {mc s c p n} {
set f $s
set t $c
- if {[tnda get "ts6/$n/pfxchar/$mc"]==""} {return}
+ if {[tnda get "netinfo/$n/pfxchar/$mc"]==""} {return}
putcmdlog "up $mc $f $t $p $n"
set chan [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower $t]]]
tnda set "channels/$n/$chan/modes/$p" [format {%s%s} [string map [list $mc ""] [tnda get "channels/$n/$chan/modes/$p"]] $mc]
@@ -764,7 +766,7 @@ putcmdlog "up $mc $f $t $p $n"
proc ::ts6::checkdeop {mc s c p n} {
set f $s
set t $c
- if {[tnda get "ts6/$n/pfxchar/$mc"]==""} {return}
+ if {[tnda get "netinfo/$n/pfxchar/$mc"]==""} {return}
putcmdlog "down $mc $f $t $p $n"
set chan [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower $t]]]
tnda set "channels/$n/$chan/modes/$p" [string map [list $mc ""] [tnda get "channels/$n/$chan/modes/$p"]]
diff --git a/language.txt b/language.txt
@@ -20,3 +20,4 @@ quoteserv.enopriv 14>5>4> You do not have the required privileges to execute
quoteserv.removed 14>3>9> Removed quote number %s (by %s) from database.
quoteserv.removedcontents 14>2>12> Removed quote was: %s
quoteserv.left 14>7>8> The quote service was requested to leave by %s. Ja mata!
+quoteserv.disabled 14>7>8> Sorry, the quote service is disabled for %s.
diff --git a/modules/debugserv.tcl b/modules/debugserv.tcl
@@ -32,10 +32,15 @@ proc debugservenabled {chan} {
return 1
+proc debugserv.armdns {headline block} {
proc debugserv.oneintro {headline block} {
set net [lindex $headline 0]
set nsock $::sock($net)
- dictassign $block logchan logchan nick nick ident ident host host modes modes realname realname rehashprivs rehashprivs idcommand nspass nickserv nickserv nsserv nsserv
+ dictassign $block logchan logchan nick nick ident ident host host modes modes realname realname rehashprivs rehashprivs idcommand nspass nickserv nickserv nsserv nsserv \
+ dnsconf dnsconf
tnda set "debugserv/$net/rehashprivs" $rehashprivs
tnda set "debugserv/$net/logchan" $logchan
#tnda set "debugserv/$net/nspass" $nspass
@@ -68,10 +73,17 @@ proc debugserv.oneintro {headline block} {
llbind $nsock msg [tnda get "debugserv/$net/ourid"] "metadata" [list debugserv.metadata $net]
llbind $nsock msg [tnda get "debugserv/$net/ourid"] "rehash" [list debugserv.rehash $net]
# llbind $nsock pub - "gettext" [list debugserv.gettext $net]
+ llbind $nsock pub - "!usage" [list debugserv.pusage $net]
+ debugserv.armdns $headline $dnsconf
puts stdout "llbind $nsock msg [tnda get "debugserv/$net/ourid"] metadata [list debugserv.metdata $net]"
puts stdout [format "Connected for %s: %s %s %s" $net $nick $ident $host]
+proc debugserv.pusage {n c i m} {
+ set uptime [exec uptime]
+ % [expr {$c != $i ? "privmsg" : "notice"}] [tnda get "debugserv/$n/ourid"] $c $uptime
proc debugserv.rehash {n i m} {debugserv.crehash $n $i $i $m}
proc debugserv.crehash {n c i m} {
diff --git a/modules/quoteserv.tcl b/modules/quoteserv.tcl
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ quoteserv.usevalidint ^C14>^C5>^C4>^C Please use a valid integer, without the #.
quoteserv.enopriv ^C14>^C5>^C4>^C You do not have the required privileges to execute the command queued (requires flags +%s in ChanServ, or oper permissions %$
quoteserv.removed ^C14>^C3>^C9>^C Removed quote number %s (by %s) from database.
quoteserv.removedcontents ^C14>^C2>^C12>^C Removed quote was: %s
+quoteserv.disabled >>> Sorry, I'm disabled for %s.
proc quoteservdo {n chan from m} {
@@ -123,77 +124,65 @@ proc quoteservdo {n chan from m} {
set subcmd [lindex [split $m " "] 0]
set para [lrange [split $m " "] 1 end]
set opara [lrange [split $m " "] 1 end]
+ if {$chan == 0} {
+ set chan [string tolower [lindex $opara 0]]
+ set targ $from
+ set ndacname [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower [lindex $opara 0]]]]
+ set para [lrange $para 1 end]
+ if {![quoteservenabled [lindex $opara 0]]} {
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.disabled $chan]
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ set targ $chan
+ }
switch -nocase -glob -- $subcmd {
"se*" {
- if {$chan == 0} {
- set chan $from
- set ndacname [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower [lindex $opara 0]]]]
- set para [lrange $para 1 end]
- if {![quoteservenabled [lindex $opara 0]]} {return}
- }
set ptn [format "*%s*" [join $para " "]]
set qts [quotesearch $chan $ptn]
if {[llength $qts] != 0} {
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.results #[join $qts ", #"]]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.results #[join $qts ", #"]]
} {
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
"vi*1st*ma*" {
- if {$chan == 0} {
- set chan $from
- set ndacname [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower [lindex $opara 0]]]]
- set para [lrange $para 1 end]
- if {![quoteservenabled [lindex $opara 0]]} {return}
- }
set ptn [format "*%s*" [join $para " "]]
set qts [quotesearch $chan $ptn]
if {[llength $qts]} {
set qtn [lindex $qts 0]
set qt [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/q$qtn"]
set qb [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/u$qtn"]
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.qheader $qtn $qb]
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.quote $qt]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.qheader $qtn $qb]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.quote $qt]
} {
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
"ad*" {
- if {$chan == 0} {
- set chan $from
- set ndacname [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower [lindex $opara 0]]]]
- set para [lrange $para 1 end]
- if {![quoteservenabled [lindex $opara 0]]} {return}
- }
set qt [join $para " "]
set qtn [expr {([llength [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname"]]/6)+1}]
nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/q$qtn" $qt
nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/u$qtn" [format "(%s) %s!%s@%s" [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"] [% uid2nick $from] [% uid2ident $from] [% uid2host $from]]
nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/a$qtn" [string tolower [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"]]
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.added $qtn]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.added $qtn]
"gad*" {
set qt [join $para " "]
set qtn [expr {([llength [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname"]]/6)+3}]
if {![operHasPrivilege [curctx net] $from [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]} {
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
} {
nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/q$qtn" $qt
nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/u$qtn" [format "(%s) %s!%s@%s" [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"] [% uid2nick $from] [% uid2ident $from] [% uid2host $from]]
nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/a$qtn" [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"]
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.added $qtn]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.added $qtn]
"de*" {
- if {$chan == 0} {
- set chan $from
- set ndacname [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower [lindex $opara 0]]]]
- set para [lrange $para 1 end]
- if {![quoteservenabled [lindex $opara 0]]} {return}
- }
set qtn [lindex $para 0]
if {![string is integer $qtn]} {
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]
if {[ismodebutnot $chan $from v] || [operHasPrivilege [curctx net] $from [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]] || [string tolower [uid2hand $from]] == [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/a$qtn"]} {
set qt [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/q$qtn"]
@@ -202,74 +191,62 @@ proc quoteservdo {n chan from m} {
nda unset "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/q$qtn"
nda unset "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/u$qtn"
nda unset "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/a$qtn"
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.removed $qtn $qb]
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.removedcontents $qt]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.removed $qtn $qb]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.removedcontents $qt]
} {
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
"gde*" {
set qtn [lindex $para 0]
- if {![string is integer $qtn]} {% privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]}
+ if {![string is integer $qtn]} {% privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]}
if {[operHasPrivilege [curctx net] $from [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]} {
nda unset "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/q$qtn" ""
nda unset "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/u$qtn" ""
nda unset "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/a$qtn" ""
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan "\[\002Quotes\002\] Blanked quote number #$qtn in database."
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ "\[\002Quotes\002\] Blanked quote number #$qtn in database."
} {
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
"jo*" {
- if {$chan == 0} {
- set chan $from
- }
set tochan [lindex $para 0]
if {[ismodebutnot $tochan $from v] || [operHasPrivilege [curctx net] $from [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]} {
quoteservjoin $tochan
} {
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
"goa*" - "pa*" - "le*" {
- if {$chan == 0} {
- set chan $from
- }
set tochan [lindex $para 0]
if {[ismodebutnot $tochan $from v] || [operHasPrivilege [curctx net] $from [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]} {
quoteservpart $tochan [format "(%s) %s!%s@%s" [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"] [% uid2nick $from] [% uid2ident $from] [% uid2host $from]]
} {
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
"vi*" {
- if {$chan == 0} {
- set chan $from
- set ndacname [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower [lindex $opara 0]]]]
- set para [lrange $para 1 end]
- if {![quoteservenabled [lindex $opara 0]]} {return}
- }
set qtn [lindex $para 0]
- if {![string is integer $qtn]} {% privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]}
+ if {![string is integer $qtn]} {% privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]}
set qt [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/q$qtn"]
set qb [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/u$qtn"]
if {$qt != ""} {
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.qheader $qtn $qb]
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.quote $qt]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.qheader $qtn $qb]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.quote $qt]
} {
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
"gvi*" {
set qtn [lindex $para 0]
- if {![string is integer $qtn]} {% privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]}
+ if {![string is integer $qtn]} {% privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]}
set qt [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/q$qtn"]
set qb [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/u$qtn"]
if {$qt != ""} {
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.qheader $qtn $qb]
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.quote $qt]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.qheader $qtn $qb]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.quote $qt]
} {
- % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $targ [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
"he*" {