commit 21b7fd4d58f57f9e9b3ef619b3d248e1bec1fdd0
parent 9e2b737750c78f8bb76a3cd9acc88af5e8c363d8
Author: Ellenor Malik <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2018 05:45:11 -0700
10 files changed, 207 insertions(+), 210 deletions(-)
diff --git a/core/0000-callbacks.tcl b/core/0000-callbacks.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+proc llbind {sock type client comd script} {
+ set moretodo 1
+ while {0!=$moretodo} {
+ set llbindnum [rand 1 100000000]
+ if {[tnda get "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]/$llbindnum"]!=""} {} {set moretodo 0}
+ }
+ tnda set "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]/$llbindnum" $script
+ return $llbindnum
+proc unllbind {sock type client comd id} {
+ tnda set "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]/$id" ""
+ tnda unset "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]/$id"
+proc unllbindall {sock type client comd} {
+ tnda set "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]" ""
+ tnda unset "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]"
+proc firellbind {sock type client comd args} {
+# puts stdout "$sock $type $client [ndcenc $comd] $args"
+ global globuctx globctx
+ set globctx $::netname($sock)
+ set globuctx $client
+ if {""!=[tnda get "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]"]} {
+ foreach {id script} [tnda get "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]"] {
+ if {$script != ""} {
+ set scr $script
+# lappend $scr $sock
+ foreach {a} $args {
+ lappend scr $a
+ }
+ if {[set errcode [catch {eval $scr} erre]] > 0} {
+ puts stdout [format "in script %s:\n\nerror code %s, %s\ncontact script developer for assistance\n" $scr $errcode $erre]
+ firellbind $sock evnt - error $erre {*}$scr
+ }
+ }
+ };return
+ }
+ #if {""!=[tnda get "llbinds/$type/-/[ndcenc $comd]"]} {foreach {id script} [tnda get "llbinds/$type/-/[ndcenc $comd]"] {$script [lindex $args 0] [lrange $args 1 end]};return}
diff --git a/core/0000-conn.tcl b/core/0000-conn.tcl
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-package require tls
-# just to have sanity here. don't want a {} dict or a bum array
-set $::netname(-) -
-proc connect {addr port script} {
- if {[string index $port 0] == "+"} { set port [string range $port 1 end] ; set comd ::tls::socket } {set comd socket}
- set sck [$comd $addr $port]
- fconfigure $sck -blocking 0 -buffering line
- fileevent $sck readable [concat $script $sck]
- return $sck
-proc mknetwork {headlines block} {
- if {[llength $headlines]<2} {
- puts stdout "fuck it, block's invalid ($headlines)"
- return
- }
- set proto [dict get $block proto]
- set numeric [dict get $block numeric]
- set pass [dict get $block pass]
- set host [dict get $block host]
- set port [dict get $block port]
- set servername [lindex $headlines 1]
- set netname [lindex $headlines 0]
- if {[catch {set ::sock($netname)} result] == 0} {
- if {![eof $::sock($netname)]} {
- puts stdout "probably rehashing (connected network block, [tnda get rehashing], $result)"
- return
- }
- }
- if {[dict exists $block prefixes]} {
- # only required for ts6
- set prefixes [split [dict get $block prefix] " "]
- set pfxl [split [lindex $prefixes 0] {}]
- set pfxr [split [lindex $prefixes 1] {}]
- set pfx [list]
- foreach {p} $pfxl {m} $pfxr {
- lappend pfx $p
- lappend pfx $m
- }
- tnda set "ts6/$netname/prefix" $pfx
- } {
- # safe defaults, will cover charybdis and chatircd
- tnda set "ts6/$netname/prefix" [list @ o % h + v]
- }
- # open a connection
- set socke [connect $host $port [list $proto irc-main]]
- after 500 $proto login $socke $numeric $pass $netname $servername
- # store it up
- postblock network $headlines $block
-proc core.conn.mknetworks {args} {
- set blocks [tnda get "openconf/[ndcenc network]/blocks"]]
- for {set i 1} {$i < ($blocks + 1)} {incr i} {
- after 1000 [list mknetwork [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/hdr%s" [ndcenc network] $i]] [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/n%s" [ndcenc network] $i]]]
- }
-blocktnd network
-llbind - evnt - confloaded core.conn.mknetworks
-#blockwcb network mknetwork
diff --git a/core/0999-conn.tcl b/core/0999-conn.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+package require tls
+# just to have sanity here. don't want a {} dict or a bum array
+set ::netname(-) -
+proc connect {addr port script} {
+ if {[string index $port 0] == "+"} { set port [string range $port 1 end] ; set comd ::tls::socket } {set comd socket}
+ set sck [$comd $addr $port]
+ fconfigure $sck -blocking 0 -buffering line
+ fileevent $sck readable [concat $script $sck]
+ return $sck
+proc mknetwork {headlines block} {
+ if {[llength $headlines]<2} {
+ puts stdout "fuck it, block's invalid ($headlines)"
+ return
+ }
+ set proto [dict get $block proto]
+ set numeric [dict get $block numeric]
+ set pass [dict get $block pass]
+ set host [dict get $block host]
+ set port [dict get $block port]
+ set servername [lindex $headlines 1]
+ set netname [lindex $headlines 0]
+ if {[catch {set ::sock($netname)} result] == 0} {
+ if {![eof $::sock($netname)]} {
+ puts stdout "probably rehashing (connected network block, [tnda get rehashing], $result)"
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $block prefixes]} {
+ # only required for ts6
+ set prefixes [split [dict get $block prefix] " "]
+ set pfxl [split [lindex $prefixes 0] {}]
+ set pfxr [split [lindex $prefixes 1] {}]
+ set pfx [list]
+ foreach {p} $pfxl {m} $pfxr {
+ lappend pfx $p
+ lappend pfx $m
+ }
+ tnda set "ts6/$netname/prefix" $pfx
+ } {
+ # safe defaults, will cover charybdis and chatircd
+ tnda set "ts6/$netname/prefix" [list @ o % h + v]
+ }
+ # open a connection
+ set socke [connect $host $port [list $proto irc-main]]
+ after 500 $proto login $socke $numeric $pass $netname $servername
+ # store it up
+# postblock network $headlines $block
+proc core.conn.mknetworks {args} {
+ set blocks [tnda get "openconf/[ndcenc network]/blocks"]
+ for {set i 1} {$i < ($blocks + 1)} {incr i} {
+ puts stdout "$blocks"
+ after 1000 [list mknetwork [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/hdr%s" [ndcenc network] $i]] [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/n%s" [ndcenc network] $i]]]
+ }
+blocktnd network
+llbind - evnt - confloaded core.conn.mknetworks
+#blockwcb network mknetwork
diff --git a/core/2000-protocol-common.tcl b/core/2000-protocol-common.tcl
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-proc llbind {sock type client comd script} {
- set moretodo 1
- while {0!=$moretodo} {
- set llbindnum [rand 1 100000000]
- if {[tnda get "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]/$llbindnum"]!=""} {} {set moretodo 0}
- }
- tnda set "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]/$llbindnum" $script
- return $llbindnum
-proc unllbind {sock type client comd id} {
- tnda set "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]/$id" ""
- tnda unset "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]/$id"
-proc unllbindall {sock type client comd} {
- tnda set "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]" ""
- tnda unset "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]"
-proc firellbind {sock type client comd args} {
-# puts stdout "$sock $type $client [ndcenc $comd] $args"
- global globuctx globctx
- set globctx $::netname($sck)
- set globuctx $client
- if {""!=[tnda get "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]"]} {
- foreach {id script} [tnda get "llbinds/$::netname($sock)/$type/$client/[ndcenc $comd]"] {
- if {$script != ""} {
- set scr $script
-# lappend $scr $sock
- foreach {a} $args {
- lappend scr $a
- }
- if {[catch {eval $scr} erre] > 0} {puts stdout $erre
- firellbind $sock evnt - error $erre {*}$scr
- }
- }
- };return
- }
- #if {""!=[tnda get "llbinds/$type/-/[ndcenc $comd]"]} {foreach {id script} [tnda get "llbinds/$type/-/[ndcenc $comd]"] {$script [lindex $args 0] [lrange $args 1 end]};return}
diff --git a/core/2003-ts6.tcl b/core/2003-ts6.tcl
@@ -274,7 +274,8 @@ proc ::ts6::irc-main {sck} {
switch -nocase -- [lindex $comd $one] {
"479" {putcmdlog $payload}
"PASS" {
- putquick "PRIVMSG #services :$line"
+ # putquick "PRIVMSG #services :$line"
+ puts stdout "we have a winner! $one"
set ssid [string repeat "0" [expr {3-[string length [::ts6::b64e $::sid($sck)]]}]];append ssid [::ts6::b64e $::sid($sck)]
tnda set "servers/$::netname($sck)/[ndaenc [lindex $comd 4]]/uplink" $ssid
tnda set "servers/$::netname($sck)/[ndaenc [lindex $comd 4]]/sid" $payload
@@ -282,15 +283,17 @@ proc ::ts6::irc-main {sck} {
- putquick "PRIVMSG #services :$line"
+ puts stdout "we have a winner! $one"
# if {[lindex $comd [expr {$one + 2}]] != 1} {return};#we don't support jupes
tnda set "servers/$::netname($sck)/[ndaenc [tnda get "socksid/$::netname($sck)"]]/name" [lindex $comd [expr {$one + 1}]]
tnda set "servers/$::netname($sck)/[ndaenc [tnda get "socksid/$::netname($sck)"]]/description" [lindex $comd [expr {$one + 3}]]
- firellbind $sck evnt "-" "ts6.alive" $::netname($sck) ;#obvious
- firellbind $sck evnt "-" "alive" $::netname($sck) ;#obvious
+ firellbind $sck evnt "-" "alive" $::netname($sck)
+ firellbind - evnt "-" "alive" $::netname($sck)
+ firellbind $sck evnt "-" "ts6.alive" $::netname($sck)
"SID" {
+ puts stdout "we have a winner! $one"
tnda set "servers/$::netname($sck)/[ndaenc [lindex $comd 4]]/name" [lindex $comd 2]
tnda set "servers/$::netname($sck)/[ndaenc [lindex $comd 4]]/description" [lindex $comd 5]
tnda set "servers/$::netname($sck)/[ndaenc [lindex $comd 4]]/uplink" [lindex $comd 0]
@@ -428,8 +431,8 @@ proc ::ts6::irc-main {sck} {
# always +, no ctr and no state
set adding [split $payload " "]
- if {[lindex $comd 3] > [tnda get "channels/$::netname($sck)/$chan/ts"]} {return} ;# send it packing.
- set channel [lindex $comd 3]
+ set chan [ndaenc [lindex $comd 3]]
+ if {[lindex $comd 2] > [tnda get "channels/$::netname($sck)/$chan/ts"]} {return} ;# send it packing.
set type [lindex $comd 4]
foreach {mask} $adding {
firellbind $sck mode - + $type [lindex $comd 0] [lindex $comd 3] $mask $::netname($sck)
@@ -514,8 +517,8 @@ proc ::ts6::irc-main {sck} {
set loggedin [lindex $comd 11]
set realhost [lindex $comd 10]
set modes [lindex $comd 5]
- puts stdout $comd
- puts stdout $modes
+ # puts stdout $comd
+ # puts stdout $modes
if {[string first "o" $modes] != -1} {set oper 1}
if {"*"!=$loggedin} {
tnda set "login/$::netname($sck)/[lindex $comd $num]" $loggedin
@@ -655,7 +658,7 @@ proc ::ts6::irc-main {sck} {
} erreur]
- #puts stdout [join [list $erreno $erreur] " "]
+ if {$erreno != 0} {puts stdout [join [list $erreno $erreur] " "]}
# irrelevant parameters should simply be ignored.
@@ -691,13 +694,13 @@ proc ::ts6::login {sck {osid "42"} {password "link"} {servname "net"} {servernam
#source services.conf
proc ::ts6::nick2uid {sck nick} {
- foreach {u n} [tnda get "nick/$netname"] {
+ foreach {u n} [tnda get "nick/$::netname($sck)"] {
if {[string tolower $n] == [string tolower $nick]} {return $u}
return ""
proc ::ts6::intclient2uid {sck nick} {
- foreach {u n} [tnda get "intclient/$netname"] {
+ foreach {u n} [tnda get "intclient/$::netname($sck)"] {
if {[string tolower $n] == [string tolower $nick]} {return $u}
return ""
diff --git a/core/4000-eggcom.tcl b/core/4000-eggcom.tcl
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ proc setuctx {ctx} {
proc % {c args} {
set ul [list [curctx proto] $c [curctx sock]]
foreach {a} $args {lappend ul $a}
- uplevel 1 $a
+ uplevel 1 $ul
proc curctx {{type .net}} {
diff --git a/main.tcl b/main.tcl
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ proc svc.rehash {} {
#by now we've loaded everything
-callbind - evnt - "confloaded" loaded
+firellbind - evnt - "confloaded" loaded
#load from cfg file, not here
diff --git a/modules/debugserv.tcl b/modules/debugserv.tcl
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
blocktnd debugserv
-llbind - evnt - confloaded debugserv.connect
+llbind - evnt - alive debugserv.connect
proc debugserv.connect {arg} {
puts stdout [format "there are %s debugserv blocks" [set blocks [tnda get "openconf/[ndcenc debugserv]/blocks"]]]
for {set i 1} {$i < ($blocks + 1)} {incr i} {
+ if {[string tolower [lindex [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/hdr%s" [ndcenc debugserv] $i]] 0]] != [string tolower $arg]} {continue}
after 1000 [list debugserv.oneintro [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/hdr%s" [ndcenc debugserv] $i]] [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/n%s" [ndcenc debugserv] $i]]]
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ proc debugserv.find6sid {n s {hunting 0}} {
proc debugservenabled {chan} {
- if {[string tolower $chan] != [string tolower [tnda get "debugserv/[curctx]logchan"]} {return 0}
+ if {[string tolower $chan] != [string tolower [tnda get "debugserv/[curctx net]/logchan"]]} {return 0}
return 1
@@ -39,21 +40,31 @@ proc debugserv.oneintro {headline block} {
tnda set "debugserv/$net/logchan" $logchan
#tnda set "debugserv/$net/nspass" $nspass
setctx $net
- if {[% intclient2uid [tnda get "debugserv/$net/ourid"]] == ""} {$::nettype($net) sendUid $nsock $nick $ident $host $host [set ourid [$::nettype($net) getfreeuid $net]] [expr {($realname == "") ? "* Debug Service *" : $realname}] $modes}
+ if {[% intclient2uid [tnda get "debugserv/$net/ourid"]] == ""} {% sendUid $nick $ident $host $host [set ourid [% getfreeuid]] [expr {($realname == "") ? "* Debug Service *" : $realname}] $modes}
+ set ouroid [tnda get "debugserv/$net/ourid"]
+ if {[info exists ourid]} {tnda set "debugserv/$net/ourid" $ourid} {set ourid [tnda get "debugserv/$net/ourid"]}
+ unllbindall $nsock pub - ".rehash"
+ unllbindall $nsock pub - ".metadata"
+ unllbindall $nsock msg $ourid "rehash"
+ unllbindall $nsock msg $ourid "metadata"
+ if {$ouroid != $ourid} {
+ unllbindall $nsock msg $ouroid "rehash"
+ unllbindall $nsock msg $ouroid "metadata"
+ }
setuctx $nick
- tnda set "debugserv/$net/ourid" $ourid
llbind $nsock pub - ".metadata" [list debugserv.pmetadata $net]
llbind $nsock pub - ".rehash" [list debugserv.crehash $net]
if {[string length $nspass] != 0 && [string length $nickserv] != 0} {
# only works if nettype is ts6!
- if {[string first [debugserv.find6sid $net $nsserv] [$::nettype($net) nick2uid $net $nickserv]] == 0} {
- $::nettype($net) privmsg $nsock $ourid $nickserv $nspass
+ if {[string first [debugserv.find6sid $net $nsserv] [% nick2uid $nickserv]] == 0} {
+ % privmsg $ourid $nickserv $nspass
} {
- $::nettype($net) privmsg $nsock $ourid $logchan [gettext debugserv.impostornickserv $nickserv [$::nettype($net) nick2uid $n $nickserv] $nsserv [debugserv.find6sid $net $nsserv]]
+ % privmsg $ourid $logchan [gettext debugserv.impostornickserv $nickserv [$::nettype($net) nick2uid $n $nickserv] $nsserv [debugserv.find6sid $net $nsserv]]
- after 650 $::nettype($net) putjoin $nsock $ourid $logchan
- after 700 [list $::nettype($net) putmode $nsock $ourid $logchan "+ao" [format "%s %s" [$::nettype($net) intclient2uid $net $ourid] [$::nettype($net) intclient2uid $net $ourid]]]
+ after 650 % putjoin $ourid $logchan
+ after 700 [list % putmode $ourid $logchan "+ao" [format "%s %s" [% intclient2uid $ourid] [% intclient2uid $ourid]]]
llbind $nsock msg [tnda get "debugserv/$net/ourid"] "metadata" [list debugserv.metadata $net]
llbind $nsock msg [tnda get "debugserv/$net/ourid"] "rehash" [list debugserv.rehash $net]
# llbind $nsock pub - "gettext" [list debugserv.gettext $net]
@@ -63,52 +74,31 @@ proc debugserv.oneintro {headline block} {
proc debugserv.rehash {n i m} {debugserv.crehash $n $i $i $m}
-proc operHasPrivilege {n i p} {
- # this bit requires irca.
- set metadatum [tnda get "metadata/$n/$i/[ndcenc PRIVS]"]
- set md [split $metadatum " "]
- set pl [split $p " ,"]
- foreach {pv} $pl {
- if {[lsearch $md $pv] != -1} {return 1}
- }
- return 0
-proc operHasAllPrivileges {n i p} {
- # this bit requires irca.
- set metadatum [tnda get "metadata/$n/$i/[ndcenc PRIVS]"]
- set md [split $metadatum " "]
- set pl [split $p " ,"]
- foreach {pv} $pl {
- if {[lsearch $md $pv] == -1} {return 0}
- }
- return 1
proc debugserv.crehash {n c i m} {
if {![operHasPrivilege $n $i [tnda get "debugserv/$n/rehashprivs"]]} {
- $::nettype($n) [expr {$c != $i ? "privmsg" : "notice"}] [curctx sock] [tnda get "debugserv/$n/ourid"] $c [gettext debugserv.youvenoprivs2 $i [join [split [tnda get "debugserv/$n/rehashprivs"] ", "] ", or "]]
+ % [expr {$c != $i ? "privmsg" : "notice"}] [tnda get "debugserv/$n/ourid"] $c [gettext debugserv.youvenoprivs2 $i [join [split [tnda get "debugserv/$n/rehashprivs"] ", "] ", or "]]
} {
after 500 [list uplevel #0 [list svc.rehash]]
- $::nettype($n) [expr {$c != $i ? "privmsg" : "notice"}] [curctx sock] [tnda get "debugserv/$n/ourid"] $c [gettext debugserv.rehashed [$::nettype($n) uid2nick $n $i]]
+ % [expr {$c != $i ? "privmsg" : "notice"}] [tnda get "debugserv/$n/ourid"] $c [gettext debugserv.rehashed [% uid2nick $i]]
proc debugserv.pmetadata {n c i m} {
# net chan id msg
setctx $n
- if {($c != $i) && ![debugservenabled]} {return}
+ if {($c != $i) && ![debugservenabled $c]} {return}
set metadatalist [tnda get "metadata/$n/$i"]
if {[llength $metadatalist] < 2} {
- $::nettype($n) [expr {$c != $i ? "privmsg" : "notice"}] [curctx sock] [tnda get "debugserv/$n/ourid"] $c [gettext debugserv.nometadata [$::nettype($n) uid2nick $n $i]]
+ % [expr {$c != $i ? "privmsg" : "notice"}] [tnda get "debugserv/$n/ourid"] $c [gettext debugserv.nometadata [% uid2nick $i]]
foreach {.datum value} $metadatalist {
set datum [ndcdec ${.datum}]
- $::nettype($n) [expr {$c != $i ? "privmsg" : "notice"}] [curctx sock] [tnda get "debugserv/$n/ourid"] $c [set totmsg [gettext debugserv.metadata $datum [$::nettype($n) uid2nick $n $i] $value]]
+ % [expr {$c != $i ? "privmsg" : "notice"}] [tnda get "debugserv/$n/ourid"] $c [set totmsg [gettext debugserv.metadata $datum [% uid2nick $i] $value]]
- $::nettype($n) [expr {$c != $i ? "privmsg" : "notice"}] [curctx sock] [tnda get "debugserv/$n/ourid"] $c [gettext [expr {[tnda get "oper/$n/$i"] == 1 ? "debugserv.isoper" : "debugserv.isntoper"}] [$::nettype($n) uid2nick $n $i] $i]
+ % [expr {$c != $i ? "privmsg" : "notice"}] [tnda get "debugserv/$n/ourid"] $c [gettext [expr {[tnda get "oper/$n/$i"] == 1 ? "debugserv.isoper" : "debugserv.isntoper"}] [% uid2nick $i] $i]
proc debugserv.metadata {n i m} {
debugserv.pmetadata $n $i $i $m
diff --git a/modules/quoteserv.tcl b/modules/quoteserv.tcl
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ blocktnd qshelp
-llbind - evnt - confloaded quoteserv.connect
+llbind - evnt - alive quoteserv.connect
proc quoteserv.connect {arg} {
puts stdout [format "there are %s quoteserv blocks" [set blocks [tnda get "openconf/[ndcenc quoteserv]/blocks"]]]
for {set i 1} {$i < ($blocks + 1)} {incr i} {
+ if {[string tolower [lindex [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/hdr%s" [ndcenc quoteserv] $i]] 0]] != [string tolower $arg]} {continue}
after 1000 [list quoteserv.oneintro [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/hdr%s" [ndcenc quoteserv] $i]] [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/n%s" [ndcenc quoteserv] $i]]]
@@ -39,20 +40,20 @@ proc quoteserv.oneintro {headline block} {
tnda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/logchan" $logchan
#tnda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/nspass" $nspass
setctx $net
- $::nettype($net) sendUid $nsock $nick $ident $host $host [set ourid [$::nettype($net) getfreeuid $net]] [expr {($realname == "") ? "* Debug Service *" : $realname}] $modes
+ % sendUid $nick $ident $host $host [set ourid [% getfreeuid]] [expr {($realname == "") ? "* Debug Service *" : $realname}] $modes
tnda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid" $ourid
# llbind $nsock pub - ".metadata" [list quoteserv.pmetadata $net]
# llbind $nsock pub - ".rehash" [list quoteserv.crehash $net]
if {[string length $nspass] != 0 && [string length $nickserv] != 0} {
# only works if nettype is ts6!
- if {[string first [quoteserv.find6sid $net $nsserv] [$::nettype($net) nick2uid $net $nickserv]] == 0} {
- $::nettype($net) privmsg $nsock $ourid $nickserv $nspass
+ if {[string first [quoteserv.find6sid $net $nsserv] [% nick2uid $nickserv]] == 0} {
+ % privmsg $ourid $nickserv $nspass
} {
- $::nettype($net) privmsg $nsock $ourid $logchan [gettext quoteserv.impostornickserv $nickserv [$::nettype($net) nick2uid $n $nickserv] $nsserv [quoteserv.find6sid $net $nsserv]]
+ % privmsg $ourid $logchan [gettext quoteserv.impostornickserv $nickserv [$::nettype($net) nick2uid $n $nickserv] $nsserv [quoteserv.find6sid $net $nsserv]]
- after 650 $::nettype($net) putjoin $nsock $ourid $logchan
- after 700 [list $::nettype($net) putmode $nsock $ourid $logchan "+ao" [format "%s %s" [$::nettype($net) intclient2uid $net $ourid] [$::nettype($net) intclient2uid $net $ourid]]]
+ after 650 % putjoin $ourid $logchan
+ after 700 [list % putmode $ourid $logchan "+ao" [format "%s %s" [% intclient2uid $ourid] [% intclient2uid $ourid]]]
# llbind $nsock msg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] "metadata" [list quoteserv.metadata $net]
# llbind $nsock msg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] "rehash" [list quoteserv.rehash $net]
# llbind $nsock pub - "gettext" [list quoteserv.gettext $net]
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ proc quoteserv.oneintro {headline block} {
puts stdout "to join $chan on [curctx]"
if {1!=$is} {continue}
quoteservjoin [ndadec $chan] 0
-# [curctx proto] putjoin [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] [::base64::decode [string map {[ /} $chan]] [nda get "regchan/$chan/ts"]
+# % putjoin [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] [::base64::decode [string map {[ /} $chan]] [nda get "regchan/$chan/ts"]
# tnda set "channels/$chan/ts" [nda get "regchan/$chan/$::netname([curctx sock])/ts"]
@@ -79,16 +80,16 @@ proc qs.pmdo {n i t m} {
proc quoteservjoin {chan {setting 1}} {
set ndacname [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower $chan]]]
puts stdout "to join $chan on [curctx]"
- [curctx proto] putjoin [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan
- [curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan "+ao" \
- [format "%s %s" [[curctx proto] intclient2uid [curctx net] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"]]\
- [[curctx proto] intclient2uid [curctx net] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"]]]
+ % putjoin [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan
+ % putmode [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan "+ao" \
+ [format "%s %s" [% intclient2uid [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"]]\
+ [% intclient2uid [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"]]]
if {$setting} {nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/regchan/$ndacname" 1}
proc quoteservpart {chan {who "the script"} {msg isunused}} {
set ndacname [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower $chan]]]
- [curctx proto] putpart [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.left $who]
+ % putpart [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.left $who]
nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/regchan/$ndacname" 0
nda unset "quoteserv/[curctx net]/regchan/$ndacname"
@@ -133,9 +134,9 @@ proc quoteservdo {n chan from m} {
set ptn [format "*%s*" [join $para " "]]
set qts [quotesearch $chan $ptn]
if {[llength $qts] != 0} {
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.results #[join $qts ", #"]]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.results #[join $qts ", #"]]
} {
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
"vi*1st*ma*" {
@@ -151,10 +152,10 @@ proc quoteservdo {n chan from m} {
set qtn [lindex $qts 0]
set qt [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/q$qtn"]
set qb [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/u$qtn"]
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.qheader $qtn $qb]
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.quote $qt]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.qheader $qtn $qb]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.quote $qt]
} {
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
"ad*" {
@@ -167,20 +168,20 @@ proc quoteservdo {n chan from m} {
set qt [join $para " "]
set qtn [expr {([llength [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname"]]/6)+1}]
nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/q$qtn" $qt
- nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/u$qtn" [format "(%s) %s!%s@%s" [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"] [[curctx proto] uid2nick [curctx net] $from] [[curctx proto] uid2ident [curctx net] $from] [[curctx proto] uid2host [curctx net] $from]]
+ nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/u$qtn" [format "(%s) %s!%s@%s" [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"] [% uid2nick $from] [% uid2ident $from] [% uid2host $from]]
nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/a$qtn" [string tolower [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"]]
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.added $qtn]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.added $qtn]
"gad*" {
set qt [join $para " "]
set qtn [expr {([llength [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname"]]/6)+3}]
if {![operHasPrivilege [curctx net] $from [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]} {
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
} {
nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/q$qtn" $qt
- nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/u$qtn" [format "(%s) %s!%s@%s" [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"] [[curctx proto] uid2nick [curctx net] $from] [[curctx proto] uid2ident [curctx net] $from] [[curctx proto] uid2host [curctx net] $from]]
+ nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/u$qtn" [format "(%s) %s!%s@%s" [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"] [% uid2nick $from] [% uid2ident $from] [% uid2host $from]]
nda set "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/a$qtn" [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"]
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.added $qtn]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.added $qtn]
"de*" {
@@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ proc quoteservdo {n chan from m} {
set qtn [lindex $para 0]
if {![string is integer $qtn]} {
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]
if {[ismodebutnot $chan $from v] || [operHasPrivilege [curctx net] $from [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]] || [string tolower [uid2hand $from]] == [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/a$qtn"]} {
set qt [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/q$qtn"]
@@ -201,22 +202,22 @@ proc quoteservdo {n chan from m} {
nda unset "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/q$qtn"
nda unset "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/u$qtn"
nda unset "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/a$qtn"
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.removed $qtn $qb]
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.removedcontents $qt]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.removed $qtn $qb]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.removedcontents $qt]
} {
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
"gde*" {
set qtn [lindex $para 0]
- if {![string is integer $qtn]} {[curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]}
+ if {![string is integer $qtn]} {% privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]}
if {[operHasPrivilege [curctx net] $from [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]} {
nda unset "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/q$qtn" ""
nda unset "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/u$qtn" ""
nda unset "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/a$qtn" ""
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan "\[\002Quotes\002\] Blanked quote number #$qtn in database."
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan "\[\002Quotes\002\] Blanked quote number #$qtn in database."
} {
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
"jo*" {
@@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ proc quoteservdo {n chan from m} {
if {[ismodebutnot $tochan $from v] || [operHasPrivilege [curctx net] $from [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]} {
quoteservjoin $tochan
} {
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
"goa*" - "pa*" - "le*" {
@@ -236,9 +237,9 @@ proc quoteservdo {n chan from m} {
set tochan [lindex $para 0]
if {[ismodebutnot $tochan $from v] || [operHasPrivilege [curctx net] $from [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]} {
- quoteservpart $tochan [format "(%s) %s!%s@%s" [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"] [[curctx proto] uid2nick [curctx net] $from] [[curctx proto] uid2ident [curctx net] $from] [[curctx proto] uid2host [curctx net] $from]]
+ quoteservpart $tochan [format "(%s) %s!%s@%s" [tnda get "login/[curctx net]/$from"] [% uid2nick $from] [% uid2ident $from] [% uid2host $from]]
} {
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.enopriv [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/operflags"]]
"vi*" {
@@ -249,26 +250,26 @@ proc quoteservdo {n chan from m} {
if {![quoteservenabled [lindex $opara 0]]} {return}
set qtn [lindex $para 0]
- if {![string is integer $qtn]} {[curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]}
+ if {![string is integer $qtn]} {% privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]}
set qt [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/q$qtn"]
set qb [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/quotes/$ndacname/u$qtn"]
if {$qt != ""} {
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.qheader $qtn $qb]
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.quote $qt]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.qheader $qtn $qb]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.quote $qt]
} {
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
"gvi*" {
set qtn [lindex $para 0]
- if {![string is integer $qtn]} {[curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]}
+ if {![string is integer $qtn]} {% privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.usevalidint]}
set qt [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/q$qtn"]
set qb [nda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/gquotes/u$qtn"]
if {$qt != ""} {
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.qheader $qtn $qb]
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.quote $qt]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.qheader $qtn $qb]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.quote $qt]
} {
- [curctx proto] privmsg [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
+ % privmsg [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext quoteserv.noresults]
"he*" {
@@ -282,7 +283,7 @@ proc quoteservdo {n chan from m} {
set helplist [tnda get "openconf/[ndcenc qshelp]/n1"]
dictassign $helplist main helpfile
foreach {helpline} $helpfile {
- [curctx proto] notice [curctx sock] [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $from $helpline
+ % notice [tnda get "quoteserv/[curctx net]/ourid"] $from $helpline
diff --git a/modules/weather.tcl b/modules/weather.tcl
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
blocktnd weatherserv
blocktnd wshelp
-llbind - evnt - confloaded weatherserv.connect
+llbind - evnt - alive weatherserv.connect
proc weatherserv.connect {arg} {
puts stdout [format "there are %s weatherserv blocks" [set blocks [tnda get "openconf/[ndcenc weatherserv]/blocks"]]]
for {set i 1} {$i < ($blocks + 1)} {incr i} {
+ if {[string tolower [lindex [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/hdr%s" [ndcenc weatherserv] $i]] 0]] != [string tolower $arg]} {continue}
after 1000 [list weatherserv.oneintro [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/hdr%s" [ndcenc weatherserv] $i]] [tnda get [format "openconf/%s/n%s" [ndcenc weatherserv] $i]]]
@@ -39,20 +40,20 @@ proc weatherserv.oneintro {headline block} {
tnda set "weather/[curctx net]/logchan" $logchan
#tnda set "weather/[curctx net]/nspass" $nspass
setctx $net
- $::nettype($net) sendUid $nsock $nick $ident $host $host [set ourid [$::nettype($net) getfreeuid $net]] [expr {($realname == "") ? "* Debug Service *" : $realname}] $modes
+ % sendUid $nick $ident $host $host [set ourid [% getfreeuid]] [expr {($realname == "") ? "* Debug Service *" : $realname}] $modes
tnda set "weather/[curctx net]/ourid" $ourid
# llbind $nsock pub - ".metadata" [list weatherserv.pmetadata $net]
# llbind $nsock pub - ".rehash" [list weatherserv.crehash $net]
if {[string length $nspass] != 0 && [string length $nickserv] != 0} {
# only works if nettype is ts6!
- if {[string first [weatherserv.find6sid $net $nsserv] [$::nettype($net) nick2uid $net $nickserv]] == 0} {
- $::nettype($net) privmsg $nsock $ourid $nickserv $nspass
+ if {[string first [weatherserv.find6sid $net $nsserv] [% nick2uid $nickserv]] == 0} {
+ % privmsg $ourid $nickserv $nspass
} {
- $::nettype($net) privmsg $nsock $ourid $logchan [gettext weatherserv.impostornickserv $nickserv [$::nettype($net) nick2uid $n $nickserv] $nsserv [weatherserv.find6sid $net $nsserv]]
+ % privmsg $ourid $logchan [gettext weatherserv.impostornickserv $nickserv [$::nettype($net) nick2uid $n $nickserv] $nsserv [weatherserv.find6sid $net $nsserv]]
- after 650 [list $::nettype($net) putjoin $nsock $ourid $logchan]
- after 950 [list $::nettype($net) putmode $nsock $ourid $logchan "+ao" [format "%s %s" [$::nettype($net) intclient2uid $net $ourid] [$::nettype($net) intclient2uid $net $ourid]]]
+ after 650 [list % putjoin $ourid $logchan]
+ after 950 [list % putmode $ourid $logchan "+ao" [format "%s %s" [% intclient2uid $ourid] [% intclient2uid $ourid]]]
# llbind $nsock msg [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] "metadata" [list weatherserv.metadata $net]
# llbind $nsock msg [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] "rehash" [list weatherserv.rehash $net]
# llbind $nsock pub - "gettext" [list weatherserv.gettext $net]
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ proc weatherserv.oneintro {headline block} {
puts stdout "to join $chan on [curctx]"
if {1!=$is} {continue}
weatherjoin [ndadec $chan] 0
-# [curctx proto] putjoin [curctx sock] [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] [::base64::decode [string map {[ /} $chan]] [nda get "regchan/$chan/ts"]
+# % putjoin [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] [::base64::decode [string map {[ /} $chan]] [nda get "regchan/$chan/ts"]
# tnda set "channels/$chan/ts" [nda get "regchan/$chan/$::netname([curctx sock])/ts"]
@@ -77,16 +78,16 @@ llbind [curctx sock] request "weather" "-" weatherjoin
proc weatherjoin {chan {setting 1}} {
set ndacname [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower $chan]]]
puts stdout "to join $chan on [curctx]"
- [curctx proto] putjoin [curctx sock] [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan
- [curctx proto] putmode [curctx sock] [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan "+ao" \
- [format "%s %s" [[curctx proto] intclient2uid [curctx net] [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"]]\
- [[curctx proto] intclient2uid [curctx net] [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"]]]
+ % putjoin [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan
+ % putmode [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan "+ao" \
+ [format "%s %s" [% intclient2uid [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"]]\
+ [% intclient2uid [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"]]]
if {$setting} {nda set "weather/[curctx net]/regchan/$ndacname" 1}
proc weatherpart {chan {who "the script"} {msg isunused}} {
set ndacname [string map {/ [} [::base64::encode [string tolower $chan]]]
- [curctx proto] putpart [curctx sock] [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext weather.left $who]
+ % putpart [tnda get "weather/[curctx net]/ourid"] $chan [gettext weather.left $who]
nda set "weather/[curctx net]/regchan/$ndacname" 0
nda unset "weather/[curctx net]/regchan/$ndacname"