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scanf.go (11649B)

      1 // Copyright 2020 The Libc Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 package libc // import ""
      7 import (
      8 	"strings"
      9 	"unsafe"
     10 )
     12 // The format string consists of a sequence of directives which describe how to
     13 // process the sequence of input characters.  If processing of a directive
     14 // fails, no further input  is  read,  and scanf()  returns.   A "failure" can
     15 // be either of the following: input failure, meaning that input characters
     16 // were unavailable, or matching failure, meaning that the input was
     17 // inappropriate.
     18 func scanf(r *strings.Reader, format, args uintptr) (nvalues int32) {
     19 	// var src []byte //TODO-
     20 	var ok bool
     21 out:
     22 	for {
     23 		c := *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(format))
     24 		// src = append(src, c) //TODO-
     25 		switch c {
     26 		case '%':
     27 			var n int
     28 			var match bool
     29 			format, n, match = scanfConversion(r, format, &args)
     30 			if !match {
     31 				break out
     32 			}
     34 			nvalues += int32(n)
     35 			ok = true
     36 		case 0:
     37 			break out
     38 		case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', '\v', '\f':
     39 			format = skipWhiteSpace(format)
     40 			ok = true
     41 		next:
     42 			for {
     43 				c, err := r.ReadByte()
     44 				if err != nil {
     45 					break out
     46 				}
     48 				switch c {
     49 				case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', '\v', '\f':
     50 					// nop
     51 				default:
     52 					r.UnreadByte()
     53 					break next
     54 				}
     55 			}
     56 		default:
     57 			c2, err := r.ReadByte()
     58 			if err != nil {
     59 				break out
     60 			}
     62 			if c2 != c {
     63 				r.UnreadByte()
     64 				break out
     65 			}
     67 			format++
     68 			ok = true
     69 		}
     70 	}
     71 	if ok {
     72 		return nvalues
     73 	}
     75 	return -1 // stdio.EOF but not defined for windows
     76 }
     78 func scanfConversion(r *strings.Reader, format uintptr, args *uintptr) (_ uintptr, nvalues int, match bool) {
     79 	format++ // '%'
     81 	// Each conversion specification in format begins with either the character '%'
     82 	// or the character sequence "%n$" (see below for the distinction) followed by:
     84 	mod := 0
     85 	width := -1
     86 flags:
     87 	for {
     88 		switch c := *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(format)); c {
     89 		case '*':
     90 			// An  optional '*' assignment-suppression character: scanf() reads input as
     91 			// directed by the conversion specification, but discards the input.  No
     92 			// corresponding pointer argument is re‐ quired, and this specification is not
     93 			// included in the count of successful assignments returned by scanf().
     94 			format++
     95 			panic(todo(""))
     96 		case '\'':
     97 			// For decimal conversions, an optional quote character (').  This specifies
     98 			// that the input number may include thousands' separators as defined by the
     99 			// LC_NUMERIC category of  the  current locale.  (See setlocale(3).)  The quote
    100 			// character may precede or follow the '*' assignment-suppression character.
    101 			format++
    102 			panic(todo(""))
    103 		case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
    104 			// An  optional  decimal  integer  which  specifies  the maximum field width.
    105 			// Reading of characters stops either when this maximum is reached or when a
    106 			// nonmatching character is found, whichever happens first.  Most conversions
    107 			// discard initial white space characters (the exceptions are noted below), and
    108 			// these discarded characters don't  count  toward  the  maximum field width.
    109 			// String input conversions store a terminating null byte ('\0') to mark the
    110 			// end of the input; the maximum field width does not include this terminator.
    111 			width = 0
    112 		num:
    113 			for {
    114 				var digit int
    115 				switch c := *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(format)); {
    116 				default:
    117 					break num
    118 				case c >= '0' && c <= '9':
    119 					format++
    120 					digit = int(c) - '0'
    121 				}
    122 				width0 := width
    123 				width = 10*width + digit
    124 				if width < width0 {
    125 					panic(todo(""))
    126 				}
    127 			}
    128 		case 'h', 'j', 'l', 'L', 'q', 't', 'z':
    129 			format, mod = parseLengthModifier(format)
    130 		default:
    131 			break flags
    132 		}
    133 	}
    135 	// A conversion specifier that specifies the type of input conversion to be
    136 	// performed.
    137 	switch c := *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(format)); c {
    138 	case '%':
    139 		// Matches a literal '%'.  That is, %% in the format string matches a single
    140 		// input '%' character.  No conversion is done (but initial white space
    141 		// characters are discarded), and assign‐ ment does not occur.
    142 		format++
    143 		panic(todo(""))
    144 	case 'd':
    145 		// Matches an optionally signed decimal integer; the next pointer must be a
    146 		// pointer to int.
    147 		format++
    148 		skipReaderWhiteSpace(r)
    149 		var digit, n uint64
    150 		allowSign := true
    151 		neg := false
    152 	dec:
    153 		for ; width != 0; width-- {
    154 			c, err := r.ReadByte()
    155 			if err != nil {
    156 				if match {
    157 					break dec
    158 				}
    160 				panic(todo("", err))
    161 			}
    163 			if allowSign {
    164 				switch c {
    165 				case '-':
    166 					allowSign = false
    167 					neg = true
    168 					continue
    169 				case '+':
    170 					allowSign = false
    171 					continue
    172 				}
    173 			}
    175 			switch {
    176 			case c >= '0' && c <= '9':
    177 				digit = uint64(c) - '0'
    178 			default:
    179 				r.UnreadByte()
    180 				break dec
    181 			}
    182 			match = true
    183 			n0 := n
    184 			n = n*10 + digit
    185 			if n < n0 {
    186 				panic(todo(""))
    187 			}
    188 		}
    189 		if !match {
    190 			break
    191 		}
    193 		arg := VaUintptr(args)
    194 		v := int64(n)
    195 		if neg {
    196 			v = -v
    197 		}
    198 		switch mod {
    199 		case modNone:
    200 			*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(arg)) = int32(v)
    201 		case modH:
    202 			*(*int16)(unsafe.Pointer(arg)) = int16(v)
    203 		case modHH:
    204 			*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(arg)) = int8(v)
    205 		case modL:
    206 			*(*long)(unsafe.Pointer(arg)) = long(n)
    207 		default:
    208 			panic(todo(""))
    209 		}
    210 		nvalues = 1
    211 	case 'D':
    212 		// Equivalent  to  ld;  this  exists  only for backward compatibility.  (Note:
    213 		// thus only in libc4.  In libc5 and glibc the %D is silently ignored, causing
    214 		// old programs to fail mysteriously.)
    215 		format++
    216 		panic(todo(""))
    217 	case 'i':
    218 		// Matches an optionally signed integer; the next pointer must be a pointer to
    219 		// int.  The integer is read in base 16 if it begins with 0x or 0X, in base 8
    220 		// if it begins with  0,  and  in base 10 otherwise.  Only characters that
    221 		// correspond to the base are used.
    222 		format++
    223 		panic(todo(""))
    224 	case 'o':
    225 		// Matches an unsigned octal integer; the next pointer must be a pointer to
    226 		// unsigned int.
    227 		format++
    228 		panic(todo(""))
    229 	case 'u':
    230 		// Matches an unsigned decimal integer; the next pointer must be a pointer to
    231 		// unsigned int.
    232 		format++
    233 		panic(todo(""))
    234 	case 'x', 'X':
    235 		// Matches an unsigned hexadecimal integer; the next pointer must be a pointer
    236 		// to unsigned int.
    237 		format++
    238 		skipReaderWhiteSpace(r)
    239 		var digit, n uint64
    240 		allowPrefix := true
    241 		var b []byte
    242 	hex:
    243 		for ; width != 0; width-- {
    244 			c, err := r.ReadByte()
    245 			if err != nil {
    246 				if match {
    247 					break hex
    248 				}
    250 				panic(todo("", err))
    251 			}
    253 			if allowPrefix {
    254 				if len(b) == 1 && b[0] == '0' && (c == 'x' || c == 'X') {
    255 					allowPrefix = false
    256 					match = false
    257 					b = nil
    258 					continue
    259 				}
    261 				b = append(b, c)
    262 			}
    264 			switch {
    265 			case c >= '0' && c <= '9':
    266 				digit = uint64(c) - '0'
    267 			case c >= 'a' && c <= 'f':
    268 				digit = uint64(c) - 'a' + 10
    269 			case c >= 'A' && c <= 'F':
    270 				digit = uint64(c) - 'A' + 10
    271 			default:
    272 				r.UnreadByte()
    273 				break hex
    274 			}
    275 			match = true
    276 			n0 := n
    277 			n = n<<4 + digit
    278 			if n < n0 {
    279 				panic(todo(""))
    280 			}
    281 		}
    282 		if !match {
    283 			break
    284 		}
    286 		arg := VaUintptr(args)
    287 		switch mod {
    288 		case modNone:
    289 			*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(arg)) = uint32(n)
    290 		case modH:
    291 			*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(arg)) = uint16(n)
    292 		case modHH:
    293 			*(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(arg)) = byte(n)
    294 		case modL:
    295 			*(*ulong)(unsafe.Pointer(arg)) = ulong(n)
    296 		default:
    297 			panic(todo(""))
    298 		}
    299 		nvalues = 1
    300 	case 'f', 'e', 'g', 'E', 'a':
    301 		// Matches an optionally signed floating-point number; the next pointer must be
    302 		// a pointer to float.
    303 		format++
    304 		panic(todo(""))
    305 	case 's':
    306 		// Matches  a  sequence of non-white-space characters; the next pointer must be
    307 		// a pointer to the initial element of a character array that is long enough to
    308 		// hold the input sequence and the terminating null byte ('\0'), which is added
    309 		// automatically.  The input string stops at white space or at the maximum
    310 		// field width, whichever occurs first.
    311 		format++
    312 		panic(todo(""))
    313 	case 'c':
    314 		// Matches a sequence of characters whose length is specified by the maximum
    315 		// field width (default 1); the next pointer must be a pointer to char, and
    316 		// there must be enough room for  all the characters (no terminating null byte
    317 		// is added).  The usual skip of leading white space is suppressed.  To skip
    318 		// white space first, use an explicit space in the format.
    319 		format++
    320 		panic(todo(""))
    321 	case '[':
    322 		// Matches  a nonempty sequence of characters from the specified set of
    323 		// accepted characters; the next pointer must be a pointer to char, and there
    324 		// must be enough room for all the char‐ acters in the string, plus a
    325 		// terminating null byte.  The usual skip of leading white space is suppressed.
    326 		// The string is to be made up of characters in (or not in) a particular set;
    327 		// the  set  is defined by the characters between the open bracket [ character
    328 		// and a close bracket ] character.  The set excludes those characters if the
    329 		// first character after the open bracket is a circumflex (^).  To include a
    330 		// close bracket in the set, make it the first character after the open bracket
    331 		// or the circumflex; any other position will end the set.   The hyphen
    332 		// character - is also special; when placed between two other characters, it
    333 		// adds all intervening characters to the set.  To include a hyphen, make it
    334 		// the last character before the final close bracket.  For instance, [^]0-9-]
    335 		// means the set "everything except close bracket, zero through nine, and
    336 		// hyphen".  The string ends with the appearance of a  character not in the
    337 		// (or, with a circumflex, in) set or when the field width runs out.
    338 		format++
    339 		panic(todo(""))
    340 	case 'p':
    341 		// Matches a pointer value (as printed by %p in printf(3); the next pointer
    342 		// must be a pointer to a pointer to void.
    343 		format++
    344 		skipReaderWhiteSpace(r)
    345 		c, err := r.ReadByte()
    346 		if err != nil {
    347 			panic(todo(""))
    348 		}
    350 		if c != '0' {
    351 			r.UnreadByte()
    352 			panic(todo(""))
    353 		}
    355 		if c, err = r.ReadByte(); err != nil {
    356 			panic(todo(""))
    357 		}
    359 		if c != 'x' && c != 'X' {
    360 			r.UnreadByte()
    361 			panic(todo(""))
    362 		}
    364 		var digit, n uint64
    365 	ptr:
    366 		for ; width != 0; width-- {
    367 			c, err := r.ReadByte()
    368 			if err != nil {
    369 				if match {
    370 					break ptr
    371 				}
    373 				panic(todo(""))
    374 			}
    376 			switch {
    377 			case c >= '0' && c <= '9':
    378 				digit = uint64(c) - '0'
    379 			case c >= 'a' && c <= 'f':
    380 				digit = uint64(c) - 'a' + 10
    381 			case c >= 'A' && c <= 'F':
    382 				digit = uint64(c) - 'A' + 10
    383 			default:
    384 				r.UnreadByte()
    385 				break ptr
    386 			}
    387 			match = true
    388 			n0 := n
    389 			n = n<<4 + digit
    390 			if n < n0 {
    391 				panic(todo(""))
    392 			}
    393 		}
    394 		if !match {
    395 			break
    396 		}
    398 		arg := VaUintptr(args)
    399 		*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(arg)) = uintptr(n)
    400 		nvalues = 1
    401 	case 'n':
    402 		// Nothing is expected; instead, the number of characters consumed thus far
    403 		// from the input is stored through the next pointer, which must be a pointer
    404 		// to int.  This is not a conversion and does not increase the count returned
    405 		// by the function.  The assignment can be suppressed with the *
    406 		// assignment-suppression character, but the effect on the return value is
    407 		// undefined.  Therefore %*n conversions should not be used.
    408 		format++
    409 		panic(todo(""))
    410 	default:
    411 		panic(todo("%#U", c))
    412 	}
    414 	return format, nvalues, match
    415 }
    417 func skipReaderWhiteSpace(r *strings.Reader) error {
    418 	for {
    419 		c, err := r.ReadByte()
    420 		if err != nil {
    421 			return err
    422 		}
    424 		switch c {
    425 		case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', '\v', '\f':
    426 			// ok
    427 		default:
    428 			r.UnreadByte()
    429 			return nil
    430 		}
    431 	}
    432 }
    434 func skipWhiteSpace(s uintptr) uintptr {
    435 	for {
    436 		switch c := *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(s)); c {
    437 		case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', '\v', '\f':
    438 			s++
    439 		default:
    440 			return s
    441 		}
    442 	}
    443 }