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libc_darwin.go (50501B)

      1 // Copyright 2020 The Libc Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 package libc // import ""
      7 import (
      8 	crand "crypto/rand"
      9 	"encoding/hex"
     10 	"fmt"
     11 	"io"
     12 	"os"
     13 	"os/exec"
     14 	gosignal "os/signal"
     15 	"path/filepath"
     16 	"runtime"
     17 	"strings"
     18 	"syscall"
     19 	gotime "time"
     20 	"unicode"
     21 	"unsafe"
     23 	guuid ""
     24 	""
     25 	""
     26 	""
     27 	""
     28 	gonetdb ""
     29 	""
     30 	""
     31 	""
     32 	""
     33 	""
     34 	""
     35 	""
     36 	""
     37 	""
     38 	""
     39 	""
     40 	""
     41 	""
     42 	""
     43 )
     45 const (
     46 	maxPathLen = 1024
     47 )
     49 // var (
     50 // 	in6_addr_any in.In6_addr
     51 // )
     53 type (
     54 	long  = types.User_long_t
     55 	ulong = types.User_ulong_t
     56 )
     58 // // Keep these outside of the var block otherwise go generate will miss them.
     59 var X__stderrp = Xstdout
     60 var X__stdinp = Xstdin
     61 var X__stdoutp = Xstdout
     63 // user@darwin-m1:~/tmp$ cat main.c
     64 //
     65 //	#include <xlocale.h>
     66 //	#include <stdio.h>
     67 //
     68 //	int main() {
     69 //		printf("%i\n", ___mb_cur_max());
     70 //		return 0;
     71 //	}
     72 //
     73 // user@darwin-m1:~/tmp$ gcc main.c && ./a.out
     74 // 1
     75 // user@darwin-m1:~/tmp$
     76 var X__mb_cur_max int32 = 1
     78 var startTime = gotime.Now() // For clock(3)
     80 type file uintptr
     82 func (f file) fd() int32      { return int32((*stdio.FILE)(unsafe.Pointer(f)).F_file) }
     83 func (f file) setFd(fd int32) { (*stdio.FILE)(unsafe.Pointer(f)).F_file = int16(fd) }
     85 func (f file) err() bool {
     86 	return (*stdio.FILE)(unsafe.Pointer(f)).F_flags&1 != 0
     87 }
     89 func (f file) setErr() {
     90 	(*stdio.FILE)(unsafe.Pointer(f)).F_flags |= 1
     91 }
     93 func (f file) close(t *TLS) int32 {
     94 	r := Xclose(t, f.fd())
     95 	Xfree(t, uintptr(f))
     96 	if r < 0 {
     97 		return stdio.EOF
     98 	}
    100 	return 0
    101 }
    103 func newFile(t *TLS, fd int32) uintptr {
    104 	p := Xcalloc(t, 1, types.Size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(stdio.FILE{})))
    105 	if p == 0 {
    106 		return 0
    107 	}
    109 	file(p).setFd(fd)
    110 	return p
    111 }
    113 func fwrite(fd int32, b []byte) (int, error) {
    114 	if fd == unistd.STDOUT_FILENO {
    115 		return write(b)
    116 	}
    118 	if dmesgs {
    119 		dmesg("%v: fd %v: %s", origin(1), fd, hex.Dump(b))
    120 	}
    121 	return unix.Write(int(fd), b)
    122 }
    124 func X__inline_isnand(t *TLS, x float64) int32 { return Xisnan(t, x) }
    125 func X__inline_isnanf(t *TLS, x float32) int32 { return Xisnanf(t, x) }
    126 func X__inline_isnanl(t *TLS, x float64) int32 { return Xisnan(t, x) }
    128 // int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);
    129 func Xfprintf(t *TLS, stream, format, args uintptr) int32 {
    130 	n, _ := fwrite(int32((*stdio.FILE)(unsafe.Pointer(stream)).F_file), printf(format, args))
    131 	return int32(n)
    132 }
    134 // int usleep(useconds_t usec);
    135 func Xusleep(t *TLS, usec types.Useconds_t) int32 {
    136 	gotime.Sleep(gotime.Microsecond * gotime.Duration(usec))
    137 	return 0
    138 }
    140 // int futimes(int fd, const struct timeval tv[2]);
    141 func Xfutimes(t *TLS, fd int32, tv uintptr) int32 {
    142 	var a []unix.Timeval
    143 	if tv != 0 {
    144 		a = make([]unix.Timeval, 2)
    145 		a[0] = *(*unix.Timeval)(unsafe.Pointer(tv))
    146 		a[1] = *(*unix.Timeval)(unsafe.Pointer(tv + unsafe.Sizeof(unix.Timeval{})))
    147 	}
    148 	if err := unix.Futimes(int(fd), a); err != nil {
    149 		if dmesgs {
    150 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
    151 		}
    152 		t.setErrno(err)
    153 		return -1
    154 	}
    156 	if dmesgs {
    157 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
    158 	}
    159 	return 0
    160 }
    162 // void srandomdev(void);
    163 func Xsrandomdev(t *TLS) {
    164 	panic(todo(""))
    165 }
    167 // int gethostuuid(uuid_t id, const struct timespec *wait);
    168 func Xgethostuuid(t *TLS, id uintptr, wait uintptr) int32 {
    169 	if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_GETHOSTUUID, id, wait, 0); err != 0 { // Cannot avoid the syscall here.
    170 		if dmesgs {
    171 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
    172 		}
    173 		t.setErrno(err)
    174 		return -1
    175 	}
    177 	if dmesgs {
    178 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
    179 	}
    180 	return 0
    181 }
    183 // int flock(int fd, int operation);
    184 func Xflock(t *TLS, fd, operation int32) int32 {
    185 	if err := unix.Flock(int(fd), int(operation)); err != nil {
    186 		if dmesgs {
    187 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
    188 		}
    189 		t.setErrno(err)
    190 		return -1
    191 	}
    193 	if dmesgs {
    194 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
    195 	}
    196 	return 0
    197 }
    199 // int fsctl(const char *,unsigned long,void*,unsigned int);
    200 func Xfsctl(t *TLS, path uintptr, request ulong, data uintptr, options uint32) int32 {
    201 	panic(todo(""))
    202 	// if _, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_FSCTL, path, uintptr(request), data, uintptr(options), 0, 0); err != 0 {
    203 	// 	t.setErrno(err)
    204 	// 	return -1
    205 	// }
    207 	// return 0
    208 }
    210 // int * __error(void);
    211 func X__error(t *TLS) uintptr {
    212 	return t.errnop
    213 }
    215 // int isspace(int c);
    216 func Xisspace(t *TLS, c int32) int32 {
    217 	return __isspace(t, c)
    218 }
    220 // void __assert_rtn(const char *, const char *, int, const char *)
    221 func X__assert_rtn(t *TLS, function, file uintptr, line int32, assertion uintptr) {
    222 	panic(todo(""))
    223 	// fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "assertion failure: %s:%d.%s: %s\n", GoString(file), line, GoString(function), GoString(assertion))
    224 	// os.Stderr.Sync()
    225 	// Xexit(t, 1)
    226 }
    228 // int getrusage(int who, struct rusage *usage);
    229 func Xgetrusage(t *TLS, who int32, usage uintptr) int32 {
    230 	panic(todo(""))
    231 	// if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_GETRUSAGE, uintptr(who), usage, 0); err != 0 {
    232 	// 	t.setErrno(err)
    233 	// 	return -1
    234 	// }
    236 	// return 0
    237 }
    239 // int fgetc(FILE *stream);
    240 func Xfgetc(t *TLS, stream uintptr) int32 {
    241 	fd := int((*stdio.FILE)(unsafe.Pointer(stream)).F_file)
    242 	var buf [1]byte
    243 	if n, _ := unix.Read(fd, buf[:]); n != 0 {
    244 		return int32(buf[0])
    245 	}
    247 	return stdio.EOF
    248 }
    250 // int lstat(const char *pathname, struct stat *statbuf);
    251 func Xlstat(t *TLS, pathname, statbuf uintptr) int32 {
    252 	return Xlstat64(t, pathname, statbuf)
    253 }
    255 // int stat(const char *pathname, struct stat *statbuf);
    256 func Xstat(t *TLS, pathname, statbuf uintptr) int32 {
    257 	return Xstat64(t, pathname, statbuf)
    258 }
    260 // int chdir(const char *path);
    261 func Xchdir(t *TLS, path uintptr) int32 {
    262 	if err := unix.Chdir(GoString(path)); err != nil {
    263 		if dmesgs {
    264 			dmesg("%v: %q: %v FAIL", origin(1), GoString(path), err)
    265 		}
    266 		t.setErrno(err)
    267 		return -1
    268 	}
    270 	if dmesgs {
    271 		dmesg("%v: %q: ok", origin(1), GoString(path))
    272 	}
    273 	return 0
    274 }
    276 var localtime time.Tm
    278 // struct tm *localtime(const time_t *timep);
    279 func Xlocaltime(_ *TLS, timep uintptr) uintptr {
    280 	loc := getLocalLocation()
    281 	ut := *(*time.Time_t)(unsafe.Pointer(timep))
    282 	t := gotime.Unix(int64(ut), 0).In(loc)
    283 	localtime.Ftm_sec = int32(t.Second())
    284 	localtime.Ftm_min = int32(t.Minute())
    285 	localtime.Ftm_hour = int32(t.Hour())
    286 	localtime.Ftm_mday = int32(t.Day())
    287 	localtime.Ftm_mon = int32(t.Month() - 1)
    288 	localtime.Ftm_year = int32(t.Year() - 1900)
    289 	localtime.Ftm_wday = int32(t.Weekday())
    290 	localtime.Ftm_yday = int32(t.YearDay())
    291 	localtime.Ftm_isdst = Bool32(isTimeDST(t))
    292 	return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&localtime))
    293 }
    295 // struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *timep, struct tm *result);
    296 func Xlocaltime_r(_ *TLS, timep, result uintptr) uintptr {
    297 	loc := getLocalLocation()
    298 	ut := *(*time_t)(unsafe.Pointer(timep))
    299 	t := gotime.Unix(int64(ut), 0).In(loc)
    300 	(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_sec = int32(t.Second())
    301 	(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_min = int32(t.Minute())
    302 	(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_hour = int32(t.Hour())
    303 	(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_mday = int32(t.Day())
    304 	(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_mon = int32(t.Month() - 1)
    305 	(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_year = int32(t.Year() - 1900)
    306 	(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_wday = int32(t.Weekday())
    307 	(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_yday = int32(t.YearDay())
    308 	(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_isdst = Bool32(isTimeDST(t))
    309 	return result
    310 }
    312 // int open(const char *pathname, int flags, ...);
    313 func Xopen(t *TLS, pathname uintptr, flags int32, args uintptr) int32 {
    314 	var mode types.Mode_t
    315 	if args != 0 {
    316 		mode = (types.Mode_t)(VaUint32(&args))
    317 	}
    318 	fd, err := unix.Open(GoString(pathname), int(flags), uint32(mode))
    319 	if err != nil {
    320 		if dmesgs {
    321 			dmesg("%v: %q %#x %#o: %v FAIL", origin(1), GoString(pathname), flags, mode, err)
    322 		}
    323 		t.setErrno(err)
    324 		return -1
    325 	}
    327 	if dmesgs {
    328 		dmesg("%v: %q flags %#x mode %#o: fd %v", origin(1), GoString(pathname), flags, mode, fd)
    329 	}
    330 	return int32(fd)
    331 }
    333 // off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence);
    334 func Xlseek(t *TLS, fd int32, offset types.Off_t, whence int32) types.Off_t {
    335 	return types.Off_t(Xlseek64(t, fd, offset, whence))
    336 }
    338 func whenceStr(whence int32) string {
    339 	switch whence {
    340 	case fcntl.SEEK_CUR:
    341 		return "SEEK_CUR"
    342 	case fcntl.SEEK_END:
    343 		return "SEEK_END"
    344 	case fcntl.SEEK_SET:
    345 		return "SEEK_SET"
    346 	default:
    347 		return fmt.Sprintf("whence(%d)", whence)
    348 	}
    349 }
    351 var fsyncStatbuf stat.Stat
    353 // int fsync(int fd);
    354 func Xfsync(t *TLS, fd int32) int32 {
    355 	if noFsync {
    356 		// Simulate -DSQLITE_NO_SYNC for sqlite3 testfixture, see function full_sync in sqlite3.c
    357 		return Xfstat(t, fd, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&fsyncStatbuf)))
    358 	}
    360 	if err := unix.Fsync(int(fd)); err != nil {
    361 		if dmesgs {
    362 			dmesg("%v: %v: %v FAIL", origin(1), fd, err)
    363 		}
    364 		t.setErrno(err)
    365 		return -1
    366 	}
    368 	if dmesgs {
    369 		dmesg("%v: %d: ok", origin(1), fd)
    370 	}
    371 	return 0
    372 }
    374 // long sysconf(int name);
    375 func Xsysconf(t *TLS, name int32) long {
    376 	switch name {
    377 	case unistd.X_SC_PAGESIZE:
    378 		return long(unix.Getpagesize())
    379 	case unistd.X_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN:
    380 		return long(runtime.NumCPU())
    381 	}
    383 	panic(todo(""))
    384 }
    386 // int close(int fd);
    387 func Xclose(t *TLS, fd int32) int32 {
    388 	if err := unix.Close(int(fd)); err != nil {
    389 		if dmesgs {
    390 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
    391 		}
    392 		t.setErrno(err)
    393 		return -1
    394 	}
    396 	if dmesgs {
    397 		dmesg("%v: %d: ok", origin(1), fd)
    398 	}
    399 	return 0
    400 }
    402 // char *getcwd(char *buf, size_t size);
    403 func Xgetcwd(t *TLS, buf uintptr, size types.Size_t) uintptr {
    404 	if _, err := unix.Getcwd((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:size:size]); err != nil {
    405 		if dmesgs {
    406 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
    407 		}
    408 		t.setErrno(err)
    409 		return 0
    410 	}
    412 	if dmesgs {
    413 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
    414 	}
    415 	return buf
    416 }
    418 // int fstat(int fd, struct stat *statbuf);
    419 func Xfstat(t *TLS, fd int32, statbuf uintptr) int32 {
    420 	return Xfstat64(t, fd, statbuf)
    421 }
    423 // int ftruncate(int fd, off_t length);
    424 func Xftruncate(t *TLS, fd int32, length types.Off_t) int32 {
    425 	if err := unix.Ftruncate(int(fd), int64(length)); err != nil {
    426 		if dmesgs {
    427 			dmesg("%v: fd %d: %v FAIL", origin(1), fd, err)
    428 		}
    429 		t.setErrno(err)
    430 		return -1
    431 	}
    433 	if dmesgs {
    434 		dmesg("%v: %d %#x: ok", origin(1), fd, length)
    435 	}
    436 	return 0
    437 }
    439 // int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, ... /* arg */ );
    440 func Xfcntl(t *TLS, fd, cmd int32, args uintptr) int32 {
    441 	return Xfcntl64(t, fd, cmd, args)
    442 }
    444 // ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
    445 func Xread(t *TLS, fd int32, buf uintptr, count types.Size_t) types.Ssize_t {
    446 	var n int
    447 	var err error
    448 	switch {
    449 	case count == 0:
    450 		n, err = unix.Read(int(fd), nil)
    451 	default:
    452 		n, err = unix.Read(int(fd), (*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:count:count])
    453 		if dmesgs && err == nil {
    454 			dmesg("%v: fd %v, count %#x, n %#x\n%s", origin(1), fd, count, n, hex.Dump((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:n:n]))
    455 		}
    456 	}
    457 	if err != nil {
    458 		if dmesgs {
    459 			dmesg("%v: fd %v, %v FAIL", origin(1), fd, err)
    460 		}
    461 		t.setErrno(err)
    462 		return -1
    463 	}
    465 	if dmesgs {
    466 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
    467 	}
    468 	return types.Ssize_t(n)
    469 }
    471 // ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
    472 func Xwrite(t *TLS, fd int32, buf uintptr, count types.Size_t) types.Ssize_t {
    473 	var n int
    474 	var err error
    475 	switch {
    476 	case count == 0:
    477 		n, err = unix.Write(int(fd), nil)
    478 	default:
    479 		n, err = unix.Write(int(fd), (*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:count:count])
    480 		if dmesgs {
    481 			dmesg("%v: fd %v, count %#x\n%s", origin(1), fd, count, hex.Dump((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:count:count]))
    482 		}
    483 	}
    484 	if err != nil {
    485 		if dmesgs {
    486 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
    487 		}
    488 		t.setErrno(err)
    489 		return -1
    490 	}
    492 	if dmesgs {
    493 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
    494 	}
    495 	return types.Ssize_t(n)
    496 }
    498 // int fchmod(int fd, mode_t mode);
    499 func Xfchmod(t *TLS, fd int32, mode types.Mode_t) int32 {
    500 	if err := unix.Fchmod(int(fd), uint32(mode)); err != nil {
    501 		if dmesgs {
    502 			dmesg("%v: %d %#o: %v FAIL", origin(1), fd, mode, err)
    503 		}
    504 		t.setErrno(err)
    505 		return -1
    506 	}
    508 	if dmesgs {
    509 		dmesg("%v: %d %#o: ok", origin(1), fd, mode)
    510 	}
    511 	return 0
    512 }
    514 // int fchown(int fd, uid_t owner, gid_t group);
    515 func Xfchown(t *TLS, fd int32, owner types.Uid_t, group types.Gid_t) int32 {
    516 	if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_FCHOWN, uintptr(fd), uintptr(owner), uintptr(group)); err != 0 {
    517 		t.setErrno(err)
    518 		return -1
    519 	}
    521 	return 0
    522 }
    524 // uid_t geteuid(void);
    525 func Xgeteuid(t *TLS) types.Uid_t {
    526 	r := types.Uid_t(unix.Geteuid())
    527 	if dmesgs {
    528 		dmesg("%v: %v", origin(1), r)
    529 	}
    530 	return r
    531 }
    533 // void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);
    534 func Xmmap(t *TLS, addr uintptr, length types.Size_t, prot, flags, fd int32, offset types.Off_t) uintptr {
    535 	// Cannot avoid the syscall here, addr sometimes matter.
    536 	data, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_MMAP, addr, uintptr(length), uintptr(prot), uintptr(flags), uintptr(fd), uintptr(offset))
    537 	if err != 0 {
    538 		if dmesgs {
    539 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
    540 		}
    541 		t.setErrno(err)
    542 		return ^uintptr(0) // (void*)-1
    543 	}
    545 	if dmesgs {
    546 		dmesg("%v: %#x", origin(1), data)
    547 	}
    548 	return data
    549 }
    551 // int munmap(void *addr, size_t length);
    552 func Xmunmap(t *TLS, addr uintptr, length types.Size_t) int32 {
    553 	if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_MUNMAP, addr, uintptr(length), 0); err != 0 { // Cannot avoid the syscall here, must pair with mmap.
    554 		if dmesgs {
    555 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
    556 		}
    557 		t.setErrno(err)
    558 		return -1
    559 	}
    561 	return 0
    562 }
    564 // int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz);
    565 func Xgettimeofday(t *TLS, tv, tz uintptr) int32 {
    566 	if tz != 0 {
    567 		panic(todo(""))
    568 	}
    570 	var tvs unix.Timeval
    571 	err := unix.Gettimeofday(&tvs)
    572 	if err != nil {
    573 		if dmesgs {
    574 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
    575 		}
    576 		t.setErrno(err)
    577 		return -1
    578 	}
    580 	*(*unix.Timeval)(unsafe.Pointer(tv)) = tvs
    581 	return 0
    582 }
    584 // int getsockopt(int sockfd, int level, int optname, void *optval, socklen_t *optlen);
    585 func Xgetsockopt(t *TLS, sockfd, level, optname int32, optval, optlen uintptr) int32 {
    586 	if _, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_GETSOCKOPT, uintptr(sockfd), uintptr(level), uintptr(optname), optval, optlen, 0); err != 0 {
    587 		t.setErrno(err)
    588 		return -1
    589 	}
    591 	return 0
    592 }
    594 // int setsockopt(int sockfd, int level, int optname, const void *optval, socklen_t optlen);
    595 func Xsetsockopt(t *TLS, sockfd, level, optname int32, optval uintptr, optlen socket.Socklen_t) int32 {
    596 	if _, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_SETSOCKOPT, uintptr(sockfd), uintptr(level), uintptr(optname), optval, uintptr(optlen), 0); err != 0 {
    597 		t.setErrno(err)
    598 		return -1
    599 	}
    601 	return 0
    602 }
    604 // int ioctl(int fd, unsigned long request, ...);
    605 func Xioctl(t *TLS, fd int32, request ulong, va uintptr) int32 {
    606 	var argp uintptr
    607 	if va != 0 {
    608 		argp = VaUintptr(&va)
    609 	}
    610 	n, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(request), argp)
    611 	if err != 0 {
    612 		t.setErrno(err)
    613 		return -1
    614 	}
    616 	return int32(n)
    617 }
    619 // int getsockname(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen);
    620 func Xgetsockname(t *TLS, sockfd int32, addr, addrlen uintptr) int32 {
    621 	if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_GETSOCKNAME, uintptr(sockfd), addr, addrlen); err != 0 { // Cannot avoid the syscall here.
    622 		if dmesgs {
    623 			dmesg("%v: fd %v: %v FAIL", origin(1), sockfd, err)
    624 		}
    625 		t.setErrno(err)
    626 		return -1
    627 	}
    629 	if dmesgs {
    630 		dmesg("%v: fd %v: ok", origin(1), sockfd)
    631 	}
    632 	return 0
    633 }
    635 // int select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout);
    636 func Xselect(t *TLS, nfds int32, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout uintptr) int32 {
    637 	n, err := unix.Select(
    638 		int(nfds),
    639 		(*unix.FdSet)(unsafe.Pointer(readfds)),
    640 		(*unix.FdSet)(unsafe.Pointer(writefds)),
    641 		(*unix.FdSet)(unsafe.Pointer(exceptfds)),
    642 		(*unix.Timeval)(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)),
    643 	)
    644 	if err != nil {
    645 		if dmesgs {
    646 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
    647 		}
    648 		t.setErrno(err)
    649 		return -1
    650 	}
    652 	if dmesgs {
    653 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
    654 	}
    655 	return int32(n)
    656 }
    658 // int mkfifo(const char *pathname, mode_t mode);
    659 func Xmkfifo(t *TLS, pathname uintptr, mode types.Mode_t) int32 {
    660 	if err := unix.Mkfifo(GoString(pathname), uint32(mode)); err != nil {
    661 		t.setErrno(err)
    662 		return -1
    663 	}
    665 	return 0
    666 }
    668 // mode_t umask(mode_t mask);
    669 func Xumask(t *TLS, mask types.Mode_t) types.Mode_t {
    670 	return types.Mode_t(unix.Umask(int(mask)))
    671 }
    673 // // int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]);
    674 // func Xexecvp(t *TLS, file, argv uintptr) int32 {
    675 // 	if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_EXECVE, file, argv, Environ()); err != 0 {
    676 // 		t.setErrno(err)
    677 // 		return -1
    678 // 	}
    679 //
    680 // 	return 0
    681 // }
    683 // pid_t (pid_t pid, int *wstatus, int options);
    684 func Xwaitpid(t *TLS, pid types.Pid_t, wstatus uintptr, optname int32) types.Pid_t {
    685 	n, err := unix.Wait4(int(pid), (*unix.WaitStatus)(unsafe.Pointer(wstatus)), int(optname), nil)
    686 	if err != nil {
    687 		if dmesgs {
    688 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
    689 		}
    690 		t.setErrno(err)
    691 		return -1
    692 	}
    694 	if dmesgs {
    695 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
    696 	}
    697 	return types.Pid_t(n)
    698 }
    700 // int uname(struct utsname *buf);
    701 func Xuname(t *TLS, buf uintptr) int32 {
    702 	if err := unix.Uname((*unix.Utsname)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))); err != nil {
    703 		if dmesgs {
    704 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
    705 		}
    706 		t.setErrno(err)
    707 		return -1
    708 	}
    710 	if dmesgs {
    711 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
    712 	}
    713 	return 0
    714 }
    716 // ssize_t recv(int sockfd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags);
    717 func Xrecv(t *TLS, sockfd int32, buf uintptr, len types.Size_t, flags int32) types.Ssize_t {
    718 	n, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_RECVFROM, uintptr(sockfd), buf, uintptr(len), uintptr(flags), 0, 0)
    719 	if err != 0 {
    720 		t.setErrno(err)
    721 		return -1
    722 	}
    724 	return types.Ssize_t(n)
    725 }
    727 // ssize_t send(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags);
    728 func Xsend(t *TLS, sockfd int32, buf uintptr, len types.Size_t, flags int32) types.Ssize_t {
    729 	n, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_SENDTO, uintptr(sockfd), buf, uintptr(len), uintptr(flags), 0, 0)
    730 	if err != 0 {
    731 		t.setErrno(err)
    732 		return -1
    733 	}
    735 	return types.Ssize_t(n)
    736 }
    738 // int shutdown(int sockfd, int how);
    739 func Xshutdown(t *TLS, sockfd, how int32) int32 {
    740 	if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_SHUTDOWN, uintptr(sockfd), uintptr(how), 0); err != 0 {
    741 		t.setErrno(err)
    742 		return -1
    743 	}
    745 	return 0
    746 }
    748 // int getpeername(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen);
    749 func Xgetpeername(t *TLS, sockfd int32, addr uintptr, addrlen uintptr) int32 {
    750 	if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_GETPEERNAME, uintptr(sockfd), addr, uintptr(addrlen)); err != 0 {
    751 		t.setErrno(err)
    752 		return -1
    753 	}
    755 	return 0
    756 }
    758 // int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
    759 func Xsocket(t *TLS, domain, type1, protocol int32) int32 {
    760 	n, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_SOCKET, uintptr(domain), uintptr(type1), uintptr(protocol))
    761 	if err != 0 {
    762 		t.setErrno(err)
    763 		return -1
    764 	}
    766 	return int32(n)
    767 }
    769 // int bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen);
    770 func Xbind(t *TLS, sockfd int32, addr uintptr, addrlen uint32) int32 {
    771 	n, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_BIND, uintptr(sockfd), addr, uintptr(addrlen))
    772 	if err != 0 {
    773 		t.setErrno(err)
    774 		return -1
    775 	}
    777 	return int32(n)
    778 }
    780 // int connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen);
    781 func Xconnect(t *TLS, sockfd int32, addr uintptr, addrlen uint32) int32 {
    782 	if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_CONNECT, uintptr(sockfd), addr, uintptr(addrlen)); err != 0 {
    783 		t.setErrno(err)
    784 		return -1
    785 	}
    787 	return 0
    788 }
    790 // int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);
    791 func Xlisten(t *TLS, sockfd, backlog int32) int32 {
    792 	if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_LISTEN, uintptr(sockfd), uintptr(backlog), 0); err != 0 {
    793 		t.setErrno(err)
    794 		return -1
    795 	}
    797 	return 0
    798 }
    800 // int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen);
    801 func Xaccept(t *TLS, sockfd int32, addr uintptr, addrlen uintptr) int32 {
    802 	panic(todo(""))
    803 	// n, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(sockfd), addr, uintptr(addrlen), 0, 0, 0)
    804 	// if err != 0 {
    805 	// 	t.setErrno(err)
    806 	// 	return -1
    807 	// }
    809 	// return int32(n)
    810 }
    812 // // int getrlimit(int resource, struct rlimit *rlim);
    813 // func Xgetrlimit(t *TLS, resource int32, rlim uintptr) int32 {
    814 // 	return Xgetrlimit64(t, resource, rlim)
    815 // }
    816 //
    817 // // int setrlimit(int resource, const struct rlimit *rlim);
    818 // func Xsetrlimit(t *TLS, resource int32, rlim uintptr) int32 {
    819 // 	return Xsetrlimit64(t, resource, rlim)
    820 // }
    821 //
    822 // // int setrlimit(int resource, const struct rlimit *rlim);
    823 // func Xsetrlimit64(t *TLS, resource int32, rlim uintptr) int32 {
    824 // 	if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_SETRLIMIT, uintptr(resource), uintptr(rlim), 0); err != 0 {
    825 // 		t.setErrno(err)
    826 // 		return -1
    827 // 	}
    828 //
    829 // 	return 0
    830 // }
    832 // uid_t getuid(void);
    833 func Xgetuid(t *TLS) types.Uid_t {
    834 	r := types.Uid_t(os.Getuid())
    835 	if dmesgs {
    836 		dmesg("%v: %v", origin(1), r)
    837 	}
    838 	return r
    839 }
    841 // pid_t getpid(void);
    842 func Xgetpid(t *TLS) int32 {
    843 	r := int32(os.Getpid())
    844 	if dmesgs {
    845 		dmesg("%v: %v", origin(1), r)
    846 	}
    847 	return r
    848 }
    850 // int system(const char *command);
    851 func Xsystem(t *TLS, command uintptr) int32 {
    852 	s := GoString(command)
    853 	if command == 0 {
    854 		panic(todo(""))
    855 	}
    857 	cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", s)
    858 	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
    859 	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
    860 	err := cmd.Run()
    861 	if err != nil {
    862 		ps := err.(*exec.ExitError)
    863 		return int32(ps.ExitCode())
    864 	}
    866 	return 0
    867 }
    869 // int setvbuf(FILE *stream, char *buf, int mode, size_t size);
    870 func Xsetvbuf(t *TLS, stream, buf uintptr, mode int32, size types.Size_t) int32 {
    871 	return 0 //TODO
    872 }
    874 // int raise(int sig);
    875 func Xraise(t *TLS, sig int32) int32 {
    876 	panic(todo(""))
    877 }
    879 // // int backtrace(void **buffer, int size);
    880 // func Xbacktrace(t *TLS, buf uintptr, size int32) int32 {
    881 // 	panic(todo(""))
    882 // }
    883 //
    884 // // void backtrace_symbols_fd(void *const *buffer, int size, int fd);
    885 // func Xbacktrace_symbols_fd(t *TLS, buffer uintptr, size, fd int32) {
    886 // 	panic(todo(""))
    887 // }
    889 // int fileno(FILE *stream);
    890 func Xfileno(t *TLS, stream uintptr) int32 {
    891 	if stream == 0 {
    892 		if dmesgs {
    893 			dmesg("%v: FAIL", origin(1))
    894 		}
    895 		t.setErrno(errno.EBADF)
    896 		return -1
    897 	}
    899 	if fd := int32((*stdio.FILE)(unsafe.Pointer(stream)).F_file); fd >= 0 {
    900 		return fd
    901 	}
    903 	if dmesgs {
    904 		dmesg("%v: FAIL", origin(1))
    905 	}
    906 	t.setErrno(errno.EBADF)
    907 	return -1
    908 }
    910 func newFtsent(t *TLS, info int, path string, stat *unix.Stat_t, err syscall.Errno) (r *fts.FTSENT) {
    911 	var statp uintptr
    912 	if stat != nil {
    913 		statp = Xmalloc(t, types.Size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(unix.Stat_t{})))
    914 		if statp == 0 {
    915 			panic("OOM")
    916 		}
    918 		*(*unix.Stat_t)(unsafe.Pointer(statp)) = *stat
    919 	}
    920 	csp, errx := CString(path)
    921 	if errx != nil {
    922 		panic("OOM")
    923 	}
    925 	return &fts.FTSENT{
    926 		Ffts_info:    uint16(info),
    927 		Ffts_path:    csp,
    928 		Ffts_pathlen: uint16(len(path)),
    929 		Ffts_statp:   statp,
    930 		Ffts_errno:   int32(err),
    931 	}
    932 }
    934 func newCFtsent(t *TLS, info int, path string, stat *unix.Stat_t, err syscall.Errno) uintptr {
    935 	p := Xcalloc(t, 1, types.Size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(fts.FTSENT{})))
    936 	if p == 0 {
    937 		panic("OOM")
    938 	}
    940 	*(*fts.FTSENT)(unsafe.Pointer(p)) = *newFtsent(t, info, path, stat, err)
    941 	return p
    942 }
    944 func ftsentClose(t *TLS, p uintptr) {
    945 	Xfree(t, (*fts.FTSENT)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).Ffts_path)
    946 	Xfree(t, (*fts.FTSENT)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).Ffts_statp)
    947 }
    949 type ftstream struct {
    950 	s []uintptr
    951 	x int
    952 }
    954 func (f *ftstream) close(t *TLS) {
    955 	for _, p := range f.s {
    956 		ftsentClose(t, p)
    957 		Xfree(t, p)
    958 	}
    959 	*f = ftstream{}
    960 }
    962 // FTS *fts_open(char * const *path_argv, int options, int (*compar)(const FTSENT **, const FTSENT **));
    963 func Xfts_open(t *TLS, path_argv uintptr, options int32, compar uintptr) uintptr {
    964 	f := &ftstream{}
    966 	var walk func(string)
    967 	walk = func(path string) {
    968 		var fi os.FileInfo
    969 		var err error
    970 		switch {
    971 		case options&fts.FTS_LOGICAL != 0:
    972 			fi, err = os.Stat(path)
    973 		case options&fts.FTS_PHYSICAL != 0:
    974 			fi, err = os.Lstat(path)
    975 		default:
    976 			panic(todo(""))
    977 		}
    979 		if err != nil {
    980 			return
    981 		}
    983 		var statp *unix.Stat_t
    984 		if options&fts.FTS_NOSTAT == 0 {
    985 			var stat unix.Stat_t
    986 			switch {
    987 			case options&fts.FTS_LOGICAL != 0:
    988 				if err := unix.Stat(path, &stat); err != nil {
    989 					panic(todo(""))
    990 				}
    991 			case options&fts.FTS_PHYSICAL != 0:
    992 				if err := unix.Lstat(path, &stat); err != nil {
    993 					panic(todo(""))
    994 				}
    995 			default:
    996 				panic(todo(""))
    997 			}
    999 			statp = &stat
   1000 		}
   1002 	out:
   1003 		switch {
   1004 		case fi.IsDir():
   1005 			f.s = append(f.s, newCFtsent(t, fts.FTS_D, path, statp, 0))
   1006 			g, err := os.Open(path)
   1007 			switch x := err.(type) {
   1008 			case nil:
   1009 				// ok
   1010 			case *os.PathError:
   1011 				f.s = append(f.s, newCFtsent(t, fts.FTS_DNR, path, statp, errno.EACCES))
   1012 				break out
   1013 			default:
   1014 				panic(todo("%q: %v %T", path, x, x))
   1015 			}
   1017 			names, err := g.Readdirnames(-1)
   1018 			g.Close()
   1019 			if err != nil {
   1020 				panic(todo(""))
   1021 			}
   1023 			for _, name := range names {
   1024 				walk(path + "/" + name)
   1025 				if f == nil {
   1026 					break out
   1027 				}
   1028 			}
   1030 			f.s = append(f.s, newCFtsent(t, fts.FTS_DP, path, statp, 0))
   1031 		default:
   1032 			info := fts.FTS_F
   1033 			if fi.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
   1034 				info = fts.FTS_SL
   1035 			}
   1036 			switch {
   1037 			case statp != nil:
   1038 				f.s = append(f.s, newCFtsent(t, info, path, statp, 0))
   1039 			case options&fts.FTS_NOSTAT != 0:
   1040 				f.s = append(f.s, newCFtsent(t, fts.FTS_NSOK, path, nil, 0))
   1041 			default:
   1042 				panic(todo(""))
   1043 			}
   1044 		}
   1045 	}
   1047 	for {
   1048 		p := *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(path_argv))
   1049 		if p == 0 {
   1050 			if f == nil {
   1051 				return 0
   1052 			}
   1054 			if compar != 0 {
   1055 				panic(todo(""))
   1056 			}
   1058 			return addObject(f)
   1059 		}
   1061 		walk(GoString(p))
   1062 		path_argv += unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))
   1063 	}
   1064 }
   1066 // FTSENT *fts_read(FTS *ftsp);
   1067 func Xfts_read(t *TLS, ftsp uintptr) uintptr {
   1068 	f := getObject(ftsp).(*ftstream)
   1069 	if f.x == len(f.s) {
   1070 		if dmesgs {
   1071 			dmesg("%v: FAIL", origin(1))
   1072 		}
   1073 		t.setErrno(0)
   1074 		return 0
   1075 	}
   1077 	r := f.s[f.x]
   1078 	if e := (*fts.FTSENT)(unsafe.Pointer(r)).Ffts_errno; e != 0 {
   1079 		if dmesgs {
   1080 			dmesg("%v: FAIL", origin(1))
   1081 		}
   1082 		t.setErrno(e)
   1083 	}
   1084 	f.x++
   1085 	return r
   1086 }
   1088 // int fts_close(FTS *ftsp);
   1089 func Xfts_close(t *TLS, ftsp uintptr) int32 {
   1090 	getObject(ftsp).(*ftstream).close(t)
   1091 	removeObject(ftsp)
   1092 	return 0
   1093 }
   1095 // void tzset (void);
   1096 func Xtzset(t *TLS) {
   1097 	//TODO
   1098 }
   1100 // char *strerror(int errnum);
   1101 func Xstrerror(t *TLS, errnum int32) uintptr {
   1102 	panic(todo(""))
   1103 }
   1105 // void *dlopen(const char *filename, int flags);
   1106 func Xdlopen(t *TLS, filename uintptr, flags int32) uintptr {
   1107 	panic(todo(""))
   1108 }
   1110 // char *dlerror(void);
   1111 func Xdlerror(t *TLS) uintptr {
   1112 	panic(todo(""))
   1113 }
   1115 // int dlclose(void *handle);
   1116 func Xdlclose(t *TLS, handle uintptr) int32 {
   1117 	panic(todo(""))
   1118 }
   1120 // void *dlsym(void *handle, const char *symbol);
   1121 func Xdlsym(t *TLS, handle, symbol uintptr) uintptr {
   1122 	panic(todo(""))
   1123 }
   1125 // void perror(const char *s);
   1126 func Xperror(t *TLS, s uintptr) {
   1127 	panic(todo(""))
   1128 }
   1130 // int pclose(FILE *stream);
   1131 func Xpclose(t *TLS, stream uintptr) int32 {
   1132 	panic(todo(""))
   1133 }
   1135 // var gai_strerrorBuf [100]byte
   1137 // const char *gai_strerror(int errcode);
   1138 func Xgai_strerror(t *TLS, errcode int32) uintptr {
   1139 	panic(todo(""))
   1140 	// copy(gai_strerrorBuf[:], fmt.Sprintf("gai error %d\x00", errcode))
   1141 	// return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&gai_strerrorBuf))
   1142 }
   1144 // int tcgetattr(int fd, struct termios *termios_p);
   1145 func Xtcgetattr(t *TLS, fd int32, termios_p uintptr) int32 {
   1146 	panic(todo(""))
   1147 }
   1149 // int tcsetattr(int fd, int optional_actions, const struct termios *termios_p);
   1150 func Xtcsetattr(t *TLS, fd, optional_actions int32, termios_p uintptr) int32 {
   1151 	panic(todo(""))
   1152 }
   1154 // speed_t cfgetospeed(const struct termios *termios_p);
   1155 func Xcfgetospeed(t *TLS, termios_p uintptr) termios.Speed_t {
   1156 	panic(todo(""))
   1157 }
   1159 // int cfsetospeed(struct termios *termios_p, speed_t speed);
   1160 // func Xcfsetospeed(t *TLS, termios_p uintptr, speed uint32) int32 {
   1161 func Xcfsetospeed(...interface{}) int32 {
   1162 	panic(todo(""))
   1163 }
   1165 // int cfsetispeed(struct termios *termios_p, speed_t speed);
   1166 // func Xcfsetispeed(t *TLS, termios_p uintptr, speed uint32) int32 {
   1167 func Xcfsetispeed(...interface{}) int32 {
   1168 	panic(todo(""))
   1169 }
   1171 // pid_t fork(void);
   1172 func Xfork(t *TLS) int32 {
   1173 	if dmesgs {
   1174 		dmesg("%v: FAIL", origin(1))
   1175 	}
   1176 	t.setErrno(errno.ENOSYS)
   1177 	return -1
   1178 }
   1180 var emptyStr = [1]byte{}
   1182 // char *setlocale(int category, const char *locale);
   1183 func Xsetlocale(t *TLS, category int32, locale uintptr) uintptr {
   1184 	return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyStr)) //TODO
   1185 }
   1187 // char *nl_langinfo(nl_item item);
   1188 func Xnl_langinfo(t *TLS, item langinfo.Nl_item) uintptr {
   1189 	return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyStr)) //TODO
   1190 }
   1192 // FILE *popen(const char *command, const char *type);
   1193 func Xpopen(t *TLS, command, type1 uintptr) uintptr {
   1194 	panic(todo(""))
   1195 }
   1197 // char *realpath(const char *path, char *resolved_path);
   1198 func Xrealpath(t *TLS, path, resolved_path uintptr) uintptr {
   1199 	s, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(GoString(path))
   1200 	if err != nil {
   1201 		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
   1202 			if dmesgs {
   1203 				dmesg("%v: %q: %v FAIL", origin(1), GoString(path), err)
   1204 			}
   1205 			t.setErrno(errno.ENOENT)
   1206 			return 0
   1207 		}
   1209 		panic(todo("", err))
   1210 	}
   1212 	if resolved_path == 0 {
   1213 		panic(todo(""))
   1214 	}
   1216 	if len(s) >= limits.PATH_MAX {
   1217 		s = s[:limits.PATH_MAX-1]
   1218 	}
   1220 	copy((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(resolved_path))[:len(s):len(s)], s)
   1221 	(*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(resolved_path))[len(s)] = 0
   1222 	if dmesgs {
   1223 		dmesg("%v: %q: ok", origin(1), GoString(path))
   1224 	}
   1225 	return resolved_path
   1226 }
   1228 // struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *timep, struct tm *result);
   1229 func Xgmtime_r(t *TLS, timep, result uintptr) uintptr {
   1230 	panic(todo(""))
   1231 }
   1233 // char *inet_ntoa(struct in_addr in);
   1234 func Xinet_ntoa(t *TLS, in1 in.In_addr) uintptr {
   1235 	panic(todo(""))
   1236 }
   1238 func X__ccgo_in6addr_anyp(t *TLS) uintptr {
   1239 	panic(todo(""))
   1240 	// return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&in6_addr_any))
   1241 }
   1243 func Xabort(t *TLS) {
   1244 	if dmesgs {
   1245 		dmesg("%v:", origin(1))
   1246 	}
   1247 	p := Xcalloc(t, 1, types.Size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(signal.Sigaction{})))
   1248 	if p == 0 {
   1249 		panic("OOM")
   1250 	}
   1252 	(*signal.Sigaction)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).F__sigaction_u.F__sa_handler = signal.SIG_DFL
   1253 	Xsigaction(t, signal.SIGABRT, p, 0)
   1254 	Xfree(t, p)
   1255 	unix.Kill(unix.Getpid(), syscall.Signal(signal.SIGABRT))
   1256 	panic(todo("unrechable"))
   1257 }
   1259 // int fflush(FILE *stream);
   1260 func Xfflush(t *TLS, stream uintptr) int32 {
   1261 	return 0 //TODO
   1262 }
   1264 // size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);
   1265 func Xfread(t *TLS, ptr uintptr, size, nmemb types.Size_t, stream uintptr) types.Size_t {
   1266 	fd := uintptr(file(stream).fd())
   1267 	count := size * nmemb
   1268 	var n int
   1269 	var err error
   1270 	switch {
   1271 	case count == 0:
   1272 		n, err = unix.Read(int(fd), nil)
   1273 	default:
   1274 		n, err = unix.Read(int(fd), (*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))[:count:count])
   1275 		if dmesgs && err == nil {
   1276 			dmesg("%v: fd %v, n %#x\n%s", origin(1), fd, n, hex.Dump((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))[:n:n]))
   1277 		}
   1278 	}
   1279 	if err != nil {
   1280 		if dmesgs {
   1281 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
   1282 		}
   1283 		file(stream).setErr()
   1284 		return types.Size_t(n) / size
   1285 	}
   1287 	if dmesgs {
   1288 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
   1289 	}
   1290 	return types.Size_t(n) / size
   1291 }
   1293 // size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);
   1294 func Xfwrite(t *TLS, ptr uintptr, size, nmemb types.Size_t, stream uintptr) types.Size_t {
   1295 	fd := uintptr(file(stream).fd())
   1296 	count := size * nmemb
   1297 	var n int
   1298 	var err error
   1299 	switch {
   1300 	case count == 0:
   1301 		n, err = unix.Write(int(fd), nil)
   1302 	default:
   1303 		n, err = unix.Write(int(fd), (*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))[:count:count])
   1304 		if dmesgs {
   1305 			dmesg("%v: fd %v, count %#x\n%s", origin(1), fd, count, hex.Dump((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))[:count:count]))
   1306 		}
   1307 	}
   1308 	if err != nil {
   1309 		if dmesgs {
   1310 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
   1311 		}
   1312 		file(stream).setErr()
   1313 		return types.Size_t(n) / size
   1314 	}
   1316 	if dmesgs {
   1317 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
   1318 	}
   1319 	return types.Size_t(n) / size
   1320 }
   1322 // int fclose(FILE *stream);
   1323 func Xfclose(t *TLS, stream uintptr) int32 {
   1324 	r := file(stream).close(t)
   1325 	if r != 0 {
   1326 		if dmesgs {
   1327 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), r)
   1328 		}
   1329 		t.setErrno(r)
   1330 		return stdio.EOF
   1331 	}
   1333 	if dmesgs {
   1334 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
   1335 	}
   1336 	return 0
   1337 }
   1339 // int fputc(int c, FILE *stream);
   1340 func Xfputc(t *TLS, c int32, stream uintptr) int32 {
   1341 	if _, err := fwrite(file(stream).fd(), []byte{byte(c)}); err != nil {
   1342 		return stdio.EOF
   1343 	}
   1345 	return int32(byte(c))
   1346 }
   1348 // int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int whence);
   1349 func Xfseek(t *TLS, stream uintptr, offset long, whence int32) int32 {
   1350 	if n := Xlseek(t, int32(file(stream).fd()), types.Off_t(offset), whence); n < 0 {
   1351 		if dmesgs {
   1352 			dmesg("%v: fd %v, off %#x, whence %v: %v", origin(1), file(stream).fd(), offset, whenceStr(whence), n)
   1353 		}
   1354 		file(stream).setErr()
   1355 		return -1
   1356 	}
   1358 	if dmesgs {
   1359 		dmesg("%v: fd %v, off %#x, whence %v: ok", origin(1), file(stream).fd(), offset, whenceStr(whence))
   1360 	}
   1361 	return 0
   1362 }
   1364 // long ftell(FILE *stream);
   1365 func Xftell(t *TLS, stream uintptr) long {
   1366 	n := Xlseek(t, file(stream).fd(), 0, stdio.SEEK_CUR)
   1367 	if n < 0 {
   1368 		file(stream).setErr()
   1369 		return -1
   1370 	}
   1372 	if dmesgs {
   1373 		dmesg("%v: fd %v, n %#x: ok %#x", origin(1), file(stream).fd(), n, long(n))
   1374 	}
   1375 	return long(n)
   1376 }
   1378 // int ferror(FILE *stream);
   1379 func Xferror(t *TLS, stream uintptr) int32 {
   1380 	return Bool32(file(stream).err())
   1381 }
   1383 // int fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream);
   1384 func Xfputs(t *TLS, s, stream uintptr) int32 {
   1385 	panic(todo(""))
   1386 	// if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_WRITE, uintptr(file(stream).fd()), s, uintptr(Xstrlen(t, s))); err != 0 {
   1387 	// 	return -1
   1388 	// }
   1390 	// return 0
   1391 }
   1393 var getservbynameStaticResult netdb.Servent
   1395 // struct servent *getservbyname(const char *name, const char *proto);
   1396 func Xgetservbyname(t *TLS, name, proto uintptr) uintptr {
   1397 	var protoent *gonetdb.Protoent
   1398 	if proto != 0 {
   1399 		protoent = gonetdb.GetProtoByName(GoString(proto))
   1400 	}
   1401 	servent := gonetdb.GetServByName(GoString(name), protoent)
   1402 	if servent == nil {
   1403 		if dmesgs {
   1404 			dmesg("%q %q: nil (protoent %+v)", GoString(name), GoString(proto), protoent)
   1405 		}
   1406 		return 0
   1407 	}
   1409 	Xfree(t, (*netdb.Servent)(unsafe.Pointer(&getservbynameStaticResult)).Fs_name)
   1410 	if v := (*netdb.Servent)(unsafe.Pointer(&getservbynameStaticResult)).Fs_aliases; v != 0 {
   1411 		for {
   1412 			p := *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(v))
   1413 			if p == 0 {
   1414 				break
   1415 			}
   1417 			Xfree(t, p)
   1418 			v += unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))
   1419 		}
   1420 		Xfree(t, v)
   1421 	}
   1422 	Xfree(t, (*netdb.Servent)(unsafe.Pointer(&getservbynameStaticResult)).Fs_proto)
   1423 	cname, err := CString(servent.Name)
   1424 	if err != nil {
   1425 		getservbynameStaticResult = netdb.Servent{}
   1426 		return 0
   1427 	}
   1429 	var protoname uintptr
   1430 	if protoent != nil {
   1431 		if protoname, err = CString(protoent.Name); err != nil {
   1432 			Xfree(t, cname)
   1433 			getservbynameStaticResult = netdb.Servent{}
   1434 			return 0
   1435 		}
   1436 	}
   1437 	var a []uintptr
   1438 	for _, v := range servent.Aliases {
   1439 		cs, err := CString(v)
   1440 		if err != nil {
   1441 			for _, v := range a {
   1442 				Xfree(t, v)
   1443 			}
   1444 			return 0
   1445 		}
   1447 		a = append(a, cs)
   1448 	}
   1449 	v := Xcalloc(t, types.Size_t(len(a)+1), types.Size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))))
   1450 	if v == 0 {
   1451 		Xfree(t, cname)
   1452 		Xfree(t, protoname)
   1453 		for _, v := range a {
   1454 			Xfree(t, v)
   1455 		}
   1456 		getservbynameStaticResult = netdb.Servent{}
   1457 		return 0
   1458 	}
   1459 	for _, p := range a {
   1460 		*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(v)) = p
   1461 		v += unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))
   1462 	}
   1464 	getservbynameStaticResult = netdb.Servent{
   1465 		Fs_name:    cname,
   1466 		Fs_aliases: v,
   1467 		Fs_port:    int32(servent.Port),
   1468 		Fs_proto:   protoname,
   1469 	}
   1470 	return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&getservbynameStaticResult))
   1471 }
   1473 // //TODO- func Xreaddir64(t *TLS, dir uintptr) uintptr {
   1474 // //TODO- 	return Xreaddir(t, dir)
   1475 // //TODO- }
   1476 //
   1477 // func __syscall(r, _ uintptr, errno syscall.Errno) long {
   1478 // 	if errno != 0 {
   1479 // 		return long(-errno)
   1480 // 	}
   1481 //
   1482 // 	return long(r)
   1483 // }
   1485 func fcntlCmdStr(cmd int32) string {
   1486 	switch cmd {
   1487 	case fcntl.F_GETOWN:
   1488 		return "F_GETOWN"
   1489 	case fcntl.F_SETLK:
   1490 		return "F_SETLK"
   1491 	case fcntl.F_GETLK:
   1492 		return "F_GETLK"
   1493 	case fcntl.F_SETFD:
   1494 		return "F_SETFD"
   1495 	case fcntl.F_GETFD:
   1496 		return "F_GETFD"
   1497 	default:
   1498 		return fmt.Sprintf("cmd(%d)", cmd)
   1499 	}
   1500 }
   1502 // // struct __float2 { float __sinval; float __cosval; };
   1503 // // struct __double2 { double __sinval; double __cosval; };
   1504 // //
   1505 // // extern struct __float2 __sincosf_stret(float);
   1506 // // extern struct __double2 __sincos_stret(double);
   1507 // // extern struct __float2 __sincospif_stret(float);
   1508 // // extern struct __double2 __sincospi_stret(double);
   1509 //
   1510 // type X__float2 struct{ F__sinval, F__cosval float32 }
   1511 // type X__double2 struct{ F__sinval, F__cosval float32 }
   1512 //
   1513 // func X__sincosf_stret(*TLS, float32) X__float2 {
   1514 // 	panic(todo(""))
   1515 // }
   1516 //
   1517 // func X__sincos_stret(*TLS, float64) X__double2 {
   1518 // 	panic(todo(""))
   1519 // }
   1520 //
   1521 // func X__sincospif_stret(*TLS, float32) X__float2 {
   1522 // 	panic(todo(""))
   1523 // }
   1524 //
   1525 // func X__sincospi_stret(*TLS, float64) X__double2 {
   1526 // 	panic(todo(""))
   1527 // }
   1529 // ssize_t pread(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset);
   1530 func Xpread(t *TLS, fd int32, buf uintptr, count types.Size_t, offset types.Off_t) types.Ssize_t {
   1531 	var n int
   1532 	var err error
   1533 	switch {
   1534 	case count == 0:
   1535 		n, err = unix.Pread(int(fd), nil, int64(offset))
   1536 	default:
   1537 		n, err = unix.Pread(int(fd), (*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:count:count], int64(offset))
   1538 		if dmesgs && err == nil {
   1539 			dmesg("%v: fd %v, off %#x, count %#x, n %#x\n%s", origin(1), fd, offset, count, n, hex.Dump((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:n:n]))
   1540 		}
   1541 	}
   1542 	if err != nil {
   1543 		if dmesgs {
   1544 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
   1545 		}
   1546 		t.setErrno(err)
   1547 		return -1
   1548 	}
   1550 	if dmesgs {
   1551 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
   1552 	}
   1553 	return types.Ssize_t(n)
   1554 }
   1556 // ssize_t pwrite(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset);
   1557 func Xpwrite(t *TLS, fd int32, buf uintptr, count types.Size_t, offset types.Off_t) types.Ssize_t {
   1558 	var n int
   1559 	var err error
   1560 	switch {
   1561 	case count == 0:
   1562 		n, err = unix.Pwrite(int(fd), nil, int64(offset))
   1563 	default:
   1564 		n, err = unix.Pwrite(int(fd), (*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:count:count], int64(offset))
   1565 		if dmesgs {
   1566 			dmesg("%v: fd %v, off %#x, count %#x\n%s", origin(1), fd, offset, count, hex.Dump((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:count:count]))
   1567 		}
   1568 	}
   1569 	if err != nil {
   1570 		if dmesgs {
   1571 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
   1572 		}
   1573 		t.setErrno(err)
   1574 		return -1
   1575 	}
   1577 	if dmesgs {
   1578 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
   1579 	}
   1580 	return types.Ssize_t(n)
   1581 }
   1583 // char***_NSGetEnviron()
   1584 func X_NSGetEnviron(t *TLS) uintptr {
   1585 	return EnvironP()
   1586 }
   1588 // int chflags(const char *path, u_int flags);
   1589 func Xchflags(t *TLS, path uintptr, flags uint32) int32 {
   1590 	if err := unix.Chflags(GoString(path), int(flags)); err != nil {
   1591 		if dmesgs {
   1592 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
   1593 		}
   1594 		t.setErrno(err)
   1595 		return -1
   1596 	}
   1598 	if dmesgs {
   1599 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
   1600 	}
   1601 	return 0
   1602 }
   1604 // int rmdir(const char *pathname);
   1605 func Xrmdir(t *TLS, pathname uintptr) int32 {
   1606 	if err := unix.Rmdir(GoString(pathname)); err != nil {
   1607 		if dmesgs {
   1608 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
   1609 		}
   1610 		t.setErrno(err)
   1611 		return -1
   1612 	}
   1614 	if dmesgs {
   1615 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
   1616 	}
   1617 	return 0
   1618 }
   1620 // uint64_t mach_absolute_time(void);
   1621 func Xmach_absolute_time(t *TLS) uint64 {
   1622 	return uint64(gotime.Now().UnixNano())
   1623 }
   1625 // See
   1626 type machTimebaseInfo = struct {
   1627 	Fnumer uint32
   1628 	Fdenom uint32
   1629 } /* mach_time.h:36:1 */
   1631 // kern_return_t mach_timebase_info(mach_timebase_info_t info);
   1632 func Xmach_timebase_info(t *TLS, info uintptr) int32 {
   1633 	*(*machTimebaseInfo)(unsafe.Pointer(info)) = machTimebaseInfo{Fnumer: 1, Fdenom: 1}
   1634 	return 0
   1635 }
   1637 // int getattrlist(const char* path, struct attrlist * attrList, void * attrBuf, size_t attrBufSize, unsigned long options);
   1638 func Xgetattrlist(t *TLS, path, attrList, attrBuf uintptr, attrBufSize types.Size_t, options uint32) int32 {
   1639 	if _, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_GETATTRLIST, path, attrList, attrBuf, uintptr(attrBufSize), uintptr(options), 0); err != 0 { // Cannot avoid the syscall here.
   1640 		if dmesgs {
   1641 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
   1642 		}
   1643 		t.setErrno(err)
   1644 		return -1
   1645 	}
   1647 	if dmesgs {
   1648 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
   1649 	}
   1650 	return 0
   1651 }
   1653 // int setattrlist(const char* path, struct attrlist * attrList, void * attrBuf, size_t attrBufSize, unsigned long options);
   1654 func Xsetattrlist(t *TLS, path, attrList, attrBuf uintptr, attrBufSize types.Size_t, options uint32) int32 {
   1655 	if _, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_SETATTRLIST, path, attrList, attrBuf, uintptr(attrBufSize), uintptr(options), 0); err != 0 { // Cannot avoid the syscall here.
   1656 		if dmesgs {
   1657 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
   1658 		}
   1659 		t.setErrno(err)
   1660 		return -1
   1661 	}
   1663 	if dmesgs {
   1664 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
   1665 	}
   1666 	return 0
   1667 }
   1669 // int copyfile(const char *from, const char *to, copyfile_state_t state, copyfile_flags_t flags);
   1670 func Xcopyfile(...interface{}) int32 {
   1671 	panic(todo(""))
   1672 }
   1674 // int truncate(const char *path, off_t length);
   1675 func Xtruncate(...interface{}) int32 {
   1676 	panic(todo(""))
   1677 }
   1679 type darwinDir struct {
   1680 	buf [4096]byte
   1681 	fd  int
   1682 	h   int
   1683 	l   int
   1685 	eof bool
   1686 }
   1688 // DIR *opendir(const char *name);
   1689 func Xopendir(t *TLS, name uintptr) uintptr {
   1690 	p := Xmalloc(t, uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(darwinDir{})))
   1691 	if p == 0 {
   1692 		panic("OOM")
   1693 	}
   1695 	fd := int(Xopen(t, name, fcntl.O_RDONLY|fcntl.O_DIRECTORY|fcntl.O_CLOEXEC, 0))
   1696 	if fd < 0 {
   1697 		if dmesgs {
   1698 			dmesg("%v: FAIL %v", origin(1), (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).fd)
   1699 		}
   1700 		Xfree(t, p)
   1701 		// trc("==== opendir: %#x", 0)
   1702 		return 0
   1703 	}
   1705 	if dmesgs {
   1706 		dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
   1707 	}
   1708 	(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).fd = fd
   1709 	(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).h = 0
   1710 	(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).l = 0
   1711 	(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).eof = false
   1712 	// trc("==== opendir: %#x", p)
   1713 	return p
   1714 }
   1716 // struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dirp);
   1717 func Xreaddir(t *TLS, dir uintptr) uintptr {
   1718 	if (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).eof {
   1719 		return 0
   1720 	}
   1722 	// trc(".... readdir %#x: l %v, h %v", dir, (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).l, (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).h)
   1723 	if (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).l == (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).h {
   1724 		n, err := unix.Getdirentries((*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).fd, (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).buf[:], nil)
   1725 		// trc("must read: %v %v", n, err)
   1726 		if n == 0 {
   1727 			if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
   1728 				if dmesgs {
   1729 					dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
   1730 				}
   1731 				t.setErrno(err)
   1732 			}
   1733 			(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).eof = true
   1734 			return 0
   1735 		}
   1737 		(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).l = 0
   1738 		(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).h = n
   1739 		// trc("new l %v, h %v", (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).l, (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).h)
   1740 	}
   1741 	de := dir + unsafe.Offsetof(darwinDir{}.buf) + uintptr((*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).l)
   1742 	// trc("dir %#x de %#x", dir, de)
   1743 	(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).l += int((*unix.Dirent)(unsafe.Pointer(de)).Reclen)
   1744 	// trc("final l %v, h %v", (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).l, (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).h)
   1745 	return de
   1746 }
   1748 func Xclosedir(t *TLS, dir uintptr) int32 {
   1749 	// trc("---- closedir: %#x", dir)
   1750 	r := Xclose(t, int32((*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).fd))
   1751 	Xfree(t, dir)
   1752 	return r
   1753 }
   1755 // int pipe(int pipefd[2]);
   1756 func Xpipe(t *TLS, pipefd uintptr) int32 {
   1757 	var a [2]int
   1758 	if err := syscall.Pipe(a[:]); err != nil {
   1759 		if dmesgs {
   1760 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
   1761 		}
   1762 		t.setErrno(err)
   1763 		return -1
   1764 	}
   1766 	*(*[2]int32)(unsafe.Pointer(pipefd)) = [2]int32{int32(a[0]), int32(a[1])}
   1767 	if dmesgs {
   1768 		dmesg("%v: %v ok", origin(1), a)
   1769 	}
   1770 	return 0
   1771 }
   1773 // int __isoc99_sscanf(const char *str, const char *format, ...);
   1774 func X__isoc99_sscanf(t *TLS, str, format, va uintptr) int32 {
   1775 	r := scanf(strings.NewReader(GoString(str)), format, va)
   1776 	// if dmesgs {
   1777 	// 	dmesg("%v: %q %q: %d", origin(1), GoString(str), GoString(format), r)
   1778 	// }
   1779 	return r
   1780 }
   1782 // int sscanf(const char *str, const char *format, ...);
   1783 func Xsscanf(t *TLS, str, format, va uintptr) int32 {
   1784 	r := scanf(strings.NewReader(GoString(str)), format, va)
   1785 	// if dmesgs {
   1786 	// 	dmesg("%v: %q %q: %d", origin(1), GoString(str), GoString(format), r)
   1787 	// }
   1788 	return r
   1789 }
   1791 // int posix_fadvise(int fd, off_t offset, off_t len, int advice);
   1792 func Xposix_fadvise(t *TLS, fd int32, offset, len types.Off_t, advice int32) int32 {
   1793 	panic(todo(""))
   1794 }
   1796 // clock_t clock(void);
   1797 func Xclock(t *TLS) time.Clock_t {
   1798 	return time.Clock_t(gotime.Since(startTime) * gotime.Duration(time.CLOCKS_PER_SEC) / gotime.Second)
   1799 }
   1801 // int iswspace(wint_t wc);
   1802 func Xiswspace(t *TLS, wc wctype.Wint_t) int32 {
   1803 	return Bool32(unicode.IsSpace(rune(wc)))
   1804 }
   1806 // int iswalnum(wint_t wc);
   1807 func Xiswalnum(t *TLS, wc wctype.Wint_t) int32 {
   1808 	return Bool32(unicode.IsLetter(rune(wc)) || unicode.IsNumber(rune(wc)))
   1809 }
   1811 // void arc4random_buf(void *buf, size_t nbytes);
   1812 func Xarc4random_buf(t *TLS, buf uintptr, buflen size_t) {
   1813 	if _, err := crand.Read((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:buflen]); err != nil {
   1814 		panic(todo(""))
   1815 	}
   1816 }
   1818 type darwin_mutexattr_t struct {
   1819 	sig int64
   1820 	x   [8]byte
   1821 }
   1823 type darwin_mutex_t struct {
   1824 	sig int64
   1825 	x   [65]byte
   1826 }
   1828 func X__ccgo_pthreadMutexattrGettype(tls *TLS, a uintptr) int32 {
   1829 	return (int32((*darwin_mutexattr_t)(unsafe.Pointer(a)).x[4] >> 2 & 3))
   1830 }
   1832 func X__ccgo_getMutexType(tls *TLS, m uintptr) int32 {
   1833 	return (int32((*darwin_mutex_t)(unsafe.Pointer(m)).x[4] >> 2 & 3))
   1834 }
   1836 func X__ccgo_pthreadAttrGetDetachState(tls *TLS, a uintptr) int32 {
   1837 	panic(todo(""))
   1838 }
   1840 func Xpthread_attr_getdetachstate(tls *TLS, a uintptr, state uintptr) int32 {
   1841 	panic(todo(""))
   1842 }
   1844 func Xpthread_attr_setdetachstate(tls *TLS, a uintptr, state int32) int32 {
   1845 	panic(todo(""))
   1846 }
   1848 func Xpthread_mutexattr_destroy(tls *TLS, a uintptr) int32 {
   1849 	return 0
   1850 }
   1852 func Xpthread_mutexattr_init(tls *TLS, a uintptr) int32 {
   1853 	*(*darwin_mutexattr_t)(unsafe.Pointer(a)) = darwin_mutexattr_t{}
   1854 	return 0
   1855 }
   1857 func Xpthread_mutexattr_settype(tls *TLS, a uintptr, type1 int32) int32 {
   1858 	if uint32(type1) > uint32(2) {
   1859 		return errno.EINVAL
   1860 	}
   1861 	(*darwin_mutexattr_t)(unsafe.Pointer(a)).x[4] = byte(type1 << 2)
   1862 	return 0
   1863 }
   1865 // ssize_t writev(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt);
   1866 func Xwritev(t *TLS, fd int32, iov uintptr, iovcnt int32) types.Ssize_t {
   1867 	// if dmesgs {
   1868 	// 	dmesg("%v: fd %v iov %#x iovcnt %v", origin(1), fd, iov, iovcnt)
   1869 	// }
   1870 	r, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_WRITEV, uintptr(fd), iov, uintptr(iovcnt))
   1871 	if err != 0 {
   1872 		if dmesgs {
   1873 			dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
   1874 		}
   1875 		t.setErrno(err)
   1876 		return -1
   1877 	}
   1879 	return types.Ssize_t(r)
   1880 }
   1882 // int pause(void);
   1883 func Xpause(t *TLS) int32 {
   1884 	c := make(chan os.Signal)
   1885 	gosignal.Notify(c,
   1886 		syscall.SIGABRT,
   1887 		syscall.SIGALRM,
   1888 		syscall.SIGBUS,
   1889 		syscall.SIGCHLD,
   1890 		syscall.SIGCONT,
   1891 		syscall.SIGFPE,
   1892 		syscall.SIGHUP,
   1893 		syscall.SIGILL,
   1894 		// syscall.SIGINT,
   1895 		syscall.SIGIO,
   1896 		syscall.SIGIOT,
   1897 		syscall.SIGKILL,
   1898 		syscall.SIGPIPE,
   1899 		syscall.SIGPROF,
   1900 		syscall.SIGQUIT,
   1901 		syscall.SIGSEGV,
   1902 		syscall.SIGSTOP,
   1903 		syscall.SIGSYS,
   1904 		syscall.SIGTERM,
   1905 		syscall.SIGTRAP,
   1906 		syscall.SIGTSTP,
   1907 		syscall.SIGTTIN,
   1908 		syscall.SIGTTOU,
   1909 		syscall.SIGURG,
   1910 		syscall.SIGUSR1,
   1911 		syscall.SIGUSR2,
   1912 		syscall.SIGVTALRM,
   1913 		syscall.SIGWINCH,
   1914 		syscall.SIGXCPU,
   1915 		syscall.SIGXFSZ,
   1916 	)
   1917 	switch <-c {
   1918 	case syscall.SIGINT:
   1919 		panic(todo(""))
   1920 	default:
   1921 		t.setErrno(errno.EINTR)
   1922 		return -1
   1923 	}
   1924 }
   1926 // #define __DARWIN_FD_SETSIZE     1024
   1927 // #define __DARWIN_NFDBITS        (sizeof(__int32_t) * __DARWIN_NBBY) /* bits per mask */
   1928 // #define __DARWIN_NBBY           8                               /* bits in a byte */
   1929 // #define __DARWIN_howmany(x, y)  ((((x) % (y)) == 0) ? ((x) / (y)) : (((x) / (y)) + 1)) /* # y's == x bits? */
   1931 // typedef struct fd_set {
   1932 //         __int32_t       fds_bits[__DARWIN_howmany(__DARWIN_FD_SETSIZE, __DARWIN_NFDBITS)];
   1933 // } fd_set;
   1935 // __darwin_fd_set(int _fd, struct fd_set *const _p)
   1936 //
   1937 //	{
   1938 //	        (_p->fds_bits[(unsigned long)_fd / __DARWIN_NFDBITS] |= ((__int32_t)(((unsigned long)1) << ((unsigned long)_fd % __DARWIN_NFDBITS))));
   1939 //	}
   1940 func X__darwin_fd_set(tls *TLS, _fd int32, _p uintptr) int32 { /* main.c:12:1: */
   1941 	*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(_p + uintptr(uint64(_fd)/(uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0)))*uint64(8)))*4)) |= int32(uint64(uint64(1)) << (uint64(_fd) % (uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0))) * uint64(8))))
   1942 	return int32(0)
   1943 }
   1945 // __darwin_fd_isset(int _fd, const struct fd_set *_p)
   1946 //
   1947 //	{
   1948 //	        return _p->fds_bits[(unsigned long)_fd / __DARWIN_NFDBITS] & ((__int32_t)(((unsigned long)1) << ((unsigned long)_fd % __DARWIN_NFDBITS)));
   1949 //	}
   1950 func X__darwin_fd_isset(tls *TLS, _fd int32, _p uintptr) int32 { /* main.c:17:1: */
   1951 	return *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(_p + uintptr(uint64(_fd)/(uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0)))*uint64(8)))*4)) & int32(uint64(uint64(1))<<(uint64(_fd)%(uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0)))*uint64(8))))
   1952 }
   1954 // __darwin_fd_clr(int _fd, struct fd_set *const _p)
   1955 //
   1956 //	{
   1957 //	        (_p->fds_bits[(unsigned long)_fd / __DARWIN_NFDBITS] &= ~((__int32_t)(((unsigned long)1) << ((unsigned long)_fd % __DARWIN_NFDBITS))));
   1958 //	}
   1959 func X__darwin_fd_clr(tls *TLS, _fd int32, _p uintptr) int32 { /* main.c:22:1: */
   1960 	*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(_p + uintptr(uint64(_fd)/(uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0)))*uint64(8)))*4)) &= ^int32(uint64(uint64(1)) << (uint64(_fd) % (uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0))) * uint64(8))))
   1961 	return int32(0)
   1962 }
   1964 // int ungetc(int c, FILE *stream);
   1965 func Xungetc(t *TLS, c int32, stream uintptr) int32 {
   1966 	panic(todo(""))
   1967 }
   1969 // int issetugid(void);
   1970 func Xissetugid(t *TLS) int32 {
   1971 	panic(todo(""))
   1972 }
   1974 var progname uintptr
   1976 // const char *getprogname(void);
   1977 func Xgetprogname(t *TLS) uintptr {
   1978 	if progname != 0 {
   1979 		return progname
   1980 	}
   1982 	var err error
   1983 	progname, err = CString(filepath.Base(os.Args[0]))
   1984 	if err != nil {
   1985 		t.setErrno(err)
   1986 		return 0
   1987 	}
   1989 	return progname
   1990 }
   1992 // void uuid_copy(uuid_t dst, uuid_t src);
   1993 func Xuuid_copy(t *TLS, dst, src uintptr) {
   1994 	*(*uuid.Uuid_t)(unsafe.Pointer(dst)) = *(*uuid.Uuid_t)(unsafe.Pointer(src))
   1995 }
   1997 // int uuid_parse( char *in, uuid_t uu);
   1998 func Xuuid_parse(t *TLS, in uintptr, uu uintptr) int32 {
   1999 	r, err := guuid.Parse(GoString(in))
   2000 	if err != nil {
   2001 		return -1
   2002 	}
   2004 	copy((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(uu))[:unsafe.Sizeof(uuid.Uuid_t{})], r[:])
   2005 	return 0
   2006 }
   2008 // struct __float2 { float __sinval; float __cosval; };
   2010 // struct __float2 __sincosf_stret(float);
   2011 func X__sincosf_stret(t *TLS, f float32) struct{ F__sinval, F__cosval float32 } {
   2012 	panic(todo(""))
   2013 }
   2015 // struct __double2 { double __sinval; double __cosval; };
   2017 // struct __double2 __sincos_stret(double);
   2018 func X__sincos_stret(t *TLS, f float64) struct{ F__sinval, F__cosval float64 } {
   2019 	panic(todo(""))
   2020 }
   2022 // struct __float2 __sincospif_stret(float);
   2023 func X__sincospif_stret(t *TLS, f float32) struct{ F__sinval, F__cosval float32 } {
   2024 	panic(todo(""))
   2025 }
   2027 // struct _double2 __sincospi_stret(double);
   2028 func X__sincospi_stret(t *TLS, f float64) struct{ F__sinval, F__cosval float64 } {
   2029 	panic(todo(""))
   2030 }
   2032 // int	__srget(FILE *);
   2033 func X__srget(t *TLS, f uintptr) int32 {
   2034 	panic(todo(""))
   2035 }
   2037 // int	__svfscanf(FILE *, const char *, va_list) __scanflike(2, 0);
   2038 func X__svfscanf(t *TLS, f uintptr, p, q uintptr) int32 {
   2039 	panic(todo(""))
   2040 }
   2042 // int	__swbuf(int, FILE *);
   2043 func X__swbuf(t *TLS, i int32, f uintptr) int32 {
   2044 	panic(todo(""))
   2045 }