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ast2.go (33778B)

      1 // Copyright 2019 The CC Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 package cc // import ""
      7 import (
      8 	"fmt"
      9 	"io"
     10 	"os"
     11 	"path/filepath"
     12 	"sort"
     13 	"strings"
     14 )
     16 // Source is a named part of a translation unit. If Value is empty, Name is
     17 // interpreted as a path to file containing the source code.
     18 type Source struct {
     19 	Name       string
     20 	Value      string
     21 	DoNotCache bool // Disable caching of this source
     22 }
     24 // Promote returns the type the operands of a binary operation are promoted to
     25 // or the type and argument passed in a function call is promoted.
     26 func (n *AssignmentExpression) Promote() Type { return n.promote }
     28 type StructInfo struct {
     29 	Size uintptr
     31 	Align int
     32 }
     34 // AST represents a translation unit and its related data.
     35 type AST struct {
     36 	Enums       map[StringID]Operand // Enumeration constants declared in file scope.
     37 	Macros      map[StringID]*Macro  // Macros as defined after parsing.
     38 	PtrdiffType Type
     39 	Scope       Scope // File scope.
     40 	SizeType    Type
     41 	StructTypes map[StringID]Type // Tagged struct/union types declared in file scope.
     42 	// Alignment and size of every struct/union defined in the translation
     43 	// unit. Valid only after Translate.
     44 	Structs map[StructInfo]struct{}
     45 	// TLD contains pruned file scope declarators, ie. either the first one
     46 	// or the first one that has an initializer.
     47 	TLD               map[*Declarator]struct{}
     48 	TrailingSeperator StringID // White space and/or comments preceding EOF.
     49 	TranslationUnit   *TranslationUnit
     50 	WideCharType      Type
     51 	cfg               *Config
     52 	cpp               *cpp
     53 }
     55 // Eval returns the operand that represents the value of m, if it expands to a
     56 // valid constant expression other than an identifier, or an error, if any.
     57 func (n *AST) Eval(m *Macro) (o Operand, err error) {
     58 	defer func() {
     59 		if e := recover(); e != nil {
     60 			o = nil
     61 			err = fmt.Errorf("%v", e)
     62 		}
     63 	}()
     65 	if m.IsFnLike() {
     66 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot evaluate function-like macro")
     67 	}
     69 	n.cpp.ctx.cfg.ignoreErrors = true
     70 	n.cpp.ctx.evalIdentError = true
     71 	v := n.cpp.eval(m.repl)
     72 	switch x := v.(type) {
     73 	case int64:
     74 		return &operand{abi: &n.cfg.ABI, typ: n.cfg.ABI.Type(LongLong), value: Int64Value(x)}, nil
     75 	case uint64:
     76 		return &operand{abi: &n.cfg.ABI, typ: n.cfg.ABI.Type(ULongLong), value: Uint64Value(x)}, nil
     77 	default:
     78 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected value: %T", x)
     79 	}
     80 }
     82 // Parse preprocesses and parses a translation unit and returns an *AST or
     83 // error, if any.
     84 //
     85 // Search paths listed in includePaths and sysIncludePaths are used to resolve
     86 // #include "foo.h" and #include <foo.h> preprocessing directives respectively.
     87 // A special search path "@" is interpreted as 'the same directory as where the
     88 // file with the #include directive is'.
     89 //
     90 // The sources should typically provide, usually in this particular order:
     91 //
     92 // - predefined macros, eg.
     93 //
     94 //	#define __SIZE_TYPE__ long unsigned int
     95 //
     96 // - built-in declarations, eg.
     97 //
     98 //	int __builtin_printf(char *__format, ...);
     99 //
    100 // - command-line provided directives, eg.
    101 //
    102 //	#define FOO
    103 //	#define BAR 42
    104 //	#undef QUX
    105 //
    106 // - normal C sources, eg.
    107 //
    108 //	int main() {}
    109 //
    110 // All search and file paths should be absolute paths.
    111 //
    112 // If the preprocessed translation unit is empty, the function may return (nil,
    113 // nil).
    114 //
    115 // The parser does only the minimum declarations/identifier resolving necessary
    116 // for correct parsing. Redeclarations are not checked.
    117 //
    118 // Declarators (*Declarator) and StructDeclarators (*StructDeclarator) are
    119 // inserted in the appropriate scopes.
    120 //
    121 // Tagged struct/union specifier definitions (*StructOrUnionSpecifier) are
    122 // inserted in the appropriate scopes.
    123 //
    124 // Tagged enum specifier definitions (*EnumSpecifier) and enumeration constants
    125 // (*Enumerator) are inserted in the appropriate scopes.
    126 //
    127 // Labels (*LabeledStatement) are inserted in the appropriate scopes.
    128 func Parse(cfg *Config, includePaths, sysIncludePaths []string, sources []Source) (*AST, error) {
    129 	return parse(newContext(cfg), includePaths, sysIncludePaths, sources)
    130 }
    132 func parse(ctx *context, includePaths, sysIncludePaths []string, sources []Source) (*AST, error) {
    133 	if s := ctx.cfg.SharedFunctionDefinitions; s != nil {
    134 		if s.M == nil {
    135 			s.M = map[*FunctionDefinition]struct{}{}
    136 		}
    137 		if s.m == nil {
    138 			s.m = map[sharedFunctionDefinitionKey]*FunctionDefinition{}
    139 		}
    140 	}
    141 	if debugWorkingDir || ctx.cfg.DebugWorkingDir {
    142 		switch wd, err := os.Getwd(); err {
    143 		case nil:
    144 			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "OS working dir: %s\n", wd)
    145 		default:
    146 			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "OS working dir: error %s\n", err)
    147 		}
    148 		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Config.WorkingDir: %s\n", ctx.cfg.WorkingDir)
    149 	}
    150 	if debugIncludePaths || ctx.cfg.DebugIncludePaths {
    151 		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "include paths: %v\n", includePaths)
    152 		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "system include paths: %v\n", sysIncludePaths)
    153 	}
    154 	ctx.includePaths = includePaths
    155 	ctx.sysIncludePaths = sysIncludePaths
    156 	var in []source
    157 	for _, v := range sources {
    158 		ts, err := cache.get(ctx, v)
    159 		if err != nil {
    160 			return nil, err
    161 		}
    163 		in = append(in, ts)
    164 	}
    166 	p := newParser(ctx, make(chan *[]Token, 5000)) //DONE benchmark tuned
    167 	var sep StringID
    168 	var ssep []byte
    169 	var seq int32
    170 	cpp := newCPP(ctx)
    171 	go func() {
    173 		defer func() {
    174 			close(
    175 			ctx.intMaxWidth = cpp.intMaxWidth()
    176 		}()
    178 		toks := tokenPool.Get().(*[]Token)
    179 		*toks = (*toks)[:0]
    180 		for pline := range cpp.translationPhase4(in) {
    181 			line := *pline
    182 			for _, tok := range line {
    183 				switch tok.char {
    184 				case ' ', '\n':
    185 					if ctx.cfg.PreserveOnlyLastNonBlankSeparator {
    186 						if strings.TrimSpace(tok.value.String()) != "" {
    187 							sep = tok.value
    188 						}
    189 						break
    190 					}
    192 					switch {
    193 					case sep != 0:
    194 						ssep = append(ssep, tok.String()...)
    195 					default:
    196 						sep = tok.value
    197 						ssep = append(ssep[:0], sep.String()...)
    198 					}
    199 				default:
    200 					var t Token
    201 					t.Rune = tok.char
    202 					switch {
    203 					case len(ssep) != 0:
    204 						t.Sep =
    205 					default:
    206 						t.Sep = sep
    207 					}
    208 					t.Value = tok.value
    209 					t.Src = tok.src
    210 					t.file = tok.file
    211 					t.macro = tok.macro
    212 					t.pos = tok.pos
    213 					seq++
    214 					t.seq = seq
    215 					*toks = append(*toks, t)
    216 					sep = 0
    217 					ssep = ssep[:0]
    218 				}
    219 			}
    220 			token4Pool.Put(pline)
    221 			var c rune
    222 			if n := len(*toks); n != 0 {
    223 				c = (*toks)[n-1].Rune
    224 			}
    225 			switch c {
    227 				// nop
    228 			default:
    229 				if len(*toks) != 0 {
    230 <- translationPhase5(ctx, toks)
    231 					toks = tokenPool.Get().(*[]Token)
    232 					*toks = (*toks)[:0]
    233 				}
    234 			}
    235 		}
    236 		if len(*toks) != 0 {
    237 <- translationPhase5(ctx, toks)
    238 		}
    239 	}()
    241 	tu := p.translationUnit()
    242 	if p.errored { // Must drain
    243 		go func() {
    244 			for range {
    245 			}
    246 		}()
    247 	}
    249 	if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
    250 		return nil, err
    251 	}
    253 	if p.errored && !ctx.cfg.ignoreErrors {
    254 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v: syntax error", p.tok.Position())
    255 	}
    257 	if p.scopes != 0 {
    258 		panic(internalErrorf("invalid scope nesting but no error reported"))
    259 	}
    261 	ts := sep
    262 	if len(ssep) != 0 {
    263 		ts =
    264 	}
    265 	return &AST{
    266 		Macros:            cpp.macros,
    267 		Scope:             p.fileScope,
    268 		TLD:               map[*Declarator]struct{}{},
    269 		TrailingSeperator: ts,
    270 		TranslationUnit:   tu,
    271 		cfg:               ctx.cfg,
    272 		cpp:               cpp,
    273 	}, nil
    274 }
    276 func translationPhase5(ctx *context, toks *[]Token) *[]Token {
    277 	// [0],, 5
    278 	//
    279 	// Each source character set member and escape sequence in character
    280 	// constants and string literals is converted to the corresponding
    281 	// member of the execution character set; if there is no corresponding
    282 	// member, it is converted to an implementation- defined member other
    283 	// than the null (wide) character.
    284 	for i, tok := range *toks {
    285 		var cpt cppToken
    286 		switch tok.Rune {
    288 			cpt.char = tok.Rune
    289 			cpt.value = tok.Value
    290 			cpt.src = tok.Src
    291 			cpt.file = tok.file
    292 			cpt.pos = tok.pos
    293 			(*toks)[i].Value = dict.sid(stringConst(ctx, cpt))
    295 			var cpt cppToken
    296 			cpt.char = tok.Rune
    297 			cpt.value = tok.Value
    298 			cpt.src = tok.Src
    299 			cpt.file = tok.file
    300 			cpt.pos = tok.pos
    301 			switch r := charConst(ctx, cpt); {
    302 			case r <= 255:
    303 				(*toks)[i].Value = dict.sid(string(r))
    304 			default:
    305 				switch cpt.char {
    306 				case CHARCONST:
    307 					ctx.err(tok.Position(), "invalid character constant: %s", tok.Value)
    308 				default:
    309 					(*toks)[i].Value = dict.sid(string(r))
    310 				}
    311 			}
    312 		}
    313 	}
    314 	return toks
    315 }
    317 // Preprocess preprocesses a translation unit and outputs the result to w.
    318 //
    319 // Please see Parse for the documentation of the other parameters.
    320 func Preprocess(cfg *Config, includePaths, sysIncludePaths []string, sources []Source, w io.Writer) error {
    321 	ctx := newContext(cfg)
    322 	if debugWorkingDir || ctx.cfg.DebugWorkingDir {
    323 		switch wd, err := os.Getwd(); err {
    324 		case nil:
    325 			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "OS working dir: %s\n", wd)
    326 		default:
    327 			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "OS working dir: error %s\n", err)
    328 		}
    329 		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Config.WorkingDir: %s\n", ctx.cfg.WorkingDir)
    330 	}
    331 	if debugIncludePaths || ctx.cfg.DebugIncludePaths {
    332 		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "include paths: %v\n", includePaths)
    333 		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "system include paths: %v\n", sysIncludePaths)
    334 	}
    335 	ctx.includePaths = includePaths
    336 	ctx.sysIncludePaths = sysIncludePaths
    337 	var in []source
    338 	for _, v := range sources {
    339 		ts, err := cache.get(ctx, v)
    340 		if err != nil {
    341 			return err
    342 		}
    344 		in = append(in, ts)
    345 	}
    347 	var sep StringID
    348 	cpp := newCPP(ctx)
    349 	toks := tokenPool.Get().(*[]Token)
    350 	*toks = (*toks)[:0]
    351 	for pline := range cpp.translationPhase4(in) {
    352 		line := *pline
    353 		for _, tok := range line {
    354 			switch tok.char {
    355 			case ' ', '\n':
    356 				if ctx.cfg.PreserveOnlyLastNonBlankSeparator {
    357 					if strings.TrimSpace(tok.value.String()) != "" {
    358 						sep = tok.value
    359 					}
    360 					break
    361 				}
    363 				switch {
    364 				case sep != 0:
    365 					sep = dict.sid(sep.String() + tok.String())
    366 				default:
    367 					sep = tok.value
    368 				}
    369 			default:
    370 				var t Token
    371 				t.Rune = tok.char
    372 				t.Sep = sep
    373 				t.Value = tok.value
    374 				t.Src = tok.src
    375 				t.file = tok.file
    376 				t.pos = tok.pos
    377 				*toks = append(*toks, t)
    378 				sep = 0
    379 			}
    380 		}
    381 		token4Pool.Put(pline)
    382 		var c rune
    383 		if n := len(*toks); n != 0 {
    384 			c = (*toks)[n-1].Rune
    385 		}
    386 		switch c {
    388 			// nop
    389 		default:
    390 			if len(*toks) != 0 {
    391 				for _, v := range *translationPhase5(ctx, toks) {
    392 					if err := wTok(w, v); err != nil {
    393 						return err
    394 					}
    395 				}
    396 				toks = tokenPool.Get().(*[]Token)
    397 				*toks = (*toks)[:0]
    398 			}
    399 		}
    400 	}
    401 	if len(*toks) != 0 {
    402 		for _, v := range *translationPhase5(ctx, toks) {
    403 			if err := wTok(w, v); err != nil {
    404 				return err
    405 			}
    406 		}
    407 	}
    408 	if _, err := fmt.Fprintln(w); err != nil {
    409 		return err
    410 	}
    411 	return ctx.Err()
    412 }
    414 func wTok(w io.Writer, tok Token) (err error) {
    415 	switch tok.Rune {
    417 		_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, `%s"%s"`, tok.Sep, cQuotedString(tok.String(), true))
    419 		_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, `%s'%s'`, tok.Sep, cQuotedString(tok.String(), false))
    420 	default:
    421 		_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s%s", tok.Sep, tok)
    422 	}
    423 	return err
    424 }
    426 func cQuotedString(s string, isString bool) []byte {
    427 	var b []byte
    428 	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
    429 		c := s[i]
    430 		switch c {
    431 		case '\b':
    432 			b = append(b, '\\', 'b')
    433 			continue
    434 		case '\f':
    435 			b = append(b, '\\', 'f')
    436 			continue
    437 		case '\n':
    438 			b = append(b, '\\', 'n')
    439 			continue
    440 		case '\r':
    441 			b = append(b, '\\', 'r')
    442 			continue
    443 		case '\t':
    444 			b = append(b, '\\', 't')
    445 			continue
    446 		case '\\':
    447 			b = append(b, '\\', '\\')
    448 			continue
    449 		case '"':
    450 			switch {
    451 			case isString:
    452 				b = append(b, '\\', '"')
    453 			default:
    454 				b = append(b, '"')
    455 			}
    456 			continue
    457 		case '\'':
    458 			switch {
    459 			case isString:
    460 				b = append(b, '\'')
    461 			default:
    462 				b = append(b, '\\', '\'')
    463 			}
    464 			continue
    465 		}
    467 		switch {
    468 		case c < ' ' || c >= 0x7f:
    469 			b = append(b, '\\', octal(c>>6), octal(c>>3), octal(c))
    470 		default:
    471 			b = append(b, c)
    472 		}
    473 	}
    474 	return b
    475 }
    477 func octal(b byte) byte { return '0' + b&7 }
    479 var trcSource = Source{"<builtin-trc>", `
    480 extern void *stderr;
    481 int fflush(void *stream);
    482 int fprintf(void *stream, const char *format, ...);
    483 `, false}
    485 // Translate parses and typechecks a translation unit  and returns an *AST or
    486 // error, if any.
    487 //
    488 // Please see Parse for the documentation of the parameters.
    489 func Translate(cfg *Config, includePaths, sysIncludePaths []string, sources []Source) (*AST, error) {
    490 	if cfg.InjectTracingCode {
    491 		for i, v := range sources {
    492 			if filepath.Ext(v.Name) == ".c" {
    493 				sources = append(append(append([]Source(nil), sources[:i]...), trcSource), sources[i:]...)
    494 			}
    495 		}
    496 	}
    497 	return translate(newContext(cfg), includePaths, sysIncludePaths, sources)
    498 }
    500 func translate(ctx *context, includePaths, sysIncludePaths []string, sources []Source) (*AST, error) {
    501 	ast, err := parse(ctx, includePaths, sysIncludePaths, sources)
    502 	if err != nil {
    503 		return nil, err
    504 	}
    506 	if ctx, err = ast.typecheck(); err != nil {
    507 		return nil, err
    508 	}
    510 	ast.PtrdiffType = ptrdiffT(ctx, ast.Scope, Token{})
    511 	ast.SizeType = sizeT(ctx, ast.Scope, Token{})
    512 	ast.WideCharType = wcharT(ctx, ast.Scope, Token{})
    513 	return ast, nil
    514 }
    516 // Typecheck determines types of objects and expressions and verifies types are
    517 // valid in the context they are used.
    518 func (n *AST) Typecheck() error {
    519 	_, err := n.typecheck()
    520 	return err
    521 }
    523 func (n *AST) typecheck() (*context, error) {
    524 	ctx := newContext(n.cfg)
    525 	if err := ctx.cfg.ABI.sanityCheck(ctx, int(ctx.intMaxWidth), n.Scope); err != nil {
    526 		return nil, err
    527 	}
    529 	ctx.intBits = int(ctx.cfg.ABI.Types[Int].Size) * 8
    530 	ctx.ast = n
    531 	n.TranslationUnit.check(ctx)
    532 	n.Structs = ctx.structs
    533 	var a []int
    534 	for k := range n.Scope {
    535 		a = append(a, int(k))
    536 	}
    537 	sort.Ints(a)
    538 	for _, v := range a {
    539 		nm := StringID(v)
    540 		defs := n.Scope[nm]
    541 		var r, w int
    542 		for _, v := range defs {
    543 			switch x := v.(type) {
    544 			case *Declarator:
    545 				r += x.Read
    546 				w += x.Write
    547 			}
    548 		}
    549 		for _, v := range defs {
    550 			switch x := v.(type) {
    551 			case *Declarator:
    552 				x.Read = r
    553 				x.Write = w
    554 			}
    555 		}
    556 		var pruned *Declarator
    557 		for _, v := range defs {
    558 			switch x := v.(type) {
    559 			case *Declarator:
    560 				//TODO check compatible types
    561 				switch {
    562 				case x.IsExtern() && !x.fnDef:
    563 					// nop
    564 				case pruned == nil:
    565 					pruned = x
    566 				case pruned.hasInitializer && x.hasInitializer:
    567 					ctx.errNode(x, "multiple initializers for the same symbol")
    568 					continue
    569 				case pruned.fnDef && x.fnDef:
    570 					ctx.errNode(x, "multiple function definitions")
    571 					continue
    572 				case x.hasInitializer || x.fnDef:
    573 					pruned = x
    574 				}
    575 			}
    576 		}
    577 		if pruned == nil {
    578 			continue
    579 		}
    581 		n.TLD[pruned] = struct{}{}
    582 	}
    583 	n.Enums = ctx.enums
    584 	n.StructTypes = ctx.structTypes
    585 	return ctx, ctx.Err()
    586 }
    588 func (n *AlignmentSpecifier) align() int {
    589 	switch n.Case {
    590 	case AlignmentSpecifierAlignasType: // "_Alignas" '(' TypeName ')'
    591 		return n.TypeName.Type().Align()
    592 	case AlignmentSpecifierAlignasExpr: // "_Alignas" '(' ConstantExpression ')'
    593 		return n.ConstantExpression.Operand.Type().Align()
    594 	default:
    595 		panic(internalError())
    596 	}
    597 }
    599 // Closure reports the variables closed over by a nested function (case
    600 // BlockItemFuncDef).
    601 func (n *BlockItem) Closure() map[StringID]struct{} { return n.closure }
    603 // FunctionDefinition returns the nested function (case BlockItemFuncDef).
    604 func (n *BlockItem) FunctionDefinition() *FunctionDefinition { return n.fn }
    606 func (n *Declarator) IsStatic() bool { return != nil && }
    608 // IsImplicit reports whether n was not declared nor defined, only inferred.
    609 func (n *Declarator) IsImplicit() bool { return n.implicit }
    611 func (n *Declarator) isVisible(at int32) bool { return at == 0 || n.DirectDeclarator.ends() < at }
    613 func (n *Declarator) setLHS(lhs *Declarator) {
    614 	if n == nil {
    615 		return
    616 	}
    618 	if n.lhs == nil {
    619 		n.lhs = map[*Declarator]struct{}{}
    620 	}
    621 	n.lhs[lhs] = struct{}{}
    622 }
    624 // LHS reports which declarators n is used in assignment RHS or which function
    625 // declarators n is used in a function argument. To collect this information,
    626 // TrackAssignments in Config must be set during type checking.
    627 // The returned map may contain a nil key. That means that n is assigned to a
    628 // declarator not known at typechecking time.
    629 func (n *Declarator) LHS() map[*Declarator]struct{} { return n.lhs }
    631 // Called reports whether n is involved in expr in expr(callArgs).
    632 func (n *Declarator) Called() bool { return n.called }
    634 // FunctionDefinition returns the function definition associated with n, if any.
    635 func (n *Declarator) FunctionDefinition() *FunctionDefinition {
    636 	return n.funcDefinition
    637 }
    639 // NameTok returns n's declaring name token.
    640 func (n *Declarator) NameTok() (r Token) {
    641 	if n == nil || n.DirectDeclarator == nil {
    642 		return r
    643 	}
    645 	return n.DirectDeclarator.NameTok()
    646 }
    648 // LexicalScope returns the lexical scope of n.
    649 func (n *Declarator) LexicalScope() Scope { return n.DirectDeclarator.lexicalScope }
    651 // Name returns n's declared name.
    652 func (n *Declarator) Name() StringID {
    653 	if n == nil || n.DirectDeclarator == nil {
    654 		return 0
    655 	}
    657 	return n.DirectDeclarator.Name()
    658 }
    660 // ParamScope returns the scope in which n's function parameters are declared
    661 // if the underlying type of n is a function or nil otherwise. If n is part of
    662 // a function definition the scope is the same as the scope of the function
    663 // body.
    664 func (n *Declarator) ParamScope() Scope {
    665 	if n == nil {
    666 		return nil
    667 	}
    669 	return n.DirectDeclarator.ParamScope()
    670 }
    672 // Type returns the type of n.
    673 func (n *Declarator) Type() Type { return n.typ }
    675 // IsExtern reports whether n was declared with storage class specifier 'extern'.
    676 func (n *Declarator) IsExtern() bool { return != nil && }
    678 func (n *DeclarationSpecifiers) auto() bool        { return n != nil && n.class&fAuto != 0 }
    679 func (n *DeclarationSpecifiers) extern() bool      { return n != nil && n.class&fExtern != 0 }
    680 func (n *DeclarationSpecifiers) register() bool    { return n != nil && n.class&fRegister != 0 }
    681 func (n *DeclarationSpecifiers) static() bool      { return n != nil && n.class&fStatic != 0 }
    682 func (n *DeclarationSpecifiers) threadLocal() bool { return n != nil && n.class&fThreadLocal != 0 }
    683 func (n *DeclarationSpecifiers) typedef() bool     { return n != nil && n.class&fTypedef != 0 }
    685 func (n *DirectAbstractDeclarator) TypeQualifier() Type { return n.typeQualifiers }
    687 func (n *DirectDeclarator) ends() int32 {
    688 	switch n.Case {
    689 	case DirectDeclaratorIdent: // IDENTIFIER
    690 		return n.Token.seq
    691 	case DirectDeclaratorDecl: // '(' Declarator ')'
    692 		return n.Token2.seq
    693 	case DirectDeclaratorArr: // DirectDeclarator '[' TypeQualifierList AssignmentExpression ']'
    694 		return n.Token2.seq
    695 	case DirectDeclaratorStaticArr: // DirectDeclarator '[' "static" TypeQualifierList AssignmentExpression ']'
    696 		return n.Token3.seq
    697 	case DirectDeclaratorArrStatic: // DirectDeclarator '[' TypeQualifierList "static" AssignmentExpression ']'
    698 		return n.Token3.seq
    699 	case DirectDeclaratorStar: // DirectDeclarator '[' TypeQualifierList '*' ']'
    700 		return n.Token3.seq
    701 	case DirectDeclaratorFuncParam: // DirectDeclarator '(' ParameterTypeList ')'
    702 		return n.Token2.seq
    703 	case DirectDeclaratorFuncIdent: // DirectDeclarator '(' IdentifierList ')'
    704 		return n.Token2.seq
    705 	default:
    706 		panic(internalError())
    707 	}
    708 }
    710 func (n *DirectDeclarator) TypeQualifier() Type { return n.typeQualifiers }
    712 // NameTok returns n's declarin name token.
    713 func (n *DirectDeclarator) NameTok() (r Token) {
    714 	for {
    715 		if n == nil {
    716 			return r
    717 		}
    719 		switch n.Case {
    720 		case DirectDeclaratorIdent: // IDENTIFIER
    721 			return n.Token
    722 		case DirectDeclaratorDecl: // '(' Declarator ')'
    723 			return n.Declarator.NameTok()
    724 		default:
    725 			n = n.DirectDeclarator
    726 		}
    727 	}
    728 }
    730 // Name returns n's declared name.
    731 func (n *DirectDeclarator) Name() StringID {
    732 	for {
    733 		if n == nil {
    734 			return 0
    735 		}
    737 		switch n.Case {
    738 		case DirectDeclaratorIdent: // IDENTIFIER
    739 			return n.Token.Value
    740 		case DirectDeclaratorDecl: // '(' Declarator ')'
    741 			return n.Declarator.Name()
    742 		default:
    743 			n = n.DirectDeclarator
    744 		}
    745 	}
    746 }
    748 // ParamScope returns the innermost scope in which function parameters are
    749 // declared for Case DirectDeclaratorFuncParam or DirectDeclaratorFuncIdent or
    750 // nil otherwise.
    751 func (n *DirectDeclarator) ParamScope() Scope {
    752 	if n == nil {
    753 		return nil
    754 	}
    756 	switch n.Case {
    757 	case DirectDeclaratorIdent: // IDENTIFIER
    758 		return nil
    759 	case DirectDeclaratorDecl: // '(' Declarator ')'
    760 		return n.Declarator.ParamScope()
    761 	case DirectDeclaratorArr: // DirectDeclarator '[' TypeQualifierList AssignmentExpression ']'
    762 		return n.DirectDeclarator.ParamScope()
    763 	case DirectDeclaratorStaticArr: // DirectDeclarator '[' "static" TypeQualifierList AssignmentExpression ']'
    764 		return n.DirectDeclarator.ParamScope()
    765 	case DirectDeclaratorArrStatic: // DirectDeclarator '[' TypeQualifierList "static" AssignmentExpression ']'
    766 		return n.DirectDeclarator.ParamScope()
    767 	case DirectDeclaratorStar: // DirectDeclarator '[' TypeQualifierList '*' ']'
    768 		return n.DirectDeclarator.ParamScope()
    769 	case DirectDeclaratorFuncParam: // DirectDeclarator '(' ParameterTypeList ')'
    770 		if s := n.DirectDeclarator.ParamScope(); s != nil {
    771 			return s
    772 		}
    774 		return n.paramScope
    775 	case DirectDeclaratorFuncIdent: // DirectDeclarator '(' IdentifierList ')'
    776 		if s := n.DirectDeclarator.ParamScope(); s != nil {
    777 			return s
    778 		}
    780 		return n.paramScope
    781 	default:
    782 		panic(internalError())
    783 	}
    784 }
    786 func (n *Enumerator) isVisible(at int32) bool { return n.Token.seq < at }
    788 func (n *EnumSpecifier) Type() Type { return n.typ }
    790 // Promote returns the type the operands of the binary operation are promoted to.
    791 func (n *EqualityExpression) Promote() Type { return n.promote }
    793 // Promote returns the type the operands of the binary operation are promoted to.
    794 func (n *AdditiveExpression) Promote() Type { return n.promote }
    796 // Promote returns the type the operands of the binary operation are promoted to.
    797 func (n *MultiplicativeExpression) Promote() Type { return n.promote }
    799 // Promote returns the type the operands of the binary operation are promoted to.
    800 func (n *InclusiveOrExpression) Promote() Type { return n.promote }
    802 // Promote returns the type the operands of the binary operation are promoted to.
    803 func (n *ExclusiveOrExpression) Promote() Type { return n.promote }
    805 // Promote returns the type the operands of the binary operation are promoted to.
    806 func (n *AndExpression) Promote() Type { return n.promote }
    808 func (n *InitDeclarator) Value() *InitializerValue { return n.initializer }
    810 // FirstDesignatorField returns the first field a designator of an union type
    811 // denotes, if any.
    812 func (n *Initializer) FirstDesignatorField() Field { return n.field0 }
    814 // TrailingComma returns the comma token following n, if any.
    815 func (n *Initializer) TrailingComma() *Token { return n.trailingComma }
    817 // IsConst reports whether n is constant.
    818 func (n *Initializer) IsConst() bool { return n == nil || n.isConst }
    820 // IsZero reports whether n is a zero value.
    821 func (n *Initializer) IsZero() bool { return n == nil || n.isZero }
    823 // List returns n as a flattened list of all items that are case
    824 // InitializerExpr.
    825 func (n *Initializer) List() []*Initializer { return n.list }
    827 // Parent returns the parent of n, if any.
    828 func (n *Initializer) Parent() *Initializer { return n.parent }
    830 // Type returns the type this initializer initializes.
    831 func (n *Initializer) Type() Type { return n.typ }
    833 // IsConst reports whether n is constant.
    834 func (n *InitializerList) IsConst() bool { return n == nil || n.isConst }
    836 // IsZero reports whether n is a zero value.
    837 func (n *InitializerList) IsZero() bool { return n == nil || n.isZero }
    839 // List returns n as a flattened list of all items that are case
    840 // InitializerExpr.
    841 func (n *InitializerList) List() []*Initializer {
    842 	if n == nil {
    843 		return nil
    844 	}
    846 	return n.list
    847 }
    849 // IsEmpty reprts whether n is an empty list.
    850 func (n *InitializerList) IsEmpty() bool { return len(n.list) == 0 }
    852 // LexicalScope returns the lexical scope of n.
    853 func (n *JumpStatement) LexicalScope() Scope { return n.lexicalScope }
    855 // LexicalScope returns the lexical scope of n.
    856 func (n *LabeledStatement) LexicalScope() Scope { return n.lexicalScope }
    858 func (n *ParameterDeclaration) Type() Type { return n.typ }
    860 func (n *Pointer) TypeQualifier() Type { return n.typeQualifiers }
    862 // ResolvedIn reports which scope the identifier of cases
    863 // PrimaryExpressionIdent, PrimaryExpressionEnum were resolved in, if any.
    864 func (n *PrimaryExpression) ResolvedIn() Scope { return n.resolvedIn }
    866 // ResolvedTo reports which Node the identifier of cases
    867 // PrimaryExpressionIdent, PrimaryExpressionEnum resolved to, if any.
    868 func (n *PrimaryExpression) ResolvedTo() Node { return n.resolvedTo }
    870 // Promote returns the type the operands of the binary operation are promoted to.
    871 func (n *RelationalExpression) Promote() Type { return n.promote }
    873 // Cases returns the cases a switch statement consist of, in source order.
    874 func (n *SelectionStatement) Cases() []*LabeledStatement { return n.cases }
    876 // Promote returns the type the shift count operand is promoted to.
    877 func (n *ShiftExpression) Promote() Type { return n.promote }
    879 func (n *StructOrUnionSpecifier) Type() Type { return n.typ }
    881 // Promote returns the type the type the switch expression is promoted to.
    882 func (n *SelectionStatement) Promote() Type { return n.promote }
    884 // Type returns the type of n.
    885 func (n *TypeName) Type() Type { return n.typ }
    887 // // LexicalScope returns the lexical scope of n.
    888 // func (n *AttributeValue) LexicalScope() Scope { return n.lexicalScope }
    890 // // Scope returns n's scope.
    891 // func (n *CompoundStatement) Scope() Scope { return n.scope }
    893 // // LexicalScope returns the lexical scope of n.
    894 // func (n *Designator) LexicalScope() Scope { return n.lexicalScope }
    896 // // LexicalScope returns the lexical scope of n.
    897 // func (n *DirectDeclarator) LexicalScope() Scope { return n.lexicalScope }
    899 // LexicalScope returns the lexical scope of n.
    900 func (n *EnumSpecifier) LexicalScope() Scope { return n.lexicalScope }
    902 // // LexicalScope returns the lexical scope of n.
    903 // func (n *IdentifierList) LexicalScope() Scope { return n.lexicalScope }
    905 // // LexicalScope returns the lexical scope of n.
    906 // func (n *PrimaryExpression) LexicalScope() Scope { return n.lexicalScope }
    908 // // LexicalScope returns the lexical scope of n.
    909 // func (n *StructOrUnionSpecifier) LexicalScope() Scope { return n.lexicalScope }
    911 // // ResolvedIn reports which scope the identifier of case
    912 // // TypeSpecifierTypedefName was resolved in, if any.
    913 // func (n *TypeSpecifier) ResolvedIn() Scope { return n.resolvedIn }
    915 func (n *TypeSpecifier) list() (r []*TypeSpecifier) {
    916 	switch n.Case {
    917 	case TypeSpecifierAtomic:
    918 		return n.AtomicTypeSpecifier.list
    919 	default:
    920 		return []*TypeSpecifier{n}
    921 	}
    922 }
    924 // // LexicalScope returns the lexical scope of n.
    925 // func (n *UnaryExpression) LexicalScope() Scope { return n.lexicalScope }
    927 func (n *UnaryExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
    928 	switch n.Case {
    929 	case UnaryExpressionPostfix: // PostfixExpression
    930 		return n.PostfixExpression.Declarator()
    931 	default:
    932 		return nil
    933 	}
    934 }
    936 func (n *PostfixExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
    937 	switch n.Case {
    938 	case PostfixExpressionPrimary: // PrimaryExpression
    939 		return n.PrimaryExpression.Declarator()
    940 	default:
    941 		return nil
    942 	}
    943 }
    945 func (n *PrimaryExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
    946 	switch n.Case {
    947 	case PrimaryExpressionIdent: // IDENTIFIER
    948 		if n.Operand != nil {
    949 			return n.Operand.Declarator()
    950 		}
    952 		return nil
    953 	case PrimaryExpressionExpr: // '(' Expression ')'
    954 		return n.Expression.Declarator()
    955 	default:
    956 		return nil
    957 	}
    958 }
    960 func (n *Expression) Declarator() *Declarator {
    961 	switch n.Case {
    962 	case ExpressionAssign: // AssignmentExpression
    963 		return n.AssignmentExpression.Declarator()
    964 	default:
    965 		return nil
    966 	}
    967 }
    969 func (n *AssignmentExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
    970 	switch n.Case {
    971 	case AssignmentExpressionCond: // ConditionalExpression
    972 		return n.ConditionalExpression.Declarator()
    973 	default:
    974 		return nil
    975 	}
    976 }
    978 func (n *ConditionalExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
    979 	switch n.Case {
    980 	case ConditionalExpressionLOr: // LogicalOrExpression
    981 		return n.LogicalOrExpression.Declarator()
    982 	default:
    983 		return nil
    984 	}
    985 }
    987 func (n *LogicalOrExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
    988 	switch n.Case {
    989 	case LogicalOrExpressionLAnd: // LogicalAndExpression
    990 		return n.LogicalAndExpression.Declarator()
    991 	default:
    992 		return nil
    993 	}
    994 }
    996 func (n *LogicalAndExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
    997 	switch n.Case {
    998 	case LogicalAndExpressionOr: // InclusiveOrExpression
    999 		return n.InclusiveOrExpression.Declarator()
   1000 	default:
   1001 		return nil
   1002 	}
   1003 }
   1005 func (n *InclusiveOrExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
   1006 	switch n.Case {
   1007 	case InclusiveOrExpressionXor: // ExclusiveOrExpression
   1008 		return n.ExclusiveOrExpression.Declarator()
   1009 	default:
   1010 		return nil
   1011 	}
   1012 }
   1014 func (n *ExclusiveOrExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
   1015 	switch n.Case {
   1016 	case ExclusiveOrExpressionAnd: // AndExpression
   1017 		return n.AndExpression.Declarator()
   1018 	default:
   1019 		return nil
   1020 	}
   1021 }
   1023 func (n *AndExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
   1024 	switch n.Case {
   1025 	case AndExpressionEq: // EqualityExpression
   1026 		return n.EqualityExpression.Declarator()
   1027 	default:
   1028 		return nil
   1029 	}
   1030 }
   1032 func (n *EqualityExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
   1033 	switch n.Case {
   1034 	case EqualityExpressionRel: // RelationalExpression
   1035 		return n.RelationalExpression.Declarator()
   1036 	default:
   1037 		return nil
   1038 	}
   1039 }
   1041 func (n *RelationalExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
   1042 	switch n.Case {
   1043 	case RelationalExpressionShift: // ShiftExpression
   1044 		return n.ShiftExpression.Declarator()
   1045 	default:
   1046 		return nil
   1047 	}
   1048 }
   1050 func (n *ShiftExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
   1051 	switch n.Case {
   1052 	case ShiftExpressionAdd: // AdditiveExpression
   1053 		return n.AdditiveExpression.Declarator()
   1054 	default:
   1055 		return nil
   1056 	}
   1057 }
   1059 func (n *AdditiveExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
   1060 	switch n.Case {
   1061 	case AdditiveExpressionMul: // MultiplicativeExpression
   1062 		return n.MultiplicativeExpression.Declarator()
   1063 	default:
   1064 		return nil
   1065 	}
   1066 }
   1068 func (n *MultiplicativeExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
   1069 	switch n.Case {
   1070 	case MultiplicativeExpressionCast: // CastExpression
   1071 		return n.CastExpression.Declarator()
   1072 	default:
   1073 		return nil
   1074 	}
   1075 }
   1077 func (n *CastExpression) Declarator() *Declarator {
   1078 	switch n.Case {
   1079 	case CastExpressionUnary: // UnaryExpression
   1080 		return n.UnaryExpression.Declarator()
   1081 	default:
   1082 		return nil
   1083 	}
   1084 }
   1086 // Has reports whether n has any of attributes in key.
   1087 func (n *AttributeSpecifier) Has(key ...StringID) (*ExpressionList, bool) {
   1088 	if n == nil {
   1089 		return nil, false
   1090 	}
   1092 	for list := n.AttributeValueList; list != nil; list = list.AttributeValueList {
   1093 		av := list.AttributeValue
   1094 		for _, k := range key {
   1095 			if av.Token.Value == k {
   1096 				switch av.Case {
   1097 				case AttributeValueIdent: // IDENTIFIER
   1098 					return nil, true
   1099 				case AttributeValueExpr: // IDENTIFIER '(' ExpressionList ')'
   1100 					return av.ExpressionList, true
   1101 				}
   1102 			}
   1103 		}
   1104 	}
   1105 	return nil, false
   1106 }
   1108 // Has reports whether n has any of attributes in key.
   1109 func (n *AttributeSpecifierList) Has(key ...StringID) (*ExpressionList, bool) {
   1110 	for ; n != nil; n = n.AttributeSpecifierList {
   1111 		if exprList, ok := n.AttributeSpecifier.Has(key...); ok {
   1112 			return exprList, ok
   1113 		}
   1114 	}
   1115 	return nil, false
   1116 }
   1118 // Parent returns the CompoundStatement that contains n, if any.
   1119 func (n *CompoundStatement) Parent() *CompoundStatement { return n.parent }
   1121 // IsJumpTarget returns whether n or any of its children contain a named
   1122 // labeled statement.
   1123 func (n *CompoundStatement) IsJumpTarget() bool { return n.isJumpTarget }
   1125 func (n *CompoundStatement) hasLabel() {
   1126 	for ; n != nil; n = n.parent {
   1127 		n.isJumpTarget = true
   1128 	}
   1129 }
   1131 // Declarations returns the list of declarations in n.
   1132 func (n *CompoundStatement) Declarations() []*Declaration { return n.declarations }
   1134 // Children returns the list of n's children.
   1135 func (n *CompoundStatement) Children() []*CompoundStatement { return n.children }
   1137 // CompoundStatements returns the list of compound statements in n.
   1138 func (n *FunctionDefinition) CompoundStatements() []*CompoundStatement { return n.compoundStatements }
   1140 // CompoundStatement returns the block containing n.
   1141 func (n *LabeledStatement) CompoundStatement() *CompoundStatement { return n.block }
   1143 // LabeledStatements returns labeled statements of n.
   1144 func (n *CompoundStatement) LabeledStatements() []*LabeledStatement { return n.labeledStmts }
   1146 // HasInitializer reports whether d has an initializator.
   1147 func (n *Declarator) HasInitializer() bool { return n.hasInitializer }
   1149 // Context reports the statement, if any, a break or continue belongs to. Valid
   1150 // only after typecheck and for n.Case == JumpStatementBreak or
   1151 // JumpStatementContinue.
   1152 func (n *JumpStatement) Context() Node { return n.context }
   1154 // IsFunctionPrototype reports whether n is a function prototype.
   1155 func (n *Declarator) IsFunctionPrototype() bool {
   1156 	return n != nil && n.Type() != nil && n.Type().Kind() == Function && !n.fnDef && !n.IsParameter
   1157 }
   1159 // DeclarationSpecifiers returns the declaration specifiers associated with n or nil.
   1160 func (n *Declarator) DeclarationSpecifiers() *DeclarationSpecifiers {
   1161 	if x, ok :=*DeclarationSpecifiers); ok {
   1162 		return x
   1163 	}
   1165 	return nil
   1166 }
   1168 // SpecifierQualifierList returns the specifier qualifer list associated with n or nil.
   1169 func (n *Declarator) SpecifierQualifierList() *SpecifierQualifierList {
   1170 	if x, ok :=*SpecifierQualifierList); ok {
   1171 		return x
   1172 	}
   1174 	return nil
   1175 }
   1177 // TypeQualifier returns the type qualifiers associated with n or nil.
   1178 func (n *Declarator) TypeQualifiers() *TypeQualifiers {
   1179 	if x, ok :=*TypeQualifiers); ok {
   1180 		return x
   1181 	}
   1183 	return nil
   1184 }
   1186 // StructDeclaration returns the struct declaration associated with n.
   1187 func (n *StructDeclarator) StructDeclaration() *StructDeclaration { return n.decl }