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yamlprivateh.go (4961B)

      1 package yaml
      3 const (
      4 	// The size of the input raw buffer.
      5 	input_raw_buffer_size = 512
      7 	// The size of the input buffer.
      8 	// It should be possible to decode the whole raw buffer.
      9 	input_buffer_size = input_raw_buffer_size * 3
     11 	// The size of the output buffer.
     12 	output_buffer_size = 128
     14 	// The size of the output raw buffer.
     15 	// It should be possible to encode the whole output buffer.
     16 	output_raw_buffer_size = (output_buffer_size*2 + 2)
     18 	// The size of other stacks and queues.
     19 	initial_stack_size  = 16
     20 	initial_queue_size  = 16
     21 	initial_string_size = 16
     22 )
     24 // Check if the character at the specified position is an alphabetical
     25 // character, a digit, '_', or '-'.
     26 func is_alpha(b []byte, i int) bool {
     27 	return b[i] >= '0' && b[i] <= '9' || b[i] >= 'A' && b[i] <= 'Z' || b[i] >= 'a' && b[i] <= 'z' || b[i] == '_' || b[i] == '-'
     28 }
     30 // Check if the character at the specified position is a digit.
     31 func is_digit(b []byte, i int) bool {
     32 	return b[i] >= '0' && b[i] <= '9'
     33 }
     35 // Get the value of a digit.
     36 func as_digit(b []byte, i int) int {
     37 	return int(b[i]) - '0'
     38 }
     40 // Check if the character at the specified position is a hex-digit.
     41 func is_hex(b []byte, i int) bool {
     42 	return b[i] >= '0' && b[i] <= '9' || b[i] >= 'A' && b[i] <= 'F' || b[i] >= 'a' && b[i] <= 'f'
     43 }
     45 // Get the value of a hex-digit.
     46 func as_hex(b []byte, i int) int {
     47 	bi := b[i]
     48 	if bi >= 'A' && bi <= 'F' {
     49 		return int(bi) - 'A' + 10
     50 	}
     51 	if bi >= 'a' && bi <= 'f' {
     52 		return int(bi) - 'a' + 10
     53 	}
     54 	return int(bi) - '0'
     55 }
     57 // Check if the character is ASCII.
     58 func is_ascii(b []byte, i int) bool {
     59 	return b[i] <= 0x7F
     60 }
     62 // Check if the character at the start of the buffer can be printed unescaped.
     63 func is_printable(b []byte, i int) bool {
     64 	return ((b[i] == 0x0A) || // . == #x0A
     65 		(b[i] >= 0x20 && b[i] <= 0x7E) || // #x20 <= . <= #x7E
     66 		(b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] >= 0xA0) || // #0xA0 <= . <= #xD7FF
     67 		(b[i] > 0xC2 && b[i] < 0xED) ||
     68 		(b[i] == 0xED && b[i+1] < 0xA0) ||
     69 		(b[i] == 0xEE) ||
     70 		(b[i] == 0xEF && // #xE000 <= . <= #xFFFD
     71 			!(b[i+1] == 0xBB && b[i+2] == 0xBF) && // && . != #xFEFF
     72 			!(b[i+1] == 0xBF && (b[i+2] == 0xBE || b[i+2] == 0xBF))))
     73 }
     75 // Check if the character at the specified position is NUL.
     76 func is_z(b []byte, i int) bool {
     77 	return b[i] == 0x00
     78 }
     80 // Check if the beginning of the buffer is a BOM.
     81 func is_bom(b []byte, i int) bool {
     82 	return b[0] == 0xEF && b[1] == 0xBB && b[2] == 0xBF
     83 }
     85 // Check if the character at the specified position is space.
     86 func is_space(b []byte, i int) bool {
     87 	return b[i] == ' '
     88 }
     90 // Check if the character at the specified position is tab.
     91 func is_tab(b []byte, i int) bool {
     92 	return b[i] == '\t'
     93 }
     95 // Check if the character at the specified position is blank (space or tab).
     96 func is_blank(b []byte, i int) bool {
     97 	//return is_space(b, i) || is_tab(b, i)
     98 	return b[i] == ' ' || b[i] == '\t'
     99 }
    101 // Check if the character at the specified position is a line break.
    102 func is_break(b []byte, i int) bool {
    103 	return (b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD)
    104 		b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA)
    105 		b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85)
    106 		b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028)
    107 		b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9) // PS (#x2029)
    108 }
    110 func is_crlf(b []byte, i int) bool {
    111 	return b[i] == '\r' && b[i+1] == '\n'
    112 }
    114 // Check if the character is a line break or NUL.
    115 func is_breakz(b []byte, i int) bool {
    116 	//return is_break(b, i) || is_z(b, i)
    117 	return (        // is_break:
    118 	b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD)
    119 		b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA)
    120 		b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85)
    121 		b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028)
    122 		b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9 || // PS (#x2029)
    123 		// is_z:
    124 		b[i] == 0)
    125 }
    127 // Check if the character is a line break, space, or NUL.
    128 func is_spacez(b []byte, i int) bool {
    129 	//return is_space(b, i) || is_breakz(b, i)
    130 	return ( // is_space:
    131 	b[i] == ' ' ||
    132 		// is_breakz:
    133 		b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD)
    134 		b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA)
    135 		b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85)
    136 		b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028)
    137 		b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9 || // PS (#x2029)
    138 		b[i] == 0)
    139 }
    141 // Check if the character is a line break, space, tab, or NUL.
    142 func is_blankz(b []byte, i int) bool {
    143 	//return is_blank(b, i) || is_breakz(b, i)
    144 	return ( // is_blank:
    145 	b[i] == ' ' || b[i] == '\t' ||
    146 		// is_breakz:
    147 		b[i] == '\r' || // CR (#xD)
    148 		b[i] == '\n' || // LF (#xA)
    149 		b[i] == 0xC2 && b[i+1] == 0x85 || // NEL (#x85)
    150 		b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA8 || // LS (#x2028)
    151 		b[i] == 0xE2 && b[i+1] == 0x80 && b[i+2] == 0xA9 || // PS (#x2029)
    152 		b[i] == 0)
    153 }
    155 // Determine the width of the character.
    156 func width(b byte) int {
    157 	// Don't replace these by a switch without first
    158 	// confirming that it is being inlined.
    159 	if b&0x80 == 0x00 {
    160 		return 1
    161 	}
    162 	if b&0xE0 == 0xC0 {
    163 		return 2
    164 	}
    165 	if b&0xF0 == 0xE0 {
    166 		return 3
    167 	}
    168 	if b&0xF8 == 0xF0 {
    169 		return 4
    170 	}
    171 	return 0
    173 }