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table.go (27822B)

      1 // Code generated by go generate gen.go; DO NOT EDIT.
      3 //go:generate go run gen.go
      5 package atom
      7 const (
      8 	A                         Atom = 0x1
      9 	Abbr                      Atom = 0x4
     10 	Accept                    Atom = 0x1a06
     11 	AcceptCharset             Atom = 0x1a0e
     12 	Accesskey                 Atom = 0x2c09
     13 	Acronym                   Atom = 0xaa07
     14 	Action                    Atom = 0x27206
     15 	Address                   Atom = 0x6f307
     16 	Align                     Atom = 0xb105
     17 	Allowfullscreen           Atom = 0x2080f
     18 	Allowpaymentrequest       Atom = 0xc113
     19 	Allowusermedia            Atom = 0xdd0e
     20 	Alt                       Atom = 0xf303
     21 	Annotation                Atom = 0x1c90a
     22 	AnnotationXml             Atom = 0x1c90e
     23 	Applet                    Atom = 0x31906
     24 	Area                      Atom = 0x35604
     25 	Article                   Atom = 0x3fc07
     26 	As                        Atom = 0x3c02
     27 	Aside                     Atom = 0x10705
     28 	Async                     Atom = 0xff05
     29 	Audio                     Atom = 0x11505
     30 	Autocomplete              Atom = 0x2780c
     31 	Autofocus                 Atom = 0x12109
     32 	Autoplay                  Atom = 0x13c08
     33 	B                         Atom = 0x101
     34 	Base                      Atom = 0x3b04
     35 	Basefont                  Atom = 0x3b08
     36 	Bdi                       Atom = 0xba03
     37 	Bdo                       Atom = 0x14b03
     38 	Bgsound                   Atom = 0x15e07
     39 	Big                       Atom = 0x17003
     40 	Blink                     Atom = 0x17305
     41 	Blockquote                Atom = 0x1870a
     42 	Body                      Atom = 0x2804
     43 	Br                        Atom = 0x202
     44 	Button                    Atom = 0x19106
     45 	Canvas                    Atom = 0x10306
     46 	Caption                   Atom = 0x23107
     47 	Center                    Atom = 0x22006
     48 	Challenge                 Atom = 0x29b09
     49 	Charset                   Atom = 0x2107
     50 	Checked                   Atom = 0x47907
     51 	Cite                      Atom = 0x19c04
     52 	Class                     Atom = 0x56405
     53 	Code                      Atom = 0x5c504
     54 	Col                       Atom = 0x1ab03
     55 	Colgroup                  Atom = 0x1ab08
     56 	Color                     Atom = 0x1bf05
     57 	Cols                      Atom = 0x1c404
     58 	Colspan                   Atom = 0x1c407
     59 	Command                   Atom = 0x1d707
     60 	Content                   Atom = 0x58b07
     61 	Contenteditable           Atom = 0x58b0f
     62 	Contextmenu               Atom = 0x3800b
     63 	Controls                  Atom = 0x1de08
     64 	Coords                    Atom = 0x1ea06
     65 	Crossorigin               Atom = 0x1fb0b
     66 	Data                      Atom = 0x4a504
     67 	Datalist                  Atom = 0x4a508
     68 	Datetime                  Atom = 0x2b808
     69 	Dd                        Atom = 0x2d702
     70 	Default                   Atom = 0x10a07
     71 	Defer                     Atom = 0x5c705
     72 	Del                       Atom = 0x45203
     73 	Desc                      Atom = 0x56104
     74 	Details                   Atom = 0x7207
     75 	Dfn                       Atom = 0x8703
     76 	Dialog                    Atom = 0xbb06
     77 	Dir                       Atom = 0x9303
     78 	Dirname                   Atom = 0x9307
     79 	Disabled                  Atom = 0x16408
     80 	Div                       Atom = 0x16b03
     81 	Dl                        Atom = 0x5e602
     82 	Download                  Atom = 0x46308
     83 	Draggable                 Atom = 0x17a09
     84 	Dropzone                  Atom = 0x40508
     85 	Dt                        Atom = 0x64b02
     86 	Em                        Atom = 0x6e02
     87 	Embed                     Atom = 0x6e05
     88 	Enctype                   Atom = 0x28d07
     89 	Face                      Atom = 0x21e04
     90 	Fieldset                  Atom = 0x22608
     91 	Figcaption                Atom = 0x22e0a
     92 	Figure                    Atom = 0x24806
     93 	Font                      Atom = 0x3f04
     94 	Footer                    Atom = 0xf606
     95 	For                       Atom = 0x25403
     96 	ForeignObject             Atom = 0x2540d
     97 	Foreignobject             Atom = 0x2610d
     98 	Form                      Atom = 0x26e04
     99 	Formaction                Atom = 0x26e0a
    100 	Formenctype               Atom = 0x2890b
    101 	Formmethod                Atom = 0x2a40a
    102 	Formnovalidate            Atom = 0x2ae0e
    103 	Formtarget                Atom = 0x2c00a
    104 	Frame                     Atom = 0x8b05
    105 	Frameset                  Atom = 0x8b08
    106 	H1                        Atom = 0x15c02
    107 	H2                        Atom = 0x2de02
    108 	H3                        Atom = 0x30d02
    109 	H4                        Atom = 0x34502
    110 	H5                        Atom = 0x34f02
    111 	H6                        Atom = 0x64d02
    112 	Head                      Atom = 0x33104
    113 	Header                    Atom = 0x33106
    114 	Headers                   Atom = 0x33107
    115 	Height                    Atom = 0x5206
    116 	Hgroup                    Atom = 0x2ca06
    117 	Hidden                    Atom = 0x2d506
    118 	High                      Atom = 0x2db04
    119 	Hr                        Atom = 0x15702
    120 	Href                      Atom = 0x2e004
    121 	Hreflang                  Atom = 0x2e008
    122 	Html                      Atom = 0x5604
    123 	HttpEquiv                 Atom = 0x2e80a
    124 	I                         Atom = 0x601
    125 	Icon                      Atom = 0x58a04
    126 	Id                        Atom = 0x10902
    127 	Iframe                    Atom = 0x2fc06
    128 	Image                     Atom = 0x30205
    129 	Img                       Atom = 0x30703
    130 	Input                     Atom = 0x44b05
    131 	Inputmode                 Atom = 0x44b09
    132 	Ins                       Atom = 0x20403
    133 	Integrity                 Atom = 0x23f09
    134 	Is                        Atom = 0x16502
    135 	Isindex                   Atom = 0x30f07
    136 	Ismap                     Atom = 0x31605
    137 	Itemid                    Atom = 0x38b06
    138 	Itemprop                  Atom = 0x19d08
    139 	Itemref                   Atom = 0x3cd07
    140 	Itemscope                 Atom = 0x67109
    141 	Itemtype                  Atom = 0x31f08
    142 	Kbd                       Atom = 0xb903
    143 	Keygen                    Atom = 0x3206
    144 	Keytype                   Atom = 0xd607
    145 	Kind                      Atom = 0x17704
    146 	Label                     Atom = 0x5905
    147 	Lang                      Atom = 0x2e404
    148 	Legend                    Atom = 0x18106
    149 	Li                        Atom = 0xb202
    150 	Link                      Atom = 0x17404
    151 	List                      Atom = 0x4a904
    152 	Listing                   Atom = 0x4a907
    153 	Loop                      Atom = 0x5d04
    154 	Low                       Atom = 0xc303
    155 	Main                      Atom = 0x1004
    156 	Malignmark                Atom = 0xb00a
    157 	Manifest                  Atom = 0x6d708
    158 	Map                       Atom = 0x31803
    159 	Mark                      Atom = 0xb604
    160 	Marquee                   Atom = 0x32707
    161 	Math                      Atom = 0x32e04
    162 	Max                       Atom = 0x33d03
    163 	Maxlength                 Atom = 0x33d09
    164 	Media                     Atom = 0xe605
    165 	Mediagroup                Atom = 0xe60a
    166 	Menu                      Atom = 0x38704
    167 	Menuitem                  Atom = 0x38708
    168 	Meta                      Atom = 0x4b804
    169 	Meter                     Atom = 0x9805
    170 	Method                    Atom = 0x2a806
    171 	Mglyph                    Atom = 0x30806
    172 	Mi                        Atom = 0x34702
    173 	Min                       Atom = 0x34703
    174 	Minlength                 Atom = 0x34709
    175 	Mn                        Atom = 0x2b102
    176 	Mo                        Atom = 0xa402
    177 	Ms                        Atom = 0x67402
    178 	Mtext                     Atom = 0x35105
    179 	Multiple                  Atom = 0x35f08
    180 	Muted                     Atom = 0x36705
    181 	Name                      Atom = 0x9604
    182 	Nav                       Atom = 0x1303
    183 	Nobr                      Atom = 0x3704
    184 	Noembed                   Atom = 0x6c07
    185 	Noframes                  Atom = 0x8908
    186 	Nomodule                  Atom = 0xa208
    187 	Nonce                     Atom = 0x1a605
    188 	Noscript                  Atom = 0x21608
    189 	Novalidate                Atom = 0x2b20a
    190 	Object                    Atom = 0x26806
    191 	Ol                        Atom = 0x13702
    192 	Onabort                   Atom = 0x19507
    193 	Onafterprint              Atom = 0x2360c
    194 	Onautocomplete            Atom = 0x2760e
    195 	Onautocompleteerror       Atom = 0x27613
    196 	Onauxclick                Atom = 0x61f0a
    197 	Onbeforeprint             Atom = 0x69e0d
    198 	Onbeforeunload            Atom = 0x6e70e
    199 	Onblur                    Atom = 0x56d06
    200 	Oncancel                  Atom = 0x11908
    201 	Oncanplay                 Atom = 0x14d09
    202 	Oncanplaythrough          Atom = 0x14d10
    203 	Onchange                  Atom = 0x41b08
    204 	Onclick                   Atom = 0x2f507
    205 	Onclose                   Atom = 0x36c07
    206 	Oncontextmenu             Atom = 0x37e0d
    207 	Oncopy                    Atom = 0x39106
    208 	Oncuechange               Atom = 0x3970b
    209 	Oncut                     Atom = 0x3a205
    210 	Ondblclick                Atom = 0x3a70a
    211 	Ondrag                    Atom = 0x3b106
    212 	Ondragend                 Atom = 0x3b109
    213 	Ondragenter               Atom = 0x3ba0b
    214 	Ondragexit                Atom = 0x3c50a
    215 	Ondragleave               Atom = 0x3df0b
    216 	Ondragover                Atom = 0x3ea0a
    217 	Ondragstart               Atom = 0x3f40b
    218 	Ondrop                    Atom = 0x40306
    219 	Ondurationchange          Atom = 0x41310
    220 	Onemptied                 Atom = 0x40a09
    221 	Onended                   Atom = 0x42307
    222 	Onerror                   Atom = 0x42a07
    223 	Onfocus                   Atom = 0x43107
    224 	Onhashchange              Atom = 0x43d0c
    225 	Oninput                   Atom = 0x44907
    226 	Oninvalid                 Atom = 0x45509
    227 	Onkeydown                 Atom = 0x45e09
    228 	Onkeypress                Atom = 0x46b0a
    229 	Onkeyup                   Atom = 0x48007
    230 	Onlanguagechange          Atom = 0x48d10
    231 	Onload                    Atom = 0x49d06
    232 	Onloadeddata              Atom = 0x49d0c
    233 	Onloadedmetadata          Atom = 0x4b010
    234 	Onloadend                 Atom = 0x4c609
    235 	Onloadstart               Atom = 0x4cf0b
    236 	Onmessage                 Atom = 0x4da09
    237 	Onmessageerror            Atom = 0x4da0e
    238 	Onmousedown               Atom = 0x4e80b
    239 	Onmouseenter              Atom = 0x4f30c
    240 	Onmouseleave              Atom = 0x4ff0c
    241 	Onmousemove               Atom = 0x50b0b
    242 	Onmouseout                Atom = 0x5160a
    243 	Onmouseover               Atom = 0x5230b
    244 	Onmouseup                 Atom = 0x52e09
    245 	Onmousewheel              Atom = 0x53c0c
    246 	Onoffline                 Atom = 0x54809
    247 	Ononline                  Atom = 0x55108
    248 	Onpagehide                Atom = 0x5590a
    249 	Onpageshow                Atom = 0x5730a
    250 	Onpaste                   Atom = 0x57f07
    251 	Onpause                   Atom = 0x59a07
    252 	Onplay                    Atom = 0x5a406
    253 	Onplaying                 Atom = 0x5a409
    254 	Onpopstate                Atom = 0x5ad0a
    255 	Onprogress                Atom = 0x5b70a
    256 	Onratechange              Atom = 0x5cc0c
    257 	Onrejectionhandled        Atom = 0x5d812
    258 	Onreset                   Atom = 0x5ea07
    259 	Onresize                  Atom = 0x5f108
    260 	Onscroll                  Atom = 0x60008
    261 	Onsecuritypolicyviolation Atom = 0x60819
    262 	Onseeked                  Atom = 0x62908
    263 	Onseeking                 Atom = 0x63109
    264 	Onselect                  Atom = 0x63a08
    265 	Onshow                    Atom = 0x64406
    266 	Onsort                    Atom = 0x64f06
    267 	Onstalled                 Atom = 0x65909
    268 	Onstorage                 Atom = 0x66209
    269 	Onsubmit                  Atom = 0x66b08
    270 	Onsuspend                 Atom = 0x67b09
    271 	Ontimeupdate              Atom = 0x400c
    272 	Ontoggle                  Atom = 0x68408
    273 	Onunhandledrejection      Atom = 0x68c14
    274 	Onunload                  Atom = 0x6ab08
    275 	Onvolumechange            Atom = 0x6b30e
    276 	Onwaiting                 Atom = 0x6c109
    277 	Onwheel                   Atom = 0x6ca07
    278 	Open                      Atom = 0x1a304
    279 	Optgroup                  Atom = 0x5f08
    280 	Optimum                   Atom = 0x6d107
    281 	Option                    Atom = 0x6e306
    282 	Output                    Atom = 0x51d06
    283 	P                         Atom = 0xc01
    284 	Param                     Atom = 0xc05
    285 	Pattern                   Atom = 0x6607
    286 	Picture                   Atom = 0x7b07
    287 	Ping                      Atom = 0xef04
    288 	Placeholder               Atom = 0x1310b
    289 	Plaintext                 Atom = 0x1b209
    290 	Playsinline               Atom = 0x1400b
    291 	Poster                    Atom = 0x2cf06
    292 	Pre                       Atom = 0x47003
    293 	Preload                   Atom = 0x48607
    294 	Progress                  Atom = 0x5b908
    295 	Prompt                    Atom = 0x53606
    296 	Public                    Atom = 0x58606
    297 	Q                         Atom = 0xcf01
    298 	Radiogroup                Atom = 0x30a
    299 	Rb                        Atom = 0x3a02
    300 	Readonly                  Atom = 0x35708
    301 	Referrerpolicy            Atom = 0x3d10e
    302 	Rel                       Atom = 0x48703
    303 	Required                  Atom = 0x24c08
    304 	Reversed                  Atom = 0x8008
    305 	Rows                      Atom = 0x9c04
    306 	Rowspan                   Atom = 0x9c07
    307 	Rp                        Atom = 0x23c02
    308 	Rt                        Atom = 0x19a02
    309 	Rtc                       Atom = 0x19a03
    310 	Ruby                      Atom = 0xfb04
    311 	S                         Atom = 0x2501
    312 	Samp                      Atom = 0x7804
    313 	Sandbox                   Atom = 0x12907
    314 	Scope                     Atom = 0x67505
    315 	Scoped                    Atom = 0x67506
    316 	Script                    Atom = 0x21806
    317 	Seamless                  Atom = 0x37108
    318 	Section                   Atom = 0x56807
    319 	Select                    Atom = 0x63c06
    320 	Selected                  Atom = 0x63c08
    321 	Shape                     Atom = 0x1e505
    322 	Size                      Atom = 0x5f504
    323 	Sizes                     Atom = 0x5f505
    324 	Slot                      Atom = 0x1ef04
    325 	Small                     Atom = 0x20605
    326 	Sortable                  Atom = 0x65108
    327 	Sorted                    Atom = 0x33706
    328 	Source                    Atom = 0x37806
    329 	Spacer                    Atom = 0x43706
    330 	Span                      Atom = 0x9f04
    331 	Spellcheck                Atom = 0x4740a
    332 	Src                       Atom = 0x5c003
    333 	Srcdoc                    Atom = 0x5c006
    334 	Srclang                   Atom = 0x5f907
    335 	Srcset                    Atom = 0x6f906
    336 	Start                     Atom = 0x3fa05
    337 	Step                      Atom = 0x58304
    338 	Strike                    Atom = 0xd206
    339 	Strong                    Atom = 0x6dd06
    340 	Style                     Atom = 0x6ff05
    341 	Sub                       Atom = 0x66d03
    342 	Summary                   Atom = 0x70407
    343 	Sup                       Atom = 0x70b03
    344 	Svg                       Atom = 0x70e03
    345 	System                    Atom = 0x71106
    346 	Tabindex                  Atom = 0x4be08
    347 	Table                     Atom = 0x59505
    348 	Target                    Atom = 0x2c406
    349 	Tbody                     Atom = 0x2705
    350 	Td                        Atom = 0x9202
    351 	Template                  Atom = 0x71408
    352 	Textarea                  Atom = 0x35208
    353 	Tfoot                     Atom = 0xf505
    354 	Th                        Atom = 0x15602
    355 	Thead                     Atom = 0x33005
    356 	Time                      Atom = 0x4204
    357 	Title                     Atom = 0x11005
    358 	Tr                        Atom = 0xcc02
    359 	Track                     Atom = 0x1ba05
    360 	Translate                 Atom = 0x1f209
    361 	Tt                        Atom = 0x6802
    362 	Type                      Atom = 0xd904
    363 	Typemustmatch             Atom = 0x2900d
    364 	U                         Atom = 0xb01
    365 	Ul                        Atom = 0xa702
    366 	Updateviacache            Atom = 0x460e
    367 	Usemap                    Atom = 0x59e06
    368 	Value                     Atom = 0x1505
    369 	Var                       Atom = 0x16d03
    370 	Video                     Atom = 0x2f105
    371 	Wbr                       Atom = 0x57c03
    372 	Width                     Atom = 0x64905
    373 	Workertype                Atom = 0x71c0a
    374 	Wrap                      Atom = 0x72604
    375 	Xmp                       Atom = 0x12f03
    376 )
    378 const hash0 = 0x81cdf10e
    380 const maxAtomLen = 25
    382 var table = [1 << 9]Atom{
    383 	0x1:   0xe60a,  // mediagroup
    384 	0x2:   0x2e404, // lang
    385 	0x4:   0x2c09,  // accesskey
    386 	0x5:   0x8b08,  // frameset
    387 	0x7:   0x63a08, // onselect
    388 	0x8:   0x71106, // system
    389 	0xa:   0x64905, // width
    390 	0xc:   0x2890b, // formenctype
    391 	0xd:   0x13702, // ol
    392 	0xe:   0x3970b, // oncuechange
    393 	0x10:  0x14b03, // bdo
    394 	0x11:  0x11505, // audio
    395 	0x12:  0x17a09, // draggable
    396 	0x14:  0x2f105, // video
    397 	0x15:  0x2b102, // mn
    398 	0x16:  0x38704, // menu
    399 	0x17:  0x2cf06, // poster
    400 	0x19:  0xf606,  // footer
    401 	0x1a:  0x2a806, // method
    402 	0x1b:  0x2b808, // datetime
    403 	0x1c:  0x19507, // onabort
    404 	0x1d:  0x460e,  // updateviacache
    405 	0x1e:  0xff05,  // async
    406 	0x1f:  0x49d06, // onload
    407 	0x21:  0x11908, // oncancel
    408 	0x22:  0x62908, // onseeked
    409 	0x23:  0x30205, // image
    410 	0x24:  0x5d812, // onrejectionhandled
    411 	0x26:  0x17404, // link
    412 	0x27:  0x51d06, // output
    413 	0x28:  0x33104, // head
    414 	0x29:  0x4ff0c, // onmouseleave
    415 	0x2a:  0x57f07, // onpaste
    416 	0x2b:  0x5a409, // onplaying
    417 	0x2c:  0x1c407, // colspan
    418 	0x2f:  0x1bf05, // color
    419 	0x30:  0x5f504, // size
    420 	0x31:  0x2e80a, // http-equiv
    421 	0x33:  0x601,   // i
    422 	0x34:  0x5590a, // onpagehide
    423 	0x35:  0x68c14, // onunhandledrejection
    424 	0x37:  0x42a07, // onerror
    425 	0x3a:  0x3b08,  // basefont
    426 	0x3f:  0x1303,  // nav
    427 	0x40:  0x17704, // kind
    428 	0x41:  0x35708, // readonly
    429 	0x42:  0x30806, // mglyph
    430 	0x44:  0xb202,  // li
    431 	0x46:  0x2d506, // hidden
    432 	0x47:  0x70e03, // svg
    433 	0x48:  0x58304, // step
    434 	0x49:  0x23f09, // integrity
    435 	0x4a:  0x58606, // public
    436 	0x4c:  0x1ab03, // col
    437 	0x4d:  0x1870a, // blockquote
    438 	0x4e:  0x34f02, // h5
    439 	0x50:  0x5b908, // progress
    440 	0x51:  0x5f505, // sizes
    441 	0x52:  0x34502, // h4
    442 	0x56:  0x33005, // thead
    443 	0x57:  0xd607,  // keytype
    444 	0x58:  0x5b70a, // onprogress
    445 	0x59:  0x44b09, // inputmode
    446 	0x5a:  0x3b109, // ondragend
    447 	0x5d:  0x3a205, // oncut
    448 	0x5e:  0x43706, // spacer
    449 	0x5f:  0x1ab08, // colgroup
    450 	0x62:  0x16502, // is
    451 	0x65:  0x3c02,  // as
    452 	0x66:  0x54809, // onoffline
    453 	0x67:  0x33706, // sorted
    454 	0x69:  0x48d10, // onlanguagechange
    455 	0x6c:  0x43d0c, // onhashchange
    456 	0x6d:  0x9604,  // name
    457 	0x6e:  0xf505,  // tfoot
    458 	0x6f:  0x56104, // desc
    459 	0x70:  0x33d03, // max
    460 	0x72:  0x1ea06, // coords
    461 	0x73:  0x30d02, // h3
    462 	0x74:  0x6e70e, // onbeforeunload
    463 	0x75:  0x9c04,  // rows
    464 	0x76:  0x63c06, // select
    465 	0x77:  0x9805,  // meter
    466 	0x78:  0x38b06, // itemid
    467 	0x79:  0x53c0c, // onmousewheel
    468 	0x7a:  0x5c006, // srcdoc
    469 	0x7d:  0x1ba05, // track
    470 	0x7f:  0x31f08, // itemtype
    471 	0x82:  0xa402,  // mo
    472 	0x83:  0x41b08, // onchange
    473 	0x84:  0x33107, // headers
    474 	0x85:  0x5cc0c, // onratechange
    475 	0x86:  0x60819, // onsecuritypolicyviolation
    476 	0x88:  0x4a508, // datalist
    477 	0x89:  0x4e80b, // onmousedown
    478 	0x8a:  0x1ef04, // slot
    479 	0x8b:  0x4b010, // onloadedmetadata
    480 	0x8c:  0x1a06,  // accept
    481 	0x8d:  0x26806, // object
    482 	0x91:  0x6b30e, // onvolumechange
    483 	0x92:  0x2107,  // charset
    484 	0x93:  0x27613, // onautocompleteerror
    485 	0x94:  0xc113,  // allowpaymentrequest
    486 	0x95:  0x2804,  // body
    487 	0x96:  0x10a07, // default
    488 	0x97:  0x63c08, // selected
    489 	0x98:  0x21e04, // face
    490 	0x99:  0x1e505, // shape
    491 	0x9b:  0x68408, // ontoggle
    492 	0x9e:  0x64b02, // dt
    493 	0x9f:  0xb604,  // mark
    494 	0xa1:  0xb01,   // u
    495 	0xa4:  0x6ab08, // onunload
    496 	0xa5:  0x5d04,  // loop
    497 	0xa6:  0x16408, // disabled
    498 	0xaa:  0x42307, // onended
    499 	0xab:  0xb00a,  // malignmark
    500 	0xad:  0x67b09, // onsuspend
    501 	0xae:  0x35105, // mtext
    502 	0xaf:  0x64f06, // onsort
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    504 	0xb3:  0x67109, // itemscope
    505 	0xb4:  0x17305, // blink
    506 	0xb6:  0x3b106, // ondrag
    507 	0xb7:  0xa702,  // ul
    508 	0xb8:  0x26e04, // form
    509 	0xb9:  0x12907, // sandbox
    510 	0xba:  0x8b05,  // frame
    511 	0xbb:  0x1505,  // value
    512 	0xbc:  0x66209, // onstorage
    513 	0xbf:  0xaa07,  // acronym
    514 	0xc0:  0x19a02, // rt
    515 	0xc2:  0x202,   // br
    516 	0xc3:  0x22608, // fieldset
    517 	0xc4:  0x2900d, // typemustmatch
    518 	0xc5:  0xa208,  // nomodule
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    520 	0xc7:  0x69e0d, // onbeforeprint
    521 	0xc8:  0x19106, // button
    522 	0xc9:  0x2f507, // onclick
    523 	0xca:  0x70407, // summary
    524 	0xcd:  0xfb04,  // ruby
    525 	0xce:  0x56405, // class
    526 	0xcf:  0x3f40b, // ondragstart
    527 	0xd0:  0x23107, // caption
    528 	0xd4:  0xdd0e,  // allowusermedia
    529 	0xd5:  0x4cf0b, // onloadstart
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    531 	0xda:  0x4a904, // list
    532 	0xdb:  0x32e04, // math
    533 	0xdc:  0x44b05, // input
    534 	0xdf:  0x3ea0a, // ondragover
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    536 	0xe2:  0x1b209, // plaintext
    537 	0xe4:  0x4f30c, // onmouseenter
    538 	0xe7:  0x47907, // checked
    539 	0xe8:  0x47003, // pre
    540 	0xea:  0x35f08, // multiple
    541 	0xeb:  0xba03,  // bdi
    542 	0xec:  0x33d09, // maxlength
    543 	0xed:  0xcf01,  // q
    544 	0xee:  0x61f0a, // onauxclick
    545 	0xf0:  0x57c03, // wbr
    546 	0xf2:  0x3b04,  // base
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    550 	0xf9:  0x40508, // dropzone
    551 	0xfb:  0x67505, // scope
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    554 	0xfe:  0x3fa05, // start
    555 	0xff:  0x12f03, // xmp
    556 	0x100: 0x5f907, // srclang
    557 	0x101: 0x30703, // img
    558 	0x104: 0x101,   // b
    559 	0x105: 0x25403, // for
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    561 	0x107: 0x44907, // oninput
    562 	0x108: 0x35604, // area
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    565 	0x10c: 0x23c02, // rp
    566 	0x10d: 0x46b0a, // onkeypress
    567 	0x10e: 0x6802,  // tt
    568 	0x110: 0x34702, // mi
    569 	0x111: 0x36705, // muted
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    572 	0x114: 0x6e02,  // em
    573 	0x115: 0x3c50a, // ondragexit
    574 	0x117: 0x9f04,  // span
    575 	0x119: 0x6d708, // manifest
    576 	0x11a: 0x38708, // menuitem
    577 	0x11b: 0x58b07, // content
    578 	0x11d: 0x6c109, // onwaiting
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    580 	0x121: 0x37e0d, // oncontextmenu
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    583 	0x125: 0x9303,  // dir
    584 	0x126: 0xef04,  // ping
    585 	0x127: 0x24c08, // required
    586 	0x128: 0x45509, // oninvalid
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    593 	0x130: 0x66b08, // onsubmit
    594 	0x131: 0x14d09, // oncanplay
    595 	0x132: 0x70b03, // sup
    596 	0x133: 0xc01,   // p
    597 	0x135: 0x40a09, // onemptied
    598 	0x136: 0x39106, // oncopy
    599 	0x137: 0x19c04, // cite
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    602 	0x13c: 0x66d03, // sub
    603 	0x13d: 0x48703, // rel
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    605 	0x142: 0x9c07,  // rowspan
    606 	0x143: 0x37806, // source
    607 	0x144: 0x21608, // noscript
    608 	0x145: 0x1a304, // open
    609 	0x146: 0x20403, // ins
    610 	0x147: 0x2540d, // foreignObject
    611 	0x148: 0x5ad0a, // onpopstate
    612 	0x14a: 0x28d07, // enctype
    613 	0x14b: 0x2760e, // onautocomplete
    614 	0x14c: 0x35208, // textarea
    615 	0x14e: 0x2780c, // autocomplete
    616 	0x14f: 0x15702, // hr
    617 	0x150: 0x1de08, // controls
    618 	0x151: 0x10902, // id
    619 	0x153: 0x2360c, // onafterprint
    620 	0x155: 0x2610d, // foreignobject
    621 	0x156: 0x32707, // marquee
    622 	0x157: 0x59a07, // onpause
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    624 	0x159: 0x5206,  // height
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    627 	0x15c: 0x1f209, // translate
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    631 	0x160: 0x71408, // template
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    633 	0x162: 0x3a02,  // rb
    634 	0x164: 0x5c003, // src
    635 	0x165: 0x6dd06, // strong
    636 	0x167: 0x7804,  // samp
    637 	0x168: 0x6f307, // address
    638 	0x169: 0x55108, // ononline
    639 	0x16b: 0x1310b, // placeholder
    640 	0x16c: 0x2c406, // target
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    643 	0x16f: 0x1c90a, // annotation
    644 	0x170: 0x4740a, // spellcheck
    645 	0x171: 0x7207,  // details
    646 	0x172: 0x10306, // canvas
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    648 	0x174: 0xc05,   // param
    649 	0x176: 0x46308, // download
    650 	0x177: 0x45203, // del
    651 	0x178: 0x36c07, // onclose
    652 	0x179: 0xb903,  // kbd
    653 	0x17a: 0x31906, // applet
    654 	0x17b: 0x2e004, // href
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    657 	0x180: 0xcc02,  // tr
    658 	0x181: 0x2c00a, // formtarget
    659 	0x182: 0x11005, // title
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    661 	0x184: 0xd206,  // strike
    662 	0x185: 0x59e06, // usemap
    663 	0x186: 0x2fc06, // iframe
    664 	0x187: 0x1004,  // main
    665 	0x189: 0x7b07,  // picture
    666 	0x18c: 0x31605, // ismap
    667 	0x18e: 0x4a504, // data
    668 	0x18f: 0x5905,  // label
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    671 	0x194: 0x53606, // prompt
    672 	0x195: 0x56807, // section
    673 	0x197: 0x6d107, // optimum
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    675 	0x199: 0x15c02, // h1
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    677 	0x19b: 0x16d03, // var
    678 	0x19c: 0x4204,  // time
    679 	0x19e: 0x67402, // ms
    680 	0x19f: 0x33106, // header
    681 	0x1a0: 0x4da09, // onmessage
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    684 	0x1a3: 0x22006, // center
    685 	0x1a4: 0x3704,  // nobr
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    688 	0x1a7: 0x18106, // legend
    689 	0x1a9: 0x29b09, // challenge
    690 	0x1aa: 0x24806, // figure
    691 	0x1ab: 0xe605,  // media
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    694 	0x1b0: 0x4da0e, // onmessageerror
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    696 	0x1b2: 0x8703,  // dfn
    697 	0x1b3: 0x5c705, // defer
    698 	0x1b4: 0xc303,  // low
    699 	0x1b5: 0x19a03, // rtc
    700 	0x1b6: 0x5230b, // onmouseover
    701 	0x1b7: 0x2b20a, // novalidate
    702 	0x1b8: 0x71c0a, // workertype
    703 	0x1ba: 0x3cd07, // itemref
    704 	0x1bd: 0x1,     // a
    705 	0x1be: 0x31803, // map
    706 	0x1bf: 0x400c,  // ontimeupdate
    707 	0x1c0: 0x15e07, // bgsound
    708 	0x1c1: 0x3206,  // keygen
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    710 	0x1c5: 0x64406, // onshow
    711 	0x1c7: 0x2501,  // s
    712 	0x1c8: 0x6607,  // pattern
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    714 	0x1ce: 0x2d702, // dd
    715 	0x1cf: 0x6f906, // srcset
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    717 	0x1d2: 0x65108, // sortable
    718 	0x1d3: 0x48007, // onkeyup
    719 	0x1d5: 0x5a406, // onplay
    720 	0x1d7: 0x4b804, // meta
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    724 	0x1dc: 0x5730a, // onpageshow
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    728 	0x1e0: 0x27206, // action
    729 	0x1e1: 0x1400b, // playsinline
    730 	0x1e2: 0x43107, // onfocus
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    732 	0x1e5: 0x5160a, // onmouseout
    733 	0x1e6: 0x5ea07, // onreset
    734 	0x1e7: 0x13c08, // autoplay
    735 	0x1e8: 0x63109, // onseeking
    736 	0x1ea: 0x67506, // scoped
    737 	0x1ec: 0x30a,   // radiogroup
    738 	0x1ee: 0x3800b, // contextmenu
    739 	0x1ef: 0x52e09, // onmouseup
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    743 	0x1f6: 0x30f07, // isindex
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    746 	0x1fb: 0x1c90e, // annotation-xml
    747 	0x1fc: 0x6e05,  // embed
    748 	0x1fd: 0x21806, // script
    749 	0x1fe: 0xbb06,  // dialog
    750 	0x1ff: 0x1d707, // command
    751 }
    753 const atomText = "abbradiogrouparamainavalueaccept-charsetbodyaccesskeygenobrb" +
    754 	"asefontimeupdateviacacheightmlabelooptgroupatternoembedetail" +
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