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config.go (10020B)

      1 // Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 package trace // import ""
     17 import (
     18 	"time"
     20 	""
     21 )
     23 // TracerConfig is a group of options for a Tracer.
     24 type TracerConfig struct {
     25 	instrumentationVersion string
     26 	// Schema URL of the telemetry emitted by the Tracer.
     27 	schemaURL string
     28 	attrs     attribute.Set
     29 }
     31 // InstrumentationVersion returns the version of the library providing instrumentation.
     32 func (t *TracerConfig) InstrumentationVersion() string {
     33 	return t.instrumentationVersion
     34 }
     36 // InstrumentationAttributes returns the attributes associated with the library
     37 // providing instrumentation.
     38 func (t *TracerConfig) InstrumentationAttributes() attribute.Set {
     39 	return t.attrs
     40 }
     42 // SchemaURL returns the Schema URL of the telemetry emitted by the Tracer.
     43 func (t *TracerConfig) SchemaURL() string {
     44 	return t.schemaURL
     45 }
     47 // NewTracerConfig applies all the options to a returned TracerConfig.
     48 func NewTracerConfig(options ...TracerOption) TracerConfig {
     49 	var config TracerConfig
     50 	for _, option := range options {
     51 		config = option.apply(config)
     52 	}
     53 	return config
     54 }
     56 // TracerOption applies an option to a TracerConfig.
     57 type TracerOption interface {
     58 	apply(TracerConfig) TracerConfig
     59 }
     61 type tracerOptionFunc func(TracerConfig) TracerConfig
     63 func (fn tracerOptionFunc) apply(cfg TracerConfig) TracerConfig {
     64 	return fn(cfg)
     65 }
     67 // SpanConfig is a group of options for a Span.
     68 type SpanConfig struct {
     69 	attributes []attribute.KeyValue
     70 	timestamp  time.Time
     71 	links      []Link
     72 	newRoot    bool
     73 	spanKind   SpanKind
     74 	stackTrace bool
     75 }
     77 // Attributes describe the associated qualities of a Span.
     78 func (cfg *SpanConfig) Attributes() []attribute.KeyValue {
     79 	return cfg.attributes
     80 }
     82 // Timestamp is a time in a Span life-cycle.
     83 func (cfg *SpanConfig) Timestamp() time.Time {
     84 	return cfg.timestamp
     85 }
     87 // StackTrace checks whether stack trace capturing is enabled.
     88 func (cfg *SpanConfig) StackTrace() bool {
     89 	return cfg.stackTrace
     90 }
     92 // Links are the associations a Span has with other Spans.
     93 func (cfg *SpanConfig) Links() []Link {
     94 	return cfg.links
     95 }
     97 // NewRoot identifies a Span as the root Span for a new trace. This is
     98 // commonly used when an existing trace crosses trust boundaries and the
     99 // remote parent span context should be ignored for security.
    100 func (cfg *SpanConfig) NewRoot() bool {
    101 	return cfg.newRoot
    102 }
    104 // SpanKind is the role a Span has in a trace.
    105 func (cfg *SpanConfig) SpanKind() SpanKind {
    106 	return cfg.spanKind
    107 }
    109 // NewSpanStartConfig applies all the options to a returned SpanConfig.
    110 // No validation is performed on the returned SpanConfig (e.g. no uniqueness
    111 // checking or bounding of data), it is left to the SDK to perform this
    112 // action.
    113 func NewSpanStartConfig(options ...SpanStartOption) SpanConfig {
    114 	var c SpanConfig
    115 	for _, option := range options {
    116 		c = option.applySpanStart(c)
    117 	}
    118 	return c
    119 }
    121 // NewSpanEndConfig applies all the options to a returned SpanConfig.
    122 // No validation is performed on the returned SpanConfig (e.g. no uniqueness
    123 // checking or bounding of data), it is left to the SDK to perform this
    124 // action.
    125 func NewSpanEndConfig(options ...SpanEndOption) SpanConfig {
    126 	var c SpanConfig
    127 	for _, option := range options {
    128 		c = option.applySpanEnd(c)
    129 	}
    130 	return c
    131 }
    133 // SpanStartOption applies an option to a SpanConfig. These options are applicable
    134 // only when the span is created.
    135 type SpanStartOption interface {
    136 	applySpanStart(SpanConfig) SpanConfig
    137 }
    139 type spanOptionFunc func(SpanConfig) SpanConfig
    141 func (fn spanOptionFunc) applySpanStart(cfg SpanConfig) SpanConfig {
    142 	return fn(cfg)
    143 }
    145 // SpanEndOption applies an option to a SpanConfig. These options are
    146 // applicable only when the span is ended.
    147 type SpanEndOption interface {
    148 	applySpanEnd(SpanConfig) SpanConfig
    149 }
    151 // EventConfig is a group of options for an Event.
    152 type EventConfig struct {
    153 	attributes []attribute.KeyValue
    154 	timestamp  time.Time
    155 	stackTrace bool
    156 }
    158 // Attributes describe the associated qualities of an Event.
    159 func (cfg *EventConfig) Attributes() []attribute.KeyValue {
    160 	return cfg.attributes
    161 }
    163 // Timestamp is a time in an Event life-cycle.
    164 func (cfg *EventConfig) Timestamp() time.Time {
    165 	return cfg.timestamp
    166 }
    168 // StackTrace checks whether stack trace capturing is enabled.
    169 func (cfg *EventConfig) StackTrace() bool {
    170 	return cfg.stackTrace
    171 }
    173 // NewEventConfig applies all the EventOptions to a returned EventConfig. If no
    174 // timestamp option is passed, the returned EventConfig will have a Timestamp
    175 // set to the call time, otherwise no validation is performed on the returned
    176 // EventConfig.
    177 func NewEventConfig(options ...EventOption) EventConfig {
    178 	var c EventConfig
    179 	for _, option := range options {
    180 		c = option.applyEvent(c)
    181 	}
    182 	if c.timestamp.IsZero() {
    183 		c.timestamp = time.Now()
    184 	}
    185 	return c
    186 }
    188 // EventOption applies span event options to an EventConfig.
    189 type EventOption interface {
    190 	applyEvent(EventConfig) EventConfig
    191 }
    193 // SpanOption are options that can be used at both the beginning and end of a span.
    194 type SpanOption interface {
    195 	SpanStartOption
    196 	SpanEndOption
    197 }
    199 // SpanStartEventOption are options that can be used at the start of a span, or with an event.
    200 type SpanStartEventOption interface {
    201 	SpanStartOption
    202 	EventOption
    203 }
    205 // SpanEndEventOption are options that can be used at the end of a span, or with an event.
    206 type SpanEndEventOption interface {
    207 	SpanEndOption
    208 	EventOption
    209 }
    211 type attributeOption []attribute.KeyValue
    213 func (o attributeOption) applySpan(c SpanConfig) SpanConfig {
    214 	c.attributes = append(c.attributes, []attribute.KeyValue(o)...)
    215 	return c
    216 }
    217 func (o attributeOption) applySpanStart(c SpanConfig) SpanConfig { return o.applySpan(c) }
    218 func (o attributeOption) applyEvent(c EventConfig) EventConfig {
    219 	c.attributes = append(c.attributes, []attribute.KeyValue(o)...)
    220 	return c
    221 }
    223 var _ SpanStartEventOption = attributeOption{}
    225 // WithAttributes adds the attributes related to a span life-cycle event.
    226 // These attributes are used to describe the work a Span represents when this
    227 // option is provided to a Span's start or end events. Otherwise, these
    228 // attributes provide additional information about the event being recorded
    229 // (e.g. error, state change, processing progress, system event).
    230 //
    231 // If multiple of these options are passed the attributes of each successive
    232 // option will extend the attributes instead of overwriting. There is no
    233 // guarantee of uniqueness in the resulting attributes.
    234 func WithAttributes(attributes ...attribute.KeyValue) SpanStartEventOption {
    235 	return attributeOption(attributes)
    236 }
    238 // SpanEventOption are options that can be used with an event or a span.
    239 type SpanEventOption interface {
    240 	SpanOption
    241 	EventOption
    242 }
    244 type timestampOption time.Time
    246 func (o timestampOption) applySpan(c SpanConfig) SpanConfig {
    247 	c.timestamp = time.Time(o)
    248 	return c
    249 }
    250 func (o timestampOption) applySpanStart(c SpanConfig) SpanConfig { return o.applySpan(c) }
    251 func (o timestampOption) applySpanEnd(c SpanConfig) SpanConfig   { return o.applySpan(c) }
    252 func (o timestampOption) applyEvent(c EventConfig) EventConfig {
    253 	c.timestamp = time.Time(o)
    254 	return c
    255 }
    257 var _ SpanEventOption = timestampOption{}
    259 // WithTimestamp sets the time of a Span or Event life-cycle moment (e.g.
    260 // started, stopped, errored).
    261 func WithTimestamp(t time.Time) SpanEventOption {
    262 	return timestampOption(t)
    263 }
    265 type stackTraceOption bool
    267 func (o stackTraceOption) applyEvent(c EventConfig) EventConfig {
    268 	c.stackTrace = bool(o)
    269 	return c
    270 }
    271 func (o stackTraceOption) applySpan(c SpanConfig) SpanConfig {
    272 	c.stackTrace = bool(o)
    273 	return c
    274 }
    275 func (o stackTraceOption) applySpanEnd(c SpanConfig) SpanConfig { return o.applySpan(c) }
    277 // WithStackTrace sets the flag to capture the error with stack trace (e.g. true, false).
    278 func WithStackTrace(b bool) SpanEndEventOption {
    279 	return stackTraceOption(b)
    280 }
    282 // WithLinks adds links to a Span. The links are added to the existing Span
    283 // links, i.e. this does not overwrite. Links with invalid span context are ignored.
    284 func WithLinks(links ...Link) SpanStartOption {
    285 	return spanOptionFunc(func(cfg SpanConfig) SpanConfig {
    286 		cfg.links = append(cfg.links, links...)
    287 		return cfg
    288 	})
    289 }
    291 // WithNewRoot specifies that the Span should be treated as a root Span. Any
    292 // existing parent span context will be ignored when defining the Span's trace
    293 // identifiers.
    294 func WithNewRoot() SpanStartOption {
    295 	return spanOptionFunc(func(cfg SpanConfig) SpanConfig {
    296 		cfg.newRoot = true
    297 		return cfg
    298 	})
    299 }
    301 // WithSpanKind sets the SpanKind of a Span.
    302 func WithSpanKind(kind SpanKind) SpanStartOption {
    303 	return spanOptionFunc(func(cfg SpanConfig) SpanConfig {
    304 		cfg.spanKind = kind
    305 		return cfg
    306 	})
    307 }
    309 // WithInstrumentationVersion sets the instrumentation version.
    310 func WithInstrumentationVersion(version string) TracerOption {
    311 	return tracerOptionFunc(func(cfg TracerConfig) TracerConfig {
    312 		cfg.instrumentationVersion = version
    313 		return cfg
    314 	})
    315 }
    317 // WithInstrumentationAttributes sets the instrumentation attributes.
    318 //
    319 // The passed attributes will be de-duplicated.
    320 func WithInstrumentationAttributes(attr ...attribute.KeyValue) TracerOption {
    321 	return tracerOptionFunc(func(config TracerConfig) TracerConfig {
    322 		config.attrs = attribute.NewSet(attr...)
    323 		return config
    324 	})
    325 }
    327 // WithSchemaURL sets the schema URL for the Tracer.
    328 func WithSchemaURL(schemaURL string) TracerOption {
    329 	return tracerOptionFunc(func(cfg TracerConfig) TracerConfig {
    330 		cfg.schemaURL = schemaURL
    331 		return cfg
    332 	})
    333 }