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parser.go (34022B)

      1 // Package parser contains stuff that are related to parsing a Markdown text.
      2 package parser
      4 import (
      5 	"fmt"
      6 	"strings"
      7 	"sync"
      9 	""
     10 	""
     11 	""
     12 )
     14 // A Reference interface represents a link reference in Markdown text.
     15 type Reference interface {
     16 	// String implements Stringer.
     17 	String() string
     19 	// Label returns a label of the reference.
     20 	Label() []byte
     22 	// Destination returns a destination(URL) of the reference.
     23 	Destination() []byte
     25 	// Title returns a title of the reference.
     26 	Title() []byte
     27 }
     29 type reference struct {
     30 	label       []byte
     31 	destination []byte
     32 	title       []byte
     33 }
     35 // NewReference returns a new Reference.
     36 func NewReference(label, destination, title []byte) Reference {
     37 	return &reference{label, destination, title}
     38 }
     40 func (r *reference) Label() []byte {
     41 	return r.label
     42 }
     44 func (r *reference) Destination() []byte {
     45 	return r.destination
     46 }
     48 func (r *reference) Title() []byte {
     49 	return r.title
     50 }
     52 func (r *reference) String() string {
     53 	return fmt.Sprintf("Reference{Label:%s, Destination:%s, Title:%s}", r.label, r.destination, r.title)
     54 }
     56 // An IDs interface is a collection of the element ids.
     57 type IDs interface {
     58 	// Generate generates a new element id.
     59 	Generate(value []byte, kind ast.NodeKind) []byte
     61 	// Put puts a given element id to the used ids table.
     62 	Put(value []byte)
     63 }
     65 type ids struct {
     66 	values map[string]bool
     67 }
     69 func newIDs() IDs {
     70 	return &ids{
     71 		values: map[string]bool{},
     72 	}
     73 }
     75 func (s *ids) Generate(value []byte, kind ast.NodeKind) []byte {
     76 	value = util.TrimLeftSpace(value)
     77 	value = util.TrimRightSpace(value)
     78 	result := []byte{}
     79 	for i := 0; i < len(value); {
     80 		v := value[i]
     81 		l := util.UTF8Len(v)
     82 		i += int(l)
     83 		if l != 1 {
     84 			continue
     85 		}
     86 		if util.IsAlphaNumeric(v) {
     87 			if 'A' <= v && v <= 'Z' {
     88 				v += 'a' - 'A'
     89 			}
     90 			result = append(result, v)
     91 		} else if util.IsSpace(v) || v == '-' || v == '_' {
     92 			result = append(result, '-')
     93 		}
     94 	}
     95 	if len(result) == 0 {
     96 		if kind == ast.KindHeading {
     97 			result = []byte("heading")
     98 		} else {
     99 			result = []byte("id")
    100 		}
    101 	}
    102 	if _, ok := s.values[util.BytesToReadOnlyString(result)]; !ok {
    103 		s.values[util.BytesToReadOnlyString(result)] = true
    104 		return result
    105 	}
    106 	for i := 1; ; i++ {
    107 		newResult := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", result, i)
    108 		if _, ok := s.values[newResult]; !ok {
    109 			s.values[newResult] = true
    110 			return []byte(newResult)
    111 		}
    113 	}
    114 }
    116 func (s *ids) Put(value []byte) {
    117 	s.values[util.BytesToReadOnlyString(value)] = true
    118 }
    120 // ContextKey is a key that is used to set arbitrary values to the context.
    121 type ContextKey int
    123 // ContextKeyMax is a maximum value of the ContextKey.
    124 var ContextKeyMax ContextKey
    126 // NewContextKey return a new ContextKey value.
    127 func NewContextKey() ContextKey {
    128 	ContextKeyMax++
    129 	return ContextKeyMax
    130 }
    132 // A Context interface holds a information that are necessary to parse
    133 // Markdown text.
    134 type Context interface {
    135 	// String implements Stringer.
    136 	String() string
    138 	// Get returns a value associated with the given key.
    139 	Get(ContextKey) interface{}
    141 	// ComputeIfAbsent computes a value if a value associated with the given key is absent and returns the value.
    142 	ComputeIfAbsent(ContextKey, func() interface{}) interface{}
    144 	// Set sets the given value to the context.
    145 	Set(ContextKey, interface{})
    147 	// AddReference adds the given reference to this context.
    148 	AddReference(Reference)
    150 	// Reference returns (a reference, true) if a reference associated with
    151 	// the given label exists, otherwise (nil, false).
    152 	Reference(label string) (Reference, bool)
    154 	// References returns a list of references.
    155 	References() []Reference
    157 	// IDs returns a collection of the element ids.
    158 	IDs() IDs
    160 	// BlockOffset returns a first non-space character position on current line.
    161 	// This value is valid only for BlockParser.Open.
    162 	// BlockOffset returns -1 if current line is blank.
    163 	BlockOffset() int
    165 	// BlockOffset sets a first non-space character position on current line.
    166 	// This value is valid only for BlockParser.Open.
    167 	SetBlockOffset(int)
    169 	// BlockIndent returns an indent width on current line.
    170 	// This value is valid only for BlockParser.Open.
    171 	// BlockIndent returns -1 if current line is blank.
    172 	BlockIndent() int
    174 	// BlockIndent sets an indent width on current line.
    175 	// This value is valid only for BlockParser.Open.
    176 	SetBlockIndent(int)
    178 	// FirstDelimiter returns a first delimiter of the current delimiter list.
    179 	FirstDelimiter() *Delimiter
    181 	// LastDelimiter returns a last delimiter of the current delimiter list.
    182 	LastDelimiter() *Delimiter
    184 	// PushDelimiter appends the given delimiter to the tail of the current
    185 	// delimiter list.
    186 	PushDelimiter(delimiter *Delimiter)
    188 	// RemoveDelimiter removes the given delimiter from the current delimiter list.
    189 	RemoveDelimiter(d *Delimiter)
    191 	// ClearDelimiters clears the current delimiter list.
    192 	ClearDelimiters(bottom ast.Node)
    194 	// OpenedBlocks returns a list of nodes that are currently in parsing.
    195 	OpenedBlocks() []Block
    197 	// SetOpenedBlocks sets a list of nodes that are currently in parsing.
    198 	SetOpenedBlocks([]Block)
    200 	// LastOpenedBlock returns a last node that is currently in parsing.
    201 	LastOpenedBlock() Block
    203 	// IsInLinkLabel returns true if current position seems to be in link label.
    204 	IsInLinkLabel() bool
    205 }
    207 // A ContextConfig struct is a data structure that holds configuration of the Context.
    208 type ContextConfig struct {
    209 	IDs IDs
    210 }
    212 // An ContextOption is a functional option type for the Context.
    213 type ContextOption func(*ContextConfig)
    215 // WithIDs is a functional option for the Context.
    216 func WithIDs(ids IDs) ContextOption {
    217 	return func(c *ContextConfig) {
    218 		c.IDs = ids
    219 	}
    220 }
    222 type parseContext struct {
    223 	store         []interface{}
    224 	ids           IDs
    225 	refs          map[string]Reference
    226 	blockOffset   int
    227 	blockIndent   int
    228 	delimiters    *Delimiter
    229 	lastDelimiter *Delimiter
    230 	openedBlocks  []Block
    231 }
    233 // NewContext returns a new Context.
    234 func NewContext(options ...ContextOption) Context {
    235 	cfg := &ContextConfig{
    236 		IDs: newIDs(),
    237 	}
    238 	for _, option := range options {
    239 		option(cfg)
    240 	}
    242 	return &parseContext{
    243 		store:         make([]interface{}, ContextKeyMax+1),
    244 		refs:          map[string]Reference{},
    245 		ids:           cfg.IDs,
    246 		blockOffset:   -1,
    247 		blockIndent:   -1,
    248 		delimiters:    nil,
    249 		lastDelimiter: nil,
    250 		openedBlocks:  []Block{},
    251 	}
    252 }
    254 func (p *parseContext) Get(key ContextKey) interface{} {
    255 	return[key]
    256 }
    258 func (p *parseContext) ComputeIfAbsent(key ContextKey, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
    259 	v :=[key]
    260 	if v == nil {
    261 		v = f()
    262[key] = v
    263 	}
    264 	return v
    265 }
    267 func (p *parseContext) Set(key ContextKey, value interface{}) {
    268[key] = value
    269 }
    271 func (p *parseContext) IDs() IDs {
    272 	return p.ids
    273 }
    275 func (p *parseContext) BlockOffset() int {
    276 	return p.blockOffset
    277 }
    279 func (p *parseContext) SetBlockOffset(v int) {
    280 	p.blockOffset = v
    281 }
    283 func (p *parseContext) BlockIndent() int {
    284 	return p.blockIndent
    285 }
    287 func (p *parseContext) SetBlockIndent(v int) {
    288 	p.blockIndent = v
    289 }
    291 func (p *parseContext) LastDelimiter() *Delimiter {
    292 	return p.lastDelimiter
    293 }
    295 func (p *parseContext) FirstDelimiter() *Delimiter {
    296 	return p.delimiters
    297 }
    299 func (p *parseContext) PushDelimiter(d *Delimiter) {
    300 	if p.delimiters == nil {
    301 		p.delimiters = d
    302 		p.lastDelimiter = d
    303 	} else {
    304 		l := p.lastDelimiter
    305 		p.lastDelimiter = d
    306 		l.NextDelimiter = d
    307 		d.PreviousDelimiter = l
    308 	}
    309 }
    311 func (p *parseContext) RemoveDelimiter(d *Delimiter) {
    312 	if d.PreviousDelimiter == nil {
    313 		p.delimiters = d.NextDelimiter
    314 	} else {
    315 		d.PreviousDelimiter.NextDelimiter = d.NextDelimiter
    316 		if d.NextDelimiter != nil {
    317 			d.NextDelimiter.PreviousDelimiter = d.PreviousDelimiter
    318 		}
    319 	}
    320 	if d.NextDelimiter == nil {
    321 		p.lastDelimiter = d.PreviousDelimiter
    322 	}
    323 	if p.delimiters != nil {
    324 		p.delimiters.PreviousDelimiter = nil
    325 	}
    326 	if p.lastDelimiter != nil {
    327 		p.lastDelimiter.NextDelimiter = nil
    328 	}
    329 	d.NextDelimiter = nil
    330 	d.PreviousDelimiter = nil
    331 	if d.Length != 0 {
    332 		ast.MergeOrReplaceTextSegment(d.Parent(), d, d.Segment)
    333 	} else {
    334 		d.Parent().RemoveChild(d.Parent(), d)
    335 	}
    336 }
    338 func (p *parseContext) ClearDelimiters(bottom ast.Node) {
    339 	if p.lastDelimiter == nil {
    340 		return
    341 	}
    342 	var c ast.Node
    343 	for c = p.lastDelimiter; c != nil && c != bottom; {
    344 		prev := c.PreviousSibling()
    345 		if d, ok := c.(*Delimiter); ok {
    346 			p.RemoveDelimiter(d)
    347 		}
    348 		c = prev
    349 	}
    350 }
    352 func (p *parseContext) AddReference(ref Reference) {
    353 	key := util.ToLinkReference(ref.Label())
    354 	if _, ok := p.refs[key]; !ok {
    355 		p.refs[key] = ref
    356 	}
    357 }
    359 func (p *parseContext) Reference(label string) (Reference, bool) {
    360 	v, ok := p.refs[label]
    361 	return v, ok
    362 }
    364 func (p *parseContext) References() []Reference {
    365 	ret := make([]Reference, 0, len(p.refs))
    366 	for _, v := range p.refs {
    367 		ret = append(ret, v)
    368 	}
    369 	return ret
    370 }
    372 func (p *parseContext) String() string {
    373 	refs := []string{}
    374 	for _, r := range p.refs {
    375 		refs = append(refs, r.String())
    376 	}
    378 	return fmt.Sprintf("Context{Store:%#v, Refs:%s}",, strings.Join(refs, ","))
    379 }
    381 func (p *parseContext) OpenedBlocks() []Block {
    382 	return p.openedBlocks
    383 }
    385 func (p *parseContext) SetOpenedBlocks(v []Block) {
    386 	p.openedBlocks = v
    387 }
    389 func (p *parseContext) LastOpenedBlock() Block {
    390 	if l := len(p.openedBlocks); l != 0 {
    391 		return p.openedBlocks[l-1]
    392 	}
    393 	return Block{}
    394 }
    396 func (p *parseContext) IsInLinkLabel() bool {
    397 	tlist := p.Get(linkLabelStateKey)
    398 	return tlist != nil
    399 }
    401 // State represents parser's state.
    402 // State is designed to use as a bit flag.
    403 type State int
    405 const (
    406 	none State = 1 << iota
    408 	// Continue indicates parser can continue parsing.
    409 	Continue
    411 	// Close indicates parser cannot parse anymore.
    412 	Close
    414 	// HasChildren indicates parser may have child blocks.
    415 	HasChildren
    417 	// NoChildren indicates parser does not have child blocks.
    418 	NoChildren
    420 	// RequireParagraph indicates parser requires that the last node
    421 	// must be a paragraph and is not converted to other nodes by
    422 	// ParagraphTransformers.
    423 	RequireParagraph
    424 )
    426 // A Config struct is a data structure that holds configuration of the Parser.
    427 type Config struct {
    428 	Options               map[OptionName]interface{}
    429 	BlockParsers          util.PrioritizedSlice /*<BlockParser>*/
    430 	InlineParsers         util.PrioritizedSlice /*<InlineParser>*/
    431 	ParagraphTransformers util.PrioritizedSlice /*<ParagraphTransformer>*/
    432 	ASTTransformers       util.PrioritizedSlice /*<ASTTransformer>*/
    433 	EscapedSpace          bool
    434 }
    436 // NewConfig returns a new Config.
    437 func NewConfig() *Config {
    438 	return &Config{
    439 		Options:               map[OptionName]interface{}{},
    440 		BlockParsers:          util.PrioritizedSlice{},
    441 		InlineParsers:         util.PrioritizedSlice{},
    442 		ParagraphTransformers: util.PrioritizedSlice{},
    443 		ASTTransformers:       util.PrioritizedSlice{},
    444 	}
    445 }
    447 // An Option interface is a functional option type for the Parser.
    448 type Option interface {
    449 	SetParserOption(*Config)
    450 }
    452 // OptionName is a name of parser options.
    453 type OptionName string
    455 // Attribute is an option name that spacify attributes of elements.
    456 const optAttribute OptionName = "Attribute"
    458 type withAttribute struct {
    459 }
    461 func (o *withAttribute) SetParserOption(c *Config) {
    462 	c.Options[optAttribute] = true
    463 }
    465 // WithAttribute is a functional option that enables custom attributes.
    466 func WithAttribute() Option {
    467 	return &withAttribute{}
    468 }
    470 // A Parser interface parses Markdown text into AST nodes.
    471 type Parser interface {
    472 	// Parse parses the given Markdown text into AST nodes.
    473 	Parse(reader text.Reader, opts ...ParseOption) ast.Node
    475 	// AddOption adds the given option to this parser.
    476 	AddOptions(...Option)
    477 }
    479 // A SetOptioner interface sets the given option to the object.
    480 type SetOptioner interface {
    481 	// SetOption sets the given option to the object.
    482 	// Unacceptable options may be passed.
    483 	// Thus implementations must ignore unacceptable options.
    484 	SetOption(name OptionName, value interface{})
    485 }
    487 // A BlockParser interface parses a block level element like Paragraph, List,
    488 // Blockquote etc.
    489 type BlockParser interface {
    490 	// Trigger returns a list of characters that triggers Parse method of
    491 	// this parser.
    492 	// If Trigger returns a nil, Open will be called with any lines.
    493 	Trigger() []byte
    495 	// Open parses the current line and returns a result of parsing.
    496 	//
    497 	// Open must not parse beyond the current line.
    498 	// If Open has been able to parse the current line, Open must advance a reader
    499 	// position by consumed byte length.
    500 	//
    501 	// If Open has not been able to parse the current line, Open should returns
    502 	// (nil, NoChildren). If Open has been able to parse the current line, Open
    503 	// should returns a new Block node and returns HasChildren or NoChildren.
    504 	Open(parent ast.Node, reader text.Reader, pc Context) (ast.Node, State)
    506 	// Continue parses the current line and returns a result of parsing.
    507 	//
    508 	// Continue must not parse beyond the current line.
    509 	// If Continue has been able to parse the current line, Continue must advance
    510 	// a reader position by consumed byte length.
    511 	//
    512 	// If Continue has not been able to parse the current line, Continue should
    513 	// returns Close. If Continue has been able to parse the current line,
    514 	// Continue should returns (Continue | NoChildren) or
    515 	// (Continue | HasChildren)
    516 	Continue(node ast.Node, reader text.Reader, pc Context) State
    518 	// Close will be called when the parser returns Close.
    519 	Close(node ast.Node, reader text.Reader, pc Context)
    521 	// CanInterruptParagraph returns true if the parser can interrupt paragraphs,
    522 	// otherwise false.
    523 	CanInterruptParagraph() bool
    525 	// CanAcceptIndentedLine returns true if the parser can open new node when
    526 	// the given line is being indented more than 3 spaces.
    527 	CanAcceptIndentedLine() bool
    528 }
    530 // An InlineParser interface parses an inline level element like CodeSpan, Link etc.
    531 type InlineParser interface {
    532 	// Trigger returns a list of characters that triggers Parse method of
    533 	// this parser.
    534 	// Trigger characters must be a punctuation or a halfspace.
    535 	// Halfspaces triggers this parser when character is any spaces characters or
    536 	// a head of line
    537 	Trigger() []byte
    539 	// Parse parse the given block into an inline node.
    540 	//
    541 	// Parse can parse beyond the current line.
    542 	// If Parse has been able to parse the current line, it must advance a reader
    543 	// position by consumed byte length.
    544 	Parse(parent ast.Node, block text.Reader, pc Context) ast.Node
    545 }
    547 // A CloseBlocker interface is a callback function that will be
    548 // called when block is closed in the inline parsing.
    549 type CloseBlocker interface {
    550 	// CloseBlock will be called when a block is closed.
    551 	CloseBlock(parent ast.Node, block text.Reader, pc Context)
    552 }
    554 // A ParagraphTransformer transforms parsed Paragraph nodes.
    555 // For example, link references are searched in parsed Paragraphs.
    556 type ParagraphTransformer interface {
    557 	// Transform transforms the given paragraph.
    558 	Transform(node *ast.Paragraph, reader text.Reader, pc Context)
    559 }
    561 // ASTTransformer transforms entire Markdown document AST tree.
    562 type ASTTransformer interface {
    563 	// Transform transforms the given AST tree.
    564 	Transform(node *ast.Document, reader text.Reader, pc Context)
    565 }
    567 // DefaultBlockParsers returns a new list of default BlockParsers.
    568 // Priorities of default BlockParsers are:
    569 //
    570 //	SetextHeadingParser, 100
    571 //	ThematicBreakParser, 200
    572 //	ListParser, 300
    573 //	ListItemParser, 400
    574 //	CodeBlockParser, 500
    575 //	ATXHeadingParser, 600
    576 //	FencedCodeBlockParser, 700
    577 //	BlockquoteParser, 800
    578 //	HTMLBlockParser, 900
    579 //	ParagraphParser, 1000
    580 func DefaultBlockParsers() []util.PrioritizedValue {
    581 	return []util.PrioritizedValue{
    582 		util.Prioritized(NewSetextHeadingParser(), 100),
    583 		util.Prioritized(NewThematicBreakParser(), 200),
    584 		util.Prioritized(NewListParser(), 300),
    585 		util.Prioritized(NewListItemParser(), 400),
    586 		util.Prioritized(NewCodeBlockParser(), 500),
    587 		util.Prioritized(NewATXHeadingParser(), 600),
    588 		util.Prioritized(NewFencedCodeBlockParser(), 700),
    589 		util.Prioritized(NewBlockquoteParser(), 800),
    590 		util.Prioritized(NewHTMLBlockParser(), 900),
    591 		util.Prioritized(NewParagraphParser(), 1000),
    592 	}
    593 }
    595 // DefaultInlineParsers returns a new list of default InlineParsers.
    596 // Priorities of default InlineParsers are:
    597 //
    598 //	CodeSpanParser, 100
    599 //	LinkParser, 200
    600 //	AutoLinkParser, 300
    601 //	RawHTMLParser, 400
    602 //	EmphasisParser, 500
    603 func DefaultInlineParsers() []util.PrioritizedValue {
    604 	return []util.PrioritizedValue{
    605 		util.Prioritized(NewCodeSpanParser(), 100),
    606 		util.Prioritized(NewLinkParser(), 200),
    607 		util.Prioritized(NewAutoLinkParser(), 300),
    608 		util.Prioritized(NewRawHTMLParser(), 400),
    609 		util.Prioritized(NewEmphasisParser(), 500),
    610 	}
    611 }
    613 // DefaultParagraphTransformers returns a new list of default ParagraphTransformers.
    614 // Priorities of default ParagraphTransformers are:
    615 //
    616 //	LinkReferenceParagraphTransformer, 100
    617 func DefaultParagraphTransformers() []util.PrioritizedValue {
    618 	return []util.PrioritizedValue{
    619 		util.Prioritized(LinkReferenceParagraphTransformer, 100),
    620 	}
    621 }
    623 // A Block struct holds a node and correspond parser pair.
    624 type Block struct {
    625 	// Node is a BlockNode.
    626 	Node ast.Node
    627 	// Parser is a BlockParser.
    628 	Parser BlockParser
    629 }
    631 type parser struct {
    632 	options               map[OptionName]interface{}
    633 	blockParsers          [256][]BlockParser
    634 	freeBlockParsers      []BlockParser
    635 	inlineParsers         [256][]InlineParser
    636 	closeBlockers         []CloseBlocker
    637 	paragraphTransformers []ParagraphTransformer
    638 	astTransformers       []ASTTransformer
    639 	escapedSpace          bool
    640 	config                *Config
    641 	initSync              sync.Once
    642 }
    644 type withBlockParsers struct {
    645 	value []util.PrioritizedValue
    646 }
    648 func (o *withBlockParsers) SetParserOption(c *Config) {
    649 	c.BlockParsers = append(c.BlockParsers, o.value...)
    650 }
    652 // WithBlockParsers is a functional option that allow you to add
    653 // BlockParsers to the parser.
    654 func WithBlockParsers(bs ...util.PrioritizedValue) Option {
    655 	return &withBlockParsers{bs}
    656 }
    658 type withInlineParsers struct {
    659 	value []util.PrioritizedValue
    660 }
    662 func (o *withInlineParsers) SetParserOption(c *Config) {
    663 	c.InlineParsers = append(c.InlineParsers, o.value...)
    664 }
    666 // WithInlineParsers is a functional option that allow you to add
    667 // InlineParsers to the parser.
    668 func WithInlineParsers(bs ...util.PrioritizedValue) Option {
    669 	return &withInlineParsers{bs}
    670 }
    672 type withParagraphTransformers struct {
    673 	value []util.PrioritizedValue
    674 }
    676 func (o *withParagraphTransformers) SetParserOption(c *Config) {
    677 	c.ParagraphTransformers = append(c.ParagraphTransformers, o.value...)
    678 }
    680 // WithParagraphTransformers is a functional option that allow you to add
    681 // ParagraphTransformers to the parser.
    682 func WithParagraphTransformers(ps ...util.PrioritizedValue) Option {
    683 	return &withParagraphTransformers{ps}
    684 }
    686 type withASTTransformers struct {
    687 	value []util.PrioritizedValue
    688 }
    690 func (o *withASTTransformers) SetParserOption(c *Config) {
    691 	c.ASTTransformers = append(c.ASTTransformers, o.value...)
    692 }
    694 // WithASTTransformers is a functional option that allow you to add
    695 // ASTTransformers to the parser.
    696 func WithASTTransformers(ps ...util.PrioritizedValue) Option {
    697 	return &withASTTransformers{ps}
    698 }
    700 type withEscapedSpace struct {
    701 }
    703 func (o *withEscapedSpace) SetParserOption(c *Config) {
    704 	c.EscapedSpace = true
    705 }
    707 // WithEscapedSpace is a functional option indicates that a '\' escaped half-space(0x20) should not trigger parsers.
    708 func WithEscapedSpace() Option {
    709 	return &withEscapedSpace{}
    710 }
    712 type withOption struct {
    713 	name  OptionName
    714 	value interface{}
    715 }
    717 func (o *withOption) SetParserOption(c *Config) {
    718 	c.Options[] = o.value
    719 }
    721 // WithOption is a functional option that allow you to set
    722 // an arbitrary option to the parser.
    723 func WithOption(name OptionName, value interface{}) Option {
    724 	return &withOption{name, value}
    725 }
    727 // NewParser returns a new Parser with given options.
    728 func NewParser(options ...Option) Parser {
    729 	config := NewConfig()
    730 	for _, opt := range options {
    731 		opt.SetParserOption(config)
    732 	}
    734 	p := &parser{
    735 		options: map[OptionName]interface{}{},
    736 		config:  config,
    737 	}
    739 	return p
    740 }
    742 func (p *parser) AddOptions(opts ...Option) {
    743 	for _, opt := range opts {
    744 		opt.SetParserOption(p.config)
    745 	}
    746 }
    748 func (p *parser) addBlockParser(v util.PrioritizedValue, options map[OptionName]interface{}) {
    749 	bp, ok := v.Value.(BlockParser)
    750 	if !ok {
    751 		panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v is not a BlockParser", v.Value))
    752 	}
    753 	tcs := bp.Trigger()
    754 	so, ok := v.Value.(SetOptioner)
    755 	if ok {
    756 		for oname, ovalue := range options {
    757 			so.SetOption(oname, ovalue)
    758 		}
    759 	}
    760 	if tcs == nil {
    761 		p.freeBlockParsers = append(p.freeBlockParsers, bp)
    762 	} else {
    763 		for _, tc := range tcs {
    764 			if p.blockParsers[tc] == nil {
    765 				p.blockParsers[tc] = []BlockParser{}
    766 			}
    767 			p.blockParsers[tc] = append(p.blockParsers[tc], bp)
    768 		}
    769 	}
    770 }
    772 func (p *parser) addInlineParser(v util.PrioritizedValue, options map[OptionName]interface{}) {
    773 	ip, ok := v.Value.(InlineParser)
    774 	if !ok {
    775 		panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v is not a InlineParser", v.Value))
    776 	}
    777 	tcs := ip.Trigger()
    778 	so, ok := v.Value.(SetOptioner)
    779 	if ok {
    780 		for oname, ovalue := range options {
    781 			so.SetOption(oname, ovalue)
    782 		}
    783 	}
    784 	if cb, ok := ip.(CloseBlocker); ok {
    785 		p.closeBlockers = append(p.closeBlockers, cb)
    786 	}
    787 	for _, tc := range tcs {
    788 		if p.inlineParsers[tc] == nil {
    789 			p.inlineParsers[tc] = []InlineParser{}
    790 		}
    791 		p.inlineParsers[tc] = append(p.inlineParsers[tc], ip)
    792 	}
    793 }
    795 func (p *parser) addParagraphTransformer(v util.PrioritizedValue, options map[OptionName]interface{}) {
    796 	pt, ok := v.Value.(ParagraphTransformer)
    797 	if !ok {
    798 		panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v is not a ParagraphTransformer", v.Value))
    799 	}
    800 	so, ok := v.Value.(SetOptioner)
    801 	if ok {
    802 		for oname, ovalue := range options {
    803 			so.SetOption(oname, ovalue)
    804 		}
    805 	}
    806 	p.paragraphTransformers = append(p.paragraphTransformers, pt)
    807 }
    809 func (p *parser) addASTTransformer(v util.PrioritizedValue, options map[OptionName]interface{}) {
    810 	at, ok := v.Value.(ASTTransformer)
    811 	if !ok {
    812 		panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v is not a ASTTransformer", v.Value))
    813 	}
    814 	so, ok := v.Value.(SetOptioner)
    815 	if ok {
    816 		for oname, ovalue := range options {
    817 			so.SetOption(oname, ovalue)
    818 		}
    819 	}
    820 	p.astTransformers = append(p.astTransformers, at)
    821 }
    823 // A ParseConfig struct is a data structure that holds configuration of the Parser.Parse.
    824 type ParseConfig struct {
    825 	Context Context
    826 }
    828 // A ParseOption is a functional option type for the Parser.Parse.
    829 type ParseOption func(c *ParseConfig)
    831 // WithContext is a functional option that allow you to override
    832 // a default context.
    833 func WithContext(context Context) ParseOption {
    834 	return func(c *ParseConfig) {
    835 		c.Context = context
    836 	}
    837 }
    839 func (p *parser) Parse(reader text.Reader, opts ...ParseOption) ast.Node {
    840 	p.initSync.Do(func() {
    841 		p.config.BlockParsers.Sort()
    842 		for _, v := range p.config.BlockParsers {
    843 			p.addBlockParser(v, p.config.Options)
    844 		}
    845 		for i := range p.blockParsers {
    846 			if p.blockParsers[i] != nil {
    847 				p.blockParsers[i] = append(p.blockParsers[i], p.freeBlockParsers...)
    848 			}
    849 		}
    851 		p.config.InlineParsers.Sort()
    852 		for _, v := range p.config.InlineParsers {
    853 			p.addInlineParser(v, p.config.Options)
    854 		}
    855 		p.config.ParagraphTransformers.Sort()
    856 		for _, v := range p.config.ParagraphTransformers {
    857 			p.addParagraphTransformer(v, p.config.Options)
    858 		}
    859 		p.config.ASTTransformers.Sort()
    860 		for _, v := range p.config.ASTTransformers {
    861 			p.addASTTransformer(v, p.config.Options)
    862 		}
    863 		p.escapedSpace = p.config.EscapedSpace
    864 		p.config = nil
    865 	})
    866 	c := &ParseConfig{}
    867 	for _, opt := range opts {
    868 		opt(c)
    869 	}
    870 	if c.Context == nil {
    871 		c.Context = NewContext()
    872 	}
    873 	pc := c.Context
    874 	root := ast.NewDocument()
    875 	p.parseBlocks(root, reader, pc)
    877 	blockReader := text.NewBlockReader(reader.Source(), nil)
    878 	p.walkBlock(root, func(node ast.Node) {
    879 		p.parseBlock(blockReader, node, pc)
    880 	})
    881 	for _, at := range p.astTransformers {
    882 		at.Transform(root, reader, pc)
    883 	}
    884 	// root.Dump(reader.Source(), 0)
    885 	return root
    886 }
    888 func (p *parser) transformParagraph(node *ast.Paragraph, reader text.Reader, pc Context) bool {
    889 	for _, pt := range p.paragraphTransformers {
    890 		pt.Transform(node, reader, pc)
    891 		if node.Parent() == nil {
    892 			return true
    893 		}
    894 	}
    895 	return false
    896 }
    898 func (p *parser) closeBlocks(from, to int, reader text.Reader, pc Context) {
    899 	blocks := pc.OpenedBlocks()
    900 	for i := from; i >= to; i-- {
    901 		node := blocks[i].Node
    902 		paragraph, ok := node.(*ast.Paragraph)
    903 		if ok && node.Parent() != nil {
    904 			p.transformParagraph(paragraph, reader, pc)
    905 		}
    906 		if node.Parent() != nil { // closes only if node has not been transformed
    907 			blocks[i].Parser.Close(blocks[i].Node, reader, pc)
    908 		}
    909 	}
    910 	if from == len(blocks)-1 {
    911 		blocks = blocks[0:to]
    912 	} else {
    913 		blocks = append(blocks[0:to], blocks[from+1:]...)
    914 	}
    915 	pc.SetOpenedBlocks(blocks)
    916 }
    918 type blockOpenResult int
    920 const (
    921 	paragraphContinuation blockOpenResult = iota + 1
    922 	newBlocksOpened
    923 	noBlocksOpened
    924 )
    926 func (p *parser) openBlocks(parent ast.Node, blankLine bool, reader text.Reader, pc Context) blockOpenResult {
    927 	result := blockOpenResult(noBlocksOpened)
    928 	continuable := false
    929 	lastBlock := pc.LastOpenedBlock()
    930 	if lastBlock.Node != nil {
    931 		continuable = ast.IsParagraph(lastBlock.Node)
    932 	}
    933 retry:
    934 	var bps []BlockParser
    935 	line, _ := reader.PeekLine()
    936 	w, pos := util.IndentWidth(line, reader.LineOffset())
    937 	if w >= len(line) {
    938 		pc.SetBlockOffset(-1)
    939 		pc.SetBlockIndent(-1)
    940 	} else {
    941 		pc.SetBlockOffset(pos)
    942 		pc.SetBlockIndent(w)
    943 	}
    944 	if line == nil || line[0] == '\n' {
    945 		goto continuable
    946 	}
    947 	bps = p.freeBlockParsers
    948 	if pos < len(line) {
    949 		bps = p.blockParsers[line[pos]]
    950 		if bps == nil {
    951 			bps = p.freeBlockParsers
    952 		}
    953 	}
    954 	if bps == nil {
    955 		goto continuable
    956 	}
    958 	for _, bp := range bps {
    959 		if continuable && result == noBlocksOpened && !bp.CanInterruptParagraph() {
    960 			continue
    961 		}
    962 		if w > 3 && !bp.CanAcceptIndentedLine() {
    963 			continue
    964 		}
    965 		lastBlock = pc.LastOpenedBlock()
    966 		last := lastBlock.Node
    967 		node, state := bp.Open(parent, reader, pc)
    968 		if node != nil {
    969 			// Parser requires last node to be a paragraph.
    970 			// With table extension:
    971 			//
    972 			//     0
    973 			//     -:
    974 			//     -
    975 			//
    976 			// '-' on 3rd line seems a Setext heading because 1st and 2nd lines
    977 			// are being paragraph when the Settext heading parser tries to parse the 3rd
    978 			// line.
    979 			// But 1st line and 2nd line are a table. Thus this paragraph will be transformed
    980 			// by a paragraph transformer. So this text should be converted to a table and
    981 			// an empty list.
    982 			if state&RequireParagraph != 0 {
    983 				if last == parent.LastChild() {
    984 					// Opened paragraph may be transformed by ParagraphTransformers in
    985 					// closeBlocks().
    986 					lastBlock.Parser.Close(last, reader, pc)
    987 					blocks := pc.OpenedBlocks()
    988 					pc.SetOpenedBlocks(blocks[0 : len(blocks)-1])
    989 					if p.transformParagraph(last.(*ast.Paragraph), reader, pc) {
    990 						// Paragraph has been transformed.
    991 						// So this parser is considered as failing.
    992 						continuable = false
    993 						goto retry
    994 					}
    995 				}
    996 			}
    997 			node.SetBlankPreviousLines(blankLine)
    998 			if last != nil && last.Parent() == nil {
    999 				lastPos := len(pc.OpenedBlocks()) - 1
   1000 				p.closeBlocks(lastPos, lastPos, reader, pc)
   1001 			}
   1002 			parent.AppendChild(parent, node)
   1003 			result = newBlocksOpened
   1004 			be := Block{node, bp}
   1005 			pc.SetOpenedBlocks(append(pc.OpenedBlocks(), be))
   1006 			if state&HasChildren != 0 {
   1007 				parent = node
   1008 				goto retry // try child block
   1009 			}
   1010 			break // no children, can not open more blocks on this line
   1011 		}
   1012 	}
   1014 continuable:
   1015 	if result == noBlocksOpened && continuable {
   1016 		state := lastBlock.Parser.Continue(lastBlock.Node, reader, pc)
   1017 		if state&Continue != 0 {
   1018 			result = paragraphContinuation
   1019 		}
   1020 	}
   1021 	return result
   1022 }
   1024 type lineStat struct {
   1025 	lineNum int
   1026 	level   int
   1027 	isBlank bool
   1028 }
   1030 func isBlankLine(lineNum, level int, stats []lineStat) bool {
   1031 	ret := true
   1032 	for i := len(stats) - 1 - level; i >= 0; i-- {
   1033 		ret = false
   1034 		s := stats[i]
   1035 		if s.lineNum == lineNum {
   1036 			if s.level < level && s.isBlank {
   1037 				return true
   1038 			} else if s.level == level {
   1039 				return s.isBlank
   1040 			}
   1041 		}
   1042 		if s.lineNum < lineNum {
   1043 			return ret
   1044 		}
   1045 	}
   1046 	return ret
   1047 }
   1049 func (p *parser) parseBlocks(parent ast.Node, reader text.Reader, pc Context) {
   1050 	pc.SetOpenedBlocks([]Block{})
   1051 	blankLines := make([]lineStat, 0, 128)
   1052 	isBlank := false
   1053 	for { // process blocks separated by blank lines
   1054 		_, lines, ok := reader.SkipBlankLines()
   1055 		if !ok {
   1056 			return
   1057 		}
   1058 		lineNum, _ := reader.Position()
   1059 		if lines != 0 {
   1060 			blankLines = blankLines[0:0]
   1061 			l := len(pc.OpenedBlocks())
   1062 			for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
   1063 				blankLines = append(blankLines, lineStat{lineNum - 1, i, lines != 0})
   1064 			}
   1065 		}
   1066 		isBlank = isBlankLine(lineNum-1, 0, blankLines)
   1067 		// first, we try to open blocks
   1068 		if p.openBlocks(parent, isBlank, reader, pc) != newBlocksOpened {
   1069 			return
   1070 		}
   1071 		reader.AdvanceLine()
   1072 		for { // process opened blocks line by line
   1073 			openedBlocks := pc.OpenedBlocks()
   1074 			l := len(openedBlocks)
   1075 			if l == 0 {
   1076 				break
   1077 			}
   1078 			lastIndex := l - 1
   1079 			for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
   1080 				be := openedBlocks[i]
   1081 				line, _ := reader.PeekLine()
   1082 				if line == nil {
   1083 					p.closeBlocks(lastIndex, 0, reader, pc)
   1084 					reader.AdvanceLine()
   1085 					return
   1086 				}
   1087 				lineNum, _ := reader.Position()
   1088 				blankLines = append(blankLines, lineStat{lineNum, i, util.IsBlank(line)})
   1089 				// If node is a paragraph, p.openBlocks determines whether it is continuable.
   1090 				// So we do not process paragraphs here.
   1091 				if !ast.IsParagraph(be.Node) {
   1092 					state := be.Parser.Continue(be.Node, reader, pc)
   1093 					if state&Continue != 0 {
   1094 						// When current node is a container block and has no children,
   1095 						// we try to open new child nodes
   1096 						if state&HasChildren != 0 && i == lastIndex {
   1097 							isBlank = isBlankLine(lineNum-1, i, blankLines)
   1098 							p.openBlocks(be.Node, isBlank, reader, pc)
   1099 							break
   1100 						}
   1101 						continue
   1102 					}
   1103 				}
   1104 				// current node may be closed or lazy continuation
   1105 				isBlank = isBlankLine(lineNum-1, i, blankLines)
   1106 				thisParent := parent
   1107 				if i != 0 {
   1108 					thisParent = openedBlocks[i-1].Node
   1109 				}
   1110 				lastNode := openedBlocks[lastIndex].Node
   1111 				result := p.openBlocks(thisParent, isBlank, reader, pc)
   1112 				if result != paragraphContinuation {
   1113 					// lastNode is a paragraph and was transformed by the paragraph
   1114 					// transformers.
   1115 					if openedBlocks[lastIndex].Node != lastNode {
   1116 						lastIndex--
   1117 					}
   1118 					p.closeBlocks(lastIndex, i, reader, pc)
   1119 				}
   1120 				break
   1121 			}
   1123 			reader.AdvanceLine()
   1124 		}
   1125 	}
   1126 }
   1128 func (p *parser) walkBlock(block ast.Node, cb func(node ast.Node)) {
   1129 	for c := block.FirstChild(); c != nil; c = c.NextSibling() {
   1130 		p.walkBlock(c, cb)
   1131 	}
   1132 	cb(block)
   1133 }
   1135 const (
   1136 	lineBreakHard uint8 = 1 << iota
   1137 	lineBreakSoft
   1138 	lineBreakVisible
   1139 )
   1141 func (p *parser) parseBlock(block text.BlockReader, parent ast.Node, pc Context) {
   1142 	if parent.IsRaw() {
   1143 		return
   1144 	}
   1145 	escaped := false
   1146 	source := block.Source()
   1147 	block.Reset(parent.Lines())
   1148 	for {
   1149 	retry:
   1150 		line, _ := block.PeekLine()
   1151 		if line == nil {
   1152 			break
   1153 		}
   1154 		lineLength := len(line)
   1155 		var lineBreakFlags uint8 = 0
   1156 		hasNewLine := line[lineLength-1] == '\n'
   1157 		if ((lineLength >= 3 && line[lineLength-2] == '\\' && line[lineLength-3] != '\\') || (lineLength == 2 && line[lineLength-2] == '\\')) && hasNewLine { // ends with \\n
   1158 			lineLength -= 2
   1159 			lineBreakFlags |= lineBreakHard | lineBreakVisible
   1160 		} else if ((lineLength >= 4 && line[lineLength-3] == '\\' && line[lineLength-2] == '\r' && line[lineLength-4] != '\\') || (lineLength == 3 && line[lineLength-3] == '\\' && line[lineLength-2] == '\r')) && hasNewLine { // ends with \\r\n
   1161 			lineLength -= 3
   1162 			lineBreakFlags |= lineBreakHard | lineBreakVisible
   1163 		} else if lineLength >= 3 && line[lineLength-3] == ' ' && line[lineLength-2] == ' ' && hasNewLine { // ends with [space][space]\n
   1164 			lineLength -= 3
   1165 			lineBreakFlags |= lineBreakHard
   1166 		} else if lineLength >= 4 && line[lineLength-4] == ' ' && line[lineLength-3] == ' ' && line[lineLength-2] == '\r' && hasNewLine { // ends with [space][space]\r\n
   1167 			lineLength -= 4
   1168 			lineBreakFlags |= lineBreakHard
   1169 		} else if hasNewLine {
   1170 			// If the line ends with a newline character, but it is not a hardlineBreak, then it is a softLinebreak
   1171 			// If the line ends with a hardlineBreak, then it cannot end with a softLinebreak
   1172 			// See
   1173 			lineBreakFlags |= lineBreakSoft
   1174 		}
   1176 		l, startPosition := block.Position()
   1177 		n := 0
   1178 		for i := 0; i < lineLength; i++ {
   1179 			c := line[i]
   1180 			if c == '\n' {
   1181 				break
   1182 			}
   1183 			isSpace := util.IsSpace(c) && c != '\r' && c != '\n'
   1184 			isPunct := util.IsPunct(c)
   1185 			if (isPunct && !escaped) || isSpace && !(escaped && p.escapedSpace) || i == 0 {
   1186 				parserChar := c
   1187 				if isSpace || (i == 0 && !isPunct) {
   1188 					parserChar = ' '
   1189 				}
   1190 				ips := p.inlineParsers[parserChar]
   1191 				if ips != nil {
   1192 					block.Advance(n)
   1193 					n = 0
   1194 					savedLine, savedPosition := block.Position()
   1195 					if i != 0 {
   1196 						_, currentPosition := block.Position()
   1197 						ast.MergeOrAppendTextSegment(parent, startPosition.Between(currentPosition))
   1198 						_, startPosition = block.Position()
   1199 					}
   1200 					var inlineNode ast.Node
   1201 					for _, ip := range ips {
   1202 						inlineNode = ip.Parse(parent, block, pc)
   1203 						if inlineNode != nil {
   1204 							break
   1205 						}
   1206 						block.SetPosition(savedLine, savedPosition)
   1207 					}
   1208 					if inlineNode != nil {
   1209 						parent.AppendChild(parent, inlineNode)
   1210 						goto retry
   1211 					}
   1212 				}
   1213 			}
   1214 			if escaped {
   1215 				escaped = false
   1216 				n++
   1217 				continue
   1218 			}
   1220 			if c == '\\' {
   1221 				escaped = true
   1222 				n++
   1223 				continue
   1224 			}
   1226 			escaped = false
   1227 			n++
   1228 		}
   1229 		if n != 0 {
   1230 			block.Advance(n)
   1231 		}
   1232 		currentL, currentPosition := block.Position()
   1233 		if l != currentL {
   1234 			continue
   1235 		}
   1236 		diff := startPosition.Between(currentPosition)
   1237 		var text *ast.Text
   1238 		if lineBreakFlags&(lineBreakHard|lineBreakVisible) == lineBreakHard|lineBreakVisible {
   1239 			text = ast.NewTextSegment(diff)
   1240 		} else {
   1241 			text = ast.NewTextSegment(diff.TrimRightSpace(source))
   1242 		}
   1243 		text.SetSoftLineBreak(lineBreakFlags&lineBreakSoft != 0)
   1244 		text.SetHardLineBreak(lineBreakFlags&lineBreakHard != 0)
   1245 		parent.AppendChild(parent, text)
   1246 		block.AdvanceLine()
   1247 	}
   1249 	ProcessDelimiters(nil, pc)
   1250 	for _, ip := range p.closeBlockers {
   1251 		ip.CloseBlock(parent, block, pc)
   1252 	}
   1253 }