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reader.go (878B)

      1 package buffer
      3 import "io"
      5 // Reader implements an io.Reader over a byte slice.
      6 type Reader struct {
      7 	buf []byte
      8 	pos int
      9 }
     11 // NewReader returns a new Reader for a given byte slice.
     12 func NewReader(buf []byte) *Reader {
     13 	return &Reader{
     14 		buf: buf,
     15 	}
     16 }
     18 // Read reads bytes into the given byte slice and returns the number of bytes read and an error if occurred.
     19 func (r *Reader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
     20 	if len(b) == 0 {
     21 		return 0, nil
     22 	}
     23 	if r.pos >= len(r.buf) {
     24 		return 0, io.EOF
     25 	}
     26 	n = copy(b, r.buf[r.pos:])
     27 	r.pos += n
     28 	return
     29 }
     31 // Bytes returns the underlying byte slice.
     32 func (r *Reader) Bytes() []byte {
     33 	return r.buf
     34 }
     36 // Reset resets the position of the read pointer to the beginning of the underlying byte slice.
     37 func (r *Reader) Reset() {
     38 	r.pos = 0
     39 }
     41 // Len returns the length of the buffer.
     42 func (r *Reader) Len() int {
     43 	return len(r.buf)
     44 }