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delegate_actor.go (11794B)

      1 package pub
      3 import (
      4 	"context"
      5 	"net/http"
      6 	"net/url"
      8 	""
      9 )
     11 // DelegateActor contains the detailed interface an application must satisfy in
     12 // order to implement the ActivityPub specification.
     13 //
     14 // Note that an implementation of this interface is implicitly provided in the
     15 // calls to NewActor, NewSocialActor, and NewFederatingActor.
     16 //
     17 // Implementing the DelegateActor requires familiarity with the ActivityPub
     18 // specification because it does not a strong enough abstraction for the client
     19 // application to ignore the ActivityPub spec. It is very possible to implement
     20 // this interface and build a foot-gun that trashes the fediverse without being
     21 // ActivityPub compliant. Please use with due consideration.
     22 //
     23 // Alternatively, build an application that uses the parts of the pub library
     24 // that do not require implementing a DelegateActor so that the ActivityPub
     25 // implementation is completely provided out of the box.
     26 type DelegateActor interface {
     27 	// Hook callback after parsing the request body for a federated request
     28 	// to the Actor's inbox.
     29 	//
     30 	// Can be used to set contextual information based on the Activity
     31 	// received.
     32 	//
     33 	// Only called if the Federated Protocol is enabled.
     34 	//
     35 	// Warning: Neither authentication nor authorization has taken place at
     36 	// this time. Doing anything beyond setting contextual information is
     37 	// strongly discouraged.
     38 	//
     39 	// If an error is returned, it is passed back to the caller of
     40 	// PostInbox. In this case, the DelegateActor implementation must not
     41 	// write a response to the ResponseWriter as is expected that the caller
     42 	// to PostInbox will do so when handling the error.
     43 	PostInboxRequestBodyHook(c context.Context, r *http.Request, activity Activity) (context.Context, error)
     44 	// Hook callback after parsing the request body for a client request
     45 	// to the Actor's outbox.
     46 	//
     47 	// Can be used to set contextual information based on the
     48 	// ActivityStreams object received.
     49 	//
     50 	// Only called if the Social API is enabled.
     51 	//
     52 	// Warning: Neither authentication nor authorization has taken place at
     53 	// this time. Doing anything beyond setting contextual information is
     54 	// strongly discouraged.
     55 	//
     56 	// If an error is returned, it is passed back to the caller of
     57 	// PostOutbox. In this case, the DelegateActor implementation must not
     58 	// write a response to the ResponseWriter as is expected that the caller
     59 	// to PostOutbox will do so when handling the error.
     60 	PostOutboxRequestBodyHook(c context.Context, r *http.Request, data vocab.Type) (context.Context, error)
     61 	// AuthenticatePostInbox delegates the authentication of a POST to an
     62 	// inbox.
     63 	//
     64 	// Only called if the Federated Protocol is enabled.
     65 	//
     66 	// If an error is returned, it is passed back to the caller of
     67 	// PostInbox. In this case, the implementation must not write a
     68 	// response to the ResponseWriter as is expected that the client will
     69 	// do so when handling the error. The 'authenticated' is ignored.
     70 	//
     71 	// If no error is returned, but authentication or authorization fails,
     72 	// then authenticated must be false and error nil. It is expected that
     73 	// the implementation handles writing to the ResponseWriter in this
     74 	// case.
     75 	//
     76 	// Finally, if the authentication and authorization succeeds, then
     77 	// authenticated must be true and error nil. The request will continue
     78 	// to be processed.
     79 	AuthenticatePostInbox(c context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (out context.Context, authenticated bool, err error)
     80 	// AuthenticateGetInbox delegates the authentication of a GET to an
     81 	// inbox.
     82 	//
     83 	// Always called, regardless whether the Federated Protocol or Social
     84 	// API is enabled.
     85 	//
     86 	// If an error is returned, it is passed back to the caller of
     87 	// GetInbox. In this case, the implementation must not write a
     88 	// response to the ResponseWriter as is expected that the client will
     89 	// do so when handling the error. The 'authenticated' is ignored.
     90 	//
     91 	// If no error is returned, but authentication or authorization fails,
     92 	// then authenticated must be false and error nil. It is expected that
     93 	// the implementation handles writing to the ResponseWriter in this
     94 	// case.
     95 	//
     96 	// Finally, if the authentication and authorization succeeds, then
     97 	// authenticated must be true and error nil. The request will continue
     98 	// to be processed.
     99 	AuthenticateGetInbox(c context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (out context.Context, authenticated bool, err error)
    100 	// AuthorizePostInbox delegates the authorization of an activity that
    101 	// has been sent by POST to an inbox.
    102 	//
    103 	// Only called if the Federated Protocol is enabled.
    104 	//
    105 	// If an error is returned, it is passed back to the caller of
    106 	// PostInbox. In this case, the implementation must not write a
    107 	// response to the ResponseWriter as is expected that the client will
    108 	// do so when handling the error. The 'authorized' is ignored.
    109 	//
    110 	// If no error is returned, but authorization fails, then authorized
    111 	// must be false and error nil. It is expected that the implementation
    112 	// handles writing to the ResponseWriter in this case.
    113 	//
    114 	// Finally, if the authentication and authorization succeeds, then
    115 	// authorized must be true and error nil. The request will continue
    116 	// to be processed.
    117 	AuthorizePostInbox(c context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, activity Activity) (authorized bool, err error)
    118 	// PostInbox delegates the side effects of adding to the inbox and
    119 	// determining if it is a request that should be blocked.
    120 	//
    121 	// Only called if the Federated Protocol is enabled.
    122 	//
    123 	// As a side effect, PostInbox sets the federated data in the inbox, but
    124 	// not on its own in the database, as InboxForwarding (which is called
    125 	// later) must decide whether it has seen this activity before in order
    126 	// to determine whether to do the forwarding algorithm.
    127 	//
    128 	// If the error is ErrObjectRequired or ErrTargetRequired, then a Bad
    129 	// Request status is sent in the response.
    130 	PostInbox(c context.Context, inboxIRI *url.URL, activity Activity) error
    131 	// InboxForwarding delegates inbox forwarding logic when a POST request
    132 	// is received in the Actor's inbox.
    133 	//
    134 	// Only called if the Federated Protocol is enabled.
    135 	//
    136 	// The delegate is responsible for determining whether to do the inbox
    137 	// forwarding, as well as actually conducting it if it determines it
    138 	// needs to.
    139 	//
    140 	// As a side effect, InboxForwarding must set the federated data in the
    141 	// database, independently of the inbox, however it sees fit in order to
    142 	// determine whether it has seen the activity before.
    143 	//
    144 	// The provided url is the inbox of the recipient of the Activity. The
    145 	// Activity is examined for the information about who to inbox forward
    146 	// to.
    147 	//
    148 	// If an error is returned, it is returned to the caller of PostInbox.
    149 	InboxForwarding(c context.Context, inboxIRI *url.URL, activity Activity) error
    150 	// PostOutbox delegates the logic for side effects and adding to the
    151 	// outbox.
    152 	//
    153 	// Always called, regardless whether the Federated Protocol or Social
    154 	// API is enabled. In the case of the Social API being enabled, side
    155 	// effects of the Activity must occur.
    156 	//
    157 	// The delegate is responsible for adding the activity to the database's
    158 	// general storage for independent retrieval, and not just within the
    159 	// actor's outbox.
    160 	//
    161 	// If the error is ErrObjectRequired or ErrTargetRequired, then a Bad
    162 	// Request status is sent in the response.
    163 	//
    164 	// Note that 'rawJSON' is an unfortunate consequence where an 'Update'
    165 	// Activity is the only one that explicitly cares about 'null' values in
    166 	// JSON. Since go-fed does not differentiate between 'null' values and
    167 	// values that are simply not present, the 'rawJSON' map is ONLY needed
    168 	// for this narrow and specific use case.
    169 	PostOutbox(c context.Context, a Activity, outboxIRI *url.URL, rawJSON map[string]interface{}) (deliverable bool, e error)
    170 	// AddNewIDs sets new URL ids on the activity. It also does so for all
    171 	// 'object' properties if the Activity is a Create type.
    172 	//
    173 	// Only called if the Social API is enabled.
    174 	//
    175 	// If an error is returned, it is returned to the caller of PostOutbox.
    176 	AddNewIDs(c context.Context, a Activity) error
    177 	// Deliver sends a federated message. Called only if federation is
    178 	// enabled.
    179 	//
    180 	// Called if the Federated Protocol is enabled.
    181 	//
    182 	// The provided url is the outbox of the sender. The Activity contains
    183 	// the information about the intended recipients.
    184 	//
    185 	// If an error is returned, it is returned to the caller of PostOutbox.
    186 	Deliver(c context.Context, outbox *url.URL, activity Activity) error
    187 	// AuthenticatePostOutbox delegates the authentication and authorization
    188 	// of a POST to an outbox.
    189 	//
    190 	// Only called if the Social API is enabled.
    191 	//
    192 	// If an error is returned, it is passed back to the caller of
    193 	// PostOutbox. In this case, the implementation must not write a
    194 	// response to the ResponseWriter as is expected that the client will
    195 	// do so when handling the error. The 'authenticated' is ignored.
    196 	//
    197 	// If no error is returned, but authentication or authorization fails,
    198 	// then authenticated must be false and error nil. It is expected that
    199 	// the implementation handles writing to the ResponseWriter in this
    200 	// case.
    201 	//
    202 	// Finally, if the authentication and authorization succeeds, then
    203 	// authenticated must be true and error nil. The request will continue
    204 	// to be processed.
    205 	AuthenticatePostOutbox(c context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (out context.Context, authenticated bool, err error)
    206 	// AuthenticateGetOutbox delegates the authentication of a GET to an
    207 	// outbox.
    208 	//
    209 	// Always called, regardless whether the Federated Protocol or Social
    210 	// API is enabled.
    211 	//
    212 	// If an error is returned, it is passed back to the caller of
    213 	// GetOutbox. In this case, the implementation must not write a
    214 	// response to the ResponseWriter as is expected that the client will
    215 	// do so when handling the error. The 'authenticated' is ignored.
    216 	//
    217 	// If no error is returned, but authentication or authorization fails,
    218 	// then authenticated must be false and error nil. It is expected that
    219 	// the implementation handles writing to the ResponseWriter in this
    220 	// case.
    221 	//
    222 	// Finally, if the authentication and authorization succeeds, then
    223 	// authenticated must be true and error nil. The request will continue
    224 	// to be processed.
    225 	AuthenticateGetOutbox(c context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (out context.Context, authenticated bool, err error)
    226 	// WrapInCreate wraps the provided object in a Create ActivityStreams
    227 	// activity. The provided URL is the actor's outbox endpoint.
    228 	//
    229 	// Only called if the Social API is enabled.
    230 	WrapInCreate(c context.Context, value vocab.Type, outboxIRI *url.URL) (vocab.ActivityStreamsCreate, error)
    231 	// GetOutbox returns the OrderedCollection inbox of the actor for this
    232 	// context. It is up to the implementation to provide the correct
    233 	// collection for the kind of authorization given in the request.
    234 	//
    235 	// AuthenticateGetOutbox will be called prior to this.
    236 	//
    237 	// Always called, regardless whether the Federated Protocol or Social
    238 	// API is enabled.
    239 	GetOutbox(c context.Context, r *http.Request) (vocab.ActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage, error)
    240 	// GetInbox returns the OrderedCollection inbox of the actor for this
    241 	// context. It is up to the implementation to provide the correct
    242 	// collection for the kind of authorization given in the request.
    243 	//
    244 	// AuthenticateGetInbox will be called prior to this.
    245 	//
    246 	// Always called, regardless whether the Federated Protocol or Social
    247 	// API is enabled.
    248 	GetInbox(c context.Context, r *http.Request) (vocab.ActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage, error)
    249 }