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scan.go (1689B)

      1 package bigfft
      3 import (
      4 	"math/big"
      5 )
      7 // FromDecimalString converts the base 10 string
      8 // representation of a natural (non-negative) number
      9 // into a *big.Int.
     10 // Its asymptotic complexity is less than quadratic.
     11 func FromDecimalString(s string) *big.Int {
     12 	var sc scanner
     13 	z := new(big.Int)
     14 	sc.scan(z, s)
     15 	return z
     16 }
     18 type scanner struct {
     19 	// powers[i] is 10^(2^i * quadraticScanThreshold).
     20 	powers []*big.Int
     21 }
     23 func (s *scanner) chunkSize(size int) (int, *big.Int) {
     24 	if size <= quadraticScanThreshold {
     25 		panic("size < quadraticScanThreshold")
     26 	}
     27 	pow := uint(0)
     28 	for n := size; n > quadraticScanThreshold; n /= 2 {
     29 		pow++
     30 	}
     31 	// threshold * 2^(pow-1) <= size < threshold * 2^pow
     32 	return quadraticScanThreshold << (pow - 1), s.power(pow - 1)
     33 }
     35 func (s *scanner) power(k uint) *big.Int {
     36 	for i := len(s.powers); i <= int(k); i++ {
     37 		z := new(big.Int)
     38 		if i == 0 {
     39 			if quadraticScanThreshold%14 != 0 {
     40 				panic("quadraticScanThreshold % 14 != 0")
     41 			}
     42 			z.Exp(big.NewInt(1e14), big.NewInt(quadraticScanThreshold/14), nil)
     43 		} else {
     44 			z.Mul(s.powers[i-1], s.powers[i-1])
     45 		}
     46 		s.powers = append(s.powers, z)
     47 	}
     48 	return s.powers[k]
     49 }
     51 func (s *scanner) scan(z *big.Int, str string) {
     52 	if len(str) <= quadraticScanThreshold {
     53 		z.SetString(str, 10)
     54 		return
     55 	}
     56 	sz, pow := s.chunkSize(len(str))
     57 	// Scan the left half.
     58 	s.scan(z, str[:len(str)-sz])
     59 	// FIXME: reuse temporaries.
     60 	left := Mul(z, pow)
     61 	// Scan the right half
     62 	s.scan(z, str[len(str)-sz:])
     63 	z.Add(z, left)
     64 }
     66 // quadraticScanThreshold is the number of digits
     67 // below which big.Int.SetString is more efficient
     68 // than subquadratic algorithms.
     69 // 1232 digits fit in 4096 bits.
     70 const quadraticScanThreshold = 1232