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localtime.go (3308B)

      1 package toml
      3 import (
      4 	"fmt"
      5 	"strings"
      6 	"time"
      8 	""
      9 )
     11 // LocalDate represents a calendar day in no specific timezone.
     12 type LocalDate struct {
     13 	Year  int
     14 	Month int
     15 	Day   int
     16 }
     18 // AsTime converts d into a specific time instance at midnight in zone.
     19 func (d LocalDate) AsTime(zone *time.Location) time.Time {
     20 	return time.Date(d.Year, time.Month(d.Month), d.Day, 0, 0, 0, 0, zone)
     21 }
     23 // String returns RFC 3339 representation of d.
     24 func (d LocalDate) String() string {
     25 	return fmt.Sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", d.Year, d.Month, d.Day)
     26 }
     28 // MarshalText returns RFC 3339 representation of d.
     29 func (d LocalDate) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
     30 	return []byte(d.String()), nil
     31 }
     33 // UnmarshalText parses b using RFC 3339 to fill d.
     34 func (d *LocalDate) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error {
     35 	res, err := parseLocalDate(b)
     36 	if err != nil {
     37 		return err
     38 	}
     39 	*d = res
     40 	return nil
     41 }
     43 // LocalTime represents a time of day of no specific day in no specific
     44 // timezone.
     45 type LocalTime struct {
     46 	Hour       int // Hour of the day: [0; 24[
     47 	Minute     int // Minute of the hour: [0; 60[
     48 	Second     int // Second of the minute: [0; 60[
     49 	Nanosecond int // Nanoseconds within the second:  [0, 1000000000[
     50 	Precision  int // Number of digits to display for Nanosecond.
     51 }
     53 // String returns RFC 3339 representation of d.
     54 // If d.Nanosecond and d.Precision are zero, the time won't have a nanosecond
     55 // component. If d.Nanosecond > 0 but d.Precision = 0, then the minimum number
     56 // of digits for nanoseconds is provided.
     57 func (d LocalTime) String() string {
     58 	s := fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", d.Hour, d.Minute, d.Second)
     60 	if d.Precision > 0 {
     61 		s += fmt.Sprintf(".%09d", d.Nanosecond)[:d.Precision+1]
     62 	} else if d.Nanosecond > 0 {
     63 		// Nanoseconds are specified, but precision is not provided. Use the
     64 		// minimum.
     65 		s += strings.Trim(fmt.Sprintf(".%09d", d.Nanosecond), "0")
     66 	}
     68 	return s
     69 }
     71 // MarshalText returns RFC 3339 representation of d.
     72 func (d LocalTime) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
     73 	return []byte(d.String()), nil
     74 }
     76 // UnmarshalText parses b using RFC 3339 to fill d.
     77 func (d *LocalTime) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error {
     78 	res, left, err := parseLocalTime(b)
     79 	if err == nil && len(left) != 0 {
     80 		err = unstable.NewParserError(left, "extra characters")
     81 	}
     82 	if err != nil {
     83 		return err
     84 	}
     85 	*d = res
     86 	return nil
     87 }
     89 // LocalDateTime represents a time of a specific day in no specific timezone.
     90 type LocalDateTime struct {
     91 	LocalDate
     92 	LocalTime
     93 }
     95 // AsTime converts d into a specific time instance in zone.
     96 func (d LocalDateTime) AsTime(zone *time.Location) time.Time {
     97 	return time.Date(d.Year, time.Month(d.Month), d.Day, d.Hour, d.Minute, d.Second, d.Nanosecond, zone)
     98 }
    100 // String returns RFC 3339 representation of d.
    101 func (d LocalDateTime) String() string {
    102 	return d.LocalDate.String() + "T" + d.LocalTime.String()
    103 }
    105 // MarshalText returns RFC 3339 representation of d.
    106 func (d LocalDateTime) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
    107 	return []byte(d.String()), nil
    108 }
    110 // UnmarshalText parses b using RFC 3339 to fill d.
    111 func (d *LocalDateTime) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error {
    112 	res, left, err := parseLocalDateTime(data)
    113 	if err == nil && len(left) != 0 {
    114 		err = unstable.NewParserError(left, "extra characters")
    115 	}
    116 	if err != nil {
    117 		return err
    118 	}
    120 	*d = res
    121 	return nil
    122 }