
Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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.goreleaser.yaml (2622B)

      1 before:
      2   hooks:
      3     - go mod tidy
      4     - go fmt ./...
      5     - go test ./...
      6 builds:
      7   - id: tomll
      8     main: ./cmd/tomll
      9     binary: tomll
     10     env:
     11       - CGO_ENABLED=0
     12     flags:
     13       - -trimpath
     14     ldflags:
     15       - -X main.version={{.Version}} -X main.commit={{.Commit}} -X{{.CommitDate}}
     16     mod_timestamp: '{{ .CommitTimestamp }}'
     17     targets:
     18       - linux_amd64
     19       - linux_arm64
     20       - linux_arm
     21       - windows_amd64
     22       - windows_arm64
     23       - windows_arm
     24       - darwin_amd64
     25       - darwin_arm64
     26   - id: tomljson
     27     main: ./cmd/tomljson
     28     binary: tomljson
     29     env:
     30       - CGO_ENABLED=0
     31     flags:
     32       - -trimpath
     33     ldflags:
     34       - -X main.version={{.Version}} -X main.commit={{.Commit}} -X{{.CommitDate}}
     35     mod_timestamp: '{{ .CommitTimestamp }}'
     36     targets:
     37       - linux_amd64
     38       - linux_arm64
     39       - linux_arm
     40       - windows_amd64
     41       - windows_arm64
     42       - windows_arm
     43       - darwin_amd64
     44       - darwin_arm64
     45   - id: jsontoml
     46     main: ./cmd/jsontoml
     47     binary: jsontoml
     48     env:
     49       - CGO_ENABLED=0
     50     flags:
     51       - -trimpath
     52     ldflags:
     53       - -X main.version={{.Version}} -X main.commit={{.Commit}} -X{{.CommitDate}}
     54     mod_timestamp: '{{ .CommitTimestamp }}'
     55     targets:
     56       - linux_amd64
     57       - linux_arm64
     58       - linux_arm
     59       - windows_amd64
     60       - windows_arm64
     61       - windows_arm
     62       - darwin_amd64
     63       - darwin_arm64
     64 universal_binaries:
     65   - id: tomll
     66     replace: true
     67     name_template: tomll
     68   - id: tomljson
     69     replace: true
     70     name_template: tomljson
     71   - id: jsontoml
     72     replace: true
     73     name_template: jsontoml
     74 archives:
     75 - id: jsontoml
     76   format: tar.xz
     77   builds:
     78     - jsontoml
     79   files:
     80   - none*
     81   name_template: "{{ .Binary }}_{{.Version}}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}"
     82 - id: tomljson
     83   format: tar.xz
     84   builds:
     85     - tomljson
     86   files:
     87   - none*
     88   name_template: "{{ .Binary }}_{{.Version}}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}"
     89 - id: tomll
     90   format: tar.xz
     91   builds:
     92     - tomll
     93   files:
     94   - none*
     95   name_template: "{{ .Binary }}_{{.Version}}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}"
     96 dockers:
     97   - id: tools
     98     goos: linux
     99     goarch: amd64
    100     ids:
    101       - jsontoml
    102       - tomljson
    103       - tomll
    104     image_templates:
    105       - ""
    106       - "{{ .Tag }}"
    107       - "{{ .Major }}"
    108     skip_push: false
    109 checksum:
    110   name_template: 'sha256sums.txt'
    111 snapshot:
    112   name_template: "{{ incpatch .Version }}-next"
    113 release:
    114   github:
    115     owner: pelletier
    116     name: go-toml
    117   draft: true
    118   prerelease: auto
    119   mode: replace
    120 changelog:
    121   use: github-native
    122 announce:
    123   skip: true