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utils.go (20816B)

      1 /*
      2  * MinIO Go Library for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage
      3  * Copyright 2015-2017 MinIO, Inc.
      4  *
      5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8  *
      9  *
     10  *
     11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15  * limitations under the License.
     16  */
     18 package minio
     20 import (
     21 	"context"
     22 	"crypto/md5"
     23 	fipssha256 "crypto/sha256"
     24 	"encoding/base64"
     25 	"encoding/hex"
     26 	"encoding/xml"
     27 	"errors"
     28 	"fmt"
     29 	"hash"
     30 	"io"
     31 	"math/rand"
     32 	"net"
     33 	"net/http"
     34 	"net/url"
     35 	"regexp"
     36 	"strconv"
     37 	"strings"
     38 	"sync"
     39 	"time"
     41 	md5simd ""
     42 	""
     43 	""
     44 	""
     45 )
     47 func trimEtag(etag string) string {
     48 	etag = strings.TrimPrefix(etag, "\"")
     49 	return strings.TrimSuffix(etag, "\"")
     50 }
     52 var expirationRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`expiry-date="(.*?)", rule-id="(.*?)"`)
     54 func amzExpirationToExpiryDateRuleID(expiration string) (time.Time, string) {
     55 	if matches := expirationRegex.FindStringSubmatch(expiration); len(matches) == 3 {
     56 		expTime, err := parseRFC7231Time(matches[1])
     57 		if err != nil {
     58 			return time.Time{}, ""
     59 		}
     60 		return expTime, matches[2]
     61 	}
     62 	return time.Time{}, ""
     63 }
     65 var restoreRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`ongoing-request="(.*?)"(, expiry-date="(.*?)")?`)
     67 func amzRestoreToStruct(restore string) (ongoing bool, expTime time.Time, err error) {
     68 	matches := restoreRegex.FindStringSubmatch(restore)
     69 	if len(matches) != 4 {
     70 		return false, time.Time{}, errors.New("unexpected restore header")
     71 	}
     72 	ongoing, err = strconv.ParseBool(matches[1])
     73 	if err != nil {
     74 		return false, time.Time{}, err
     75 	}
     76 	if matches[3] != "" {
     77 		expTime, err = parseRFC7231Time(matches[3])
     78 		if err != nil {
     79 			return false, time.Time{}, err
     80 		}
     81 	}
     82 	return
     83 }
     85 // xmlDecoder provide decoded value in xml.
     86 func xmlDecoder(body io.Reader, v interface{}) error {
     87 	d := xml.NewDecoder(body)
     88 	return d.Decode(v)
     89 }
     91 // sum256 calculate sha256sum for an input byte array, returns hex encoded.
     92 func sum256Hex(data []byte) string {
     93 	hash := newSHA256Hasher()
     94 	defer hash.Close()
     95 	hash.Write(data)
     96 	return hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
     97 }
     99 // sumMD5Base64 calculate md5sum for an input byte array, returns base64 encoded.
    100 func sumMD5Base64(data []byte) string {
    101 	hash := newMd5Hasher()
    102 	defer hash.Close()
    103 	hash.Write(data)
    104 	return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
    105 }
    107 // getEndpointURL - construct a new endpoint.
    108 func getEndpointURL(endpoint string, secure bool) (*url.URL, error) {
    109 	// If secure is false, use 'http' scheme.
    110 	scheme := "https"
    111 	if !secure {
    112 		scheme = "http"
    113 	}
    115 	// Construct a secured endpoint URL.
    116 	endpointURLStr := scheme + "://" + endpoint
    117 	endpointURL, err := url.Parse(endpointURLStr)
    118 	if err != nil {
    119 		return nil, err
    120 	}
    122 	// Validate incoming endpoint URL.
    123 	if err := isValidEndpointURL(*endpointURL); err != nil {
    124 		return nil, err
    125 	}
    126 	return endpointURL, nil
    127 }
    129 // closeResponse close non nil response with any response Body.
    130 // convenient wrapper to drain any remaining data on response body.
    131 //
    132 // Subsequently this allows golang http RoundTripper
    133 // to re-use the same connection for future requests.
    134 func closeResponse(resp *http.Response) {
    135 	// Callers should close resp.Body when done reading from it.
    136 	// If resp.Body is not closed, the Client's underlying RoundTripper
    137 	// (typically Transport) may not be able to re-use a persistent TCP
    138 	// connection to the server for a subsequent "keep-alive" request.
    139 	if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
    140 		// Drain any remaining Body and then close the connection.
    141 		// Without this closing connection would disallow re-using
    142 		// the same connection for future uses.
    143 		//  -
    144 		io.Copy(io.Discard, resp.Body)
    145 		resp.Body.Close()
    146 	}
    147 }
    149 var (
    150 	// Hex encoded string of nil sha256sum bytes.
    151 	emptySHA256Hex = "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
    153 	// Sentinel URL is the default url value which is invalid.
    154 	sentinelURL = url.URL{}
    155 )
    157 // Verify if input endpoint URL is valid.
    158 func isValidEndpointURL(endpointURL url.URL) error {
    159 	if endpointURL == sentinelURL {
    160 		return errInvalidArgument("Endpoint url cannot be empty.")
    161 	}
    162 	if endpointURL.Path != "/" && endpointURL.Path != "" {
    163 		return errInvalidArgument("Endpoint url cannot have fully qualified paths.")
    164 	}
    165 	host := endpointURL.Hostname()
    166 	if !s3utils.IsValidIP(host) && !s3utils.IsValidDomain(host) {
    167 		msg := "Endpoint: " + endpointURL.Host + " does not follow ip address or domain name standards."
    168 		return errInvalidArgument(msg)
    169 	}
    171 	if strings.Contains(host, "") {
    172 		if !s3utils.IsAmazonEndpoint(endpointURL) {
    173 			return errInvalidArgument("Amazon S3 endpoint should be ''.")
    174 		}
    175 	}
    176 	if strings.Contains(host, "") {
    177 		if !s3utils.IsGoogleEndpoint(endpointURL) {
    178 			return errInvalidArgument("Google Cloud Storage endpoint should be ''.")
    179 		}
    180 	}
    181 	return nil
    182 }
    184 // Verify if input expires value is valid.
    185 func isValidExpiry(expires time.Duration) error {
    186 	expireSeconds := int64(expires / time.Second)
    187 	if expireSeconds < 1 {
    188 		return errInvalidArgument("Expires cannot be lesser than 1 second.")
    189 	}
    190 	if expireSeconds > 604800 {
    191 		return errInvalidArgument("Expires cannot be greater than 7 days.")
    192 	}
    193 	return nil
    194 }
    196 // Extract only necessary metadata header key/values by
    197 // filtering them out with a list of custom header keys.
    198 func extractObjMetadata(header http.Header) http.Header {
    199 	preserveKeys := []string{
    200 		"Content-Type",
    201 		"Cache-Control",
    202 		"Content-Encoding",
    203 		"Content-Language",
    204 		"Content-Disposition",
    205 		"X-Amz-Storage-Class",
    206 		"X-Amz-Object-Lock-Mode",
    207 		"X-Amz-Object-Lock-Retain-Until-Date",
    208 		"X-Amz-Object-Lock-Legal-Hold",
    209 		"X-Amz-Website-Redirect-Location",
    210 		"X-Amz-Server-Side-Encryption",
    211 		"X-Amz-Tagging-Count",
    212 		"X-Amz-Meta-",
    213 		// Add new headers to be preserved.
    214 		// if you add new headers here, please extend
    215 		// PutObjectOptions{} to preserve them
    216 		// upon upload as well.
    217 	}
    218 	filteredHeader := make(http.Header)
    219 	for k, v := range header {
    220 		var found bool
    221 		for _, prefix := range preserveKeys {
    222 			if !strings.HasPrefix(k, prefix) {
    223 				continue
    224 			}
    225 			found = true
    226 			break
    227 		}
    228 		if found {
    229 			filteredHeader[k] = v
    230 		}
    231 	}
    232 	return filteredHeader
    233 }
    235 const (
    236 	// RFC 7231#section- timetamp format. e.g Tue, 29 Apr 2014 18:30:38 GMT
    237 	rfc822TimeFormat                           = "Mon, 2 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT"
    238 	rfc822TimeFormatSingleDigitDay             = "Mon, _2 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT"
    239 	rfc822TimeFormatSingleDigitDayTwoDigitYear = "Mon, _2 Jan 06 15:04:05 GMT"
    240 )
    242 func parseTime(t string, formats ...string) (time.Time, error) {
    243 	for _, format := range formats {
    244 		tt, err := time.Parse(format, t)
    245 		if err == nil {
    246 			return tt, nil
    247 		}
    248 	}
    249 	return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse %s in any of the input formats: %s", t, formats)
    250 }
    252 func parseRFC7231Time(lastModified string) (time.Time, error) {
    253 	return parseTime(lastModified, rfc822TimeFormat, rfc822TimeFormatSingleDigitDay, rfc822TimeFormatSingleDigitDayTwoDigitYear)
    254 }
    256 // ToObjectInfo converts http header values into ObjectInfo type,
    257 // extracts metadata and fills in all the necessary fields in ObjectInfo.
    258 func ToObjectInfo(bucketName string, objectName string, h http.Header) (ObjectInfo, error) {
    259 	var err error
    260 	// Trim off the odd double quotes from ETag in the beginning and end.
    261 	etag := trimEtag(h.Get("ETag"))
    263 	// Parse content length is exists
    264 	var size int64 = -1
    265 	contentLengthStr := h.Get("Content-Length")
    266 	if contentLengthStr != "" {
    267 		size, err = strconv.ParseInt(contentLengthStr, 10, 64)
    268 		if err != nil {
    269 			// Content-Length is not valid
    270 			return ObjectInfo{}, ErrorResponse{
    271 				Code:       "InternalError",
    272 				Message:    fmt.Sprintf("Content-Length is not an integer, failed with %v", err),
    273 				BucketName: bucketName,
    274 				Key:        objectName,
    275 				RequestID:  h.Get("x-amz-request-id"),
    276 				HostID:     h.Get("x-amz-id-2"),
    277 				Region:     h.Get("x-amz-bucket-region"),
    278 			}
    279 		}
    280 	}
    282 	// Parse Last-Modified has http time format.
    283 	mtime, err := parseRFC7231Time(h.Get("Last-Modified"))
    284 	if err != nil {
    285 		return ObjectInfo{}, ErrorResponse{
    286 			Code:       "InternalError",
    287 			Message:    fmt.Sprintf("Last-Modified time format is invalid, failed with %v", err),
    288 			BucketName: bucketName,
    289 			Key:        objectName,
    290 			RequestID:  h.Get("x-amz-request-id"),
    291 			HostID:     h.Get("x-amz-id-2"),
    292 			Region:     h.Get("x-amz-bucket-region"),
    293 		}
    294 	}
    296 	// Fetch content type if any present.
    297 	contentType := strings.TrimSpace(h.Get("Content-Type"))
    298 	if contentType == "" {
    299 		contentType = "application/octet-stream"
    300 	}
    302 	expiryStr := h.Get("Expires")
    303 	var expiry time.Time
    304 	if expiryStr != "" {
    305 		expiry, err = parseRFC7231Time(expiryStr)
    306 		if err != nil {
    307 			return ObjectInfo{}, ErrorResponse{
    308 				Code:       "InternalError",
    309 				Message:    fmt.Sprintf("'Expiry' is not in supported format: %v", err),
    310 				BucketName: bucketName,
    311 				Key:        objectName,
    312 				RequestID:  h.Get("x-amz-request-id"),
    313 				HostID:     h.Get("x-amz-id-2"),
    314 				Region:     h.Get("x-amz-bucket-region"),
    315 			}
    316 		}
    317 	}
    319 	metadata := extractObjMetadata(h)
    320 	userMetadata := make(map[string]string)
    321 	for k, v := range metadata {
    322 		if strings.HasPrefix(k, "X-Amz-Meta-") {
    323 			userMetadata[strings.TrimPrefix(k, "X-Amz-Meta-")] = v[0]
    324 		}
    325 	}
    326 	userTags := s3utils.TagDecode(h.Get(amzTaggingHeader))
    328 	var tagCount int
    329 	if count := h.Get(amzTaggingCount); count != "" {
    330 		tagCount, err = strconv.Atoi(count)
    331 		if err != nil {
    332 			return ObjectInfo{}, ErrorResponse{
    333 				Code:       "InternalError",
    334 				Message:    fmt.Sprintf("x-amz-tagging-count is not an integer, failed with %v", err),
    335 				BucketName: bucketName,
    336 				Key:        objectName,
    337 				RequestID:  h.Get("x-amz-request-id"),
    338 				HostID:     h.Get("x-amz-id-2"),
    339 				Region:     h.Get("x-amz-bucket-region"),
    340 			}
    341 		}
    342 	}
    344 	// Nil if not found
    345 	var restore *RestoreInfo
    346 	if restoreHdr := h.Get(amzRestore); restoreHdr != "" {
    347 		ongoing, expTime, err := amzRestoreToStruct(restoreHdr)
    348 		if err != nil {
    349 			return ObjectInfo{}, err
    350 		}
    351 		restore = &RestoreInfo{OngoingRestore: ongoing, ExpiryTime: expTime}
    352 	}
    354 	// extract lifecycle expiry date and rule ID
    355 	expTime, ruleID := amzExpirationToExpiryDateRuleID(h.Get(amzExpiration))
    357 	deleteMarker := h.Get(amzDeleteMarker) == "true"
    359 	// Save object metadata info.
    360 	return ObjectInfo{
    361 		ETag:              etag,
    362 		Key:               objectName,
    363 		Size:              size,
    364 		LastModified:      mtime,
    365 		ContentType:       contentType,
    366 		Expires:           expiry,
    367 		VersionID:         h.Get(amzVersionID),
    368 		IsDeleteMarker:    deleteMarker,
    369 		ReplicationStatus: h.Get(amzReplicationStatus),
    370 		Expiration:        expTime,
    371 		ExpirationRuleID:  ruleID,
    372 		// Extract only the relevant header keys describing the object.
    373 		// following function filters out a list of standard set of keys
    374 		// which are not part of object metadata.
    375 		Metadata:     metadata,
    376 		UserMetadata: userMetadata,
    377 		UserTags:     userTags,
    378 		UserTagCount: tagCount,
    379 		Restore:      restore,
    381 		// Checksum values
    382 		ChecksumCRC32:  h.Get("x-amz-checksum-crc32"),
    383 		ChecksumCRC32C: h.Get("x-amz-checksum-crc32c"),
    384 		ChecksumSHA1:   h.Get("x-amz-checksum-sha1"),
    385 		ChecksumSHA256: h.Get("x-amz-checksum-sha256"),
    386 	}, nil
    387 }
    389 var readFull = func(r io.Reader, buf []byte) (n int, err error) {
    390 	// ReadFull reads exactly len(buf) bytes from r into buf.
    391 	// It returns the number of bytes copied and an error if
    392 	// fewer bytes were read. The error is EOF only if no bytes
    393 	// were read. If an EOF happens after reading some but not
    394 	// all the bytes, ReadFull returns ErrUnexpectedEOF.
    395 	// On return, n == len(buf) if and only if err == nil.
    396 	// If r returns an error having read at least len(buf) bytes,
    397 	// the error is dropped.
    398 	for n < len(buf) && err == nil {
    399 		var nn int
    400 		nn, err = r.Read(buf[n:])
    401 		// Some spurious io.Reader's return
    402 		// io.ErrUnexpectedEOF when nn == 0
    403 		// this behavior is undocumented
    404 		// so we are on purpose not using io.ReadFull
    405 		// implementation because this can lead
    406 		// to custom handling, to avoid that
    407 		// we simply modify the original io.ReadFull
    408 		// implementation to avoid this issue.
    409 		// io.ErrUnexpectedEOF with nn == 0 really
    410 		// means that io.EOF
    411 		if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF && nn == 0 {
    412 			err = io.EOF
    413 		}
    414 		n += nn
    415 	}
    416 	if n >= len(buf) {
    417 		err = nil
    418 	} else if n > 0 && err == io.EOF {
    419 		err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
    420 	}
    421 	return
    422 }
    424 // regCred matches credential string in HTTP header
    425 var regCred = regexp.MustCompile("Credential=([A-Z0-9]+)/")
    427 // regCred matches signature string in HTTP header
    428 var regSign = regexp.MustCompile("Signature=([[0-9a-f]+)")
    430 // Redact out signature value from authorization string.
    431 func redactSignature(origAuth string) string {
    432 	if !strings.HasPrefix(origAuth, signV4Algorithm) {
    433 		// Set a temporary redacted auth
    434 		return "AWS **REDACTED**:**REDACTED**"
    435 	}
    437 	// Signature V4 authorization header.
    439 	// Strip out accessKeyID from:
    440 	// Credential=<access-key-id>/<date>/<aws-region>/<aws-service>/aws4_request
    441 	newAuth := regCred.ReplaceAllString(origAuth, "Credential=**REDACTED**/")
    443 	// Strip out 256-bit signature from: Signature=<256-bit signature>
    444 	return regSign.ReplaceAllString(newAuth, "Signature=**REDACTED**")
    445 }
    447 // Get default location returns the location based on the input
    448 // URL `u`, if region override is provided then all location
    449 // defaults to regionOverride.
    450 //
    451 // If no other cases match then the location is set to `us-east-1`
    452 // as a last resort.
    453 func getDefaultLocation(u url.URL, regionOverride string) (location string) {
    454 	if regionOverride != "" {
    455 		return regionOverride
    456 	}
    457 	region := s3utils.GetRegionFromURL(u)
    458 	if region == "" {
    459 		region = "us-east-1"
    460 	}
    461 	return region
    462 }
    464 var supportedHeaders = map[string]bool{
    465 	"content-type":                        true,
    466 	"cache-control":                       true,
    467 	"content-encoding":                    true,
    468 	"content-disposition":                 true,
    469 	"content-language":                    true,
    470 	"x-amz-website-redirect-location":     true,
    471 	"x-amz-object-lock-mode":              true,
    472 	"x-amz-metadata-directive":            true,
    473 	"x-amz-object-lock-retain-until-date": true,
    474 	"expires":                             true,
    475 	"x-amz-replication-status":            true,
    476 	// Add more supported headers here.
    477 	// Must be lower case.
    478 }
    480 // isStorageClassHeader returns true if the header is a supported storage class header
    481 func isStorageClassHeader(headerKey string) bool {
    482 	return strings.EqualFold(amzStorageClass, headerKey)
    483 }
    485 // isStandardHeader returns true if header is a supported header and not a custom header
    486 func isStandardHeader(headerKey string) bool {
    487 	return supportedHeaders[strings.ToLower(headerKey)]
    488 }
    490 // sseHeaders is list of server side encryption headers
    491 var sseHeaders = map[string]bool{
    492 	"x-amz-server-side-encryption":                    true,
    493 	"x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id":     true,
    494 	"x-amz-server-side-encryption-context":            true,
    495 	"x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm": true,
    496 	"x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key":       true,
    497 	"x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-md5":   true,
    498 	// Add more supported headers here.
    499 	// Must be lower case.
    500 }
    502 // isSSEHeader returns true if header is a server side encryption header.
    503 func isSSEHeader(headerKey string) bool {
    504 	return sseHeaders[strings.ToLower(headerKey)]
    505 }
    507 // isAmzHeader returns true if header is a x-amz-meta-* or x-amz-acl header.
    508 func isAmzHeader(headerKey string) bool {
    509 	key := strings.ToLower(headerKey)
    511 	return strings.HasPrefix(key, "x-amz-meta-") || strings.HasPrefix(key, "x-amz-grant-") || key == "x-amz-acl" || isSSEHeader(headerKey) || strings.HasPrefix(key, "x-amz-checksum-")
    512 }
    514 // supportedQueryValues is a list of query strings that can be passed in when using GetObject.
    515 var supportedQueryValues = map[string]bool{
    516 	"partNumber":                   true,
    517 	"versionId":                    true,
    518 	"response-cache-control":       true,
    519 	"response-content-disposition": true,
    520 	"response-content-encoding":    true,
    521 	"response-content-language":    true,
    522 	"response-content-type":        true,
    523 	"response-expires":             true,
    524 }
    526 // isStandardQueryValue will return true when the passed in query string parameter is supported rather than customized.
    527 func isStandardQueryValue(qsKey string) bool {
    528 	return supportedQueryValues[qsKey]
    529 }
    531 var (
    532 	md5Pool    = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return md5.New() }}
    533 	sha256Pool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return sha256.New() }}
    534 )
    536 func newMd5Hasher() md5simd.Hasher {
    537 	return &hashWrapper{Hash: md5Pool.Get().(hash.Hash), isMD5: true}
    538 }
    540 func newSHA256Hasher() md5simd.Hasher {
    541 	if encrypt.FIPS {
    542 		return &hashWrapper{Hash: fipssha256.New(), isSHA256: true}
    543 	}
    544 	return &hashWrapper{Hash: sha256Pool.Get().(hash.Hash), isSHA256: true}
    545 }
    547 // hashWrapper implements the md5simd.Hasher interface.
    548 type hashWrapper struct {
    549 	hash.Hash
    550 	isMD5    bool
    551 	isSHA256 bool
    552 }
    554 // Close will put the hasher back into the pool.
    555 func (m *hashWrapper) Close() {
    556 	if m.isMD5 && m.Hash != nil {
    557 		m.Reset()
    558 		md5Pool.Put(m.Hash)
    559 	}
    560 	if m.isSHA256 && m.Hash != nil {
    561 		m.Reset()
    562 		sha256Pool.Put(m.Hash)
    563 	}
    564 	m.Hash = nil
    565 }
    567 const letterBytes = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234569"
    568 const (
    569 	letterIdxBits = 6                    // 6 bits to represent a letter index
    570 	letterIdxMask = 1<<letterIdxBits - 1 // All 1-bits, as many as letterIdxBits
    571 	letterIdxMax  = 63 / letterIdxBits   // # of letter indices fitting in 63 bits
    572 )
    574 // randString generates random names and prepends them with a known prefix.
    575 func randString(n int, src rand.Source, prefix string) string {
    576 	b := make([]byte, n)
    577 	// A rand.Int63() generates 63 random bits, enough for letterIdxMax letters!
    578 	for i, cache, remain := n-1, src.Int63(), letterIdxMax; i >= 0; {
    579 		if remain == 0 {
    580 			cache, remain = src.Int63(), letterIdxMax
    581 		}
    582 		if idx := int(cache & letterIdxMask); idx < len(letterBytes) {
    583 			b[i] = letterBytes[idx]
    584 			i--
    585 		}
    586 		cache >>= letterIdxBits
    587 		remain--
    588 	}
    589 	return prefix + string(b[0:30-len(prefix)])
    590 }
    592 // IsNetworkOrHostDown - if there was a network error or if the host is down.
    593 // expectTimeouts indicates that *context* timeouts are expected and does not
    594 // indicate a downed host. Other timeouts still returns down.
    595 func IsNetworkOrHostDown(err error, expectTimeouts bool) bool {
    596 	if err == nil {
    597 		return false
    598 	}
    600 	if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
    601 		return false
    602 	}
    604 	if expectTimeouts && errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
    605 		return false
    606 	}
    608 	if errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
    609 		return true
    610 	}
    612 	// We need to figure if the error either a timeout
    613 	// or a non-temporary error.
    614 	urlErr := &url.Error{}
    615 	if errors.As(err, &urlErr) {
    616 		switch urlErr.Err.(type) {
    617 		case *net.DNSError, *net.OpError, net.UnknownNetworkError:
    618 			return true
    619 		}
    620 	}
    621 	var e net.Error
    622 	if errors.As(err, &e) {
    623 		if e.Timeout() {
    624 			return true
    625 		}
    626 	}
    628 	// Fallback to other mechanisms.
    629 	switch {
    630 	case strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Connection closed by foreign host"):
    631 		return true
    632 	case strings.Contains(err.Error(), "TLS handshake timeout"):
    633 		// If error is - tlsHandshakeTimeoutError.
    634 		return true
    635 	case strings.Contains(err.Error(), "i/o timeout"):
    636 		// If error is - tcp timeoutError.
    637 		return true
    638 	case strings.Contains(err.Error(), "connection timed out"):
    639 		// If err is a net.Dial timeout.
    640 		return true
    641 	case strings.Contains(err.Error(), "connection refused"):
    642 		// If err is connection refused
    643 		return true
    645 	case strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(err.Error()), "503 service unavailable"):
    646 		// Denial errors
    647 		return true
    648 	}
    649 	return false
    650 }
    652 // newHashReaderWrapper will hash all reads done through r.
    653 // When r returns io.EOF the done function will be called with the sum.
    654 func newHashReaderWrapper(r io.Reader, h hash.Hash, done func(hash []byte)) *hashReaderWrapper {
    655 	return &hashReaderWrapper{
    656 		r:    r,
    657 		h:    h,
    658 		done: done,
    659 	}
    660 }
    662 type hashReaderWrapper struct {
    663 	r    io.Reader
    664 	h    hash.Hash
    665 	done func(hash []byte)
    666 }
    668 // Read implements the io.Reader interface.
    669 func (h *hashReaderWrapper) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
    670 	n, err = h.r.Read(p)
    671 	if n > 0 {
    672 		n2, err := h.h.Write(p[:n])
    673 		if err != nil {
    674 			return 0, err
    675 		}
    676 		if n2 != n {
    677 			return 0, io.ErrShortWrite
    678 		}
    679 	}
    680 	if err == io.EOF {
    681 		// Call back
    682 		h.done(h.h.Sum(nil))
    683 	}
    684 	return n, err
    685 }