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request-signature-streaming-unsigned-trailer.go (6805B)

      1 /*
      2  * MinIO Go Library for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage
      3  * Copyright 2022 MinIO, Inc.
      4  *
      5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8  *
      9  *
     10  *
     11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15  * limitations under the License.
     16  */
     18 package signer
     20 import (
     21 	"bytes"
     22 	"fmt"
     23 	"io"
     24 	"net/http"
     25 	"strconv"
     26 	"strings"
     27 	"time"
     28 )
     30 // getUnsignedChunkLength - calculates the length of chunk metadata
     31 func getUnsignedChunkLength(chunkDataSize int64) int64 {
     32 	return int64(len(fmt.Sprintf("%x", chunkDataSize))) +
     33 		crlfLen +
     34 		chunkDataSize +
     35 		crlfLen
     36 }
     38 // getUSStreamLength - calculates the length of the overall stream (data + metadata)
     39 func getUSStreamLength(dataLen, chunkSize int64, trailers http.Header) int64 {
     40 	if dataLen <= 0 {
     41 		return 0
     42 	}
     44 	chunksCount := int64(dataLen / chunkSize)
     45 	remainingBytes := int64(dataLen % chunkSize)
     46 	streamLen := int64(0)
     47 	streamLen += chunksCount * getUnsignedChunkLength(chunkSize)
     48 	if remainingBytes > 0 {
     49 		streamLen += getUnsignedChunkLength(remainingBytes)
     50 	}
     51 	streamLen += getUnsignedChunkLength(0)
     52 	if len(trailers) > 0 {
     53 		for name, placeholder := range trailers {
     54 			if len(placeholder) > 0 {
     55 				streamLen += int64(len(name) + len(trailerKVSeparator) + len(placeholder[0]) + 1)
     56 			}
     57 		}
     58 		streamLen += crlfLen
     59 	}
     61 	return streamLen
     62 }
     64 // prepareStreamingRequest - prepares a request with appropriate
     65 // headers before computing the seed signature.
     66 func prepareUSStreamingRequest(req *http.Request, sessionToken string, dataLen int64, timestamp time.Time) {
     67 	req.TransferEncoding = []string{"aws-chunked"}
     68 	if sessionToken != "" {
     69 		req.Header.Set("X-Amz-Security-Token", sessionToken)
     70 	}
     72 	req.Header.Set("X-Amz-Date", timestamp.Format(iso8601DateFormat))
     73 	// Set content length with streaming signature for each chunk included.
     74 	req.ContentLength = getUSStreamLength(dataLen, int64(payloadChunkSize), req.Trailer)
     75 }
     77 // StreamingUSReader implements chunked upload signature as a reader on
     78 // top of req.Body's ReaderCloser chunk header;data;... repeat
     79 type StreamingUSReader struct {
     80 	contentLen     int64         // Content-Length from req header
     81 	baseReadCloser io.ReadCloser // underlying io.Reader
     82 	bytesRead      int64         // bytes read from underlying io.Reader
     83 	buf            bytes.Buffer  // holds signed chunk
     84 	chunkBuf       []byte        // holds raw data read from req Body
     85 	chunkBufLen    int           // no. of bytes read so far into chunkBuf
     86 	done           bool          // done reading the underlying reader to EOF
     87 	chunkNum       int
     88 	totalChunks    int
     89 	lastChunkSize  int
     90 	trailer        http.Header
     91 }
     93 // writeChunk - signs a chunk read from s.baseReader of chunkLen size.
     94 func (s *StreamingUSReader) writeChunk(chunkLen int, addCrLf bool) {
     95 	s.buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(int64(chunkLen), 16) + "\r\n")
     97 	// Write chunk data into streaming buffer
     98 	s.buf.Write(s.chunkBuf[:chunkLen])
    100 	// Write the chunk trailer.
    101 	if addCrLf {
    102 		s.buf.Write([]byte("\r\n"))
    103 	}
    105 	// Reset chunkBufLen for next chunk read.
    106 	s.chunkBufLen = 0
    107 	s.chunkNum++
    108 }
    110 // addSignedTrailer - adds a trailer with the provided headers,
    111 // then signs a chunk and adds it to output.
    112 func (s *StreamingUSReader) addTrailer(h http.Header) {
    113 	olen := len(s.chunkBuf)
    114 	s.chunkBuf = s.chunkBuf[:0]
    115 	for k, v := range h {
    116 		s.chunkBuf = append(s.chunkBuf, []byte(strings.ToLower(k)+trailerKVSeparator+v[0]+"\n")...)
    117 	}
    119 	s.buf.Write(s.chunkBuf)
    120 	s.buf.WriteString("\r\n\r\n")
    122 	// Reset chunkBufLen for next chunk read.
    123 	s.chunkBuf = s.chunkBuf[:olen]
    124 	s.chunkBufLen = 0
    125 	s.chunkNum++
    126 }
    128 // StreamingUnsignedV4 - provides chunked upload
    129 func StreamingUnsignedV4(req *http.Request, sessionToken string, dataLen int64, reqTime time.Time) *http.Request {
    130 	// Set headers needed for streaming signature.
    131 	prepareUSStreamingRequest(req, sessionToken, dataLen, reqTime)
    133 	if req.Body == nil {
    134 		req.Body = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte("")))
    135 	}
    137 	stReader := &StreamingUSReader{
    138 		baseReadCloser: req.Body,
    139 		chunkBuf:       make([]byte, payloadChunkSize),
    140 		contentLen:     dataLen,
    141 		chunkNum:       1,
    142 		totalChunks:    int((dataLen+payloadChunkSize-1)/payloadChunkSize) + 1,
    143 		lastChunkSize:  int(dataLen % payloadChunkSize),
    144 	}
    145 	if len(req.Trailer) > 0 {
    146 		stReader.trailer = req.Trailer
    147 		// Remove...
    148 		req.Trailer = nil
    149 	}
    151 	req.Body = stReader
    153 	return req
    154 }
    156 // Read - this method performs chunk upload signature providing a
    157 // io.Reader interface.
    158 func (s *StreamingUSReader) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
    159 	switch {
    160 	// After the last chunk is read from underlying reader, we
    161 	// never re-fill s.buf.
    162 	case s.done:
    164 	// s.buf will be (re-)filled with next chunk when has lesser
    165 	// bytes than asked for.
    166 	case s.buf.Len() < len(buf):
    167 		s.chunkBufLen = 0
    168 		for {
    169 			n1, err := s.baseReadCloser.Read(s.chunkBuf[s.chunkBufLen:])
    170 			// Usually we validate `err` first, but in this case
    171 			// we are validating n > 0 for the following reasons.
    172 			//
    173 			// 1. n > 0, err is one of io.EOF, nil (near end of stream)
    174 			// A Reader returning a non-zero number of bytes at the end
    175 			// of the input stream may return either err == EOF or err == nil
    176 			//
    177 			// 2. n == 0, err is io.EOF (actual end of stream)
    178 			//
    179 			// Callers should always process the n > 0 bytes returned
    180 			// before considering the error err.
    181 			if n1 > 0 {
    182 				s.chunkBufLen += n1
    183 				s.bytesRead += int64(n1)
    185 				if s.chunkBufLen == payloadChunkSize ||
    186 					(s.chunkNum == s.totalChunks-1 &&
    187 						s.chunkBufLen == s.lastChunkSize) {
    188 					// Sign the chunk and write it to s.buf.
    189 					s.writeChunk(s.chunkBufLen, true)
    190 					break
    191 				}
    192 			}
    193 			if err != nil {
    194 				if err == io.EOF {
    195 					// No more data left in baseReader - last chunk.
    196 					// Done reading the last chunk from baseReader.
    197 					s.done = true
    199 					// bytes read from baseReader different than
    200 					// content length provided.
    201 					if s.bytesRead != s.contentLen {
    202 						return 0, fmt.Errorf("http: ContentLength=%d with Body length %d", s.contentLen, s.bytesRead)
    203 					}
    205 					// Sign the chunk and write it to s.buf.
    206 					s.writeChunk(0, len(s.trailer) == 0)
    207 					if len(s.trailer) > 0 {
    208 						// Trailer must be set now.
    209 						s.addTrailer(s.trailer)
    210 					}
    211 					break
    212 				}
    213 				return 0, err
    214 			}
    216 		}
    217 	}
    218 	return s.buf.Read(buf)
    219 }
    221 // Close - this method makes underlying io.ReadCloser's Close method available.
    222 func (s *StreamingUSReader) Close() error {
    223 	return s.baseReadCloser.Close()
    224 }