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index.go (15437B)

      1 // Copyright (c) 2022+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 package s2
      7 import (
      8 	"bytes"
      9 	"encoding/binary"
     10 	"encoding/json"
     11 	"fmt"
     12 	"io"
     13 	"sort"
     14 )
     16 const (
     17 	S2IndexHeader   = "s2idx\x00"
     18 	S2IndexTrailer  = "\x00xdi2s"
     19 	maxIndexEntries = 1 << 16
     20 )
     22 // Index represents an S2/Snappy index.
     23 type Index struct {
     24 	TotalUncompressed int64 // Total Uncompressed size if known. Will be -1 if unknown.
     25 	TotalCompressed   int64 // Total Compressed size if known. Will be -1 if unknown.
     26 	info              []struct {
     27 		compressedOffset   int64
     28 		uncompressedOffset int64
     29 	}
     30 	estBlockUncomp int64
     31 }
     33 func (i *Index) reset(maxBlock int) {
     34 	i.estBlockUncomp = int64(maxBlock)
     35 	i.TotalCompressed = -1
     36 	i.TotalUncompressed = -1
     37 	if len( > 0 {
     38 =[:0]
     39 	}
     40 }
     42 // allocInfos will allocate an empty slice of infos.
     43 func (i *Index) allocInfos(n int) {
     44 	if n > maxIndexEntries {
     45 		panic("n > maxIndexEntries")
     46 	}
     47 = make([]struct {
     48 		compressedOffset   int64
     49 		uncompressedOffset int64
     50 	}, 0, n)
     51 }
     53 // add an uncompressed and compressed pair.
     54 // Entries must be sent in order.
     55 func (i *Index) add(compressedOffset, uncompressedOffset int64) error {
     56 	if i == nil {
     57 		return nil
     58 	}
     59 	lastIdx := len( - 1
     60 	if lastIdx >= 0 {
     61 		latest :=[lastIdx]
     62 		if latest.uncompressedOffset == uncompressedOffset {
     63 			// Uncompressed didn't change, don't add entry,
     64 			// but update start index.
     65 			latest.compressedOffset = compressedOffset
     66[lastIdx] = latest
     67 			return nil
     68 		}
     69 		if latest.uncompressedOffset > uncompressedOffset {
     70 			return fmt.Errorf("internal error: Earlier uncompressed received (%d > %d)", latest.uncompressedOffset, uncompressedOffset)
     71 		}
     72 		if latest.compressedOffset > compressedOffset {
     73 			return fmt.Errorf("internal error: Earlier compressed received (%d > %d)", latest.uncompressedOffset, uncompressedOffset)
     74 		}
     75 	}
     76 = append(, struct {
     77 		compressedOffset   int64
     78 		uncompressedOffset int64
     79 	}{compressedOffset: compressedOffset, uncompressedOffset: uncompressedOffset})
     80 	return nil
     81 }
     83 // Find the offset at or before the wanted (uncompressed) offset.
     84 // If offset is 0 or positive it is the offset from the beginning of the file.
     85 // If the uncompressed size is known, the offset must be within the file.
     86 // If an offset outside the file is requested io.ErrUnexpectedEOF is returned.
     87 // If the offset is negative, it is interpreted as the distance from the end of the file,
     88 // where -1 represents the last byte.
     89 // If offset from the end of the file is requested, but size is unknown,
     90 // ErrUnsupported will be returned.
     91 func (i *Index) Find(offset int64) (compressedOff, uncompressedOff int64, err error) {
     92 	if i.TotalUncompressed < 0 {
     93 		return 0, 0, ErrCorrupt
     94 	}
     95 	if offset < 0 {
     96 		offset = i.TotalUncompressed + offset
     97 		if offset < 0 {
     98 			return 0, 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
     99 		}
    100 	}
    101 	if offset > i.TotalUncompressed {
    102 		return 0, 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
    103 	}
    104 	if len( > 200 {
    105 		n := sort.Search(len(, func(n int) bool {
    106 			return[n].uncompressedOffset > offset
    107 		})
    108 		if n == 0 {
    109 			n = 1
    110 		}
    111 		return[n-1].compressedOffset,[n-1].uncompressedOffset, nil
    112 	}
    113 	for _, info := range {
    114 		if info.uncompressedOffset > offset {
    115 			break
    116 		}
    117 		compressedOff = info.compressedOffset
    118 		uncompressedOff = info.uncompressedOffset
    119 	}
    120 	return compressedOff, uncompressedOff, nil
    121 }
    123 // reduce to stay below maxIndexEntries
    124 func (i *Index) reduce() {
    125 	if len( < maxIndexEntries && i.estBlockUncomp >= 1<<20 {
    126 		return
    127 	}
    129 	// Algorithm, keep 1, remove removeN entries...
    130 	removeN := (len( + 1) / maxIndexEntries
    131 	src :=
    132 	j := 0
    134 	// Each block should be at least 1MB, but don't reduce below 1000 entries.
    135 	for i.estBlockUncomp*(int64(removeN)+1) < 1<<20 && len( > 1000 {
    136 		removeN++
    137 	}
    138 	for idx := 0; idx < len(src); idx++ {
    139[j] = src[idx]
    140 		j++
    141 		idx += removeN
    142 	}
    143 =[:j]
    144 	// Update maxblock estimate.
    145 	i.estBlockUncomp += i.estBlockUncomp * int64(removeN)
    146 }
    148 func (i *Index) appendTo(b []byte, uncompTotal, compTotal int64) []byte {
    149 	i.reduce()
    150 	var tmp [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte
    152 	initSize := len(b)
    153 	// We make the start a skippable header+size.
    154 	b = append(b, ChunkTypeIndex, 0, 0, 0)
    155 	b = append(b, []byte(S2IndexHeader)...)
    156 	// Total Uncompressed size
    157 	n := binary.PutVarint(tmp[:], uncompTotal)
    158 	b = append(b, tmp[:n]...)
    159 	// Total Compressed size
    160 	n = binary.PutVarint(tmp[:], compTotal)
    161 	b = append(b, tmp[:n]...)
    162 	// Put EstBlockUncomp size
    163 	n = binary.PutVarint(tmp[:], i.estBlockUncomp)
    164 	b = append(b, tmp[:n]...)
    165 	// Put length
    166 	n = binary.PutVarint(tmp[:], int64(len(
    167 	b = append(b, tmp[:n]...)
    169 	// Check if we should add uncompressed offsets
    170 	var hasUncompressed byte
    171 	for idx, info := range {
    172 		if idx == 0 {
    173 			if info.uncompressedOffset != 0 {
    174 				hasUncompressed = 1
    175 				break
    176 			}
    177 			continue
    178 		}
    179 		if info.uncompressedOffset !=[idx-1].uncompressedOffset+i.estBlockUncomp {
    180 			hasUncompressed = 1
    181 			break
    182 		}
    183 	}
    184 	b = append(b, hasUncompressed)
    186 	// Add each entry
    187 	if hasUncompressed == 1 {
    188 		for idx, info := range {
    189 			uOff := info.uncompressedOffset
    190 			if idx > 0 {
    191 				prev :=[idx-1]
    192 				uOff -= prev.uncompressedOffset + (i.estBlockUncomp)
    193 			}
    194 			n = binary.PutVarint(tmp[:], uOff)
    195 			b = append(b, tmp[:n]...)
    196 		}
    197 	}
    199 	// Initial compressed size estimate.
    200 	cPredict := i.estBlockUncomp / 2
    202 	for idx, info := range {
    203 		cOff := info.compressedOffset
    204 		if idx > 0 {
    205 			prev :=[idx-1]
    206 			cOff -= prev.compressedOffset + cPredict
    207 			// Update compressed size prediction, with half the error.
    208 			cPredict += cOff / 2
    209 		}
    210 		n = binary.PutVarint(tmp[:], cOff)
    211 		b = append(b, tmp[:n]...)
    212 	}
    214 	// Add Total Size.
    215 	// Stored as fixed size for easier reading.
    216 	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(tmp[:], uint32(len(b)-initSize+4+len(S2IndexTrailer)))
    217 	b = append(b, tmp[:4]...)
    218 	// Trailer
    219 	b = append(b, []byte(S2IndexTrailer)...)
    221 	// Update size
    222 	chunkLen := len(b) - initSize - skippableFrameHeader
    223 	b[initSize+1] = uint8(chunkLen >> 0)
    224 	b[initSize+2] = uint8(chunkLen >> 8)
    225 	b[initSize+3] = uint8(chunkLen >> 16)
    226 	//fmt.Printf("chunklen: 0x%x Uncomp:%d, Comp:%d\n", chunkLen, uncompTotal, compTotal)
    227 	return b
    228 }
    230 // Load a binary index.
    231 // A zero value Index can be used or a previous one can be reused.
    232 func (i *Index) Load(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    233 	if len(b) <= 4+len(S2IndexHeader)+len(S2IndexTrailer) {
    234 		return b, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
    235 	}
    236 	if b[0] != ChunkTypeIndex {
    237 		return b, ErrCorrupt
    238 	}
    239 	chunkLen := int(b[1]) | int(b[2])<<8 | int(b[3])<<16
    240 	b = b[4:]
    242 	// Validate we have enough...
    243 	if len(b) < chunkLen {
    244 		return b, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
    245 	}
    246 	if !bytes.Equal(b[:len(S2IndexHeader)], []byte(S2IndexHeader)) {
    247 		return b, ErrUnsupported
    248 	}
    249 	b = b[len(S2IndexHeader):]
    251 	// Total Uncompressed
    252 	if v, n := binary.Varint(b); n <= 0 || v < 0 {
    253 		return b, ErrCorrupt
    254 	} else {
    255 		i.TotalUncompressed = v
    256 		b = b[n:]
    257 	}
    259 	// Total Compressed
    260 	if v, n := binary.Varint(b); n <= 0 {
    261 		return b, ErrCorrupt
    262 	} else {
    263 		i.TotalCompressed = v
    264 		b = b[n:]
    265 	}
    267 	// Read EstBlockUncomp
    268 	if v, n := binary.Varint(b); n <= 0 {
    269 		return b, ErrCorrupt
    270 	} else {
    271 		if v < 0 {
    272 			return b, ErrCorrupt
    273 		}
    274 		i.estBlockUncomp = v
    275 		b = b[n:]
    276 	}
    278 	var entries int
    279 	if v, n := binary.Varint(b); n <= 0 {
    280 		return b, ErrCorrupt
    281 	} else {
    282 		if v < 0 || v > maxIndexEntries {
    283 			return b, ErrCorrupt
    284 		}
    285 		entries = int(v)
    286 		b = b[n:]
    287 	}
    288 	if cap( < entries {
    289 		i.allocInfos(entries)
    290 	}
    291 =[:entries]
    293 	if len(b) < 1 {
    294 		return b, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
    295 	}
    296 	hasUncompressed := b[0]
    297 	b = b[1:]
    298 	if hasUncompressed&1 != hasUncompressed {
    299 		return b, ErrCorrupt
    300 	}
    302 	// Add each uncompressed entry
    303 	for idx := range {
    304 		var uOff int64
    305 		if hasUncompressed != 0 {
    306 			// Load delta
    307 			if v, n := binary.Varint(b); n <= 0 {
    308 				return b, ErrCorrupt
    309 			} else {
    310 				uOff = v
    311 				b = b[n:]
    312 			}
    313 		}
    315 		if idx > 0 {
    316 			prev :=[idx-1].uncompressedOffset
    317 			uOff += prev + (i.estBlockUncomp)
    318 			if uOff <= prev {
    319 				return b, ErrCorrupt
    320 			}
    321 		}
    322 		if uOff < 0 {
    323 			return b, ErrCorrupt
    324 		}
    325[idx].uncompressedOffset = uOff
    326 	}
    328 	// Initial compressed size estimate.
    329 	cPredict := i.estBlockUncomp / 2
    331 	// Add each compressed entry
    332 	for idx := range {
    333 		var cOff int64
    334 		if v, n := binary.Varint(b); n <= 0 {
    335 			return b, ErrCorrupt
    336 		} else {
    337 			cOff = v
    338 			b = b[n:]
    339 		}
    341 		if idx > 0 {
    342 			// Update compressed size prediction, with half the error.
    343 			cPredictNew := cPredict + cOff/2
    345 			prev :=[idx-1].compressedOffset
    346 			cOff += prev + cPredict
    347 			if cOff <= prev {
    348 				return b, ErrCorrupt
    349 			}
    350 			cPredict = cPredictNew
    351 		}
    352 		if cOff < 0 {
    353 			return b, ErrCorrupt
    354 		}
    355[idx].compressedOffset = cOff
    356 	}
    357 	if len(b) < 4+len(S2IndexTrailer) {
    358 		return b, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
    359 	}
    360 	// Skip size...
    361 	b = b[4:]
    363 	// Check trailer...
    364 	if !bytes.Equal(b[:len(S2IndexTrailer)], []byte(S2IndexTrailer)) {
    365 		return b, ErrCorrupt
    366 	}
    367 	return b[len(S2IndexTrailer):], nil
    368 }
    370 // LoadStream will load an index from the end of the supplied stream.
    371 // ErrUnsupported will be returned if the signature cannot be found.
    372 // ErrCorrupt will be returned if unexpected values are found.
    373 // io.ErrUnexpectedEOF is returned if there are too few bytes.
    374 // IO errors are returned as-is.
    375 func (i *Index) LoadStream(rs io.ReadSeeker) error {
    376 	// Go to end.
    377 	_, err := rs.Seek(-10, io.SeekEnd)
    378 	if err != nil {
    379 		return err
    380 	}
    381 	var tmp [10]byte
    382 	_, err = io.ReadFull(rs, tmp[:])
    383 	if err != nil {
    384 		return err
    385 	}
    386 	// Check trailer...
    387 	if !bytes.Equal(tmp[4:4+len(S2IndexTrailer)], []byte(S2IndexTrailer)) {
    388 		return ErrUnsupported
    389 	}
    390 	sz := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(tmp[:4])
    391 	if sz > maxChunkSize+skippableFrameHeader {
    392 		return ErrCorrupt
    393 	}
    394 	_, err = rs.Seek(-int64(sz), io.SeekEnd)
    395 	if err != nil {
    396 		return err
    397 	}
    399 	// Read index.
    400 	buf := make([]byte, sz)
    401 	_, err = io.ReadFull(rs, buf)
    402 	if err != nil {
    403 		return err
    404 	}
    405 	_, err = i.Load(buf)
    406 	return err
    407 }
    409 // IndexStream will return an index for a stream.
    410 // The stream structure will be checked, but
    411 // data within blocks is not verified.
    412 // The returned index can either be appended to the end of the stream
    413 // or stored separately.
    414 func IndexStream(r io.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
    415 	var i Index
    416 	var buf [maxChunkSize]byte
    417 	var readHeader bool
    418 	for {
    419 		_, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf[:4])
    420 		if err != nil {
    421 			if err == io.EOF {
    422 				return i.appendTo(nil, i.TotalUncompressed, i.TotalCompressed), nil
    423 			}
    424 			return nil, err
    425 		}
    426 		// Start of this chunk.
    427 		startChunk := i.TotalCompressed
    428 		i.TotalCompressed += 4
    430 		chunkType := buf[0]
    431 		if !readHeader {
    432 			if chunkType != chunkTypeStreamIdentifier {
    433 				return nil, ErrCorrupt
    434 			}
    435 			readHeader = true
    436 		}
    437 		chunkLen := int(buf[1]) | int(buf[2])<<8 | int(buf[3])<<16
    438 		if chunkLen < checksumSize {
    439 			return nil, ErrCorrupt
    440 		}
    442 		i.TotalCompressed += int64(chunkLen)
    443 		_, err = io.ReadFull(r, buf[:chunkLen])
    444 		if err != nil {
    445 			return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
    446 		}
    447 		// The chunk types are specified at
    448 		//
    449 		switch chunkType {
    450 		case chunkTypeCompressedData:
    451 			// Section 4.2. Compressed data (chunk type 0x00).
    452 			// Skip checksum.
    453 			dLen, err := DecodedLen(buf[checksumSize:])
    454 			if err != nil {
    455 				return nil, err
    456 			}
    457 			if dLen > maxBlockSize {
    458 				return nil, ErrCorrupt
    459 			}
    460 			if i.estBlockUncomp == 0 {
    461 				// Use first block for estimate...
    462 				i.estBlockUncomp = int64(dLen)
    463 			}
    464 			err = i.add(startChunk, i.TotalUncompressed)
    465 			if err != nil {
    466 				return nil, err
    467 			}
    468 			i.TotalUncompressed += int64(dLen)
    469 			continue
    470 		case chunkTypeUncompressedData:
    471 			n2 := chunkLen - checksumSize
    472 			if n2 > maxBlockSize {
    473 				return nil, ErrCorrupt
    474 			}
    475 			if i.estBlockUncomp == 0 {
    476 				// Use first block for estimate...
    477 				i.estBlockUncomp = int64(n2)
    478 			}
    479 			err = i.add(startChunk, i.TotalUncompressed)
    480 			if err != nil {
    481 				return nil, err
    482 			}
    483 			i.TotalUncompressed += int64(n2)
    484 			continue
    485 		case chunkTypeStreamIdentifier:
    486 			// Section 4.1. Stream identifier (chunk type 0xff).
    487 			if chunkLen != len(magicBody) {
    488 				return nil, ErrCorrupt
    489 			}
    491 			if string(buf[:len(magicBody)]) != magicBody {
    492 				if string(buf[:len(magicBody)]) != magicBodySnappy {
    493 					return nil, ErrCorrupt
    494 				}
    495 			}
    497 			continue
    498 		}
    500 		if chunkType <= 0x7f {
    501 			// Section 4.5. Reserved unskippable chunks (chunk types 0x02-0x7f).
    502 			return nil, ErrUnsupported
    503 		}
    504 		if chunkLen > maxChunkSize {
    505 			return nil, ErrUnsupported
    506 		}
    507 		// Section 4.4 Padding (chunk type 0xfe).
    508 		// Section 4.6. Reserved skippable chunks (chunk types 0x80-0xfd).
    509 	}
    510 }
    512 // JSON returns the index as JSON text.
    513 func (i *Index) JSON() []byte {
    514 	x := struct {
    515 		TotalUncompressed int64 `json:"total_uncompressed"` // Total Uncompressed size if known. Will be -1 if unknown.
    516 		TotalCompressed   int64 `json:"total_compressed"`   // Total Compressed size if known. Will be -1 if unknown.
    517 		Offsets           []struct {
    518 			CompressedOffset   int64 `json:"compressed"`
    519 			UncompressedOffset int64 `json:"uncompressed"`
    520 		} `json:"offsets"`
    521 		EstBlockUncomp int64 `json:"est_block_uncompressed"`
    522 	}{
    523 		TotalUncompressed: i.TotalUncompressed,
    524 		TotalCompressed:   i.TotalCompressed,
    525 		EstBlockUncomp:    i.estBlockUncomp,
    526 	}
    527 	for _, v := range {
    528 		x.Offsets = append(x.Offsets, struct {
    529 			CompressedOffset   int64 `json:"compressed"`
    530 			UncompressedOffset int64 `json:"uncompressed"`
    531 		}{CompressedOffset: v.compressedOffset, UncompressedOffset: v.uncompressedOffset})
    532 	}
    533 	b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(x, "", "  ")
    534 	return b
    535 }
    537 // RemoveIndexHeaders will trim all headers and trailers from a given index.
    538 // This is expected to save 20 bytes.
    539 // These can be restored using RestoreIndexHeaders.
    540 // This removes a layer of security, but is the most compact representation.
    541 // Returns nil if headers contains errors.
    542 // The returned slice references the provided slice.
    543 func RemoveIndexHeaders(b []byte) []byte {
    544 	const save = 4 + len(S2IndexHeader) + len(S2IndexTrailer) + 4
    545 	if len(b) <= save {
    546 		return nil
    547 	}
    548 	if b[0] != ChunkTypeIndex {
    549 		return nil
    550 	}
    551 	chunkLen := int(b[1]) | int(b[2])<<8 | int(b[3])<<16
    552 	b = b[4:]
    554 	// Validate we have enough...
    555 	if len(b) < chunkLen {
    556 		return nil
    557 	}
    558 	b = b[:chunkLen]
    560 	if !bytes.Equal(b[:len(S2IndexHeader)], []byte(S2IndexHeader)) {
    561 		return nil
    562 	}
    563 	b = b[len(S2IndexHeader):]
    564 	if !bytes.HasSuffix(b, []byte(S2IndexTrailer)) {
    565 		return nil
    566 	}
    567 	b = bytes.TrimSuffix(b, []byte(S2IndexTrailer))
    569 	if len(b) < 4 {
    570 		return nil
    571 	}
    572 	return b[:len(b)-4]
    573 }
    575 // RestoreIndexHeaders will index restore headers removed by RemoveIndexHeaders.
    576 // No error checking is performed on the input.
    577 // If a 0 length slice is sent, it is returned without modification.
    578 func RestoreIndexHeaders(in []byte) []byte {
    579 	if len(in) == 0 {
    580 		return in
    581 	}
    582 	b := make([]byte, 0, 4+len(S2IndexHeader)+len(in)+len(S2IndexTrailer)+4)
    583 	b = append(b, ChunkTypeIndex, 0, 0, 0)
    584 	b = append(b, []byte(S2IndexHeader)...)
    585 	b = append(b, in...)
    587 	var tmp [4]byte
    588 	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(tmp[:], uint32(len(b)+4+len(S2IndexTrailer)))
    589 	b = append(b, tmp[:4]...)
    590 	// Trailer
    591 	b = append(b, []byte(S2IndexTrailer)...)
    593 	chunkLen := len(b) - skippableFrameHeader
    594 	b[1] = uint8(chunkLen >> 0)
    595 	b[2] = uint8(chunkLen >> 8)
    596 	b[3] = uint8(chunkLen >> 16)
    597 	return b
    598 }