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decode.go (12001B)

      1 // Copyright 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Copyright (c) 2019 Klaus Post. All rights reserved.
      3 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      4 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      6 package s2
      8 import (
      9 	"encoding/binary"
     10 	"errors"
     11 	"fmt"
     12 	"strconv"
     13 )
     15 var (
     16 	// ErrCorrupt reports that the input is invalid.
     17 	ErrCorrupt = errors.New("s2: corrupt input")
     18 	// ErrCRC reports that the input failed CRC validation (streams only)
     19 	ErrCRC = errors.New("s2: corrupt input, crc mismatch")
     20 	// ErrTooLarge reports that the uncompressed length is too large.
     21 	ErrTooLarge = errors.New("s2: decoded block is too large")
     22 	// ErrUnsupported reports that the input isn't supported.
     23 	ErrUnsupported = errors.New("s2: unsupported input")
     24 )
     26 // DecodedLen returns the length of the decoded block.
     27 func DecodedLen(src []byte) (int, error) {
     28 	v, _, err := decodedLen(src)
     29 	return v, err
     30 }
     32 // decodedLen returns the length of the decoded block and the number of bytes
     33 // that the length header occupied.
     34 func decodedLen(src []byte) (blockLen, headerLen int, err error) {
     35 	v, n := binary.Uvarint(src)
     36 	if n <= 0 || v > 0xffffffff {
     37 		return 0, 0, ErrCorrupt
     38 	}
     40 	const wordSize = 32 << (^uint(0) >> 32 & 1)
     41 	if wordSize == 32 && v > 0x7fffffff {
     42 		return 0, 0, ErrTooLarge
     43 	}
     44 	return int(v), n, nil
     45 }
     47 const (
     48 	decodeErrCodeCorrupt = 1
     49 )
     51 // Decode returns the decoded form of src. The returned slice may be a sub-
     52 // slice of dst if dst was large enough to hold the entire decoded block.
     53 // Otherwise, a newly allocated slice will be returned.
     54 //
     55 // The dst and src must not overlap. It is valid to pass a nil dst.
     56 func Decode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) {
     57 	dLen, s, err := decodedLen(src)
     58 	if err != nil {
     59 		return nil, err
     60 	}
     61 	if dLen <= cap(dst) {
     62 		dst = dst[:dLen]
     63 	} else {
     64 		dst = make([]byte, dLen)
     65 	}
     66 	if s2Decode(dst, src[s:]) != 0 {
     67 		return nil, ErrCorrupt
     68 	}
     69 	return dst, nil
     70 }
     72 // s2DecodeDict writes the decoding of src to dst. It assumes that the varint-encoded
     73 // length of the decompressed bytes has already been read, and that len(dst)
     74 // equals that length.
     75 //
     76 // It returns 0 on success or a decodeErrCodeXxx error code on failure.
     77 func s2DecodeDict(dst, src []byte, dict *Dict) int {
     78 	if dict == nil {
     79 		return s2Decode(dst, src)
     80 	}
     81 	const debug = false
     82 	const debugErrs = debug
     84 	if debug {
     85 		fmt.Println("Starting decode, dst len:", len(dst))
     86 	}
     87 	var d, s, length int
     88 	offset := len(dict.dict) - dict.repeat
     90 	// As long as we can read at least 5 bytes...
     91 	for s < len(src)-5 {
     92 		// Removing bounds checks is SLOWER, when if doing
     93 		// in := src[s:s+5]
     94 		// Checked on Go 1.18
     95 		switch src[s] & 0x03 {
     96 		case tagLiteral:
     97 			x := uint32(src[s] >> 2)
     98 			switch {
     99 			case x < 60:
    100 				s++
    101 			case x == 60:
    102 				s += 2
    103 				x = uint32(src[s-1])
    104 			case x == 61:
    105 				in := src[s : s+3]
    106 				x = uint32(in[1]) | uint32(in[2])<<8
    107 				s += 3
    108 			case x == 62:
    109 				in := src[s : s+4]
    110 				// Load as 32 bit and shift down.
    111 				x = uint32(in[0]) | uint32(in[1])<<8 | uint32(in[2])<<16 | uint32(in[3])<<24
    112 				x >>= 8
    113 				s += 4
    114 			case x == 63:
    115 				in := src[s : s+5]
    116 				x = uint32(in[1]) | uint32(in[2])<<8 | uint32(in[3])<<16 | uint32(in[4])<<24
    117 				s += 5
    118 			}
    119 			length = int(x) + 1
    120 			if debug {
    121 				fmt.Println("literals, length:", length, "d-after:", d+length)
    122 			}
    123 			if length > len(dst)-d || length > len(src)-s || (strconv.IntSize == 32 && length <= 0) {
    124 				if debugErrs {
    125 					fmt.Println("corrupt literal: length:", length, "d-left:", len(dst)-d, "src-left:", len(src)-s)
    126 				}
    127 				return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    128 			}
    130 			copy(dst[d:], src[s:s+length])
    131 			d += length
    132 			s += length
    133 			continue
    135 		case tagCopy1:
    136 			s += 2
    137 			toffset := int(uint32(src[s-2])&0xe0<<3 | uint32(src[s-1]))
    138 			length = int(src[s-2]) >> 2 & 0x7
    139 			if toffset == 0 {
    140 				if debug {
    141 					fmt.Print("(repeat) ")
    142 				}
    143 				// keep last offset
    144 				switch length {
    145 				case 5:
    146 					length = int(src[s]) + 4
    147 					s += 1
    148 				case 6:
    149 					in := src[s : s+2]
    150 					length = int(uint32(in[0])|(uint32(in[1])<<8)) + (1 << 8)
    151 					s += 2
    152 				case 7:
    153 					in := src[s : s+3]
    154 					length = int((uint32(in[2])<<16)|(uint32(in[1])<<8)|uint32(in[0])) + (1 << 16)
    155 					s += 3
    156 				default: // 0-> 4
    157 				}
    158 			} else {
    159 				offset = toffset
    160 			}
    161 			length += 4
    162 		case tagCopy2:
    163 			in := src[s : s+3]
    164 			offset = int(uint32(in[1]) | uint32(in[2])<<8)
    165 			length = 1 + int(in[0])>>2
    166 			s += 3
    168 		case tagCopy4:
    169 			in := src[s : s+5]
    170 			offset = int(uint32(in[1]) | uint32(in[2])<<8 | uint32(in[3])<<16 | uint32(in[4])<<24)
    171 			length = 1 + int(in[0])>>2
    172 			s += 5
    173 		}
    175 		if offset <= 0 || length > len(dst)-d {
    176 			if debugErrs {
    177 				fmt.Println("match error; offset:", offset, "length:", length, "dst-left:", len(dst)-d)
    178 			}
    179 			return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    180 		}
    182 		// copy from dict
    183 		if d < offset {
    184 			if d > MaxDictSrcOffset {
    185 				if debugErrs {
    186 					fmt.Println("dict after", MaxDictSrcOffset, "d:", d, "offset:", offset, "length:", length)
    187 				}
    188 				return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    189 			}
    190 			startOff := len(dict.dict) - offset + d
    191 			if startOff < 0 || startOff+length > len(dict.dict) {
    192 				if debugErrs {
    193 					fmt.Printf("offset (%d) + length (%d) bigger than dict (%d)\n", offset, length, len(dict.dict))
    194 				}
    195 				return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    196 			}
    197 			if debug {
    198 				fmt.Println("dict copy, length:", length, "offset:", offset, "d-after:", d+length, "dict start offset:", startOff)
    199 			}
    200 			copy(dst[d:d+length], dict.dict[startOff:])
    201 			d += length
    202 			continue
    203 		}
    205 		if debug {
    206 			fmt.Println("copy, length:", length, "offset:", offset, "d-after:", d+length)
    207 		}
    209 		// Copy from an earlier sub-slice of dst to a later sub-slice.
    210 		// If no overlap, use the built-in copy:
    211 		if offset > length {
    212 			copy(dst[d:d+length], dst[d-offset:])
    213 			d += length
    214 			continue
    215 		}
    217 		// Unlike the built-in copy function, this byte-by-byte copy always runs
    218 		// forwards, even if the slices overlap. Conceptually, this is:
    219 		//
    220 		// d += forwardCopy(dst[d:d+length], dst[d-offset:])
    221 		//
    222 		// We align the slices into a and b and show the compiler they are the same size.
    223 		// This allows the loop to run without bounds checks.
    224 		a := dst[d : d+length]
    225 		b := dst[d-offset:]
    226 		b = b[:len(a)]
    227 		for i := range a {
    228 			a[i] = b[i]
    229 		}
    230 		d += length
    231 	}
    233 	// Remaining with extra checks...
    234 	for s < len(src) {
    235 		switch src[s] & 0x03 {
    236 		case tagLiteral:
    237 			x := uint32(src[s] >> 2)
    238 			switch {
    239 			case x < 60:
    240 				s++
    241 			case x == 60:
    242 				s += 2
    243 				if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
    244 					if debugErrs {
    245 						fmt.Println("src went oob")
    246 					}
    247 					return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    248 				}
    249 				x = uint32(src[s-1])
    250 			case x == 61:
    251 				s += 3
    252 				if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
    253 					if debugErrs {
    254 						fmt.Println("src went oob")
    255 					}
    256 					return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    257 				}
    258 				x = uint32(src[s-2]) | uint32(src[s-1])<<8
    259 			case x == 62:
    260 				s += 4
    261 				if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
    262 					if debugErrs {
    263 						fmt.Println("src went oob")
    264 					}
    265 					return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    266 				}
    267 				x = uint32(src[s-3]) | uint32(src[s-2])<<8 | uint32(src[s-1])<<16
    268 			case x == 63:
    269 				s += 5
    270 				if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
    271 					if debugErrs {
    272 						fmt.Println("src went oob")
    273 					}
    274 					return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    275 				}
    276 				x = uint32(src[s-4]) | uint32(src[s-3])<<8 | uint32(src[s-2])<<16 | uint32(src[s-1])<<24
    277 			}
    278 			length = int(x) + 1
    279 			if length > len(dst)-d || length > len(src)-s || (strconv.IntSize == 32 && length <= 0) {
    280 				if debugErrs {
    281 					fmt.Println("corrupt literal: length:", length, "d-left:", len(dst)-d, "src-left:", len(src)-s)
    282 				}
    283 				return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    284 			}
    285 			if debug {
    286 				fmt.Println("literals, length:", length, "d-after:", d+length)
    287 			}
    289 			copy(dst[d:], src[s:s+length])
    290 			d += length
    291 			s += length
    292 			continue
    294 		case tagCopy1:
    295 			s += 2
    296 			if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
    297 				if debugErrs {
    298 					fmt.Println("src went oob")
    299 				}
    300 				return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    301 			}
    302 			length = int(src[s-2]) >> 2 & 0x7
    303 			toffset := int(uint32(src[s-2])&0xe0<<3 | uint32(src[s-1]))
    304 			if toffset == 0 {
    305 				if debug {
    306 					fmt.Print("(repeat) ")
    307 				}
    308 				// keep last offset
    309 				switch length {
    310 				case 5:
    311 					s += 1
    312 					if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
    313 						if debugErrs {
    314 							fmt.Println("src went oob")
    315 						}
    316 						return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    317 					}
    318 					length = int(uint32(src[s-1])) + 4
    319 				case 6:
    320 					s += 2
    321 					if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
    322 						if debugErrs {
    323 							fmt.Println("src went oob")
    324 						}
    325 						return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    326 					}
    327 					length = int(uint32(src[s-2])|(uint32(src[s-1])<<8)) + (1 << 8)
    328 				case 7:
    329 					s += 3
    330 					if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
    331 						if debugErrs {
    332 							fmt.Println("src went oob")
    333 						}
    334 						return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    335 					}
    336 					length = int(uint32(src[s-3])|(uint32(src[s-2])<<8)|(uint32(src[s-1])<<16)) + (1 << 16)
    337 				default: // 0-> 4
    338 				}
    339 			} else {
    340 				offset = toffset
    341 			}
    342 			length += 4
    343 		case tagCopy2:
    344 			s += 3
    345 			if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
    346 				if debugErrs {
    347 					fmt.Println("src went oob")
    348 				}
    349 				return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    350 			}
    351 			length = 1 + int(src[s-3])>>2
    352 			offset = int(uint32(src[s-2]) | uint32(src[s-1])<<8)
    354 		case tagCopy4:
    355 			s += 5
    356 			if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line.
    357 				if debugErrs {
    358 					fmt.Println("src went oob")
    359 				}
    360 				return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    361 			}
    362 			length = 1 + int(src[s-5])>>2
    363 			offset = int(uint32(src[s-4]) | uint32(src[s-3])<<8 | uint32(src[s-2])<<16 | uint32(src[s-1])<<24)
    364 		}
    366 		if offset <= 0 || length > len(dst)-d {
    367 			if debugErrs {
    368 				fmt.Println("match error; offset:", offset, "length:", length, "dst-left:", len(dst)-d)
    369 			}
    370 			return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    371 		}
    373 		// copy from dict
    374 		if d < offset {
    375 			if d > MaxDictSrcOffset {
    376 				if debugErrs {
    377 					fmt.Println("dict after", MaxDictSrcOffset, "d:", d, "offset:", offset, "length:", length)
    378 				}
    379 				return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    380 			}
    381 			rOff := len(dict.dict) - (offset - d)
    382 			if debug {
    383 				fmt.Println("starting dict entry from dict offset", len(dict.dict)-rOff)
    384 			}
    385 			if rOff+length > len(dict.dict) {
    386 				if debugErrs {
    387 					fmt.Println("err: END offset", rOff+length, "bigger than dict", len(dict.dict), "dict offset:", rOff, "length:", length)
    388 				}
    389 				return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    390 			}
    391 			if rOff < 0 {
    392 				if debugErrs {
    393 					fmt.Println("err: START offset", rOff, "less than 0", len(dict.dict), "dict offset:", rOff, "length:", length)
    394 				}
    395 				return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    396 			}
    397 			copy(dst[d:d+length], dict.dict[rOff:])
    398 			d += length
    399 			continue
    400 		}
    402 		if debug {
    403 			fmt.Println("copy, length:", length, "offset:", offset, "d-after:", d+length)
    404 		}
    406 		// Copy from an earlier sub-slice of dst to a later sub-slice.
    407 		// If no overlap, use the built-in copy:
    408 		if offset > length {
    409 			copy(dst[d:d+length], dst[d-offset:])
    410 			d += length
    411 			continue
    412 		}
    414 		// Unlike the built-in copy function, this byte-by-byte copy always runs
    415 		// forwards, even if the slices overlap. Conceptually, this is:
    416 		//
    417 		// d += forwardCopy(dst[d:d+length], dst[d-offset:])
    418 		//
    419 		// We align the slices into a and b and show the compiler they are the same size.
    420 		// This allows the loop to run without bounds checks.
    421 		a := dst[d : d+length]
    422 		b := dst[d-offset:]
    423 		b = b[:len(a)]
    424 		for i := range a {
    425 			a[i] = b[i]
    426 		}
    427 		d += length
    428 	}
    430 	if d != len(dst) {
    431 		if debugErrs {
    432 			fmt.Println("wanted length", len(dst), "got", d)
    433 		}
    434 		return decodeErrCodeCorrupt
    435 	}
    436 	return 0
    437 }