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fast_encoder.go (6185B)

      1 // Copyright 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Modified for deflate by Klaus Post (c) 2015.
      3 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      4 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      6 package flate
      8 import (
      9 	"encoding/binary"
     10 	"fmt"
     11 	"math/bits"
     12 )
     14 type fastEnc interface {
     15 	Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte)
     16 	Reset()
     17 }
     19 func newFastEnc(level int) fastEnc {
     20 	switch level {
     21 	case 1:
     22 		return &fastEncL1{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
     23 	case 2:
     24 		return &fastEncL2{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
     25 	case 3:
     26 		return &fastEncL3{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
     27 	case 4:
     28 		return &fastEncL4{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
     29 	case 5:
     30 		return &fastEncL5{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
     31 	case 6:
     32 		return &fastEncL6{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
     33 	default:
     34 		panic("invalid level specified")
     35 	}
     36 }
     38 const (
     39 	tableBits       = 15             // Bits used in the table
     40 	tableSize       = 1 << tableBits // Size of the table
     41 	tableShift      = 32 - tableBits // Right-shift to get the tableBits most significant bits of a uint32.
     42 	baseMatchOffset = 1              // The smallest match offset
     43 	baseMatchLength = 3              // The smallest match length per the RFC section 3.2.5
     44 	maxMatchOffset  = 1 << 15        // The largest match offset
     46 	bTableBits   = 17                                               // Bits used in the big tables
     47 	bTableSize   = 1 << bTableBits                                  // Size of the table
     48 	allocHistory = maxStoreBlockSize * 5                            // Size to preallocate for history.
     49 	bufferReset  = (1 << 31) - allocHistory - maxStoreBlockSize - 1 // Reset the buffer offset when reaching this.
     50 )
     52 const (
     53 	prime3bytes = 506832829
     54 	prime4bytes = 2654435761
     55 	prime5bytes = 889523592379
     56 	prime6bytes = 227718039650203
     57 	prime7bytes = 58295818150454627
     58 	prime8bytes = 0xcf1bbcdcb7a56463
     59 )
     61 func load3232(b []byte, i int32) uint32 {
     62 	return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[i:])
     63 }
     65 func load6432(b []byte, i int32) uint64 {
     66 	return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b[i:])
     67 }
     69 type tableEntry struct {
     70 	offset int32
     71 }
     73 // fastGen maintains the table for matches,
     74 // and the previous byte block for level 2.
     75 // This is the generic implementation.
     76 type fastGen struct {
     77 	hist []byte
     78 	cur  int32
     79 }
     81 func (e *fastGen) addBlock(src []byte) int32 {
     82 	// check if we have space already
     83 	if len(e.hist)+len(src) > cap(e.hist) {
     84 		if cap(e.hist) == 0 {
     85 			e.hist = make([]byte, 0, allocHistory)
     86 		} else {
     87 			if cap(e.hist) < maxMatchOffset*2 {
     88 				panic("unexpected buffer size")
     89 			}
     90 			// Move down
     91 			offset := int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
     92 			// copy(e.hist[0:maxMatchOffset], e.hist[offset:])
     93 			*(*[maxMatchOffset]byte)(e.hist) = *(*[maxMatchOffset]byte)(e.hist[offset:])
     94 			e.cur += offset
     95 			e.hist = e.hist[:maxMatchOffset]
     96 		}
     97 	}
     98 	s := int32(len(e.hist))
     99 	e.hist = append(e.hist, src...)
    100 	return s
    101 }
    103 type tableEntryPrev struct {
    104 	Cur  tableEntry
    105 	Prev tableEntry
    106 }
    108 // hash7 returns the hash of the lowest 7 bytes of u to fit in a hash table with h bits.
    109 // Preferably h should be a constant and should always be <64.
    110 func hash7(u uint64, h uint8) uint32 {
    111 	return uint32(((u << (64 - 56)) * prime7bytes) >> ((64 - h) & reg8SizeMask64))
    112 }
    114 // hashLen returns a hash of the lowest mls bytes of with length output bits.
    115 // mls must be >=3 and <=8. Any other value will return hash for 4 bytes.
    116 // length should always be < 32.
    117 // Preferably length and mls should be a constant for inlining.
    118 func hashLen(u uint64, length, mls uint8) uint32 {
    119 	switch mls {
    120 	case 3:
    121 		return (uint32(u<<8) * prime3bytes) >> (32 - length)
    122 	case 5:
    123 		return uint32(((u << (64 - 40)) * prime5bytes) >> (64 - length))
    124 	case 6:
    125 		return uint32(((u << (64 - 48)) * prime6bytes) >> (64 - length))
    126 	case 7:
    127 		return uint32(((u << (64 - 56)) * prime7bytes) >> (64 - length))
    128 	case 8:
    129 		return uint32((u * prime8bytes) >> (64 - length))
    130 	default:
    131 		return (uint32(u) * prime4bytes) >> (32 - length)
    132 	}
    133 }
    135 // matchlen will return the match length between offsets and t in src.
    136 // The maximum length returned is maxMatchLength - 4.
    137 // It is assumed that s > t, that t >=0 and s < len(src).
    138 func (e *fastGen) matchlen(s, t int32, src []byte) int32 {
    139 	if debugDecode {
    140 		if t >= s {
    141 			panic(fmt.Sprint("t >=s:", t, s))
    142 		}
    143 		if int(s) >= len(src) {
    144 			panic(fmt.Sprint("s >= len(src):", s, len(src)))
    145 		}
    146 		if t < 0 {
    147 			panic(fmt.Sprint("t < 0:", t))
    148 		}
    149 		if s-t > maxMatchOffset {
    150 			panic(fmt.Sprint(s, "-", t, "(", s-t, ") > maxMatchLength (", maxMatchOffset, ")"))
    151 		}
    152 	}
    153 	s1 := int(s) + maxMatchLength - 4
    154 	if s1 > len(src) {
    155 		s1 = len(src)
    156 	}
    158 	// Extend the match to be as long as possible.
    159 	return int32(matchLen(src[s:s1], src[t:]))
    160 }
    162 // matchlenLong will return the match length between offsets and t in src.
    163 // It is assumed that s > t, that t >=0 and s < len(src).
    164 func (e *fastGen) matchlenLong(s, t int32, src []byte) int32 {
    165 	if debugDeflate {
    166 		if t >= s {
    167 			panic(fmt.Sprint("t >=s:", t, s))
    168 		}
    169 		if int(s) >= len(src) {
    170 			panic(fmt.Sprint("s >= len(src):", s, len(src)))
    171 		}
    172 		if t < 0 {
    173 			panic(fmt.Sprint("t < 0:", t))
    174 		}
    175 		if s-t > maxMatchOffset {
    176 			panic(fmt.Sprint(s, "-", t, "(", s-t, ") > maxMatchLength (", maxMatchOffset, ")"))
    177 		}
    178 	}
    179 	// Extend the match to be as long as possible.
    180 	return int32(matchLen(src[s:], src[t:]))
    181 }
    183 // Reset the encoding table.
    184 func (e *fastGen) Reset() {
    185 	if cap(e.hist) < allocHistory {
    186 		e.hist = make([]byte, 0, allocHistory)
    187 	}
    188 	// We offset current position so everything will be out of reach.
    189 	// If we are above the buffer reset it will be cleared anyway since len(hist) == 0.
    190 	if e.cur <= bufferReset {
    191 		e.cur += maxMatchOffset + int32(len(e.hist))
    192 	}
    193 	e.hist = e.hist[:0]
    194 }
    196 // matchLen returns the maximum length.
    197 // 'a' must be the shortest of the two.
    198 func matchLen(a, b []byte) int {
    199 	var checked int
    201 	for len(a) >= 8 {
    202 		if diff := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(a) ^ binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b); diff != 0 {
    203 			return checked + (bits.TrailingZeros64(diff) >> 3)
    204 		}
    205 		checked += 8
    206 		a = a[8:]
    207 		b = b[8:]
    208 	}
    209 	b = b[:len(a)]
    210 	for i := range a {
    211 		if a[i] != b[i] {
    212 			return i + checked
    213 		}
    214 	}
    215 	return len(a) + checked
    216 }