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iter_skip.go (3429B)

      1 package jsoniter
      3 import "fmt"
      5 // ReadNil reads a json object as nil and
      6 // returns whether it's a nil or not
      7 func (iter *Iterator) ReadNil() (ret bool) {
      8 	c := iter.nextToken()
      9 	if c == 'n' {
     10 		iter.skipThreeBytes('u', 'l', 'l') // null
     11 		return true
     12 	}
     13 	iter.unreadByte()
     14 	return false
     15 }
     17 // ReadBool reads a json object as BoolValue
     18 func (iter *Iterator) ReadBool() (ret bool) {
     19 	c := iter.nextToken()
     20 	if c == 't' {
     21 		iter.skipThreeBytes('r', 'u', 'e')
     22 		return true
     23 	}
     24 	if c == 'f' {
     25 		iter.skipFourBytes('a', 'l', 's', 'e')
     26 		return false
     27 	}
     28 	iter.ReportError("ReadBool", "expect t or f, but found "+string([]byte{c}))
     29 	return
     30 }
     32 // SkipAndReturnBytes skip next JSON element, and return its content as []byte.
     33 // The []byte can be kept, it is a copy of data.
     34 func (iter *Iterator) SkipAndReturnBytes() []byte {
     35 	iter.startCapture(iter.head)
     36 	iter.Skip()
     37 	return iter.stopCapture()
     38 }
     40 // SkipAndAppendBytes skips next JSON element and appends its content to
     41 // buffer, returning the result.
     42 func (iter *Iterator) SkipAndAppendBytes(buf []byte) []byte {
     43 	iter.startCaptureTo(buf, iter.head)
     44 	iter.Skip()
     45 	return iter.stopCapture()
     46 }
     48 func (iter *Iterator) startCaptureTo(buf []byte, captureStartedAt int) {
     49 	if iter.captured != nil {
     50 		panic("already in capture mode")
     51 	}
     52 	iter.captureStartedAt = captureStartedAt
     53 	iter.captured = buf
     54 }
     56 func (iter *Iterator) startCapture(captureStartedAt int) {
     57 	iter.startCaptureTo(make([]byte, 0, 32), captureStartedAt)
     58 }
     60 func (iter *Iterator) stopCapture() []byte {
     61 	if iter.captured == nil {
     62 		panic("not in capture mode")
     63 	}
     64 	captured := iter.captured
     65 	remaining := iter.buf[iter.captureStartedAt:iter.head]
     66 	iter.captureStartedAt = -1
     67 	iter.captured = nil
     68 	return append(captured, remaining...)
     69 }
     71 // Skip skips a json object and positions to relatively the next json object
     72 func (iter *Iterator) Skip() {
     73 	c := iter.nextToken()
     74 	switch c {
     75 	case '"':
     76 		iter.skipString()
     77 	case 'n':
     78 		iter.skipThreeBytes('u', 'l', 'l') // null
     79 	case 't':
     80 		iter.skipThreeBytes('r', 'u', 'e') // true
     81 	case 'f':
     82 		iter.skipFourBytes('a', 'l', 's', 'e') // false
     83 	case '0':
     84 		iter.unreadByte()
     85 		iter.ReadFloat32()
     86 	case '-', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
     87 		iter.skipNumber()
     88 	case '[':
     89 		iter.skipArray()
     90 	case '{':
     91 		iter.skipObject()
     92 	default:
     93 		iter.ReportError("Skip", fmt.Sprintf("do not know how to skip: %v", c))
     94 		return
     95 	}
     96 }
     98 func (iter *Iterator) skipFourBytes(b1, b2, b3, b4 byte) {
     99 	if iter.readByte() != b1 {
    100 		iter.ReportError("skipFourBytes", fmt.Sprintf("expect %s", string([]byte{b1, b2, b3, b4})))
    101 		return
    102 	}
    103 	if iter.readByte() != b2 {
    104 		iter.ReportError("skipFourBytes", fmt.Sprintf("expect %s", string([]byte{b1, b2, b3, b4})))
    105 		return
    106 	}
    107 	if iter.readByte() != b3 {
    108 		iter.ReportError("skipFourBytes", fmt.Sprintf("expect %s", string([]byte{b1, b2, b3, b4})))
    109 		return
    110 	}
    111 	if iter.readByte() != b4 {
    112 		iter.ReportError("skipFourBytes", fmt.Sprintf("expect %s", string([]byte{b1, b2, b3, b4})))
    113 		return
    114 	}
    115 }
    117 func (iter *Iterator) skipThreeBytes(b1, b2, b3 byte) {
    118 	if iter.readByte() != b1 {
    119 		iter.ReportError("skipThreeBytes", fmt.Sprintf("expect %s", string([]byte{b1, b2, b3})))
    120 		return
    121 	}
    122 	if iter.readByte() != b2 {
    123 		iter.ReportError("skipThreeBytes", fmt.Sprintf("expect %s", string([]byte{b1, b2, b3})))
    124 		return
    125 	}
    126 	if iter.readByte() != b3 {
    127 		iter.ReportError("skipThreeBytes", fmt.Sprintf("expect %s", string([]byte{b1, b2, b3})))
    128 		return
    129 	}
    130 }