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pgconn.go (53872B)

      1 package pgconn
      3 import (
      4 	"context"
      5 	"crypto/md5"
      6 	"crypto/tls"
      7 	"encoding/binary"
      8 	"encoding/hex"
      9 	"errors"
     10 	"fmt"
     11 	"io"
     12 	"math"
     13 	"net"
     14 	"strconv"
     15 	"strings"
     16 	"sync"
     17 	"time"
     19 	""
     20 	""
     21 	""
     22 )
     24 const (
     25 	connStatusUninitialized = iota
     26 	connStatusConnecting
     27 	connStatusClosed
     28 	connStatusIdle
     29 	connStatusBusy
     30 )
     32 const wbufLen = 1024
     34 // Notice represents a notice response message reported by the PostgreSQL server. Be aware that this is distinct from
     35 // LISTEN/NOTIFY notification.
     36 type Notice PgError
     38 // Notification is a message received from the PostgreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY system
     39 type Notification struct {
     40 	PID     uint32 // backend pid that sent the notification
     41 	Channel string // channel from which notification was received
     42 	Payload string
     43 }
     45 // DialFunc is a function that can be used to connect to a PostgreSQL server.
     46 type DialFunc func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)
     48 // LookupFunc is a function that can be used to lookup IPs addrs from host. Optionally an ip:port combination can be
     49 // returned in order to override the connection string's port.
     50 type LookupFunc func(ctx context.Context, host string) (addrs []string, err error)
     52 // BuildFrontendFunc is a function that can be used to create Frontend implementation for connection.
     53 type BuildFrontendFunc func(r io.Reader, w io.Writer) Frontend
     55 // NoticeHandler is a function that can handle notices received from the PostgreSQL server. Notices can be received at
     56 // any time, usually during handling of a query response. The *PgConn is provided so the handler is aware of the origin
     57 // of the notice, but it must not invoke any query method. Be aware that this is distinct from LISTEN/NOTIFY
     58 // notification.
     59 type NoticeHandler func(*PgConn, *Notice)
     61 // NotificationHandler is a function that can handle notifications received from the PostgreSQL server. Notifications
     62 // can be received at any time, usually during handling of a query response. The *PgConn is provided so the handler is
     63 // aware of the origin of the notice, but it must not invoke any query method. Be aware that this is distinct from a
     64 // notice event.
     65 type NotificationHandler func(*PgConn, *Notification)
     67 // Frontend used to receive messages from backend.
     68 type Frontend interface {
     69 	Receive() (pgproto3.BackendMessage, error)
     70 }
     72 // PgConn is a low-level PostgreSQL connection handle. It is not safe for concurrent usage.
     73 type PgConn struct {
     74 	conn              net.Conn          // the underlying TCP or unix domain socket connection
     75 	pid               uint32            // backend pid
     76 	secretKey         uint32            // key to use to send a cancel query message to the server
     77 	parameterStatuses map[string]string // parameters that have been reported by the server
     78 	txStatus          byte
     79 	frontend          Frontend
     81 	config *Config
     83 	status byte // One of connStatus* constants
     85 	bufferingReceive    bool
     86 	bufferingReceiveMux sync.Mutex
     87 	bufferingReceiveMsg pgproto3.BackendMessage
     88 	bufferingReceiveErr error
     90 	peekedMsg pgproto3.BackendMessage
     92 	// Reusable / preallocated resources
     93 	wbuf              []byte // write buffer
     94 	resultReader      ResultReader
     95 	multiResultReader MultiResultReader
     96 	contextWatcher    *ctxwatch.ContextWatcher
     98 	cleanupDone chan struct{}
     99 }
    101 // Connect establishes a connection to a PostgreSQL server using the environment and connString (in URL or DSN format)
    102 // to provide configuration. See documentation for ParseConfig for details. ctx can be used to cancel a connect attempt.
    103 func Connect(ctx context.Context, connString string) (*PgConn, error) {
    104 	config, err := ParseConfig(connString)
    105 	if err != nil {
    106 		return nil, err
    107 	}
    109 	return ConnectConfig(ctx, config)
    110 }
    112 // Connect establishes a connection to a PostgreSQL server using the environment and connString (in URL or DSN format)
    113 // and ParseConfigOptions to provide additional configuration. See documentation for ParseConfig for details. ctx can be
    114 // used to cancel a connect attempt.
    115 func ConnectWithOptions(ctx context.Context, connString string, parseConfigOptions ParseConfigOptions) (*PgConn, error) {
    116 	config, err := ParseConfigWithOptions(connString, parseConfigOptions)
    117 	if err != nil {
    118 		return nil, err
    119 	}
    121 	return ConnectConfig(ctx, config)
    122 }
    124 // Connect establishes a connection to a PostgreSQL server using config. config must have been constructed with
    125 // ParseConfig. ctx can be used to cancel a connect attempt.
    126 //
    127 // If config.Fallbacks are present they will sequentially be tried in case of error establishing network connection. An
    128 // authentication error will terminate the chain of attempts (like libpq:
    129 // and be returned as the error. Otherwise,
    130 // if all attempts fail the last error is returned.
    131 func ConnectConfig(octx context.Context, config *Config) (pgConn *PgConn, err error) {
    132 	// Default values are set in ParseConfig. Enforce initial creation by ParseConfig rather than setting defaults from
    133 	// zero values.
    134 	if !config.createdByParseConfig {
    135 		panic("config must be created by ParseConfig")
    136 	}
    138 	// Simplify usage by treating primary config and fallbacks the same.
    139 	fallbackConfigs := []*FallbackConfig{
    140 		{
    141 			Host:      config.Host,
    142 			Port:      config.Port,
    143 			TLSConfig: config.TLSConfig,
    144 		},
    145 	}
    146 	fallbackConfigs = append(fallbackConfigs, config.Fallbacks...)
    147 	ctx := octx
    148 	fallbackConfigs, err = expandWithIPs(ctx, config.LookupFunc, fallbackConfigs)
    149 	if err != nil {
    150 		return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "hostname resolving error", err: err}
    151 	}
    153 	if len(fallbackConfigs) == 0 {
    154 		return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "hostname resolving error", err: errors.New("ip addr wasn't found")}
    155 	}
    157 	foundBestServer := false
    158 	var fallbackConfig *FallbackConfig
    159 	for _, fc := range fallbackConfigs {
    160 		// ConnectTimeout restricts the whole connection process.
    161 		if config.ConnectTimeout != 0 {
    162 			var cancel context.CancelFunc
    163 			ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(octx, config.ConnectTimeout)
    164 			defer cancel()
    165 		} else {
    166 			ctx = octx
    167 		}
    168 		pgConn, err = connect(ctx, config, fc, false)
    169 		if err == nil {
    170 			foundBestServer = true
    171 			break
    172 		} else if pgerr, ok := err.(*PgError); ok {
    173 			err = &connectError{config: config, msg: "server error", err: pgerr}
    174 			const ERRCODE_INVALID_PASSWORD = "28P01"                    // wrong password
    175 			const ERRCODE_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_SPECIFICATION = "28000" // wrong password or bad pg_hba.conf settings
    176 			const ERRCODE_INVALID_CATALOG_NAME = "3D000"                // db does not exist
    177 			const ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE = "42501"              // missing connect privilege
    178 			if pgerr.Code == ERRCODE_INVALID_PASSWORD ||
    180 				pgerr.Code == ERRCODE_INVALID_CATALOG_NAME ||
    181 				pgerr.Code == ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE {
    182 				break
    183 			}
    184 		} else if cerr, ok := err.(*connectError); ok {
    185 			if _, ok := cerr.err.(*NotPreferredError); ok {
    186 				fallbackConfig = fc
    187 			}
    188 		}
    189 	}
    191 	if !foundBestServer && fallbackConfig != nil {
    192 		pgConn, err = connect(ctx, config, fallbackConfig, true)
    193 		if pgerr, ok := err.(*PgError); ok {
    194 			err = &connectError{config: config, msg: "server error", err: pgerr}
    195 		}
    196 	}
    198 	if err != nil {
    199 		return nil, err // no need to wrap in connectError because it will already be wrapped in all cases except PgError
    200 	}
    202 	if config.AfterConnect != nil {
    203 		err := config.AfterConnect(ctx, pgConn)
    204 		if err != nil {
    205 			pgConn.conn.Close()
    206 			return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "AfterConnect error", err: err}
    207 		}
    208 	}
    210 	return pgConn, nil
    211 }
    213 func expandWithIPs(ctx context.Context, lookupFn LookupFunc, fallbacks []*FallbackConfig) ([]*FallbackConfig, error) {
    214 	var configs []*FallbackConfig
    216 	for _, fb := range fallbacks {
    217 		// skip resolve for unix sockets
    218 		if isAbsolutePath(fb.Host) {
    219 			configs = append(configs, &FallbackConfig{
    220 				Host:      fb.Host,
    221 				Port:      fb.Port,
    222 				TLSConfig: fb.TLSConfig,
    223 			})
    225 			continue
    226 		}
    228 		ips, err := lookupFn(ctx, fb.Host)
    229 		if err != nil {
    230 			return nil, err
    231 		}
    233 		for _, ip := range ips {
    234 			splitIP, splitPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(ip)
    235 			if err == nil {
    236 				port, err := strconv.ParseUint(splitPort, 10, 16)
    237 				if err != nil {
    238 					return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing port (%s) from lookup: %w", splitPort, err)
    239 				}
    240 				configs = append(configs, &FallbackConfig{
    241 					Host:      splitIP,
    242 					Port:      uint16(port),
    243 					TLSConfig: fb.TLSConfig,
    244 				})
    245 			} else {
    246 				configs = append(configs, &FallbackConfig{
    247 					Host:      ip,
    248 					Port:      fb.Port,
    249 					TLSConfig: fb.TLSConfig,
    250 				})
    251 			}
    252 		}
    253 	}
    255 	return configs, nil
    256 }
    258 func connect(ctx context.Context, config *Config, fallbackConfig *FallbackConfig,
    259 	ignoreNotPreferredErr bool) (*PgConn, error) {
    260 	pgConn := new(PgConn)
    261 	pgConn.config = config
    262 	pgConn.wbuf = make([]byte, 0, wbufLen)
    263 	pgConn.cleanupDone = make(chan struct{})
    265 	var err error
    266 	network, address := NetworkAddress(fallbackConfig.Host, fallbackConfig.Port)
    267 	netConn, err := config.DialFunc(ctx, network, address)
    268 	if err != nil {
    269 		var netErr net.Error
    270 		if errors.As(err, &netErr) && netErr.Timeout() {
    271 			err = &errTimeout{err: err}
    272 		}
    273 		return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "dial error", err: err}
    274 	}
    276 	pgConn.conn = netConn
    277 	pgConn.contextWatcher = newContextWatcher(netConn)
    278 	pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx)
    280 	if fallbackConfig.TLSConfig != nil {
    281 		tlsConn, err := startTLS(netConn, fallbackConfig.TLSConfig)
    282 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch() // Always unwatch `netConn` after TLS.
    283 		if err != nil {
    284 			netConn.Close()
    285 			return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "tls error", err: err}
    286 		}
    288 		pgConn.conn = tlsConn
    289 		pgConn.contextWatcher = newContextWatcher(tlsConn)
    290 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx)
    291 	}
    293 	defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
    295 	pgConn.parameterStatuses = make(map[string]string)
    296 	pgConn.status = connStatusConnecting
    297 	pgConn.frontend = config.BuildFrontend(pgConn.conn, pgConn.conn)
    299 	startupMsg := pgproto3.StartupMessage{
    300 		ProtocolVersion: pgproto3.ProtocolVersionNumber,
    301 		Parameters:      make(map[string]string),
    302 	}
    304 	// Copy default run-time params
    305 	for k, v := range config.RuntimeParams {
    306 		startupMsg.Parameters[k] = v
    307 	}
    309 	startupMsg.Parameters["user"] = config.User
    310 	if config.Database != "" {
    311 		startupMsg.Parameters["database"] = config.Database
    312 	}
    314 	if _, err := pgConn.conn.Write(startupMsg.Encode(pgConn.wbuf)); err != nil {
    315 		pgConn.conn.Close()
    316 		return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "failed to write startup message", err: err}
    317 	}
    319 	for {
    320 		msg, err := pgConn.receiveMessage()
    321 		if err != nil {
    322 			pgConn.conn.Close()
    323 			if err, ok := err.(*PgError); ok {
    324 				return nil, err
    325 			}
    326 			return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "failed to receive message", err: preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(ctx, err)}
    327 		}
    329 		switch msg := msg.(type) {
    330 		case *pgproto3.BackendKeyData:
    331 = msg.ProcessID
    332 			pgConn.secretKey = msg.SecretKey
    334 		case *pgproto3.AuthenticationOk:
    335 		case *pgproto3.AuthenticationCleartextPassword:
    336 			err = pgConn.txPasswordMessage(pgConn.config.Password)
    337 			if err != nil {
    338 				pgConn.conn.Close()
    339 				return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "failed to write password message", err: err}
    340 			}
    341 		case *pgproto3.AuthenticationMD5Password:
    342 			digestedPassword := "md5" + hexMD5(hexMD5(pgConn.config.Password+pgConn.config.User)+string(msg.Salt[:]))
    343 			err = pgConn.txPasswordMessage(digestedPassword)
    344 			if err != nil {
    345 				pgConn.conn.Close()
    346 				return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "failed to write password message", err: err}
    347 			}
    348 		case *pgproto3.AuthenticationSASL:
    349 			err = pgConn.scramAuth(msg.AuthMechanisms)
    350 			if err != nil {
    351 				pgConn.conn.Close()
    352 				return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "failed SASL auth", err: err}
    353 			}
    354 		case *pgproto3.AuthenticationGSS:
    355 			err = pgConn.gssAuth()
    356 			if err != nil {
    357 				pgConn.conn.Close()
    358 				return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "failed GSS auth", err: err}
    359 			}
    360 		case *pgproto3.ReadyForQuery:
    361 			pgConn.status = connStatusIdle
    362 			if config.ValidateConnect != nil {
    363 				// ValidateConnect may execute commands that cause the context to be watched again. Unwatch first to avoid
    364 				// the watch already in progress panic. This is that last thing done by this method so there is no need to
    365 				// restart the watch after ValidateConnect returns.
    366 				//
    367 				// See
    368 				pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
    370 				err := config.ValidateConnect(ctx, pgConn)
    371 				if err != nil {
    372 					if _, ok := err.(*NotPreferredError); ignoreNotPreferredErr && ok {
    373 						return pgConn, nil
    374 					}
    375 					pgConn.conn.Close()
    376 					return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "ValidateConnect failed", err: err}
    377 				}
    378 			}
    379 			return pgConn, nil
    380 		case *pgproto3.ParameterStatus, *pgproto3.NoticeResponse:
    381 			// handled by ReceiveMessage
    382 		case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse:
    383 			pgConn.conn.Close()
    384 			return nil, ErrorResponseToPgError(msg)
    385 		default:
    386 			pgConn.conn.Close()
    387 			return nil, &connectError{config: config, msg: "received unexpected message", err: err}
    388 		}
    389 	}
    390 }
    392 func newContextWatcher(conn net.Conn) *ctxwatch.ContextWatcher {
    393 	return ctxwatch.NewContextWatcher(
    394 		func() { conn.SetDeadline(time.Date(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC)) },
    395 		func() { conn.SetDeadline(time.Time{}) },
    396 	)
    397 }
    399 func startTLS(conn net.Conn, tlsConfig *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
    400 	err := binary.Write(conn, binary.BigEndian, []int32{8, 80877103})
    401 	if err != nil {
    402 		return nil, err
    403 	}
    405 	response := make([]byte, 1)
    406 	if _, err = io.ReadFull(conn, response); err != nil {
    407 		return nil, err
    408 	}
    410 	if response[0] != 'S' {
    411 		return nil, errors.New("server refused TLS connection")
    412 	}
    414 	return tls.Client(conn, tlsConfig), nil
    415 }
    417 func (pgConn *PgConn) txPasswordMessage(password string) (err error) {
    418 	msg := &pgproto3.PasswordMessage{Password: password}
    419 	_, err = pgConn.conn.Write(msg.Encode(pgConn.wbuf))
    420 	return err
    421 }
    423 func hexMD5(s string) string {
    424 	hash := md5.New()
    425 	io.WriteString(hash, s)
    426 	return hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
    427 }
    429 func (pgConn *PgConn) signalMessage() chan struct{} {
    430 	if pgConn.bufferingReceive {
    431 		panic("BUG: signalMessage when already in progress")
    432 	}
    434 	pgConn.bufferingReceive = true
    435 	pgConn.bufferingReceiveMux.Lock()
    437 	ch := make(chan struct{})
    438 	go func() {
    439 		pgConn.bufferingReceiveMsg, pgConn.bufferingReceiveErr = pgConn.frontend.Receive()
    440 		pgConn.bufferingReceiveMux.Unlock()
    441 		close(ch)
    442 	}()
    444 	return ch
    445 }
    447 // SendBytes sends buf to the PostgreSQL server. It must only be used when the connection is not busy. e.g. It is as
    448 // error to call SendBytes while reading the result of a query.
    449 //
    450 // This is a very low level method that requires deep understanding of the PostgreSQL wire protocol to use correctly.
    451 // See
    452 func (pgConn *PgConn) SendBytes(ctx context.Context, buf []byte) error {
    453 	if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil {
    454 		return err
    455 	}
    456 	defer pgConn.unlock()
    458 	if ctx != context.Background() {
    459 		select {
    460 		case <-ctx.Done():
    461 			return newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx)
    462 		default:
    463 		}
    464 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx)
    465 		defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
    466 	}
    468 	n, err := pgConn.conn.Write(buf)
    469 	if err != nil {
    470 		pgConn.asyncClose()
    471 		return &writeError{err: err, safeToRetry: n == 0}
    472 	}
    474 	return nil
    475 }
    477 // ReceiveMessage receives one wire protocol message from the PostgreSQL server. It must only be used when the
    478 // connection is not busy. e.g. It is an error to call ReceiveMessage while reading the result of a query. The messages
    479 // are still handled by the core pgconn message handling system so receiving a NotificationResponse will still trigger
    480 // the OnNotification callback.
    481 //
    482 // This is a very low level method that requires deep understanding of the PostgreSQL wire protocol to use correctly.
    483 // See
    484 func (pgConn *PgConn) ReceiveMessage(ctx context.Context) (pgproto3.BackendMessage, error) {
    485 	if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil {
    486 		return nil, err
    487 	}
    488 	defer pgConn.unlock()
    490 	if ctx != context.Background() {
    491 		select {
    492 		case <-ctx.Done():
    493 			return nil, newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx)
    494 		default:
    495 		}
    496 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx)
    497 		defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
    498 	}
    500 	msg, err := pgConn.receiveMessage()
    501 	if err != nil {
    502 		err = &pgconnError{
    503 			msg:         "receive message failed",
    504 			err:         preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(ctx, err),
    505 			safeToRetry: true}
    506 	}
    507 	return msg, err
    508 }
    510 // peekMessage peeks at the next message without setting up context cancellation.
    511 func (pgConn *PgConn) peekMessage() (pgproto3.BackendMessage, error) {
    512 	if pgConn.peekedMsg != nil {
    513 		return pgConn.peekedMsg, nil
    514 	}
    516 	var msg pgproto3.BackendMessage
    517 	var err error
    518 	if pgConn.bufferingReceive {
    519 		pgConn.bufferingReceiveMux.Lock()
    520 		msg = pgConn.bufferingReceiveMsg
    521 		err = pgConn.bufferingReceiveErr
    522 		pgConn.bufferingReceiveMux.Unlock()
    523 		pgConn.bufferingReceive = false
    525 		// If a timeout error happened in the background try the read again.
    526 		var netErr net.Error
    527 		if errors.As(err, &netErr) && netErr.Timeout() {
    528 			msg, err = pgConn.frontend.Receive()
    529 		}
    530 	} else {
    531 		msg, err = pgConn.frontend.Receive()
    532 	}
    534 	if err != nil {
    535 		// Close on anything other than timeout error - everything else is fatal
    536 		var netErr net.Error
    537 		isNetErr := errors.As(err, &netErr)
    538 		if !(isNetErr && netErr.Timeout()) {
    539 			pgConn.asyncClose()
    540 		}
    542 		return nil, err
    543 	}
    545 	pgConn.peekedMsg = msg
    546 	return msg, nil
    547 }
    549 // receiveMessage receives a message without setting up context cancellation
    550 func (pgConn *PgConn) receiveMessage() (pgproto3.BackendMessage, error) {
    551 	msg, err := pgConn.peekMessage()
    552 	if err != nil {
    553 		// Close on anything other than timeout error - everything else is fatal
    554 		var netErr net.Error
    555 		isNetErr := errors.As(err, &netErr)
    556 		if !(isNetErr && netErr.Timeout()) {
    557 			pgConn.asyncClose()
    558 		}
    560 		return nil, err
    561 	}
    562 	pgConn.peekedMsg = nil
    564 	switch msg := msg.(type) {
    565 	case *pgproto3.ReadyForQuery:
    566 		pgConn.txStatus = msg.TxStatus
    567 	case *pgproto3.ParameterStatus:
    568 		pgConn.parameterStatuses[msg.Name] = msg.Value
    569 	case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse:
    570 		if msg.Severity == "FATAL" {
    571 			pgConn.status = connStatusClosed
    572 			pgConn.conn.Close() // Ignore error as the connection is already broken and there is already an error to return.
    573 			close(pgConn.cleanupDone)
    574 			return nil, ErrorResponseToPgError(msg)
    575 		}
    576 	case *pgproto3.NoticeResponse:
    577 		if pgConn.config.OnNotice != nil {
    578 			pgConn.config.OnNotice(pgConn, noticeResponseToNotice(msg))
    579 		}
    580 	case *pgproto3.NotificationResponse:
    581 		if pgConn.config.OnNotification != nil {
    582 			pgConn.config.OnNotification(pgConn, &Notification{PID: msg.PID, Channel: msg.Channel, Payload: msg.Payload})
    583 		}
    584 	}
    586 	return msg, nil
    587 }
    589 // Conn returns the underlying net.Conn.
    590 func (pgConn *PgConn) Conn() net.Conn {
    591 	return pgConn.conn
    592 }
    594 // PID returns the backend PID.
    595 func (pgConn *PgConn) PID() uint32 {
    596 	return
    597 }
    599 // TxStatus returns the current TxStatus as reported by the server in the ReadyForQuery message.
    600 //
    601 // Possible return values:
    602 //   'I' - idle / not in transaction
    603 //   'T' - in a transaction
    604 //   'E' - in a failed transaction
    605 //
    606 // See
    607 func (pgConn *PgConn) TxStatus() byte {
    608 	return pgConn.txStatus
    609 }
    611 // SecretKey returns the backend secret key used to send a cancel query message to the server.
    612 func (pgConn *PgConn) SecretKey() uint32 {
    613 	return pgConn.secretKey
    614 }
    616 // Close closes a connection. It is safe to call Close on a already closed connection. Close attempts a clean close by
    617 // sending the exit message to PostgreSQL. However, this could block so ctx is available to limit the time to wait. The
    618 // underlying net.Conn.Close() will always be called regardless of any other errors.
    619 func (pgConn *PgConn) Close(ctx context.Context) error {
    620 	if pgConn.status == connStatusClosed {
    621 		return nil
    622 	}
    623 	pgConn.status = connStatusClosed
    625 	defer close(pgConn.cleanupDone)
    626 	defer pgConn.conn.Close()
    628 	if ctx != context.Background() {
    629 		// Close may be called while a cancellable query is in progress. This will most often be triggered by panic when
    630 		// a defer closes the connection (possibly indirectly via a transaction or a connection pool). Unwatch to end any
    631 		// previous watch. It is safe to Unwatch regardless of whether a watch is already is progress.
    632 		//
    633 		// See
    634 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
    636 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx)
    637 		defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
    638 	}
    640 	// Ignore any errors sending Terminate message and waiting for server to close connection.
    641 	// This mimics the behavior of libpq PQfinish. It calls closePGconn which calls sendTerminateConn which purposefully
    642 	// ignores errors.
    643 	//
    644 	// See
    645 	pgConn.conn.Write([]byte{'X', 0, 0, 0, 4})
    647 	return pgConn.conn.Close()
    648 }
    650 // asyncClose marks the connection as closed and asynchronously sends a cancel query message and closes the underlying
    651 // connection.
    652 func (pgConn *PgConn) asyncClose() {
    653 	if pgConn.status == connStatusClosed {
    654 		return
    655 	}
    656 	pgConn.status = connStatusClosed
    658 	go func() {
    659 		defer close(pgConn.cleanupDone)
    660 		defer pgConn.conn.Close()
    662 		deadline := time.Now().Add(time.Second * 15)
    664 		ctx, cancel := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), deadline)
    665 		defer cancel()
    667 		pgConn.CancelRequest(ctx)
    669 		pgConn.conn.SetDeadline(deadline)
    671 		pgConn.conn.Write([]byte{'X', 0, 0, 0, 4})
    672 	}()
    673 }
    675 // CleanupDone returns a channel that will be closed after all underlying resources have been cleaned up. A closed
    676 // connection is no longer usable, but underlying resources, in particular the net.Conn, may not have finished closing
    677 // yet. This is because certain errors such as a context cancellation require that the interrupted function call return
    678 // immediately, but the error may also cause the connection to be closed. In these cases the underlying resources are
    679 // closed asynchronously.
    680 //
    681 // This is only likely to be useful to connection pools. It gives them a way avoid establishing a new connection while
    682 // an old connection is still being cleaned up and thereby exceeding the maximum pool size.
    683 func (pgConn *PgConn) CleanupDone() chan (struct{}) {
    684 	return pgConn.cleanupDone
    685 }
    687 // IsClosed reports if the connection has been closed.
    688 //
    689 // CleanupDone() can be used to determine if all cleanup has been completed.
    690 func (pgConn *PgConn) IsClosed() bool {
    691 	return pgConn.status < connStatusIdle
    692 }
    694 // IsBusy reports if the connection is busy.
    695 func (pgConn *PgConn) IsBusy() bool {
    696 	return pgConn.status == connStatusBusy
    697 }
    699 // lock locks the connection.
    700 func (pgConn *PgConn) lock() error {
    701 	switch pgConn.status {
    702 	case connStatusBusy:
    703 		return &connLockError{status: "conn busy"} // This only should be possible in case of an application bug.
    704 	case connStatusClosed:
    705 		return &connLockError{status: "conn closed"}
    706 	case connStatusUninitialized:
    707 		return &connLockError{status: "conn uninitialized"}
    708 	}
    709 	pgConn.status = connStatusBusy
    710 	return nil
    711 }
    713 func (pgConn *PgConn) unlock() {
    714 	switch pgConn.status {
    715 	case connStatusBusy:
    716 		pgConn.status = connStatusIdle
    717 	case connStatusClosed:
    718 	default:
    719 		panic("BUG: cannot unlock unlocked connection") // This should only be possible if there is a bug in this package.
    720 	}
    721 }
    723 // ParameterStatus returns the value of a parameter reported by the server (e.g.
    724 // server_version). Returns an empty string for unknown parameters.
    725 func (pgConn *PgConn) ParameterStatus(key string) string {
    726 	return pgConn.parameterStatuses[key]
    727 }
    729 // CommandTag is the result of an Exec function
    730 type CommandTag []byte
    732 // RowsAffected returns the number of rows affected. If the CommandTag was not
    733 // for a row affecting command (e.g. "CREATE TABLE") then it returns 0.
    734 func (ct CommandTag) RowsAffected() int64 {
    735 	// Find last non-digit
    736 	idx := -1
    737 	for i := len(ct) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
    738 		if ct[i] >= '0' && ct[i] <= '9' {
    739 			idx = i
    740 		} else {
    741 			break
    742 		}
    743 	}
    745 	if idx == -1 {
    746 		return 0
    747 	}
    749 	var n int64
    750 	for _, b := range ct[idx:] {
    751 		n = n*10 + int64(b-'0')
    752 	}
    754 	return n
    755 }
    757 func (ct CommandTag) String() string {
    758 	return string(ct)
    759 }
    761 // Insert is true if the command tag starts with "INSERT".
    762 func (ct CommandTag) Insert() bool {
    763 	return len(ct) >= 6 &&
    764 		ct[0] == 'I' &&
    765 		ct[1] == 'N' &&
    766 		ct[2] == 'S' &&
    767 		ct[3] == 'E' &&
    768 		ct[4] == 'R' &&
    769 		ct[5] == 'T'
    770 }
    772 // Update is true if the command tag starts with "UPDATE".
    773 func (ct CommandTag) Update() bool {
    774 	return len(ct) >= 6 &&
    775 		ct[0] == 'U' &&
    776 		ct[1] == 'P' &&
    777 		ct[2] == 'D' &&
    778 		ct[3] == 'A' &&
    779 		ct[4] == 'T' &&
    780 		ct[5] == 'E'
    781 }
    783 // Delete is true if the command tag starts with "DELETE".
    784 func (ct CommandTag) Delete() bool {
    785 	return len(ct) >= 6 &&
    786 		ct[0] == 'D' &&
    787 		ct[1] == 'E' &&
    788 		ct[2] == 'L' &&
    789 		ct[3] == 'E' &&
    790 		ct[4] == 'T' &&
    791 		ct[5] == 'E'
    792 }
    794 // Select is true if the command tag starts with "SELECT".
    795 func (ct CommandTag) Select() bool {
    796 	return len(ct) >= 6 &&
    797 		ct[0] == 'S' &&
    798 		ct[1] == 'E' &&
    799 		ct[2] == 'L' &&
    800 		ct[3] == 'E' &&
    801 		ct[4] == 'C' &&
    802 		ct[5] == 'T'
    803 }
    805 type StatementDescription struct {
    806 	Name      string
    807 	SQL       string
    808 	ParamOIDs []uint32
    809 	Fields    []pgproto3.FieldDescription
    810 }
    812 // Prepare creates a prepared statement. If the name is empty, the anonymous prepared statement will be used. This
    813 // allows Prepare to also to describe statements without creating a server-side prepared statement.
    814 func (pgConn *PgConn) Prepare(ctx context.Context, name, sql string, paramOIDs []uint32) (*StatementDescription, error) {
    815 	if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil {
    816 		return nil, err
    817 	}
    818 	defer pgConn.unlock()
    820 	if ctx != context.Background() {
    821 		select {
    822 		case <-ctx.Done():
    823 			return nil, newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx)
    824 		default:
    825 		}
    826 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx)
    827 		defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
    828 	}
    830 	buf := pgConn.wbuf
    831 	buf = (&pgproto3.Parse{Name: name, Query: sql, ParameterOIDs: paramOIDs}).Encode(buf)
    832 	buf = (&pgproto3.Describe{ObjectType: 'S', Name: name}).Encode(buf)
    833 	buf = (&pgproto3.Sync{}).Encode(buf)
    835 	n, err := pgConn.conn.Write(buf)
    836 	if err != nil {
    837 		pgConn.asyncClose()
    838 		return nil, &writeError{err: err, safeToRetry: n == 0}
    839 	}
    841 	psd := &StatementDescription{Name: name, SQL: sql}
    843 	var parseErr error
    845 readloop:
    846 	for {
    847 		msg, err := pgConn.receiveMessage()
    848 		if err != nil {
    849 			pgConn.asyncClose()
    850 			return nil, preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(ctx, err)
    851 		}
    853 		switch msg := msg.(type) {
    854 		case *pgproto3.ParameterDescription:
    855 			psd.ParamOIDs = make([]uint32, len(msg.ParameterOIDs))
    856 			copy(psd.ParamOIDs, msg.ParameterOIDs)
    857 		case *pgproto3.RowDescription:
    858 			psd.Fields = make([]pgproto3.FieldDescription, len(msg.Fields))
    859 			copy(psd.Fields, msg.Fields)
    860 		case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse:
    861 			parseErr = ErrorResponseToPgError(msg)
    862 		case *pgproto3.ReadyForQuery:
    863 			break readloop
    864 		}
    865 	}
    867 	if parseErr != nil {
    868 		return nil, parseErr
    869 	}
    870 	return psd, nil
    871 }
    873 // ErrorResponseToPgError converts a wire protocol error message to a *PgError.
    874 func ErrorResponseToPgError(msg *pgproto3.ErrorResponse) *PgError {
    875 	return &PgError{
    876 		Severity:         msg.Severity,
    877 		Code:             string(msg.Code),
    878 		Message:          string(msg.Message),
    879 		Detail:           string(msg.Detail),
    880 		Hint:             msg.Hint,
    881 		Position:         msg.Position,
    882 		InternalPosition: msg.InternalPosition,
    883 		InternalQuery:    string(msg.InternalQuery),
    884 		Where:            string(msg.Where),
    885 		SchemaName:       string(msg.SchemaName),
    886 		TableName:        string(msg.TableName),
    887 		ColumnName:       string(msg.ColumnName),
    888 		DataTypeName:     string(msg.DataTypeName),
    889 		ConstraintName:   msg.ConstraintName,
    890 		File:             string(msg.File),
    891 		Line:             msg.Line,
    892 		Routine:          string(msg.Routine),
    893 	}
    894 }
    896 func noticeResponseToNotice(msg *pgproto3.NoticeResponse) *Notice {
    897 	pgerr := ErrorResponseToPgError((*pgproto3.ErrorResponse)(msg))
    898 	return (*Notice)(pgerr)
    899 }
    901 // CancelRequest sends a cancel request to the PostgreSQL server. It returns an error if unable to deliver the cancel
    902 // request, but lack of an error does not ensure that the query was canceled. As specified in the documentation, there
    903 // is no way to be sure a query was canceled. See
    904 func (pgConn *PgConn) CancelRequest(ctx context.Context) error {
    905 	// Open a cancellation request to the same server. The address is taken from the net.Conn directly instead of reusing
    906 	// the connection config. This is important in high availability configurations where fallback connections may be
    907 	// specified or DNS may be used to load balance.
    908 	serverAddr := pgConn.conn.RemoteAddr()
    909 	cancelConn, err := pgConn.config.DialFunc(ctx, serverAddr.Network(), serverAddr.String())
    910 	if err != nil {
    911 		return err
    912 	}
    913 	defer cancelConn.Close()
    915 	if ctx != context.Background() {
    916 		contextWatcher := ctxwatch.NewContextWatcher(
    917 			func() { cancelConn.SetDeadline(time.Date(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC)) },
    918 			func() { cancelConn.SetDeadline(time.Time{}) },
    919 		)
    920 		contextWatcher.Watch(ctx)
    921 		defer contextWatcher.Unwatch()
    922 	}
    924 	buf := make([]byte, 16)
    925 	binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[0:4], 16)
    926 	binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[4:8], 80877102)
    927 	binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[8:12], uint32(
    928 	binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[12:16], uint32(pgConn.secretKey))
    929 	_, err = cancelConn.Write(buf)
    930 	if err != nil {
    931 		return err
    932 	}
    934 	_, err = cancelConn.Read(buf)
    935 	if err != io.EOF {
    936 		return err
    937 	}
    939 	return nil
    940 }
    942 // WaitForNotification waits for a LISTON/NOTIFY message to be received. It returns an error if a notification was not
    943 // received.
    944 func (pgConn *PgConn) WaitForNotification(ctx context.Context) error {
    945 	if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil {
    946 		return err
    947 	}
    948 	defer pgConn.unlock()
    950 	if ctx != context.Background() {
    951 		select {
    952 		case <-ctx.Done():
    953 			return newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx)
    954 		default:
    955 		}
    957 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx)
    958 		defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
    959 	}
    961 	for {
    962 		msg, err := pgConn.receiveMessage()
    963 		if err != nil {
    964 			return preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(ctx, err)
    965 		}
    967 		switch msg.(type) {
    968 		case *pgproto3.NotificationResponse:
    969 			return nil
    970 		}
    971 	}
    972 }
    974 // Exec executes SQL via the PostgreSQL simple query protocol. SQL may contain multiple queries. Execution is
    975 // implicitly wrapped in a transaction unless a transaction is already in progress or SQL contains transaction control
    976 // statements.
    977 //
    978 // Prefer ExecParams unless executing arbitrary SQL that may contain multiple queries.
    979 func (pgConn *PgConn) Exec(ctx context.Context, sql string) *MultiResultReader {
    980 	if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil {
    981 		return &MultiResultReader{
    982 			closed: true,
    983 			err:    err,
    984 		}
    985 	}
    987 	pgConn.multiResultReader = MultiResultReader{
    988 		pgConn: pgConn,
    989 		ctx:    ctx,
    990 	}
    991 	multiResult := &pgConn.multiResultReader
    992 	if ctx != context.Background() {
    993 		select {
    994 		case <-ctx.Done():
    995 			multiResult.closed = true
    996 			multiResult.err = newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx)
    997 			pgConn.unlock()
    998 			return multiResult
    999 		default:
   1000 		}
   1001 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx)
   1002 	}
   1004 	buf := pgConn.wbuf
   1005 	buf = (&pgproto3.Query{String: sql}).Encode(buf)
   1007 	n, err := pgConn.conn.Write(buf)
   1008 	if err != nil {
   1009 		pgConn.asyncClose()
   1010 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
   1011 		multiResult.closed = true
   1012 		multiResult.err = &writeError{err: err, safeToRetry: n == 0}
   1013 		pgConn.unlock()
   1014 		return multiResult
   1015 	}
   1017 	return multiResult
   1018 }
   1020 // ReceiveResults reads the result that might be returned by Postgres after a SendBytes
   1021 // (e.a. after sending a CopyDone in a copy-both situation).
   1022 //
   1023 // This is a very low level method that requires deep understanding of the PostgreSQL wire protocol to use correctly.
   1024 // See
   1025 func (pgConn *PgConn) ReceiveResults(ctx context.Context) *MultiResultReader {
   1026 	if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil {
   1027 		return &MultiResultReader{
   1028 			closed: true,
   1029 			err:    err,
   1030 		}
   1031 	}
   1033 	pgConn.multiResultReader = MultiResultReader{
   1034 		pgConn: pgConn,
   1035 		ctx:    ctx,
   1036 	}
   1037 	multiResult := &pgConn.multiResultReader
   1038 	if ctx != context.Background() {
   1039 		select {
   1040 		case <-ctx.Done():
   1041 			multiResult.closed = true
   1042 			multiResult.err = newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx)
   1043 			pgConn.unlock()
   1044 			return multiResult
   1045 		default:
   1046 		}
   1047 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx)
   1048 	}
   1050 	return multiResult
   1051 }
   1053 // ExecParams executes a command via the PostgreSQL extended query protocol.
   1054 //
   1055 // sql is a SQL command string. It may only contain one query. Parameter substitution is positional using $1, $2, $3,
   1056 // etc.
   1057 //
   1058 // paramValues are the parameter values. It must be encoded in the format given by paramFormats.
   1059 //
   1060 // paramOIDs is a slice of data type OIDs for paramValues. If paramOIDs is nil, the server will infer the data type for
   1061 // all parameters. Any paramOID element that is 0 that will cause the server to infer the data type for that parameter.
   1062 // ExecParams will panic if len(paramOIDs) is not 0, 1, or len(paramValues).
   1063 //
   1064 // paramFormats is a slice of format codes determining for each paramValue column whether it is encoded in text or
   1065 // binary format. If paramFormats is nil all params are text format. ExecParams will panic if
   1066 // len(paramFormats) is not 0, 1, or len(paramValues).
   1067 //
   1068 // resultFormats is a slice of format codes determining for each result column whether it is encoded in text or
   1069 // binary format. If resultFormats is nil all results will be in text format.
   1070 //
   1071 // ResultReader must be closed before PgConn can be used again.
   1072 func (pgConn *PgConn) ExecParams(ctx context.Context, sql string, paramValues [][]byte, paramOIDs []uint32, paramFormats []int16, resultFormats []int16) *ResultReader {
   1073 	result := pgConn.execExtendedPrefix(ctx, paramValues)
   1074 	if result.closed {
   1075 		return result
   1076 	}
   1078 	buf := pgConn.wbuf
   1079 	buf = (&pgproto3.Parse{Query: sql, ParameterOIDs: paramOIDs}).Encode(buf)
   1080 	buf = (&pgproto3.Bind{ParameterFormatCodes: paramFormats, Parameters: paramValues, ResultFormatCodes: resultFormats}).Encode(buf)
   1082 	pgConn.execExtendedSuffix(buf, result)
   1084 	return result
   1085 }
   1087 // ExecPrepared enqueues the execution of a prepared statement via the PostgreSQL extended query protocol.
   1088 //
   1089 // paramValues are the parameter values. It must be encoded in the format given by paramFormats.
   1090 //
   1091 // paramFormats is a slice of format codes determining for each paramValue column whether it is encoded in text or
   1092 // binary format. If paramFormats is nil all params are text format. ExecPrepared will panic if
   1093 // len(paramFormats) is not 0, 1, or len(paramValues).
   1094 //
   1095 // resultFormats is a slice of format codes determining for each result column whether it is encoded in text or
   1096 // binary format. If resultFormats is nil all results will be in text format.
   1097 //
   1098 // ResultReader must be closed before PgConn can be used again.
   1099 func (pgConn *PgConn) ExecPrepared(ctx context.Context, stmtName string, paramValues [][]byte, paramFormats []int16, resultFormats []int16) *ResultReader {
   1100 	result := pgConn.execExtendedPrefix(ctx, paramValues)
   1101 	if result.closed {
   1102 		return result
   1103 	}
   1105 	buf := pgConn.wbuf
   1106 	buf = (&pgproto3.Bind{PreparedStatement: stmtName, ParameterFormatCodes: paramFormats, Parameters: paramValues, ResultFormatCodes: resultFormats}).Encode(buf)
   1108 	pgConn.execExtendedSuffix(buf, result)
   1110 	return result
   1111 }
   1113 func (pgConn *PgConn) execExtendedPrefix(ctx context.Context, paramValues [][]byte) *ResultReader {
   1114 	pgConn.resultReader = ResultReader{
   1115 		pgConn: pgConn,
   1116 		ctx:    ctx,
   1117 	}
   1118 	result := &pgConn.resultReader
   1120 	if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil {
   1121 		result.concludeCommand(nil, err)
   1122 		result.closed = true
   1123 		return result
   1124 	}
   1126 	if len(paramValues) > math.MaxUint16 {
   1127 		result.concludeCommand(nil, fmt.Errorf("extended protocol limited to %v parameters", math.MaxUint16))
   1128 		result.closed = true
   1129 		pgConn.unlock()
   1130 		return result
   1131 	}
   1133 	if ctx != context.Background() {
   1134 		select {
   1135 		case <-ctx.Done():
   1136 			result.concludeCommand(nil, newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx))
   1137 			result.closed = true
   1138 			pgConn.unlock()
   1139 			return result
   1140 		default:
   1141 		}
   1142 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx)
   1143 	}
   1145 	return result
   1146 }
   1148 func (pgConn *PgConn) execExtendedSuffix(buf []byte, result *ResultReader) {
   1149 	buf = (&pgproto3.Describe{ObjectType: 'P'}).Encode(buf)
   1150 	buf = (&pgproto3.Execute{}).Encode(buf)
   1151 	buf = (&pgproto3.Sync{}).Encode(buf)
   1153 	n, err := pgConn.conn.Write(buf)
   1154 	if err != nil {
   1155 		pgConn.asyncClose()
   1156 		result.concludeCommand(nil, &writeError{err: err, safeToRetry: n == 0})
   1157 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
   1158 		result.closed = true
   1159 		pgConn.unlock()
   1160 		return
   1161 	}
   1163 	result.readUntilRowDescription()
   1164 }
   1166 // CopyTo executes the copy command sql and copies the results to w.
   1167 func (pgConn *PgConn) CopyTo(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer, sql string) (CommandTag, error) {
   1168 	if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil {
   1169 		return nil, err
   1170 	}
   1172 	if ctx != context.Background() {
   1173 		select {
   1174 		case <-ctx.Done():
   1175 			pgConn.unlock()
   1176 			return nil, newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx)
   1177 		default:
   1178 		}
   1179 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx)
   1180 		defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
   1181 	}
   1183 	// Send copy to command
   1184 	buf := pgConn.wbuf
   1185 	buf = (&pgproto3.Query{String: sql}).Encode(buf)
   1187 	n, err := pgConn.conn.Write(buf)
   1188 	if err != nil {
   1189 		pgConn.asyncClose()
   1190 		pgConn.unlock()
   1191 		return nil, &writeError{err: err, safeToRetry: n == 0}
   1192 	}
   1194 	// Read results
   1195 	var commandTag CommandTag
   1196 	var pgErr error
   1197 	for {
   1198 		msg, err := pgConn.receiveMessage()
   1199 		if err != nil {
   1200 			pgConn.asyncClose()
   1201 			return nil, preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(ctx, err)
   1202 		}
   1204 		switch msg := msg.(type) {
   1205 		case *pgproto3.CopyDone:
   1206 		case *pgproto3.CopyData:
   1207 			_, err := w.Write(msg.Data)
   1208 			if err != nil {
   1209 				pgConn.asyncClose()
   1210 				return nil, err
   1211 			}
   1212 		case *pgproto3.ReadyForQuery:
   1213 			pgConn.unlock()
   1214 			return commandTag, pgErr
   1215 		case *pgproto3.CommandComplete:
   1216 			commandTag = CommandTag(msg.CommandTag)
   1217 		case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse:
   1218 			pgErr = ErrorResponseToPgError(msg)
   1219 		}
   1220 	}
   1221 }
   1223 // CopyFrom executes the copy command sql and copies all of r to the PostgreSQL server.
   1224 //
   1225 // Note: context cancellation will only interrupt operations on the underlying PostgreSQL network connection. Reads on r
   1226 // could still block.
   1227 func (pgConn *PgConn) CopyFrom(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader, sql string) (CommandTag, error) {
   1228 	if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil {
   1229 		return nil, err
   1230 	}
   1231 	defer pgConn.unlock()
   1233 	if ctx != context.Background() {
   1234 		select {
   1235 		case <-ctx.Done():
   1236 			return nil, newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx)
   1237 		default:
   1238 		}
   1239 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx)
   1240 		defer pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
   1241 	}
   1243 	// Send copy to command
   1244 	buf := pgConn.wbuf
   1245 	buf = (&pgproto3.Query{String: sql}).Encode(buf)
   1247 	n, err := pgConn.conn.Write(buf)
   1248 	if err != nil {
   1249 		pgConn.asyncClose()
   1250 		return nil, &writeError{err: err, safeToRetry: n == 0}
   1251 	}
   1253 	// Send copy data
   1254 	abortCopyChan := make(chan struct{})
   1255 	copyErrChan := make(chan error, 1)
   1256 	signalMessageChan := pgConn.signalMessage()
   1257 	var wg sync.WaitGroup
   1258 	wg.Add(1)
   1260 	go func() {
   1261 		defer wg.Done()
   1262 		buf := make([]byte, 0, 65536)
   1263 		buf = append(buf, 'd')
   1264 		sp := len(buf)
   1266 		for {
   1267 			n, readErr := r.Read(buf[5:cap(buf)])
   1268 			if n > 0 {
   1269 				buf = buf[0 : n+5]
   1270 				pgio.SetInt32(buf[sp:], int32(n+4))
   1272 				_, writeErr := pgConn.conn.Write(buf)
   1273 				if writeErr != nil {
   1274 					// Write errors are always fatal, but we can't use asyncClose because we are in a different goroutine.
   1275 					pgConn.conn.Close()
   1277 					copyErrChan <- writeErr
   1278 					return
   1279 				}
   1280 			}
   1281 			if readErr != nil {
   1282 				copyErrChan <- readErr
   1283 				return
   1284 			}
   1286 			select {
   1287 			case <-abortCopyChan:
   1288 				return
   1289 			default:
   1290 			}
   1291 		}
   1292 	}()
   1294 	var pgErr error
   1295 	var copyErr error
   1296 	for copyErr == nil && pgErr == nil {
   1297 		select {
   1298 		case copyErr = <-copyErrChan:
   1299 		case <-signalMessageChan:
   1300 			msg, err := pgConn.receiveMessage()
   1301 			if err != nil {
   1302 				pgConn.asyncClose()
   1303 				return nil, preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(ctx, err)
   1304 			}
   1306 			switch msg := msg.(type) {
   1307 			case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse:
   1308 				pgErr = ErrorResponseToPgError(msg)
   1309 			default:
   1310 				signalMessageChan = pgConn.signalMessage()
   1311 			}
   1312 		}
   1313 	}
   1314 	close(abortCopyChan)
   1315 	// Make sure io goroutine finishes before writing.
   1316 	wg.Wait()
   1318 	buf = buf[:0]
   1319 	if copyErr == io.EOF || pgErr != nil {
   1320 		copyDone := &pgproto3.CopyDone{}
   1321 		buf = copyDone.Encode(buf)
   1322 	} else {
   1323 		copyFail := &pgproto3.CopyFail{Message: copyErr.Error()}
   1324 		buf = copyFail.Encode(buf)
   1325 	}
   1326 	_, err = pgConn.conn.Write(buf)
   1327 	if err != nil {
   1328 		pgConn.asyncClose()
   1329 		return nil, err
   1330 	}
   1332 	// Read results
   1333 	var commandTag CommandTag
   1334 	for {
   1335 		msg, err := pgConn.receiveMessage()
   1336 		if err != nil {
   1337 			pgConn.asyncClose()
   1338 			return nil, preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(ctx, err)
   1339 		}
   1341 		switch msg := msg.(type) {
   1342 		case *pgproto3.ReadyForQuery:
   1343 			return commandTag, pgErr
   1344 		case *pgproto3.CommandComplete:
   1345 			commandTag = CommandTag(msg.CommandTag)
   1346 		case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse:
   1347 			pgErr = ErrorResponseToPgError(msg)
   1348 		}
   1349 	}
   1350 }
   1352 // MultiResultReader is a reader for a command that could return multiple results such as Exec or ExecBatch.
   1353 type MultiResultReader struct {
   1354 	pgConn *PgConn
   1355 	ctx    context.Context
   1357 	rr *ResultReader
   1359 	closed bool
   1360 	err    error
   1361 }
   1363 // ReadAll reads all available results. Calling ReadAll is mutually exclusive with all other MultiResultReader methods.
   1364 func (mrr *MultiResultReader) ReadAll() ([]*Result, error) {
   1365 	var results []*Result
   1367 	for mrr.NextResult() {
   1368 		results = append(results, mrr.ResultReader().Read())
   1369 	}
   1370 	err := mrr.Close()
   1372 	return results, err
   1373 }
   1375 func (mrr *MultiResultReader) receiveMessage() (pgproto3.BackendMessage, error) {
   1376 	msg, err := mrr.pgConn.receiveMessage()
   1378 	if err != nil {
   1379 		mrr.pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
   1380 		mrr.err = preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(mrr.ctx, err)
   1381 		mrr.closed = true
   1382 		mrr.pgConn.asyncClose()
   1383 		return nil, mrr.err
   1384 	}
   1386 	switch msg := msg.(type) {
   1387 	case *pgproto3.ReadyForQuery:
   1388 		mrr.pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
   1389 		mrr.closed = true
   1390 		mrr.pgConn.unlock()
   1391 	case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse:
   1392 		mrr.err = ErrorResponseToPgError(msg)
   1393 	}
   1395 	return msg, nil
   1396 }
   1398 // NextResult returns advances the MultiResultReader to the next result and returns true if a result is available.
   1399 func (mrr *MultiResultReader) NextResult() bool {
   1400 	for !mrr.closed && mrr.err == nil {
   1401 		msg, err := mrr.receiveMessage()
   1402 		if err != nil {
   1403 			return false
   1404 		}
   1406 		switch msg := msg.(type) {
   1407 		case *pgproto3.RowDescription:
   1408 			mrr.pgConn.resultReader = ResultReader{
   1409 				pgConn:            mrr.pgConn,
   1410 				multiResultReader: mrr,
   1411 				ctx:               mrr.ctx,
   1412 				fieldDescriptions: msg.Fields,
   1413 			}
   1414 			mrr.rr = &mrr.pgConn.resultReader
   1415 			return true
   1416 		case *pgproto3.CommandComplete:
   1417 			mrr.pgConn.resultReader = ResultReader{
   1418 				commandTag:       CommandTag(msg.CommandTag),
   1419 				commandConcluded: true,
   1420 				closed:           true,
   1421 			}
   1422 			mrr.rr = &mrr.pgConn.resultReader
   1423 			return true
   1424 		case *pgproto3.EmptyQueryResponse:
   1425 			return false
   1426 		}
   1427 	}
   1429 	return false
   1430 }
   1432 // ResultReader returns the current ResultReader.
   1433 func (mrr *MultiResultReader) ResultReader() *ResultReader {
   1434 	return mrr.rr
   1435 }
   1437 // Close closes the MultiResultReader and returns the first error that occurred during the MultiResultReader's use.
   1438 func (mrr *MultiResultReader) Close() error {
   1439 	for !mrr.closed {
   1440 		_, err := mrr.receiveMessage()
   1441 		if err != nil {
   1442 			return mrr.err
   1443 		}
   1444 	}
   1446 	return mrr.err
   1447 }
   1449 // ResultReader is a reader for the result of a single query.
   1450 type ResultReader struct {
   1451 	pgConn            *PgConn
   1452 	multiResultReader *MultiResultReader
   1453 	ctx               context.Context
   1455 	fieldDescriptions []pgproto3.FieldDescription
   1456 	rowValues         [][]byte
   1457 	commandTag        CommandTag
   1458 	commandConcluded  bool
   1459 	closed            bool
   1460 	err               error
   1461 }
   1463 // Result is the saved query response that is returned by calling Read on a ResultReader.
   1464 type Result struct {
   1465 	FieldDescriptions []pgproto3.FieldDescription
   1466 	Rows              [][][]byte
   1467 	CommandTag        CommandTag
   1468 	Err               error
   1469 }
   1471 // Read saves the query response to a Result.
   1472 func (rr *ResultReader) Read() *Result {
   1473 	br := &Result{}
   1475 	for rr.NextRow() {
   1476 		if br.FieldDescriptions == nil {
   1477 			br.FieldDescriptions = make([]pgproto3.FieldDescription, len(rr.FieldDescriptions()))
   1478 			copy(br.FieldDescriptions, rr.FieldDescriptions())
   1479 		}
   1481 		row := make([][]byte, len(rr.Values()))
   1482 		copy(row, rr.Values())
   1483 		br.Rows = append(br.Rows, row)
   1484 	}
   1486 	br.CommandTag, br.Err = rr.Close()
   1488 	return br
   1489 }
   1491 // NextRow advances the ResultReader to the next row and returns true if a row is available.
   1492 func (rr *ResultReader) NextRow() bool {
   1493 	for !rr.commandConcluded {
   1494 		msg, err := rr.receiveMessage()
   1495 		if err != nil {
   1496 			return false
   1497 		}
   1499 		switch msg := msg.(type) {
   1500 		case *pgproto3.DataRow:
   1501 			rr.rowValues = msg.Values
   1502 			return true
   1503 		}
   1504 	}
   1506 	return false
   1507 }
   1509 // FieldDescriptions returns the field descriptions for the current result set. The returned slice is only valid until
   1510 // the ResultReader is closed.
   1511 func (rr *ResultReader) FieldDescriptions() []pgproto3.FieldDescription {
   1512 	return rr.fieldDescriptions
   1513 }
   1515 // Values returns the current row data. NextRow must have been previously been called. The returned [][]byte is only
   1516 // valid until the next NextRow call or the ResultReader is closed. However, the underlying byte data is safe to
   1517 // retain a reference to and mutate.
   1518 func (rr *ResultReader) Values() [][]byte {
   1519 	return rr.rowValues
   1520 }
   1522 // Close consumes any remaining result data and returns the command tag or
   1523 // error.
   1524 func (rr *ResultReader) Close() (CommandTag, error) {
   1525 	if rr.closed {
   1526 		return rr.commandTag, rr.err
   1527 	}
   1528 	rr.closed = true
   1530 	for !rr.commandConcluded {
   1531 		_, err := rr.receiveMessage()
   1532 		if err != nil {
   1533 			return nil, rr.err
   1534 		}
   1535 	}
   1537 	if rr.multiResultReader == nil {
   1538 		for {
   1539 			msg, err := rr.receiveMessage()
   1540 			if err != nil {
   1541 				return nil, rr.err
   1542 			}
   1544 			switch msg := msg.(type) {
   1545 			// Detect a deferred constraint violation where the ErrorResponse is sent after CommandComplete.
   1546 			case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse:
   1547 				rr.err = ErrorResponseToPgError(msg)
   1548 			case *pgproto3.ReadyForQuery:
   1549 				rr.pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
   1550 				rr.pgConn.unlock()
   1551 				return rr.commandTag, rr.err
   1552 			}
   1553 		}
   1554 	}
   1556 	return rr.commandTag, rr.err
   1557 }
   1559 // readUntilRowDescription ensures the ResultReader's fieldDescriptions are loaded. It does not return an error as any
   1560 // error will be stored in the ResultReader.
   1561 func (rr *ResultReader) readUntilRowDescription() {
   1562 	for !rr.commandConcluded {
   1563 		// Peek before receive to avoid consuming a DataRow if the result set does not include a RowDescription method.
   1564 		// This should never happen under normal pgconn usage, but it is possible if SendBytes and ReceiveResults are
   1565 		// manually used to construct a query that does not issue a describe statement.
   1566 		msg, _ := rr.pgConn.peekMessage()
   1567 		if _, ok := msg.(*pgproto3.DataRow); ok {
   1568 			return
   1569 		}
   1571 		// Consume the message
   1572 		msg, _ = rr.receiveMessage()
   1573 		if _, ok := msg.(*pgproto3.RowDescription); ok {
   1574 			return
   1575 		}
   1576 	}
   1577 }
   1579 func (rr *ResultReader) receiveMessage() (msg pgproto3.BackendMessage, err error) {
   1580 	if rr.multiResultReader == nil {
   1581 		msg, err = rr.pgConn.receiveMessage()
   1582 	} else {
   1583 		msg, err = rr.multiResultReader.receiveMessage()
   1584 	}
   1586 	if err != nil {
   1587 		err = preferContextOverNetTimeoutError(rr.ctx, err)
   1588 		rr.concludeCommand(nil, err)
   1589 		rr.pgConn.contextWatcher.Unwatch()
   1590 		rr.closed = true
   1591 		if rr.multiResultReader == nil {
   1592 			rr.pgConn.asyncClose()
   1593 		}
   1595 		return nil, rr.err
   1596 	}
   1598 	switch msg := msg.(type) {
   1599 	case *pgproto3.RowDescription:
   1600 		rr.fieldDescriptions = msg.Fields
   1601 	case *pgproto3.CommandComplete:
   1602 		rr.concludeCommand(CommandTag(msg.CommandTag), nil)
   1603 	case *pgproto3.EmptyQueryResponse:
   1604 		rr.concludeCommand(nil, nil)
   1605 	case *pgproto3.ErrorResponse:
   1606 		rr.concludeCommand(nil, ErrorResponseToPgError(msg))
   1607 	}
   1609 	return msg, nil
   1610 }
   1612 func (rr *ResultReader) concludeCommand(commandTag CommandTag, err error) {
   1613 	// Keep the first error that is recorded. Store the error before checking if the command is already concluded to
   1614 	// allow for receiving an error after CommandComplete but before ReadyForQuery.
   1615 	if err != nil && rr.err == nil {
   1616 		rr.err = err
   1617 	}
   1619 	if rr.commandConcluded {
   1620 		return
   1621 	}
   1623 	rr.commandTag = commandTag
   1624 	rr.rowValues = nil
   1625 	rr.commandConcluded = true
   1626 }
   1628 // Batch is a collection of queries that can be sent to the PostgreSQL server in a single round-trip.
   1629 type Batch struct {
   1630 	buf []byte
   1631 }
   1633 // ExecParams appends an ExecParams command to the batch. See PgConn.ExecParams for parameter descriptions.
   1634 func (batch *Batch) ExecParams(sql string, paramValues [][]byte, paramOIDs []uint32, paramFormats []int16, resultFormats []int16) {
   1635 	batch.buf = (&pgproto3.Parse{Query: sql, ParameterOIDs: paramOIDs}).Encode(batch.buf)
   1636 	batch.ExecPrepared("", paramValues, paramFormats, resultFormats)
   1637 }
   1639 // ExecPrepared appends an ExecPrepared e command to the batch. See PgConn.ExecPrepared for parameter descriptions.
   1640 func (batch *Batch) ExecPrepared(stmtName string, paramValues [][]byte, paramFormats []int16, resultFormats []int16) {
   1641 	batch.buf = (&pgproto3.Bind{PreparedStatement: stmtName, ParameterFormatCodes: paramFormats, Parameters: paramValues, ResultFormatCodes: resultFormats}).Encode(batch.buf)
   1642 	batch.buf = (&pgproto3.Describe{ObjectType: 'P'}).Encode(batch.buf)
   1643 	batch.buf = (&pgproto3.Execute{}).Encode(batch.buf)
   1644 }
   1646 // ExecBatch executes all the queries in batch in a single round-trip. Execution is implicitly transactional unless a
   1647 // transaction is already in progress or SQL contains transaction control statements.
   1648 func (pgConn *PgConn) ExecBatch(ctx context.Context, batch *Batch) *MultiResultReader {
   1649 	if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil {
   1650 		return &MultiResultReader{
   1651 			closed: true,
   1652 			err:    err,
   1653 		}
   1654 	}
   1656 	pgConn.multiResultReader = MultiResultReader{
   1657 		pgConn: pgConn,
   1658 		ctx:    ctx,
   1659 	}
   1660 	multiResult := &pgConn.multiResultReader
   1662 	if ctx != context.Background() {
   1663 		select {
   1664 		case <-ctx.Done():
   1665 			multiResult.closed = true
   1666 			multiResult.err = newContextAlreadyDoneError(ctx)
   1667 			pgConn.unlock()
   1668 			return multiResult
   1669 		default:
   1670 		}
   1671 		pgConn.contextWatcher.Watch(ctx)
   1672 	}
   1674 	batch.buf = (&pgproto3.Sync{}).Encode(batch.buf)
   1676 	// A large batch can deadlock without concurrent reading and writing. If the Write fails the underlying net.Conn is
   1677 	// closed. This is all that can be done without introducing a race condition or adding a concurrent safe communication
   1678 	// channel to relay the error back. The practical effect of this is that the underlying Write error is not reported.
   1679 	// The error the code reading the batch results receives will be a closed connection error.
   1680 	//
   1681 	// See
   1682 	go func() {
   1683 		_, err := pgConn.conn.Write(batch.buf)
   1684 		if err != nil {
   1685 			pgConn.conn.Close()
   1686 		}
   1687 	}()
   1689 	return multiResult
   1690 }
   1692 // EscapeString escapes a string such that it can safely be interpolated into a SQL command string. It does not include
   1693 // the surrounding single quotes.
   1694 //
   1695 // The current implementation requires that standard_conforming_strings=on and client_encoding="UTF8". If these
   1696 // conditions are not met an error will be returned. It is possible these restrictions will be lifted in the future.
   1697 func (pgConn *PgConn) EscapeString(s string) (string, error) {
   1698 	if pgConn.ParameterStatus("standard_conforming_strings") != "on" {
   1699 		return "", errors.New("EscapeString must be run with standard_conforming_strings=on")
   1700 	}
   1702 	if pgConn.ParameterStatus("client_encoding") != "UTF8" {
   1703 		return "", errors.New("EscapeString must be run with client_encoding=UTF8")
   1704 	}
   1706 	return strings.Replace(s, "'", "''", -1), nil
   1707 }
   1709 // HijackedConn is the result of hijacking a connection.
   1710 //
   1711 // Due to the necessary exposure of internal implementation details, it is not covered by the semantic versioning
   1712 // compatibility.
   1713 type HijackedConn struct {
   1714 	Conn              net.Conn          // the underlying TCP or unix domain socket connection
   1715 	PID               uint32            // backend pid
   1716 	SecretKey         uint32            // key to use to send a cancel query message to the server
   1717 	ParameterStatuses map[string]string // parameters that have been reported by the server
   1718 	TxStatus          byte
   1719 	Frontend          Frontend
   1720 	Config            *Config
   1721 }
   1723 // Hijack extracts the internal connection data. pgConn must be in an idle state. pgConn is unusable after hijacking.
   1724 // Hijacking is typically only useful when using pgconn to establish a connection, but taking complete control of the
   1725 // raw connection after that (e.g. a load balancer or proxy).
   1726 //
   1727 // Due to the necessary exposure of internal implementation details, it is not covered by the semantic versioning
   1728 // compatibility.
   1729 func (pgConn *PgConn) Hijack() (*HijackedConn, error) {
   1730 	if err := pgConn.lock(); err != nil {
   1731 		return nil, err
   1732 	}
   1733 	pgConn.status = connStatusClosed
   1735 	return &HijackedConn{
   1736 		Conn:              pgConn.conn,
   1737 		PID:     ,
   1738 		SecretKey:         pgConn.secretKey,
   1739 		ParameterStatuses: pgConn.parameterStatuses,
   1740 		TxStatus:          pgConn.txStatus,
   1741 		Frontend:          pgConn.frontend,
   1742 		Config:            pgConn.config,
   1743 	}, nil
   1744 }
   1746 // Construct created a PgConn from an already established connection to a PostgreSQL server. This is the inverse of
   1747 // PgConn.Hijack. The connection must be in an idle state.
   1748 //
   1749 // Due to the necessary exposure of internal implementation details, it is not covered by the semantic versioning
   1750 // compatibility.
   1751 func Construct(hc *HijackedConn) (*PgConn, error) {
   1752 	pgConn := &PgConn{
   1753 		conn:              hc.Conn,
   1754 		pid:               hc.PID,
   1755 		secretKey:         hc.SecretKey,
   1756 		parameterStatuses: hc.ParameterStatuses,
   1757 		txStatus:          hc.TxStatus,
   1758 		frontend:          hc.Frontend,
   1759 		config:            hc.Config,
   1761 		status: connStatusIdle,
   1763 		wbuf:        make([]byte, 0, wbufLen),
   1764 		cleanupDone: make(chan struct{}),
   1765 	}
   1767 	pgConn.contextWatcher = newContextWatcher(pgConn.conn)
   1769 	return pgConn, nil
   1770 }