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shapeutil.go (8329B)

      1 // Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 package s2
     17 // CrossingType defines different ways of reporting edge intersections.
     18 type CrossingType int
     20 const (
     21 	// CrossingTypeInterior reports intersections that occur at a point
     22 	// interior to both edges (i.e., not at a vertex).
     23 	CrossingTypeInterior CrossingType = iota
     25 	// CrossingTypeAll reports all intersections, even those where two edges
     26 	// intersect only because they share a common vertex.
     27 	CrossingTypeAll
     29 	// CrossingTypeNonAdjacent reports all intersections except for pairs of
     30 	// the form (AB, BC) where both edges are from the same ShapeIndex.
     31 	CrossingTypeNonAdjacent
     32 )
     34 // rangeIterator is a wrapper over ShapeIndexIterator with extra methods
     35 // that are useful for merging the contents of two or more ShapeIndexes.
     36 type rangeIterator struct {
     37 	it *ShapeIndexIterator
     38 	// The min and max leaf cell ids covered by the current cell. If done() is
     39 	// true, these methods return a value larger than any valid cell id.
     40 	rangeMin CellID
     41 	rangeMax CellID
     42 }
     44 // newRangeIterator creates a new rangeIterator positioned at the first cell of the given index.
     45 func newRangeIterator(index *ShapeIndex) *rangeIterator {
     46 	r := &rangeIterator{
     47 		it: index.Iterator(),
     48 	}
     49 	r.refresh()
     50 	return r
     51 }
     53 func (r *rangeIterator) cellID() CellID             { return }
     54 func (r *rangeIterator) indexCell() *ShapeIndexCell { return }
     55 func (r *rangeIterator) next()                      {; r.refresh() }
     56 func (r *rangeIterator) done() bool                 { return }
     58 // seekTo positions the iterator at the first cell that overlaps or follows
     59 // the current range minimum of the target iterator, i.e. such that its
     60 // rangeMax >= target.rangeMin.
     61 func (r *rangeIterator) seekTo(target *rangeIterator) {
     63 	// If the current cell does not overlap target, it is possible that the
     64 	// previous cell is the one we are looking for. This can only happen when
     65 	// the previous cell contains target but has a smaller CellID.
     66 	if || > target.rangeMax {
     67 		if && < target.cellID() {
     69 		}
     70 	}
     71 	r.refresh()
     72 }
     74 // seekBeyond positions the iterator at the first cell that follows the current
     75 // range minimum of the target iterator. i.e. the first cell such that its
     76 // rangeMin > target.rangeMax.
     77 func (r *rangeIterator) seekBeyond(target *rangeIterator) {
     79 	if ! && <= target.rangeMax {
     81 	}
     82 	r.refresh()
     83 }
     85 // refresh updates the iterators min and max values.
     86 func (r *rangeIterator) refresh() {
     87 	r.rangeMin = r.cellID().RangeMin()
     88 	r.rangeMax = r.cellID().RangeMax()
     89 }
     91 // referencePointForShape is a helper function for implementing various Shapes
     92 // ReferencePoint functions.
     93 //
     94 // Given a shape consisting of closed polygonal loops, the interior of the
     95 // shape is defined as the region to the left of all edges (which must be
     96 // oriented consistently). This function then chooses an arbitrary point and
     97 // returns true if that point is contained by the shape.
     98 //
     99 // Unlike Loop and Polygon, this method allows duplicate vertices and
    100 // edges, which requires some extra care with definitions. The rule that we
    101 // apply is that an edge and its reverse edge cancel each other: the result
    102 // is the same as if that edge pair were not present. Therefore shapes that
    103 // consist only of degenerate loop(s) are either empty or full; by convention,
    104 // the shape is considered full if and only if it contains an empty loop (see
    105 // laxPolygon for details).
    106 //
    107 // Determining whether a loop on the sphere contains a point is harder than
    108 // the corresponding problem in 2D plane geometry. It cannot be implemented
    109 // just by counting edge crossings because there is no such thing as a point
    110 // at infinity that is guaranteed to be outside the loop.
    111 //
    112 // This function requires that the given Shape have an interior.
    113 func referencePointForShape(shape Shape) ReferencePoint {
    114 	if shape.NumEdges() == 0 {
    115 		// A shape with no edges is defined to be full if and only if it
    116 		// contains at least one chain.
    117 		return OriginReferencePoint(shape.NumChains() > 0)
    118 	}
    119 	// Define a "matched" edge as one that can be paired with a corresponding
    120 	// reversed edge. Define a vertex as "balanced" if all of its edges are
    121 	// matched. In order to determine containment, we must find an unbalanced
    122 	// vertex. Often every vertex is unbalanced, so we start by trying an
    123 	// arbitrary vertex.
    124 	edge := shape.Edge(0)
    126 	if ref, ok := referencePointAtVertex(shape, edge.V0); ok {
    127 		return ref
    128 	}
    130 	// That didn't work, so now we do some extra work to find an unbalanced
    131 	// vertex (if any). Essentially we gather a list of edges and a list of
    132 	// reversed edges, and then sort them. The first edge that appears in one
    133 	// list but not the other is guaranteed to be unmatched.
    134 	n := shape.NumEdges()
    135 	var edges = make([]Edge, n)
    136 	var revEdges = make([]Edge, n)
    137 	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
    138 		edge := shape.Edge(i)
    139 		edges[i] = edge
    140 		revEdges[i] = Edge{V0: edge.V1, V1: edge.V0}
    141 	}
    143 	sortEdges(edges)
    144 	sortEdges(revEdges)
    146 	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
    147 		if edges[i].Cmp(revEdges[i]) == -1 { // edges[i] is unmatched
    148 			if ref, ok := referencePointAtVertex(shape, edges[i].V0); ok {
    149 				return ref
    150 			}
    151 		}
    152 		if revEdges[i].Cmp(edges[i]) == -1 { // revEdges[i] is unmatched
    153 			if ref, ok := referencePointAtVertex(shape, revEdges[i].V0); ok {
    154 				return ref
    155 			}
    156 		}
    157 	}
    159 	// All vertices are balanced, so this polygon is either empty or full except
    160 	// for degeneracies. By convention it is defined to be full if it contains
    161 	// any chain with no edges.
    162 	for i := 0; i < shape.NumChains(); i++ {
    163 		if shape.Chain(i).Length == 0 {
    164 			return OriginReferencePoint(true)
    165 		}
    166 	}
    168 	return OriginReferencePoint(false)
    169 }
    171 // referencePointAtVertex reports whether the given vertex is unbalanced, and
    172 // returns a ReferencePoint indicating if the point is contained.
    173 // Otherwise returns false.
    174 func referencePointAtVertex(shape Shape, vTest Point) (ReferencePoint, bool) {
    175 	var ref ReferencePoint
    177 	// Let P be an unbalanced vertex. Vertex P is defined to be inside the
    178 	// region if the region contains a particular direction vector starting from
    179 	// P, namely the direction p.Ortho(). This can be calculated using
    180 	// ContainsVertexQuery.
    182 	containsQuery := NewContainsVertexQuery(vTest)
    183 	n := shape.NumEdges()
    184 	for e := 0; e < n; e++ {
    185 		edge := shape.Edge(e)
    186 		if edge.V0 == vTest {
    187 			containsQuery.AddEdge(edge.V1, 1)
    188 		}
    189 		if edge.V1 == vTest {
    190 			containsQuery.AddEdge(edge.V0, -1)
    191 		}
    192 	}
    193 	containsSign := containsQuery.ContainsVertex()
    194 	if containsSign == 0 {
    195 		return ref, false // There are no unmatched edges incident to this vertex.
    196 	}
    197 	ref.Point = vTest
    198 	ref.Contained = containsSign > 0
    200 	return ref, true
    201 }
    203 // containsBruteForce reports whether the given shape contains the given point.
    204 // Most clients should not use this method, since its running time is linear in
    205 // the number of shape edges. Instead clients should create a ShapeIndex and use
    206 // ContainsPointQuery, since this strategy is much more efficient when many
    207 // points need to be tested.
    208 //
    209 // Polygon boundaries are treated as being semi-open (see ContainsPointQuery
    210 // and VertexModel for other options).
    211 func containsBruteForce(shape Shape, point Point) bool {
    212 	if shape.Dimension() != 2 {
    213 		return false
    214 	}
    216 	refPoint := shape.ReferencePoint()
    217 	if refPoint.Point == point {
    218 		return refPoint.Contained
    219 	}
    221 	crosser := NewEdgeCrosser(refPoint.Point, point)
    222 	inside := refPoint.Contained
    223 	for e := 0; e < shape.NumEdges(); e++ {
    224 		edge := shape.Edge(e)
    225 		inside = inside != crosser.EdgeOrVertexCrossing(edge.V0, edge.V1)
    226 	}
    227 	return inside
    228 }