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func.go (3562B)

      1 package decoder
      3 import (
      4 	"bytes"
      5 	"fmt"
      6 	"unsafe"
      8 	""
      9 	""
     10 )
     12 type funcDecoder struct {
     13 	typ        *runtime.Type
     14 	structName string
     15 	fieldName  string
     16 }
     18 func newFuncDecoder(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) *funcDecoder {
     19 	fnDecoder := &funcDecoder{typ, structName, fieldName}
     20 	return fnDecoder
     21 }
     23 func (d *funcDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
     24 	s.skipWhiteSpace()
     25 	start := s.cursor
     26 	if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
     27 		return err
     28 	}
     29 	src := s.buf[start:s.cursor]
     30 	if len(src) > 0 {
     31 		switch src[0] {
     32 		case '"':
     33 			return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
     34 				Value:  "string",
     35 				Type:   runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
     36 				Offset: s.totalOffset(),
     37 			}
     38 		case '[':
     39 			return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
     40 				Value:  "array",
     41 				Type:   runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
     42 				Offset: s.totalOffset(),
     43 			}
     44 		case '{':
     45 			return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
     46 				Value:  "object",
     47 				Type:   runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
     48 				Offset: s.totalOffset(),
     49 			}
     50 		case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
     51 			return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
     52 				Value:  "number",
     53 				Type:   runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
     54 				Offset: s.totalOffset(),
     55 			}
     56 		case 'n':
     57 			if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
     58 				return err
     59 			}
     60 			*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
     61 			return nil
     62 		case 't':
     63 			if err := trueBytes(s); err == nil {
     64 				return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
     65 					Value:  "boolean",
     66 					Type:   runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
     67 					Offset: s.totalOffset(),
     68 				}
     69 			}
     70 		case 'f':
     71 			if err := falseBytes(s); err == nil {
     72 				return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
     73 					Value:  "boolean",
     74 					Type:   runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
     75 					Offset: s.totalOffset(),
     76 				}
     77 			}
     78 		}
     79 	}
     80 	return errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(s.buf[s.cursor], s.totalOffset())
     81 }
     83 func (d *funcDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
     84 	buf := ctx.Buf
     85 	cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
     86 	start := cursor
     87 	end, err := skipValue(buf, cursor, depth)
     88 	if err != nil {
     89 		return 0, err
     90 	}
     91 	src := buf[start:end]
     92 	if len(src) > 0 {
     93 		switch src[0] {
     94 		case '"':
     95 			return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
     96 				Value:  "string",
     97 				Type:   runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
     98 				Offset: start,
     99 			}
    100 		case '[':
    101 			return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
    102 				Value:  "array",
    103 				Type:   runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
    104 				Offset: start,
    105 			}
    106 		case '{':
    107 			return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
    108 				Value:  "object",
    109 				Type:   runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
    110 				Offset: start,
    111 			}
    112 		case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
    113 			return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
    114 				Value:  "number",
    115 				Type:   runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
    116 				Offset: start,
    117 			}
    118 		case 'n':
    119 			if bytes.Equal(src, nullbytes) {
    120 				*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
    121 				return end, nil
    122 			}
    123 		case 't':
    124 			if err := validateTrue(buf, start); err == nil {
    125 				return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
    126 					Value:  "boolean",
    127 					Type:   runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
    128 					Offset: start,
    129 				}
    130 			}
    131 		case 'f':
    132 			if err := validateFalse(buf, start); err == nil {
    133 				return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
    134 					Value:  "boolean",
    135 					Type:   runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
    136 					Offset: start,
    137 				}
    138 			}
    139 		}
    140 	}
    141 	return cursor, errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(buf[cursor], cursor)
    142 }
    144 func (d *funcDecoder) DecodePath(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64) ([][]byte, int64, error) {
    145 	return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("json: func decoder does not support decode path")
    146 }