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sessions.go (3699B)

      1 package sessions
      3 import (
      4 	"log"
      5 	"net/http"
      7 	""
      8 	""
      9 	""
     10 )
     12 const (
     13 	DefaultKey  = ""
     14 	errorFormat = "[sessions] ERROR! %s\n"
     15 )
     17 type Store interface {
     18 	sessions.Store
     19 	Options(Options)
     20 }
     22 // Wraps thinly gorilla-session methods.
     23 // Session stores the values and optional configuration for a session.
     24 type Session interface {
     25 	// ID of the session, generated by stores. It should not be used for user data.
     26 	ID() string
     27 	// Get returns the session value associated to the given key.
     28 	Get(key interface{}) interface{}
     29 	// Set sets the session value associated to the given key.
     30 	Set(key interface{}, val interface{})
     31 	// Delete removes the session value associated to the given key.
     32 	Delete(key interface{})
     33 	// Clear deletes all values in the session.
     34 	Clear()
     35 	// AddFlash adds a flash message to the session.
     36 	// A single variadic argument is accepted, and it is optional: it defines the flash key.
     37 	// If not defined "_flash" is used by default.
     38 	AddFlash(value interface{}, vars ...string)
     39 	// Flashes returns a slice of flash messages from the session.
     40 	// A single variadic argument is accepted, and it is optional: it defines the flash key.
     41 	// If not defined "_flash" is used by default.
     42 	Flashes(vars ...string) []interface{}
     43 	// Options sets configuration for a session.
     44 	Options(Options)
     45 	// Save saves all sessions used during the current request.
     46 	Save() error
     47 }
     49 func Sessions(name string, store Store) gin.HandlerFunc {
     50 	return func(c *gin.Context) {
     51 		s := &session{name, c.Request, store, nil, false, c.Writer}
     52 		c.Set(DefaultKey, s)
     53 		defer context.Clear(c.Request)
     54 		c.Next()
     55 	}
     56 }
     58 func SessionsMany(names []string, store Store) gin.HandlerFunc {
     59 	return func(c *gin.Context) {
     60 		sessions := make(map[string]Session, len(names))
     61 		for _, name := range names {
     62 			sessions[name] = &session{name, c.Request, store, nil, false, c.Writer}
     63 		}
     64 		c.Set(DefaultKey, sessions)
     65 		defer context.Clear(c.Request)
     66 		c.Next()
     67 	}
     68 }
     70 type session struct {
     71 	name    string
     72 	request *http.Request
     73 	store   Store
     74 	session *sessions.Session
     75 	written bool
     76 	writer  http.ResponseWriter
     77 }
     79 func (s *session) ID() string {
     80 	return s.Session().ID
     81 }
     83 func (s *session) Get(key interface{}) interface{} {
     84 	return s.Session().Values[key]
     85 }
     87 func (s *session) Set(key interface{}, val interface{}) {
     88 	s.Session().Values[key] = val
     89 	s.written = true
     90 }
     92 func (s *session) Delete(key interface{}) {
     93 	delete(s.Session().Values, key)
     94 	s.written = true
     95 }
     97 func (s *session) Clear() {
     98 	for key := range s.Session().Values {
     99 		s.Delete(key)
    100 	}
    101 }
    103 func (s *session) AddFlash(value interface{}, vars ...string) {
    104 	s.Session().AddFlash(value, vars...)
    105 	s.written = true
    106 }
    108 func (s *session) Flashes(vars ...string) []interface{} {
    109 	s.written = true
    110 	return s.Session().Flashes(vars...)
    111 }
    113 func (s *session) Options(options Options) {
    114 	s.written = true
    115 	s.Session().Options = options.ToGorillaOptions()
    116 }
    118 func (s *session) Save() error {
    119 	if s.Written() {
    120 		e := s.Session().Save(s.request, s.writer)
    121 		if e == nil {
    122 			s.written = false
    123 		}
    124 		return e
    125 	}
    126 	return nil
    127 }
    129 func (s *session) Session() *sessions.Session {
    130 	if s.session == nil {
    131 		var err error
    132 		s.session, err =,
    133 		if err != nil {
    134 			log.Printf(errorFormat, err)
    135 		}
    136 	}
    137 	return s.session
    138 }
    140 func (s *session) Written() bool {
    141 	return s.written
    142 }
    144 // shortcut to get session
    145 func Default(c *gin.Context) Session {
    146 	return c.MustGet(DefaultKey).(Session)
    147 }
    149 // shortcut to get session with given name
    150 func DefaultMany(c *gin.Context, name string) Session {
    151 	return c.MustGet(DefaultKey).(map[string]Session)[name]
    152 }