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cgroup.go (13772B)

      1 /*
      2    Copyright The containerd Authors.
      4    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6    You may obtain a copy of the License at
     10    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14    limitations under the License.
     15 */
     17 package cgroup1
     19 import (
     20 	"errors"
     21 	"fmt"
     22 	"io/fs"
     23 	"os"
     24 	"path/filepath"
     25 	"strconv"
     26 	"strings"
     27 	"sync"
     28 	"syscall"
     29 	"time"
     31 	v1 ""
     33 	""
     34 )
     36 // New returns a new control via the cgroup cgroups interface
     37 func New(path Path, resources *specs.LinuxResources, opts ...InitOpts) (Cgroup, error) {
     38 	config := newInitConfig()
     39 	for _, o := range opts {
     40 		if err := o(config); err != nil {
     41 			return nil, err
     42 		}
     43 	}
     44 	subsystems, err := config.hiearchy()
     45 	if err != nil {
     46 		return nil, err
     47 	}
     48 	var active []Subsystem
     49 	for _, s := range subsystems {
     50 		// check if subsystem exists
     51 		if err := initializeSubsystem(s, path, resources); err != nil {
     52 			if err == ErrControllerNotActive {
     53 				if config.InitCheck != nil {
     54 					if skerr := config.InitCheck(s, path, err); skerr != nil {
     55 						if skerr != ErrIgnoreSubsystem {
     56 							return nil, skerr
     57 						}
     58 					}
     59 				}
     60 				continue
     61 			}
     62 			return nil, err
     63 		}
     64 		active = append(active, s)
     65 	}
     66 	return &cgroup{
     67 		path:       path,
     68 		subsystems: active,
     69 	}, nil
     70 }
     72 // Load will load an existing cgroup and allow it to be controlled
     73 // All static path should not include `/sys/fs/cgroup/` prefix, it should start with your own cgroups name
     74 func Load(path Path, opts ...InitOpts) (Cgroup, error) {
     75 	config := newInitConfig()
     76 	for _, o := range opts {
     77 		if err := o(config); err != nil {
     78 			return nil, err
     79 		}
     80 	}
     81 	var activeSubsystems []Subsystem
     82 	subsystems, err := config.hiearchy()
     83 	if err != nil {
     84 		return nil, err
     85 	}
     86 	// check that the subsystems still exist, and keep only those that actually exist
     87 	for _, s := range pathers(subsystems) {
     88 		p, err := path(s.Name())
     89 		if err != nil {
     90 			if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
     91 				return nil, ErrCgroupDeleted
     92 			}
     93 			if err == ErrControllerNotActive {
     94 				if config.InitCheck != nil {
     95 					if skerr := config.InitCheck(s, path, err); skerr != nil {
     96 						if skerr != ErrIgnoreSubsystem {
     97 							return nil, skerr
     98 						}
     99 					}
    100 				}
    101 				continue
    102 			}
    103 			return nil, err
    104 		}
    105 		if _, err := os.Lstat(s.Path(p)); err != nil {
    106 			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
    107 				continue
    108 			}
    109 			return nil, err
    110 		}
    111 		activeSubsystems = append(activeSubsystems, s)
    112 	}
    113 	// if we do not have any active systems then the cgroup is deleted
    114 	if len(activeSubsystems) == 0 {
    115 		return nil, ErrCgroupDeleted
    116 	}
    117 	return &cgroup{
    118 		path:       path,
    119 		subsystems: activeSubsystems,
    120 	}, nil
    121 }
    123 type cgroup struct {
    124 	path Path
    126 	subsystems []Subsystem
    127 	mu         sync.Mutex
    128 	err        error
    129 }
    131 // New returns a new sub cgroup
    132 func (c *cgroup) New(name string, resources *specs.LinuxResources) (Cgroup, error) {
    134 	defer
    135 	if c.err != nil {
    136 		return nil, c.err
    137 	}
    138 	path := subPath(c.path, name)
    139 	for _, s := range c.subsystems {
    140 		if err := initializeSubsystem(s, path, resources); err != nil {
    141 			return nil, err
    142 		}
    143 	}
    144 	return &cgroup{
    145 		path:       path,
    146 		subsystems: c.subsystems,
    147 	}, nil
    148 }
    150 // Subsystems returns all the subsystems that are currently being
    151 // consumed by the group
    152 func (c *cgroup) Subsystems() []Subsystem {
    153 	return c.subsystems
    154 }
    156 func (c *cgroup) subsystemsFilter(subsystems ...Name) []Subsystem {
    157 	if len(subsystems) == 0 {
    158 		return c.subsystems
    159 	}
    161 	var filteredSubsystems = []Subsystem{}
    162 	for _, s := range c.subsystems {
    163 		for _, f := range subsystems {
    164 			if s.Name() == f {
    165 				filteredSubsystems = append(filteredSubsystems, s)
    166 				break
    167 			}
    168 		}
    169 	}
    171 	return filteredSubsystems
    172 }
    174 // Add moves the provided process into the new cgroup.
    175 // Without additional arguments, the process is added to all the cgroup subsystems.
    176 // When giving Add a list of subsystem names, the process is only added to those
    177 // subsystems, provided that they are active in the targeted cgroup.
    178 func (c *cgroup) Add(process Process, subsystems ...Name) error {
    179 	return c.add(process, cgroupProcs, subsystems...)
    180 }
    182 // AddProc moves the provided process id into the new cgroup.
    183 // Without additional arguments, the process with the given id is added to all
    184 // the cgroup subsystems. When giving AddProc a list of subsystem names, the process
    185 // id is only added to those subsystems, provided that they are active in the targeted
    186 // cgroup.
    187 func (c *cgroup) AddProc(pid uint64, subsystems ...Name) error {
    188 	return c.add(Process{Pid: int(pid)}, cgroupProcs, subsystems...)
    189 }
    191 // AddTask moves the provided tasks (threads) into the new cgroup.
    192 // Without additional arguments, the task is added to all the cgroup subsystems.
    193 // When giving AddTask a list of subsystem names, the task is only added to those
    194 // subsystems, provided that they are active in the targeted cgroup.
    195 func (c *cgroup) AddTask(process Process, subsystems ...Name) error {
    196 	return c.add(process, cgroupTasks, subsystems...)
    197 }
    199 // writeCgroupsProcs writes to the file, but retries on EINVAL.
    200 func writeCgroupProcs(path string, content []byte, perm fs.FileMode) error {
    201 	f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, perm)
    202 	if err != nil {
    203 		return err
    204 	}
    205 	defer f.Close()
    207 	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
    208 		_, err = f.Write(content)
    209 		if err == nil {
    210 			return nil
    211 		}
    212 		// If the process's associated task's state is TASK_NEW, the kernel
    213 		// returns EINVAL. The function will retry on the error like runc.
    214 		//
    215 		//
    216 		if !errors.Is(err, syscall.EINVAL) {
    217 			return err
    218 		}
    219 		time.Sleep(30 * time.Millisecond)
    220 	}
    221 	return err
    222 }
    224 func (c *cgroup) add(process Process, pType procType, subsystems ...Name) error {
    225 	if process.Pid <= 0 {
    226 		return ErrInvalidPid
    227 	}
    229 	defer
    230 	if c.err != nil {
    231 		return c.err
    232 	}
    233 	for _, s := range pathers(c.subsystemsFilter(subsystems...)) {
    234 		p, err := c.path(s.Name())
    235 		if err != nil {
    236 			return err
    237 		}
    238 		err = writeCgroupProcs(
    239 			filepath.Join(s.Path(p), pType),
    240 			[]byte(strconv.Itoa(process.Pid)),
    241 			defaultFilePerm,
    242 		)
    243 		if err != nil {
    244 			return err
    245 		}
    246 	}
    247 	return nil
    248 }
    250 // Delete will remove the control group from each of the subsystems registered
    251 func (c *cgroup) Delete() error {
    253 	defer
    254 	if c.err != nil {
    255 		return c.err
    256 	}
    257 	var errs []string
    258 	for _, s := range c.subsystems {
    259 		// kernel prevents cgroups with running process from being removed, check the tree is empty
    260 		procs, err := c.processes(s.Name(), true, cgroupProcs)
    261 		if err != nil {
    262 			return err
    263 		}
    264 		if len(procs) > 0 {
    265 			errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("%s (contains running processes)", string(s.Name())))
    266 			continue
    267 		}
    268 		if d, ok := s.(deleter); ok {
    269 			sp, err := c.path(s.Name())
    270 			if err != nil {
    271 				return err
    272 			}
    273 			if err := d.Delete(sp); err != nil {
    274 				errs = append(errs, string(s.Name()))
    275 			}
    276 			continue
    277 		}
    278 		if p, ok := s.(pather); ok {
    279 			sp, err := c.path(s.Name())
    280 			if err != nil {
    281 				return err
    282 			}
    283 			path := p.Path(sp)
    284 			if err := remove(path); err != nil {
    285 				errs = append(errs, path)
    286 			}
    287 			continue
    288 		}
    289 	}
    290 	if len(errs) > 0 {
    291 		return fmt.Errorf("cgroups: unable to remove paths %s", strings.Join(errs, ", "))
    292 	}
    293 	c.err = ErrCgroupDeleted
    294 	return nil
    295 }
    297 // Stat returns the current metrics for the cgroup
    298 func (c *cgroup) Stat(handlers ...ErrorHandler) (*v1.Metrics, error) {
    300 	defer
    301 	if c.err != nil {
    302 		return nil, c.err
    303 	}
    304 	if len(handlers) == 0 {
    305 		handlers = append(handlers, errPassthrough)
    306 	}
    307 	var (
    308 		stats = &v1.Metrics{
    309 			CPU: &v1.CPUStat{
    310 				Throttling: &v1.Throttle{},
    311 				Usage:      &v1.CPUUsage{},
    312 			},
    313 		}
    314 		wg   = &sync.WaitGroup{}
    315 		errs = make(chan error, len(c.subsystems))
    316 	)
    317 	for _, s := range c.subsystems {
    318 		if ss, ok := s.(stater); ok {
    319 			sp, err := c.path(s.Name())
    320 			if err != nil {
    321 				return nil, err
    322 			}
    323 			wg.Add(1)
    324 			go func() {
    325 				defer wg.Done()
    326 				if err := ss.Stat(sp, stats); err != nil {
    327 					for _, eh := range handlers {
    328 						if herr := eh(err); herr != nil {
    329 							errs <- herr
    330 						}
    331 					}
    332 				}
    333 			}()
    334 		}
    335 	}
    336 	wg.Wait()
    337 	close(errs)
    338 	for err := range errs {
    339 		return nil, err
    340 	}
    341 	return stats, nil
    342 }
    344 // Update updates the cgroup with the new resource values provided
    345 //
    346 // Be prepared to handle EBUSY when trying to update a cgroup with
    347 // live processes and other operations like Stats being performed at the
    348 // same time
    349 func (c *cgroup) Update(resources *specs.LinuxResources) error {
    351 	defer
    352 	if c.err != nil {
    353 		return c.err
    354 	}
    355 	for _, s := range c.subsystems {
    356 		if u, ok := s.(updater); ok {
    357 			sp, err := c.path(s.Name())
    358 			if err != nil {
    359 				return err
    360 			}
    361 			if err := u.Update(sp, resources); err != nil {
    362 				return err
    363 			}
    364 		}
    365 	}
    366 	return nil
    367 }
    369 // Processes returns the processes running inside the cgroup along
    370 // with the subsystem used, pid, and path
    371 func (c *cgroup) Processes(subsystem Name, recursive bool) ([]Process, error) {
    373 	defer
    374 	if c.err != nil {
    375 		return nil, c.err
    376 	}
    377 	return c.processes(subsystem, recursive, cgroupProcs)
    378 }
    380 // Tasks returns the tasks running inside the cgroup along
    381 // with the subsystem used, pid, and path
    382 func (c *cgroup) Tasks(subsystem Name, recursive bool) ([]Task, error) {
    384 	defer
    385 	if c.err != nil {
    386 		return nil, c.err
    387 	}
    388 	return c.processes(subsystem, recursive, cgroupTasks)
    389 }
    391 func (c *cgroup) processes(subsystem Name, recursive bool, pType procType) ([]Process, error) {
    392 	s := c.getSubsystem(subsystem)
    393 	sp, err := c.path(subsystem)
    394 	if err != nil {
    395 		return nil, err
    396 	}
    397 	if s == nil {
    398 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cgroups: %s doesn't exist in %s subsystem", sp, subsystem)
    399 	}
    400 	path := s.(pather).Path(sp)
    401 	var processes []Process
    402 	err = filepath.Walk(path, func(p string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
    403 		if err != nil {
    404 			return err
    405 		}
    406 		if !recursive && info.IsDir() {
    407 			if p == path {
    408 				return nil
    409 			}
    410 			return filepath.SkipDir
    411 		}
    412 		dir, name := filepath.Split(p)
    413 		if name != pType {
    414 			return nil
    415 		}
    416 		procs, err := readPids(dir, subsystem, pType)
    417 		if err != nil {
    418 			return err
    419 		}
    420 		processes = append(processes, procs...)
    421 		return nil
    422 	})
    423 	return processes, err
    424 }
    426 // Freeze freezes the entire cgroup and all the processes inside it
    427 func (c *cgroup) Freeze() error {
    429 	defer
    430 	if c.err != nil {
    431 		return c.err
    432 	}
    433 	s := c.getSubsystem(Freezer)
    434 	if s == nil {
    435 		return ErrFreezerNotSupported
    436 	}
    437 	sp, err := c.path(Freezer)
    438 	if err != nil {
    439 		return err
    440 	}
    441 	return s.(*freezerController).Freeze(sp)
    442 }
    444 // Thaw thaws out the cgroup and all the processes inside it
    445 func (c *cgroup) Thaw() error {
    447 	defer
    448 	if c.err != nil {
    449 		return c.err
    450 	}
    451 	s := c.getSubsystem(Freezer)
    452 	if s == nil {
    453 		return ErrFreezerNotSupported
    454 	}
    455 	sp, err := c.path(Freezer)
    456 	if err != nil {
    457 		return err
    458 	}
    459 	return s.(*freezerController).Thaw(sp)
    460 }
    462 // OOMEventFD returns the memory cgroup's out of memory event fd that triggers
    463 // when processes inside the cgroup receive an oom event. Returns
    464 // ErrMemoryNotSupported if memory cgroups is not supported.
    465 func (c *cgroup) OOMEventFD() (uintptr, error) {
    467 	defer
    468 	if c.err != nil {
    469 		return 0, c.err
    470 	}
    471 	s := c.getSubsystem(Memory)
    472 	if s == nil {
    473 		return 0, ErrMemoryNotSupported
    474 	}
    475 	sp, err := c.path(Memory)
    476 	if err != nil {
    477 		return 0, err
    478 	}
    479 	return s.(*memoryController).memoryEvent(sp, OOMEvent())
    480 }
    482 // RegisterMemoryEvent allows the ability to register for all v1 memory cgroups
    483 // notifications.
    484 func (c *cgroup) RegisterMemoryEvent(event MemoryEvent) (uintptr, error) {
    486 	defer
    487 	if c.err != nil {
    488 		return 0, c.err
    489 	}
    490 	s := c.getSubsystem(Memory)
    491 	if s == nil {
    492 		return 0, ErrMemoryNotSupported
    493 	}
    494 	sp, err := c.path(Memory)
    495 	if err != nil {
    496 		return 0, err
    497 	}
    498 	return s.(*memoryController).memoryEvent(sp, event)
    499 }
    501 // State returns the state of the cgroup and its processes
    502 func (c *cgroup) State() State {
    504 	defer
    505 	c.checkExists()
    506 	if c.err != nil && c.err == ErrCgroupDeleted {
    507 		return Deleted
    508 	}
    509 	s := c.getSubsystem(Freezer)
    510 	if s == nil {
    511 		return Thawed
    512 	}
    513 	sp, err := c.path(Freezer)
    514 	if err != nil {
    515 		return Unknown
    516 	}
    517 	state, err := s.(*freezerController).state(sp)
    518 	if err != nil {
    519 		return Unknown
    520 	}
    521 	return state
    522 }
    524 // MoveTo does a recursive move subsystem by subsystem of all the processes
    525 // inside the group
    526 func (c *cgroup) MoveTo(destination Cgroup) error {
    528 	defer
    529 	if c.err != nil {
    530 		return c.err
    531 	}
    532 	for _, s := range c.subsystems {
    533 		processes, err := c.processes(s.Name(), true, cgroupProcs)
    534 		if err != nil {
    535 			return err
    536 		}
    537 		for _, p := range processes {
    538 			if err := destination.Add(p); err != nil {
    539 				if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no such process") {
    540 					continue
    541 				}
    542 				return err
    543 			}
    544 		}
    545 	}
    546 	return nil
    547 }
    549 func (c *cgroup) getSubsystem(n Name) Subsystem {
    550 	for _, s := range c.subsystems {
    551 		if s.Name() == n {
    552 			return s
    553 		}
    554 	}
    555 	return nil
    556 }
    558 func (c *cgroup) checkExists() {
    559 	for _, s := range pathers(c.subsystems) {
    560 		p, err := c.path(s.Name())
    561 		if err != nil {
    562 			return
    563 		}
    564 		if _, err := os.Lstat(s.Path(p)); err != nil {
    565 			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
    566 				c.err = ErrCgroupDeleted
    567 				return
    568 			}
    569 		}
    570 	}
    571 }