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lru.go (3537B)

      1 package maps
      3 import (
      4 	"fmt"
      5 	"reflect"
      6 )
      8 // LRU provides an ordered hashmap implementation that keeps elements ordered according to last recently used (hence, LRU).
      9 type LRUMap[K comparable, V any] struct {
     10 	ordered[K, V]
     11 	size int
     12 }
     14 // NewLRU returns a new instance of LRUMap with given initializing length and maximum capacity.
     15 func NewLRU[K comparable, V any](len, cap int) *LRUMap[K, V] {
     16 	m := new(LRUMap[K, V])
     17 	m.Init(len, cap)
     18 	return m
     19 }
     21 // Init will initialize this map with initial length and maximum capacity.
     22 func (m *LRUMap[K, V]) Init(len, cap int) {
     23 	if cap <= 0 {
     24 		panic("lru cap must be greater than zero")
     25 	} else if m.pool != nil {
     26 		panic("lru map already initialized")
     27 	}
     28 	m.ordered.hmap = make(map[K]*elem[K, V], len)
     29 	m.ordered.pool = allocElems[K, V](len)
     30 	m.size = cap
     31 }
     33 // Get will fetch value for given key from map, in the process pushing it to the front of the map. Returns false if not found.
     34 func (m *LRUMap[K, V]) Get(key K) (V, bool) {
     35 	if elem, ok := m.hmap[key]; ok {
     36 		// Ensure safe
     37 		m.write_check()
     39 		// Unlink elem from list
     40 		m.list.Unlink(elem)
     42 		// Push to front of list
     43 		m.list.PushFront(elem)
     45 		return elem.V, true
     46 	}
     47 	var z V // zero value
     48 	return z, false
     49 }
     51 // Add will add the given key-value pair to the map, pushing them to the front of the map. Returns false if already exists. Evicts old at maximum capacity.
     52 func (m *LRUMap[K, V]) Add(key K, value V) bool {
     53 	return m.AddWithHook(key, value, nil)
     54 }
     56 // AddWithHook performs .Add() but passing any evicted entry to given hook function.
     57 func (m *LRUMap[K, V]) AddWithHook(key K, value V, evict func(K, V)) bool {
     58 	// Ensure safe
     59 	m.write_check()
     61 	// Look for existing elem
     62 	elem, ok := m.hmap[key]
     63 	if ok {
     64 		return false
     65 	}
     67 	if m.list.len >= m.size {
     68 		// We're at capacity, sir!
     69 		// Pop current tail elem
     70 		elem = m.list.PopTail()
     72 		if evict != nil {
     73 			// Pass to evict hook
     74 			evict(elem.K, elem.V)
     75 		}
     77 		// Delete key from map
     78 		delete(m.hmap, elem.K)
     79 	} else {
     80 		// Allocate elem
     81 		elem = m.alloc()
     82 	}
     84 	// Set elem
     85 	elem.K = key
     86 	elem.V = value
     88 	// Add element map entry
     89 	m.hmap[key] = elem
     91 	// Push to front of list
     92 	m.list.PushFront(elem)
     93 	return true
     94 }
     96 // Set will ensure that given key-value pair exists in the map, by either adding new or updating existing, pushing them to the front of the map. Evicts old at maximum capacity.
     97 func (m *LRUMap[K, V]) Set(key K, value V) {
     98 	m.SetWithHook(key, value, nil)
     99 }
    101 // SetWithHook performs .Set() but passing any evicted entry to given hook function.
    102 func (m *LRUMap[K, V]) SetWithHook(key K, value V, evict func(K, V)) {
    103 	// Ensure safe
    104 	m.write_check()
    106 	// Look for existing elem
    107 	elem, ok := m.hmap[key]
    109 	if ok {
    110 		// Unlink elem from list
    111 		m.list.Unlink(elem)
    113 		// Update existing
    114 		elem.V = value
    115 	} else {
    116 		if m.list.len >= m.size {
    117 			// We're at capacity, sir!
    118 			// Pop current tail elem
    119 			elem = m.list.PopTail()
    121 			if evict != nil {
    122 				// Pass to evict hook
    123 				evict(elem.K, elem.V)
    124 			}
    126 			// Delete key from map
    127 			delete(m.hmap, elem.K)
    128 		} else {
    129 			// Allocate elem
    130 			elem = m.alloc()
    131 		}
    133 		// Set elem
    134 		elem.K = key
    135 		elem.V = value
    137 		// Add element map entry
    138 		m.hmap[key] = elem
    139 	}
    141 	// Push to front of list
    142 	m.list.PushFront(elem)
    143 }
    145 // Cap returns the maximum capacity of this LRU map.
    146 func (m *LRUMap[K, V]) Cap() int {
    147 	return m.size
    148 }
    150 // Format implements fmt.Formatter, allowing performant string formatting of map.
    151 func (m *LRUMap[K, V]) Format(state fmt.State, verb rune) {
    152 	m.format(reflect.TypeOf(m), state, verb)
    153 }