
Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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mkdocs.yml (3284B)

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     19 repo_url:
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     21 copyright: GoToSocial is licensed under the GNU AGPL v3 LICENSE. Copyright (C) 2021-2023 GoToSocial Authors
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     48   - "Home": ""
     49   - "FAQ": ""
     50   - "User Guide":
     51       - "user_guide/"
     52       - "user_guide/"
     53       - "user_guide/"
     54       - "user_guide/"
     55       - "user_guide/"
     56   - "Getting Started":
     57       - "getting_started/"
     58       - "getting_started/"
     59       - "Installation":
     60         - "getting_started/installation/"
     61         - "getting_started/installation/"
     62         - "getting_started/installation/"
     63       - "Reverse Proxy":
     64         - "getting_started/reverse_proxy/"
     65         - "getting_started/reverse_proxy/"
     66         - "getting_started/reverse_proxy/"
     67         - "getting_started/reverse_proxy/"
     68         - "getting_started/reverse_proxy/"
     69       - "getting_started/"
     70   - "Configuration":
     71       - "configuration/"
     72       - "configuration/"
     73       - "configuration/"
     74       - "configuration/"
     75       - "configuration/"
     76       - "configuration/"
     77       - "configuration/"
     78       - "configuration/"
     79       - "configuration/"
     80       - "configuration/"
     81       - "configuration/"
     82       - "configuration/"
     83       - "configuration/"
     84       - "configuration/"
     85       - "configuration/"
     86   - "Advanced":
     87     - "advanced/"
     88     - "advanced/"
     89     - "advanced/"
     90     - "Caching":
     91       - "advanced/caching/"
     92       - "advanced/caching/"
     93       - "advanced/caching/"
     94     - "advanced/"
     95     - "Enhanced security":
     96       - "advanced/security/"
     97       - "advanced/security/"
     98       - "advanced/security/"
     99     - "advanced/"
    101   - "Admin":
    102       - "admin/"
    103       - "admin/"
    104       - "admin/"
    105   - "Federation":
    106       - "federation/"
    107       - "federation/"
    108       - "federation/"
    109   - "API Documentation":
    110       - "api/"
    111       - "api/"
    112       - "api/"