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get.go (13591B)

      1 // GoToSocial
      2 // Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors
      3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
      4 //
      5 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      6 // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
      7 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      8 // (at your option) any later version.
      9 //
     10 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     13 // GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
     14 //
     15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
     16 // along with this program.  If not, see <>.
     18 package timeline
     20 import (
     21 	"container/list"
     22 	"context"
     23 	"errors"
     24 	"time"
     26 	""
     27 	""
     28 	""
     29 	""
     30 	""
     31 )
     33 func (t *timeline) LastGot() time.Time {
     34 	t.Lock()
     35 	defer t.Unlock()
     36 	return t.lastGot
     37 }
     39 func (t *timeline) Get(ctx context.Context, amount int, maxID string, sinceID string, minID string, prepareNext bool) ([]Preparable, error) {
     40 	l := log.WithContext(ctx).
     41 		WithFields(kv.Fields{
     42 			{"accountID", t.timelineID},
     43 			{"amount", amount},
     44 			{"maxID", maxID},
     45 			{"sinceID", sinceID},
     46 			{"minID", minID},
     47 		}...)
     48 	l.Trace("entering get and updating t.lastGot")
     50 	// Regardless of what happens below, update the
     51 	// last time Get was called for this timeline.
     52 	t.Lock()
     53 	t.lastGot = time.Now()
     54 	t.Unlock()
     56 	var (
     57 		items []Preparable
     58 		err   error
     59 	)
     61 	switch {
     62 	case maxID == "" && sinceID == "" && minID == "":
     63 		// No params are defined so just fetch from the top.
     64 		// This is equivalent to a user starting to view
     65 		// their timeline from newest -> older posts.
     66 		items, err = t.getXBetweenIDs(ctx, amount, id.Highest, id.Lowest, true)
     68 		// Cache expected next query to speed up scrolling.
     69 		// Assume the user will be scrolling downwards from
     70 		// the final ID in items.
     71 		if prepareNext && err == nil && len(items) != 0 {
     72 			nextMaxID := items[len(items)-1].GetID()
     73 			t.prepareNextQuery(amount, nextMaxID, "", "")
     74 		}
     76 	case maxID != "" && sinceID == "" && minID == "":
     77 		// Only maxID is defined, so fetch from maxID onwards.
     78 		// This is equivalent to a user paging further down
     79 		// their timeline from newer -> older posts.
     80 		items, err = t.getXBetweenIDs(ctx, amount, maxID, id.Lowest, true)
     82 		// Cache expected next query to speed up scrolling.
     83 		// Assume the user will be scrolling downwards from
     84 		// the final ID in items.
     85 		if prepareNext && err == nil && len(items) != 0 {
     86 			nextMaxID := items[len(items)-1].GetID()
     87 			t.prepareNextQuery(amount, nextMaxID, "", "")
     88 		}
     90 	// In the next cases, maxID is defined, and so are
     91 	// either sinceID or minID. This is equivalent to
     92 	// a user opening an in-progress timeline and asking
     93 	// for a slice of posts somewhere in the middle, or
     94 	// trying to "fill in the blanks" between two points,
     95 	// paging either up or down.
     96 	case maxID != "" && sinceID != "":
     97 		items, err = t.getXBetweenIDs(ctx, amount, maxID, sinceID, true)
     99 		// Cache expected next query to speed up scrolling.
    100 		// We can assume the caller is scrolling downwards.
    101 		// Guess id.Lowest as sinceID, since we don't actually
    102 		// know what the next sinceID would be.
    103 		if prepareNext && err == nil && len(items) != 0 {
    104 			nextMaxID := items[len(items)-1].GetID()
    105 			t.prepareNextQuery(amount, nextMaxID, id.Lowest, "")
    106 		}
    108 	case maxID != "" && minID != "":
    109 		items, err = t.getXBetweenIDs(ctx, amount, maxID, minID, false)
    111 		// Cache expected next query to speed up scrolling.
    112 		// We can assume the caller is scrolling upwards.
    113 		// Guess id.Highest as maxID, since we don't actually
    114 		// know what the next maxID would be.
    115 		if prepareNext && err == nil && len(items) != 0 {
    116 			prevMinID := items[0].GetID()
    117 			t.prepareNextQuery(amount, id.Highest, "", prevMinID)
    118 		}
    120 	// In the final cases, maxID is not defined, but
    121 	// either sinceID or minID are. This is equivalent to
    122 	// a user either "pulling up" at the top of their timeline
    123 	// to refresh it and check if newer posts have come in, or
    124 	// trying to scroll upwards from an old post to see what
    125 	// they missed since then.
    126 	//
    127 	// In these calls, we use the highest possible ulid as
    128 	// behindID because we don't have a cap for newest that
    129 	// we're interested in.
    130 	case maxID == "" && sinceID != "":
    131 		items, err = t.getXBetweenIDs(ctx, amount, id.Highest, sinceID, true)
    133 		// We can't cache an expected next query for this one,
    134 		// since presumably the caller is at the top of their
    135 		// timeline already.
    137 	case maxID == "" && minID != "":
    138 		items, err = t.getXBetweenIDs(ctx, amount, id.Highest, minID, false)
    140 		// Cache expected next query to speed up scrolling.
    141 		// We can assume the caller is scrolling upwards.
    142 		// Guess id.Highest as maxID, since we don't actually
    143 		// know what the next maxID would be.
    144 		if prepareNext && err == nil && len(items) != 0 {
    145 			prevMinID := items[0].GetID()
    146 			t.prepareNextQuery(amount, id.Highest, "", prevMinID)
    147 		}
    149 	default:
    150 		err = gtserror.New("switch statement exhausted with no results")
    151 	}
    153 	return items, err
    154 }
    156 // getXBetweenIDs returns x amount of items somewhere between (not including) the given IDs.
    157 //
    158 // If frontToBack is true, items will be served paging down from behindID.
    159 // This corresponds to an api call to /timelines/home?max_id=WHATEVER&since_id=WHATEVER
    160 //
    161 // If frontToBack is false, items will be served paging up from beforeID.
    162 // This corresponds to an api call to /timelines/home?max_id=WHATEVER&min_id=WHATEVER
    163 func (t *timeline) getXBetweenIDs(ctx context.Context, amount int, behindID string, beforeID string, frontToBack bool) ([]Preparable, error) {
    164 	l := log.
    165 		WithContext(ctx).
    166 		WithFields(kv.Fields{
    167 			{"amount", amount},
    168 			{"behindID", behindID},
    169 			{"beforeID", beforeID},
    170 			{"frontToBack", frontToBack},
    171 		}...)
    172 	l.Trace("entering getXBetweenID")
    174 	// Assume length we need to return.
    175 	items := make([]Preparable, 0, amount)
    177 	if beforeID >= behindID {
    178 		// This is an impossible situation, we
    179 		// can't serve anything between these.
    180 		return items, nil
    181 	}
    183 	// Try to ensure we have enough items prepared.
    184 	if err := t.prepareXBetweenIDs(ctx, amount, behindID, beforeID, frontToBack); err != nil {
    185 		// An error here doesn't necessarily mean we
    186 		// can't serve anything, so log + keep going.
    187 		l.Debugf("error calling prepareXBetweenIDs: %s", err)
    188 	}
    190 	var (
    191 		beforeIDMark *list.Element
    192 		served       int
    193 		// Our behavior while ranging through the
    194 		// list changes depending on if we're
    195 		// going front-to-back or back-to-front.
    196 		//
    197 		// To avoid checking which one we're doing
    198 		// in each loop iteration, define our range
    199 		// function here outside the loop.
    200 		//
    201 		// The bool indicates to the caller whether
    202 		// iteration should continue (true) or stop
    203 		// (false).
    204 		rangeF func(e *list.Element) (bool, error)
    205 		// If we get certain errors on entries as we're
    206 		// looking through, we might want to cheekily
    207 		// remove their elements from the timeline.
    208 		// Everything added to this slice will be removed.
    209 		removeElements = []*list.Element{}
    210 	)
    212 	defer func() {
    213 		for _, e := range removeElements {
    215 		}
    216 	}()
    218 	if frontToBack {
    219 		// We're going front-to-back, which means we
    220 		// don't need to look for a mark per se, we
    221 		// just keep serving items until we've reached
    222 		// a point where the items are out of the range
    223 		// we're interested in.
    224 		rangeF = func(e *list.Element) (bool, error) {
    225 			entry := e.Value.(*indexedItemsEntry) //nolint:forcetypeassert
    227 			if entry.itemID >= behindID {
    228 				// ID of this item is too high,
    229 				// just keep iterating.
    230 				l.Trace("item is too new, continuing")
    231 				return true, nil
    232 			}
    234 			if entry.itemID <= beforeID {
    235 				// We've gone as far as we can through
    236 				// the list and reached entries that are
    237 				// now too old for us, stop here.
    238 				l.Trace("reached older items, breaking")
    239 				return false, nil
    240 			}
    242 			l.Trace("entry is just right")
    244 			if entry.prepared == nil {
    245 				// Whoops, this entry isn't prepared yet; some
    246 				// race condition? That's OK, we can do it now.
    247 				prepared, err := t.prepareFunction(ctx, t.timelineID, entry.itemID)
    248 				if err != nil {
    249 					if errors.Is(err, db.ErrNoEntries) {
    250 						// ErrNoEntries means something has been deleted,
    251 						// so we'll likely not be able to ever prepare this.
    252 						// This means we can remove it and skip past it.
    253 						l.Debugf("db.ErrNoEntries while trying to prepare %s; will remove from timeline", entry.itemID)
    254 						removeElements = append(removeElements, e)
    255 						return true, nil
    256 					}
    257 					// We've got a proper db error.
    258 					err = gtserror.Newf("db error while trying to prepare %s: %w", entry.itemID, err)
    259 					return false, err
    260 				}
    261 				entry.prepared = prepared
    262 			}
    264 			items = append(items, entry.prepared)
    266 			served++
    267 			return served < amount, nil
    268 		}
    269 	} else {
    270 		// Iterate through the list from the top, until
    271 		// we reach an item with id smaller than beforeID;
    272 		// ie., an item OLDER than beforeID. At that point,
    273 		// we can stop looking because we're not interested
    274 		// in older entries.
    275 		rangeF = func(e *list.Element) (bool, error) {
    276 			// Move the mark back one place each loop.
    277 			beforeIDMark = e
    279 			//nolint:forcetypeassert
    280 			if entry := e.Value.(*indexedItemsEntry); entry.itemID <= beforeID {
    281 				// We've gone as far as we can through
    282 				// the list and reached entries that are
    283 				// now too old for us, stop here.
    284 				l.Trace("reached older items, breaking")
    285 				return false, nil
    286 			}
    288 			return true, nil
    289 		}
    290 	}
    292 	// Iterate through the list until the function
    293 	// we defined above instructs us to stop.
    294 	for e :=; e != nil; e = e.Next() {
    295 		keepGoing, err := rangeF(e)
    296 		if err != nil {
    297 			return nil, err
    298 		}
    300 		if !keepGoing {
    301 			break
    302 		}
    303 	}
    305 	if frontToBack || beforeIDMark == nil {
    306 		// If we're serving front to back, then
    307 		// items should be populated by now. If
    308 		// we're serving back to front but didn't
    309 		// find any items newer than beforeID,
    310 		// we can just return empty items.
    311 		return items, nil
    312 	}
    314 	// We're serving back to front, so iterate upwards
    315 	// towards the front of the list from the mark we found,
    316 	// until we either get to the front, serve enough
    317 	// items, or reach behindID.
    318 	//
    319 	// To preserve ordering, we need to reverse the slice
    320 	// when we're finished.
    321 	for e := beforeIDMark; e != nil; e = e.Prev() {
    322 		entry := e.Value.(*indexedItemsEntry) //nolint:forcetypeassert
    324 		if entry.itemID == beforeID {
    325 			// Don't include the beforeID
    326 			// entry itself, just continue.
    327 			l.Trace("entry item ID is equal to beforeID, skipping")
    328 			continue
    329 		}
    331 		if entry.itemID >= behindID {
    332 			// We've reached items that are
    333 			// newer than what we're looking
    334 			// for, just stop here.
    335 			l.Trace("reached newer items, breaking")
    336 			break
    337 		}
    339 		if entry.prepared == nil {
    340 			// Whoops, this entry isn't prepared yet; some
    341 			// race condition? That's OK, we can do it now.
    342 			prepared, err := t.prepareFunction(ctx, t.timelineID, entry.itemID)
    343 			if err != nil {
    344 				if errors.Is(err, db.ErrNoEntries) {
    345 					// ErrNoEntries means something has been deleted,
    346 					// so we'll likely not be able to ever prepare this.
    347 					// This means we can remove it and skip past it.
    348 					l.Debugf("db.ErrNoEntries while trying to prepare %s; will remove from timeline", entry.itemID)
    349 					removeElements = append(removeElements, e)
    350 					continue
    351 				}
    352 				// We've got a proper db error.
    353 				err = gtserror.Newf("db error while trying to prepare %s: %w", entry.itemID, err)
    354 				return nil, err
    355 			}
    356 			entry.prepared = prepared
    357 		}
    359 		items = append(items, entry.prepared)
    361 		served++
    362 		if served >= amount {
    363 			break
    364 		}
    365 	}
    367 	// Reverse order of items.
    368 	//
    369 	for l, r := 0, len(items)-1; l < r; l, r = l+1, r-1 {
    370 		items[l], items[r] = items[r], items[l]
    371 	}
    373 	return items, nil
    374 }
    376 func (t *timeline) prepareNextQuery(amount int, maxID string, sinceID string, minID string) {
    377 	var (
    378 		// We explicitly use context.Background() rather than
    379 		// accepting a context param because we don't want this
    380 		// to stop/break when the calling context finishes.
    381 		ctx = context.Background()
    382 		err error
    383 	)
    385 	// Always perform this async so caller doesn't have to wait.
    386 	go func() {
    387 		switch {
    388 		case maxID == "" && sinceID == "" && minID == "":
    389 			err = t.prepareXBetweenIDs(ctx, amount, id.Highest, id.Lowest, true)
    390 		case maxID != "" && sinceID == "" && minID == "":
    391 			err = t.prepareXBetweenIDs(ctx, amount, maxID, id.Lowest, true)
    392 		case maxID != "" && sinceID != "":
    393 			err = t.prepareXBetweenIDs(ctx, amount, maxID, sinceID, true)
    394 		case maxID != "" && minID != "":
    395 			err = t.prepareXBetweenIDs(ctx, amount, maxID, minID, false)
    396 		case maxID == "" && sinceID != "":
    397 			err = t.prepareXBetweenIDs(ctx, amount, id.Highest, sinceID, true)
    398 		case maxID == "" && minID != "":
    399 			err = t.prepareXBetweenIDs(ctx, amount, id.Highest, minID, false)
    400 		default:
    401 			err = gtserror.New("switch statement exhausted with no results")
    402 		}
    404 		if err != nil {
    405 			log.
    406 				WithContext(ctx).
    407 				WithFields(kv.Fields{
    408 					{"amount", amount},
    409 					{"maxID", maxID},
    410 					{"sinceID", sinceID},
    411 					{"minID", minID},
    412 				}...).
    413 				Warnf("error preparing next query: %s", err)
    414 		}
    415 	}()
    416 }