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markdown_test.go (12244B)

      1 // GoToSocial
      2 // Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors
      3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
      4 //
      5 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      6 // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
      7 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      8 // (at your option) any later version.
      9 //
     10 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     13 // GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
     14 //
     15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
     16 // along with this program.  If not, see <>.
     18 package text_test
     20 import (
     21 	"testing"
     23 	""
     24 )
     26 var withCodeBlock = `# Title
     28 Below is some JSON.
     30 ` + "```" + `json
     31 {
     32   "key": "value",
     33   "another_key": [
     34     "value1",
     35     "value2"
     36   ]
     37 }
     38 ` + "```" + `
     40 that was some JSON :)
     41 `
     43 const (
     44 	simpleMarkdown                  = "# Title\n\nHere's a simple text in markdown.\n\nHere's a [link]("
     45 	simpleMarkdownExpected          = "<h1>Title</h1><p>Here's a simple text in markdown.</p><p>Here's a <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">link</a>.</p>"
     46 	withCodeBlockExpected           = "<h1>Title</h1><p>Below is some JSON.</p><pre><code class=\"language-json\">{\n  &#34;key&#34;: &#34;value&#34;,\n  &#34;another_key&#34;: [\n    &#34;value1&#34;,\n    &#34;value2&#34;\n  ]\n}\n</code></pre><p>that was some JSON :)</p>"
     47 	withInlineCode                  = "`Nobody tells you about the <code><del>SECRET CODE</del></code>, do they?`"
     48 	withInlineCodeExpected          = "<p><code>Nobody tells you about the &lt;code>&lt;del>SECRET CODE&lt;/del>&lt;/code>, do they?</code></p>"
     49 	withInlineCode2                 = "`Nobody tells you about the </code><del>SECRET CODE</del><code>, do they?`"
     50 	withInlineCode2Expected         = "<p><code>Nobody tells you about the &lt;/code>&lt;del>SECRET CODE&lt;/del>&lt;code>, do they?</code></p>"
     51 	withHashtag                     = "# Title\n\nhere's a simple status that uses hashtag #Hashtag!"
     52 	withHashtagExpected             = "<h1>Title</h1><p>here's a simple status that uses hashtag <a href=\"http://localhost:8080/tags/Hashtag\" class=\"mention hashtag\" rel=\"tag nofollow noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">#<span>Hashtag</span></a>!</p>"
     53 	mdWithHTML                      = "# Title\n\nHere's a simple text in markdown.\n\nHere's a <a href=\"\">link</a>.\n\nHere's an image: <img src=\"\" alt=\"The GoToSocial sloth logo.\" width=\"500\" height=\"600\">"
     54 	mdWithHTMLExpected              = "<h1>Title</h1><p>Here's a simple text in markdown.</p><p>Here's a <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">link</a>.</p><p>Here's an image: <img src=\"\" alt=\"The GoToSocial sloth logo.\" width=\"500\" height=\"600\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"></p>"
     55 	mdWithCheekyHTML                = "# Title\n\nHere's a simple text in markdown.\n\nHere's a cheeky little script: <script>alert(ahhhh)</script>"
     56 	mdWithCheekyHTMLExpected        = "<h1>Title</h1><p>Here's a simple text in markdown.</p><p>Here's a cheeky little script:</p>"
     57 	mdWithHashtagInitial            = "#welcome #Hashtag"
     58 	mdWithHashtagInitialExpected    = "<p><a href=\"http://localhost:8080/tags/welcome\" class=\"mention hashtag\" rel=\"tag nofollow noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">#<span>welcome</span></a> <a href=\"http://localhost:8080/tags/Hashtag\" class=\"mention hashtag\" rel=\"tag nofollow noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">#<span>Hashtag</span></a></p>"
     59 	mdCodeBlockWithNewlines         = "some code coming up\n\n```\n\n\n\n```\nthat was some code"
     60 	mdCodeBlockWithNewlinesExpected = "<p>some code coming up</p><pre><code>\n\n\n</code></pre><p>that was some code</p>"
     61 	mdWithFootnote                  = "fox mulder,fbi.[^1]\n\n[^1]: federated bureau of investigation"
     62 	mdWithFootnoteExpected          = "<p>fox mulder,fbi.[^1]</p><p>[^1]: federated bureau of investigation</p>"
     63 	mdWithBlockQuote                = "get ready, there's a block quote coming:\n\n>line1\n>line2\n>\n>line3\n\n"
     64 	mdWithBlockQuoteExpected        = "<p>get ready, there's a block quote coming:</p><blockquote><p>line1<br>line2</p><p>line3</p></blockquote>"
     65 	mdHashtagAndCodeBlock           = "#Hashtag\n\n```\n#Hashtag\n```"
     66 	mdHashtagAndCodeBlockExpected   = "<p><a href=\"http://localhost:8080/tags/Hashtag\" class=\"mention hashtag\" rel=\"tag nofollow noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">#<span>Hashtag</span></a></p><pre><code>#Hashtag\n</code></pre>"
     67 	mdMentionAndCodeBlock           = "@the_mighty_zork\n\n```\n@the_mighty_zork\n```"
     68 	mdMentionAndCodeBlockExpected   = "<p><span class=\"h-card\"><a href=\"http://localhost:8080/@the_mighty_zork\" class=\"u-url mention\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">@<span>the_mighty_zork</span></a></span></p><pre><code>@the_mighty_zork\n</code></pre>"
     69 	mdWithSmartypants               = "\"you have to quargle the bleepflorp\" they said with 1/2 of nominal speed and 1/3 of the usual glumping"
     70 	mdWithSmartypantsExpected       = "<p>\"you have to quargle the bleepflorp\" they said with 1/2 of nominal speed and 1/3 of the usual glumping</p>"
     71 	mdWithAsciiHeart                = "hello <3 old friend <3 i loved u </3 :(( you stole my heart"
     72 	mdWithAsciiHeartExpected        = "<p>hello &lt;3 old friend &lt;3 i loved u &lt;/3 :(( you stole my heart</p>"
     73 	mdWithStrikethrough             = "I have ~~mdae~~ made an error"
     74 	mdWithStrikethroughExpected     = "<p>I have <del>mdae</del> made an error</p>"
     75 	mdWithLink                      = "Check out this code, i heard it was written by a sloth"
     76 	mdWithLinkExpected              = "<p>Check out this code, i heard it was written by a sloth <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\"></a></p>"
     77 	mdObjectInCodeBlock             = " this is how to mention a user\n```\n@the_mighty_zork hey bud! nice #ObjectOrientedProgramming software you've been writing lately! :rainbow:\n```\nhope that helps"
     78 	mdObjectInCodeBlockExpected     = "<p><span class=\"h-card\"><a href=\"\" class=\"u-url mention\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">@<span>foss_satan</span></a></span> this is how to mention a user</p><pre><code>@the_mighty_zork hey bud! nice #ObjectOrientedProgramming software you&#39;ve been writing lately! :rainbow:\n</code></pre><p>hope that helps</p>"
     79 	mdItalicHashtag                 = "_#hashtag_"
     80 	mdItalicHashtagExpected         = "<p><em><a href=\"http://localhost:8080/tags/Hashtag\" class=\"mention hashtag\" rel=\"tag nofollow noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">#<span>hashtag</span></a></em></p>"
     81 	mdItalicHashtags                = "_#hashtag #hashtag #hashtag_"
     82 	mdItalicHashtagsExpected        = "<p><em><a href=\"http://localhost:8080/tags/Hashtag\" class=\"mention hashtag\" rel=\"tag nofollow noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">#<span>hashtag</span></a> <a href=\"http://localhost:8080/tags/Hashtag\" class=\"mention hashtag\" rel=\"tag nofollow noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">#<span>hashtag</span></a> <a href=\"http://localhost:8080/tags/Hashtag\" class=\"mention hashtag\" rel=\"tag nofollow noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">#<span>hashtag</span></a></em></p>"
     83 	// BEWARE: sneaky unicode business going on.
     84 	// the first ö is one rune, the second ö is an o with a combining diacritic.
     85 	mdUnnormalizedHashtag         = "#hellöthere #hellöthere"
     86 	mdUnnormalizedHashtagExpected = "<p><a href=\"http://localhost:8080/tags/hell%C3%B6there\" class=\"mention hashtag\" rel=\"tag nofollow noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">#<span>hellöthere</span></a> <a href=\"http://localhost:8080/tags/hell%C3%B6there\" class=\"mention hashtag\" rel=\"tag nofollow noreferrer noopener\" target=\"_blank\">#<span>hellöthere</span></a></p>"
     87 )
     89 type MarkdownTestSuite struct {
     90 	TextStandardTestSuite
     91 }
     93 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseSimple() {
     94 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(simpleMarkdown)
     95 	suite.Equal(simpleMarkdownExpected, formatted.HTML)
     96 }
     98 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseWithCodeBlock() {
     99 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(withCodeBlock)
    100 	suite.Equal(withCodeBlockExpected, formatted.HTML)
    101 }
    103 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseWithInlineCode() {
    104 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(withInlineCode)
    105 	suite.Equal(withInlineCodeExpected, formatted.HTML)
    106 }
    108 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseWithInlineCode2() {
    109 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(withInlineCode2)
    110 	suite.Equal(withInlineCode2Expected, formatted.HTML)
    111 }
    113 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseWithHashtag() {
    114 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(withHashtag)
    115 	suite.Equal(withHashtagExpected, formatted.HTML)
    116 }
    118 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseWithHTML() {
    119 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdWithHTML)
    120 	suite.Equal(mdWithHTMLExpected, formatted.HTML)
    121 }
    123 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseWithCheekyHTML() {
    124 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdWithCheekyHTML)
    125 	suite.Equal(mdWithCheekyHTMLExpected, formatted.HTML)
    126 }
    128 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseWithHashtagInitial() {
    129 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdWithHashtagInitial)
    130 	suite.Equal(mdWithHashtagInitialExpected, formatted.HTML)
    131 }
    133 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseCodeBlockWithNewlines() {
    134 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdCodeBlockWithNewlines)
    135 	suite.Equal(mdCodeBlockWithNewlinesExpected, formatted.HTML)
    136 }
    138 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseWithFootnote() {
    139 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdWithFootnote)
    140 	suite.Equal(mdWithFootnoteExpected, formatted.HTML)
    141 }
    143 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseWithBlockquote() {
    144 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdWithBlockQuote)
    145 	suite.Equal(mdWithBlockQuoteExpected, formatted.HTML)
    146 }
    148 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseHashtagWithCodeBlock() {
    149 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdHashtagAndCodeBlock)
    150 	suite.Equal(mdHashtagAndCodeBlockExpected, formatted.HTML)
    151 }
    153 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseMentionWithCodeBlock() {
    154 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdMentionAndCodeBlock)
    155 	suite.Equal(mdMentionAndCodeBlockExpected, formatted.HTML)
    156 }
    158 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseSmartypants() {
    159 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdWithSmartypants)
    160 	suite.Equal(mdWithSmartypantsExpected, formatted.HTML)
    161 }
    163 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseAsciiHeart() {
    164 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdWithAsciiHeart)
    165 	suite.Equal(mdWithAsciiHeartExpected, formatted.HTML)
    166 }
    168 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseStrikethrough() {
    169 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdWithStrikethrough)
    170 	suite.Equal(mdWithStrikethroughExpected, formatted.HTML)
    171 }
    173 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseLink() {
    174 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdWithLink)
    175 	suite.Equal(mdWithLinkExpected, formatted.HTML)
    176 }
    178 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseObjectInCodeBlock() {
    179 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdObjectInCodeBlock)
    180 	suite.Equal(mdObjectInCodeBlockExpected, formatted.HTML)
    181 	suite.Len(formatted.Mentions, 1)
    182 	suite.Equal("", formatted.Mentions[0].NameString)
    183 	suite.Empty(formatted.Tags)
    184 	suite.Empty(formatted.Emojis)
    185 }
    187 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseItalicHashtag() {
    188 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdItalicHashtag)
    189 	suite.Equal(mdItalicHashtagExpected, formatted.HTML)
    190 }
    192 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseItalicHashtags() {
    193 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdItalicHashtags)
    194 	suite.Equal(mdItalicHashtagsExpected, formatted.HTML)
    195 }
    197 func (suite *MarkdownTestSuite) TestParseUnnormalizedHashtag() {
    198 	formatted := suite.FromMarkdown(mdUnnormalizedHashtag)
    199 	suite.Equal(mdUnnormalizedHashtagExpected, formatted.HTML)
    200 }
    202 func TestMarkdownTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
    203 	suite.Run(t, new(MarkdownTestSuite))
    204 }