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swagger.yaml (269660B)

      1 basePath: /
      2 definitions:
      3     EmojiUpdateType:
      4         title: EmojiUpdateType models an admin update action to take on a custom emoji.
      5         type: string
      6         x-go-package:
      7     InstanceConfigurationEmojis:
      8         properties:
      9             emoji_size_limit:
     10                 description: Max allowed emoji image size in bytes.
     11                 example: 51200
     12                 format: int64
     13                 type: integer
     14                 x-go-name: EmojiSizeLimit
     15         title: InstanceConfigurationEmojis models instance emoji config parameters.
     16         type: object
     17         x-go-package:
     18     Link:
     19         description: See and
     20         properties:
     21             href:
     22                 type: string
     23                 x-go-name: Href
     24             rel:
     25                 type: string
     26                 x-go-name: Rel
     27             template:
     28                 type: string
     29                 x-go-name: Template
     30             type:
     31                 type: string
     32                 x-go-name: Type
     33         title: Link represents one 'link' in a slice of links returned from a lookup request.
     34         type: object
     35         x-go-package:
     36     Mention:
     37         properties:
     38             acct:
     39                 description: |-
     40                     The account URI as discovered via webfinger.
     41                     Equal to username for local users, or username@domain for remote users.
     42                 example:
     43                 type: string
     44                 x-go-name: Acct
     45             id:
     46                 description: The ID of the mentioned account.
     47                 example: 01FBYJHQWQZAVWFRK9PDYTKGMB
     48                 type: string
     49                 x-go-name: ID
     50             url:
     51                 description: The web URL of the mentioned account's profile.
     52                 example:
     53                 type: string
     54                 x-go-name: URL
     55             username:
     56                 description: The username of the mentioned account.
     57                 example: some_user
     58                 type: string
     59                 x-go-name: Username
     60         title: Mention represents a mention of another account.
     61         type: object
     62         x-go-package:
     63     NodeInfoServices:
     64         properties:
     65             inbound:
     66                 items:
     67                     type: string
     68                 type: array
     69                 x-go-name: Inbound
     70             outbound:
     71                 items:
     72                     type: string
     73                 type: array
     74                 x-go-name: Outbound
     75         title: NodeInfoServices represents inbound and outbound services that this node offers connections to.
     76         type: object
     77         x-go-package:
     78     NodeInfoSoftware:
     79         properties:
     80             name:
     81                 example: gotosocial
     82                 type: string
     83                 x-go-name: Name
     84             version:
     85                 example: 0.1.2 1234567
     86                 type: string
     87                 x-go-name: Version
     88         title: NodeInfoSoftware represents the name and version number of the software of this node.
     89         type: object
     90         x-go-package:
     91     NodeInfoUsage:
     92         properties:
     93             localPosts:
     94                 format: int64
     95                 type: integer
     96                 x-go-name: LocalPosts
     97             users:
     98                 $ref: '#/definitions/NodeInfoUsers'
     99         title: NodeInfoUsage represents usage information about this server, such as number of users.
    100         type: object
    101         x-go-package:
    102     NodeInfoUsers:
    103         properties:
    104             total:
    105                 format: int64
    106                 type: integer
    107                 x-go-name: Total
    108         title: NodeInfoUsers represents aggregate information about the users on the server.
    109         type: object
    110         x-go-package:
    111     Source:
    112         description: Returned as an additional entity when verifying and updated credentials, as an attribute of Account.
    113         properties:
    114             fields:
    115                 description: Metadata about the account.
    116                 items:
    117                     $ref: '#/definitions/field'
    118                 type: array
    119                 x-go-name: Fields
    120             follow_requests_count:
    121                 description: The number of pending follow requests.
    122                 format: int64
    123                 type: integer
    124                 x-go-name: FollowRequestsCount
    125             language:
    126                 description: The default posting language for new statuses.
    127                 type: string
    128                 x-go-name: Language
    129             note:
    130                 description: Profile bio.
    131                 type: string
    132                 x-go-name: Note
    133             privacy:
    134                 description: |-
    135                     The default post privacy to be used for new statuses.
    136                     public = Public post
    137                     unlisted = Unlisted post
    138                     private = Followers-only post
    139                     direct = Direct post
    140                 type: string
    141                 x-go-name: Privacy
    142             sensitive:
    143                 description: Whether new statuses should be marked sensitive by default.
    144                 type: boolean
    145                 x-go-name: Sensitive
    146             status_content_type:
    147                 description: The default posting content type for new statuses.
    148                 type: string
    149                 x-go-name: StatusContentType
    150         title: Source represents display or publishing preferences of user's own account.
    151         type: object
    152         x-go-package:
    153     account:
    154         description: The modelled account can be either a remote account, or one on this instance.
    155         properties:
    156             acct:
    157                 description: |-
    158                     The account URI as discovered via webfinger.
    159                     Equal to username for local users, or username@domain for remote users.
    160                 example:
    161                 type: string
    162                 x-go-name: Acct
    163             avatar:
    164                 description: Web location of the account's avatar.
    165                 example:
    166                 type: string
    167                 x-go-name: Avatar
    168             avatar_static:
    169                 description: |-
    170                     Web location of a static version of the account's avatar.
    171                     Only relevant when the account's main avatar is a video or a gif.
    172                 example:
    173                 type: string
    174                 x-go-name: AvatarStatic
    175             bot:
    176                 description: Account identifies as a bot.
    177                 type: boolean
    178                 x-go-name: Bot
    179             created_at:
    180                 description: When the account was created (ISO 8601 Datetime).
    181                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    182                 type: string
    183                 x-go-name: CreatedAt
    184             custom_css:
    185                 description: CustomCSS to include when rendering this account's profile or statuses.
    186                 type: string
    187                 x-go-name: CustomCSS
    188             discoverable:
    189                 description: Account has opted into discovery features.
    190                 type: boolean
    191                 x-go-name: Discoverable
    192             display_name:
    193                 description: The account's display name.
    194                 example: big jeff (he/him)
    195                 type: string
    196                 x-go-name: DisplayName
    197             emojis:
    198                 description: Array of custom emojis used in this account's note or display name.
    199                 items:
    200                     $ref: '#/definitions/emoji'
    201                 type: array
    202                 x-go-name: Emojis
    203             enable_rss:
    204                 description: Account has enabled RSS feed.
    205                 type: boolean
    206                 x-go-name: EnableRSS
    207             fields:
    208                 description: Additional metadata attached to this account's profile.
    209                 items:
    210                     $ref: '#/definitions/field'
    211                 type: array
    212                 x-go-name: Fields
    213             followers_count:
    214                 description: Number of accounts following this account, according to our instance.
    215                 format: int64
    216                 type: integer
    217                 x-go-name: FollowersCount
    218             following_count:
    219                 description: Number of account's followed by this account, according to our instance.
    220                 format: int64
    221                 type: integer
    222                 x-go-name: FollowingCount
    223             header:
    224                 description: Web location of the account's header image.
    225                 example:
    226                 type: string
    227                 x-go-name: Header
    228             header_static:
    229                 description: |-
    230                     Web location of a static version of the account's header.
    231                     Only relevant when the account's main header is a video or a gif.
    232                 example:
    233                 type: string
    234                 x-go-name: HeaderStatic
    235             id:
    236                 description: The account id.
    237                 example: 01FBVD42CQ3ZEEVMW180SBX03B
    238                 type: string
    239                 x-go-name: ID
    240             last_status_at:
    241                 description: When the account's most recent status was posted (ISO 8601 Datetime).
    242                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    243                 type: string
    244                 x-go-name: LastStatusAt
    245             locked:
    246                 description: Account manually approves follow requests.
    247                 type: boolean
    248                 x-go-name: Locked
    249             mute_expires_at:
    250                 description: If this account has been muted, when will the mute expire (ISO 8601 Datetime).
    251                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    252                 type: string
    253                 x-go-name: MuteExpiresAt
    254             note:
    255                 description: Bio/description of this account.
    256                 type: string
    257                 x-go-name: Note
    258             role:
    259                 $ref: '#/definitions/accountRole'
    260             source:
    261                 $ref: '#/definitions/Source'
    262             statuses_count:
    263                 description: Number of statuses posted by this account, according to our instance.
    264                 format: int64
    265                 type: integer
    266                 x-go-name: StatusesCount
    267             suspended:
    268                 description: Account has been suspended by our instance.
    269                 type: boolean
    270                 x-go-name: Suspended
    271             url:
    272                 description: Web location of the account's profile page.
    273                 example:
    274                 type: string
    275                 x-go-name: URL
    276             username:
    277                 description: The username of the account, not including domain.
    278                 example: some_user
    279                 type: string
    280                 x-go-name: Username
    281         title: Account models a fediverse account.
    282         type: object
    283         x-go-name: Account
    284         x-go-package:
    285     accountRelationship:
    286         properties:
    287             blocked_by:
    288                 description: This account is blocking you.
    289                 type: boolean
    290                 x-go-name: BlockedBy
    291             blocking:
    292                 description: You are blocking this account.
    293                 type: boolean
    294                 x-go-name: Blocking
    295             domain_blocking:
    296                 description: You are blocking this account's domain.
    297                 type: boolean
    298                 x-go-name: DomainBlocking
    299             endorsed:
    300                 description: You are featuring this account on your profile.
    301                 type: boolean
    302                 x-go-name: Endorsed
    303             followed_by:
    304                 description: This account follows you.
    305                 type: boolean
    306                 x-go-name: FollowedBy
    307             following:
    308                 description: You are following this account.
    309                 type: boolean
    310                 x-go-name: Following
    311             id:
    312                 description: The account id.
    313                 example: 01FBW9XGEP7G6K88VY4S9MPE1R
    314                 type: string
    315                 x-go-name: ID
    316             muting:
    317                 description: You are muting this account.
    318                 type: boolean
    319                 x-go-name: Muting
    320             muting_notifications:
    321                 description: You are muting notifications from this account.
    322                 type: boolean
    323                 x-go-name: MutingNotifications
    324             note:
    325                 description: Your note on this account.
    326                 type: string
    327                 x-go-name: Note
    328             notifying:
    329                 description: You are seeing notifications when this account posts.
    330                 type: boolean
    331                 x-go-name: Notifying
    332             requested:
    333                 description: You have requested to follow this account, and the request is pending.
    334                 type: boolean
    335                 x-go-name: Requested
    336             showing_reblogs:
    337                 description: You are seeing reblogs/boosts from this account in your home timeline.
    338                 type: boolean
    339                 x-go-name: ShowingReblogs
    340         title: Relationship represents a relationship between accounts.
    341         type: object
    342         x-go-name: Relationship
    343         x-go-package:
    344     accountRole:
    345         properties:
    346             name:
    347                 type: string
    348                 x-go-name: Name
    349         title: AccountRole models the role of an account.
    350         type: object
    351         x-go-name: AccountRole
    352         x-go-package:
    353     adminAccountInfo:
    354         properties:
    355             account:
    356                 $ref: '#/definitions/account'
    357             approved:
    358                 description: Whether the account is currently approved.
    359                 type: boolean
    360                 x-go-name: Approved
    361             confirmed:
    362                 description: Whether the account has confirmed their email address.
    363                 type: boolean
    364                 x-go-name: Confirmed
    365             created_at:
    366                 description: When the account was first discovered. (ISO 8601 Datetime)
    367                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    368                 type: string
    369                 x-go-name: CreatedAt
    370             created_by_application_id:
    371                 description: The ID of the application that created this account.
    372                 type: string
    373                 x-go-name: CreatedByApplicationID
    374             disabled:
    375                 description: Whether the account is currently disabled.
    376                 type: boolean
    377                 x-go-name: Disabled
    378             domain:
    379                 description: |-
    380                     The domain of the account.
    381                     Null for local accounts.
    382                 example:
    383                 type: string
    384                 x-go-name: Domain
    385             email:
    386                 description: |-
    387                     The email address associated with the account.
    388                     Empty string for remote accounts or accounts with
    389                     no known email address.
    390                 example:
    391                 type: string
    392                 x-go-name: Email
    393             id:
    394                 description: The ID of the account in the database.
    395                 example: 01GQ4PHNT622DQ9X95XQX4KKNR
    396                 type: string
    397                 x-go-name: ID
    398             invite_request:
    399                 description: |-
    400                     The reason given when requesting an invite.
    401                     Null if not known / remote account.
    402                 example: Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!!
    403                 type: string
    404                 x-go-name: InviteRequest
    405             invited_by_account_id:
    406                 description: The ID of the account that invited this user
    407                 type: string
    408                 x-go-name: InvitedByAccountID
    409             ip:
    410                 description: |-
    411                     The IP address last used to login to this account.
    412                     Null if not known.
    413                 example:
    414                 type: string
    415                 x-go-name: IP
    416             ips:
    417                 description: |-
    418                     All known IP addresses associated with this account.
    419                     NOT IMPLEMENTED (will always be empty array).
    420                 example: []
    421                 items: {}
    422                 type: array
    423                 x-go-name: IPs
    424             locale:
    425                 description: The locale of the account. (ISO 639 Part 1 two-letter language code)
    426                 example: en
    427                 type: string
    428                 x-go-name: Locale
    429             role:
    430                 $ref: '#/definitions/accountRole'
    431             silenced:
    432                 description: Whether the account is currently silenced
    433                 type: boolean
    434                 x-go-name: Silenced
    435             suspended:
    436                 description: Whether the account is currently suspended.
    437                 type: boolean
    438                 x-go-name: Suspended
    439             username:
    440                 description: The username of the account.
    441                 example: dril
    442                 type: string
    443                 x-go-name: Username
    444         title: AdminAccountInfo models the admin view of an account's details.
    445         type: object
    446         x-go-name: AdminAccountInfo
    447         x-go-package:
    448     adminEmoji:
    449         properties:
    450             category:
    451                 description: Used for sorting custom emoji in the picker.
    452                 example: blobcats
    453                 type: string
    454                 x-go-name: Category
    455             content_type:
    456                 description: The MIME content type of the emoji.
    457                 example: image/png
    458                 type: string
    459                 x-go-name: ContentType
    460             disabled:
    461                 description: True if this emoji has been disabled by an admin action.
    462                 example: false
    463                 type: boolean
    464                 x-go-name: Disabled
    465             domain:
    466                 description: The domain from which the emoji originated. Only defined for remote domains, otherwise key will not be set.
    467                 example:
    468                 type: string
    469                 x-go-name: Domain
    470             id:
    471                 description: The ID of the emoji.
    472                 example: 01GEM7SFDZ7GZNRXFVZ3X4E4N1
    473                 type: string
    474                 x-go-name: ID
    475             shortcode:
    476                 description: The name of the custom emoji.
    477                 example: blobcat_uwu
    478                 type: string
    479                 x-go-name: Shortcode
    480             static_url:
    481                 description: A link to a static copy of the custom emoji.
    482                 example:
    483                 type: string
    484                 x-go-name: StaticURL
    485             total_file_size:
    486                 description: The total file size taken up by the emoji in bytes, including static and animated versions.
    487                 example: 69420
    488                 format: int64
    489                 type: integer
    490                 x-go-name: TotalFileSize
    491             updated_at:
    492                 description: Time when the emoji image was last updated.
    493                 example: "2022-10-05T09:21:26.419Z"
    494                 type: string
    495                 x-go-name: UpdatedAt
    496             uri:
    497                 description: The ActivityPub URI of the emoji.
    498                 example:
    499                 type: string
    500                 x-go-name: URI
    501             url:
    502                 description: Web URL of the custom emoji.
    503                 example:
    504                 type: string
    505                 x-go-name: URL
    506             visible_in_picker:
    507                 description: Emoji is visible in the emoji picker of the instance.
    508                 example: true
    509                 type: boolean
    510                 x-go-name: VisibleInPicker
    511         title: AdminEmoji models the admin view of a custom emoji.
    512         type: object
    513         x-go-name: AdminEmoji
    514         x-go-package:
    515     adminReport:
    516         properties:
    517             account:
    518                 $ref: '#/definitions/adminAccountInfo'
    519             action_taken:
    520                 description: Whether an action has been taken by an admin in response to this report.
    521                 example: false
    522                 type: boolean
    523                 x-go-name: ActionTaken
    524             action_taken_at:
    525                 description: |-
    526                     If an action was taken, at what time was this done? (ISO 8601 Datetime)
    527                     Will be null if not set / no action yet taken.
    528                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    529                 type: string
    530                 x-go-name: ActionTakenAt
    531             action_taken_by_account:
    532                 $ref: '#/definitions/adminAccountInfo'
    533             action_taken_comment:
    534                 description: |-
    535                     If an action was taken, what comment was made by the admin on the taken action?
    536                     Will be null if not set / no action yet taken.
    537                 example: Account was suspended.
    538                 type: string
    539                 x-go-name: ActionTakenComment
    540             assigned_account:
    541                 $ref: '#/definitions/adminAccountInfo'
    542             category:
    543                 description: Under what category was this report created?
    544                 example: spam
    545                 type: string
    546                 x-go-name: Category
    547             comment:
    548                 description: |-
    549                     Comment submitted when the report was created.
    550                     Will be empty if no comment was submitted.
    551                 example: This person has been harassing me.
    552                 type: string
    553                 x-go-name: Comment
    554             created_at:
    555                 description: The date when this report was created (ISO 8601 Datetime).
    556                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    557                 type: string
    558                 x-go-name: CreatedAt
    559             forwarded:
    560                 description: Bool to indicate that report should be federated to remote instance.
    561                 example: true
    562                 type: boolean
    563                 x-go-name: Forwarded
    564             id:
    565                 description: ID of the report.
    566                 example: 01FBVD42CQ3ZEEVMW180SBX03B
    567                 type: string
    568                 x-go-name: ID
    569             rule_ids:
    570                 description: |-
    571                     Array of rule IDs that were submitted along with this report.
    572                     NOT IMPLEMENTED, will always be empty array.
    573                 items: {}
    574                 type: array
    575                 x-go-name: Rules
    576             statuses:
    577                 description: |-
    578                     Array of  statuses that were submitted along with this report.
    579                     Will be empty if no status IDs were submitted with the report.
    580                 items:
    581                     $ref: '#/definitions/status'
    582                 type: array
    583                 x-go-name: Statuses
    584             target_account:
    585                 $ref: '#/definitions/adminAccountInfo'
    586             updated_at:
    587                 description: Time of last action on this report (ISO 8601 Datetime).
    588                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    589                 type: string
    590                 x-go-name: UpdatedAt
    591         title: AdminReport models the admin view of a report.
    592         type: object
    593         x-go-name: AdminReport
    594         x-go-package:
    595     advancedVisibilityFlagsForm:
    596         description: |-
    597             AdvancedVisibilityFlagsForm allows a few more advanced flags to be set on new statuses, in addition
    598             to the standard mastodon-compatible ones.
    599         properties:
    600             boostable:
    601                 description: This status can be boosted/reblogged.
    602                 type: boolean
    603                 x-go-name: Boostable
    604             federated:
    605                 description: This status will be federated beyond the local timeline(s).
    606                 type: boolean
    607                 x-go-name: Federated
    608             likeable:
    609                 description: This status can be liked/faved.
    610                 type: boolean
    611                 x-go-name: Likeable
    612             replyable:
    613                 description: This status can be replied to.
    614                 type: boolean
    615                 x-go-name: Replyable
    616         type: object
    617         x-go-name: AdvancedVisibilityFlagsForm
    618         x-go-package:
    619     announcement:
    620         properties:
    621             all_day:
    622                 description: Announcement doesn't have begin time and end time, but begin day and end day.
    623                 type: boolean
    624                 x-go-name: AllDay
    625             content:
    626                 description: |-
    627                     The body of the announcement.
    628                     Should be HTML formatted.
    629                 example: <p>This is an announcement. No malarky.</p>
    630                 type: string
    631                 x-go-name: Content
    632             emoji:
    633                 description: Emojis used in this announcement.
    634                 items:
    635                     $ref: '#/definitions/emoji'
    636                 type: array
    637                 x-go-name: Emojis
    638             ends_at:
    639                 description: |-
    640                     When the announcement should stop being displayed (ISO 8601 Datetime).
    641                     If the announcement has no end time, this will be omitted or empty.
    642                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    643                 type: string
    644                 x-go-name: EndsAt
    645             id:
    646                 description: The ID of the announcement.
    647                 example: 01FC30T7X4TNCZK0TH90QYF3M4
    648                 type: string
    649                 x-go-name: ID
    650             mentions:
    651                 description: Mentions this announcement contains.
    652                 items:
    653                     $ref: '#/definitions/Mention'
    654                 type: array
    655                 x-go-name: Mentions
    656             published:
    657                 description: |-
    658                     Announcement is 'published', ie., visible to users.
    659                     Announcements that are not published should be shown only to admins.
    660                 type: boolean
    661                 x-go-name: Published
    662             published_at:
    663                 description: When the announcement was first published (ISO 8601 Datetime).
    664                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    665                 type: string
    666                 x-go-name: PublishedAt
    667             reactions:
    668                 description: Reactions to this announcement.
    669                 items:
    670                     $ref: '#/definitions/announcementReaction'
    671                 type: array
    672                 x-go-name: Reactions
    673             read:
    674                 description: Requesting account has seen this announcement.
    675                 type: boolean
    676                 x-go-name: Read
    677             starts_at:
    678                 description: |-
    679                     When the announcement should begin to be displayed (ISO 8601 Datetime).
    680                     If the announcement has no start time, this will be omitted or empty.
    681                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    682                 type: string
    683                 x-go-name: StartsAt
    684             statuses:
    685                 description: Statuses contained in this announcement.
    686                 items:
    687                     $ref: '#/definitions/status'
    688                 type: array
    689                 x-go-name: Statuses
    690             tags:
    691                 description: Tags used in this announcement.
    692                 items:
    693                     $ref: '#/definitions/tag'
    694                 type: array
    695                 x-go-name: Tags
    696             updated_at:
    697                 description: When the announcement was last updated (ISO 8601 Datetime).
    698                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    699                 type: string
    700                 x-go-name: UpdatedAt
    701         title: Announcement models an admin announcement for the instance.
    702         type: object
    703         x-go-name: Announcement
    704         x-go-package:
    705     announcementReaction:
    706         properties:
    707             count:
    708                 description: The total number of users who have added this reaction.
    709                 example: 5
    710                 format: int64
    711                 type: integer
    712                 x-go-name: Count
    713             me:
    714                 description: This reaction belongs to the account viewing it.
    715                 type: boolean
    716                 x-go-name: Me
    717             name:
    718                 description: The emoji used for the reaction. Either a unicode emoji, or a custom emoji's shortcode.
    719                 example: blobcat_uwu
    720                 type: string
    721                 x-go-name: Name
    722             static_url:
    723                 description: |-
    724                     Web link to a non-animated image of the custom emoji.
    725                     Empty for unicode emojis.
    726                 example:
    727                 type: string
    728                 x-go-name: StaticURL
    729             url:
    730                 description: |-
    731                     Web link to the image of the custom emoji.
    732                     Empty for unicode emojis.
    733                 example:
    734                 type: string
    735                 x-go-name: URL
    736         title: AnnouncementReaction models a user reaction to an announcement.
    737         type: object
    738         x-go-name: AnnouncementReaction
    739         x-go-package:
    740     application:
    741         properties:
    742             client_id:
    743                 description: Client ID associated with this application.
    744                 type: string
    745                 x-go-name: ClientID
    746             client_secret:
    747                 description: Client secret associated with this application.
    748                 type: string
    749                 x-go-name: ClientSecret
    750             id:
    751                 description: The ID of the application.
    752                 example: 01FBVD42CQ3ZEEVMW180SBX03B
    753                 type: string
    754                 x-go-name: ID
    755             name:
    756                 description: The name of the application.
    757                 example: Tusky
    758                 type: string
    759                 x-go-name: Name
    760             redirect_uri:
    761                 description: Post-authorization redirect URI for the application (OAuth2).
    762                 example:
    763                 type: string
    764                 x-go-name: RedirectURI
    765             vapid_key:
    766                 description: Push API key for this application.
    767                 type: string
    768                 x-go-name: VapidKey
    769             website:
    770                 description: The website associated with the application (url)
    771                 example:
    772                 type: string
    773                 x-go-name: Website
    774         title: Application models an api application.
    775         type: object
    776         x-go-name: Application
    777         x-go-package:
    778     attachment:
    779         properties:
    780             blurhash:
    781                 description: |-
    782                     A hash computed by the BlurHash algorithm, for generating colorful preview thumbnails when media has not been downloaded yet.
    783                     See
    784                 type: string
    785                 x-go-name: Blurhash
    786             description:
    787                 description: Alt text that describes what is in the media attachment.
    788                 example: This is a picture of a kitten.
    789                 type: string
    790                 x-go-name: Description
    791             id:
    792                 description: The ID of the attachment.
    793                 example: 01FC31DZT1AYWDZ8XTCRWRBYRK
    794                 type: string
    795                 x-go-name: ID
    796             meta:
    797                 $ref: '#/definitions/mediaMeta'
    798             preview_remote_url:
    799                 description: |-
    800                     The location of a scaled-down preview of the attachment on the remote server.
    801                     Only defined for instances other than our own.
    802                 example:
    803                 type: string
    804                 x-go-name: PreviewRemoteURL
    805             preview_url:
    806                 description: The location of a scaled-down preview of the attachment.
    807                 example:
    808                 type: string
    809                 x-go-name: PreviewURL
    810             remote_url:
    811                 description: |-
    812                     The location of the full-size original attachment on the remote server.
    813                     Only defined for instances other than our own.
    814                 example:
    815                 type: string
    816                 x-go-name: RemoteURL
    817             text_url:
    818                 description: |-
    819                     A shorter URL for the attachment.
    820                     In our case, we just give the URL again since we don't create smaller URLs.
    821                 type: string
    822                 x-go-name: TextURL
    823             type:
    824                 description: The type of the attachment.
    825                 example: image
    826                 type: string
    827                 x-go-name: Type
    828             url:
    829                 description: The location of the original full-size attachment.
    830                 example:
    831                 type: string
    832                 x-go-name: URL
    833         title: Attachment models a media attachment.
    834         type: object
    835         x-go-name: Attachment
    836         x-go-package:
    837     card:
    838         properties:
    839             author_name:
    840                 description: The author of the original resource.
    841                 example:
    842                 type: string
    843                 x-go-name: AuthorName
    844             author_url:
    845                 description: A link to the author of the original resource.
    846                 example:
    847                 type: string
    848                 x-go-name: AuthorURL
    849             blurhash:
    850                 description: A hash computed by the BlurHash algorithm, for generating colorful preview thumbnails when media has not been downloaded yet.
    851                 type: string
    852                 x-go-name: Blurhash
    853             description:
    854                 description: Description of preview.
    855                 example: Is water wet? We're not sure. In this article, we ask an expert...
    856                 type: string
    857                 x-go-name: Description
    858             embed_url:
    859                 description: Used for photo embeds, instead of custom html.
    860                 type: string
    861                 x-go-name: EmbedURL
    862             height:
    863                 description: Height of preview, in pixels.
    864                 format: int64
    865                 type: integer
    866                 x-go-name: Height
    867             html:
    868                 description: HTML to be used for generating the preview card.
    869                 type: string
    870                 x-go-name: HTML
    871             image:
    872                 description: Preview thumbnail.
    873                 example:
    874                 type: string
    875                 x-go-name: Image
    876             provider_name:
    877                 description: The provider of the original resource.
    878                 example: Buzzfeed
    879                 type: string
    880                 x-go-name: ProviderName
    881             provider_url:
    882                 description: A link to the provider of the original resource.
    883                 example:
    884                 type: string
    885                 x-go-name: ProviderURL
    886             title:
    887                 description: Title of linked resource.
    888                 example: Buzzfeed - Is Water Wet?
    889                 type: string
    890                 x-go-name: Title
    891             type:
    892                 description: The type of the preview card.
    893                 example: link
    894                 type: string
    895                 x-go-name: Type
    896             url:
    897                 description: Location of linked resource.
    898                 example:
    899                 type: string
    900                 x-go-name: URL
    901             width:
    902                 description: Width of preview, in pixels.
    903                 format: int64
    904                 type: integer
    905                 x-go-name: Width
    906         title: Card represents a rich preview card that is generated using OpenGraph tags from a URL.
    907         type: object
    908         x-go-name: Card
    909         x-go-package:
    910     domain:
    911         description: Domain represents a remote domain
    912         properties:
    913             domain:
    914                 description: The hostname of the domain.
    915                 example:
    916                 type: string
    917                 x-go-name: Domain
    918             public_comment:
    919                 description: If the domain is blocked, what's the publicly-stated reason for the block.
    920                 example: they smell
    921                 type: string
    922                 x-go-name: PublicComment
    923             silenced_at:
    924                 description: Time at which this domain was silenced. Key will not be present on open domains.
    925                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    926                 type: string
    927                 x-go-name: SilencedAt
    928             suspended_at:
    929                 description: Time at which this domain was suspended. Key will not be present on open domains.
    930                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    931                 type: string
    932                 x-go-name: SuspendedAt
    933         type: object
    934         x-go-name: Domain
    935         x-go-package:
    936     domainBlock:
    937         description: DomainBlock represents a block on one domain
    938         properties:
    939             created_at:
    940                 description: Time at which this block was created (ISO 8601 Datetime).
    941                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    942                 type: string
    943                 x-go-name: CreatedAt
    944             created_by:
    945                 description: ID of the account that created this domain block.
    946                 example: 01FBW2758ZB6PBR200YPDDJK4C
    947                 type: string
    948                 x-go-name: CreatedBy
    949             domain:
    950                 description: The hostname of the domain.
    951                 example:
    952                 type: string
    953                 x-go-name: Domain
    954             id:
    955                 description: The ID of the domain block.
    956                 example: 01FBW21XJA09XYX51KV5JVBW0F
    957                 readOnly: true
    958                 type: string
    959                 x-go-name: ID
    960             obfuscate:
    961                 description: |-
    962                     Obfuscate the domain name when serving this domain block publicly.
    963                     A useful anti-harassment tool.
    964                 example: false
    965                 type: boolean
    966                 x-go-name: Obfuscate
    967             private_comment:
    968                 description: Private comment for this block, visible to our instance admins only.
    969                 example: they are poopoo
    970                 type: string
    971                 x-go-name: PrivateComment
    972             public_comment:
    973                 description: If the domain is blocked, what's the publicly-stated reason for the block.
    974                 example: they smell
    975                 type: string
    976                 x-go-name: PublicComment
    977             silenced_at:
    978                 description: Time at which this domain was silenced. Key will not be present on open domains.
    979                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    980                 type: string
    981                 x-go-name: SilencedAt
    982             subscription_id:
    983                 description: The ID of the subscription that created/caused this domain block.
    984                 example: 01FBW25TF5J67JW3HFHZCSD23K
    985                 type: string
    986                 x-go-name: SubscriptionID
    987             suspended_at:
    988                 description: Time at which this domain was suspended. Key will not be present on open domains.
    989                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
    990                 type: string
    991                 x-go-name: SuspendedAt
    992         type: object
    993         x-go-name: DomainBlock
    994         x-go-package:
    995     domainBlockCreateRequest:
    996         properties:
    997             domain:
    998                 description: hostname/domain to block
    999                 type: string
   1000                 x-go-name: Domain
   1001             domains:
   1002                 description: A list of domains to block. Only used if import=true is specified.
   1003                 x-go-name: Domains
   1004             obfuscate:
   1005                 description: whether the domain should be obfuscated when being displayed publicly
   1006                 type: boolean
   1007                 x-go-name: Obfuscate
   1008             private_comment:
   1009                 description: private comment for other admins on why the domain was blocked
   1010                 type: string
   1011                 x-go-name: PrivateComment
   1012             public_comment:
   1013                 description: public comment on the reason for the domain block
   1014                 type: string
   1015                 x-go-name: PublicComment
   1016         title: DomainBlockCreateRequest is the form submitted as a POST to /api/v1/admin/domain_blocks to create a new block.
   1017         type: object
   1018         x-go-name: DomainBlockCreateRequest
   1019         x-go-package:
   1020     emoji:
   1021         properties:
   1022             category:
   1023                 description: Used for sorting custom emoji in the picker.
   1024                 example: blobcats
   1025                 type: string
   1026                 x-go-name: Category
   1027             shortcode:
   1028                 description: The name of the custom emoji.
   1029                 example: blobcat_uwu
   1030                 type: string
   1031                 x-go-name: Shortcode
   1032             static_url:
   1033                 description: A link to a static copy of the custom emoji.
   1034                 example:
   1035                 type: string
   1036                 x-go-name: StaticURL
   1037             url:
   1038                 description: Web URL of the custom emoji.
   1039                 example:
   1040                 type: string
   1041                 x-go-name: URL
   1042             visible_in_picker:
   1043                 description: Emoji is visible in the emoji picker of the instance.
   1044                 example: true
   1045                 type: boolean
   1046                 x-go-name: VisibleInPicker
   1047         title: Emoji represents a custom emoji.
   1048         type: object
   1049         x-go-name: Emoji
   1050         x-go-package:
   1051     emojiCategory:
   1052         properties:
   1053             id:
   1054                 description: The ID of the custom emoji category.
   1055                 type: string
   1056                 x-go-name: ID
   1057             name:
   1058                 description: The name of the custom emoji category.
   1059                 type: string
   1060                 x-go-name: Name
   1061         title: EmojiCategory represents a custom emoji category.
   1062         type: object
   1063         x-go-name: EmojiCategory
   1064         x-go-package:
   1065     emojiCreateRequest:
   1066         properties:
   1067             CategoryName:
   1068                 description: |-
   1069                     Category in which to place the new emoji. Will be uncategorized by default.
   1070                     CategoryName length should not exceed 64 characters.
   1071                 type: string
   1072             Image:
   1073                 description: Image file to use for the emoji. Must be png or gif and no larger than 50kb.
   1074             Shortcode:
   1075                 description: Desired shortcode for the emoji, without surrounding colons. This must be unique for the domain.
   1076                 example: blobcat_uwu
   1077                 type: string
   1078         title: EmojiCreateRequest represents a request to create a custom emoji made through the admin API.
   1079         type: object
   1080         x-go-name: EmojiCreateRequest
   1081         x-go-package:
   1082     emojiUpdateRequest:
   1083         properties:
   1084             CategoryName:
   1085                 description: Category in which to place the emoji.
   1086                 type: string
   1087             Image:
   1088                 description: |-
   1089                     Image file to use for the emoji.
   1090                     Must be png or gif and no larger than 50kb.
   1091             Shortcode:
   1092                 description: Desired shortcode for the emoji, without surrounding colons. This must be unique for the domain.
   1093                 example: blobcat_uwu
   1094                 type: string
   1095             type:
   1096                 $ref: '#/definitions/EmojiUpdateType'
   1097         title: EmojiUpdateRequest represents a request to update a custom emoji, made through the admin API.
   1098         type: object
   1099         x-go-name: EmojiUpdateRequest
   1100         x-go-package:
   1101     field:
   1102         properties:
   1103             name:
   1104                 description: The key/name of this field.
   1105                 example: pronouns
   1106                 type: string
   1107                 x-go-name: Name
   1108             value:
   1109                 description: The value of this field.
   1110                 example: they/them
   1111                 type: string
   1112                 x-go-name: Value
   1113             verified_at:
   1114                 description: If this field has been verified, when did this occur? (ISO 8601 Datetime).
   1115                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
   1116                 type: string
   1117                 x-go-name: VerifiedAt
   1118         title: Field represents a name/value pair to display on an account's profile.
   1119         type: object
   1120         x-go-name: Field
   1121         x-go-package:
   1122     hostmeta:
   1123         description: 'See:'
   1124         properties:
   1125             Link:
   1126                 items:
   1127                     $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
   1128                 type: array
   1129             XMLNS:
   1130                 type: string
   1131             XMLName: {}
   1132         title: HostMeta represents a hostmeta document.
   1133         type: object
   1134         x-go-name: HostMeta
   1135         x-go-package:
   1136     instanceConfigurationAccounts:
   1137         properties:
   1138             allow_custom_css:
   1139                 description: Whether or not accounts on this instance are allowed to upload custom CSS for profiles and statuses.
   1140                 example: false
   1141                 type: boolean
   1142                 x-go-name: AllowCustomCSS
   1143             max_featured_tags:
   1144                 description: |-
   1145                     The maximum number of featured tags allowed for each account.
   1146                     Currently not implemented, so this is hardcoded to 10.
   1147                 format: int64
   1148                 type: integer
   1149                 x-go-name: MaxFeaturedTags
   1150             max_profile_fields:
   1151                 description: |-
   1152                     The maximum number of profile fields allowed for each account.
   1153                     Currently not configurable, so this is hardcoded to 6. (
   1154                 format: int64
   1155                 type: integer
   1156                 x-go-name: MaxProfileFields
   1157         title: InstanceConfigurationAccounts models instance account config parameters.
   1158         type: object
   1159         x-go-name: InstanceConfigurationAccounts
   1160         x-go-package:
   1161     instanceConfigurationMediaAttachments:
   1162         properties:
   1163             image_matrix_limit:
   1164                 description: |-
   1165                     Max allowed image size in pixels as height*width.
   1167                     GtS doesn't set a limit on this, but for compatibility
   1168                     we give Mastodon's 4096x4096px value here.
   1169                 example: 16777216
   1170                 format: int64
   1171                 type: integer
   1172                 x-go-name: ImageMatrixLimit
   1173             image_size_limit:
   1174                 description: Max allowed image size in bytes
   1175                 example: 2097152
   1176                 format: int64
   1177                 type: integer
   1178                 x-go-name: ImageSizeLimit
   1179             supported_mime_types:
   1180                 description: List of mime types that it's possible to upload to this instance.
   1181                 example:
   1182                     - image/jpeg
   1183                     - image/gif
   1184                 items:
   1185                     type: string
   1186                 type: array
   1187                 x-go-name: SupportedMimeTypes
   1188             video_frame_rate_limit:
   1189                 description: Max allowed video frame rate.
   1190                 example: 60
   1191                 format: int64
   1192                 type: integer
   1193                 x-go-name: VideoFrameRateLimit
   1194             video_matrix_limit:
   1195                 description: |-
   1196                     Max allowed video size in pixels as height*width.
   1198                     GtS doesn't set a limit on this, but for compatibility
   1199                     we give Mastodon's 4096x4096px value here.
   1200                 example: 16777216
   1201                 format: int64
   1202                 type: integer
   1203                 x-go-name: VideoMatrixLimit
   1204             video_size_limit:
   1205                 description: Max allowed video size in bytes
   1206                 example: 10485760
   1207                 format: int64
   1208                 type: integer
   1209                 x-go-name: VideoSizeLimit
   1210         title: InstanceConfigurationMediaAttachments models instance media attachment config parameters.
   1211         type: object
   1212         x-go-name: InstanceConfigurationMediaAttachments
   1213         x-go-package:
   1214     instanceConfigurationPolls:
   1215         properties:
   1216             max_characters_per_option:
   1217                 description: Number of characters allowed per option in the poll.
   1218                 example: 50
   1219                 format: int64
   1220                 type: integer
   1221                 x-go-name: MaxCharactersPerOption
   1222             max_expiration:
   1223                 description: Maximum expiration time of the poll in seconds.
   1224                 example: 2629746
   1225                 format: int64
   1226                 type: integer
   1227                 x-go-name: MaxExpiration
   1228             max_options:
   1229                 description: Number of options permitted in a poll on this instance.
   1230                 example: 4
   1231                 format: int64
   1232                 type: integer
   1233                 x-go-name: MaxOptions
   1234             min_expiration:
   1235                 description: Minimum expiration time of the poll in seconds.
   1236                 example: 300
   1237                 format: int64
   1238                 type: integer
   1239                 x-go-name: MinExpiration
   1240         title: InstanceConfigurationPolls models instance poll config parameters.
   1241         type: object
   1242         x-go-name: InstanceConfigurationPolls
   1243         x-go-package:
   1244     instanceConfigurationStatuses:
   1245         properties:
   1246             characters_reserved_per_url:
   1247                 description: Amount of characters clients should assume a url takes up.
   1248                 example: 25
   1249                 format: int64
   1250                 type: integer
   1251                 x-go-name: CharactersReservedPerURL
   1252             max_characters:
   1253                 description: Maximum allowed length of a post on this instance, in characters.
   1254                 example: 5000
   1255                 format: int64
   1256                 type: integer
   1257                 x-go-name: MaxCharacters
   1258             max_media_attachments:
   1259                 description: Max number of attachments allowed on a status.
   1260                 example: 4
   1261                 format: int64
   1262                 type: integer
   1263                 x-go-name: MaxMediaAttachments
   1264             supported_mime_types:
   1265                 description: List of mime types that it's possible to use for statuses on this instance.
   1266                 example:
   1267                     - text/plain
   1268                     - text/markdown
   1269                 items:
   1270                     type: string
   1271                 type: array
   1272                 x-go-name: SupportedMimeTypes
   1273         title: InstanceConfigurationStatuses models instance status config parameters.
   1274         type: object
   1275         x-go-name: InstanceConfigurationStatuses
   1276         x-go-package:
   1277     instanceV1:
   1278         properties:
   1279             account_domain:
   1280                 description: |-
   1281                     The domain of accounts on this instance.
   1282                     This will not necessarily be the same as
   1283                     simply the Host part of the URI.
   1284                 example:
   1285                 type: string
   1286                 x-go-name: AccountDomain
   1287             approval_required:
   1288                 description: New account registrations require admin approval.
   1289                 type: boolean
   1290                 x-go-name: ApprovalRequired
   1291             configuration:
   1292                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceV1Configuration'
   1293             contact_account:
   1294                 $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   1295             description:
   1296                 description: |-
   1297                     Description of the instance.
   1299                     Should be HTML formatted, but might be plaintext.
   1301                     This should be displayed on the 'about' page for an instance.
   1302                 type: string
   1303                 x-go-name: Description
   1304             email:
   1305                 description: An email address that may be used for inquiries.
   1306                 example:
   1307                 type: string
   1308                 x-go-name: Email
   1309             invites_enabled:
   1310                 description: Invites are enabled on this instance.
   1311                 type: boolean
   1312                 x-go-name: InvitesEnabled
   1313             languages:
   1314                 description: Primary language of the instance.
   1315                 example: en
   1316                 items:
   1317                     type: string
   1318                 type: array
   1319                 x-go-name: Languages
   1320             max_toot_chars:
   1321                 description: |-
   1322                     Maximum allowed length of a post on this instance, in characters.
   1324                     This is provided for compatibility with Tusky and other apps.
   1325                 example: 5000
   1326                 format: uint64
   1327                 type: integer
   1328                 x-go-name: MaxTootChars
   1329             registrations:
   1330                 description: New account registrations are enabled on this instance.
   1331                 type: boolean
   1332                 x-go-name: Registrations
   1333             short_description:
   1334                 description: |-
   1335                     A shorter description of the instance.
   1337                     Should be HTML formatted, but might be plaintext.
   1339                     This should be displayed on the instance splash/landing page.
   1340                 type: string
   1341                 x-go-name: ShortDescription
   1342             stats:
   1343                 additionalProperties:
   1344                     format: int64
   1345                     type: integer
   1346                 description: 'Statistics about the instance: number of posts, accounts, etc.'
   1347                 type: object
   1348                 x-go-name: Stats
   1349             thumbnail:
   1350                 description: URL of the instance avatar/banner image.
   1351                 example:
   1352                 type: string
   1353                 x-go-name: Thumbnail
   1354             thumbnail_description:
   1355                 description: Description of the instance thumbnail.
   1356                 example: picture of a cute lil' friendly sloth
   1357                 type: string
   1358                 x-go-name: ThumbnailDescription
   1359             thumbnail_type:
   1360                 description: MIME type of the instance thumbnail.
   1361                 example: image/png
   1362                 type: string
   1363                 x-go-name: ThumbnailType
   1364             title:
   1365                 description: The title of the instance.
   1366                 example: GoToSocial Example Instance
   1367                 type: string
   1368                 x-go-name: Title
   1369             uri:
   1370                 description: The URI of the instance.
   1371                 example:
   1372                 type: string
   1373                 x-go-name: URI
   1374             urls:
   1375                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceV1URLs'
   1376             version:
   1377                 description: |-
   1378                     The version of GoToSocial installed on the instance.
   1380                     This will contain at least a semantic version number.
   1382                     It may also contain, after a space, the short git commit ID of the running software.
   1383                 example: 0.1.1 cb85f65
   1384                 type: string
   1385                 x-go-name: Version
   1386         title: InstanceV1 models information about this instance.
   1387         type: object
   1388         x-go-name: InstanceV1
   1389         x-go-package:
   1390     instanceV1Configuration:
   1391         properties:
   1392             accounts:
   1393                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceConfigurationAccounts'
   1394             emojis:
   1395                 $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceConfigurationEmojis'
   1396             media_attachments:
   1397                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceConfigurationMediaAttachments'
   1398             polls:
   1399                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceConfigurationPolls'
   1400             statuses:
   1401                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceConfigurationStatuses'
   1402         title: InstanceV1Configuration models instance configuration parameters.
   1403         type: object
   1404         x-go-name: InstanceV1Configuration
   1405         x-go-package:
   1406     instanceV1URLs:
   1407         properties:
   1408             streaming_api:
   1409                 description: Websockets address for status and notification streaming.
   1410                 example: wss://
   1411                 type: string
   1412                 x-go-name: StreamingAPI
   1413         title: InstanceV1URLs models instance-relevant URLs for client application consumption.
   1414         type: object
   1415         x-go-name: InstanceV1URLs
   1416         x-go-package:
   1417     instanceV2:
   1418         properties:
   1419             account_domain:
   1420                 description: |-
   1421                     The domain of accounts on this instance.
   1422                     This will not necessarily be the same as
   1423                     domain.
   1424                 example:
   1425                 type: string
   1426                 x-go-name: AccountDomain
   1427             configuration:
   1428                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceV2Configuration'
   1429             contact:
   1430                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceV2Contact'
   1431             description:
   1432                 description: |-
   1433                     Description of the instance.
   1435                     Should be HTML formatted, but might be plaintext.
   1437                     This should be displayed on the 'about' page for an instance.
   1438                 type: string
   1439                 x-go-name: Description
   1440             domain:
   1441                 description: The domain of the instance.
   1442                 example:
   1443                 type: string
   1444                 x-go-name: Domain
   1445             languages:
   1446                 description: Primary languages of the instance + moderators/admins.
   1447                 example:
   1448                     - en
   1449                 items:
   1450                     type: string
   1451                 type: array
   1452                 x-go-name: Languages
   1453             registrations:
   1454                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceV2Registrations'
   1455             rules:
   1456                 description: |-
   1457                     An itemized list of rules for this website.
   1458                     Currently not implemented (will always be empty array).
   1459                 items: {}
   1460                 type: array
   1461                 x-go-name: Rules
   1462             source_url:
   1463                 description: The URL for the source code of the software running on this instance, in keeping with AGPL license requirements.
   1464                 example:
   1465                 type: string
   1466                 x-go-name: SourceURL
   1467             thumbnail:
   1468                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceV2Thumbnail'
   1469             title:
   1470                 description: The title of the instance.
   1471                 example: GoToSocial Example Instance
   1472                 type: string
   1473                 x-go-name: Title
   1474             usage:
   1475                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceV2Usage'
   1476             version:
   1477                 description: |-
   1478                     The version of GoToSocial installed on the instance.
   1480                     This will contain at least a semantic version number.
   1482                     It may also contain, after a space, the short git commit ID of the running software.
   1483                 example: 0.1.1 cb85f65
   1484                 type: string
   1485                 x-go-name: Version
   1486         title: InstanceV2 models information about this instance.
   1487         type: object
   1488         x-go-name: InstanceV2
   1489         x-go-package:
   1490     instanceV2Configuration:
   1491         properties:
   1492             accounts:
   1493                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceConfigurationAccounts'
   1494             emojis:
   1495                 $ref: '#/definitions/InstanceConfigurationEmojis'
   1496             media_attachments:
   1497                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceConfigurationMediaAttachments'
   1498             polls:
   1499                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceConfigurationPolls'
   1500             statuses:
   1501                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceConfigurationStatuses'
   1502             translation:
   1503                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceV2ConfigurationTranslation'
   1504             urls:
   1505                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceV2URLs'
   1506         title: Configured values and limits for this instance.
   1507         type: object
   1508         x-go-name: InstanceV2Configuration
   1509         x-go-package:
   1510     instanceV2ConfigurationTranslation:
   1511         properties:
   1512             enabled:
   1513                 description: |-
   1514                     Whether the Translations API is available on this instance.
   1515                     Not implemented so this value is always false.
   1516                 type: boolean
   1517                 x-go-name: Enabled
   1518         title: Hints related to translation.
   1519         type: object
   1520         x-go-name: InstanceV2ConfigurationTranslation
   1521         x-go-package:
   1522     instanceV2Contact:
   1523         properties:
   1524             account:
   1525                 $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   1526             email:
   1527                 description: |-
   1528                     An email address that can be messaged regarding inquiries or issues.
   1529                     Empty string if no email address set.
   1530                 example:
   1531                 type: string
   1532                 x-go-name: Email
   1533         title: Hints related to contacting a representative of the instance.
   1534         type: object
   1535         x-go-name: InstanceV2Contact
   1536         x-go-package:
   1537     instanceV2Registrations:
   1538         properties:
   1539             approval_required:
   1540                 description: Whether registrations require moderator approval.
   1541                 example: true
   1542                 type: boolean
   1543                 x-go-name: ApprovalRequired
   1544             enabled:
   1545                 description: Whether registrations are enabled.
   1546                 example: false
   1547                 type: boolean
   1548                 x-go-name: Enabled
   1549             message:
   1550                 description: |-
   1551                     A custom message (html string) to be shown when registrations are closed.
   1552                     Value will be null if no message is set.
   1553                 example: <p>Registrations are currently closed on because of spam bots!</p>
   1554                 type: string
   1555                 x-go-name: Message
   1556         title: Information about registering for this instance.
   1557         type: object
   1558         x-go-name: InstanceV2Registrations
   1559         x-go-package:
   1560     instanceV2Thumbnail:
   1561         properties:
   1562             blurhash:
   1563                 description: |-
   1564                     A hash computed by the BlurHash algorithm, for generating colorful preview thumbnails when media has not been downloaded yet.
   1565                     Key/value not set if no blurhash available.
   1566                 example: UeKUpFxuo~R%0nW;WCnhF6RjaJt757oJodS$
   1567                 type: string
   1568                 x-go-name: Blurhash
   1569             thumbnail_description:
   1570                 description: |-
   1571                     Description of the instance thumbnail.
   1572                     Key/value not set if no description available.
   1573                 example: picture of a cute lil' friendly sloth
   1574                 type: string
   1575                 x-go-name: Description
   1576             thumbnail_type:
   1577                 description: |-
   1578                     MIME type of the instance thumbnail.
   1579                     Key/value not set if thumbnail image type unknown.
   1580                 example: image/png
   1581                 type: string
   1582                 x-go-name: Type
   1583             url:
   1584                 description: The URL for the thumbnail image.
   1585                 example:
   1586                 type: string
   1587                 x-go-name: URL
   1588             versions:
   1589                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceV2ThumbnailVersions'
   1590         title: An image used to represent this instance.
   1591         type: object
   1592         x-go-name: InstanceV2Thumbnail
   1593         x-go-package:
   1594     instanceV2ThumbnailVersions:
   1595         properties:
   1596             '@1x':
   1597                 description: |-
   1598                     The URL for the thumbnail image at 1x resolution.
   1599                     Key/value not set if scaled versions not available.
   1600                 type: string
   1601                 x-go-name: Size1URL
   1602             '@2x':
   1603                 description: |-
   1604                     The URL for the thumbnail image at 2x resolution.
   1605                     Key/value not set if scaled versions not available.
   1606                 type: string
   1607                 x-go-name: Size2URL
   1608         title: Links to scaled resolution images, for high DPI screens.
   1609         type: object
   1610         x-go-name: InstanceV2ThumbnailVersions
   1611         x-go-package:
   1612     instanceV2URLs:
   1613         properties:
   1614             streaming:
   1615                 description: Websockets address for status and notification streaming.
   1616                 example: wss://
   1617                 type: string
   1618                 x-go-name: Streaming
   1619         title: InstanceV2URLs models instance-relevant URLs for client application consumption.
   1620         type: object
   1621         x-go-name: InstanceV2URLs
   1622         x-go-package:
   1623     instanceV2Usage:
   1624         properties:
   1625             users:
   1626                 $ref: '#/definitions/instanceV2Users'
   1627         title: Usage data for this instance.
   1628         type: object
   1629         x-go-name: InstanceV2Usage
   1630         x-go-package:
   1631     instanceV2Users:
   1632         properties:
   1633             active_month:
   1634                 description: |-
   1635                     The number of active users in the past 4 weeks.
   1636                     Currently not implemented: will always be 0.
   1637                 example: 0
   1638                 format: int64
   1639                 type: integer
   1640                 x-go-name: ActiveMonth
   1641         title: Usage data related to users on this instance.
   1642         type: object
   1643         x-go-name: InstanceV2Users
   1644         x-go-package:
   1645     list:
   1646         properties:
   1647             id:
   1648                 description: The ID of the list.
   1649                 type: string
   1650                 x-go-name: ID
   1651             replies_policy:
   1652                 description: |-
   1653                     RepliesPolicy for this list.
   1654                     followed = Show replies to any followed user
   1655                     list = Show replies to members of the list
   1656                     none = Show replies to no one
   1657                 type: string
   1658                 x-go-name: RepliesPolicy
   1659             title:
   1660                 description: The user-defined title of the list.
   1661                 type: string
   1662                 x-go-name: Title
   1663         title: List represents a user-created list of accounts that the user follows.
   1664         type: object
   1665         x-go-name: List
   1666         x-go-package:
   1667     mediaDimensions:
   1668         properties:
   1669             aspect:
   1670                 description: |-
   1671                     Aspect ratio of the media.
   1672                     Equal to width / height.
   1673                 example: 1.777777778
   1674                 format: float
   1675                 type: number
   1676                 x-go-name: Aspect
   1677             bitrate:
   1678                 description: Bitrate of the media in bits per second.
   1679                 example: 1000000
   1680                 format: int64
   1681                 type: integer
   1682                 x-go-name: Bitrate
   1683             duration:
   1684                 description: |-
   1685                     Duration of the media in seconds.
   1686                     Only set for video and audio.
   1687                 example: 5.43
   1688                 format: float
   1689                 type: number
   1690                 x-go-name: Duration
   1691             frame_rate:
   1692                 description: |-
   1693                     Framerate of the media.
   1694                     Only set for video and gifs.
   1695                 example: "30"
   1696                 type: string
   1697                 x-go-name: FrameRate
   1698             height:
   1699                 description: |-
   1700                     Height of the media in pixels.
   1701                     Not set for audio.
   1702                 example: 1080
   1703                 format: int64
   1704                 type: integer
   1705                 x-go-name: Height
   1706             size:
   1707                 description: |-
   1708                     Size of the media, in the format `[width]x[height]`.
   1709                     Not set for audio.
   1710                 example: 1920x1080
   1711                 type: string
   1712                 x-go-name: Size
   1713             width:
   1714                 description: |-
   1715                     Width of the media in pixels.
   1716                     Not set for audio.
   1717                 example: 1920
   1718                 format: int64
   1719                 type: integer
   1720                 x-go-name: Width
   1721         title: MediaDimensions models detailed properties of a piece of media.
   1722         type: object
   1723         x-go-name: MediaDimensions
   1724         x-go-package:
   1725     mediaFocus:
   1726         properties:
   1727             x:
   1728                 description: |-
   1729                     x position of the focus
   1730                     should be between -1 and 1
   1731                 format: float
   1732                 type: number
   1733                 x-go-name: X
   1734             "y":
   1735                 description: |-
   1736                     y position of the focus
   1737                     should be between -1 and 1
   1738                 format: float
   1739                 type: number
   1740                 x-go-name: "Y"
   1741         title: MediaFocus models the focal point of a piece of media.
   1742         type: object
   1743         x-go-name: MediaFocus
   1744         x-go-package:
   1745     mediaMeta:
   1746         description: This can be metadata about an image, an audio file, video, etc.
   1747         properties:
   1748             focus:
   1749                 $ref: '#/definitions/mediaFocus'
   1750             original:
   1751                 $ref: '#/definitions/mediaDimensions'
   1752             small:
   1753                 $ref: '#/definitions/mediaDimensions'
   1754         title: MediaMeta models media metadata.
   1755         type: object
   1756         x-go-name: MediaMeta
   1757         x-go-package:
   1758     nodeinfo:
   1759         description: 'See:'
   1760         properties:
   1761             metadata:
   1762                 additionalProperties: {}
   1763                 description: Free form key value pairs for software specific values. Clients should not rely on any specific key present.
   1764                 type: object
   1765                 x-go-name: Metadata
   1766             openRegistrations:
   1767                 description: Whether this server allows open self-registration.
   1768                 example: false
   1769                 type: boolean
   1770                 x-go-name: OpenRegistrations
   1771             protocols:
   1772                 description: The protocols supported on this server.
   1773                 items:
   1774                     type: string
   1775                 type: array
   1776                 x-go-name: Protocols
   1777             services:
   1778                 $ref: '#/definitions/NodeInfoServices'
   1779             software:
   1780                 $ref: '#/definitions/NodeInfoSoftware'
   1781             usage:
   1782                 $ref: '#/definitions/NodeInfoUsage'
   1783             version:
   1784                 description: The schema version
   1785                 example: "2.0"
   1786                 type: string
   1787                 x-go-name: Version
   1788         title: Nodeinfo represents a version 2.1 or version 2.0 nodeinfo schema.
   1789         type: object
   1790         x-go-name: Nodeinfo
   1791         x-go-package:
   1792     notification:
   1793         properties:
   1794             account:
   1795                 $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   1796             created_at:
   1797                 description: The timestamp of the notification (ISO 8601 Datetime)
   1798                 type: string
   1799                 x-go-name: CreatedAt
   1800             id:
   1801                 description: The id of the notification in the database.
   1802                 type: string
   1803                 x-go-name: ID
   1804             status:
   1805                 $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   1806             type:
   1807                 description: |-
   1808                     The type of event that resulted in the notification.
   1809                     follow = Someone followed you
   1810                     follow_request = Someone requested to follow you
   1811                     mention = Someone mentioned you in their status
   1812                     reblog = Someone boosted one of your statuses
   1813                     favourite = Someone favourited one of your statuses
   1814                     poll = A poll you have voted in or created has ended
   1815                     status = Someone you enabled notifications for has posted a status
   1816                 type: string
   1817                 x-go-name: Type
   1818         title: Notification represents a notification of an event relevant to the user.
   1819         type: object
   1820         x-go-name: Notification
   1821         x-go-package:
   1822     oauthToken:
   1823         properties:
   1824             access_token:
   1825                 description: Access token used for authorization.
   1826                 type: string
   1827                 x-go-name: AccessToken
   1828             created_at:
   1829                 description: When the OAuth token was generated (UNIX timestamp seconds).
   1830                 example: 1627644520
   1831                 format: int64
   1832                 type: integer
   1833                 x-go-name: CreatedAt
   1834             scope:
   1835                 description: OAuth scopes granted by this token, space-separated.
   1836                 example: read write admin
   1837                 type: string
   1838                 x-go-name: Scope
   1839             token_type:
   1840                 description: OAuth token type. Will always be 'Bearer'.
   1841                 example: bearer
   1842                 type: string
   1843                 x-go-name: TokenType
   1844         title: Token represents an OAuth token used for authenticating with the GoToSocial API and performing actions.
   1845         type: object
   1846         x-go-name: Token
   1847         x-go-package:
   1848     poll:
   1849         properties:
   1850             emojis:
   1851                 description: Custom emoji to be used for rendering poll options.
   1852                 items:
   1853                     $ref: '#/definitions/emoji'
   1854                 type: array
   1855                 x-go-name: Emojis
   1856             expired:
   1857                 description: Is the poll currently expired?
   1858                 type: boolean
   1859                 x-go-name: Expired
   1860             expires_at:
   1861                 description: When the poll ends. (ISO 8601 Datetime), or null if the poll does not end
   1862                 type: string
   1863                 x-go-name: ExpiresAt
   1864             id:
   1865                 description: The ID of the poll in the database.
   1866                 example: 01FBYKMD1KBMJ0W6JF1YZ3VY5D
   1867                 type: string
   1868                 x-go-name: ID
   1869             multiple:
   1870                 description: Does the poll allow multiple-choice answers?
   1871                 type: boolean
   1872                 x-go-name: Multiple
   1873             options:
   1874                 description: Possible answers for the poll.
   1875                 items:
   1876                     $ref: '#/definitions/pollOptions'
   1877                 type: array
   1878                 x-go-name: Options
   1879             own_votes:
   1880                 description: When called with a user token, which options has the authorized user chosen? Contains an array of index values for options.
   1881                 items:
   1882                     format: int64
   1883                     type: integer
   1884                 type: array
   1885                 x-go-name: OwnVotes
   1886             voted:
   1887                 description: When called with a user token, has the authorized user voted?
   1888                 type: boolean
   1889                 x-go-name: Voted
   1890             voters_count:
   1891                 description: How many unique accounts have voted on a multiple-choice poll. Null if multiple is false.
   1892                 format: int64
   1893                 type: integer
   1894                 x-go-name: VotersCount
   1895             votes_count:
   1896                 description: How many votes have been received.
   1897                 format: int64
   1898                 type: integer
   1899                 x-go-name: VotesCount
   1900         title: Poll represents a poll attached to a status.
   1901         type: object
   1902         x-go-name: Poll
   1903         x-go-package:
   1904     pollOptions:
   1905         properties:
   1906             title:
   1907                 description: The text value of the poll option. String.
   1908                 type: string
   1909                 x-go-name: Title
   1910             votes_count:
   1911                 description: |-
   1912                     The number of received votes for this option.
   1913                     Number, or null if results are not published yet.
   1914                 format: int64
   1915                 type: integer
   1916                 x-go-name: VotesCount
   1917         title: PollOptions represents the current vote counts for different poll options.
   1918         type: object
   1919         x-go-name: PollOptions
   1920         x-go-package:
   1921     report:
   1922         properties:
   1923             action_taken:
   1924                 description: Whether an action has been taken by an admin in response to this report.
   1925                 example: false
   1926                 type: boolean
   1927                 x-go-name: ActionTaken
   1928             action_taken_at:
   1929                 description: |-
   1930                     If an action was taken, at what time was this done? (ISO 8601 Datetime)
   1931                     Will be null if not set / no action yet taken.
   1932                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
   1933                 type: string
   1934                 x-go-name: ActionTakenAt
   1935             action_taken_comment:
   1936                 description: |-
   1937                     If an action was taken, what comment was made by the admin on the taken action?
   1938                     Will be null if not set / no action yet taken.
   1939                 example: Account was suspended.
   1940                 type: string
   1941                 x-go-name: ActionTakenComment
   1942             category:
   1943                 description: Under what category was this report created?
   1944                 example: spam
   1945                 type: string
   1946                 x-go-name: Category
   1947             comment:
   1948                 description: |-
   1949                     Comment submitted when the report was created.
   1950                     Will be empty if no comment was submitted.
   1951                 example: This person has been harassing me.
   1952                 type: string
   1953                 x-go-name: Comment
   1954             created_at:
   1955                 description: The date when this report was created (ISO 8601 Datetime).
   1956                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
   1957                 type: string
   1958                 x-go-name: CreatedAt
   1959             forwarded:
   1960                 description: Bool to indicate that report should be federated to remote instance.
   1961                 example: true
   1962                 type: boolean
   1963                 x-go-name: Forwarded
   1964             id:
   1965                 description: ID of the report.
   1966                 example: 01FBVD42CQ3ZEEVMW180SBX03B
   1967                 type: string
   1968                 x-go-name: ID
   1969             rule_ids:
   1970                 description: |-
   1971                     Array of rule IDs that were submitted along with this report.
   1972                     Will be empty if no rule IDs were submitted.
   1973                 example:
   1974                     - 1
   1975                     - 2
   1976                 items:
   1977                     format: int64
   1978                     type: integer
   1979                 type: array
   1980                 x-go-name: RuleIDs
   1981             status_ids:
   1982                 description: |-
   1983                     Array of IDs of statuses that were submitted along with this report.
   1984                     Will be empty if no status IDs were submitted.
   1985                 example:
   1986                     - 01GPBN5YDY6JKBWE44H7YQBDCQ
   1987                     - 01GPBN65PDWSBPWVDD0SQCFFY3
   1988                 items:
   1989                     type: string
   1990                 type: array
   1991                 x-go-name: StatusIDs
   1992             target_account:
   1993                 $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   1994         title: Report models a moderation report submitted to the instance, either via the client API or via the federated API.
   1995         type: object
   1996         x-go-name: Report
   1997         x-go-package:
   1998     searchResult:
   1999         properties:
   2000             accounts:
   2001                 items:
   2002                     $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   2003                 type: array
   2004                 x-go-name: Accounts
   2005             hashtags:
   2006                 items:
   2007                     $ref: '#/definitions/tag'
   2008                 type: array
   2009                 x-go-name: Hashtags
   2010             statuses:
   2011                 items:
   2012                     $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   2013                 type: array
   2014                 x-go-name: Statuses
   2015         title: SearchResult models a search result.
   2016         type: object
   2017         x-go-name: SearchResult
   2018         x-go-package:
   2019     status:
   2020         properties:
   2021             account:
   2022                 $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   2023             application:
   2024                 $ref: '#/definitions/application'
   2025             bookmarked:
   2026                 description: This status has been bookmarked by the account viewing it.
   2027                 type: boolean
   2028                 x-go-name: Bookmarked
   2029             card:
   2030                 $ref: '#/definitions/card'
   2031             content:
   2032                 description: The content of this status. Should be HTML, but might also be plaintext in some cases.
   2033                 example: <p>Hey this is a status!</p>
   2034                 type: string
   2035                 x-go-name: Content
   2036             created_at:
   2037                 description: The date when this status was created (ISO 8601 Datetime).
   2038                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
   2039                 type: string
   2040                 x-go-name: CreatedAt
   2041             emojis:
   2042                 description: Custom emoji to be used when rendering status content.
   2043                 items:
   2044                     $ref: '#/definitions/emoji'
   2045                 type: array
   2046                 x-go-name: Emojis
   2047             favourited:
   2048                 description: This status has been favourited by the account viewing it.
   2049                 type: boolean
   2050                 x-go-name: Favourited
   2051             favourites_count:
   2052                 description: Number of favourites/likes this status has received, according to our instance.
   2053                 format: int64
   2054                 type: integer
   2055                 x-go-name: FavouritesCount
   2056             id:
   2057                 description: ID of the status.
   2058                 example: 01FBVD42CQ3ZEEVMW180SBX03B
   2059                 type: string
   2060                 x-go-name: ID
   2061             in_reply_to_account_id:
   2062                 description: ID of the account being replied to.
   2063                 example: 01FBVD42CQ3ZEEVMW180SBX03B
   2064                 type: string
   2065                 x-go-name: InReplyToAccountID
   2066             in_reply_to_id:
   2067                 description: ID of the status being replied to.
   2068                 example: 01FBVD42CQ3ZEEVMW180SBX03B
   2069                 type: string
   2070                 x-go-name: InReplyToID
   2071             language:
   2072                 description: |-
   2073                     Primary language of this status (ISO 639 Part 1 two-letter language code).
   2074                     Will be null if language is not known.
   2075                 example: en
   2076                 type: string
   2077                 x-go-name: Language
   2078             media_attachments:
   2079                 description: Media that is attached to this status.
   2080                 items:
   2081                     $ref: '#/definitions/attachment'
   2082                 type: array
   2083                 x-go-name: MediaAttachments
   2084             mentions:
   2085                 description: Mentions of users within the status content.
   2086                 items:
   2087                     $ref: '#/definitions/Mention'
   2088                 type: array
   2089                 x-go-name: Mentions
   2090             muted:
   2091                 description: Replies to this status have been muted by the account viewing it.
   2092                 type: boolean
   2093                 x-go-name: Muted
   2094             pinned:
   2095                 description: This status has been pinned by the account viewing it (only relevant for your own statuses).
   2096                 type: boolean
   2097                 x-go-name: Pinned
   2098             poll:
   2099                 $ref: '#/definitions/poll'
   2100             reblog:
   2101                 $ref: '#/definitions/statusReblogged'
   2102             reblogged:
   2103                 description: This status has been boosted/reblogged by the account viewing it.
   2104                 type: boolean
   2105                 x-go-name: Reblogged
   2106             reblogs_count:
   2107                 description: Number of times this status has been boosted/reblogged, according to our instance.
   2108                 format: int64
   2109                 type: integer
   2110                 x-go-name: ReblogsCount
   2111             replies_count:
   2112                 description: Number of replies to this status, according to our instance.
   2113                 format: int64
   2114                 type: integer
   2115                 x-go-name: RepliesCount
   2116             sensitive:
   2117                 description: Status contains sensitive content.
   2118                 example: false
   2119                 type: boolean
   2120                 x-go-name: Sensitive
   2121             spoiler_text:
   2122                 description: Subject, summary, or content warning for the status.
   2123                 example: warning nsfw
   2124                 type: string
   2125                 x-go-name: SpoilerText
   2126             tags:
   2127                 description: Hashtags used within the status content.
   2128                 items:
   2129                     $ref: '#/definitions/tag'
   2130                 type: array
   2131                 x-go-name: Tags
   2132             text:
   2133                 description: |-
   2134                     Plain-text source of a status. Returned instead of content when status is deleted,
   2135                     so the user may redraft from the source text without the client having to reverse-engineer
   2136                     the original text from the HTML content.
   2137                 type: string
   2138                 x-go-name: Text
   2139             uri:
   2140                 description: ActivityPub URI of the status. Equivalent to the status's activitypub ID.
   2141                 example:
   2142                 type: string
   2143                 x-go-name: URI
   2144             url:
   2145                 description: The status's publicly available web URL. This link will only work if the visibility of the status is 'public'.
   2146                 example:
   2147                 type: string
   2148                 x-go-name: URL
   2149             visibility:
   2150                 description: Visibility of this status.
   2151                 example: unlisted
   2152                 type: string
   2153                 x-go-name: Visibility
   2154         title: Status models a status or post.
   2155         type: object
   2156         x-go-name: Status
   2157         x-go-package:
   2158     statusContext:
   2159         properties:
   2160             ancestors:
   2161                 description: Parents in the thread.
   2162                 items:
   2163                     $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   2164                 type: array
   2165                 x-go-name: Ancestors
   2166             descendants:
   2167                 description: Children in the thread.
   2168                 items:
   2169                     $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   2170                 type: array
   2171                 x-go-name: Descendants
   2172         title: Context models the tree around a given status.
   2173         type: object
   2174         x-go-name: Context
   2175         x-go-package:
   2176     statusCreateRequest:
   2177         properties:
   2178             content_type:
   2179                 description: |-
   2180                     Content type to use when parsing this status.
   2181                     in: formData
   2182                 type: string
   2183                 x-go-name: ContentType
   2184             in_reply_to_id:
   2185                 description: |-
   2186                     ID of the status being replied to, if status is a reply.
   2187                     in: formData
   2188                 type: string
   2189                 x-go-name: InReplyToID
   2190             language:
   2191                 description: |-
   2192                     ISO 639 language code for this status.
   2193                     in: formData
   2194                 type: string
   2195                 x-go-name: Language
   2196             media_ids:
   2197                 description: |-
   2198                     Array of Attachment ids to be attached as media.
   2199                     If provided, status becomes optional, and poll cannot be used.
   2201                     If the status is being submitted as a form, the key is 'media_ids[]',
   2202                     but if it's json or xml, the key is 'media_ids'.
   2204                     in: formData
   2205                 items:
   2206                     type: string
   2207                 type: array
   2208                 x-go-name: MediaIDs
   2209             scheduled_at:
   2210                 description: |-
   2211                     ISO 8601 Datetime at which to schedule a status.
   2212                     Providing this parameter will cause ScheduledStatus to be returned instead of Status.
   2213                     Must be at least 5 minutes in the future.
   2214                     in: formData
   2215                 type: string
   2216                 x-go-name: ScheduledAt
   2217             sensitive:
   2218                 description: |-
   2219                     Status and attached media should be marked as sensitive.
   2220                     in: formData
   2221                 type: boolean
   2222                 x-go-name: Sensitive
   2223             spoiler_text:
   2224                 description: |-
   2225                     Text to be shown as a warning or subject before the actual content.
   2226                     Statuses are generally collapsed behind this field.
   2227                     in: formData
   2228                 type: string
   2229                 x-go-name: SpoilerText
   2230             status:
   2231                 description: |-
   2232                     Text content of the status.
   2233                     If media_ids is provided, this becomes optional.
   2234                     Attaching a poll is optional while status is provided.
   2235                     in: formData
   2236                 type: string
   2237                 x-go-name: Status
   2238             visibility:
   2239                 description: |-
   2240                     Visibility of the posted status.
   2241                     in: formData
   2242                 type: string
   2243                 x-go-name: Visibility
   2244         title: StatusCreateRequest models status creation parameters.
   2245         type: object
   2246         x-go-name: StatusCreateRequest
   2247         x-go-package:
   2248     statusReblogged:
   2249         properties:
   2250             account:
   2251                 $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   2252             application:
   2253                 $ref: '#/definitions/application'
   2254             bookmarked:
   2255                 description: This status has been bookmarked by the account viewing it.
   2256                 type: boolean
   2257                 x-go-name: Bookmarked
   2258             card:
   2259                 $ref: '#/definitions/card'
   2260             content:
   2261                 description: The content of this status. Should be HTML, but might also be plaintext in some cases.
   2262                 example: <p>Hey this is a status!</p>
   2263                 type: string
   2264                 x-go-name: Content
   2265             created_at:
   2266                 description: The date when this status was created (ISO 8601 Datetime).
   2267                 example: "2021-07-30T09:20:25+00:00"
   2268                 type: string
   2269                 x-go-name: CreatedAt
   2270             emojis:
   2271                 description: Custom emoji to be used when rendering status content.
   2272                 items:
   2273                     $ref: '#/definitions/emoji'
   2274                 type: array
   2275                 x-go-name: Emojis
   2276             favourited:
   2277                 description: This status has been favourited by the account viewing it.
   2278                 type: boolean
   2279                 x-go-name: Favourited
   2280             favourites_count:
   2281                 description: Number of favourites/likes this status has received, according to our instance.
   2282                 format: int64
   2283                 type: integer
   2284                 x-go-name: FavouritesCount
   2285             id:
   2286                 description: ID of the status.
   2287                 example: 01FBVD42CQ3ZEEVMW180SBX03B
   2288                 type: string
   2289                 x-go-name: ID
   2290             in_reply_to_account_id:
   2291                 description: ID of the account being replied to.
   2292                 example: 01FBVD42CQ3ZEEVMW180SBX03B
   2293                 type: string
   2294                 x-go-name: InReplyToAccountID
   2295             in_reply_to_id:
   2296                 description: ID of the status being replied to.
   2297                 example: 01FBVD42CQ3ZEEVMW180SBX03B
   2298                 type: string
   2299                 x-go-name: InReplyToID
   2300             language:
   2301                 description: |-
   2302                     Primary language of this status (ISO 639 Part 1 two-letter language code).
   2303                     Will be null if language is not known.
   2304                 example: en
   2305                 type: string
   2306                 x-go-name: Language
   2307             media_attachments:
   2308                 description: Media that is attached to this status.
   2309                 items:
   2310                     $ref: '#/definitions/attachment'
   2311                 type: array
   2312                 x-go-name: MediaAttachments
   2313             mentions:
   2314                 description: Mentions of users within the status content.
   2315                 items:
   2316                     $ref: '#/definitions/Mention'
   2317                 type: array
   2318                 x-go-name: Mentions
   2319             muted:
   2320                 description: Replies to this status have been muted by the account viewing it.
   2321                 type: boolean
   2322                 x-go-name: Muted
   2323             pinned:
   2324                 description: This status has been pinned by the account viewing it (only relevant for your own statuses).
   2325                 type: boolean
   2326                 x-go-name: Pinned
   2327             poll:
   2328                 $ref: '#/definitions/poll'
   2329             reblog:
   2330                 $ref: '#/definitions/statusReblogged'
   2331             reblogged:
   2332                 description: This status has been boosted/reblogged by the account viewing it.
   2333                 type: boolean
   2334                 x-go-name: Reblogged
   2335             reblogs_count:
   2336                 description: Number of times this status has been boosted/reblogged, according to our instance.
   2337                 format: int64
   2338                 type: integer
   2339                 x-go-name: ReblogsCount
   2340             replies_count:
   2341                 description: Number of replies to this status, according to our instance.
   2342                 format: int64
   2343                 type: integer
   2344                 x-go-name: RepliesCount
   2345             sensitive:
   2346                 description: Status contains sensitive content.
   2347                 example: false
   2348                 type: boolean
   2349                 x-go-name: Sensitive
   2350             spoiler_text:
   2351                 description: Subject, summary, or content warning for the status.
   2352                 example: warning nsfw
   2353                 type: string
   2354                 x-go-name: SpoilerText
   2355             tags:
   2356                 description: Hashtags used within the status content.
   2357                 items:
   2358                     $ref: '#/definitions/tag'
   2359                 type: array
   2360                 x-go-name: Tags
   2361             text:
   2362                 description: |-
   2363                     Plain-text source of a status. Returned instead of content when status is deleted,
   2364                     so the user may redraft from the source text without the client having to reverse-engineer
   2365                     the original text from the HTML content.
   2366                 type: string
   2367                 x-go-name: Text
   2368             uri:
   2369                 description: ActivityPub URI of the status. Equivalent to the status's activitypub ID.
   2370                 example:
   2371                 type: string
   2372                 x-go-name: URI
   2373             url:
   2374                 description: The status's publicly available web URL. This link will only work if the visibility of the status is 'public'.
   2375                 example:
   2376                 type: string
   2377                 x-go-name: URL
   2378             visibility:
   2379                 description: Visibility of this status.
   2380                 example: unlisted
   2381                 type: string
   2382                 x-go-name: Visibility
   2383         title: StatusReblogged represents a reblogged status.
   2384         type: object
   2385         x-go-name: StatusReblogged
   2386         x-go-package:
   2387     swaggerCollection:
   2388         properties:
   2389             '@context':
   2390                 description: |-
   2391                     ActivityStreams JSON-LD context.
   2392                     A string or an array of strings, or more
   2393                     complex nested items.
   2394                 example:
   2395                 x-go-name: Context
   2396             first:
   2397                 $ref: '#/definitions/swaggerCollectionPage'
   2398             id:
   2399                 description: ActivityStreams ID.
   2400                 example:
   2401                 type: string
   2402                 x-go-name: ID
   2403             last:
   2404                 $ref: '#/definitions/swaggerCollectionPage'
   2405             type:
   2406                 description: ActivityStreams type.
   2407                 example: Collection
   2408                 type: string
   2409                 x-go-name: Type
   2410         title: SwaggerCollection represents an ActivityPub Collection.
   2411         type: object
   2412         x-go-name: SwaggerCollection
   2413         x-go-package:
   2414     swaggerCollectionPage:
   2415         properties:
   2416             id:
   2417                 description: ActivityStreams ID.
   2418                 example:
   2419                 type: string
   2420                 x-go-name: ID
   2421             items:
   2422                 description: Items on this page.
   2423                 example:
   2424                     -
   2425                     -
   2426                 items:
   2427                     type: string
   2428                 type: array
   2429                 x-go-name: Items
   2430             next:
   2431                 description: Link to the next page.
   2432                 example:
   2433                 type: string
   2434                 x-go-name: Next
   2435             partOf:
   2436                 description: Collection this page belongs to.
   2437                 example:
   2438                 type: string
   2439                 x-go-name: PartOf
   2440             type:
   2441                 description: ActivityStreams type.
   2442                 example: CollectionPage
   2443                 type: string
   2444                 x-go-name: Type
   2445         title: SwaggerCollectionPage represents one page of a collection.
   2446         type: object
   2447         x-go-name: SwaggerCollectionPage
   2448         x-go-package:
   2449     swaggerFeaturedCollection:
   2450         properties:
   2451             '@context':
   2452                 description: |-
   2453                     ActivityStreams JSON-LD context.
   2454                     A string or an array of strings, or more
   2455                     complex nested items.
   2456                 example:
   2457                 x-go-name: Context
   2458             TotalItems:
   2459                 description: Number of items in this collection.
   2460                 example: 2
   2461                 format: int64
   2462                 type: integer
   2463             id:
   2464                 description: ActivityStreams ID.
   2465                 example:
   2466                 type: string
   2467                 x-go-name: ID
   2468             items:
   2469                 description: List of status URIs.
   2470                 example: '['''', '''']'
   2471                 items:
   2472                     type: string
   2473                 type: array
   2474                 x-go-name: Items
   2475             type:
   2476                 description: ActivityStreams type.
   2477                 example: OrderedCollection
   2478                 type: string
   2479                 x-go-name: Type
   2480         title: SwaggerFeaturedCollection represents an ActivityPub OrderedCollection.
   2481         type: object
   2482         x-go-name: SwaggerFeaturedCollection
   2483         x-go-package:
   2484     tag:
   2485         properties:
   2486             name:
   2487                 description: 'The value of the hashtag after the # sign.'
   2488                 example: helloworld
   2489                 type: string
   2490                 x-go-name: Name
   2491             url:
   2492                 description: Web link to the hashtag.
   2493                 example:
   2494                 type: string
   2495                 x-go-name: URL
   2496         title: Tag represents a hashtag used within the content of a status.
   2497         type: object
   2498         x-go-name: Tag
   2499         x-go-package:
   2500     updateField:
   2501         description: By default, max 6 fields and 255 characters per property/value.
   2502         properties:
   2503             name:
   2504                 description: Name of the field
   2505                 type: string
   2506                 x-go-name: Name
   2507             value:
   2508                 description: Value of the field
   2509                 type: string
   2510                 x-go-name: Value
   2511         title: UpdateField is to be used specifically in an UpdateCredentialsRequest.
   2512         type: object
   2513         x-go-name: UpdateField
   2514         x-go-package:
   2515     updateSource:
   2516         properties:
   2517             language:
   2518                 description: Default language to use for authored statuses. (ISO 6391)
   2519                 type: string
   2520                 x-go-name: Language
   2521             privacy:
   2522                 description: Default post privacy for authored statuses.
   2523                 type: string
   2524                 x-go-name: Privacy
   2525             sensitive:
   2526                 description: Mark authored statuses as sensitive by default.
   2527                 type: boolean
   2528                 x-go-name: Sensitive
   2529             status_content_type:
   2530                 description: Default format for authored statuses (text/plain or text/markdown).
   2531                 type: string
   2532                 x-go-name: StatusContentType
   2533         title: UpdateSource is to be used specifically in an UpdateCredentialsRequest.
   2534         type: object
   2535         x-go-name: UpdateSource
   2536         x-go-package:
   2537     wellKnownResponse:
   2538         description: See
   2539         properties:
   2540             aliases:
   2541                 items:
   2542                     type: string
   2543                 type: array
   2544                 x-go-name: Aliases
   2545             links:
   2546                 items:
   2547                     $ref: '#/definitions/Link'
   2548                 type: array
   2549                 x-go-name: Links
   2550             subject:
   2551                 type: string
   2552                 x-go-name: Subject
   2553         title: |-
   2554             WellKnownResponse represents the response to either a webfinger request for an 'acct' resource, or a request to nodeinfo.
   2555             For example, it would be returned from
   2556         type: object
   2557         x-go-name: WellKnownResponse
   2558         x-go-package:
   2559 host:
   2560 info:
   2561     contact:
   2562         email:
   2563         name: GoToSocial Authors
   2564     license:
   2565         name: AGPL3
   2566         url:
   2567     title: GoToSocial Swagger documentation.
   2568     version: REPLACE_ME
   2569 paths:
   2570     /.well-known/host-meta:
   2571         get:
   2572             description: 'See:'
   2573             operationId: hostMetaGet
   2574             produces:
   2575                 - application/xrd+xml"
   2576             responses:
   2577                 "200":
   2578                     description: ""
   2579                     schema:
   2580                         $ref: '#/definitions/hostmeta'
   2581             summary: Returns a compliant hostmeta response to web host metadata queries.
   2582             tags:
   2583                 - .well-known
   2584     /.well-known/nodeinfo:
   2585         get:
   2586             description: |-
   2587                 eg. `{"links":[{"rel":"","href":""}]}`
   2588                 See:
   2589             operationId: nodeInfoWellKnownGet
   2590             produces:
   2591                 - application/json
   2592             responses:
   2593                 "200":
   2594                     description: ""
   2595                     schema:
   2596                         $ref: '#/definitions/wellKnownResponse'
   2597             summary: Returns a well-known response which redirects callers to `/nodeinfo/2.0`.
   2598             tags:
   2599                 - .well-known
   2600     /.well-known/webfinger:
   2601         get:
   2602             description: |-
   2603                 For example, a GET to `` would return:
   2605                 ```
   2607                 {"subject":"","aliases":["",""],"links":[{"rel":"","type":"text/html","href":""},{"rel":"self","type":"application/activity+json","href":""}]}
   2609                 ```
   2611                 See:
   2612             operationId: webfingerGet
   2613             produces:
   2614                 - application/jrd+json
   2615             responses:
   2616                 "200":
   2617                     description: ""
   2618                     schema:
   2619                         $ref: '#/definitions/wellKnownResponse'
   2620             summary: Handles webfinger account lookup requests.
   2621             tags:
   2622                 - .well-known
   2623     /api/{api_version}/media:
   2624         post:
   2625             consumes:
   2626                 - multipart/form-data
   2627             operationId: mediaCreate
   2628             parameters:
   2629                 - description: Version of the API to use. Must be either `v1` or `v2`.
   2630                   in: path
   2631                   name: api_version
   2632                   required: true
   2633                   type: string
   2634                 - description: Image or media description to use as alt-text on the attachment. This is very useful for users of screenreaders! May or may not be required, depending on your instance settings.
   2635                   in: formData
   2636                   name: description
   2637                   type: string
   2638                 - default: 0,0
   2639                   description: 'Focus of the media file. If present, it should be in the form of two comma-separated floats between -1 and 1. For example: `-0.5,0.25`.'
   2640                   in: formData
   2641                   name: focus
   2642                   type: string
   2643                 - description: The media attachment to upload.
   2644                   in: formData
   2645                   name: file
   2646                   required: true
   2647                   type: file
   2648             produces:
   2649                 - application/json
   2650             responses:
   2651                 "200":
   2652                     description: The newly-created media attachment.
   2653                     schema:
   2654                         $ref: '#/definitions/attachment'
   2655                 "400":
   2656                     description: bad request
   2657                 "401":
   2658                     description: unauthorized
   2659                 "422":
   2660                     description: unprocessable
   2661                 "500":
   2662                     description: internal server error
   2663             security:
   2664                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   2665                     - write:media
   2666             summary: Upload a new media attachment.
   2667             tags:
   2668                 - media
   2669     /api/v1/accounts:
   2670         post:
   2671             consumes:
   2672                 - application/json
   2673                 - application/xml
   2674                 - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
   2675             description: |-
   2676                 The parameters can also be given in the body of the request, as JSON, if the content-type is set to 'application/json'.
   2677                 The parameters can also be given in the body of the request, as XML, if the content-type is set to 'application/xml'.
   2678             operationId: accountCreate
   2679             parameters:
   2680                 - description: Text that will be reviewed by moderators if registrations require manual approval.
   2681                   in: query
   2682                   name: reason
   2683                   type: string
   2684                   x-go-name: Reason
   2685                 - description: The desired username for the account.
   2686                   in: query
   2687                   name: username
   2688                   type: string
   2689                   x-go-name: Username
   2690                 - description: The email address to be used for login.
   2691                   in: query
   2692                   name: email
   2693                   type: string
   2694                   x-go-name: Email
   2695                 - description: The password to be used for login. This will be hashed before storage.
   2696                   in: query
   2697                   name: password
   2698                   type: string
   2699                   x-go-name: Password
   2700                 - description: The user agrees to the terms, conditions, and policies of the instance.
   2701                   in: query
   2702                   name: agreement
   2703                   type: boolean
   2704                   x-go-name: Agreement
   2705                 - description: The language of the confirmation email that will be sent.
   2706                   in: query
   2707                   name: locale
   2708                   type: string
   2709                   x-go-name: Locale
   2710             produces:
   2711                 - application/json
   2712             responses:
   2713                 "200":
   2714                     description: An OAuth2 access token for the newly-created account.
   2715                     schema:
   2716                         $ref: '#/definitions/oauthToken'
   2717                 "400":
   2718                     description: bad request
   2719                 "401":
   2720                     description: unauthorized
   2721                 "404":
   2722                     description: not found
   2723                 "406":
   2724                     description: not acceptable
   2725                 "500":
   2726                     description: internal server error
   2727             security:
   2728                 - OAuth2 Application:
   2729                     - write:accounts
   2730             summary: Create a new account using an application token.
   2731             tags:
   2732                 - accounts
   2733     /api/v1/accounts/{id}:
   2734         get:
   2735             operationId: accountGet
   2736             parameters:
   2737                 - description: The id of the requested account.
   2738                   in: path
   2739                   name: id
   2740                   required: true
   2741                   type: string
   2742             produces:
   2743                 - application/json
   2744             responses:
   2745                 "200":
   2746                     description: The requested account.
   2747                     schema:
   2748                         $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   2749                 "400":
   2750                     description: bad request
   2751                 "401":
   2752                     description: unauthorized
   2753                 "404":
   2754                     description: not found
   2755                 "406":
   2756                     description: not acceptable
   2757                 "500":
   2758                     description: internal server error
   2759             security:
   2760                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   2761                     - read:accounts
   2762             summary: Get information about an account with the given ID.
   2763             tags:
   2764                 - accounts
   2765     /api/v1/accounts/{id}/block:
   2766         post:
   2767             operationId: accountBlock
   2768             parameters:
   2769                 - description: The id of the account to block.
   2770                   in: path
   2771                   name: id
   2772                   required: true
   2773                   type: string
   2774             produces:
   2775                 - application/json
   2776             responses:
   2777                 "200":
   2778                     description: Your relationship to the account.
   2779                     schema:
   2780                         $ref: '#/definitions/accountRelationship'
   2781                 "400":
   2782                     description: bad request
   2783                 "401":
   2784                     description: unauthorized
   2785                 "404":
   2786                     description: not found
   2787                 "406":
   2788                     description: not acceptable
   2789                 "500":
   2790                     description: internal server error
   2791             security:
   2792                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   2793                     - write:blocks
   2794             summary: Block account with id.
   2795             tags:
   2796                 - accounts
   2797     /api/v1/accounts/{id}/follow:
   2798         post:
   2799             consumes:
   2800                 - application/json
   2801                 - application/xml
   2802                 - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
   2803             description: |-
   2804                 The parameters can also be given in the body of the request, as JSON, if the content-type is set to 'application/json'.
   2805                 The parameters can also be given in the body of the request, as XML, if the content-type is set to 'application/xml'.
   2807                 If you already follow (request) the given account, then the follow (request) will be updated instead using the
   2808                 `reblogs` and `notify` parameters.
   2809             operationId: accountFollow
   2810             parameters:
   2811                 - description: ID of the account to follow.
   2812                   in: path
   2813                   name: id
   2814                   required: true
   2815                   type: string
   2816                 - default: true
   2817                   description: Show reblogs from this account.
   2818                   in: formData
   2819                   name: reblogs
   2820                   type: boolean
   2821                 - default: false
   2822                   description: Notify when this account posts.
   2823                   in: formData
   2824                   name: notify
   2825                   type: boolean
   2826             produces:
   2827                 - application/json
   2828             responses:
   2829                 "200":
   2830                     description: Your relationship to this account.
   2831                     schema:
   2832                         $ref: '#/definitions/accountRelationship'
   2833                 "400":
   2834                     description: bad request
   2835                 "401":
   2836                     description: unauthorized
   2837                 "404":
   2838                     description: not found
   2839                 "406":
   2840                     description: not acceptable
   2841                 "500":
   2842                     description: internal server error
   2843             security:
   2844                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   2845                     - write:follows
   2846             summary: Follow account with id.
   2847             tags:
   2848                 - accounts
   2849     /api/v1/accounts/{id}/followers:
   2850         get:
   2851             operationId: accountFollowers
   2852             parameters:
   2853                 - description: Account ID.
   2854                   in: path
   2855                   name: id
   2856                   required: true
   2857                   type: string
   2858             produces:
   2859                 - application/json
   2860             responses:
   2861                 "200":
   2862                     description: Array of accounts that follow this account.
   2863                     schema:
   2864                         items:
   2865                             $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   2866                         type: array
   2867                 "400":
   2868                     description: bad request
   2869                 "401":
   2870                     description: unauthorized
   2871                 "404":
   2872                     description: not found
   2873                 "406":
   2874                     description: not acceptable
   2875                 "500":
   2876                     description: internal server error
   2877             security:
   2878                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   2879                     - read:accounts
   2880             summary: See followers of account with given id.
   2881             tags:
   2882                 - accounts
   2883     /api/v1/accounts/{id}/following:
   2884         get:
   2885             operationId: accountFollowing
   2886             parameters:
   2887                 - description: Account ID.
   2888                   in: path
   2889                   name: id
   2890                   required: true
   2891                   type: string
   2892             produces:
   2893                 - application/json
   2894             responses:
   2895                 "200":
   2896                     description: Array of accounts that are followed by this account.
   2897                 "400":
   2898                     description: bad request
   2899                 "401":
   2900                     description: unauthorized
   2901                 "404":
   2902                     description: not found
   2903                 "406":
   2904                     description: not acceptable
   2905                 "500":
   2906                     description: internal server error
   2907             security:
   2908                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   2909                     - read:accounts
   2910             summary: See accounts followed by given account id.
   2911             tags:
   2912                 - accounts
   2913     /api/v1/accounts/{id}/lists:
   2914         get:
   2915             operationId: accountLists
   2916             parameters:
   2917                 - description: Account ID.
   2918                   in: path
   2919                   name: id
   2920                   required: true
   2921                   type: string
   2922             produces:
   2923                 - application/json
   2924             responses:
   2925                 "200":
   2926                     description: Array of all lists containing this account.
   2927                     schema:
   2928                         items:
   2929                             $ref: '#/definitions/list'
   2930                         type: array
   2931                 "400":
   2932                     description: bad request
   2933                 "401":
   2934                     description: unauthorized
   2935                 "404":
   2936                     description: not found
   2937                 "406":
   2938                     description: not acceptable
   2939                 "500":
   2940                     description: internal server error
   2941             security:
   2942                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   2943                     - read:lists
   2944             summary: See all lists of yours that contain requested account.
   2945             tags:
   2946                 - accounts
   2947     /api/v1/accounts/{id}/statuses:
   2948         get:
   2949             description: The statuses will be returned in descending chronological order (newest first), with sequential IDs (bigger = newer).
   2950             operationId: accountStatuses
   2951             parameters:
   2952                 - description: Account ID.
   2953                   in: path
   2954                   name: id
   2955                   required: true
   2956                   type: string
   2957                 - default: 30
   2958                   description: Number of statuses to return.
   2959                   in: query
   2960                   name: limit
   2961                   type: integer
   2962                 - default: false
   2963                   description: Exclude statuses that are a reply to another status.
   2964                   in: query
   2965                   name: exclude_replies
   2966                   type: boolean
   2967                 - default: false
   2968                   description: Exclude statuses that are a reblog/boost of another status.
   2969                   in: query
   2970                   name: exclude_reblogs
   2971                   type: boolean
   2972                 - description: Return only statuses *OLDER* than the given max status ID. The status with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   2973                   in: query
   2974                   name: max_id
   2975                   type: string
   2976                 - description: Return only statuses *NEWER* than the given min status ID. The status with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   2977                   in: query
   2978                   name: min_id
   2979                   type: string
   2980                 - default: false
   2981                   description: Show only pinned statuses. In other words, exclude statuses that are not pinned to the given account ID.
   2982                   in: query
   2983                   name: pinned_only
   2984                   type: boolean
   2985                 - default: false
   2986                   description: Show only statuses with media attachments.
   2987                   in: query
   2988                   name: only_media
   2989                   type: boolean
   2990                 - default: false
   2991                   description: Show only statuses with a privacy setting of 'public'.
   2992                   in: query
   2993                   name: only_public
   2994                   type: boolean
   2995             produces:
   2996                 - application/json
   2997             responses:
   2998                 "200":
   2999                     description: Array of statuses.
   3000                     schema:
   3001                         items:
   3002                             $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   3003                         type: array
   3004                 "400":
   3005                     description: bad request
   3006                 "401":
   3007                     description: unauthorized
   3008                 "404":
   3009                     description: not found
   3010                 "406":
   3011                     description: not acceptable
   3012                 "500":
   3013                     description: internal server error
   3014             security:
   3015                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3016                     - read:accounts
   3017             summary: See statuses posted by the requested account.
   3018             tags:
   3019                 - accounts
   3020     /api/v1/accounts/{id}/unblock:
   3021         post:
   3022             operationId: accountUnblock
   3023             parameters:
   3024                 - description: The id of the account to unblock.
   3025                   in: path
   3026                   name: id
   3027                   required: true
   3028                   type: string
   3029             produces:
   3030                 - application/json
   3031             responses:
   3032                 "200":
   3033                     description: Your relationship to this account.
   3034                     schema:
   3035                         $ref: '#/definitions/accountRelationship'
   3036                 "400":
   3037                     description: bad request
   3038                 "401":
   3039                     description: unauthorized
   3040                 "404":
   3041                     description: not found
   3042                 "406":
   3043                     description: not acceptable
   3044                 "500":
   3045                     description: internal server error
   3046             security:
   3047                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3048                     - write:blocks
   3049             summary: Unblock account with ID.
   3050             tags:
   3051                 - accounts
   3052     /api/v1/accounts/{id}/unfollow:
   3053         post:
   3054             operationId: accountUnfollow
   3055             parameters:
   3056                 - description: The id of the account to unfollow.
   3057                   in: path
   3058                   name: id
   3059                   required: true
   3060                   type: string
   3061             produces:
   3062                 - application/json
   3063             responses:
   3064                 "200":
   3065                     description: Your relationship to this account.
   3066                     schema:
   3067                         $ref: '#/definitions/accountRelationship'
   3068                 "400":
   3069                     description: bad request
   3070                 "401":
   3071                     description: unauthorized
   3072                 "404":
   3073                     description: not found
   3074                 "406":
   3075                     description: not acceptable
   3076                 "500":
   3077                     description: internal server error
   3078             security:
   3079                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3080                     - write:follows
   3081             summary: Unfollow account with id.
   3082             tags:
   3083                 - accounts
   3084     /api/v1/accounts/delete:
   3085         post:
   3086             consumes:
   3087                 - multipart/form-data
   3088             operationId: accountDelete
   3089             parameters:
   3090                 - description: Password of the account user, for confirmation.
   3091                   in: formData
   3092                   name: password
   3093                   required: true
   3094                   type: string
   3095             responses:
   3096                 "202":
   3097                     description: The account deletion has been accepted and the account will be deleted.
   3098                 "400":
   3099                     description: bad request
   3100                 "401":
   3101                     description: unauthorized
   3102                 "404":
   3103                     description: not found
   3104                 "406":
   3105                     description: not acceptable
   3106                 "500":
   3107                     description: internal server error
   3108             security:
   3109                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3110                     - write:accounts
   3111             summary: Delete your account.
   3112             tags:
   3113                 - accounts
   3114     /api/v1/accounts/lookup:
   3115         get:
   3116             operationId: accountLookupGet
   3117             parameters:
   3118                 - description: The username or Webfinger address to lookup.
   3119                   in: query
   3120                   name: acct
   3121                   required: true
   3122                   type: string
   3123             produces:
   3124                 - application/json
   3125             responses:
   3126                 "200":
   3127                     description: Result of the lookup.
   3128                     schema:
   3129                         $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   3130                 "400":
   3131                     description: bad request
   3132                 "401":
   3133                     description: unauthorized
   3134                 "404":
   3135                     description: not found
   3136                 "406":
   3137                     description: not acceptable
   3138                 "500":
   3139                     description: internal server error
   3140             security:
   3141                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3142                     - read:accounts
   3143             summary: Quickly lookup a username to see if it is available, skipping WebFinger resolution.
   3144             tags:
   3145                 - accounts
   3146     /api/v1/accounts/relationships:
   3147         get:
   3148             operationId: accountRelationships
   3149             parameters:
   3150                 - description: Account IDs.
   3151                   in: query
   3152                   items:
   3153                     type: string
   3154                   name: id
   3155                   required: true
   3156                   type: array
   3157             produces:
   3158                 - application/json
   3159             responses:
   3160                 "200":
   3161                     description: Array of account relationships.
   3162                     schema:
   3163                         items:
   3164                             $ref: '#/definitions/accountRelationship'
   3165                         type: array
   3166                 "400":
   3167                     description: bad request
   3168                 "401":
   3169                     description: unauthorized
   3170                 "404":
   3171                     description: not found
   3172                 "406":
   3173                     description: not acceptable
   3174                 "500":
   3175                     description: internal server error
   3176             security:
   3177                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3178                     - read:accounts
   3179             summary: See your account's relationships with the given account IDs.
   3180             tags:
   3181                 - accounts
   3182     /api/v1/accounts/search:
   3183         get:
   3184             operationId: accountSearchGet
   3185             parameters:
   3186                 - default: 40
   3187                   description: Number of results to try to return.
   3188                   in: query
   3189                   maximum: 80
   3190                   minimum: 1
   3191                   name: limit
   3192                   type: integer
   3193                 - default: 0
   3194                   description: Page number of results to return (starts at 0). This parameter is currently not used, offsets over 0 will always return 0 results.
   3195                   in: query
   3196                   maximum: 10
   3197                   minimum: 0
   3198                   name: offset
   3199                   type: integer
   3200                 - description: |-
   3201                     Query string to search for. This can be in the following forms:
   3202                     - `@[username]` -- search for an account with the given username on any domain. Can return multiple results.
   3203                     - `@[username]@[domain]` -- search for a remote account with exact username and domain. Will only ever return 1 result at most.
   3204                     - any arbitrary string -- search for accounts containing the given string in their username or display name. Can return multiple results.
   3205                   in: query
   3206                   name: q
   3207                   required: true
   3208                   type: string
   3209                 - default: false
   3210                   description: If query is for `@[username]@[domain]`, or a URL, allow the GoToSocial instance to resolve the search by making calls to remote instances (webfinger, ActivityPub, etc).
   3211                   in: query
   3212                   name: resolve
   3213                   type: boolean
   3214                 - default: false
   3215                   description: Show only accounts that the requesting account follows. If this is set to `true`, then the GoToSocial instance will enhance the search by also searching within account notes, not just in usernames and display names.
   3216                   in: query
   3217                   name: following
   3218                   type: boolean
   3219             produces:
   3220                 - application/json
   3221             responses:
   3222                 "200":
   3223                     description: Results of the search.
   3224                     schema:
   3225                         items:
   3226                             $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   3227                         type: array
   3228                 "400":
   3229                     description: bad request
   3230                 "401":
   3231                     description: unauthorized
   3232                 "404":
   3233                     description: not found
   3234                 "406":
   3235                     description: not acceptable
   3236                 "500":
   3237                     description: internal server error
   3238             security:
   3239                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3240                     - read:accounts
   3241             summary: Search for accounts by username and/or display name.
   3242             tags:
   3243                 - accounts
   3244     /api/v1/accounts/update_credentials:
   3245         patch:
   3246             consumes:
   3247                 - multipart/form-data
   3248                 - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
   3249                 - application/json
   3250             operationId: accountUpdate
   3251             parameters:
   3252                 - description: Account should be made discoverable and shown in the profile directory (if enabled).
   3253                   in: formData
   3254                   name: discoverable
   3255                   type: boolean
   3256                 - description: Account is flagged as a bot.
   3257                   in: formData
   3258                   name: bot
   3259                   type: boolean
   3260                 - allowEmptyValue: true
   3261                   description: The display name to use for the account.
   3262                   in: formData
   3263                   name: display_name
   3264                   type: string
   3265                 - allowEmptyValue: true
   3266                   description: Bio/description of this account.
   3267                   in: formData
   3268                   name: note
   3269                   type: string
   3270                 - description: Avatar of the user.
   3271                   in: formData
   3272                   name: avatar
   3273                   type: file
   3274                 - description: Header of the user.
   3275                   in: formData
   3276                   name: header
   3277                   type: file
   3278                 - description: Require manual approval of follow requests.
   3279                   in: formData
   3280                   name: locked
   3281                   type: boolean
   3282                 - description: Default post privacy for authored statuses.
   3283                   in: formData
   3284                   name: source[privacy]
   3285                   type: string
   3286                 - description: Mark authored statuses as sensitive by default.
   3287                   in: formData
   3288                   name: source[sensitive]
   3289                   type: boolean
   3290                 - description: Default language to use for authored statuses (ISO 6391).
   3291                   in: formData
   3292                   name: source[language]
   3293                   type: string
   3294                 - description: Default content type to use for authored statuses (text/plain or text/markdown).
   3295                   in: formData
   3296                   name: source[status_content_type]
   3297                   type: string
   3298                 - description: Custom CSS to use when rendering this account's profile or statuses. String must be no more than 5,000 characters (~5kb).
   3299                   in: formData
   3300                   name: custom_css
   3301                   type: string
   3302                 - description: Enable RSS feed for this account's Public posts at `/[username]/feed.rss`
   3303                   in: formData
   3304                   name: enable_rss
   3305                   type: boolean
   3306                 - description: Profile fields to be added to this account's profile
   3307                   in: formData
   3308                   items:
   3309                     type: object
   3310                   name: fields_attributes
   3311                   type: array
   3312             produces:
   3313                 - application/json
   3314             responses:
   3315                 "200":
   3316                     description: The newly updated account.
   3317                     schema:
   3318                         $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   3319                 "400":
   3320                     description: bad request
   3321                 "401":
   3322                     description: unauthorized
   3323                 "404":
   3324                     description: not found
   3325                 "406":
   3326                     description: not acceptable
   3327                 "500":
   3328                     description: internal server error
   3329             security:
   3330                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3331                     - write:accounts
   3332             summary: Update your account.
   3333             tags:
   3334                 - accounts
   3335     /api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials:
   3336         get:
   3337             operationId: accountVerify
   3338             produces:
   3339                 - application/json
   3340             responses:
   3341                 "200":
   3342                     description: ""
   3343                     schema:
   3344                         $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   3345                 "400":
   3346                     description: bad request
   3347                 "401":
   3348                     description: unauthorized
   3349                 "404":
   3350                     description: not found
   3351                 "406":
   3352                     description: not acceptable
   3353                 "500":
   3354                     description: internal server error
   3355             security:
   3356                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3357                     - read:accounts
   3358             summary: Verify a token by returning account details pertaining to it.
   3359             tags:
   3360                 - accounts
   3361     /api/v1/admin/accounts/{id}/action:
   3362         post:
   3363             consumes:
   3364                 - multipart/form-data
   3365             operationId: adminAccountAction
   3366             parameters:
   3367                 - description: ID of the account.
   3368                   in: path
   3369                   name: id
   3370                   required: true
   3371                   type: string
   3372                 - description: Type of action to be taken, currently only supports `suspend`.
   3373                   in: formData
   3374                   name: type
   3375                   required: true
   3376                   type: string
   3377                 - description: Optional text describing why this action was taken.
   3378                   in: formData
   3379                   name: text
   3380                   type: string
   3381             produces:
   3382                 - application/json
   3383             responses:
   3384                 "200":
   3385                     description: OK
   3386                 "400":
   3387                     description: bad request
   3388                 "401":
   3389                     description: unauthorized
   3390                 "403":
   3391                     description: forbidden
   3392                 "404":
   3393                     description: not found
   3394                 "406":
   3395                     description: not acceptable
   3396                 "500":
   3397                     description: internal server error
   3398             security:
   3399                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3400                     - admin
   3401             summary: Perform an admin action on an account.
   3402             tags:
   3403                 - admin
   3404     /api/v1/admin/custom_emojis:
   3405         get:
   3406             description: |-
   3407                 The next and previous queries can be parsed from the returned Link header.
   3408                 Example:
   3410                 `<http://localhost:8080/api/v1/admin/custom_emojis?limit=30&>; rel="next", <http://localhost:8080/api/v1/admin/custom_emojis?limit=30&min_shortcode_domain=rainbow@&filter=domain:all>; rel="prev"`
   3411             operationId: emojisGet
   3412             parameters:
   3413                 - default: domain:all
   3414                   description: |-
   3415                     Comma-separated list of filters to apply to results. Recognized filters are:
   3417                     `domain:[domain]` -- show emojis from the given domain, eg `?` will show emojis from `` only.
   3418                     Instead of giving a specific domain, you can also give either one of the key words `local` or `all` to show either local emojis only (`domain:local`) or show all emojis from all domains (`domain:all`).
   3419                     Note: `domain:*` is equivalent to `domain:all` (including local).
   3420                     If no domain filter is provided, `domain:all` will be assumed.
   3422                     `disabled` -- include emojis that have been disabled.
   3424                     `enabled` -- include emojis that are enabled.
   3426                     `shortcode:[shortcode]` -- show only emojis with the given shortcode, eg `?filter=shortcode:blob_cat_uwu` will show only emojis with the shortcode `blob_cat_uwu` (case sensitive).
   3428                     If neither `disabled` or `enabled` are provided, both disabled and enabled emojis will be shown.
   3430                     If no filter query string is provided, the default `domain:all` will be used, which will show all emojis from all domains.
   3431                   in: query
   3432                   name: filter
   3433                   type: string
   3434                 - default: 50
   3435                   description: Number of emojis to return. Less than 1, or not set, means unlimited (all emojis).
   3436                   in: query
   3437                   name: limit
   3438                   type: integer
   3439                 - description: |-
   3440                     Return only emojis with `[shortcode]@[domain]` *LOWER* (alphabetically) than given `[shortcode]@[domain]`. For example, if ``, then returned values might include emojis with `[shortcode]@[domain]`s like ``, ``, `test@` (local emoji), etc.
   3441                     Emoji with the given `[shortcode]@[domain]` will not be included in the result set.
   3442                   in: query
   3443                   name: max_shortcode_domain
   3444                   type: string
   3445                 - description: |-
   3446                     Return only emojis with `[shortcode]@[domain]` *HIGHER* (alphabetically) than given `[shortcode]@[domain]`. For example, if ``, then returned values might include emojis with `[shortcode]@[domain]`s like ``, ``, `bee@` (local emoji), etc.
   3447                     Emoji with the given `[shortcode]@[domain]` will not be included in the result set.
   3448                   in: query
   3449                   name: min_shortcode_domain
   3450                   type: string
   3451             produces:
   3452                 - application/json
   3453             responses:
   3454                 "200":
   3455                     description: An array of emojis, arranged alphabetically by shortcode and domain.
   3456                     headers:
   3457                         Link:
   3458                             description: Links to the next and previous queries.
   3459                             type: string
   3460                     schema:
   3461                         items:
   3462                             $ref: '#/definitions/adminEmoji'
   3463                         type: array
   3464                 "400":
   3465                     description: bad request
   3466                 "401":
   3467                     description: unauthorized
   3468                 "403":
   3469                     description: forbidden
   3470                 "404":
   3471                     description: not found
   3472                 "406":
   3473                     description: not acceptable
   3474                 "500":
   3475                     description: internal server error
   3476             summary: View local and remote emojis available to / known by this instance.
   3477             tags:
   3478                 - admin
   3479         post:
   3480             consumes:
   3481                 - multipart/form-data
   3482             operationId: emojiCreate
   3483             parameters:
   3484                 - description: The code to use for the emoji, which will be used by instance denizens to select it. This must be unique on the instance.
   3485                   in: formData
   3486                   name: shortcode
   3487                   pattern: \w{2,30}
   3488                   required: true
   3489                   type: string
   3490                 - description: A png or gif image of the emoji. Animated pngs work too! To ensure compatibility with other fedi implementations, emoji size limit is 50kb by default.
   3491                   in: formData
   3492                   name: image
   3493                   required: true
   3494                   type: file
   3495                 - description: Category in which to place the new emoji. 64 characters or less. If left blank, emoji will be uncategorized. If a category with the given name doesn't exist yet, it will be created.
   3496                   in: formData
   3497                   name: category
   3498                   type: string
   3499             produces:
   3500                 - application/json
   3501             responses:
   3502                 "200":
   3503                     description: The newly-created emoji.
   3504                     schema:
   3505                         $ref: '#/definitions/emoji'
   3506                 "400":
   3507                     description: bad request
   3508                 "401":
   3509                     description: unauthorized
   3510                 "403":
   3511                     description: forbidden
   3512                 "404":
   3513                     description: not found
   3514                 "406":
   3515                     description: not acceptable
   3516                 "409":
   3517                     description: conflict -- shortcode for this emoji is already in use
   3518                 "500":
   3519                     description: internal server error
   3520             security:
   3521                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3522                     - admin
   3523             summary: Upload and create a new instance emoji.
   3524             tags:
   3525                 - admin
   3526     /api/v1/admin/custom_emojis/{id}:
   3527         delete:
   3528             description: |-
   3529                 Emoji with the given ID will no longer be available to use on the instance.
   3531                 If you just want to update the emoji image instead, use the `/api/v1/admin/custom_emojis/{id}` PATCH route.
   3533                 To disable emojis from **remote** instances, use the `/api/v1/admin/custom_emojis/{id}` PATCH route.
   3534             operationId: emojiDelete
   3535             parameters:
   3536                 - description: The id of the emoji.
   3537                   in: path
   3538                   name: id
   3539                   required: true
   3540                   type: string
   3541             produces:
   3542                 - application/json
   3543             responses:
   3544                 "200":
   3545                     description: The deleted emoji will be returned to the caller in case further processing is necessary.
   3546                     schema:
   3547                         $ref: '#/definitions/adminEmoji'
   3548                 "400":
   3549                     description: bad request
   3550                 "401":
   3551                     description: unauthorized
   3552                 "403":
   3553                     description: forbidden
   3554                 "404":
   3555                     description: not found
   3556                 "406":
   3557                     description: not acceptable
   3558                 "500":
   3559                     description: internal server error
   3560             security:
   3561                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3562                     - admin
   3563             summary: Delete a **local** emoji with the given ID from the instance.
   3564             tags:
   3565                 - admin
   3566         get:
   3567             operationId: emojiGet
   3568             parameters:
   3569                 - description: The id of the emoji.
   3570                   in: path
   3571                   name: id
   3572                   required: true
   3573                   type: string
   3574             produces:
   3575                 - application/json
   3576             responses:
   3577                 "200":
   3578                     description: A single emoji.
   3579                     schema:
   3580                         $ref: '#/definitions/adminEmoji'
   3581                 "400":
   3582                     description: bad request
   3583                 "401":
   3584                     description: unauthorized
   3585                 "403":
   3586                     description: forbidden
   3587                 "404":
   3588                     description: not found
   3589                 "406":
   3590                     description: not acceptable
   3591                 "500":
   3592                     description: internal server error
   3593             summary: Get the admin view of a single emoji.
   3594             tags:
   3595                 - admin
   3596         patch:
   3597             consumes:
   3598                 - multipart/form-data
   3599             description: |-
   3600                 Action performed depends upon the action `type` provided.
   3602                 `disable`: disable a REMOTE emoji from being used/displayed on this instance. Does not work for local emojis.
   3604                 `copy`: copy a REMOTE emoji to this instance. When doing this action, a shortcode MUST be provided, and it must
   3605                 be unique among emojis already present on this instance. A category MAY be provided, and the copied emoji will then
   3606                 be put into the provided category.
   3608                 `modify`: modify a LOCAL emoji. You can provide a new image for the emoji and/or update the category.
   3610                 Local emojis cannot be deleted using this endpoint. To delete a local emoji, check DELETE /api/v1/admin/custom_emojis/{id} instead.
   3611             operationId: emojiUpdate
   3612             parameters:
   3613                 - description: The id of the emoji.
   3614                   in: path
   3615                   name: id
   3616                   required: true
   3617                   type: string
   3618                 - description: |-
   3619                     Type of action to be taken. One of: (`disable`, `copy`, `modify`).
   3620                     For REMOTE emojis, `copy` or `disable` are supported.
   3621                     For LOCAL emojis, only `modify` is supported.
   3622                   in: formData
   3623                   name: type
   3624                   required: true
   3625                   type: string
   3626                 - description: The code to use for the emoji, which will be used by instance denizens to select it. This must be unique on the instance. Works for the `copy` action type only.
   3627                   in: formData
   3628                   name: shortcode
   3629                   pattern: \w{2,30}
   3630                   type: string
   3631                 - description: A new png or gif image to use for the emoji. Animated pngs work too! To ensure compatibility with other fedi implementations, emoji size limit is 50kb by default. Works for LOCAL emojis only.
   3632                   in: formData
   3633                   name: image
   3634                   type: file
   3635                 - description: Category in which to place the emoji. 64 characters or less. If a category with the given name doesn't exist yet, it will be created.
   3636                   in: formData
   3637                   name: category
   3638                   type: string
   3639             produces:
   3640                 - application/json
   3641             responses:
   3642                 "200":
   3643                     description: The updated emoji.
   3644                     schema:
   3645                         $ref: '#/definitions/adminEmoji'
   3646                 "400":
   3647                     description: bad request
   3648                 "401":
   3649                     description: unauthorized
   3650                 "403":
   3651                     description: forbidden
   3652                 "404":
   3653                     description: not found
   3654                 "406":
   3655                     description: not acceptable
   3656                 "500":
   3657                     description: internal server error
   3658             security:
   3659                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3660                     - admin
   3661             summary: Perform admin action on a local or remote emoji known to this instance.
   3662             tags:
   3663                 - admin
   3664     /api/v1/admin/custom_emojis/categories:
   3665         get:
   3666             operationId: emojiCategoriesGet
   3667             parameters:
   3668                 - description: The id of the emoji.
   3669                   in: path
   3670                   name: id
   3671                   required: true
   3672                   type: string
   3673             produces:
   3674                 - application/json
   3675             responses:
   3676                 "200":
   3677                     description: Array of existing emoji categories.
   3678                     schema:
   3679                         items:
   3680                             $ref: '#/definitions/adminEmojiCategory'
   3681                         type: array
   3682                 "400":
   3683                     description: bad request
   3684                 "401":
   3685                     description: unauthorized
   3686                 "403":
   3687                     description: forbidden
   3688                 "404":
   3689                     description: not found
   3690                 "406":
   3691                     description: not acceptable
   3692                 "500":
   3693                     description: internal server error
   3694             summary: Get a list of existing emoji categories.
   3695             tags:
   3696                 - admin
   3697     /api/v1/admin/domain_blocks:
   3698         get:
   3699             operationId: domainBlocksGet
   3700             parameters:
   3701                 - description: If set to `true`, then each entry in the returned list of domain blocks will only consist of the fields `domain` and `public_comment`. This is perfect for when you want to save and share a list of all the domains you have blocked on your instance, so that someone else can easily import them, but you don't want them to see the database IDs of your blocks, or private comments etc.
   3702                   in: query
   3703                   name: export
   3704                   type: boolean
   3705             produces:
   3706                 - application/json
   3707             responses:
   3708                 "200":
   3709                     description: All domain blocks currently in place.
   3710                     schema:
   3711                         items:
   3712                             $ref: '#/definitions/domainBlock'
   3713                         type: array
   3714                 "400":
   3715                     description: bad request
   3716                 "401":
   3717                     description: unauthorized
   3718                 "403":
   3719                     description: forbidden
   3720                 "404":
   3721                     description: not found
   3722                 "406":
   3723                     description: not acceptable
   3724                 "500":
   3725                     description: internal server error
   3726             security:
   3727                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3728                     - admin
   3729             summary: View all domain blocks currently in place.
   3730             tags:
   3731                 - admin
   3732         post:
   3733             consumes:
   3734                 - multipart/form-data
   3735             description: |-
   3736                 You have two options when using this endpoint: either you can set `import` to `true` and
   3737                 upload a file containing multiple domain blocks, JSON-formatted, or you can leave import as
   3738                 `false`, and just add one domain block.
   3740                 The format of the json file should be something like: `[{"domain":""},{"domain":"","public_comment":"they smell"}]`
   3741             operationId: domainBlockCreate
   3742             parameters:
   3743                 - default: false
   3744                   description: Signal that a list of domain blocks is being imported as a file. If set to `true`, then 'domains' must be present as a JSON-formatted file. If set to `false`, then `domains` will be ignored, and `domain` must be present.
   3745                   in: query
   3746                   name: import
   3747                   type: boolean
   3748                 - description: JSON-formatted list of domain blocks to import. This is only used if `import` is set to `true`.
   3749                   in: formData
   3750                   name: domains
   3751                   type: file
   3752                 - description: Single domain to block. Used only if `import` is not `true`.
   3753                   in: formData
   3754                   name: domain
   3755                   type: string
   3756                 - description: Obfuscate the name of the domain when serving it publicly. Eg., `` becomes something like `ex***`. Used only if `import` is not `true`.
   3757                   in: formData
   3758                   name: obfuscate
   3759                   type: boolean
   3760                 - description: Public comment about this domain block. This will be displayed alongside the domain block if you choose to share blocks. Used only if `import` is not `true`.
   3761                   in: formData
   3762                   name: public_comment
   3763                   type: string
   3764                 - description: Private comment about this domain block. Will only be shown to other admins, so this is a useful way of internally keeping track of why a certain domain ended up blocked. Used only if `import` is not `true`.
   3765                   in: formData
   3766                   name: private_comment
   3767                   type: string
   3768             produces:
   3769                 - application/json
   3770             responses:
   3771                 "200":
   3772                     description: The newly created domain block, if `import` != `true`. If a list has been imported, then an `array` of newly created domain blocks will be returned instead.
   3773                     schema:
   3774                         $ref: '#/definitions/domainBlock'
   3775                 "400":
   3776                     description: bad request
   3777                 "401":
   3778                     description: unauthorized
   3779                 "403":
   3780                     description: forbidden
   3781                 "404":
   3782                     description: not found
   3783                 "406":
   3784                     description: not acceptable
   3785                 "500":
   3786                     description: internal server error
   3787             security:
   3788                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3789                     - admin
   3790             summary: Create one or more domain blocks, from a string or a file.
   3791             tags:
   3792                 - admin
   3793     /api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/{id}:
   3794         delete:
   3795             operationId: domainBlockDelete
   3796             parameters:
   3797                 - description: The id of the domain block.
   3798                   in: path
   3799                   name: id
   3800                   required: true
   3801                   type: string
   3802             produces:
   3803                 - application/json
   3804             responses:
   3805                 "200":
   3806                     description: The domain block that was just deleted.
   3807                     schema:
   3808                         $ref: '#/definitions/domainBlock'
   3809                 "400":
   3810                     description: bad request
   3811                 "401":
   3812                     description: unauthorized
   3813                 "403":
   3814                     description: forbidden
   3815                 "404":
   3816                     description: not found
   3817                 "406":
   3818                     description: not acceptable
   3819                 "500":
   3820                     description: internal server error
   3821             security:
   3822                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3823                     - admin
   3824             summary: Delete domain block with the given ID.
   3825             tags:
   3826                 - admin
   3827         get:
   3828             operationId: domainBlockGet
   3829             parameters:
   3830                 - description: The id of the domain block.
   3831                   in: path
   3832                   name: id
   3833                   required: true
   3834                   type: string
   3835             produces:
   3836                 - application/json
   3837             responses:
   3838                 "200":
   3839                     description: The requested domain block.
   3840                     schema:
   3841                         $ref: '#/definitions/domainBlock'
   3842                 "400":
   3843                     description: bad request
   3844                 "401":
   3845                     description: unauthorized
   3846                 "403":
   3847                     description: forbidden
   3848                 "404":
   3849                     description: not found
   3850                 "406":
   3851                     description: not acceptable
   3852                 "500":
   3853                     description: internal server error
   3854             security:
   3855                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3856                     - admin
   3857             summary: View domain block with the given ID.
   3858             tags:
   3859                 - admin
   3860     /api/v1/admin/email/test:
   3861         post:
   3862             consumes:
   3863                 - multipart/form-data
   3864             description: |-
   3865                 This can be used to validate an instance's SMTP configuration, and to debug any potential issues.
   3867                 If an error is returned by the SMTP connection, this handler will return code 422 to indicate that
   3868                 the request could not be processed, and the SMTP error will be returned to the caller.
   3869             operationId: testEmailSend
   3870             parameters:
   3871                 - description: The email address that the test email should be sent to.
   3872                   in: formData
   3873                   name: email
   3874                   type: string
   3875             produces:
   3876                 - application/json
   3877             responses:
   3878                 "202":
   3879                     description: Test email was sent.
   3880                 "400":
   3881                     description: bad request
   3882                 "401":
   3883                     description: unauthorized
   3884                 "403":
   3885                     description: forbidden
   3886                 "404":
   3887                     description: not found
   3888                 "406":
   3889                     description: not acceptable
   3890                 "422":
   3891                     description: An smtp occurred while the email attempt was in progress. Check the returned json for more information. The smtp error will be included, to help you debug communication with the smtp server.
   3892                 "500":
   3893                     description: internal server error
   3894             security:
   3895                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3896                     - admin
   3897             summary: Send a generic test email to a specified email address.
   3898             tags:
   3899                 - admin
   3900     /api/v1/admin/media_cleanup:
   3901         post:
   3902             consumes:
   3903                 - application/json
   3904                 - application/xml
   3905                 - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
   3906             description: Also cleans up unused headers + avatars from the media cache and prunes orphaned items from storage.
   3907             operationId: mediaCleanup
   3908             parameters:
   3909                 - description: |-
   3910                     Number of days of remote media to keep. Native values will be treated as 0.
   3911                     If value is not specified, the value of media-remote-cache-days in the server config will be used.
   3912                   format: int64
   3913                   in: query
   3914                   name: remote_cache_days
   3915                   type: integer
   3916                   x-go-name: RemoteCacheDays
   3917             produces:
   3918                 - application/json
   3919             responses:
   3920                 "200":
   3921                     description: Echos the number of days requested. The cleanup is performed asynchronously after the request completes.
   3922                 "400":
   3923                     description: bad request
   3924                 "401":
   3925                     description: unauthorized
   3926                 "403":
   3927                     description: forbidden
   3928                 "404":
   3929                     description: not found
   3930                 "406":
   3931                     description: not acceptable
   3932                 "500":
   3933                     description: internal server error
   3934             security:
   3935                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3936                     - admin
   3937             summary: Clean up remote media older than the specified number of days.
   3938             tags:
   3939                 - admin
   3940     /api/v1/admin/media_refetch:
   3941         post:
   3942             description: |-
   3943                 Currently, this only includes remote emojis.
   3944                 This endpoint is useful when data loss has occurred, and you want to try to recover to a working state.
   3945             operationId: mediaRefetch
   3946             parameters:
   3947                 - description: Domain to refetch media from. If empty, all domains will be refetched.
   3948                   in: query
   3949                   name: domain
   3950                   type: string
   3951             produces:
   3952                 - application/json
   3953             responses:
   3954                 "202":
   3955                     description: Request accepted and will be processed. Check the logs for progress / errors.
   3956                 "400":
   3957                     description: bad request
   3958                 "401":
   3959                     description: unauthorized
   3960                 "403":
   3961                     description: forbidden
   3962                 "404":
   3963                     description: not found
   3964                 "406":
   3965                     description: not acceptable
   3966                 "500":
   3967                     description: internal server error
   3968             security:
   3969                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   3970                     - admin
   3971             summary: Refetch media specified in the database but missing from storage.
   3972             tags:
   3973                 - admin
   3974     /api/v1/admin/reports:
   3975         get:
   3976             description: |-
   3977                 The reports will be returned in descending chronological order (newest first), with sequential IDs (bigger = newer).
   3979                 The next and previous queries can be parsed from the returned Link header.
   3981                 Example:
   3983                 ```
   3984                 <>; rel="next", <>; rel="prev"
   3985                 ````
   3986             operationId: adminReports
   3987             parameters:
   3988                 - description: If set to true, only resolved reports will be returned. If false, only unresolved reports will be returned. If unset, reports will not be filtered on their resolved status.
   3989                   in: query
   3990                   name: resolved
   3991                   type: boolean
   3992                 - description: Return only reports created by the given account id.
   3993                   in: query
   3994                   name: account_id
   3995                   type: string
   3996                 - description: Return only reports that target the given account id.
   3997                   in: query
   3998                   name: target_account_id
   3999                   type: string
   4000                 - description: Return only reports *OLDER* than the given max ID. The report with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   4001                   in: query
   4002                   name: max_id
   4003                   type: string
   4004                 - description: Return only reports *NEWER* than the given since ID. The report with the specified ID will not be included in the response. This parameter is functionally equivalent to min_id.
   4005                   in: query
   4006                   name: since_id
   4007                   type: string
   4008                 - description: Return only reports *NEWER* than the given min ID. The report with the specified ID will not be included in the response. This parameter is functionally equivalent to since_id.
   4009                   in: query
   4010                   name: min_id
   4011                   type: string
   4012                 - default: 20
   4013                   description: Number of reports to return. If more than 100 or less than 1, will be clamped to 100.
   4014                   in: query
   4015                   name: limit
   4016                   type: integer
   4017             produces:
   4018                 - application/json
   4019             responses:
   4020                 "200":
   4021                     description: Array of reports.
   4022                     schema:
   4023                         items:
   4024                             $ref: '#/definitions/adminReport'
   4025                         type: array
   4026                 "400":
   4027                     description: bad request
   4028                 "401":
   4029                     description: unauthorized
   4030                 "404":
   4031                     description: not found
   4032                 "406":
   4033                     description: not acceptable
   4034                 "500":
   4035                     description: internal server error
   4036             security:
   4037                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4038                     - admin
   4039             summary: View user moderation reports.
   4040             tags:
   4041                 - admin
   4042     /api/v1/admin/reports/{id}:
   4043         get:
   4044             operationId: adminReportGet
   4045             parameters:
   4046                 - description: The id of the report.
   4047                   in: path
   4048                   name: id
   4049                   required: true
   4050                   type: string
   4051             produces:
   4052                 - application/json
   4053             responses:
   4054                 "200":
   4055                     description: The requested report.
   4056                     schema:
   4057                         $ref: '#/definitions/adminReport'
   4058                 "400":
   4059                     description: bad request
   4060                 "401":
   4061                     description: unauthorized
   4062                 "404":
   4063                     description: not found
   4064                 "406":
   4065                     description: not acceptable
   4066                 "500":
   4067                     description: internal server error
   4068             security:
   4069                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4070                     - admin
   4071             summary: View user moderation report with the given id.
   4072             tags:
   4073                 - admin
   4074     /api/v1/admin/reports/{id}/resolve:
   4075         post:
   4076             consumes:
   4077                 - application/json
   4078                 - application/xml
   4079                 - multipart/form-data
   4080             operationId: adminReportResolve
   4081             parameters:
   4082                 - description: The id of the report.
   4083                   in: path
   4084                   name: id
   4085                   required: true
   4086                   type: string
   4087                 - description: Optional admin comment on the action taken in response to this report. Useful for providing an explanation about what action was taken (if any) before the report was marked as resolved. This will be visible to the user that created the report!
   4088                   example: The reported account was suspended.
   4089                   in: formData
   4090                   name: action_taken_comment
   4091                   type: string
   4092             produces:
   4093                 - application/json
   4094             responses:
   4095                 "200":
   4096                     description: The resolved report.
   4097                     schema:
   4098                         $ref: '#/definitions/adminReport'
   4099                 "400":
   4100                     description: bad request
   4101                 "401":
   4102                     description: unauthorized
   4103                 "404":
   4104                     description: not found
   4105                 "406":
   4106                     description: not acceptable
   4107                 "500":
   4108                     description: internal server error
   4109             security:
   4110                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4111                     - admin
   4112             summary: Mark a report as resolved.
   4113             tags:
   4114                 - admin
   4115     /api/v1/apps:
   4116         post:
   4117             consumes:
   4118                 - application/json
   4119                 - application/xml
   4120                 - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
   4121             description: |-
   4122                 The registered application can be used to obtain an application token.
   4123                 This can then be used to register a new account, or (through user auth) obtain an access token.
   4125                 The parameters can also be given in the body of the request, as JSON, if the content-type is set to 'application/json'.
   4126                 The parameters can also be given in the body of the request, as XML, if the content-type is set to 'application/xml'.
   4127             operationId: appCreate
   4128             parameters:
   4129                 - description: The name of the application.
   4130                   in: formData
   4131                   name: client_name
   4132                   required: true
   4133                   type: string
   4134                   x-go-name: ClientName
   4135                 - description: |-
   4136                     Where the user should be redirected after authorization.
   4138                     To display the authorization code to the user instead of redirecting to a web page, use `urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob` in this parameter.
   4139                   in: formData
   4140                   name: redirect_uris
   4141                   required: true
   4142                   type: string
   4143                   x-go-name: RedirectURIs
   4144                 - description: |-
   4145                     Space separated list of scopes.
   4147                     If no scopes are provided, defaults to `read`.
   4148                   in: formData
   4149                   name: scopes
   4150                   type: string
   4151                   x-go-name: Scopes
   4152                 - description: A URL to the web page of the app (optional).
   4153                   in: formData
   4154                   name: website
   4155                   type: string
   4156                   x-go-name: Website
   4157             produces:
   4158                 - application/json
   4159             responses:
   4160                 "200":
   4161                     description: The newly-created application.
   4162                     schema:
   4163                         $ref: '#/definitions/application'
   4164                 "400":
   4165                     description: bad request
   4166                 "401":
   4167                     description: unauthorized
   4168                 "403":
   4169                     description: forbidden
   4170                 "404":
   4171                     description: not found
   4172                 "406":
   4173                     description: not acceptable
   4174                 "500":
   4175                     description: internal server error
   4176             summary: Register a new application on this instance.
   4177             tags:
   4178                 - apps
   4179     /api/v1/blocks:
   4180         get:
   4181             description: |-
   4182                 The next and previous queries can be parsed from the returned Link header.
   4183                 Example:
   4185                 ```
   4186                 <>; rel="next", <>; rel="prev"
   4187                 ````
   4188             operationId: blocksGet
   4189             parameters:
   4190                 - default: 20
   4191                   description: Number of blocks to return.
   4192                   in: query
   4193                   name: limit
   4194                   type: integer
   4195                 - description: Return only blocks *OLDER* than the given block ID. The block with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   4196                   in: query
   4197                   name: max_id
   4198                   type: string
   4199                 - description: Return only blocks *NEWER* than the given block ID. The block with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   4200                   in: query
   4201                   name: since_id
   4202                   type: string
   4203             produces:
   4204                 - application/json
   4205             responses:
   4206                 "200":
   4207                     description: ""
   4208                     headers:
   4209                         Link:
   4210                             description: Links to the next and previous queries.
   4211                             type: string
   4212                     schema:
   4213                         items:
   4214                             $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   4215                         type: array
   4216                 "400":
   4217                     description: bad request
   4218                 "401":
   4219                     description: unauthorized
   4220                 "404":
   4221                     description: not found
   4222                 "406":
   4223                     description: not acceptable
   4224                 "500":
   4225                     description: internal server error
   4226             security:
   4227                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4228                     - read:blocks
   4229             summary: Get an array of accounts that requesting account has blocked.
   4230             tags:
   4231                 - blocks
   4232     /api/v1/bookmarks:
   4233         get:
   4234             description: Get an array of statuses bookmarked in the instance
   4235             operationId: bookmarksGet
   4236             produces:
   4237                 - application/json
   4238             responses:
   4239                 "200":
   4240                     description: Array of bookmarked statuses
   4241                     headers:
   4242                         Link:
   4243                             description: Links to the next and previous queries.
   4244                             type: string
   4245                     schema:
   4246                         items:
   4247                             $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   4248                         type: array
   4249                 "401":
   4250                     description: unauthorized
   4251                 "406":
   4252                     description: not acceptable
   4253                 "500":
   4254                     description: internal server error
   4255             security:
   4256                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4257                     - read:bookmarks
   4258             tags:
   4259                 - bookmarks
   4260     /api/v1/custom_emojis:
   4261         get:
   4262             operationId: customEmojisGet
   4263             produces:
   4264                 - application/json
   4265             responses:
   4266                 "200":
   4267                     description: Array of custom emojis.
   4268                     schema:
   4269                         items:
   4270                             $ref: '#/definitions/emoji'
   4271                         type: array
   4272                 "401":
   4273                     description: unauthorized
   4274                 "406":
   4275                     description: not acceptable
   4276                 "500":
   4277                     description: internal server error
   4278             security:
   4279                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4280                     - read:custom_emojis
   4281             summary: Get an array of custom emojis available on the instance.
   4282             tags:
   4283                 - custom_emojis
   4284     /api/v1/favourites:
   4285         get:
   4286             description: |-
   4287                 The next and previous queries can be parsed from the returned Link header.
   4288                 Example:
   4290                 ```
   4291                 <>; rel="next", <>; rel="prev"
   4292                 ````
   4293             operationId: favouritesGet
   4294             parameters:
   4295                 - default: 20
   4296                   description: Number of statuses to return.
   4297                   in: query
   4298                   name: limit
   4299                   type: integer
   4300                 - description: Return only favourited statuses *OLDER* than the given favourite ID. The status with the corresponding fave ID will not be included in the response.
   4301                   in: query
   4302                   name: max_id
   4303                   type: string
   4304                 - description: Return only favourited statuses *NEWER* than the given favourite ID. The status with the corresponding fave ID will not be included in the response.
   4305                   in: query
   4306                   name: min_id
   4307                   type: string
   4308             produces:
   4309                 - application/json
   4310             responses:
   4311                 "200":
   4312                     description: ""
   4313                     headers:
   4314                         Link:
   4315                             description: Links to the next and previous queries.
   4316                             type: string
   4317                     schema:
   4318                         items:
   4319                             $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   4320                         type: array
   4321                 "400":
   4322                     description: bad request
   4323                 "401":
   4324                     description: unauthorized
   4325                 "404":
   4326                     description: not found
   4327                 "406":
   4328                     description: not acceptable
   4329                 "500":
   4330                     description: internal server error
   4331             security:
   4332                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4333                     - read:favourites
   4334             summary: Get an array of statuses that the requesting account has favourited.
   4335             tags:
   4336                 - favourites
   4337     /api/v1/featured_tags:
   4338         get:
   4339             description: 'THIS ENDPOINT IS CURRENTLY NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED: it will always return an empty array.'
   4340             operationId: getFeaturedTags
   4341             produces:
   4342                 - application/json
   4343             responses:
   4344                 "200":
   4345                     description: ""
   4346                     schema:
   4347                         items:
   4348                             type: object
   4349                         type: array
   4350                 "400":
   4351                     description: bad request
   4352                 "401":
   4353                     description: unauthorized
   4354                 "404":
   4355                     description: not found
   4356                 "406":
   4357                     description: not acceptable
   4358                 "500":
   4359                     description: internal server error
   4360             security:
   4361                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4362                     - read:accounts
   4363             summary: Get an array of all hashtags that you currently have featured on your profile.
   4364             tags:
   4365                 - featured_tags
   4366     /api/v1/follow_requests:
   4367         get:
   4368             description: Accounts will be sorted in order of follow request date descending (newest first).
   4369             operationId: getFollowRequests
   4370             parameters:
   4371                 - default: 40
   4372                   description: Number of accounts to return.
   4373                   in: query
   4374                   name: limit
   4375                   type: integer
   4376             produces:
   4377                 - application/json
   4378             responses:
   4379                 "200":
   4380                     description: ""
   4381                     headers:
   4382                         Link:
   4383                             description: Links to the next and previous queries.
   4384                             type: string
   4385                     schema:
   4386                         items:
   4387                             $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   4388                         type: array
   4389                 "400":
   4390                     description: bad request
   4391                 "401":
   4392                     description: unauthorized
   4393                 "404":
   4394                     description: not found
   4395                 "406":
   4396                     description: not acceptable
   4397                 "500":
   4398                     description: internal server error
   4399             security:
   4400                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4401                     - read:follows
   4402             summary: Get an array of accounts that have requested to follow you.
   4403             tags:
   4404                 - follow_requests
   4405     /api/v1/follow_requests/{account_id}/authorize:
   4406         post:
   4407             description: Accept a follow request and put the requesting account in your 'followers' list.
   4408             operationId: authorizeFollowRequest
   4409             parameters:
   4410                 - description: ID of the account requesting to follow you.
   4411                   in: path
   4412                   name: account_id
   4413                   required: true
   4414                   type: string
   4415             produces:
   4416                 - application/json
   4417             responses:
   4418                 "200":
   4419                     description: Your relationship to this account.
   4420                     schema:
   4421                         $ref: '#/definitions/accountRelationship'
   4422                 "400":
   4423                     description: bad request
   4424                 "401":
   4425                     description: unauthorized
   4426                 "404":
   4427                     description: not found
   4428                 "406":
   4429                     description: not acceptable
   4430                 "500":
   4431                     description: internal server error
   4432             security:
   4433                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4434                     - write:follows
   4435             summary: Accept/authorize follow request from the given account ID.
   4436             tags:
   4437                 - follow_requests
   4438     /api/v1/follow_requests/{account_id}/reject:
   4439         post:
   4440             operationId: rejectFollowRequest
   4441             parameters:
   4442                 - description: ID of the account requesting to follow you.
   4443                   in: path
   4444                   name: account_id
   4445                   required: true
   4446                   type: string
   4447             produces:
   4448                 - application/json
   4449             responses:
   4450                 "200":
   4451                     description: Your relationship to this account.
   4452                     schema:
   4453                         $ref: '#/definitions/accountRelationship'
   4454                 "400":
   4455                     description: bad request
   4456                 "401":
   4457                     description: unauthorized
   4458                 "404":
   4459                     description: not found
   4460                 "406":
   4461                     description: not acceptable
   4462                 "500":
   4463                     description: internal server error
   4464             security:
   4465                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4466                     - write:follows
   4467             summary: Reject/deny follow request from the given account ID.
   4468             tags:
   4469                 - follow_requests
   4470     /api/v1/instance:
   4471         get:
   4472             operationId: instanceGetV1
   4473             produces:
   4474                 - application/json
   4475             responses:
   4476                 "200":
   4477                     description: Instance information.
   4478                     schema:
   4479                         $ref: '#/definitions/instanceV1'
   4480                 "406":
   4481                     description: not acceptable
   4482                 "500":
   4483                     description: internal error
   4484             summary: View instance information.
   4485             tags:
   4486                 - instance
   4487         patch:
   4488             consumes:
   4489                 - multipart/form-data
   4490             description: This requires admin permissions on the instance.
   4491             operationId: instanceUpdate
   4492             parameters:
   4493                 - allowEmptyValue: true
   4494                   description: Title to use for the instance.
   4495                   in: formData
   4496                   maximum: 40
   4497                   name: title
   4498                   type: string
   4499                 - allowEmptyValue: true
   4500                   description: Username of the contact account. This must be the username of an instance admin.
   4501                   in: formData
   4502                   name: contact_username
   4503                   type: string
   4504                 - allowEmptyValue: true
   4505                   description: Email address to use as the instance contact.
   4506                   in: formData
   4507                   name: contact_email
   4508                   type: string
   4509                 - allowEmptyValue: true
   4510                   description: Short description of the instance.
   4511                   in: formData
   4512                   maximum: 500
   4513                   name: short_description
   4514                   type: string
   4515                 - allowEmptyValue: true
   4516                   description: Longer description of the instance.
   4517                   in: formData
   4518                   maximum: 5000
   4519                   name: description
   4520                   type: string
   4521                 - allowEmptyValue: true
   4522                   description: Terms and conditions of the instance.
   4523                   in: formData
   4524                   maximum: 5000
   4525                   name: terms
   4526                   type: string
   4527                 - description: Thumbnail image to use for the instance.
   4528                   in: formData
   4529                   name: thumbnail
   4530                   type: file
   4531                 - description: Image description of the submitted instance thumbnail.
   4532                   in: formData
   4533                   name: thumbnail_description
   4534                   type: string
   4535                 - description: Header image to use for the instance.
   4536                   in: formData
   4537                   name: header
   4538                   type: file
   4539             produces:
   4540                 - application/json
   4541             responses:
   4542                 "200":
   4543                     description: The newly updated instance.
   4544                     schema:
   4545                         $ref: '#/definitions/instance'
   4546                 "400":
   4547                     description: bad request
   4548                 "401":
   4549                     description: unauthorized
   4550                 "403":
   4551                     description: forbidden
   4552                 "404":
   4553                     description: not found
   4554                 "406":
   4555                     description: not acceptable
   4556                 "500":
   4557                     description: internal server error
   4558             security:
   4559                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4560                     - admin
   4561             summary: Update your instance information and/or upload a new avatar/header for the instance.
   4562             tags:
   4563                 - instance
   4564     /api/v1/instance/peers:
   4565         get:
   4566             operationId: instancePeersGet
   4567             parameters:
   4568                 - default: open
   4569                   description: |-
   4570                     Comma-separated list of filters to apply to results. Recognized filters are:
   4571                       - `open` -- include peers that are not suspended or silenced
   4572                       - `suspended` -- include peers that have been suspended.
   4574                     If filter is `open`, only instances that haven't been suspended or silenced will be returned.
   4576                     If filter is `suspended`, only suspended instances will be shown.
   4578                     If filter is `open,suspended`, then all known instances will be returned.
   4580                     If filter is an empty string or not set, then `open` will be assumed as the default.
   4581                   in: query
   4582                   name: filter
   4583                   type: string
   4584             produces:
   4585                 - application/json
   4586             responses:
   4587                 "200":
   4588                     description: |-
   4589                         If no filter parameter is provided, or filter is empty, then a legacy, Mastodon-API compatible response will be returned. This will consist of just a 'flat' array of strings like `["", ""]`, which corresponds to domains this instance peers with.
   4591                         If a filter parameter is provided, then an array of objects with at least a `domain` key set on each object will be returned.
   4593                         Domains that are silenced or suspended will also have a key `suspended_at` or `silenced_at` that contains an iso8601 date string. If one of these keys is not present on the domain object, it is open. Suspended instances may in some cases be obfuscated, which means they will have some letters replaced by `*` to make it more difficult for bad actors to target instances with harassment.
   4595                         Whether a flat response or a more detailed response is returned, domains will be sorted alphabetically by hostname.
   4596                     schema:
   4597                         items:
   4598                             $ref: '#/definitions/domain'
   4599                         type: array
   4600                 "400":
   4601                     description: bad request
   4602                 "401":
   4603                     description: unauthorized
   4604                 "403":
   4605                     description: forbidden
   4606                 "404":
   4607                     description: not found
   4608                 "406":
   4609                     description: not acceptable
   4610                 "500":
   4611                     description: internal server error
   4612             tags:
   4613                 - instance
   4614     /api/v1/lists:
   4615         get:
   4616             operationId: lists
   4617             produces:
   4618                 - application/json
   4619             responses:
   4620                 "200":
   4621                     description: Array of all lists owned by the requesting user.
   4622                     schema:
   4623                         items:
   4624                             $ref: '#/definitions/list'
   4625                         type: array
   4626                 "400":
   4627                     description: bad request
   4628                 "401":
   4629                     description: unauthorized
   4630                 "404":
   4631                     description: not found
   4632                 "406":
   4633                     description: not acceptable
   4634                 "500":
   4635                     description: internal server error
   4636             security:
   4637                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4638                     - read:lists
   4639             summary: Get all lists for owned by authorized user.
   4640             tags:
   4641                 - lists
   4642         post:
   4643             consumes:
   4644                 - application/json
   4645                 - application/xml
   4646                 - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
   4647             operationId: listCreate
   4648             parameters:
   4649                 - description: Title of this list.
   4650                   example: Cool People
   4651                   in: formData
   4652                   name: title
   4653                   required: true
   4654                   type: string
   4655                   x-go-name: Title
   4656                 - default: list
   4657                   description: |-
   4658                     RepliesPolicy for this list.
   4659                     followed = Show replies to any followed user
   4660                     list = Show replies to members of the list
   4661                     none = Show replies to no one
   4662                   example: list
   4663                   in: formData
   4664                   name: replies_policy
   4665                   type: string
   4666                   x-go-name: RepliesPolicy
   4667             produces:
   4668                 - application/json
   4669             responses:
   4670                 "200":
   4671                     description: The newly created list.
   4672                     schema:
   4673                         $ref: '#/definitions/list'
   4674                 "400":
   4675                     description: bad request
   4676                 "401":
   4677                     description: unauthorized
   4678                 "403":
   4679                     description: forbidden
   4680                 "404":
   4681                     description: not found
   4682                 "406":
   4683                     description: not acceptable
   4684                 "500":
   4685                     description: internal server error
   4686             security:
   4687                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4688                     - write:lists
   4689             summary: Create a new list.
   4690             tags:
   4691                 - lists
   4692     /api/v1/lists/{id}:
   4693         delete:
   4694             operationId: listDelete
   4695             parameters:
   4696                 - description: ID of the list
   4697                   in: path
   4698                   name: id
   4699                   required: true
   4700                   type: string
   4701             produces:
   4702                 - application/json
   4703             responses:
   4704                 "200":
   4705                     description: list deleted
   4706                 "400":
   4707                     description: bad request
   4708                 "401":
   4709                     description: unauthorized
   4710                 "404":
   4711                     description: not found
   4712                 "406":
   4713                     description: not acceptable
   4714                 "500":
   4715                     description: internal server error
   4716             security:
   4717                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4718                     - write:lists
   4719             summary: Delete a single list with the given ID.
   4720             tags:
   4721                 - lists
   4722         get:
   4723             operationId: list
   4724             parameters:
   4725                 - description: ID of the list
   4726                   in: path
   4727                   name: id
   4728                   required: true
   4729                   type: string
   4730             produces:
   4731                 - application/json
   4732             responses:
   4733                 "200":
   4734                     description: Requested list.
   4735                     schema:
   4736                         $ref: '#/definitions/list'
   4737                 "400":
   4738                     description: bad request
   4739                 "401":
   4740                     description: unauthorized
   4741                 "404":
   4742                     description: not found
   4743                 "406":
   4744                     description: not acceptable
   4745                 "500":
   4746                     description: internal server error
   4747             security:
   4748                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4749                     - read:lists
   4750             summary: Get a single list with the given ID.
   4751             tags:
   4752                 - lists
   4753         put:
   4754             consumes:
   4755                 - application/json
   4756                 - application/xml
   4757                 - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
   4758             operationId: listUpdate
   4759             parameters:
   4760                 - description: ID of the list
   4761                   example: Cool People
   4762                   in: path
   4763                   name: id
   4764                   required: true
   4765                   type: string
   4766                   x-go-name: Title
   4767                 - description: Title of this list.
   4768                   example: Cool People
   4769                   in: formData
   4770                   name: title
   4771                   type: string
   4772                   x-go-name: RepliesPolicy
   4773                 - description: |-
   4774                     RepliesPolicy for this list.
   4775                     followed = Show replies to any followed user
   4776                     list = Show replies to members of the list
   4777                     none = Show replies to no one
   4778                   example: list
   4779                   in: formData
   4780                   name: replies_policy
   4781                   type: string
   4782             produces:
   4783                 - application/json
   4784             responses:
   4785                 "200":
   4786                     description: The newly updated list.
   4787                     schema:
   4788                         $ref: '#/definitions/list'
   4789                 "400":
   4790                     description: bad request
   4791                 "401":
   4792                     description: unauthorized
   4793                 "403":
   4794                     description: forbidden
   4795                 "404":
   4796                     description: not found
   4797                 "406":
   4798                     description: not acceptable
   4799                 "500":
   4800                     description: internal server error
   4801             security:
   4802                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4803                     - write:lists
   4804             summary: Update an existing list.
   4805             tags:
   4806                 - lists
   4807     /api/v1/lists/{id}/accounts:
   4808         delete:
   4809             consumes:
   4810                 - application/json
   4811                 - application/xml
   4812                 - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
   4813             operationId: removeListAccounts
   4814             parameters:
   4815                 - description: ID of the list
   4816                   in: path
   4817                   name: id
   4818                   required: true
   4819                   type: string
   4820                 - description: Array of accountIDs to modify. Each accountID must correspond to an account that the requesting account follows.
   4821                   in: formData
   4822                   items:
   4823                     type: string
   4824                   name: account_ids
   4825                   required: true
   4826                   type: array
   4827             produces:
   4828                 - application/json
   4829             responses:
   4830                 "200":
   4831                     description: list accounts updated
   4832                 "400":
   4833                     description: bad request
   4834                 "401":
   4835                     description: unauthorized
   4836                 "404":
   4837                     description: not found
   4838                 "406":
   4839                     description: not acceptable
   4840                 "500":
   4841                     description: internal server error
   4842             security:
   4843                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4844                     - read:lists
   4845             summary: Remove one or more accounts from the given list.
   4846             tags:
   4847                 - lists
   4848         get:
   4849             description: |-
   4850                 The returned Link header can be used to generate the previous and next queries when scrolling up or down a timeline.
   4852                 Example:
   4854                 ```
   4855                 <>; rel="next", <>; rel="prev"
   4856                 ````
   4857             operationId: listAccounts
   4858             parameters:
   4859                 - description: ID of the list
   4860                   in: path
   4861                   name: id
   4862                   required: true
   4863                   type: string
   4864                 - description: Return only list entries *OLDER* than the given max ID. The account from the list entry with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   4865                   in: query
   4866                   name: max_id
   4867                   type: string
   4868                 - description: Return only list entries *NEWER* than the given since ID. The account from the list entry with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   4869                   in: query
   4870                   name: since_id
   4871                   type: string
   4872                 - description: Return only list entries *IMMEDIATELY NEWER* than the given min ID. The account from the list entry with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   4873                   in: query
   4874                   name: min_id
   4875                   type: string
   4876                 - default: 20
   4877                   description: Number of accounts to return.
   4878                   in: query
   4879                   name: limit
   4880                   type: integer
   4881             produces:
   4882                 - application/json
   4883             responses:
   4884                 "200":
   4885                     description: Array of accounts.
   4886                     headers:
   4887                         Link:
   4888                             description: Links to the next and previous queries.
   4889                             type: string
   4890                     schema:
   4891                         items:
   4892                             $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   4893                         type: array
   4894                 "400":
   4895                     description: bad request
   4896                 "401":
   4897                     description: unauthorized
   4898                 "404":
   4899                     description: not found
   4900                 "406":
   4901                     description: not acceptable
   4902                 "500":
   4903                     description: internal server error
   4904             security:
   4905                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4906                     - read:lists
   4907             summary: Page through accounts in this list.
   4908             tags:
   4909                 - lists
   4910         post:
   4911             consumes:
   4912                 - application/json
   4913                 - application/xml
   4914                 - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
   4915             operationId: addListAccounts
   4916             parameters:
   4917                 - description: ID of the list
   4918                   in: path
   4919                   name: id
   4920                   required: true
   4921                   type: string
   4922                 - description: Array of accountIDs to modify. Each accountID must correspond to an account that the requesting account follows.
   4923                   in: formData
   4924                   items:
   4925                     type: string
   4926                   name: account_ids
   4927                   required: true
   4928                   type: array
   4929             produces:
   4930                 - application/json
   4931             responses:
   4932                 "200":
   4933                     description: list accounts updated
   4934                 "400":
   4935                     description: bad request
   4936                 "401":
   4937                     description: unauthorized
   4938                 "404":
   4939                     description: not found
   4940                 "406":
   4941                     description: not acceptable
   4942                 "500":
   4943                     description: internal server error
   4944             security:
   4945                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4946                     - read:lists
   4947             summary: Add one or more accounts to the given list.
   4948             tags:
   4949                 - lists
   4950     /api/v1/media/{id}:
   4951         get:
   4952             operationId: mediaGet
   4953             parameters:
   4954                 - description: id of the attachment
   4955                   in: path
   4956                   name: id
   4957                   required: true
   4958                   type: string
   4959             produces:
   4960                 - application/json
   4961             responses:
   4962                 "200":
   4963                     description: The requested media attachment.
   4964                     schema:
   4965                         $ref: '#/definitions/attachment'
   4966                 "400":
   4967                     description: bad request
   4968                 "401":
   4969                     description: unauthorized
   4970                 "404":
   4971                     description: not found
   4972                 "406":
   4973                     description: not acceptable
   4974                 "500":
   4975                     description: internal server error
   4976             security:
   4977                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   4978                     - read:media
   4979             summary: Get a media attachment that you own.
   4980             tags:
   4981                 - media
   4982         put:
   4983             consumes:
   4984                 - application/json
   4985                 - application/xml
   4986                 - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
   4987             description: |-
   4988                 You must own the media attachment, and the attachment must not yet be attached to a status.
   4990                 The parameters can also be given in the body of the request, as JSON, if the content-type is set to 'application/json'.
   4991                 The parameters can also be given in the body of the request, as XML, if the content-type is set to 'application/xml'.
   4992             operationId: mediaUpdate
   4993             parameters:
   4994                 - description: id of the attachment to update
   4995                   in: path
   4996                   name: id
   4997                   required: true
   4998                   type: string
   4999                 - allowEmptyValue: true
   5000                   description: Image or media description to use as alt-text on the attachment. This is very useful for users of screenreaders! May or may not be required, depending on your instance settings.
   5001                   in: formData
   5002                   name: description
   5003                   type: string
   5004                 - allowEmptyValue: true
   5005                   default: 0,0
   5006                   description: 'Focus of the media file. If present, it should be in the form of two comma-separated floats between -1 and 1. For example: `-0.5,0.25`.'
   5007                   in: formData
   5008                   name: focus
   5009                   type: string
   5010             produces:
   5011                 - application/json
   5012             responses:
   5013                 "200":
   5014                     description: The newly-updated media attachment.
   5015                     schema:
   5016                         $ref: '#/definitions/attachment'
   5017                 "400":
   5018                     description: bad request
   5019                 "401":
   5020                     description: unauthorized
   5021                 "404":
   5022                     description: not found
   5023                 "406":
   5024                     description: not acceptable
   5025                 "500":
   5026                     description: internal server error
   5027             security:
   5028                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5029                     - write:media
   5030             summary: Update a media attachment.
   5031             tags:
   5032                 - media
   5033     /api/v1/notification/{id}:
   5034         get:
   5035             operationId: notification
   5036             produces:
   5037                 - application/json
   5038             responses:
   5039                 "200":
   5040                     description: Requested notification.
   5041                     schema:
   5042                         $ref: '#/definitions/notification'
   5043                 "400":
   5044                     description: bad request
   5045                 "401":
   5046                     description: unauthorized
   5047                 "404":
   5048                     description: not found
   5049                 "406":
   5050                     description: not acceptable
   5051                 "500":
   5052                     description: internal server error
   5053             security:
   5054                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5055                     - read:notifications
   5056             summary: Get a single notification with the given ID.
   5057             tags:
   5058                 - notifications
   5059     /api/v1/notifications:
   5060         get:
   5061             description: |-
   5062                 The notifications will be returned in descending chronological order (newest first), with sequential IDs (bigger = newer).
   5064                 The next and previous queries can be parsed from the returned Link header.
   5065                 Example:
   5067                 ```
   5068                 <>; rel="next", <>; rel="prev"
   5069                 ````
   5070             operationId: notifications
   5071             parameters:
   5072                 - description: Return only notifications *OLDER* than the given max notification ID. The notification with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   5073                   in: query
   5074                   name: max_id
   5075                   type: string
   5076                 - description: Return only notifications *newer* than the given since notification ID. The notification with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   5077                   in: query
   5078                   name: since_id
   5079                   type: string
   5080                 - description: Return only notifications *immediately newer* than the given since notification ID. The notification with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   5081                   in: query
   5082                   name: min_id
   5083                   type: string
   5084                 - default: 20
   5085                   description: Number of notifications to return.
   5086                   in: query
   5087                   name: limit
   5088                   type: integer
   5089                 - in: query
   5090                   items:
   5091                     type: string
   5092                   name: exclude_types
   5093                   type: array
   5094             produces:
   5095                 - application/json
   5096             responses:
   5097                 "200":
   5098                     description: Array of notifications.
   5099                     headers:
   5100                         Link:
   5101                             description: Links to the next and previous queries.
   5102                             type: string
   5103                     schema:
   5104                         items:
   5105                             $ref: '#/definitions/notification'
   5106                         type: array
   5107                 "400":
   5108                     description: bad request
   5109                 "401":
   5110                     description: unauthorized
   5111                 "404":
   5112                     description: not found
   5113                 "406":
   5114                     description: not acceptable
   5115                 "500":
   5116                     description: internal server error
   5117             security:
   5118                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5119                     - read:notifications
   5120             summary: Get notifications for currently authorized user.
   5121             tags:
   5122                 - notifications
   5123     /api/v1/notifications/clear:
   5124         post:
   5125             description: Will return an empty object `{}` to indicate success.
   5126             operationId: clearNotifications
   5127             produces:
   5128                 - application/json
   5129             responses:
   5130                 "200":
   5131                     description: ""
   5132                     schema:
   5133                         type: object
   5134                 "400":
   5135                     description: bad request
   5136                 "401":
   5137                     description: unauthorized
   5138                 "404":
   5139                     description: not found
   5140                 "406":
   5141                     description: not acceptable
   5142                 "500":
   5143                     description: internal server error
   5144             security:
   5145                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5146                     - read:notifications
   5147             summary: Clear/delete all notifications for currently authorized user.
   5148             tags:
   5149                 - notifications
   5150     /api/v1/preferences:
   5151         get:
   5152             description: |-
   5153                 Example:
   5155                 ```
   5157                 {
   5158                 "posting:default:visibility": "public",
   5159                 "posting:default:sensitive": false,
   5160                 "posting:default:language": "en",
   5161                 "reading:expand:media": "default",
   5162                 "reading:expand:spoilers": false,
   5163                 "reading:autoplay:gifs": false
   5164                 }
   5166                 ````
   5167             operationId: preferencesGet
   5168             produces:
   5169                 - application/json
   5170             responses:
   5171                 "200":
   5172                     description: ""
   5173                     schema:
   5174                         type: object
   5175                 "400":
   5176                     description: bad request
   5177                 "401":
   5178                     description: unauthorized
   5179                 "404":
   5180                     description: not found
   5181                 "406":
   5182                     description: not acceptable
   5183                 "500":
   5184                     description: internal server error
   5185             security:
   5186                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5187                     - read:accounts
   5188             summary: Return an object of user preferences.
   5189             tags:
   5190                 - preferences
   5191     /api/v1/reports:
   5192         get:
   5193             description: |-
   5194                 The reports will be returned in descending chronological order (newest first), with sequential IDs (bigger = newer).
   5196                 The next and previous queries can be parsed from the returned Link header.
   5198                 Example:
   5200                 ```
   5201                 <>; rel="next", <>; rel="prev"
   5202                 ````
   5203             operationId: reports
   5204             parameters:
   5205                 - description: If set to true, only resolved reports will be returned. If false, only unresolved reports will be returned. If unset, reports will not be filtered on their resolved status.
   5206                   in: query
   5207                   name: resolved
   5208                   type: boolean
   5209                 - description: Return only reports that target the given account id.
   5210                   in: query
   5211                   name: target_account_id
   5212                   type: string
   5213                 - description: Return only reports *OLDER* than the given max ID. The report with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   5214                   in: query
   5215                   name: max_id
   5216                   type: string
   5217                 - description: Return only reports *NEWER* than the given since ID. The report with the specified ID will not be included in the response. This parameter is functionally equivalent to min_id.
   5218                   in: query
   5219                   name: since_id
   5220                   type: string
   5221                 - description: Return only reports *NEWER* than the given min ID. The report with the specified ID will not be included in the response. This parameter is functionally equivalent to since_id.
   5222                   in: query
   5223                   name: min_id
   5224                   type: string
   5225                 - default: 20
   5226                   description: Number of reports to return. If less than 1, will be clamped to 1. If more than 100, will be clamped to 100.
   5227                   in: query
   5228                   name: limit
   5229                   type: integer
   5230             produces:
   5231                 - application/json
   5232             responses:
   5233                 "200":
   5234                     description: Array of reports.
   5235                     schema:
   5236                         items:
   5237                             $ref: '#/definitions/report'
   5238                         type: array
   5239                 "400":
   5240                     description: bad request
   5241                 "401":
   5242                     description: unauthorized
   5243                 "404":
   5244                     description: not found
   5245                 "406":
   5246                     description: not acceptable
   5247                 "500":
   5248                     description: internal server error
   5249             security:
   5250                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5251                     - read:reports
   5252             summary: See reports created by the requesting account.
   5253             tags:
   5254                 - reports
   5255         post:
   5256             consumes:
   5257                 - application/json
   5258                 - application/xml
   5259                 - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
   5260             operationId: reportCreate
   5261             parameters:
   5262                 - description: ID of the account to report.
   5263                   example: 01GPE75FXSH2EGFBF85NXPH3KP
   5264                   in: formData
   5265                   name: account_id
   5266                   required: true
   5267                   type: string
   5268                   x-go-name: AccountID
   5269                 - description: IDs of statuses to attach to the report to provide additional context.
   5270                   example:
   5271                     - 01GPE76N4SBVRZ8K24TW51ZZQ4
   5272                     - 01GPE76WN9JZE62EPT3Q9FRRD4
   5273                   in: formData
   5274                   items:
   5275                     type: string
   5276                   name: status_ids
   5277                   type: array
   5278                   x-go-name: StatusIDs
   5279                 - description: The reason for the report. Default maximum of 1000 characters.
   5280                   example: Anti-Blackness, transphobia.
   5281                   in: formData
   5282                   name: comment
   5283                   type: string
   5284                   x-go-name: Comment
   5285                 - default: false
   5286                   description: If the account is remote, should the report be forwarded to the remote admin?
   5287                   example: true
   5288                   in: formData
   5289                   name: forward
   5290                   type: boolean
   5291                   x-go-name: Forward
   5292                 - default: other
   5293                   description: |-
   5294                     Specify if the report is due to spam, violation of enumerated instance rules, or some other reason.
   5295                     Currently only 'other' is supported.
   5296                   example: other
   5297                   in: formData
   5298                   name: category
   5299                   type: string
   5300                   x-go-name: Category
   5301                 - description: |-
   5302                     IDs of rules on this instance which have been broken according to the reporter.
   5303                     This is currently not supported, provided only for API compatibility.
   5304                   example:
   5305                     - 1
   5306                     - 2
   5307                     - 3
   5308                   in: formData
   5309                   items:
   5310                     format: int64
   5311                     type: integer
   5312                   name: rule_ids
   5313                   type: array
   5314                   x-go-name: RuleIDs
   5315             produces:
   5316                 - application/json
   5317             responses:
   5318                 "200":
   5319                     description: The created report.
   5320                     schema:
   5321                         $ref: '#/definitions/report'
   5322                 "400":
   5323                     description: bad request
   5324                 "401":
   5325                     description: unauthorized
   5326                 "404":
   5327                     description: not found
   5328                 "406":
   5329                     description: not acceptable
   5330                 "500":
   5331                     description: internal server error
   5332             security:
   5333                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5334                     - write:reports
   5335             summary: Create a new user report with the given parameters.
   5336             tags:
   5337                 - reports
   5338     /api/v1/reports/{id}:
   5339         get:
   5340             operationId: reportGet
   5341             parameters:
   5342                 - description: ID of the report
   5343                   in: path
   5344                   name: id
   5345                   required: true
   5346                   type: string
   5347             produces:
   5348                 - application/json
   5349             responses:
   5350                 "200":
   5351                     description: The requested report.
   5352                     schema:
   5353                         $ref: '#/definitions/report'
   5354                 "400":
   5355                     description: bad request
   5356                 "401":
   5357                     description: unauthorized
   5358                 "404":
   5359                     description: not found
   5360                 "406":
   5361                     description: not acceptable
   5362                 "500":
   5363                     description: internal server error
   5364             security:
   5365                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5366                     - read:reports
   5367             summary: Get one report with the given id.
   5368             tags:
   5369                 - reports
   5370     /api/v1/search:
   5371         get:
   5372             description: If statuses are in the result, they will be returned in descending chronological order (newest first), with sequential IDs (bigger = newer).
   5373             operationId: searchGet
   5374             parameters:
   5375                 - description: Return only items *OLDER* than the given max ID. The item with the specified ID will not be included in the response. Currently only used if 'type' is set to a specific type.
   5376                   in: query
   5377                   name: max_id
   5378                   type: string
   5379                 - description: Return only items *immediately newer* than the given min ID. The item with the specified ID will not be included in the response. Currently only used if 'type' is set to a specific type.
   5380                   in: query
   5381                   name: min_id
   5382                   type: string
   5383                 - default: 20
   5384                   description: Number of each type of item to return.
   5385                   in: query
   5386                   maximum: 40
   5387                   minimum: 1
   5388                   name: limit
   5389                   type: integer
   5390                 - default: 0
   5391                   description: Page number of results to return (starts at 0). This parameter is currently not used, page by selecting a specific query type and using maxID and minID instead.
   5392                   in: query
   5393                   maximum: 10
   5394                   minimum: 0
   5395                   name: offset
   5396                   type: integer
   5397                 - description: |-
   5398                     Query string to search for. This can be in the following forms:
   5399                     - `@[username]` -- search for an account with the given username on any domain. Can return multiple results.
   5400                     - @[username]@[domain]` -- search for a remote account with exact username and domain. Will only ever return 1 result at most.
   5401                     - `` -- search for an account OR a status with the given URL. Will only ever return 1 result at most.
   5402                     - any arbitrary string -- search for accounts or statuses containing the given string. Can return multiple results.
   5403                   in: query
   5404                   name: q
   5405                   required: true
   5406                   type: string
   5407                 - description: |-
   5408                     Type of item to return. One of:
   5409                     - `` -- empty string; return any/all results.
   5410                     - `accounts` -- return account(s).
   5411                     - `statuses` -- return status(es).
   5412                     - `hashtags` -- return hashtag(s).
   5413                     If `type` is specified, paging can be performed using max_id and min_id parameters.
   5414                     If `type` is not specified, see the `offset` parameter for paging.
   5415                   in: query
   5416                   name: type
   5417                   type: string
   5418                 - default: false
   5419                   description: If searching query is for `@[username]@[domain]`, or a URL, allow the GoToSocial instance to resolve the search by making calls to remote instances (webfinger, ActivityPub, etc).
   5420                   in: query
   5421                   name: resolve
   5422                   type: boolean
   5423                 - default: false
   5424                   description: If search type includes accounts, and search query is an arbitrary string, show only accounts that the requesting account follows. If this is set to `true`, then the GoToSocial instance will enhance the search by also searching within account notes, not just in usernames and display names.
   5425                   in: query
   5426                   name: following
   5427                   type: boolean
   5428                 - default: false
   5429                   description: If searching for hashtags, exclude those not yet approved by instance admin. Currently this parameter is unused.
   5430                   in: query
   5431                   name: exclude_unreviewed
   5432                   type: boolean
   5433             produces:
   5434                 - application/json
   5435             responses:
   5436                 "200":
   5437                     description: Results of the search.
   5438                     schema:
   5439                         items:
   5440                             $ref: '#/definitions/searchResult'
   5441                         type: array
   5442                 "400":
   5443                     description: bad request
   5444                 "401":
   5445                     description: unauthorized
   5446                 "404":
   5447                     description: not found
   5448                 "406":
   5449                     description: not acceptable
   5450                 "500":
   5451                     description: internal server error
   5452             security:
   5453                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5454                     - read:search
   5455             summary: Search for statuses, accounts, or hashtags, on this instance or elsewhere.
   5456             tags:
   5457                 - search
   5458     /api/v1/statuses:
   5459         post:
   5460             consumes:
   5461                 - application/json
   5462                 - application/xml
   5463                 - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
   5464             description: |-
   5465                 The parameters can also be given in the body of the request, as JSON, if the content-type is set to 'application/json'.
   5466                 The parameters can also be given in the body of the request, as XML, if the content-type is set to 'application/xml'.
   5467             operationId: statusCreate
   5468             parameters:
   5469                 - description: |-
   5470                     Text content of the status.
   5471                     If media_ids is provided, this becomes optional.
   5472                     Attaching a poll is optional while status is provided.
   5473                   in: formData
   5474                   name: status
   5475                   type: string
   5476                   x-go-name: Status
   5477                 - description: |-
   5478                     Array of Attachment ids to be attached as media.
   5479                     If provided, status becomes optional, and poll cannot be used.
   5481                     If the status is being submitted as a form, the key is 'media_ids[]',
   5482                     but if it's json or xml, the key is 'media_ids'.
   5483                   in: formData
   5484                   items:
   5485                     type: string
   5486                   name: media_ids
   5487                   type: array
   5488                   x-go-name: MediaIDs
   5489                 - description: ID of the status being replied to, if status is a reply.
   5490                   in: formData
   5491                   name: in_reply_to_id
   5492                   type: string
   5493                   x-go-name: InReplyToID
   5494                 - description: Status and attached media should be marked as sensitive.
   5495                   in: formData
   5496                   name: sensitive
   5497                   type: boolean
   5498                   x-go-name: Sensitive
   5499                 - description: |-
   5500                     Text to be shown as a warning or subject before the actual content.
   5501                     Statuses are generally collapsed behind this field.
   5502                   in: formData
   5503                   name: spoiler_text
   5504                   type: string
   5505                   x-go-name: SpoilerText
   5506                 - description: Visibility of the posted status.
   5507                   in: formData
   5508                   name: visibility
   5509                   type: string
   5510                   x-go-name: Visibility
   5511                 - description: |-
   5512                     ISO 8601 Datetime at which to schedule a status.
   5513                     Providing this parameter will cause ScheduledStatus to be returned instead of Status.
   5514                     Must be at least 5 minutes in the future.
   5515                   in: formData
   5516                   name: scheduled_at
   5517                   type: string
   5518                   x-go-name: ScheduledAt
   5519                 - description: ISO 639 language code for this status.
   5520                   in: formData
   5521                   name: language
   5522                   type: string
   5523                   x-go-name: Language
   5524                 - description: Content type to use when parsing this status.
   5525                   in: formData
   5526                   name: content_type
   5527                   type: string
   5528                   x-go-name: ContentType
   5529                 - description: This status will be federated beyond the local timeline(s).
   5530                   in: query
   5531                   name: federated
   5532                   type: boolean
   5533                   x-go-name: Federated
   5534                 - description: This status can be boosted/reblogged.
   5535                   in: query
   5536                   name: boostable
   5537                   type: boolean
   5538                   x-go-name: Boostable
   5539                 - description: This status can be replied to.
   5540                   in: query
   5541                   name: replyable
   5542                   type: boolean
   5543                   x-go-name: Replyable
   5544                 - description: This status can be liked/faved.
   5545                   in: query
   5546                   name: likeable
   5547                   type: boolean
   5548                   x-go-name: Likeable
   5549             produces:
   5550                 - application/json
   5551             responses:
   5552                 "200":
   5553                     description: The newly created status.
   5554                     schema:
   5555                         $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   5556                 "400":
   5557                     description: bad request
   5558                 "401":
   5559                     description: unauthorized
   5560                 "403":
   5561                     description: forbidden
   5562                 "404":
   5563                     description: not found
   5564                 "406":
   5565                     description: not acceptable
   5566                 "500":
   5567                     description: internal server error
   5568             security:
   5569                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5570                     - write:statuses
   5571             summary: Create a new status.
   5572             tags:
   5573                 - statuses
   5574     /api/v1/statuses/{id}:
   5575         delete:
   5576             description: |-
   5577                 The deleted status will be returned in the response. The `text` field will contain the original text of the status as it was submitted.
   5578                 This is useful when doing a 'delete and redraft' type operation.
   5579             operationId: statusDelete
   5580             parameters:
   5581                 - description: Target status ID.
   5582                   in: path
   5583                   name: id
   5584                   required: true
   5585                   type: string
   5586             produces:
   5587                 - application/json
   5588             responses:
   5589                 "200":
   5590                     description: The status that was just deleted.
   5591                     schema:
   5592                         $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   5593                 "400":
   5594                     description: bad request
   5595                 "401":
   5596                     description: unauthorized
   5597                 "403":
   5598                     description: forbidden
   5599                 "404":
   5600                     description: not found
   5601                 "406":
   5602                     description: not acceptable
   5603                 "500":
   5604                     description: internal server error
   5605             security:
   5606                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5607                     - write:statuses
   5608             summary: Delete status with the given ID. The status must belong to you.
   5609             tags:
   5610                 - statuses
   5611         get:
   5612             operationId: statusGet
   5613             parameters:
   5614                 - description: Target status ID.
   5615                   in: path
   5616                   name: id
   5617                   required: true
   5618                   type: string
   5619             produces:
   5620                 - application/json
   5621             responses:
   5622                 "200":
   5623                     description: The requested status.
   5624                     schema:
   5625                         $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   5626                 "400":
   5627                     description: bad request
   5628                 "401":
   5629                     description: unauthorized
   5630                 "403":
   5631                     description: forbidden
   5632                 "404":
   5633                     description: not found
   5634                 "406":
   5635                     description: not acceptable
   5636                 "500":
   5637                     description: internal server error
   5638             security:
   5639                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5640                     - read:statuses
   5641             summary: View status with the given ID.
   5642             tags:
   5643                 - statuses
   5644     /api/v1/statuses/{id}/bookmark:
   5645         post:
   5646             operationId: statusBookmark
   5647             parameters:
   5648                 - description: Target status ID.
   5649                   in: path
   5650                   name: id
   5651                   required: true
   5652                   type: string
   5653             produces:
   5654                 - application/json
   5655             responses:
   5656                 "200":
   5657                     description: The status.
   5658                     schema:
   5659                         $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   5660                 "400":
   5661                     description: bad request
   5662                 "401":
   5663                     description: unauthorized
   5664                 "403":
   5665                     description: forbidden
   5666                 "404":
   5667                     description: not found
   5668                 "406":
   5669                     description: not acceptable
   5670                 "500":
   5671                     description: internal server error
   5672             security:
   5673                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5674                     - write:statuses
   5675             summary: Bookmark status with the given ID.
   5676             tags:
   5677                 - statuses
   5678     /api/v1/statuses/{id}/context:
   5679         get:
   5680             description: The returned statuses will be ordered in a thread structure, so they are suitable to be displayed in the order in which they were returned.
   5681             operationId: statusContext
   5682             parameters:
   5683                 - description: Target status ID.
   5684                   in: path
   5685                   name: id
   5686                   required: true
   5687                   type: string
   5688             produces:
   5689                 - application/json
   5690             responses:
   5691                 "200":
   5692                     description: Status context object.
   5693                     schema:
   5694                         $ref: '#/definitions/statusContext'
   5695                 "400":
   5696                     description: bad request
   5697                 "401":
   5698                     description: unauthorized
   5699                 "403":
   5700                     description: forbidden
   5701                 "404":
   5702                     description: not found
   5703                 "406":
   5704                     description: not acceptable
   5705                 "500":
   5706                     description: internal server error
   5707             security:
   5708                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5709                     - read:statuses
   5710             summary: Return ancestors and descendants of the given status.
   5711             tags:
   5712                 - statuses
   5713     /api/v1/statuses/{id}/favourite:
   5714         post:
   5715             operationId: statusFave
   5716             parameters:
   5717                 - description: Target status ID.
   5718                   in: path
   5719                   name: id
   5720                   required: true
   5721                   type: string
   5722             produces:
   5723                 - application/json
   5724             responses:
   5725                 "200":
   5726                     description: The newly faved status.
   5727                     schema:
   5728                         $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   5729                 "400":
   5730                     description: bad request
   5731                 "401":
   5732                     description: unauthorized
   5733                 "403":
   5734                     description: forbidden
   5735                 "404":
   5736                     description: not found
   5737                 "406":
   5738                     description: not acceptable
   5739                 "500":
   5740                     description: internal server error
   5741             security:
   5742                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5743                     - write:statuses
   5744             summary: Star/like/favourite the given status, if permitted.
   5745             tags:
   5746                 - statuses
   5747     /api/v1/statuses/{id}/favourited_by:
   5748         get:
   5749             operationId: statusFavedBy
   5750             parameters:
   5751                 - description: Target status ID.
   5752                   in: path
   5753                   name: id
   5754                   required: true
   5755                   type: string
   5756             produces:
   5757                 - application/json
   5758             responses:
   5759                 "200":
   5760                     description: ""
   5761                     schema:
   5762                         items:
   5763                             $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   5764                         type: array
   5765                 "400":
   5766                     description: bad request
   5767                 "401":
   5768                     description: unauthorized
   5769                 "403":
   5770                     description: forbidden
   5771                 "404":
   5772                     description: not found
   5773                 "406":
   5774                     description: not acceptable
   5775                 "500":
   5776                     description: internal server error
   5777             security:
   5778                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5779                     - read:accounts
   5780             summary: View accounts that have faved/starred/liked the target status.
   5781             tags:
   5782                 - statuses
   5783     /api/v1/statuses/{id}/pin:
   5784         post:
   5785             description: |-
   5786                 You can only pin original posts (not reblogs) that you authored yourself.
   5788                 Supported privacy levels for pinned posts are public, unlisted, and private/followers-only,
   5789                 but only public posts will appear on the web version of your profile.
   5790             operationId: statusPin
   5791             parameters:
   5792                 - description: Target status ID.
   5793                   in: path
   5794                   name: id
   5795                   required: true
   5796                   type: string
   5797             produces:
   5798                 - application/json
   5799             responses:
   5800                 "200":
   5801                     description: The status.
   5802                     schema:
   5803                         $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   5804                 "400":
   5805                     description: bad request
   5806                 "401":
   5807                     description: unauthorized
   5808                 "403":
   5809                     description: forbidden
   5810                 "404":
   5811                     description: not found
   5812                 "406":
   5813                     description: not acceptable
   5814                 "500":
   5815                     description: internal server error
   5816             security:
   5817                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5818                     - write:accounts
   5819             summary: Pin a status to the top of your profile, and add it to your Featured ActivityPub collection.
   5820             tags:
   5821                 - statuses
   5822     /api/v1/statuses/{id}/reblog:
   5823         post:
   5824             description: |-
   5825                 If the target status is rebloggable/boostable, it will be shared with your followers.
   5826                 This is equivalent to an ActivityPub 'Announce' activity.
   5827             operationId: statusReblog
   5828             parameters:
   5829                 - description: Target status ID.
   5830                   in: path
   5831                   name: id
   5832                   required: true
   5833                   type: string
   5834             produces:
   5835                 - application/json
   5836             responses:
   5837                 "200":
   5838                     description: The boost of the status.
   5839                     schema:
   5840                         $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   5841                 "400":
   5842                     description: bad request
   5843                 "401":
   5844                     description: unauthorized
   5845                 "403":
   5846                     description: forbidden
   5847                 "404":
   5848                     description: not found
   5849                 "406":
   5850                     description: not acceptable
   5851                 "500":
   5852                     description: internal server error
   5853             security:
   5854                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5855                     - write:statuses
   5856             summary: Reblog/boost status with the given ID.
   5857             tags:
   5858                 - statuses
   5859     /api/v1/statuses/{id}/reblogged_by:
   5860         get:
   5861             operationId: statusBoostedBy
   5862             parameters:
   5863                 - description: Target status ID.
   5864                   in: path
   5865                   name: id
   5866                   required: true
   5867                   type: string
   5868             produces:
   5869                 - application/json
   5870             responses:
   5871                 "200":
   5872                     description: ""
   5873                     schema:
   5874                         items:
   5875                             $ref: '#/definitions/account'
   5876                         type: array
   5877                 "400":
   5878                     description: bad request
   5879                 "401":
   5880                     description: unauthorized
   5881                 "403":
   5882                     description: forbidden
   5883                 "404":
   5884                     description: not found
   5885             security:
   5886                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5887                     - read:accounts
   5888             summary: View accounts that have reblogged/boosted the target status.
   5889             tags:
   5890                 - statuses
   5891     /api/v1/statuses/{id}/unbookmark:
   5892         post:
   5893             operationId: statusUnbookmark
   5894             parameters:
   5895                 - description: Target status ID.
   5896                   in: path
   5897                   name: id
   5898                   required: true
   5899                   type: string
   5900             produces:
   5901                 - application/json
   5902             responses:
   5903                 "200":
   5904                     description: The status.
   5905                     schema:
   5906                         $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   5907                 "400":
   5908                     description: bad request
   5909                 "401":
   5910                     description: unauthorized
   5911                 "403":
   5912                     description: forbidden
   5913                 "404":
   5914                     description: not found
   5915                 "406":
   5916                     description: not acceptable
   5917                 "500":
   5918                     description: internal server error
   5919             security:
   5920                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5921                     - write:statuses
   5922             summary: Unbookmark status with the given ID.
   5923             tags:
   5924                 - statuses
   5925     /api/v1/statuses/{id}/unfavourite:
   5926         post:
   5927             operationId: statusUnfave
   5928             parameters:
   5929                 - description: Target status ID.
   5930                   in: path
   5931                   name: id
   5932                   required: true
   5933                   type: string
   5934             produces:
   5935                 - application/json
   5936             responses:
   5937                 "200":
   5938                     description: The unfaved status.
   5939                     schema:
   5940                         $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   5941                 "400":
   5942                     description: bad request
   5943                 "401":
   5944                     description: unauthorized
   5945                 "403":
   5946                     description: forbidden
   5947                 "404":
   5948                     description: not found
   5949                 "406":
   5950                     description: not acceptable
   5951                 "500":
   5952                     description: internal server error
   5953             security:
   5954                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5955                     - write:statuses
   5956             summary: Unstar/unlike/unfavourite the given status.
   5957             tags:
   5958                 - statuses
   5959     /api/v1/statuses/{id}/unpin:
   5960         post:
   5961             operationId: statusUnpin
   5962             parameters:
   5963                 - description: Target status ID.
   5964                   in: path
   5965                   name: id
   5966                   required: true
   5967                   type: string
   5968             produces:
   5969                 - application/json
   5970             responses:
   5971                 "200":
   5972                     description: The status.
   5973                     schema:
   5974                         $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   5975                 "400":
   5976                     description: bad request
   5977                 "401":
   5978                     description: unauthorized
   5979                 "403":
   5980                     description: forbidden
   5981                 "404":
   5982                     description: not found
   5983                 "406":
   5984                     description: not acceptable
   5985                 "500":
   5986                     description: internal server error
   5987             security:
   5988                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   5989                     - write:accounts
   5990             summary: Unpin one of your pinned statuses.
   5991             tags:
   5992                 - statuses
   5993     /api/v1/statuses/{id}/unreblog:
   5994         post:
   5995             operationId: statusUnreblog
   5996             parameters:
   5997                 - description: Target status ID.
   5998                   in: path
   5999                   name: id
   6000                   required: true
   6001                   type: string
   6002             produces:
   6003                 - application/json
   6004             responses:
   6005                 "200":
   6006                     description: The unboosted status.
   6007                     schema:
   6008                         $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   6009                 "400":
   6010                     description: bad request
   6011                 "401":
   6012                     description: unauthorized
   6013                 "403":
   6014                     description: forbidden
   6015                 "404":
   6016                     description: not found
   6017                 "406":
   6018                     description: not acceptable
   6019                 "500":
   6020                     description: internal server error
   6021             security:
   6022                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   6023                     - write:statuses
   6024             summary: Unreblog/unboost status with the given ID.
   6025             tags:
   6026                 - statuses
   6027     /api/v1/streaming:
   6028         get:
   6029             description: |-
   6030                 The scheme used should *always* be `wss`. The streaming basepath can be viewed at `/api/v1/instance`.
   6032                 On a successful connection, a code `101` will be returned, which indicates that the connection is being upgraded to a secure websocket connection.
   6034                 As long as the connection is open, various message types will be streamed into it.
   6036                 GoToSocial will ping the connection every 30 seconds to check whether the client is still receiving.
   6038                 If the ping fails, or something else goes wrong during transmission, then the connection will be dropped, and the client will be expected to start it again.
   6039             operationId: streamGet
   6040             parameters:
   6041                 - description: Access token for the requesting account.
   6042                   in: query
   6043                   name: access_token
   6044                   required: true
   6045                   type: string
   6046                 - description: |-
   6047                     Type of stream to request.
   6049                     Options are:
   6051                     `user`: receive updates for the account's home timeline.
   6052                     `public`: receive updates for the public timeline.
   6053                     `public:local`: receive updates for the local timeline.
   6054                     `hashtag`: receive updates for a given hashtag.
   6055                     `hashtag:local`: receive local updates for a given hashtag.
   6056                     `list`: receive updates for a certain list of accounts.
   6057                     `direct`: receive updates for direct messages.
   6058                   in: query
   6059                   name: stream
   6060                   required: true
   6061                   type: string
   6062                 - description: |-
   6063                     ID of the list to subscribe to.
   6064                     Only used if stream type is 'list'.
   6065                   in: query
   6066                   name: list
   6067                   type: string
   6068                 - description: |-
   6069                     Name of the tag to subscribe to.
   6070                     Only used if stream type is 'hashtag' or 'hashtag:local'.
   6071                   in: query
   6072                   name: tag
   6073                   type: string
   6074             produces:
   6075                 - application/json
   6076             responses:
   6077                 "101":
   6078                     description: ""
   6079                     schema:
   6080                         properties:
   6081                             event:
   6082                                 description: |-
   6083                                     The type of event being received.
   6085                                     `update`: a new status has been received.
   6086                                     `notification`: a new notification has been received.
   6087                                     `delete`: a status has been deleted.
   6088                                     `filters_changed`: not implemented.
   6089                                 enum:
   6090                                     - update
   6091                                     - notification
   6092                                     - delete
   6093                                     - filters_changed
   6094                                 type: string
   6095                             payload:
   6096                                 description: |-
   6097                                     The payload of the streamed message.
   6098                                     Different depending on the `event` type.
   6100                                     If present, it should be parsed as a string.
   6102                                     If `event` = `update`, then the payload will be a JSON string of a status.
   6103                                     If `event` = `notification`, then the payload will be a JSON string of a notification.
   6104                                     If `event` = `delete`, then the payload will be a status ID.
   6105                                 example: '{"id":"01FC3TZ5CFG6H65GCKCJRKA669","created_at":"2021-08-02T16:25:52Z","sensitive":false,"spoiler_text":"","visibility":"public","language":"en","uri":"","url":"","replies_count":0,"reblogs_count":0,"favourites_count":0,"favourited":false,"reblogged":false,"muted":false,"bookmarked":fals…//","header_static":"","followers_count":33,"following_count":28,"statuses_count":126,"last_status_at":"2021-08-02T16:25:52Z","emojis":[],"fields":[]},"media_attachments":[],"mentions":[],"tags":[],"emojis":[],"card":null,"poll":null,"text":"a"}'
   6106                                 type: string
   6107                             stream:
   6108                                 items:
   6109                                     enum:
   6110                                         - user
   6111                                         - public
   6112                                         - public:local
   6113                                         - hashtag
   6114                                         - hashtag:local
   6115                                         - list
   6116                                         - direct
   6117                                     type: string
   6118                                 type: array
   6119                         type: object
   6120                 "400":
   6121                     description: bad request
   6122                 "401":
   6123                     description: unauthorized
   6124             schemes:
   6125                 - wss
   6126             security:
   6127                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   6128                     - read:streaming
   6129             summary: Initiate a websocket connection for live streaming of statuses and notifications.
   6130             tags:
   6131                 - streaming
   6132     /api/v1/timelines/home:
   6133         get:
   6134             description: |-
   6135                 The statuses will be returned in descending chronological order (newest first), with sequential IDs (bigger = newer).
   6137                 The returned Link header can be used to generate the previous and next queries when scrolling up or down a timeline.
   6139                 Example:
   6141                 ```
   6142                 <>; rel="next", <>; rel="prev"
   6143                 ````
   6144             operationId: homeTimeline
   6145             parameters:
   6146                 - description: Return only statuses *OLDER* than the given max status ID. The status with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   6147                   in: query
   6148                   name: max_id
   6149                   type: string
   6150                 - description: Return only statuses *newer* than the given since status ID. The status with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   6151                   in: query
   6152                   name: since_id
   6153                   type: string
   6154                 - description: Return only statuses *immediately newer* than the given since status ID. The status with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   6155                   in: query
   6156                   name: min_id
   6157                   type: string
   6158                 - default: 20
   6159                   description: Number of statuses to return.
   6160                   in: query
   6161                   name: limit
   6162                   type: integer
   6163                 - default: false
   6164                   description: Show only statuses posted by local accounts.
   6165                   in: query
   6166                   name: local
   6167                   type: boolean
   6168             produces:
   6169                 - application/json
   6170             responses:
   6171                 "200":
   6172                     description: Array of statuses.
   6173                     headers:
   6174                         Link:
   6175                             description: Links to the next and previous queries.
   6176                             type: string
   6177                     schema:
   6178                         items:
   6179                             $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   6180                         type: array
   6181                 "400":
   6182                     description: bad request
   6183                 "401":
   6184                     description: unauthorized
   6185             security:
   6186                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   6187                     - read:statuses
   6188             summary: See statuses/posts by accounts you follow.
   6189             tags:
   6190                 - timelines
   6191     /api/v1/timelines/list/{id}:
   6192         get:
   6193             description: |-
   6194                 The statuses will be returned in descending chronological order (newest first), with sequential IDs (bigger = newer).
   6196                 The returned Link header can be used to generate the previous and next queries when scrolling up or down a timeline.
   6198                 Example:
   6200                 ```
   6201                 <>; rel="next", <>; rel="prev"
   6202                 ````
   6203             operationId: listTimeline
   6204             parameters:
   6205                 - description: ID of the list
   6206                   in: path
   6207                   name: id
   6208                   required: true
   6209                   type: string
   6210                 - description: Return only statuses *OLDER* than the given max status ID. The status with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   6211                   in: query
   6212                   name: max_id
   6213                   type: string
   6214                 - description: Return only statuses *NEWER* than the given since status ID. The status with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   6215                   in: query
   6216                   name: since_id
   6217                   type: string
   6218                 - description: Return only statuses *NEWER* than the given since status ID. The status with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   6219                   in: query
   6220                   name: min_id
   6221                   type: string
   6222                 - default: 20
   6223                   description: Number of statuses to return.
   6224                   in: query
   6225                   name: limit
   6226                   type: integer
   6227             produces:
   6228                 - application/json
   6229             responses:
   6230                 "200":
   6231                     description: Array of statuses.
   6232                     headers:
   6233                         Link:
   6234                             description: Links to the next and previous queries.
   6235                             type: string
   6236                     schema:
   6237                         items:
   6238                             $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   6239                         type: array
   6240                 "400":
   6241                     description: bad request
   6242                 "401":
   6243                     description: unauthorized
   6244             security:
   6245                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   6246                     - read:lists
   6247             summary: See statuses/posts from the given list timeline.
   6248             tags:
   6249                 - timelines
   6250     /api/v1/timelines/public:
   6251         get:
   6252             description: |-
   6253                 The statuses will be returned in descending chronological order (newest first), with sequential IDs (bigger = newer).
   6255                 The returned Link header can be used to generate the previous and next queries when scrolling up or down a timeline.
   6257                 Example:
   6259                 ```
   6260                 <>; rel="next", <>; rel="prev"
   6261                 ````
   6262             operationId: publicTimeline
   6263             parameters:
   6264                 - description: Return only statuses *OLDER* than the given max status ID. The status with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   6265                   in: query
   6266                   name: max_id
   6267                   type: string
   6268                 - description: Return only statuses *NEWER* than the given since status ID. The status with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   6269                   in: query
   6270                   name: since_id
   6271                   type: string
   6272                 - description: Return only statuses *NEWER* than the given since status ID. The status with the specified ID will not be included in the response.
   6273                   in: query
   6274                   name: min_id
   6275                   type: string
   6276                 - default: 20
   6277                   description: Number of statuses to return.
   6278                   in: query
   6279                   name: limit
   6280                   type: integer
   6281                 - default: false
   6282                   description: Show only statuses posted by local accounts.
   6283                   in: query
   6284                   name: local
   6285                   type: boolean
   6286             produces:
   6287                 - application/json
   6288             responses:
   6289                 "200":
   6290                     description: Array of statuses.
   6291                     headers:
   6292                         Link:
   6293                             description: Links to the next and previous queries.
   6294                             type: string
   6295                     schema:
   6296                         items:
   6297                             $ref: '#/definitions/status'
   6298                         type: array
   6299                 "400":
   6300                     description: bad request
   6301                 "401":
   6302                     description: unauthorized
   6303             security:
   6304                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   6305                     - read:statuses
   6306             summary: See public statuses/posts that your instance is aware of.
   6307             tags:
   6308                 - timelines
   6309     /api/v1/user/password_change:
   6310         post:
   6311             consumes:
   6312                 - application/json
   6313                 - application/xml
   6314                 - application/x-www-form-urlencoded
   6315             description: |-
   6316                 The parameters can also be given in the body of the request, as JSON, if the content-type is set to 'application/json'.
   6317                 The parameters can also be given in the body of the request, as XML, if the content-type is set to 'application/xml'.
   6318             operationId: userPasswordChange
   6319             parameters:
   6320                 - description: User's previous password.
   6321                   in: formData
   6322                   name: old_password
   6323                   required: true
   6324                   type: string
   6325                   x-go-name: OldPassword
   6326                 - description: |-
   6327                     Desired new password.
   6328                     If the password does not have high enough entropy, it will be rejected.
   6329                     See
   6330                   in: formData
   6331                   name: new_password
   6332                   required: true
   6333                   type: string
   6334                   x-go-name: NewPassword
   6335             produces:
   6336                 - application/json
   6337             responses:
   6338                 "200":
   6339                     description: Change successful
   6340                 "400":
   6341                     description: bad request
   6342                 "401":
   6343                     description: unauthorized
   6344                 "403":
   6345                     description: forbidden
   6346                 "406":
   6347                     description: not acceptable
   6348                 "500":
   6349                     description: internal error
   6350             security:
   6351                 - OAuth2 Bearer:
   6352                     - write:user
   6353             summary: Change the password of authenticated user.
   6354             tags:
   6355                 - user
   6356     /api/v2/instance:
   6357         get:
   6358             operationId: instanceGetV2
   6359             produces:
   6360                 - application/json
   6361             responses:
   6362                 "200":
   6363                     description: Instance information.
   6364                     schema:
   6365                         $ref: '#/definitions/instanceV2'
   6366                 "406":
   6367                     description: not acceptable
   6368                 "500":
   6369                     description: internal error
   6370             summary: View instance information.
   6371             tags:
   6372                 - instance
   6373     /nodeinfo/2.0:
   6374         get:
   6375             description: 'See:'
   6376             operationId: nodeInfoGet
   6377             produces:
   6378                 - application/json; profile=""
   6379             responses:
   6380                 "200":
   6381                     description: ""
   6382                     schema:
   6383                         $ref: '#/definitions/nodeinfo'
   6384             summary: Returns a compliant nodeinfo response to node info queries.
   6385             tags:
   6386                 - nodeinfo
   6387     /users/{username}/collections/featured:
   6388         get:
   6389             description: |-
   6390                 The response will contain an ordered collection of Note URIs in the `items` property.
   6392                 It is up to the caller to dereference the provided Note URIs (or not, if they already have them cached).
   6394                 HTTP signature is required on the request.
   6395             operationId: s2sFeaturedCollectionGet
   6396             produces:
   6397                 - application/activity+json
   6398             responses:
   6399                 "200":
   6400                     description: ""
   6401                     schema:
   6402                         $ref: '#/definitions/swaggerFeaturedCollection'
   6403                 "400":
   6404                     description: bad request
   6405                 "401":
   6406                     description: unauthorized
   6407                 "403":
   6408                     description: forbidden
   6409                 "404":
   6410                     description: not found
   6411             summary: Get the featured collection (pinned posts) for a user.
   6412             tags:
   6413                 - s2s/federation
   6414     /users/{username}/outbox:
   6415         get:
   6416             description: |-
   6417                 Note that the response will be a Collection with a page as `first`, as shown below, if `page` is `false`.
   6419                 If `page` is `true`, then the response will be a single `CollectionPage` without the wrapping `Collection`.
   6421                 HTTP signature is required on the request.
   6422             operationId: s2sOutboxGet
   6423             parameters:
   6424                 - description: Username of the account.
   6425                   in: path
   6426                   name: username
   6427                   required: true
   6428                   type: string
   6429                 - default: false
   6430                   description: Return response as a CollectionPage.
   6431                   in: query
   6432                   name: page
   6433                   type: boolean
   6434                 - description: Minimum ID of the next status, used for paging.
   6435                   in: query
   6436                   name: min_id
   6437                   type: string
   6438                 - description: Maximum ID of the next status, used for paging.
   6439                   in: query
   6440                   name: max_id
   6441                   type: string
   6442             produces:
   6443                 - application/activity+json
   6444             responses:
   6445                 "200":
   6446                     description: ""
   6447                     schema:
   6448                         $ref: '#/definitions/swaggerCollection'
   6449                 "400":
   6450                     description: bad request
   6451                 "401":
   6452                     description: unauthorized
   6453                 "403":
   6454                     description: forbidden
   6455                 "404":
   6456                     description: not found
   6457             summary: Get the public outbox collection for an actor.
   6458             tags:
   6459                 - s2s/federation
   6460     /users/{username}/statuses/{status}/replies:
   6461         get:
   6462             description: |-
   6463                 Note that the response will be a Collection with a page as `first`, as shown below, if `page` is `false`.
   6465                 If `page` is `true`, then the response will be a single `CollectionPage` without the wrapping `Collection`.
   6467                 HTTP signature is required on the request.
   6468             operationId: s2sRepliesGet
   6469             parameters:
   6470                 - description: Username of the account.
   6471                   in: path
   6472                   name: username
   6473                   required: true
   6474                   type: string
   6475                 - description: ID of the status.
   6476                   in: path
   6477                   name: status
   6478                   required: true
   6479                   type: string
   6480                 - default: false
   6481                   description: Return response as a CollectionPage.
   6482                   in: query
   6483                   name: page
   6484                   type: boolean
   6485                 - default: false
   6486                   description: Return replies only from accounts other than the status owner.
   6487                   in: query
   6488                   name: only_other_accounts
   6489                   type: boolean
   6490                 - description: Minimum ID of the next status, used for paging.
   6491                   in: query
   6492                   name: min_id
   6493                   type: string
   6494             produces:
   6495                 - application/activity+json
   6496             responses:
   6497                 "200":
   6498                     description: ""
   6499                     schema:
   6500                         $ref: '#/definitions/swaggerCollection'
   6501                 "400":
   6502                     description: bad request
   6503                 "401":
   6504                     description: unauthorized
   6505                 "403":
   6506                     description: forbidden
   6507                 "404":
   6508                     description: not found
   6509             summary: Get the replies collection for a status.
   6510             tags:
   6511                 - s2s/federation
   6512 schemes:
   6513     - https
   6514     - http
   6515 securityDefinitions:
   6516     OAuth2 Application:
   6517         flow: application
   6518         scopes:
   6519             write:accounts: grants write access to accounts
   6520         tokenUrl:
   6521         type: oauth2
   6522     OAuth2 Bearer:
   6523         authorizationUrl:
   6524         flow: accessCode
   6525         scopes:
   6526             admin: grants admin access to everything
   6527             admin:accounts: grants admin access to accounts
   6528             read: grants read access to everything
   6529             read:accounts: grants read access to accounts
   6530             read:blocks: grant read access to blocks
   6531             read:custom_emojis: grant read access to custom_emojis
   6532             read:favourites: grant read access to favourites
   6533             read:follows: grant read access to follows
   6534             read:lists: grant read access to lists
   6535             read:media: grant read access to media
   6536             read:notifications: grants read access to notifications
   6537             read:search: grant read access to searches
   6538             read:statuses: grants read access to statuses
   6539             read:streaming: grants read access to streaming api
   6540             read:user: grants read access to user-level info
   6541             write: grants write access to everything
   6542             write:accounts: grants write access to accounts
   6543             write:blocks: grants write access to blocks
   6544             write:follows: grants write access to follows
   6545             write:lists: grants write access to lists
   6546             write:media: grants write access to media
   6547             write:statuses: grants write access to statuses
   6548             write:user: grants write access to user-level info
   6549         tokenUrl:
   6550         type: oauth2
   6551 swagger: "2.0"