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      1 #!/usr/bin/env sh
      2 # \
      3 echo "You have reached libsuitcase Tcl component Please note that this"; \
      4 echo "Tcl module is not intended to be directly invoked."; \
      5 echo ""; \
      6 echo "This Tcl module requires Tcl 8.6 or above."; \
      7 echo "To use in your script, you can read it in through tail -n +11, or"; \
      8 echo "you can add it to your script's project directory as a separate file."; \
      9 echo "Thank you for using /pkg/"; \
     10 exit 64
     12 proc opts {{consume {h v H: M: help version headers: markdown:}} argl} {
     13 	# will always output a list n=2.
     14 	# [lindex [opts ...] 0] = a list of lists: option, argument(s)
     15 	# [lindex [opts ...] 1] = a list of arguments not consumed
     16 	# loptpile contains the long options followed by the number of arguments they consume
     17 	# a : not immediately preceded by a backslash means that consumed++
     18 	# two backslashes collapse to one.
     19 	# soptpile contains the options which are one letter (one may write -HM header markdown)
     20 	set loptpile [list]
     21 	set soptpile [list]
     22 	foreach {option} $consume {
     23 		set optname ""
     24 		set colons 0
     25 		set prevl ""
     26 		foreach {l} [split $option {}] {
     27 			if {$l == ":" && $prevl != "\\"} {incr colons}
     28 			if {($l != "\\" || $prevl == "\\") && $colons < 1} {
     29 				append optname $l
     30 			}
     31 			if {$prevl != "\\"} {set prevl $l} {set prevl ""}
     32 		}
     33 		if {[string length $optname] > 1} {lappend loptpile $optname $colons} {lappend soptpile $optname $colons}
     34 	}
     35 	set consumingargs [list]
     36 	set consumedargs [list]
     37 	set unconsumedargs [list]
     38 	set n 0
     39 	set dashdash 0
     40 	while {$n < [llength $argl]} {
     41 		set arg [lindex $argl $n]
     42 		set colons 0
     43 		if {$dashdash} {
     44 			lappend unconsumedargs $arg
     45 		} {
     46 			if {[string index $arg 0] == "-"} {
     47 				if {[string index $arg 1] == "-"} {
     48 					if {[string length $arg] == 2} {set dashdash 1} {
     49 						# long opt; consume argument immediately after, even if it starts with a dash
     50 						# if not a real opt, don't care
     51 						if {[set colons [dict get $loptpile [string range $arg 2 end]]] != ""} {
     52 							set consumedarg [list [string range $arg 2 end]]
     53 							if {$colons != 0} {
     54 								if {[llength [lrange $argl [expr {$n+1}] [expr {$n+$colons}]]] == $colons} {
     55 									lappend consumedarg [lrange $argl [expr {$n+1}] [expr {$n+$colons}]]
     56 									incr n $colons
     57 								} {
     58 									return -code error "Reached end of arguments list while consuming arguments for option $arg ([lrange $argl [expr {$n+1}] [expr {$n+$colons}]])"
     59 								}
     60 							}
     61 							lappend consumedargs $consumedarg
     62 						} {
     63 							lappend unconsumedargs $arg
     64 						}
     65 					}
     66 				} {
     67 					if {[string length $arg] == 1} {lappend unconsumedargs $arg} {
     68 						# short option
     69 						foreach {letter} [split [string range $arg 1 end] {}] {
     70 							if {[catch {dict get $soptpile $letter} colons] == 0} {
     71 								#set colons [dict get $soptpile $letter]
     72 								set consumedarg [list $letter]
     73 								if {$colons != 0} {
     74 									if {[llength [lrange $argl [expr {$n+1}] [expr {$n+$colons}]]] == $colons} {
     75 										foreach {ar} [lrange $argl [expr {$n+1}] [expr {$n+$colons}]] {lappend consumedarg $ar}
     76 										incr n $colons
     77 									} {
     78 										return -code error "Reached end of arguments list while consuming arguments for option $arg ([lrange $argl [expr {$n+1}] [expr {$n+$colons}]])"
     79 									}
     80 								}
     81 								lappend consumedargs $consumedarg
     82 							} {
     83 								# unrecognized dash option - warn user and treat as a separate non-option arg
     84 								puts stderr [format "warning: option -%s not recognized by this program. Treating as a SEPARATE non-option argument - if this wasn't intended, put the argument containing this option after a \'--\'!" $letter]
     85 								lappend unconsumedargs [join [list - $letter] {}]
     86 							}
     87 							# if there's even zero colons
     88 						}
     89 						# foreach letter
     90 					}
     91 					# if only dash, else short option
     92 				}
     93 				# if two dashes
     94 			} else {
     95 				lappend unconsumedargs $arg
     96 			}
     97 			# if one dash
     98 		}
     99 		# if dashdash
    100 		incr n
    101 	}
    102 	# while
    103 	return [list $consumedargs $unconsumedargs]
    104 }