sc_eloop_desc.h (450B)
1 #ifndef SC_ELOOP_DESC_H 2 #define SC_ELOOP_DESC_H 3 4 #include <libsuitcase/uthash/uthash.h> 5 #include <poll.h> 6 7 typedef struct sc_polldes_t_s sc_polldes_t; 8 9 struct sc_polldes_t_s { 10 struct pollfd fd; // stored directly in this struct; used solely as an index for the uthash 11 void* opaque; // a WEAK pointer to an opaque; may be anything or NULL 12 int (*fdcb) (sc_polldes_t *, short, void *); 13 UT_hash_handle hh; 14 }; 15 16 17 #endif // SC_ELOOP_DESC_H