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todo.c (5859B)

      1 #include "mxf-send.h"
      2 /* this file is too long ---------------------------------------------- TODO */
      4 datetime_sec nexttodorun;
      5 DIR *tododir;			/* if 0, have to opendir again */
      6 stralloc todoline = {0};
      7 char todobuf[SUBSTDIO_INSIZE];
      8 char todobufinfo[512];
      9 char todobufchan[CHANNELS][1024];
     11 void
     12 todo_init()
     13 {
     14 	tododir = 0;
     15 	nexttodorun = now();
     16 	trigger_set();
     17 }
     19 void
     20 todo_selprep(int *nfds, fd_set * rfds, datetime_sec * wakeup)
     21 {
     22 	if (flagexitasap)
     23 		return;
     24 	trigger_selprep(nfds, rfds);
     25 	if (tododir)
     26 		*wakeup = 0;
     27 	if (*wakeup > nexttodorun)
     28 		*wakeup = nexttodorun;
     29 }
     31 //XXX XXX - need to refactor this into a todo_doone
     32 void
     33 todo_do(fd_set * rfds)
     34 {
     35 	struct stat st;
     36 	substdio ss;
     37 	int fd;
     38 	substdio ssinfo;
     39 	int fdinfo;
     40 	substdio sschan[CHANNELS];
     41 	int fdchan[CHANNELS];
     42 	int flagchan[CHANNELS];
     43 	struct prioq_elt pe;
     44 	char ch;
     45 	int match;
     46 	unsigned long id;
     47 	unsigned int len;
     48 	direntry *dent;
     49 	int c;
     50 	unsigned long uid;
     51 	unsigned long pid;
     53 	fd = -1;
     54 	fdinfo = -1;
     55 	for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c)
     56 		fdchan[c] = -1;
     58 	if (flagexitasap)
     59 		return;
     61 	if (!tododir) {
     62 		if (!trigger_pulled(rfds))
     63 			if (recent < nexttodorun)
     64 				return;
     65 		trigger_set();
     66 		tododir = opendir("todo");
     67 		if (!tododir) {
     68 			pausedir("todo");
     69 			return;
     70 		}
     71 		nexttodorun = recent + SLEEP_TODO;
     72 	}
     74 	dent = readdir(tododir);
     75 	if (!dent) {
     76 		closedir(tododir);
     77 		tododir = 0;
     78 		return;
     79 	}
     80 	if (str_equal(dent->d_name, "."))
     81 		return;
     82 	if (str_equal(dent->d_name, ".."))
     83 		return;
     84 	len = scan_ulong(dent->d_name, &id);
     85 	if (!len || dent->d_name[len])
     86 		return;
     88 	fnmake_todo(id, &fn);
     90 	fd = open_read(fn.s); /* fn just comes out of nowhere. */
     91 	if (fd == -1) {
     92 		log3("warning: unable to open ", fn.s, "\n");
     93 		return;
     94 	}
     96 	fnmake_mess(id, &fn);
     97 	/* just for the statistics */
     98 	if (stat(fn.s, &st) == -1) {
     99 		log3("warning: unable to stat ", fn.s, "\n");
    100 		goto fail;
    101 	}
    103 	for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) {
    104 		fnmake_chanaddr(id, c, &fn);
    105 		if (unlink(fn.s) == -1)
    106 			if (errno != error_noent) {
    107 				log3("warning: unable to unlink ", fn.s, "\n");
    108 				goto fail;
    109 			}
    110 	}
    112 	fnmake_info(id, &fn);
    113 	if (unlink(fn.s) == -1)
    114 		if (errno != error_noent) {
    115 			log3("warning: unable to unlink ", fn.s, "\n");
    116 			goto fail;
    117 		}
    119 	fdinfo = open_excl(fn.s);
    120 	if (fdinfo == -1) {
    121 		log3("warning: unable to create ", fn.s, "\n");
    122 		goto fail;
    123 	}
    125 	strnum3[fmt_ulong(strnum3, id)] = 0;
    126 	log3("new msg ", strnum3, "\n");
    128 	for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c)
    129 		flagchan[c] = 0;
    131 	substdio_fdbuf(&ss, read, fd, todobuf, sizeof(todobuf));
    132 	substdio_fdbuf(&ssinfo, write, fdinfo, todobufinfo, sizeof(todobufinfo));
    134 	uid = 0;
    135 	pid = 0;
    137 	for (;;) {
    138 		if (getln(&ss, &todoline, &match, '\0') == -1) {
    139 			/* perhaps we're out of memory, perhaps an I/O error */
    140 			fnmake_todo(id, &fn);
    141 			log3("warning: trouble reading ", fn.s, "\n");
    142 			goto fail;
    143 		}
    144 		if (!match)
    145 			break;
    147 		switch (todoline.s[0]) {
    148 		case 'u':
    149 			scan_ulong(todoline.s + 1, &uid);
    150 			break;
    151 		case 'p':
    152 			scan_ulong(todoline.s + 1, &pid);
    153 			break;
    154 		case 'F':
    155 			if (substdio_putflush(&ssinfo, todoline.s, todoline.len) == -1) {
    156 				fnmake_info(id, &fn);
    157 				log3("warning: trouble writing to ", fn.s, "\n");
    158 				goto fail;
    159 			}
    160 			qslog2("info msg ", strnum3);
    161 			strnum2[fmt_ulong(strnum2, (unsigned long)st.st_size)] = 0;
    162 			qslog2(": bytes ", strnum2);
    163 			log1(" from <");
    164 			logsafe(todoline.s + 1);
    165 			strnum2[fmt_ulong(strnum2, pid)] = 0;
    166 			qslog2("> qp ", strnum2);
    167 			strnum2[fmt_ulong(strnum2, uid)] = 0;
    168 			qslog2(" uid ", strnum2);
    169 			log1("\n");
    170 			break;
    171 		case 'T':
    172 			switch (c = rewrite(todoline.s + 1)) {
    173 			case -1:
    174 				if (errno == ENOMEM) nomem();
    175 				goto fail;
    176 			default:
    177 				//c = 0;
    178 				break;
    179 			}
    180 			if (fdchan[c] == -1) {
    181 				fnmake_chanaddr(id, c, &fn);
    182 				fdchan[c] = open_excl(fn.s);
    183 				if (fdchan[c] == -1) {
    184 					log3("warning: unable to create ", fn.s, "\n");
    185 					goto fail;
    186 				}
    187 				substdio_fdbuf(&sschan[c]
    188 					       ,write, fdchan[c], todobufchan[c], sizeof(todobufchan[c]));
    189 				flagchan[c] = 1;
    190 			}
    191 			if (substdio_bput(&sschan[c], rwline.s, rwline.len) == -1) {
    192 				fnmake_chanaddr(id, c, &fn);
    193 				log3("warning: trouble writing to ", fn.s, "\n");
    194 				goto fail;
    195 			}
    196 			break;
    197 		default:
    198 			fnmake_todo(id, &fn);
    199 			log3("warning: unknown record type in ", fn.s, "\n");
    200 			goto fail;
    201 		}
    202 	}
    204 	close(fd);
    205 	fd = -1;
    207 	fnmake_info(id, &fn);
    208 	if (substdio_flush(&ssinfo) == -1) {
    209 		log3("warning: trouble writing to ", fn.s, "\n");
    210 		goto fail;
    211 	}
    212 	if (fsync(fdinfo) == -1) {
    213 		log3("warning: trouble fsyncing ", fn.s, "\n");
    214 		goto fail;
    215 	}
    216 	close(fdinfo);
    217 	fdinfo = -1;
    219 	for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c)
    220 		if (fdchan[c] != -1) {
    221 			fnmake_chanaddr(id, c, &fn);
    222 			if (substdio_flush(&sschan[c]) == -1) {
    223 				log3("warning: trouble writing to ", fn.s, "\n");
    224 				goto fail; /* jump... */
    225 			}
    226 			if (fsync(fdchan[c]) == -1) {
    227 				log3("warning: trouble fsyncing ", fn.s, "\n");
    228 				goto fail;
    229 			}
    230 			close(fdchan[c]);
    231 			fdchan[c] = -1;
    232 		}
    234 	fnmake_todo(id, &fn);
    235 	if (substdio_putflush(&sstoqc, fn.s, fn.len) == -1) {
    236 		cleandied(); /* the clean pipe is no longer writable. flag that up, and exit ASAP. ~Mel */
    237 		return;
    238 	}
    239 	if (substdio_get(&ssfromqc, &ch, 1) != 1) {
    240 		cleandied(); /* ^ */
    241 		return;
    242 	}
    243 	if (ch != '+') {
    244 		log3("warning: qmail-clean unable to clean up ", fn.s, "\n");
    245 		return;
    246 	}
    248 = id;
    249 	pe.dt = now();
    250 	for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c)
    251 		if (flagchan[c])
    252 			while (!prioq_insert(&pqchan[c], &pe))
    253 				nomem();
    255 	for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c)
    256 		if (flagchan[c])
    257 			break;
    258 	if (c == CHANNELS)
    259 		while (!prioq_insert(&pqdone, &pe))
    260 			nomem();
    262 	return;
    264 fail:
    265 	/* this little number is called under exception. It cleans up
    266 	 * the state of the message. */
    267 	if (fd != -1)
    268 		close(fd);
    269 	if (fdinfo != -1)
    270 		close(fdinfo);
    271 	for (c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c)
    272 		if (fdchan[c] != -1)
    273 			close(fdchan[c]);
    274 }
    276 int todo_do_onemsg(unsigned long msgid)
    277 {
    278 }