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pronouns.h (1757B)

      1 /*
      2  * include/mxf/pronouns.h - replacements for mentions of "he," "him," and "his" in the MXF code
      3  * This file is part of MXF. See doc/LICENCE.mxf.
      4 Copyright 2021 Ellenor et al Bjornsdottir, and the MXF Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
      5 Copyright 1997 disclaimed in 2007 by Professor Daniel Bernstein.
      7 Your licence to this software is governed under the laws of BC, Canada, except as required by applicable laws where you may reside.
      9 This is software, and it is NOT Open Source software,
     10 per .
     12 The source is available to you and your assigns provided that you and they follow the terms in doc/LICENCE.mxf. If they are onerous, speak to the Initial Developer(s) and the Contributor(s) and/or their heirs or assigns, and you may be able to obtain special dispensation to use and redistribute the software under other licence terms.
     14 You should have received a copy of the Umbrellix Softare Licence, or other special licence you may have negotiated, with this programme.
     15  */
     17 /*
     18  * Dan Bernstein is from a time and culture where
     19  * the singular epicene pronoun was 'he'.
     20  *
     21  * In MXF, we offer the ability but not the requirement
     22  * to change this to any pronouns you like at compile time.
     23  * We default to singular they, but allow reversion to he
     24  * via C preprocessor command line options. You may also
     25  * opt to use ey, co, thon, or xe.
     26  */
     28 #ifndef _WITH_PRONOUNS_H
     29 #define _WITH_PRONOUNS_H
     31 #ifndef PRONOUN_THEY
     32 #define PRONOUN_THEY "they"
     33 #endif
     35 #ifndef PRONOUN_THEM
     36 #define PRONOUN_THEM "them"
     37 #endif
     39 #ifndef PRONOUN_THEIR
     40 #define PRONOUN_THEIR "their"
     41 #endif
     43 #ifndef PRONOUN_THEIRS
     44 #define PRONOUN_THEIRS "theirs"
     45 #endif
     47 #ifndef PRONOUN_IS_SINGULAR
     48 #define PRONOUN_IS_PLURAL
     49 #endif
     51 #endif