
Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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      1 ./hostname | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | (
      2   if read host
      3   then
      4     echo Your hostname is "$host".
      5     ./dnsfq "$host" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | (
      6       if read fqdn
      7       then
      8         echo Your host\'s fully qualified name in DNS is "$fqdn".
      9 	echo Putting "$fqdn" into control/me...
     10 	echo "$fqdn" > QMAIL/control/me
     11 	chmod 644 QMAIL/control/me
     12 	( echo "$fqdn" | sed 's/^\([^\.]*\)\.\([^\.]*\)\./\2\./' | (
     13 	  read ddom
     14 	  echo Putting "$ddom" into control/defaultdomain...
     15 	  echo "$ddom" > QMAIL/control/defaultdomain
     16 	  chmod 644 QMAIL/control/defaultdomain
     17 	) )
     18 	( echo "$fqdn" | sed 's/^.*\.\([^\.]*\)\.\([^\.]*\)$/\1.\2/' | (
     19 	  read pdom
     20 	  echo Putting "$pdom" into control/plusdomain...
     21 	  echo "$pdom" > QMAIL/control/plusdomain
     22 	  chmod 644 QMAIL/control/plusdomain
     23 	) )
     24 	echo ' '
     25 	echo Checking local IP addresses:
     26 	: > QMAIL/control/locals
     27 	chmod 644 QMAIL/control/locals
     28 	( ./dnsip "$fqdn"
     29 	  ./ipmeprint ) | sort -u | \
     30 	(
     31 	  while read localip
     32 	  do
     33 	    echo "$localip: " | tr -d '\012'
     34 	    ./dnsptr "$localip" 2>/dev/null | (
     35 	      if read local
     36 	      then
     37 		echo Adding "$local" to control/locals...
     38 		echo "$local" >> QMAIL/control/locals
     39 	      else
     40 		echo PTR lookup failed. I assume this address has no DNS name.
     41 	      fi
     42 	    )
     43 	  done
     44 	)
     45 	echo ' '
     46 	echo If there are any other domain names that point to you,
     47 	echo you will have to add them to QMAIL/control/locals.
     48 	echo You don\'t have to worry about aliases, i.e., domains with CNAME records.
     49 	echo ' '
     50 	echo Copying QMAIL/control/locals to QMAIL/control/rcpthosts...
     51 	cp QMAIL/control/locals QMAIL/control/rcpthosts
     52 	chmod 644 QMAIL/control/rcpthosts
     53 	echo 'Now qmail will refuse to accept SMTP messages except to those hosts.'
     54 	echo 'Make sure to change rcpthosts if you add hosts to locals or virtualdomains!'
     55       else
     56         echo Sorry, I couldn\'t find your host\'s canonical name in DNS.
     57         echo You will have to set up control/me yourself.
     58       fi
     59     )
     60   else
     61     echo Sorry, I couldn\'t find your hostname.
     62     echo You will have to set up control/me yourself.
     63   fi
     64 )